Philippine Literature Syllabus Done
Philippine Literature Syllabus Done
Philippine Literature Syllabus Done
We, the Louisians, envision ourselves to be a Christ- centered community of PEACE for the good of our people and for the greater glory of God.
The College of Education is envisioned as a Christ-centered, academically competent and culture- responsive community of
educational leaders committed to the formation and training of teachers who are:
P – eacemakers and peacebuilders in the classroom, in the community, and in the nation;
C – hristian leaders ad disciples who are examplars/ paragons of Christian values; and
Course Description (CO) PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1- Know and understand the development
of Philippine Literature, life and work of L L L O O L L L P P P L
Filipino writers and poets.
CO2- Study oral and written literature of the
Philippines and be aware of the sentiments, O P P P P P O P P P O P
culture and practices of the earlier people as
embodied in their culture.
CO3- Appreciate works of Filipino writers and
recognize their contributions to Philippine O O O O L O O O O L L L
CO4- Craft their respective literary pieces and
artworks inspired by the discussed topics. P P P P P L P P P L L P
CO5- Illustrate the development of Philippine
Literature through the years and how the P L P P P L L L L L P P
earlier forms molded the current ones.
This course deals with the study of representative writings- the different genres of literature, particularly of the Philippines,
produced from the Pre-Spanish time through the modern period. It discusses the development of the Philippine Literature from oral
literature to the time when Filipinos wrote imitatively in English and when Filipino writers in English blossomed into their own styles of
writing. It also coins out the salient points of Philippine Literature which are involved in the development and challenging of its literary
pieces. Also in line in this course giving the students opportunities to craft their own literary pieces as inspired by the different topics
Prelim Requirements Making of book mark Kahayon, A, 2000.
about Philippine Literature
through the Years.
Mandaluyong City: National
Book Store.
Yap- Patron, I 2007.
Interactive Reading:
Responding to and Writing
about Philippine Literature.
Quezon City: Great Books
Cadiente, D., Mamaoag, M.
Literatures:Text and
Context. Bayombong,
Nueva Vizcaya: St. Mary’s
University Publishing House
Summative Test Prelim Examination 1 Hour TEST QUESTIONS
Relate the historical background of American Period(1898-1941) Text Translation Written Ouput 1 Hour Kahayon, A, 2000.
this era to the development of Historical Bacground Philippine Literature
Philippine Literature Poetry and prose during Research Seatworks 2 Hours through the Years.
Compare and contrast the this era Mandaluyong City: National
characteristics of Philippine Literature Notable Writers Discussion 1 Hour Book Store.
during this era and the 2 previous Stories for analysis Yap- Patron, I 2007.
eras. o “The Wedding Role Playing Role Playing 4 Hours Interactive Reading:
Construct an abstraction of a certain Dance” Rubrics Responding to and Writing
text at hand based on the context o “The Small about Philippine Literature.
given. Key” Quezon City: Great Books
Dramatize a certain short story during o “How my Training.
this era. brother Leon Cadiente, D., Mamaoag, M.
Brought 2012.Philippine
Home a Wife” Literatures:Text and
o “Footnote to Context. Bayombong,
Youth” Nueva Vizcaya: St. Mary’s
University Publishing House
Scrutinize the different aspects of Japanese Era (1941-1945) Kahayon, A, 2000.
Philippine Literature during this era Historical Background Haiku Interpretation Rubrics for Haiku 1 Hour Philippine Literature
Compose their respective haikus and Kinds of Literary Pieces Interpreation through the Years.
tanagas following the context given during this era Film Viewing Reaction Paper 2 Hours Mandaluyong City: National
Discuss in the class the state of o Haiku Book Store.
Philippine Literature during this era o Tanaga Group Reporting Rubrics for Yap- Patron, I 2007.
o Usual Form Group Reporting 2 Hours Interactive Reading:
o Other Literary Responding to and Writing
Pieces about Philippine Literature.
State of Philippine Quezon City: Great Books
Literature during this Era Training.
Cadiente, D., Mamaoag, M.
Literatures:Text and
Context. Bayombong,
Nueva Vizcaya: St. Mary’s
University Publishing House
Emphasize the importance of this era Rebirth of Freedom (1946- Discussion Assignments 1 Hour Kahayon, A, 2000.
in Philippine Literature through 1970) Tableau of Rubrics for 1 Hour Philippine Literature
discussion and brainstorming. Historical Background Performance Tableau through the Years.
Evaluate the differences of each Literary Pieces during Presentation 1 Hour Mandaluyong City: National
literary piece and medium and plot this era Seatwork Book Store.
into a comprehensive output such as a Palanca Awards 1Hour Yap- Patron, I 2007.
diagram. Interactive Reading:
Responding to and Writing
about Philippine Literature.
Quezon City: Great Books
Cadiente, D., Mamaoag, M.
Literatures:Text and
Context. Bayombong,
Nueva Vizcaya: St. Mary’s
University Publishing House
Summative Test Prelim Examination 1 HOUR TEST QUESTION
Coin out the historical background that Period of Activism(1946- Kahayon, A, 2000.
shaped the ways and outputs of the 1970) Powerpoint 2 Hours Philippine Literature
different writers both in Filipino and The oOnset of Martial Presentation Reaction Paper through the Years.
English. Law Film Viewing Written Outputs 2 Hours Mandaluyong City: National
Acquaint themselves with the notable Notable Writers during Brainstorming on the 1 Hour Book Store.
writers during this era. this Era impact of Martial Law Yap- Patron, I 2007.
Study why such themes were Literary Pieces and to Philippine Literature Interactive Reading:
embodied in the different literary Themes Responding to and Writing
pieces during this era. about Philippine Literature.
Quezon City: Great Books
Cadiente, D., Mamaoag, M.
Literatures:Text and
Context. Bayombong,
Nueva Vizcaya: St. Mary’s
University Publishing House
Characterize the literary pieces during Period of New Society (1972- Peer Tutoring Written Outputs Kahayon, A, 2000.
this period in Philippine Literature 1980) 2 Hours Philippine Literature
Discuss the impact of Martial Law to Declaration of Martial Roundtable Seatworks through the Years.
the development of Philippine Law and its Effect to Mandaluyong City: National
Literature Philippine Literature Book Store.
Compare and contrast this period with Important Characteristics Think-Pair Share 1 Hour Yap- Patron, I 2007.
the other periods. of this era Interactive Reading:
Literary Pieces and Responding to and Writing
Themes about Philippine Literature.
Quezon City: Great Books
10 | P a g e
Cadiente, D., Mamaoag, M.
Literatures:Text and
Context. Bayombong,
Nueva Vizcaya: St. Mary’s
University Publishing House
Discuss why this period was called Period of The Third Republic Class Discussion Quizzes 1 Hour Kahayon, A, 2000.
The Third Republic (1981-1985) Philippine Literature
Create a poem revolving around Historical Background Poem Writing Rubrics for Poem 1 Hour through the Years.
the themes during this period. Themes during this Writing Mandaluyong City: National
Debate on the impact of the death period Debate 2 Hours Book Store.
of Ninoy Aquino to Philippine State of Philippine Rules/Rubrics for Yap- Patron, I 2007.
Literature Literature During this Debate Interactive Reading:
period Responding to and Writing
about Philippine Literature.
Quezon City: Great Books
Cadiente, D., Mamaoag, M.
Literatures:Text and
Context. Bayombong,
Nueva Vizcaya: St. Mary’s
University Publishing House
Explain the different characteristics/ Contemporary Period (1986- Mind Mapping Written Outputs 1 Hour Kahayon, A, 2000.
trends which constitute this era 1999) Philippine Literature
Accomplish different learning task Historical Background Games Rubrics 1 Hour through the Years.
designed to set the direction of Sate of Philippine Mandaluyong City: National
discussing the literature of the period Literature during this Book Store.
period Yap- Patron, I 2007.
Literary Pieces and Interactive Reading:
themes Responding to and Writing
about Philippine Literature.
Quezon City: Great Books
11 | P a g e
Cadiente, D., Mamaoag, M.
Literatures:Text and
Context. Bayombong,
Nueva Vizcaya: St. Mary’s
University Publishing House
Enumerate the new trends existing in 21st Century Philippine Song Composition- Quizzes 1 Hour Kahayon, A, 2000.
the Philippine Literature during this Literature (2000-Present) Then and now Written Output Philippine Literature
period New Trends in the Dramatization- The Rubrics for role 2 Hours through the Years.
Debate on the differences of the Philippine Literature development of playing/stage Mandaluyong City: National
earlier periods and present period of Literary Pieces and Philippine Literature drama Book Store.
Philippine Literature Themes during this from Pre-Spanish Era Yap- Patron, I 2007.
Perform assigned tasks to deepen period to Present Interactive Reading:
understanding of the themes during Notable Writers Responding to and Writing
this period about Philippine Literature.
Quezon City: Great Books
Cadiente, D., Mamaoag, M.
Literatures:Text and
Context. Bayombong,
Nueva Vizcaya: St. Mary’s
University Publishing House
12 | P a g e
2. Group Activities and Outputs
3. Individual Outputs
4. Periodical Examinations
5. Performance Tasks
Kahayon, A, 2000. Philippine Literature through the Years. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store.
Yap- Patron, I 2007. Interactive Reading: Responding to and Writing about Philippine Literature. Quezon City: Great Books Training.
Cadiente, D., Mamaoag, M. 2012.Philippine Literatures:Text and Context. Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya: St. Mary’s University Publishing House
PCS- Prelim Class Standing MCS- Midterm Class Standing FCS- Finals Class Standing
PT- Prelim Test MT= Midterm Test FT- Final Test
PG- Prelim Grade MG- Final Grade TFG= Tentative Final Grade
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