Top Ten Deleted Bible Verses That Were Not in The Original Text - The Reluctant Skeptic

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11/18/2018 Top Ten Deleted Bible Verses That Were Not in the Original Text – The Reluctant Skeptic






Yuriy September 18, 2014 28 Comments
When I was in my mid-teens I was handed my first Bible-
conspiracy pamphlet (See examples 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). This
─ De
pamphlet spoke of the great dangers posed to Christianity
by a large group of lesbian bible scholars that had fought
their way into biblical societies and now were working
deviously to corrupt the Bible. Part of their notorious lesbian
ng agenda was the secret removal of bible verses that for
─ Ch thousands of years had contained Gods word! (Another part
risti was making the language gender neutral, so that the New
an World Government can one day eradicate the sexes, or
something like that.) This pamphlet warned that vital Bible
verses were being secretly deleted and erased, our new
Bibles were being printed missing God’s words! I was
aghast, and spent many months discussing with my friends 1/35
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the impending satanic incursion in our world, this Verse-

Removal-Conspiracy was surely a sign of the end times.

Ten years later, having learned a few things about the

transmission, corruption, and restoration of the New
Testament, I can slowly laugh at myself. There has never
been a satanic conspiracy against the bible , in fact this
“conspiracy” was perpetuated by the most conservative
evangelical scholars who translated the NIV in order to try to
save the Bible! The very conservative NIV translators often
mistranslated and obscured the text to hide contradictions,
problems, or other issues. The reason is that during the
hundreds of years of biblical studies, academics have
amassed irrefutable textual evidence that the Bible we have
was heavily modified, edited, and miscopied on thousands
of occasions.

Today, it is the job of biblical scholars to go through the

thousands of manuscripts, align the differences/similarities,
and try to estimate what was likely the original reading. In
many cases what scholars have found is that a later copy of
a particular passage includes extra phrases or sentences,
while an earlier copy, dated to a few hundred years earlier,
is missing those sentences. Because of this scholars have
been forced to admit that for the last two millennia, we have
been treating many verses, which are interpolations
(additions of phrases to the text by a scribe), as thought
they were the very words of God. As a result, scholars have 2/35
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been removing some of these passages. These passages

were never original to the text, they were later additions.

While there are quite a few textual variants, alterations,

interpolations, and etc, here is my personal “Top Ten” list of
bible verses that that were never in the original text of the

1. “There are three that bear witness in

heaven, the father, the word, and the holy
spirit, and these three are one.” (1 John 5:7)

Interestingly enough this is the only passage in the Bible

that clearly articulates the Trinity. While there are other
passages that may hint at the Trinity this particular passage
distilled hundreds of years of theology by the early church
into a Bible verse added into the text. This is literally one of
the more fascinating manuscript stories as it exists in our
modern Bibles in part because the Catholics created a
forged Greek text to provide to an 16th century scholar,

2. “But this kind does not go out except by

prayer and fasting.” (Matthew 17:21)

This whole verse is omitted from most modern Bible

translations, while the Mark 9:29 has the word “fasting”
removed from it based on the earliest manuscripts. I have
personally seen people testify of fasting for prolonged 3/35
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periods of time, to wage war with demons. I have also heard

testimonies where this process did not work, and the
preacher had to embellish another element to the story (“I
wasn’t holy enough, etc.”) Ironically enough the whole
command, which people devote days and weeks to, was
never in the Bible.

3. “Pharisees brought a woman caught in

adultery… said to Him… the Law Moses
commanded us to stone such women; what
then do you say?… Jesus said “He who is
without sin among you, let him be the first
to throw a stone at her.”

This particular story has become one of the defining

portraits of Jesus yet, all 12 verses have been removed or
footnoted in new translations. If there is one story that is
most commonly associated with Jesus, it is, hands down,
this one. Everyone I know loves to quotes from these
passages about Jesus. One of the most important doctrines
regarding how to treat others who are sinners (“don’t judge
them because you are not without sin”) is found only in this
passage. Except it was never in the Bible but is a later
addition, written down almost four hundred years after the
death of Jesus.

4. “And being in agony He was praying very

fervently; and His sweat became like drops 4/35
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of blood, falling down upon the

ground.” (Luke 22:44)

I have witnessed countless preachers motioning

triumphantly with agony and emotion on their face as they
read these words. It’s as if they experience this exact
sensation while they read about it. Some have even spoken
of a possible medical condition where a person experiences
so much stress that they sweat blood. Except, this was
never in the original bible, so all the emotional sermons
focusing on this were due to a passage that was almost
certainly not biblical.

5. “These signs will accompany those who

believe: in my name they will cast out
demons and they will speak with new
tongues.” (Mark 16:17)

Pentecostals have only one mention of Jesus teaching

about the act of speaking in tongues in the Gospels, this
passage is Mark 16:17. However, most of this chapter in
Mark is an interpolation, for the original text of Mark (the
earliest Gospel to be written, about 10-20 years before
Luke/Matthew) ended at 16:8. What is fascinating about this
is that millions of Pentecostals have frequently preached
that Jesus predicted their glossolaic speech in the Gospels.
Unfortunately, this is not the case, it was merely secondary
addition of a scribe who later added to the text what wasn’t
there. 5/35
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6. “And they will take up snakes in their

hands, and if they drink any poison it will
not harm them, and they will lay their hands
on the sick and they will become
well.” (Mark 16:18)

Another passage from the unoriginal ending to the Gospel of

Mark. Unfortunately, people have literally died because of
this interpolation. There have been hundreds of Pentecostal
churches that have engaged in snake-handling, though
today they are a dying breed.

7. “For Yours is the kingdom and the power

and the glory forever. Amen.” (Matthew

The Lord’s Prayer has been repeated by billions of people,

trillions of times. It is probably the most repeated series of
words in the history of the world (perhaps second only to the
Shahada). And besides the fact that there are already two
version of the Lord’s Prayer in the original texts, Matthew
version (v6:9–13) has 65 words while Luke’s version (v11:2–
4) only has 36 words, the ending (a doxology) of Matthew’s
version, the one memorized by billions, was a later
interpolation but not the original.

8. “And in the same way after supper Jesus

took the cup and said, “This cup that is
poured out for you is the new covenant in
my blood.” (Luke 22:20) 6/35
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This is a primary Gospel witness of the atoning intent (“for

you”) of the crucifixion as well as the promise of a “new
covenant.” These are essential Christian teachings that are
found in most faith statements. Today most Bibles mention
with a footnote that this passage is not found in the most
ancient manuscripts, however a couple conservative
scholars attempt to defend the idea that the original text had
these words, then a scribe removed them and the original
was lost, finally another scribe re-added it to explain why it’s
missing from the earliest copies. Today we have six different
versions of this passage, and only one supports the
theological reading that conservatives want, but there is
very strong evidence this was a later interpolation.

9. “And he said to them, “Go into all the

world and proclaim the gospel to the whole
creation.” (Mark 16:15)

The first of two Christian texts that command what is called

“The Great Commission” to preach the gospel to all nations
is certainly a later scribal interpolation, part of the “longer
ending of Mark” that was not in the original. There is one
more passage that commands the Great Commission,
Matthew 28:19, so this whole doctrine of evangelism and
missions is not completely lost once we remove Mark 16:15.
However, when it comes to Matthew 28:19, there has been
much debate whether this is an original text, some scholars
have argued the whole text is not original. Others just say a 7/35
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part of the text was a later addition. Eusebius of Caesarea,

and early church father, quoted this passage without the
Trinitarian formula or request for baptism, so this is very
strong evidence that, at the very least, “baptizing in the
name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost”, is a later
addition, absent from the original Gospel. This means that
the Great Commission is absent from the earliest Gospel,
and the version present in a later gospel was uttered without
a command to baptize people or a Trinitarian formula.

10. Many (not all) passages relating to the

Substitutionary Atonement are

Okay I cheated, this is more than ten verses, but it’s my blog
so I’m the only one who can fire myself. Anyway, the
phrases removed in newer Bible translations include
“through his blood” in Colossians 1:14; “broken for you” in 1
Corinthians 11:24; “sacrificed for us” in 1 Corinthians 5:7;
“suffered for us” in 1 Peter 4:1; “by himself purged our sins”
in Hebrews 1:3. Others were edited (to reflect the earliest
manuscripts) making changes from “purchased possession”
to just “possession” in Ephesians 1:14 or from “that which is
behind of the afflictions of Christ” to “what is still lacking in
regard to Christ’s afflictions” in Colossians 1:24, and etc.

In each of these cases, the verse in question, in traditional

English translations, has said something like “Jesus was 8/35
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sacrificed for us” but manuscript tradition changes this

into “Jesus was sacrificed. [the end]” or “Christ suffered for
us” to “Christ suffered [the end].” Today the doctrine of
substitutionary atonement is the dominant doctrine of the
Cross in the Christian world, yet this doctrine was not
prominent in the early church. While many passages are not
originals, there are a handful that are likely authentic, like
Ephesians 1:7, but this means the all-important doctrine of
the substitutionary atonement is barely mentioned a few
times, and is not present everywhere in the New Testament,
which is strange for those who claim that it is, in fact, the
whole point of the Gospel. 9/35
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1. Victor Maytak
September 21, 2014 at 5:17 pm

Пару вопросов: Вы являетесь специалистом в

области иврита и древнегреческого? Или
понравились чьи-то измышления на заданную
тему? Какую цель преследуете, уважаемый?

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A. Yuriy Post author

October 10, 2014 at 5:07 pm 10/35
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Howdy, nope I am not a specialist in Hebrew, and my

Koine is very minimal. In any case, this is not an
issue of translation from a printed Greek/Hebrew text
whatsoever, nor am I performing an exegetical
analysis. This has to do with textual criticism that
attempts to reconstruct the original text, if such a
construction is indeed possible (most textual critics
say its not) based on the best in manuscript tradition.

However, because I am using standard biblical

scholarship by referring to verses removed in most
translation committees, based on the best
publications in textual studies, my lack of textual
criticism specialization is not an issue. The vast
majority of textual critics from the conservative Dan
Wallace, to the moderate/mainstream Alands,
Ehrmans of academia.

As far as my aim, I find this fascinating.

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i. Luis Mendoza
December 1, 2014 at 6:12 am

Dear Yuriy:

In order to understand properly this issue you

needs to know some basic things: 11/35
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a) There are two kind of Bible´s Version: The

catholic Bible and the non-catholic Bible

The catholic version is the short version of the

Word of God. This point is key, specially when we
take in account the rol of Constantine when he got
50 Bible from Egypt, Alexandria.

The Trinity doctrine was developing with a different

Bible: it lacked of 1 John 5:7

The catholic version of this topic never reveals this

point. Six year after the Nicea Council, the 50
Bibles of Constantine arrived to Rome to strong
doctrinally the new church actually named Catholic

This book is a must to understand in a balanced

way the whole scenary:

Short version and expanded version: the position

of the Textual Criticism.

The “short” versión (literrarly is true) was

dominating over Europe during more than 1000 12/35
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years….the expanded version (Pure and

Preservated) was the protagonist, the hero of the

While the short version was as the unique option,

Europe was was blind and in total darkness: no
saved souls

The true and preserved version was the instrument

of God to save soul with the Everlasting Life.

Please check the commentary of Erasmus in the

introduction dedicated to Leon X:

!I perceived that that teaching which is our

salvation was to be had in a much purer and more
lively form if sought at the fountain-head and
drawn from the actual sources than from pools and
runnels. And so I have revised the whole New
Testament (as they call it) against the standard of
the Greek original… I have added annotations of
my own, in order in the first place to show the
reader what changes I have made, and why;
second, to disentangle and explain anything that
may be complicated, ambiguous, or obscure.[9]

[9] “Epistle 384” in Collected Works of Erasmus.

Vol. 3: Letters 222 to 223, 1516 (tr. R.A.B. Mynors 13/35
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and D.F.S. Thomson; annotated by James K.

McConica; Toronto: University of Toronto Press,

You say: “his has to do with textual criticism that

attempts to reconstruct the original text”

R= the “original text” is the Vulgata: the Bible of

Trent Council

You say: “if such a construction is indeed possible

(most textual critics say its not) based on the best
in manuscript tradition.”

R= You need to know the Promise of God where

He Promise to preserve His Word. The place
where He fulfilled His Promise is the editions (sic)
of Textus Receptus.

You say:”However, because I am using standard

biblical scholarship by referring to verses removed
in most translation committees,

R= This “biblical scholars” are catholic. Check the

Commitee of the UBS-NTG: so you will find to
Carlos María Martini, an erudit and catholic priest
that some years ago he was near to be a pope. 14/35
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You say: “based on the best publications in textual

studies, my lack of textual criticism specialization
is not an issue.

R= you are guided by catholic people to sure in

your mind the short and catholic version of the
Word of God

You say: “The vast majority of textual critics from

the conservative Dan Wallace, to the
moderate/mainstream Alands, Ehrmans of

R= There are around 6000 different mms: the

99.99% contain the True and Preservated Word of

The 1% is conformed basically by 3 catholic

witness: mss Vaticanus, mms Sinaiticus, mss
Alexandrinus (+ Bodmer collection)
The power of Rome has been able to create a
powerful system to delete of the field or scenario
our preserved word of God and replace it with its
Egyptian -corrupted – version.

After the NTG of Erasmus, a “new” New Testament

appears to change spiritually the World 15/35
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With the familiy of Textus Receptus, all nations and

idioms were benefited with a pure content
doctrinally different than the short and catholic

This link will help you to know this point

I wish be useful for you.

Thank you for your attention,

Best regards:

Luis Mendoza
Caracas, Venezuela

Facebook: MYLSTECH

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a. imran
April 7, 2015 at 12:29 am

Yes. Jesus (pbuh) is one of the mightiest

messenger of all might god. Don’t be confuse In
this. Simply You people See how many
Interpolations In the bible. Fallow the true god,
The god all might Is ONE AND ONLY……!

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a. gray man
October 6, 2016 at 6:07 am

Jesus was not a “messenger” from God.

Jesus is the son of God.

b. Timothy
December 30, 2016 at 7:49 am

Thanks you’ve just helped somebody like me.

b. fraserSS
October 7, 2017 at 5:50 pm

Referring to the Catholic Bible as the “short”

version doesn’t even make sense.
The Catholic Bible has a 7 books within their
bible that the protestant bibles left out. I wouldn’t
consider that a short version of the Bible.
Seriously, do you?
Things that are actually true – the Catholic
church eliminated a commandment from the 10
and divided up one commandment into 2 so
there would still be 10.
Yes, they actually eliminated “graven images”
from the 10 Commandments for obvious
reasons. “Roman Catholic” literally describes an
integration of Rome’s many pagan religions into
one church as a christian entity that is
universally ROMAN. The elaborate buildings, 17/35
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fancy and expensive robes, the elaborate

processions and fancy rituals that “magically”
transform a wafer into the literal flesh and blood
of Jesus, so they have an actual and literal
sacrifice at an altar as pagan worship provided
and the Romans were used to. They could not,
however, deal without a goddess. “Mary cults”
as the church called them, sprang up from time
to time, but “Mariology” was on the rise as
former pagans of Rome found comfort in their
Christian goddess, Mary. Mary’s entire existence
was remodeled, fabricated and stuffed with
attributes only heard of in Jesus. New claims-
she wasn’t born in sin, her mom was also a
virgin; Mary never sinned, Mary never had other
children with Joseph who were Jesus’ brothers;
and in spite of a couple of burial sites attributed
to Mary, she never died, but was whisked up to
heaven, never tasting death…. there’s more…
Mary is now crowned the Queen of Heaven
(“queen of heaven” in the O.T. is a malevolent
entity), and not only is she the Mother of Jesus,
she is also God the Father’s Queen. And not
only that, she is the Mother of every single
person that has ever lived, that now lives, or will
ever live on this planet. Everybody’s mommy.
So, they said, once they gave in a deified Mary
into a being that could hold back the wrath of 18/35
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her son’s hand from wiping out the sinners right

here and now; according to some masochistic,
delusional, attention-seeking Portuguese kids. I
say “masochistic” because Mary told them to
wear shaggy ropes around their waist, under
their clothing (even while sleeping) that itched
and chaffed their skin because, as Mary told
them “Suffering pleases our Lord a great
deal”….. So, the Lord enjoys watching children
suffer, according to the demon known as “Mary”-
who also claims to have defeated communism. I
could write a book….

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ii. Pannecoucke Bart

October 8, 2017 at 4:32 am

Even when we assume it is not written litterally to

spread his message to all nations, I still see a point
to accept this as a mission. When you have the
reborn experiance when become truly christian the
bibble speeks about the holy spirit coming down to
you it is up to you to let jesus words to let grow in
your hart or let them die. No study of the bible
makes you a rightious christian or not I assume (as
a humble noy bibble scolar or bobble expert). But
as far as i read the new testaments of all
evengelist and try to read between the lines of
jesseus words (which is essential i think because 19/35
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he always speaked in words not to be taken too

letarally but by its deeper laying meaning behind
them. By example the part it is bether to lose one
eye when it see sin and not live in sin than with 2
eyes and live in sin. If we go literally man i gues
we should no more eyes because we always see
sin like it or not and even even jesus said all our
harts are corrupted by sin by our human nature. In
short jesus always spoke in terms of comparising.
In short his message is always the same in
thousand diferent versions of comparisons and
words spoken by him. Love god first and than love
your fellow human like wise with all of your heart.
Not by big words or even deeds but with a hart
purified by the holy spirit. And my experiance and
from many christians is naturally than to try to
spread the word where ever you come if it inside
the bibble literally or not. Jesus message is so
liberating it almost demands to spread around.
With all respect for the people studying the bibble
and its accuracy tough. And the trinity issue has
always been a big issue in the church even from
its early beginning. Like you say even without that
particular phrase many accepted phrases tend to
acknowledge the holy trininty without actually
saying literally. But this is a debate going from the
beginning from the church so i gues we bether let
go of the illusion we ever gonna figure out if jesus 20/35
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really men this or not. Like i said his word carry so

many layers of meaning you can argue an eternity
about any phrase of him and still have no clear
answer. His message comes always down to the
HUMANS with all of our hart inspired by gods
eternal love. Let us focus bit more as christians on
that and less on endless theological debates who
are as old as christianity itself.

PS Same core message comes back in old

testament anyway
So praise god

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B. Luis Mendoza
December 1, 2014 at 5:15 am

Victor, best regards..

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2. David Lewis
September 30, 2015 at 5:01 am

Acts 2:1-13 mentions the powerful gift of tongues. Mark

16:17 is not the only verse that in the entire Bible that
Pentecostals have founded their denomination on..

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A. Yuriy Post author

October 7, 2015 at 1:20 pm

I patently said “Pentecostals have only one mention

of Jesus teaching about the act of speaking in
tongues in the Gospels, this passage is Mark 16:17”

The book of Acts is written by a different group of

people than Jesus, at a different time. My point still

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i. ajc
November 26, 2017 at 9:54 pm

I have put this study in my favorites. Thank you for

writing it. ajc

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B. fraserSS
October 7, 2017 at 5:54 pm 22/35
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And it is about a language that is unknown to the

speaker, but still a legitimate language; not a
babbling train wreck that is unknown to everyone,
including God. And if there be no translator let them
keep silent in the church because without a translator
there is no edification. They try to promote a silly idea
that speaking in tongues and unknown tongues are
two separate gifts. They are not.

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i. Craig
February 20, 2018 at 8:16 pm

fraserSS, with all due respect, I am Pentecostal

and I am Baptized in the Holy Spirit and I speak in
other tongues as my PRAYER LANGUAGE, it is
not the gift of tongues, that is completely separate.
Read Unless you have experienced this wonderful
blessing sent from God, that Jesus said was the
comforter, then you cannot truly argue your point
since you have no experience to go off of. Acts ch
2 clearly down to vs20 shows what I am talking
about. I have been in services where someone
gave a message in tongues and another
interpreted as Paul talked about in Corinthians, it is
real and it is different. Ask God to fill you with the
Holy Spirit and He will, you must speak the words
as The Spirit gives the utterance, what are you 23/35
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speaking? The wonderful works of God…. Try it

before you deny it.

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3. Stephen Wren
June 4, 2016 at 6:34 am

Is there a reasonable version of the bible which leaves

out verses of questionable authenticity, particularly
John 8:3-11 and Mark 16:9-20?

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A. Jim
August 25, 2017 at 8:25 pm

The Aramaic English New Testament (AENT) Is a

direct translation from a manuscript that predates the
ones used by Greek translators. All of the above
mentioned versus plus more are not to be found in
the AENT. It also has very in depth, informative

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4. Barbara
September 8, 2016 at 6:00 am

Dear Yuri, I came across your blog looking for a list of

interpellations. Thank you very much for those listed
and for your explanations.
I am not a formal Bible student just a Christian of many 24/35
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years looking for the truth of the word of God. It is my

belief that many false doctrines came about because of
the interpellations that you mentioned and others.
Thank you

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5. Shirley Johnson
September 19, 2016 at 2:55 pm

In my possession are both the Greek Interlinear and the

Geneva 1560 Bible. Both of these translations of the
original manuscripts were written before the King
James 1611 Bible translation.

In both the Greek Interlinear and Geneva 1560 Bible,

all verses are there that you have stated were not in the
original manuscripts. In fact everything you stated, all
verses or words, that you state were not in the original
manuscipts, and that Mark ended after only 8 chapters
was found Not to be correct, according to these much
earlier Bible traslations.

Although some words may differ in the KJV, Geneva

1560 Bible, and Greek Interlinear, everything you stated
is not correct according to any of these Bible

As far as verses being added hundreds of years later, I

would need unbiased proof on that. 25/35
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The Greek Interlinear is a translation into english of the

original Received Text.

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6. Stanley B. Chester
October 20, 2016 at 6:19 am

How can one say never in the original text if we don’t

have one?

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A. Aaron Cantrell
November 24, 2016 at 7:47 am

It is a way for the adversary to manipulate and create

doubt in the authenticity of the truth, therefore
justifying reading a book that does not contain proper
doctrinal knowledge. It is that simple.

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7. brian larson
August 11, 2017 at 11:51 pm

2 Timothy 2:15King James Version (KJV)

15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a

workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly
dividing the word of truth. 26/35
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Luke 4:4King James Version (KJV)

4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That

man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of

1 Thessalonians 5:21King James Version (KJV)

21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

2 Timothy 4:4King James Version (KJV)

4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and
shall be turned unto fables.

I will now show the world that some newer translations

are not the truth because they are turned over to
speaking about fables.

Nothing New

My wife and I saw a popular new movie recently. In the

few days it has been open it has made hundreds of
millions, maybe billions, of dollars. It was a good movie;
I enjoyed watching it and will likely watch it again
sometime. But I had seen it before. No not the movie,
but the story. I was disappointed in how many elements
it borrowed from its predecessor. I guess I shouldn’t
really be surprised. After all, there are only so many 27/35
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different stories to tell. All fiction is the retelling of one of

only seven basic plot lines. (How many different ways
can Hallmark retell Cinderella or Romeo and Juliet?) It
reminded me of something Solomon said, “What has
been will be again, what has been done will be done
again; there is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecc. 1:9

do you see how they start the website with a reference

to Cinderella?

yes, Cinderella is a fable.

I watched a church of Christ preacher holding an NIV

bible and he veered off in the tale of baer rabbit after
talking about fiddler on the roof movie, fiddler on the
roof is a jewish wives tale.

this made me refute the preaching and point out that

sound doctrine is the received texts not the critical

the word of God is for correction reproof so that the

man of God may be perfect.

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8. Michaels 28/35
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October 23, 2017 at 12:57 pm

The New testament does has a lot off addings that take
away who Jesuschrist was .So does the old testamet ,
if you take for example what God wants you to
understand and in which way He wants you to
understand it , then you grave on to the Psalm of
Moses which the Catholic church reformed and put in
the Psalms off King David which what is doing
reorganizing Gods mind , also the books off James and
Jude are ancient not the brothers off Jesuschrist but
Jacob and the 12 tribes of Israel .

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9. ajc
November 26, 2017 at 9:58 pm

Is Shirley Johnson right or wrong? ajc

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10. Caleb
December 10, 2017 at 12:28 pm

Oh man, this is so very interesting, but extremely

overwhelming. I have been going through a faith
deconstruction. One of the biggest contributors to this
deconstruction has been through the Liturgists podcast.
I found this blog post through a google search of
“Things added to the bible” and I am overwhelmed with
the material out there on this search. 29/35
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As someone who is truly seeking truth, can you

recommend any books I can read on biblical errors and
historical theological changes? A lot of your links for
references on this blog no longer work, well two or
three that I tried, and I like cross-referencing things
because I really am seeking truth from a historical

Thanks for your help!

– Caleb F

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A. Yuriy Post author

December 11, 2017 at 7:23 pm

Hi Caleb, hope it’s not too overwhelming, but in the

pursuit of truth, everything else including our
emotions must lie second.

I highly recommend anything by Bart Ehrman, he is

not only one of the top biblical scholars alive, he’s
also one of the most lucid writers to a publicly
audience. (And had the fortune of being an
Evangelical preacher, though now is an agnostic, so
that makes for an interesting background.)

Is say start with Misquoting Jesus and Jesus

interrupted. 30/35
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January 6, 2018 at 1:55 pm

Hello Caleb,
I assure you as a fellow follower of Christ and studier
of the Bible, this information has been known for
hundreds of years and taught to pastors throughout
seminaries. None of this information takes away the
truth about who Jesus is, and his diety. People
always use these “shock” tactics to try to expose
“truth” and get people to question their faith. Bart
Ehrman, while smart, has been led by fear rather
than faith. His wise teacher, Bruce Metzger is one of
the biggest textual critics in history. Metzger died
studying and translating the Bible, and you know who
is student was? Bart Ehrman amoung many others.
Upon all this Bart Ehrman was taught everything he
knew by Bruce Metzger and even dedicated one of
his books to him. On Bruce Metzger’s death bed he
said “my faith in Jesus Christ has been very well
placed, very well placed”. This man’s faith did not
waiver at all and taught Ehrman everything he knew.
The reason why Ehrman lost his faith was because
his roots were not very deep, it was more personal 31/35
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than it was textual. I hope and pray this helps. Do not

be shaken, Jesus lived, was crucified, and was
resurrected for our sins. He is the Son of God and
Son of Man. Simple as that! Have faith and do not

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February 5, 2018 at 11:19 am

I Corinthians 14:33 ” FOR GOD IS NOT THE AUTHOR

11/18/2018 Top Ten Deleted Bible Verses That Were Not in the Original Text – The Reluctant Skeptic



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12. Angel
July 29, 2018 at 9:26 am

When I was a child, and religion was more of a family

tradition, I read the Bible with wonder. When I was a
young adult and religion was questionable, I read the
Bible with skepticism. When I was lost and blind, I
opened the Bible desperate for hope, and I found it. It
provided the unique formula for me to seek and find the
truth based on my own gifts. Now, I am a believer. My
faith is not based on logic nor reason, but upon
encounter. I am not dictated from the outside, I am
regenerated from within. The Word is alive and sharp,
and it is able able to separate your mind from your soul
and by doing so, save you from the curse that exists
solely in the mind. People can argue about
technicalities eternally, but that gets them no closer to
salvation. The kingdom of heaven is not in words but in 33/35
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power. The kingdom of heaven is within. I now have

peace in the midst of the storm, and that is true life.

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