Basecam Simple BGC
Basecam Simple BGC
Basecam Simple BGC
SimpleBGC 32 controllers
1. General information...............................................................3
2. Installing encoders.................................................................5
3. Testing encoders..................................................................10
4. Calibrating encoders............................................................11
5. FAQ........................................................................................ 15
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1. General information
1. General information
Using encoders with the SimpleBGC32 controller board gives the following advantages:
1. Prevents motors from loosing synchronization and skipping steps.
2. Provides full information about the position of a camera relative to a frame, that provides better
model than 2nd IMU and makes use of 2nd IMU obsolete. This information extends the range of
working positions and functionality of a gimbal.
3. Can significantly decrease power consumption by using field-oriented control strategy to drive
4. Increases instant torque the same way.
5. Provides possibility to get information about the camera balance and makes automatic balancing
(with help of extra DC servomotors and moving counterweights).
6. Allows to adjust camera position by hands.
7. Increase the precision of stabilization and the maximum speed of rotation that gimbal is able to
Encoders give completely new feel of operating the system, and recommended to use in the professional-
grade products.
The stock firmware that comes with the regular SimpleBGC32 controllers does not support encoders. For
using encoders, the special firmware is needed. You can get a trial or buy fully-functional encoder firmware
Gimbal manufacturers, please contact us at [email protected]
Note, that with this special firmware, all motors should have encoders installed! It is not possible to have
one motor with encoder and other two without.
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2. Installing encoders
2. Installing encoders
All on-axis magnetic encoders (like AS5048A,B) comes as an IC chip that should be soldered on the
custom-made PCB (our version is available here: This IC should
be placed below a specially polarized magnet, installed on the motor's shaft cup. Recommendations on
choosing magnet and positions tolerances can be found in a datasheet for the encoder.
For AS5048B connected to I2C bus, device address should be selected depending on motor where its
ROLL: 0x40 (A1=0, A2=0)
PITCH: 0X41 (A1=HIGH, A2=0)
YAW: 0X42 (A1=0, A2=HIGH)
Also you can assign address to axis later in the GUI.
The PWM connection option for the AS5048 gives less resolution (12bit compared to 14bit over I2С or SPI)
and can give less precision.
IMPORTANT NOTE: AS5048B is not compatible with the "High speed I2C" option!
AMT203 encoder has a 8mm pass-throw hole and comes fully assembled with variety set of shaft adapters
and centering tool. When integrated inside motor, note that it is sensitive to electrical and magnetic fields.
Do not place it too close to stator windings!
MA3 magnetic encoder comes in 10 bit and 12 bit version (10bit has 1kHz refresh rate, 12bit has 244Hz
refresh rate).
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2. Installing encoders
Analog type may be a potentiometer, magnetic or other types with analog output, where voltage is linearly
proportional to the angle of rotation of the shaft. Analog encoders do not allow infinite 360 degree
rotation, because there are forbidden areas at both ends of its range. It is not recommended to use analog
type because of this limitation.
AS5600 magnetic encoder can be connected by its OUT pin, that is by default is configured as analog
output, and configured as “Analog” type in the GUI. Also, you can re-program it to the PWM output mode,
and choose “AS5600 PWM” type in the GUI. Note, that in the analog and PWM modes encoder does not
support full 360 degree of rotation, because it has hysteresis +-40 points near zero angle (1.75 degree).
HINT: For the PWM output mode, you have to program CONF register* by the I2C interface:
CONF = { WD(0) FTH(001) SF(11) }, { PWMF(10) OUTS(10) HYST(00) PM(00) } = {xx000111}, {10100000} = 0x07,
0xA0 - PWM at 460Hz, fastest response, no watchdog, no hysteresis, normal power mode.
After programming*, CONF should be written into the non-volatile memory. See AS5600 datasheet for details.
* If powered from 3.3V, 10uF buffer capacitor is required on VDD3V3 pin to ground to burn settings into OTP memory.
NOTE: starting from 2.60 firmware, AS5600 encoder will be automatically programmed into PWM mode, when
connected by the I2C interface first time and selected as "AS5600 (PWM)" in the GUI. Only 1 encoder at a time may be
connected by I2C. When programming is done, I2C lines may be disconnected. WARNING! Its impossible to use
encoder in analog mode after configuration is burned into OTP memory!
The best way is to connect it by the I2C interface – in this case it will support full 360 degree rotation.
IMPORTANT: only single AS5600 encoder may be present on I2C bus! To use more than one device of this
type, combine it with the I2C_Drv expansion modules, connect next two encoder to these modules and
using them as an external motor driver, connected to the main controller via common I2C bus. More
information on the I2C_Drv product page.
For the TLE512B SPI interface, link MOSI and MISO lines together and connect to the DATA line of the
encoder. It is required to add a series resistor 470 Ohm on the DATA line and 100 Ohm on the SCK line, as
recommended in the datasheet:
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2. Installing encoders
Zettlex IncOder should be configured for the 5V supply, SPI interface and 14..21 bit resolution. For our
application, 14 bit is enough, but if more resolution is required, it can be increased up to 21 bit. Raw
encoder data can be read from our controller using Serial API (see CMD_REALTIME_DATA_CUSTOM
command). Encoder should be connected to the SPI port of MCU using special adapter
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2. Installing encoders
NOTE: If the RC_ROLL input is not occupied by the SPI bus, starting from the firmware 2.60, you can return all serial
functions to it's origin: disable the check-box "Swap RC_SERIAL ↔UART2 ports" in the "Advanced" tab. But the Sum-
PPM input still stays on AUX3 in the encoder firmware.
I2C encoder +5V
Analog GND
AS5048A A3
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2. Installing encoders
Tips on connection
• For a long SPI cable (more than 30cm) resistors on the SCK, MOSI line are strictly required! Use
33..60 Ohm resistor in the series on any output line (SCK, MOSI from the board side, MISO from the
encoder side). You can adjust their values more precisely by observing signal slope on the scope
on the receiver side. The signal should be sharp enough, without spikes caused by the reflections
(see picture below).
• The analog input is very sensitive to the EMI noise, so it's recommended to use a shielded cable in
case of long distance. But for big gimbals, its better to choose different type of encoder.
• For all PWM encoder types, it's better to setup them such way, that zero-crossing point (where raw
data crosses zero) is located far away from the normal working angles, because near this point
PWM signal can rapidly jitter between 0% and 100% duty cycle, that may cause problems with the
PWM capturing. Also, some models have a small hysteresis there that can cause problems, too.
Bad signal (direct connection) and good signal (with resistor in series)
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3. Testing encoders
3. Testing encoders
Run the GUI and connect to the board loaded with the encoder-enabled firmware. Select encoder type in
the “Encoders” tab, write settings and restart the controller. If encoders are connected and configured
properly, you will see a raw data received from the encoders in the “Monitoring” tab:
For some types of encoders you can request additional diagnostic information. Go to the "Debug" tab in the
GUI and request system state:
Error count available for all types of encoders, and shows how many read attempts were failed. If you see
“DISABLED” for encoder type, it means that auto-checking at startup was failed. Generally it means that
something wrong with connection or encoder is not working at all.
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4. Calibrating encoders
4. Calibrating encoders
1. Calibrate electrical angle offset and direction
• Tune mechanics. Perfect balance is very important to make good calibration.
• IMPORTANT STEP! Enter the exact number of poles for each motor in the "Hardware" tab. The
automatically detected number of poles may be incorrect. This information is very significant for a
normal work of motor with encoder.
• Ensure that encoders provide correct data to a system and they are assigned to proper axis.
• Reset all calibration values in the “Encoders” tab to zero.
• Power on gimbal in "normal" position (frame is leveled, camera is leveled). Starting from firmware
ver. 2.62b6, it is possible to calibrate encoders in other positions of a frame and a camera, if normal
position is not possible – see below.
• Tune PID. Big precision of stabilization is not required at this moment, but oscillations and jitters
are not allowed.
• Disable the "Follow" mode or any kind of RC control.
• Press the CALIB.EL FIELD button.
◦ Firmware ver prior to 2.60: you have about 20 seconds to tilt frame +-10..30 degrees VERY
SLOWLY for each axis, several times for all axes. If any axis will loose sync, reset controller and
restart calibration. Also you can tilt a camera instead of a frame by mean of RC controller, but
very slowly, too.
◦ Firmware ver. after 2.60: you do not need to move frame. Just fix it or hold in hands firmly –
calibration will be done automatically, each motor in series.
• On completion, the calibration data will be transferred to the GUI and encoders will start working.
• Check that the parameter “Encoder/motor gearing ratio” is equals to 1.0 or very close to this value.
Otherwise, scale factors of encoder and motor do not match. It means that motor is not properly
configured (check number of poles), or calibration is done improperly. More information is given in
the "FAQ" section of this manual.
• There is a simple error checking is present: if estimated scale factor differs a lot from the specified
value (1.0 by default), "Emergency stop" error will be generated and motors will be turned OFF. You
need to check resulting values and accept them, or clear them and repeat calibration after
restarting of a system.
• When the EL. FIELD OFFSET value is calibrated, motors start working in new field-oriented control
(FOC) mode, where current consumption is near zero if system is balanced. In this mode, you can
increase the POWER parameter significantly without risk of over-heating motor. Set Heating factor,
Cooling factor to 0 to disable current limitation. But remember, that the long operation under stall
condition may still overheat the motor or controller. To prevent it, you can setup heating-cooling
model to allow big current in short time, but limit it at a stall condition after a while, or cut off
power completely.
Checking calibration
A “balance error” value (displayed in the GUI as blue ball on the angle
panels) should be about neutral position for each axis during work, and go
to its limits under pressure. This indicator shows shifts in the balance and
may be used as reference to help balancing camera. Power indicator is
© Basecamelectronics® 2013-2017 11
4. Calibrating encoders
zero in normal condition and goes to maximum at a stall condition, when motor resists to push.
It may be required to calibrate encoders in an unusual position, if system is designed for a certain order of
motors (the role of motors counted from the camera platform), that is not supported by the firmware, or
system has a very limited range of working angles. For example, we need to build a system with the order
of motors "CAM – YAW – PITCH – ROLL". But the nearest supported order is "CAM – YAW – ROLL – PITCH". It
is clear that this order can be converted to the desired order by rotating YAW motor 90 degrees. After the
encoder calibration will be done, we can simply set the "Follow offset YAW" parameter to +-90 degrees to
shift neutral/home point to desired position. But firstly, we need to calibrate encoders. It could be easily
done in the naturally supported position, i.e. "CAM – YAW – ROLL – PITCH". But suppose than YAW working
range is limited and system can not be put in this position. In fact, system will not start to work at all in
any position excepting normal, until encoders will be calibrated!
1. Calibrate the encoder's "Offset" parameter in the desired position (but still motors should be 90-
degrees aligned, intermediate angles are not allowed). Do it by pressing "CALIB.OFFSET" button.
2. Change the value in the "Offset" field for the YAW axis manually, adding or subtracting 4096, that
equals to shifting offset by 90 degrees (we update YAW for our example case, in your case it may
be different axis). Restart system using menu command "Board" - "Execute action" - "Restart system".
3. Detect if encoder need to be inverted, or not. How to check: when the offset is calibrated, enable
the "Follow" mode for each axis. If system becomes completely unstable, most probably encoder is
inverted. To invert encoder, assign a special value "-32767" to the "El. field offset" parameter and
repeat steps 1, 2, i.e. calibrate offset and add 90 degree again.
4. System should start working properly at this moment, because now it can distribute torque to the
motors in any position of a frame.
5. Tune PIDs, ensure system is ready for the "El. field offset" calibration.
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4. Calibrating encoders
6. Calibrate the "El. field offset" parameters by pressing "CALIB. EL. FIELD" button, as described in the
section above.
Checking calibration
In the GUI, white arrows show the angle of each motor relative to a frame. They should point up when the
camera is in “home” position relative to a frame, that mean zero angle. When motors rotate, white arrows
Heating factor, Cooling factor – these are settings for simple “Heat accumulation/decay model”. The power
applied to a motor, increases a virtual temperature of motor in the model, according to a heating factor.
When virtual temperature rises, it chops the output power. Cooling factor specify the rate of heat emitted
to the outer space, which decreases the virtual temperature. Tune these values to make model close to
real life. It lets to feed big power to motors for a short time without the risk of overheating them.
To control actual state of the model, you can check V_TEMP_x debug variables in the “Monitoring” tab. It
shows virtual “temperature”, where 0 means power is not limited at all, and 100 means power is completely
off. To test how model work, apply force to the motor to put it in the “locked” state and see how POWER_X
and V_TEMP_x graphs are evolved. Adjust model settings to provide safe motor temperature under full
load during a prolonged time.
Motor's magnetic linkage – this parameter is used to make more precise model of motor in the FOC
algorithm. Its depends on motor size, number of poles, number of turns in winding.
Starting from 2.60 version of firmware, this parameter was moved to the "Hardware" tab and can be calibrated
automatically. Refer to SBGC32 User Manual for more information.
Motor/frame gearing ratio – if a geared drive is used to drive any axis, set the gearing ratio value to this
field. Note that the encoder should be mounted directly on the motor's shaft, not on the frame's shaft!
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4. Calibrating encoders
Encoder/motor gearing ratio - this parameter is used for analog type of encoder, to calibrate its sensitivity
(scale factor). For all other encoder types mounted directly on motor's shaft, it should be disabled. If the
encoder is not mounted directly, but the reduction gear is used, you have to specify the exact ratio of
reduction in this field and enable it.
If this field is disabled, it is used by the calibration routine to inform user about the estimated gearing ratio
during the el. field offset calibration. It allows to detect possible problems, if the value differs a lot from the
Limits (min, max) – software limits applied to the allowed angle of a motor. If specified, when motor
reaches this limits, it will be forced to return back to the allowed area. Set the software limits at least 10
degrees ahead of the hardware (mechanical) limits – this is the working range of the soft break algorithm.
Additionally, these limits are used for inspection of a system: if the angle of any motor goes more than 20
degrees outside the given limits at startup, system generate an "emergency stop" error and does not start.
This test may be disabled for a particular motor.
Choosing motors
To get maximum from you setup, its recommended to choose motors with the lower winding resistance
compared to regular gimbal brushless motors that are present on the market. Most of them designed to
work with constant high load and have too big resistance. Because normally full power is not applied to a
motor, it can have less resistance and less size. Under external disturbance, such motor may take a higher
current and give a greater torque, as a result. Under full load, the maximum voltage that is applied, is
defined by the "POWER" parameter where 255 means ~70% of full battery voltage. To limit the amount of
time when motor operates under full load, use the "heating-cooling model" that will chop the current after
several seconds of work under full load.
But the winding resistance should not be as low, as for regular brushless motors, where the stall condition
is outside of the normal operation conditions. Instead, in our case, the stall condition should be considered
as a normal mode of operation during prolonged period of time. By this parameter, gimbal motors may be
compared to DC servo motors, used in robotics and industry.
Also consider the max. current capabilities of a gimbal controller and a battery. It is recommended to use a
buffer capacitor to protect battery from the high spikes of a current and to make a power supply more
linear. Such spikes are caused be the PWM type of control and by the stabilization algorithm.
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5. FAQ
5. FAQ
Could encoder be used on yaw only? (On aerial gimbal I am now using potentiometer on yaw, but would like
to replace it with encoder, but not add too much complexity, i.e. not use encoder for pitch and roll) Would
current boards support this kind of “simple” use in future (also other than test use)?
Yes, starting from 2.56 ver. of regular firmware, it is possible to use single encoder on YAW motor
only (you do not need to update to "encoder" license for this). Encoder is used to read motor angle
only, with no changes to the motor control algorithm.
If you are using encoder-enabled firmware, ALL axes should have encoders installed and
I have GB90 and GB85 motors. After reading the documentation I understand they might not be ideal to be
used with the encoders. Will they work, what negative effect high resistance/inductance has?
Encoders will work with them, but because of the big pole count, the precision of angle reading is
more crucial. For example in case of a magnetic encoder type, pay attention to precise aligning of
the magnet over encoder chip (see the recipe related to a non-linearity below).
If inductance is high, KV factor is low. That mean that such motor will not compensate fast speed of
rotation (speed is limited by Battery Voltage * KV), but it takes less current to provide the same
torque level, that may be important for low-current Li-ion batteries. You may need to chose a higher
voltage battery to get the maximum performance from this motor.
What kind of results are you getting with encoders? The biggest problem I have with my current handheld
is jitters when gimbal is moved, especially on follow mode or with joystick, at certain (medium) speeds.
All benefits of using encoders are listed in this document. But it will not help to overcome jitter, if
its caused by the cogging effect that is a property of a motor – it remains with the encoders, too.
The solution may be a choosing of different motor with the less cogging, or reducing the pole
count (because frequency of jitter goes down and becomes closer to the area of reach of the PID
loop), or replacing of the discrete rare-earth magnets by the uniform O-ring magnet.
Note: the "Extended" and the "Pro" boards has a function to reduce cogging effect by building a look-up
table during calibration.
I calibrated encoders properly, but torque is much less than in the setup without encoders, even with the
POWER parameter set to maximum.
Case1: push to motor by hand. If the power indicator in the GUI does not go to maximum, it seems
that heating-cooling model limits it. Set Cooling factor, Heating factor = 0 for all axes.
Case2: under push, power indicator goes to maximum, but torque is still low. Repeat calibration. If
does not help, see the next two recipes.
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5. FAQ
The "gearing ratio" value after calibration differs from 1.0 significantly.
Motor provides significantly less torque outside the neutral position where encoder was calibrated,
Stabilization works well only in neutral position and does not work when deflecting motor further.
1. Check that the "NUMBER OF POLES" parameter is set correctly. Even the error in 1 point will cause
wrong operation of FOC algorithm. Auto-detection may give wrong result, so enter this value
2. Another possible problem may be non-linearity of encoder reading, caused by a lot of reasons. In a
case of a magnetic encoder type, it may be a bad magnet or its wrong centering (aligning of a
magnet over chip), or soft iron located nearby. To check the linearity, in the "Monitoring" tab look at
the raw values from encoders – they should reflect the actual angles precisely. Rotate motor by
hands by the fixed angles (for example 45, 90 degrees), and observe that the increment of the value
is 2048 and 4096 points, correspondingly.
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