Midterm - Megan
Midterm - Megan
Midterm - Megan
Instructor Comments:
Megan has begun to recognize and navigate the complexities of family nursing as she has begun to
develop an understanding of the role and responsibilities of a registered nurse as a member of the nursing
team. She has had different patients with different background and has begun to support clients and their
families through role transitions as they become new parents. She demonstrates honesty, integrity and
respect in all professional interactions.
2. Integrate Last year, we learned about assessment skills, communication skills and how to approach different
knowledge situations from a professional manner. From the geriatric placement last year, I noticed that communication
from previous was hard to assess and there were many barriers that could not be changed. From learning about the
courses to patient, I was able to adapt and understand what they would be trying to tell me. In the hospital setting, I
support diverse have seen many different ways of explaining a situation or assessing and charting and it can be difficult to
populations. obtain subjective material. Professionalism is important when providing care for everyone, specifically in a
diverse population. As a health care provider, it is not mandatory to know the traditions of every culture,
but there must be respect for each patient. The should be able to express their practice in a comfortable
area without being judged. Adjusting to their preferences is professional in caring for each patient, their
families and their needs. This year we are learning about cultural safety – providing care without
assumption or judgement. We must treat every patient equally even if it is a 18-year-old mother who drank
alcohol and smoked during her pregnancy causing her baby mental disability. We continue to learn about
relational practice and patient-centered care.
Instructor Comments
Megan has applied knowledge and skills learned in her previous placement, such as vitals, pain assessment
and relational practice. Megan has applied new skills to practice and has performed newborn and
postpartum assessments. She reports in often to her clinical instructor and asks for help and assistance as
required. She uses appropriate assessment tools and techniques when performing assessments, in
consultation with clients and other health care team members.
3. Critically As a nurse, you have an automatic nurse patient relationship as soon as you enter the room for the first
appraise time. The first priority is to look after the needs of the mother and the baby, as well as meeting their
relational expectations. The mother and baby must feel comfortable and feel as though you are approachable. As a
inquiry student nurse, you must have professional and efficient communication with your nurse as well as the
processes and patient you are looking after. I believe that the nurses must trust the students in order for them to
begin to participate in opportunities. I always ask my peer or clinical instructor if I am unaware of something or
develop vice versa with my peers. Meaningful and personal relationships are crucial to an exceptional hospital stay.
meaningful This can include things such as facial expression, attitude and loyalty. Health care professionals should feel
relationships appreciation and know that they do make a difference on the patient and their experience on the unit. We
with health are assessing and providing comfort for the most important humans in their life. Inquiry based learning is
care providers gaining experience and obtaining knowledge through hands-on practice.
and family
members. Instructor Comments
Megan has applied relational practice to create professional, therapeutic relationships built on trust and
respect. Megan is friendly and kind toward patients, staff and peers. She works well with everyone and
communicates effectively. Her confidence is beginning to improve as she is becoming more familiar with
the hospital setting and routines. I have observed Megan answer the call bell to assist with patient care.
4. Collaboratively My plan of care includes:
formulate a Emotional. physical, psychosocial care with a smile. I know that I can bring a positive attitude and a kind
plan of care nature to my nursing practice. My family is very close, but I am also knowledgeable about a broken family
based on and the emotional distress that it can bring to a family. I feel that I have an open attitude towards my
knowledge of patients and I feel that this is appropriate for my nursing practice because everyone deserves to feel safe
family nursing, and comfortable outside of their normal setting. Nurses care for individuals who need attention and care
related theories which is not always an easy procedure for the patient. This is why I feel that positive energy and being
and scholarly approachable is key to nursing practice. I have to assure confidentiality and practice ethically which means
literature. following guidelines, respecting privacy and wishes and charting according to my findings. A care plan is
laid out differently for every patient depending on their diagnosis/situation, although I believe there are
standards of nursing on top of the basic competencies.
Instructor Comments:
Megan has begun to apply theory and develop a plan of care each shift, collaboratively with her co-
assigned nurse and clinical instructor, that is individualized and meets the needs of her patient. I expect
that she will continue to collaborate with clients and other health care team member to identify actual and
potential client health care needs, strengths, capacities and goals. I have observed that Megan is developing
good time management skills and is organized.
5. Develop, Development of effective health promotion starts with research and focus topics. Research must be done to
implement and find issues within an area of health care. This could include mother/family and baby bonding, emotional/
evaluate the psychosocial/physical/financial support for the baby, expectations in and out of hospital in the baby’s
effectiveness of development, medical procedures such as medications, breastfeeding/nourishment, etc. These are all types
health- of observations that can be done to improve the procedure of postpartum care. Parents and families may
promoting, differ from others when it comes to the care of the newborn. Some parents want all services while others
evidence-based do not want any unnecessary interventions by the doctors and nurses. Once research is completed,
practice, education or updates must be introduced to health care professionals. They need to be up to date and be
reflecting educated on the best processes in various areas of postpartum care. Doing research with real-life patients
principles of would provide the ministry with evidence to implement into evidence-based practice. Implementing this
family nursing innovating knowledge could be a challenge for experienced nurses because they may be used to the old
as relational
process. The new process is backed by research and usually by evidence of success. You would need to use
this new information and research to make a routine practice for all nurses to follow. Each hospital
performs a different routine and has variable guidelines. The approach for health promotion would likely
be prevention vs. treatment. This is an effective strategy because simply if disease or illness is prevented
then there is no need for treatment. This would lessen the cost of hospital care, need for health care
professionals, and would increase the level of healthy individuals in a population. Evaluation and
reflection must be completed for the new initiative to note its effectiveness. The rate of success can be
obtained through feedback from patients, families, and staff members so that many perspectives are
Instructor Comments:
Megan has begun to promote health through health teaching and I expect that she will have more
opportunity in the upcoming weeks to prepare her patients for discharge as well as perform baby bath
demonstrations. Her confidence engaging with her patients is increasing.
6. Demonstrate The application of psychomotor skills in clinical practice is a great opportunity for the students. Clinical
increasing practice offers real-life experience and gives us the chance to work on skills, broaden our knowledge of
competence and assessments and the human body and certain nursing procedures. I have practiced the steps in a baby and
confidence in mother assessment. I have obtained both the good and the bad of each assessment. An example for baby,
the application the eyes and ears should be symmetrical, they should have a closed palate, they should be having one dark
of psychomotor void in the first 24 hours, and they should have a sucking motion/instinct for breastfeeding. Examples of
skills in abnormalities would be a cleft lip, sacral dimple (hair tuft), or immobilization of extremities. Assessments
practice for the mother depend on their delivery; if it was natural or by caesarean section. From there, assessment
settings. times must be followed uniquely to the delivery type. You must make sure that the mother is comfortable
(least amount of pain), drinking/eating, voiding, producing milk, showering, walking, and bonding with
baby, etc. You do not want the mother having poor circulation in extremities, extreme anxiety, postpartum
depression, etc. I have been able to improve my skills by performing these hands-on assessments, and I
believe it can only go up from here. If I ever need guidance, I can always reflect upon my charting sheet to
see if I have missed anything.
Instructor Comments
Megan has performed newborn and postpartum assessments and applies new skills to practice. She
practices safely and seeks help as needed. I expect to see her competence and confidence applying
psychomotor skills in the practice setting continue to increase. She has begun to demonstrate knowledge
and utilize nursing informatics and other information in promoting and providing safe nursing care.
7. Demonstrate Accountability is demonstrated when we are able to chart by ourselves with little supervision under the
accountability nurse in charge. They are able to trust us to go into the patient’s room, introduce ourselves and perform
and assessments and vitals. We as students are being held accountable for the observations we had and for
professionalism entering the values into the charts. I have demonstrated professionalism by showing up to clinical prepared
that is with my uniform, with my stethoscope, with notes for assessments, pen, and paper to note down
consistent with information during assessments. I feel that I address the unit’s nurses with professionalism when I would
a nurse entering like to gather information about a patient or update them on their patient after I have done an assessment.
a self-regulating Communication is an element of professionalism. I believe that I approach patients, the baby, and their
profession. families in a professional but friendly nature. I assure their privacy, comfort, and confidence in student
nurse abilities. Self-regulation is key in nursing because you are assigned patients. You must focus and
care for these patients according to their assessment needs and their individual needs. Some patients may
need to be assessed every four hours but others every eight hours. You must be educated and organized
when working in the postpartum unit to assure that each patient is being cared for and their needs are
Instructor Comments
Megan has arrived to clinical on time, prepared and dressed appropriately. She has missed one clinical day
due to surgery which she was accountable for. She has begun to demonstrate a professional presence and
models professional behaviour. She has also began to develop time management skills for meeting
responsibilities and manages her own workload. She has documented her assessment findings accurately in
a timely manner.
8. Select At the Peterborough Hospital on the maternity unit, all mothers are sent home with a brown envelope
appropriate containing information regarding breastfeeding, breastfeeding vs formula feeding how frequently the baby
community should be voiding, where to find community supports, etc. They have classes for attachment and healthy
support development. Well baby and breastfeeding classes are perfect for a drop-in weekly and convenient if you
services for need guidance for breastfeeding after you leave the hospital. Your doctor should be available for
families appointment because you and your baby are patients of theirs and they need to assure you and your baby
needing are healthy Other types of community groups offered are breastfeeding, children and families with special
referral to needs, family supports, financial assistance, health and development, and emergency clinics.
enhance coping
with diverse Instructor Comments
transitional Megan is becoming familiar with the community resources and information from the health unit that
experiences available to her patients after discharge. I expect that she will continue to prepare her patients for discharge
in the upcoming weeks.