3. Testator; or
SUBSECTION 1 – PARTITION 4. Person appointed by the testator
Heirs who are unable to reach an agreement may resort to Heirs are disqualified by law from being the implementor of
judicial intervention through 1) institute a proceeding in the partition because of their direct interest to the estate
intestacy or 2) action for parition
YASON, Isabelle Alexis P. | DLSU College of Law 49
1. Adjudicate the thing to one heir who shall pay the
Art. 1082 others with the cash equivalent; or
PARTITION UNDER A DIFFERENT NAME 2. Sell the thing at a public auction to fetch the fair
Every act that puts an end to indivision is deemed a partition market value of the thing to be sold.
regardless of how documented.
Art. 1086 Art. 1080 (2)
Art. 1083 Applies if the property co- Inheritance consists of an
THE RIGHT TO DEMARD PARTITION owned by the heirs is agricultural, industrial or
essentially indivisible manufacturing enterprise
Instances when partition may be ordered by the courts which, while divisible, is best
1. When any of the causes for dissolution of a kept undivided.
partnership occurs; and
2. When a court, acting on petition of a co-heir, finds a Art. 1087
compelling reason to order a division of the estate REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS AND BENEFITS
held in co-ownership.
Reimbursement scenarios (go back to p.1002)
Prohibition to partition the estate: only 20 years 1. Co-heirs are mandated to reimburse each other for
any income or benefit which each of them may have
ART. 1084 received from any property forming part of the
INSTITUTION WITH A SUSPENSIVE CONDITION hereditary estate prior to partition
The effectivity of such institution is temporarily held in 2. Co-heirs are obligated to reimburse a co-heir who
abeyance until such time as the condition is fulfilled. incurred expenses for necessary or useful
Pending fulfillment, the conditionally instituted heir has no improvements on the thing or property owned in
right to demand for a partition. common
3. A co-heir is obliged to reimburse the other co-heirs
H/L/D whose successional rights are not conditional may for any damage which through malice or neglect he
demand partition, provided they give adequate security to the caused to the thing or property owned in common.
heir affected by suspensive condition.
Art. 1088
Thus, 1084 permits a provisional partition of the estate that LEGAL REDEMPTOIN
would segregate the share pertaining to the conditionally The right to be subrogated, upon the same terms and
instituted heir. conditions stipulated in the contract, in the place of one who
acquires a thing by purchase or dation in payment, or by any
If the suspensive condition is not fulfilled, heir loses his share other transaction whereby ownership is transmitted by
and the vacant portion shall be awarded to: onerous title.
1. Substitute heir; or
2. Other co-heirs (right of accretion; or Co-owners may exercise it in case the shares of all the other
3. Intestate heir (if right of accretion is not available) co-owners or any of them, are sold to a third person
A-D will contribute 20% (20k) to make whole the loss of E. E Art. 1097
also participated in the loss. Partition is premised on the survival of two or more heirs who
are entitled to inherit the hereditary estate, which requires the
Insolvency of an Indemnitor execution of a deed of partition.
If any of the heirs who is obliged to indemnify an aggrieved heir
is insolvent, the share of the insolvent indemnitor shall be Rescission in 1097
assumed by those who are solvent, but deducting therefrom A limited right available to a contracting party to terminate an
the corresponding share otherwise valid contract which has caused him economic
damage. (read Art. 1380-1382)
Art. 1094 1. Subsidiary – cannot be instituted except when there
Self-explanatory is no other legal means to obtain reparation
2. Granted only to the extent necessary to cover the
Art. 1095 damage
PARTITION OF RECEIVABLES 3. Creates the obligation to return the things which were
A receivable’s value is largely dependent on the solvency of the the subject of the contract, including the fruits and
debtor. Its value must also be determined. price with interest
4. Rescission based on lesion is not available with
If at the time of the partition, some receivables are assigned to respect to contracts approved by court
an heir, the co-heirs do not incur any liability to the assignee if 5. Prescription of 4 years
the debtor should subsequently become insolvent.
They only incur to the assignee if the insolvency of the debtor 1. Voidable because of vice of consent
existed at the time partition was made.
2. Valid, but because of equitable considerations it
An assignee who accepted the receivables as part of his share may, under certain conditions, be rescinded.
in the partition cannot hold the other heirs liable under a May be rescinded for the same causes as contracts. Deed of
warranty of solvency of the debtor if: partition may be rescinded for the causes under Art. 1381.