Entry Level:
Response answers TED Talk.
KWL Chart. Developed questions
Speaking assignments TED Talk development
Online, take home and and presentation after
Introductory videos
in class assignments. going through Lesson 1, 2
of TED Talks Brainstorming in web and 3.
Public speaking Guided notes
videos. Webercise assignment
Graphic organizer/Main
idea chart.
Entry level:
KWL chart will help students think about prior knowledge, what they want to learn and reflect
about what they learn about the topic being discussed.
Introductory TED talk videos: Will help students gain an understanding about what a TED talk is
and looks like.
Public Speaking Videos: will help students understand the importance of public speaking.
Discussions about videos watched during class will be held. Think-Pair-Share will help students
build off of each other’s ideas.
Short response answers will allow me to gain feedback on student understanding as we move
on in the lesson.
Developed questions and questions asked will allow me to gain an idea of what needs to be
addressed and students participation.
Small speaking assignments will help students practice their public speaking skills.
Brainstorming at the beginning of the lesson will be done to gain an idea of the overall TED talk
assignment picture. Guided notes and the webecise assignment will be incorporated to help
students understand the importance of public speaking and civic engagement. Students will gain
a better understanding of the importance both public speaking and civic engagement have been
to create positive change.
A graphic organizer, main idea chart will be used to introduce students to civic engagement and
help them brainstorm as well.
TED Talk, the development and presentation of a TED talk amongst peers will be held at the end
of the semester during class in front of classmates. During these presentations I will be assessing
students using the following rubric below.
Students will then have the option to showcase their hard work at the end of the year in front of
their peers friends and family. This will be an end of the school event where students may
volunteer to participate in presenting their TED Talk in front of others. There will be a fundraiser
held for the winner before the day of the TED talk. All proceeds will go towards an organization
or nonprofit of the winners choosing. Thus the winner might have talked about something they
cared about relevant to the organization they choose to donate the money towards.
Category 4 3 2 1
Organization Speech was well Speech was Speech was not Speech was not
organized with organized. completely organized. It
useful information organized. lacked
about topic. information.
Use of public Public speaking Public speaking Public speaking Public speaking
speaking skills skills learned skills were skills were not skills were not
throughout the demonstrated. demonstrated demonstrated by
semester were However speaker completely. the speaker.
demonstrated in lacked eye contact Speaker went off
the speech. with the audience. tangent.
Speaker spoke
and presented
themselves clearly
Engagement Speaker kept the Speaker did a Speaker did not Speaker did not
towards the audience engaged good job at keep audience keep the audience
audience in the topic with keeping audience engaged engaged in the
enthusiasm engaged in the throughout the topic throughout
topic throughout speech the speech
the speech
Tying everything together to help students reflect Graphic organizer, developing critical thinking skills,
on how ech assignment and lesson will help in the writing skills, reading, research, listening and verbal
process of developing their own TED talk about speaking skills independently.
something they care about and why? ● Videos
● Audios