Correlation of The Academic Performance and Grit Among The College of Arts and Sciences Batch 2014 Students of Lpu Laguna
Correlation of The Academic Performance and Grit Among The College of Arts and Sciences Batch 2014 Students of Lpu Laguna
Correlation of The Academic Performance and Grit Among The College of Arts and Sciences Batch 2014 Students of Lpu Laguna
But this does not mean that a person who does not perform well in
school has no chance of being successful or even those who perform good
does not mean that they will surely do well in life. Exceptions are always
there. It is not always education that dictates the success of an individual.
Sometimes, people just need to have a powerful motivation to achieve a
particular goal in life.
The shown perseverance and passion for long term goals which
Duckworth (2007) coined as grit is the said reason why most people succeed
With that, the researchers are curious to know the relationship that
academic performance and grit have. And if there is, then it might be proven
that grit is a factor to be considered when talking about academic
In this study, the researchers aimed to find out if students who have
high level of grit are academically good or it is the other way around.
Research Framework
GWA Grit
(Gender and
Figure 1 shows the flow of the study considering the two variables
which are the academic performance represented by Graded Weighted
Average (GWA) and grit. GWA was computed by multiplying the unit of each
subject to their corresponding grade and dividing the total by the number of
subjects, while grit (passion for long term goal) was generated through
employing a checklist as the standard survey questionnaire used in this
The researchers used the GWA of the respondents, from first year to
fourth year college that represented their academic performance while
following the LPU-L‘s grading system:
The researchers first chose a topic of interest for the study then
formulated a title that would give direction to the study. They decided to settle
on educational psychology, specifically about grit, to be correlated to
academic performance. After that, the statement of the problem was
developed to have a clear pathway for the achievement of the study‘s
After the title and objectives of the study were approved, the
researchers went to different libraries and searched the internet for related
studies and literatures that will support or oppose the topics in the current
study. Moreover, assistance of the thesis adviser and research professor was
considered for the accomplishment of the proposal with the standard test
instrument approved its use by the psychometrician/owner. The researchers
then went their pre-oral defense and further revisions were suggested by the
Demographic Profile
1. Gender
2. Program
3. GWA of students
However, 36% of the respondents have the same judgment that they
don‘t become interested in new pursuits every few months. This means that
they have a constant interest for months or even years. In reference to
Prenzel‘s (1992) Theory of Interest Development, people develop long-term
interest when they have repeated interaction with the activity they have
interest in, thus, promoting new knowledge from it. Moreover, this complex
I have overcome setbacks to conquer an 3.89 Mostly like me Most likely gritty
important challenge.
I am diligent. 3.89 Mostly like me Most likely gritty
I have achieved a goal that took years of work. 3.76 Mostly like me Most likely gritty
Setbacks don’t discourage me. 3.25 Somewhat like me Somewhat gritty
I have difficulty maintaining my focus on 3.09 Somewhat like me Somewhat gritty
projects that take more than a few months to
I often set a goal but later choose to pursue a 3.07 Somewhat like me Somewhat gritty
different one.
New ideas and projects sometimes distract 2.93 Somewhat like me Somewhat gritty
me from previous ones.
I have been obsessed with a certain idea or 2.89 Somewhat like me Somewhat gritty
project for a short time but later lost interest.
My interests change from year to year. 2.87 Somewhat like me Somewhat gritty
I become interested in new pursuits every few 2.45 Not much like me Not much gritty
Overall 3.36 Somewhat gritty
Table 6 shows the comparative analysis in the level of grit and GWA
between programs of respondents. It shows that there is a significant
difference in the respondents‘ GWA when grouped by program. The result is
supported by table 9 showing that the respondents from the program
ABComm and BSPsych both have a GWA mean score of 1.868 while
respondents enrolled in ABMMA have a lower GWA of 2.113.
3. As for the GWA of the respondents, their GWA from their overall
school year is 1.916 with an interpretation of ‗Good.‘
4. For the level of grit of respondents, they are ‗Somewhat Gritty‘ which
implies that they have an average passion for long term goals but
can be brought down by setbacks.
For the Institution. The institution should help those students who
have low level of grit by recommending them to attend programs and
seminars on how to be grittier so as to enlighten up students to strive for
success in their lives.
For the Educators. With the knowledge of what striving for long term
goal could make to a student, may this add awareness of grit as part of the
learning process, that good grades are attained not just by how talented or
intelligent a person is but also by how persevere they are in achieving it as it
is also applicable in attaining personal achievements in life.
For the School Counselors. They may use the grit scale to assess
the students‘ persistence to their goal especially if the test will be included
from freshmen students. They may also implement group counseling
sessions per section for college students wherein activities that may
stimulate their grit are realized. If such happens that the reason why some
students have low level of grit are discovered, they may now encourage
students for one-on-one counseling to settle problems that hinder them to be
gritty in class.
For Students. Students are recommended to take the grit scale test
to determine their grit level. From that, those who have low levels of grit may
consult their school counselors to resolve things that hinder them to be gritty
in class. Through this, they may realized that they have to focus on their long
term personal goals and be open-minded on changes that may occur, not
only in their education but also in their real life experiences.
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