Ontario Reader 1998 AK

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PAGE 2: C.

Manufacturing: auto assembly, electrical products, plastics

A. 2. No 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. No 6. Yes 7. No 8. Yes 9. No Services: health care, insurance, tourism
C. 2. hardworking 3. athlete 4. March 5. powerful 6. ice Utilities: gas, hydro, nuclear
7. Ontario 8. Nagano Mystery Word: champion Primary industries: agriculture, forestry, mining

PAGE 4: PAGE 24:

B. process, 9; raising, 1; rescue, 2; expanded, 10; got rid A. 1. Paul Martin 2. once a year 3. It's shrinking. 4. Martin
of, 4; bought, 6; plant,8; achievements, 7; concentrated,5 should have cut taxes. 5. Martin should have spent more on
job creation and social programs. 6. Sometime in 1998
PAGE 8: 7. The government has to pay less interest on the national debt.
A. 2. Twain 3. Dion 4. Dion 5. Dion 6. Twain 7. Dion 8. He will use half to pay down the debt and half for
8. Twain 9. Dion 10. Twain 11. Dion 12. Twain government programs. 9. $600 billion
C. 2. sings, music 3. sang 4. song 5. musician C. fiscal year, 6; revenue, 9; expenditure, 8; deficit, 7;
6. popular 7. pop surplus, 3; debt, 2; interest, 1; budget,S
PAGE 10: PAGE 26:
A. 2. The Liberal Party 3. 155 4. 38% 5. The Reform Party A. 1. credit, creditor 2. lend, loan 3. interest, borrow
6. In Western Canada 7. 67% 8. To create jobs 4. owe 5. record 6. agreement 7. sign, signature
9. Jean Chretien 8. pay, payments 9. bill, due
B. 2. What is his occupation? 3. What is his wife's name? 8. 2. have, d 3. Do, k 4. do, f 5. do, a 6. is, i
4. When was he first elected as an MP? 5. How many 7.doe~j 8.d~h 9.ar~g 10.d~e 11. D~ b
children do they have? 6. How many official parties are 12. do, m 13. can, c
there? 7. Where are most of the Liberal seats?
8. Where are the Bloc's seats? PAGE 28:
A. 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. No 6. Yes 7. Yes 8. Yes 9. No
PAGE 12:
A. 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. F 9. F PAGE 30:
B. 2. price 3. financial 4. income 5. down payment
C. majority, 2;minority, 7; riding, 1; Official Opposition, 9; 6. utilities 7. gross 8. principal 9. amortization 10. net
independent, 8; voters' list,S; cabinet minister, 3;
C. 1. $75,000 2. $142,500 3. $4,000 a year; $333.33 a
election campaign, 6
month 4. No 5. Yes
PAGE 14:
PAGE 32:
A. 2. democratic 3. Elizabeth 4. Romeo LeBlanc 5. elected,
C. 2. return3. peace 4. homeless 5. adopt 6. Nobel
five 6. appointed, 75 7. population 8. region 9.104,24
7. abandoned 8. grateful 9. every Mystery Word: orphanage
PAGE 16:
PAGE 34:
B. 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes 6. No 7. No 8. Yes 9. Yes
81. 2. normal 3. physical 4. emotional 5. quiet
(1: 2. on 3. in 4. on 5. in 6. in 6. lush, sandy 7. rough 8. convenient
D: 2. end 3. gamble 4. eggplant 5. team 6. ago 82. 1. P.E.I. is a small, Canadian province. 2. P.LI. has
7. bok choy 8. land 9. example 10. surrounded beautiful, sandy beaches. 3. P.E.I. has lush, green vegetation.
Mystery Word: vegetables 4. The spectacular, new bridge.... 5. The cold, Canadian
PAGE 18: weather... 6. The large, old ferry boat ...
A. 2. 2.4 million 3. six 4. provincialS. Mel Lastman, North PAGE 36:
York 6. tax 7. three 8. local 9. council 10. 648 A. 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. F 9. T 10. T 11. T
B. police, 14; ·ambulance, 16; fire protection, 10; D. 2. precisely 3. trip 4. started 5. arrived 6. documents
local transportation,S; parking, 15; snow removal, 7; 7. copy 8. rough 9. ocean
road maintenance, 8; street lights, 1; garbage collection, 2;
E. 2. easy 3. excludes 4. separate 5. ancient 6. south
parks and recreation, 6; public health services, 13;
7. temporary 8. ashamed 9. east
building permits, 3; electricity, 12; water, 4; animal control, 9
PAGE 38: A. 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. No 6. No
PAGE 20: C. penniless, 1; used, 7; extra, 3; support, 2;
7. For 25,000 years 8. 53 9. They had a deep respect for
daily, 4; annual, 9; applauded, 10; recalls, 6; drops in, 8
the land and its wildlife. 10. They had the right to use the
PAGE 22: land and live on it. 11. To get land for settlers
A. 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. F 9. F 12. To control the Native people and their reserves
B. 2. service 3. produces, goods 4. exports 5. employs C. 2. in 3. to 4. on 5. by, by 6. on 7. off 8. in 9. from
6. vehicles 7. industries 8. investment
- Continued on page 94

n..,trrrif'\ Ronrlor. 1 QQR m

ANSWER KEY - continued
PAGE 40: C. 2. rules3. outdoor 4. fans 5. education 6. salary
A. 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F 9. F 7. soccer 8. invented 9. only 10. Naismith 11. average
12. lost Mystery Word: profeSSional
O. 2. finish 3. areas 4. get rid of 5. autumn
6. secondary school 7. make better 8. big PAGE 66:
A. 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. No 6. No 7. Yes 8. Yes 9. Yes
E. 2. later 3. minor 4. private 5. increase 6. irregular 7. ended
PAGE 68:
PAGE 42:
A. 1.50 2. Mango 3. The Caribbean 4. Chubby, a soft
O. 2. old 3. library 4. love 5. enjoy 6. candy 7. toys
drink 5. It has unusual, fruity flavours. 6. 12 7. Since 1978
8. instead of 9. on 10. never Mystery Word: collection
B. 2. Who introduced roti to the Caribbean? 3. What are
PAGE 44:
some popular fillings? 4. What is the name of the Sawhs'
A. 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes 6. No 7. No
restaurant? 5. How long have they been in business?
B. 2. Are; Yes 3. Is; Yes 4. Do; No 5. Does; Yes 6. does; Seven 6. How many fresh rotis do they make a day?
7. are; Three weeks 8. does; $250 a month 9. do; $100 to 7. What is a popular roti on their menu?
$150 each 10. does; He reinvests a lot of his profits.
E. 2. exotic 3. love 4. imports 5. crave 6. island
PAGE 48: 7. owners 8. university 9. shell Mystery Word: delicious
A. 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. F 8. T 9. T
PAGE 70:
02. 1. banned 2. allowed 3. quit A. 2. 40 litres 3. sugarbush 4. sweet water 5. colour
03. 1. dangerous 2. illegal 3. die 6. eating 7. Elmira 8. 76% 9.200

PAGE 50: B. 2. No, they don't. They collect the sap through a network
A. 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes 6. In 1979
of plastic tubes. 3. No, it doesn't. It makes the sap bitter.
7. In Toronto 8. Two afternoons a week 9. To use the best 4. No, it isn't. It is graded by colour.
medical techniques from all cultures 10. Who cares where 5. No, it doesn't. It produces 76% of the world's maple syrup.
it comes from as long as it works. 6. No, it isn't. It is 20 kilometres north of Kitchener.
7. No, they don't. They enjoy maple syrup with hot pancakes.
B. 2. successful, success 3. combines, combination 8. No, they didn't. Native people taught Europeans how to
4. solutions,solve 5. observes,observations 6. decided,decision make maple syrup.
PAGE 52: 2. 3 3. 2,000 4. frail 5. virus 6. air 7. contact 9. No, it won't. It Will live for over 200 years.
8. wash 9. bacteria 10. 70% 11. 6 C. 2. depends 3. collect 4. drips 5. use 6. tap 7. boil
PAGE 54: 8. come 9. makes 10. Keep 11. enjoy 12. produces
C. 2. went against 3. were against 4. fooled 5. custom 6. jail PAGE 72:
PAGE 56: A. 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. r 6. T 7. T 8. F 9. F
A. 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. F 9. F PAGE 74:
PAGE 58: B. 1. -9 2. -48 3. -24 4. -12
B. 2. Was 3. Did 4. Was 5. Did 6. Does 7. Was 8. Is 9. Did C. 2. risk 3. out 4. scarf 5. thinner 6. babies 7. insulator
PAGE 60: 8. trap 9. ears Mystery Word: frostbite
A. 2. Class G 3. at least 20 months 4. vision and knowledge PAGE 76:
tests 5. a licenced driver with at least four years experience A. 2. will 3. won't 4. won't 5. will 6. won't
6. You must not drive on 400-series highways or between 7. will 8. won't 9. will
midnight and 5 a.m. 7. Take a driver education course
8. 12 months 9. You are a fully licenced Ontario driver. B. 1. 9:00 a.m. 2. 3:00 p.m. 3. 6 p.m. 4. 9:00 a.m.

B1. 2. must not 3. don't have to 4. don't have to PAGE 78:

5. doesn't have to 6. must not 7. must not 8. doesn't have to A. 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. T 9. T

B2: 2. must show 3. must not drive 4. don't have to have B. 2. generous 3. kind 4. ambitious 5. wise 6. smart
5. must pass 6. doesn't have to take 7. must take 7. optimistic 8. sophisticated 9. patient 10. capable
11. loyal.
PAGE 62:
A. 2. $200,000 3. A basic level of income and medical C. 2. h 3. f 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. i 8. g 9. e
benefits if you are injured 4. Direct compensation insurance; PAGE 79:
also called no fault insurance 5. To your insurance company 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. b 9. a 10. c
6a. $300 deductible 6b. $2,500 6c. $5,000 6d. $300 11. b 12. a 13. c 14. a 15. c
deductible 7. Your insurance company
8. No. You can appeal through the court system. PAGE 81:
2. b 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. b 7. a 8. a 9. c 10. c 11. a
PAGE 64: 12. b 13. a 14. c. 15. b
B. 2. worst 3. worse 4. better 5. best 6. good 7. short
8. shortest 9. shorter

m Ontario Reader· 1998


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