Bulletin 11 - 24, 2018
Bulletin 11 - 24, 2018
Bulletin 11 - 24, 2018
Welcome to worship! We all strive to table, just as I, having conquered, took the
be our best, to do our best, to place of honor at the side of my Father.
accomplish and achieve, to impress and
inspire. But when it comes to That’s my gift to the conquerors!
perfection, what’s considered to be Ideal
appears to be a moving target. Join us Revelation 3:21 MSG
today as we explore and admire the
traits of an Ideal Church.
Membership Transfer: First reading
for Claudia Moncada to Exeter SDA
Mark Your Calendar and save the
to serve you
date! December 15. There will be a JULIO TABUENCA - Senior Pastor
909.771.4179 | [email protected]
special send-off celebration for our
beloved Pastor Julio & First Lady, CRISTIAN IORDAN - Worship & Media
Alicia. The festivities begin at 5p in the 909.796-0222 ext. 225 | [email protected]
sanctuar y, followed by sumptuous SHIPHRAH FEPULEA’I - Young Adults & Women
nibbles in Linda Hall. Make your plans 760.224.4404 | [email protected]
now, to be there!
Bible Project: Journey with us into 909.478.9707
the study of the Scriptures, ever y
Wednesday 6:30p in HJMC or online HOPE McKENZIE - Head Elder
live streaming at campushillchurch.net. 909.723.0914