Bruland Rue Smith Ditullio 2005
Bruland Rue Smith Ditullio 2005
Bruland Rue Smith Ditullio 2005
Received 24 November 2003; received in revised form 4 June 2004; accepted 23 June 2004
Available online 18 December 2004
Surface water transects and vertical profiles for dissolved iron, macronutrients, chlorophyll a (Chl a), and hydrographic data
were obtained in the Peru upwelling regime during August and September 2000. The supply of the micronutrient iron, relative
to that of the macronutrients nitrate, phosphate and silicic acid, is shown to play a critical role in allowing extensive diatom
blooms to develop in the Peru upwelling system. The extremely high-chlorophyll bbrown waters of PeruQ (with Chl a
concentrations between 20 and 45 Ag/l) result from massive diatom blooms with maximal photochemical efficiencies
( F v/F m N 0.6) occurring in the iron-rich upwelling region observed over the broad continental shelf off northern and central
Peru. The source of the upwelled water in this region is the nutrient-rich subsurface countercurrent in contact with the organic-
rich shelf sediments. This subsurface shelf water is suboxic and has extremely high concentrations of dissolved Fe (N50 nM) in
the near-bottom waters. In marked contrast, relatively low-chlorophyll bblue watersQ (Chl a b 2 Ag/l) with low concentrations of
dissolved Fe (b0.1 nM) and high unutilized macronutrient concentrations are observed in the coastal upwelled waters along the
southern coast of Peru and in the offshore regions of the Peru Current. Southern Peru is a region without a wide shelf to serve as
a source of iron and, as a result, dissolved Fe concentrations in the near-bottom suboxic waters of this region are an order-of-
magnitude lower than observed off northern and central Peru. In addition, the offshore Peru Current is a broad, Fe-limited, high-
nitrate, lower than expected chlorophyll region extending hundreds of kilometers offshore into the northeast region of the South
Pacific subtropical gyre and northwestward into the South Equatorial Pacific.
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
driven coastal upwelling of colder, nutrient-rich macronutrients in subsurface oceanic waters (Bruland
subsurface water. Intense upwelling of the macro- et al., 2001). The presence or absence of a broad
nutrients nitrate, phosphate, and silicic acid to surface continental shelf can greatly influence the external
waters in this region allows extensive phytoplankton supply of iron to the upwelled surface waters in
blooms to occur that may extend tens to hundreds of coastal upwelling regions (Johnson et al., 1999, 2001;
kilometers offshore. Large diatoms tend to dominate Bruland et al., 2001). Coastal upwelling off central
the biomass in phytoplankton blooms that develop in and northern California is most intense in the spring
these coastal upwelling regimes (de Mendiola, 1981; and summer months and this peak in upwelling is
Wilkerson et al., 2000), and it has been argued that temporally out of phase with the river input occurring
diatom-driven new production efficiently fuels the during the winter months in this semiarid climate.
food chains leading to fish production (Smetacek, During periods of intense upwelling over a broad
1998). With its year-round, persistent, coastal upwell- shelf, however, the interaction of upwelling water
ing, the Peru Current system is one of the most with the shelf sediments can transport elevated
productive marine ecosystems (Barber and Smith, concentrations of iron to the surface waters. When
1981; Carr, 2002), supporting intensive pelagic fish- upwelling is focused offshore of a narrow continental
eries, most notably the anchoveta (Engraulis ringens; shelf, the upwelled waters are characterized by low
Alheit and Bernal, 1993). dissolved and particulate iron concentrations, and
With this rich productivity, it is surprising that these waters rapidly develop into coastal upwelling
high-nitrate, lower than expected chlorophyll (HNLC) HNLC systems limited by the micronutrient iron
conditions have been reported for the Peru upwelling (Bruland et al., 2001). Supplemental iron additions to
regime. Thomas (1972, 1979) in some of the first these Fe-limited systems in shipboard grow-out
discussions of HNLC regimes pointed out that blow- experiments resulted in nitrate drawdown and pro-
Chl, high-nutrient water is not unique to offshore duced blooms of large diatoms (Hutchins and Bru-
regionsQ and that bOff Peru, dblueT water containing 2 land, 1998; Hutchins et al., 1998; Firme et al., 2003).
Ag Chl/l and 10 Ag—at NO3 —N/L was found The same physical characteristics that appear to be
(Strickland et al., 1969).Q These authors found it predictors of Fe-limited areas along the central and
bremarkableQ that offshore waters of the Peru Current northern California coast—intense coastal upwelling,
had not been depleted of nutrients by phytoplankton together with a narrow continental shelf and negli-
assimilation. The grazing hypothesis (Walsh, 1976) gible fluvial and eolian inputs of iron—are present in
has been generally accepted as the principle explan- some areas of the Peru upwelling regime. The Peru
ation for this observation. It has been suggested that coast is part of an active continental margin with a
zooplankton are more abundant in the euphotic zone relatively narrow shelf, a steep slope and an oceanic
off Peru because of the suboxic water just below, and trench located just offshore. The width of the
that this results in more intensive grazing pressure at continental shelf along Peru varies from 150 km off
the beginning of the bloom, keeping the phytoplank- northern and central Peru to less than 10 km off parts
ton growth under control from the outset (Minas and of southern Peru (Fig. 1B). As a result, we predict a
Minas, 1992). Hutchins et al. (2002), however, mosaic of conditions ranging from iron-replete to
recently investigated phytoplankton iron limitation iron-limited such as observed off central California
in the high-nutrient Peru Current system and demon- (Hutchins et al., 1998; Bruland et al., 2001; Firme et
strated that primary producers can be limited by lack al., 2003). This expectation is supported by historical
of iron in this regime. observations of extremely high Chl a concentrations
It has recently been demonstrated that extensive over the northern Peru inner shelf, referred to as the
parts of the California upwelling system are iron bbrown waters of PeruQ by Strickland et al. (1969) and
limited (Hutchins and Bruland, 1998; Hutchins et al., by observations of extensive bblue waterQ regions
1998; Bruland et al., 2001; Firme et al., 2003). exhibiting HNLC conditions in the Peru upwelling
Coastal diatoms have high iron requirements (Sunda region (Minas and Minas, 1992).
and Huntsman, 1995; Bruland et al., 2001) that cannot Coastal Peru has a hyperarid climate with the
be met by the small amount of iron present with the landscape dominated by remarkably barren hills and
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Fig. 1. The locations of surface transects (A) and the bathymetry (B) off the coast of Peru.
the Atacama Desert. What little rainfall there is occurs is another curious thing, which is that there is only one
almost exclusively in the Andes and not in the coastal wind on this coast, and that is from the southQ (Brink
range (Hebbeln et al., 2000; Scholl et al., 1970). The et al., 1983). Fung et al. (2000) have modeled both the
maximum discharge of this precipitation via coastal amount of new dissolved iron supplied via eolian
rivers occurs in the austral summer months of January deposition and the iron assimilation required for the
to April as a result of snowmelt and rainfall at high amount of new production. The iron delivered from
elevations along the western flank of the Andes the eolian flux of dust, off the coast of Peru accounts
(Scheidegger and Krissek, 1981). Although substan- for less than a few percent of the iron required for the
tial upwelling in the Peru area occurs year-round, the observed productivity in this region. Moore et al.
maximum coastal upwelling occurs from June through (2002) have similarly modeled nutrient-limitation
November (Scheidegger and Krissek, 1981) because patterns and the majority of the Peru Current system
of the maximum in southeast trade wind intensities is an area with low eolian iron input and is suggested
(Bakun, 1987; Bakun and Nelson, 1991). During this to be iron-limited.
period, however, negligible fresh water or terrigenous The poleward flowing, subsurface Peru under-
sediment is introduced directly into the coastal marine current is the major source of water upwelling along
environment off Peru. We planned our investigation to the Peru coast (Nelson and Neshyba, 1979; Brink et
take place in August/September—during the max- al., 1983). This nutrient rich undercurrent is contin-
imum upwelling period and during a time with uous from 58S to at least 158S, flowing just below the
negligible direct river input. surface layer over the continental shelf and inner
Eolian input of iron to the upwelling region off the slope. The undercurrent in this region is a suboxic
coast of Peru is low. The southeasterly trade winds water mass (with evidence of substantial denitrifica-
remain relatively constant in direction and thus deliver tion—but generally not sulfate reduction) in contact
little of the dust from the arid Peru continent to the with a mud lens of organic rich sediments (which
offshore waters. This constancy in the direction of the become anaerobic near the sediment water interface)
winds off the coast of Peru is a peculiarity noted as located on the shelf. This organic-rich mud lens,
early as 1553 by Cieza de Leon when he noted bThere starting at depths of roughly 50 m and extending
84 K.W. Bruland et al. / Marine Chemistry 93 (2005) 81–103
membrane and capsule filtering methods (data not 15 s each and allowed to cool for 10 min; Bruland et
shown). al., 2001; Bruland and Rue, 2001). This pretreatment
The conditions used for cleaning were different for coupled with ACSV has been shown to provide an
both types of filters and were as follows: PCTE filters accurate measurement of total dissolved Fe in samples
were individually rinsed with Milli-Qk H2O and that originally were influenced by strong Fe-binding
placed in a sealed plastic container to allow sequential organic ligands or colloids that bind the Fe under
soakings with either HCl or HNO3 over a period of ambient conditions. The acidified and microwaved
several weeks [6 M HCl for 2 weeks, 2 M HNO3 for 2 samples were then neutralized slowly using 10 Al
weeks, 3 M HCl for 3 weeks, 4 M HNO3 for 1 week, additions of 1 M Q-NH4OH, followed by the
1 M Q-HCL (quartz subboiled hydrochloric acid) for immediate addition of 27.5 AM of SA as the
1 week]. Care was taken to separate the filters in each competing ligand and the buffer (Rue and Bruland,
acid bath and during batch rinses to ensure complete 1995, 1997). On a subset of samples, labile dissolved
flushing of the solutions between each filter. The iron was determined with no acidification or micro-
filters were batch rinsed between acids with Milli-Qk wave pretreatment prior to adding the buffer and 27.5
H2O until the pH of the rinse water remained pH 4.5– AM of SA. For these labile iron determinations, a 15-
5. After the last soaking with 1M Q-HCl, the filters min equilibration step was used prior to the ACSV
were individually rinsed with quartz subboiled, determination.
distilled water (Q-H2O) and placed to dry in a class Dissolved Fe was also determined in our shore-
100 clean bench in the same Q-H2O-rinsed plastic based clean-lab for seawater samples acidified for N6
container used to clean the filters. The dried filters months to a pH of 1.7–1.8 using 4 ml of 6 M Q-HCl/l
were placed individually into similarly acid-cleaned sea water. A modified PDC/DDC (pyrrolidine- and
polyethylene zipper bags until use. This rigorous diethyl-dithiocarbamate) organic solvent extraction
cleaning procedure allows for the subsequent diges- technique described in Bruland et al. (1979) was
tion of the filter and particulates for determination of used. The modified procedure uses 1 ml of 1.6% w/w
low-level suspended particulate trace metal concen- of PDC/DDC in 1% w/w Q-NH4OH (purified by
trations from open ocean samples. extracting 15 ml then 43 ml with Q-CHCl3) added
The Teflonk membrane polypropylene capsule to 250 g of seawater then buffered to pH 4.3–4.5 with
Calyxk (Osmonics) filters were cleaned by pumping saturated Q-ammonium acetate (Q-NH4Ac, cleaned in
the different solutions through a string of eight capsule a similar manner to the PDC/DDC) and extracted into
filters connected inline with Bev-a-linek tubing and 8 and 6 ml of Q-CHCl3. No nitric acid back extraction
polypropylene JACOk fittings. The capsules were was performed in order to minimize recovery losses
filled with Optimak grade (Fisher Scientific) meth- for cobalt and possible contamination during back-
anol to wet the hydrophobic Teflonk membrane then extraction. Instead, both chloroform extracts were
emptied and rinsed with Milli-Qk H2O until all combined in a 125-ml Teflonk separatory funnel
methanol was removed. The filters were then filled containing 5 ml of Q-H2O to rinse the organic phase
with 4 M HNO3 taking care to remove all air and of any seawater salts carried over with the extracted
soaked for one week. After rinsing with Milli-Qk H2O trace metals in the chloroform phase. The chloroform
until the pH was 4.5–5, the filters were filled with 4 M was then drained into quartz beakers containing 100
HCl taking care to remove all air and soaked for another Al of concentrated Q-HNO3 and gently evaporated
2 weeks. The filters were rinsed again with Milli-Qk overnight on a hotplate in a class 100 clean-hood. The
H2O until the pH was 4.5–5 and then individually residue was further oxidized to a slight amber color
stored with Milli-Qk H2O inside until use. with the addition and drying of two more 100 Al
Dissolved iron was measured by two different aliquots of Q-HNO3 before transfer with three 500 Al
methods. Dissolved Fe was determined at sea using aliquots of 1 M Q-HNO3 into a preweighed 1.5 ml
adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry (ACSV) on polypropylene microcentrifuge tube. Extraction
samples that had been acidified to pH~1.7 with 6 M blanks were prepared by reextracting previously
Q-HCl and microwaved at 1100 W for 30 s extracted seawater using exactly the same conditions
(approximately 50-ml samples microwaved twice for as described for the samples. Iron concentrations in
86 K.W. Bruland et al. / Marine Chemistry 93 (2005) 81–103
Fig. 2. Data from surface transects 6 to 10: temperature (A), salinity (B), nitrate (C), silicic acid (D), dissolved Fe (E), depth (F), chlorophyll a
(G) and phosphate (H).
a filament of upwelled water that had been advected There was a corresponding drop of roughly 5 AM
offshore. Dissolved Fe increased slightly to 0.1 nM and nitrate and silicic acid. Interestingly, there was also a
Chl a markedly increased to values of 4 to 6 Ag/l. Along decrease in phosphate concentration, but it was a
with this increase in Chl a, there was a tripling of the disproportionately high decrease with respect to Red-
average geometric size of the large eukaryotic fraction field ratio stoichiometry. Within a few tenths of a
of the phytoplankton biomass (Trick, personal com- degree longitude, temperature and salinity increased
munication) and diatoms dominated the phytoplankton again, Chl a and dissolved Fe dropped back down, and
community (DiTullio et al., submitted for publication). nitrate, silicic acid, and phosphate increased (Fig. 2).
88 K.W. Bruland et al. / Marine Chemistry 93 (2005) 81–103
During transect 9, the shelf break was encountered concentration was only 2 Ag/l (Fig. 3F) and dissolved
at 81.18W longitude (Fig. 2F). Coincident with the oxygen was approximately 50% of saturation in this
sharp shelf break at 90 m depth, dissolved Fe near-shore upwelled water. Dissolved Fe varied from
increased markedly in the surface waters and became 8 to 16 nM in the near-shore upwelled waters (Fig.
highly variable over the shelf region, nitrate, and 3E). Moving offshore, there was a rapid rise in
silicic acid decreased abruptly and Chl a increased temperature, a rapid decrease in nitrate, silicic acid,
and reached values of 10 Ag/l. The phytoplankton phosphate and dissolved Fe, and a massive phyto-
community in these high Chl a waters near the shelf plankton bloom with Chl a concentrations up to 27
break consisted of 80–90% diatoms (DiTullio et al., Ag/l. The bloom was N95% diatoms (based upon
submitted for publication). pigment data), with F v/F m ratios exceeding 0.6
Transect 10 continued over the inner shelf region (DiTullio et al., submitted for publication). This
and to within 2 km of the shoreline where cold, region is a prime example of the bbrown waters of
freshly upwelled waters were encountered. At the PeruQ described by Strickland et al. (1969). In the
near-shore portion of Transect 10, the temperature surface waters with the highest Chl a concentrations,
dropped to 15 8C, salinity was close to 35.0, nitrate silicic acid was drawn down to less than 1 AM and
and silicic acid were both approximately 30 AM, phosphate to 0.2 AM. There was a 1:1 correspondence
phosphate increased to 2.3 AM, and dissolved Fe was between the Chl a increase (in Ag/l) and the silicic
approximately 10 nM. In these freshly upwelled acid drawdown (in AM). The 14 to 15 AM decrease in
surface waters, dissolved oxygen was only 20% of nitrate (plus nitrite) was half the decrease in silicic
saturation, and Chl a only 0.5 Ag/l. All of these acid and only half the decrease expected relative to
parameters are indicative of extremely fresh upwelled the 2 AM decrease in phosphate.
water, sampled prior to significant phytoplankton Moving further offshore (at 79.58W longitude),
bloom development. Photosynthetic competency in Chl a dropped to levels of 4 to 5 Ag/l and dissolved Fe
these freshly upwelled near-shore waters was rela- was on the order of 0.5 nM, while nitrate concen-
tively low with F v/F m values of 0.2 to 0.3 (DiTullio et trations increased to 15–18 AM, silicic acid increased
al., submitted for publication). Although Fe and to approximately 10 AM and phosphate to 1.3 AM
macronutrient concentrations were nonlimiting, there (Fig. 3). Cryptophytes dominated the phytoplankton
appeared to be a short lag period for phytoplankton to assemblage in these waters between 79.58W and
acclimate to the higher light levels experienced upon 80.08W (DiTullio et al., submitted for publication).
upwelling and to bshift upQ nutrient assimilation rates At the end of Transect 11 and the beginning of
(MacIsaac et al., 1985). Moving back offshore along Transect 12 (about 80.48W), there was a salinity and
transect 10, Chl a increased to 10 Ag/l, and there were temperature increase indicative of a warm-core eddy.
corresponding decreases in nitrate, silicic acid, The dissolved Fe increased to ~1 nM in the core of
phosphate, and dissolved Fe associated with the this higher salinity feature.
diatom bloom. F v/F m values increased to 0.5 in the Further offshore in Transect 12 was a relatively
diatom-dominated region of Transect 10 where homogeneous region of the Peru Current with
relatively high Chl a concentrations (ca. 10 Ag/l) elevated macronutrients (nitrate 16 AM, silicic acid 8
were observed. to 9 AM and phosphate 1.2 AM), low dissolved Fe (0.1
nM) and low Chl a (1 Ag/l). This was an HNLC, bblue
3.1.2. Transects 11 and 12 (Fig. 3) waterQ region of the Peru Current. The dominant
Transects 11 and 12 comprise a second surface phytoplankton was the Type-4 haptophyte, Phaeocys-
transect across the broad region of the northern Peru tis globosa (DiTullio et al., submitted for publication).
shelf beginning near shore and extending offshore This outer part of Transect 12 was another HNLC area
into blue water (Fig. 1A and B). Transect 11 was in which Hutchins et al. (2002) demonstrated Fe
initiated within 2 km offshore in waters with surface limitation in shipboard incubation experiments.
temperatures as low as 15.2 8C, salinity below 35.0, At the extreme outer part of Transect 12, the
nitrate 23 AM, silicic acid 27 AM and phosphate 2.3 temperature and salinity increased markedly as the
AM (Fig. 3A, B, C, D, and G). The Chl a northeastern boundary of the South Pacific central
K.W. Bruland et al. / Marine Chemistry 93 (2005) 81–103 89
Fig. 3. Data from surface transects 11 and 12: temperature (A), salinity (B), nitrate (C), silicic acid (D), dissolved Fe (E), chlorophyll a (F) and
phosphate (G). The dissolved iron was determined by two separate methods: (o) adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry and (w) solvent
extraction/graphite furnace atomic absorption. See text for details.
gyre was encountered. In this case, macronutrients 3.1.3. Transect 13 and 14 (Fig. 4)
remained elevated, dissolved Fe remained extremely Transects 13 and 14 comprised a surface transect
low, and HNLC conditions continued into the gyre off central Peru over another region with a relatively
waters. Thomas (1979) has shown that these HNLC broad continental shelf (Fig. 1A and B). Transect 13
conditions continue offshore into lower-latitude originated near shore in waters with relatively low
regions of the South Pacific gyre for over 1000 km. salinity (35.0), but with elevated temperatures (16 to
90 K.W. Bruland et al. / Marine Chemistry 93 (2005) 81–103
17 8C) compared to further offshore (Fig. 4A and B). oxygen and evidence of denitrification), subsurface
These near-shore waters appeared to have warmed waters were within 22 m of the surface. The difference
and aged, allowing the nitrate and silicic acid to be between Transect 13 and 11 is that the near-shore
depleted and the Chl a to increase to about 20 Ag/l waters of Transect 13 had warmed and a phytoplank-
(Fig. 4C, D, and F). Suboxic (e.g., b5 AM dissolved ton bloom had already occurred. Moving offshore, the
Fig. 4. Data from surface transects 13 and 14: temperature (A), salinity (B), nitrate (C), silicic acid (D), dissolved Fe (E), chlorophyll a (F) and
phosphate (G). The dissolved iron was determined by two separate methods: (o) adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry and (w) solvent
extraction/graphite furnace atomic absorption. See text for details.
K.W. Bruland et al. / Marine Chemistry 93 (2005) 81–103 91
temperature dropped to between 15 and 16 8C, and the Peru Current was low in Chl a and contained nitrate at
macronutrients and Chl a were highly variable. concentrations between 10 and 15 AM. By 788W, we
Extremely high Chl a concentrations (20 to 45 Ag/l) had moved further into the offshore region of the Peru
were observed at longitude 76.68W to 76.98W and the Current and the nitrate and silicic acid were both
biomass was dominated by large diatoms (Trick, about 5 AM and the phosphate 1 AM. The dissolved
personal communication). Based upon pigment anal- Fe was a few tenths of a nanomolar in concentration.
ysis, diatoms composed N90% of the phytoplankton The Chl a concentration was 1 Ag/l or less. We
biomass in this region and F v/F m ratios of ~0.6 were appeared to be in another blue water HNLC water
observed (DiTullio et al., submitted for publication). mass, although this time, the offshore dissolved Fe
Surface waters with Chl a values this high provide an concentrations (~0.3 nM) were slightly higher than
excellent example of the bbrown waters of PeruQ— observed on the other transects.
visually, the color of the sea was a chocolate brown.
In the surface waters with Chl a concentrations above 3.1.4. Transect 15 and 16 (Figs. 5 and 6)
35 Ag/l, the nitrate was drawn down to concentrations Transects 15 and 16 took place off southern Peru in
approaching 1 AM. In this brown water region with a region with a narrow shelf (Fig. 1A and B). Transect
such an extensive diatom bloom, the dissolved Fe had 15 started near shore in upwelled surface waters with
also been depleted to relatively low concentrations as a temperature of ~14 8C and salinity between 34.70
a result of the high biomass accumulation and and 34.85 (Fig. 5A and B). These were recently
resultant high iron assimilation. upwelled waters with nitrate and silicic acid between
In this high-Chl brown water region between 15 and 20 AM, dissolved Fe between 1 and 2 nM, and
76.68W and 77.08W, we observed a difference in the Chl a between 1 and 1.5 Ag/l (Fig. 5C, D, E, and F).
dissolved Fe concentrations determined by the two As we moved offshore in Transect 15, the temperature
analytical methods (Fig. 4E). The shipboard ACSV and salinity both rose markedly as the offshore Peru
method determined dissolved Fe on samples that had Current was entered. Nitrate and silicic acid concen-
been acidified and microwaved prior to analysis, trations dropped to about 5 AM in this offshore water
while the dithiocarbamate/solvent extraction GFAAS mass. In an attempt to find surface waters with higher
method determined dissolved Fe on samples that had macronutrients and low dissolved Fe, we changed
been stored acidified in excess of 6 months. In other course and went parallel to the coast and eventually
water types, we observed excellent agreement reentered colder, lower-salinity, macronutrient-rich
between these two methods. However, in these surface water.
extremely high-Chl a brown waters, the ACSV Transect 16 returned parallel to the coast in a
method determined approximately 0.1 nM dissolved southeast direction (Fig. 1A) and entered in and out of
Fe, while the GFAAS method determined approx- colder, lower-salinity, nutrient-rich waters (Fig. 6A, B,
imately 0.8 nM dissolved Fe. In these extremely high- C, and D). Temperature and salinity covaried remark-
chlorophyll brown waters, the ACSV method had an ably closely during both Transects 15 and 16. During
interfering peak appear in the iron region of the Transect 16, Chl a varied between 0.4 and 1.0 Ag/l (Fig.
voltammograms. The Fe(SA)2 reduction peak was on 6F) and dissolved Fe was generally between 0.1 and 0.2
the shoulder of this interfering peak and a marked nM (Fig. 6E). During Transect 16, we sampled freshly
decrease in sensitivity was observed. It appeared that a upwelled waters with low dissolved Fe concentrations
high concentration of surfactant or interferent was (0.1 to 0.2 nM) that would result in Fe-limited
present in these intense bloom conditions. This conditions for diatom blooms almost from the start.
discrepancy between results obtained by the two
methods and this difference was only obvious in this 3.2. Vertical profiles/subsurface waters
extreme, high-Chl, brown water region of Transect 13.
Moving offshore past longitude 77.28W in Transect In an attempt to characterize subsurface source
13, the temperature and salinity both increased waters prior to upwelling in the Peru region, we
markedly as we moved into a new water mass and obtained a series of vertical profiles. Fig. 7A presents
left the brown water behind. This offshore water of the dissolved Fe data from three vertical profiles collected
92 K.W. Bruland et al. / Marine Chemistry 93 (2005) 81–103
Fig. 5. Data from surface transect 15: temperature (A), salinity (B), nitrate (C), silicic acid (D), dissolved Fe (E), chlorophyll a (F), and
phosphate (G).
along Transects 11 and 12 off northern Peru. The first (%) oxygen saturation, nitrate, nitrite, and phosphate
vertical profile was taken over the broad inner shelf profiles from this station. The waters were suboxic at
off northern Peru, with a bottom depth of 58 m depths deeper than 28 m, and values of 8 AM nitrite
(Station 18, Fig. 7B). At this station, near-bottom were observed in the suboxic zone. There was a
samples from 52 m depth in the middle of the suboxic gradient of dissolved Fe from 10 to 50 nM at depths
waters had a dissolved Fe concentration of 48 to 51 of 24 to 52 m, with concentrations increasing towards
nM. Fig. 8E and F presents the temperature, percent the sediments within the suboxic waters (Fig. 7A).
K.W. Bruland et al. / Marine Chemistry 93 (2005) 81–103 93
Fig. 6. Data from surface transect 16: temperature (A), salinity (B), nitrate (C), silicic acid (D), dissolved Fe (E), chlorophyll a (F), and
phosphate (G).
A second profile was obtained about 200 km suboxic waters was 2.3 to 3.8 nM (Fig. 7A). A third
offshore just off the shelf break over the Peru Trench profile was obtained at approximately 400 km off-
(Station 19, Fig. 7B). At this station, the surface shore at the outer edge of the Peru Current at the
mixed layer extended down to 40 m depth and the boundary of the South Pacific central gyre (Station 20,
waters were suboxic at depths from 70 to 130 m with Fig. 7B). Here, the mixed layer extended to a depth of
nitrite concentrations of 7 AM (Fig. 8C and D). Here, 50 m and oxygen-depleted suboxic waters were
the dissolved Fe at 80 m depth in the core of the observed below 75 m and extending to 200 m (Fig.
94 K.W. Bruland et al. / Marine Chemistry 93 (2005) 81–103
Fig. 7. Vertical profiles of dissolved Fe at three stations (18, 19, and 20) along transect 11 and 12: the profiles include an inner shelf station (18),
a station just off the shelf break (19), and a station in the offshore Peru Current (20). The station locations are shown in the figure on the right.
Also shown is the location of a station over the shelf off central Peru (25).
8A). Nitrite concentrations were 6 AM in the core of boundary region. This was also the apparent source
the suboxic zone (Fig. 8B). In this offshore profile, water for the remarkable brown water bloom con-
dissolved Fe concentrations were less than 1 nM (Fig. ditions (with Chl a values up to 45 Ag/l) observed in
7A). The subsurface water at all three stations along the overlying near-shore waters of Transect 13.
this transect was suboxic with between 6 and 8 AM The region off southern Peru has a narrow
nitrite and with nitrate anomalies clearly evident. At continental shelf (Fig. 1B). The subsurface waters
each station, a strong nitrate anomaly was observed, are still suboxic, but do not have a broad expanse of
but there was always at least 10 AM nitrate remaining shelf sediments with which they are in contact. Near-
in the suboxic waters. The existence of at least 10 AM bottom samples (within 5 to 10 m of the bottom) were
nitrate, together with the 6 to 8 AM nitrite indicates collected from depths of 40 to 65 m on transects T-16,
that suboxic conditions, not anoxic conditions, existed T-17 and T-18. In each case, the surface waters had
(Rue et al., 1997). The high dissolved Fe concen- low dissolved Fe—less than 0.2 nM. Near-bottom
trations observed near shore in proximity with the dissolved Fe concentrations in this region with a
shelf sediments do not extend offshore into the narrow continental shelf ranged from 1.4 to 4.3 nM.
ocean’s interior although high nitrite and suboxic The highest concentration observed in the near-
conditions still persisted in these offshore subsurface bottom shelf waters in this southern region were more
waters. than an order-of-magnitude lower than the concen-
A subsurface near-bottom sample was also trations observed over the broad shelf region off
obtained over a wide shelf region off central Peru. northern and central Peru.
We chose a site with a bottom depth of 65 m and
obtained a sample from a depth of 60 m (Station 25, 3.3. Size fractionated Chl a data
Fig. 7B). At this station, the waters were suboxic
beneath a depth of 28 m with elevated nitrite present Size-fractionated Chl a data were obtained on a
along with 10 AM nitrate (Fig. 8G and H). The subset of the Chl a determinations and are presented
dissolved Fe at this central Peru location was 118 nM. in Fig. 9. When the Chl a concentration was greater
This is the highest concentration of dissolved Fe we than 5 Ag/l, the percentage of chlorophyll in the N8
have observed in the coastal waters of any eastern Am size fraction was N75% and averaged close to
K.W. Bruland et al. / Marine Chemistry 93 (2005) 81–103
Fig. 8. Vertical profiles of temperature (o) and percent (%) oxygen saturation (w) for the offshore Peru Current station 20 (A), station 19 just off the shelf break (C), and stations 18
and 25 located over the inner shelf (E and G, respectively). Nitrate (.), Nitrite ( S) and phosphate (o) are presented in B, D, F and H, corresponding to A, C, E and G, respectively.
96 K.W. Bruland et al. / Marine Chemistry 93 (2005) 81–103
how the F v/F m ratio varies in the Peru upwelling waterQ region of the Peru Current. In this region, F v/
regime, we present a small subset of results from F m ratios ranged from values of 0.15 to 0.30. These
DiTullio et al. (submitted for publication) for two low F v/F m values are indicative of resource limitation
portions of one of the key surface transects (Transect of the phytoplankton community—suggestive of Fe-
11/12) that traversed both brown and blue water limited conditions (Behrenfeld et al., 1996; Behren-
regions. A portion of Transect 12 (Fig. 10E, F, G, and feld and Falkowski, 1999). Indeed, the dissolved Fe
H) provides a good example of a low-iron bblue concentrations were between 0.05 and 0.1 nM—
Fig. 10. Selected subsets of data for Transect 11 and Transect 12 representing bblue waterQ and bbrown waterQ regions of the Peru upwelling
system. Presented are underway fluorescence and chlorophyll a (A and E), F v/F m (B and F), nitrate (o) and silicic acid ( R) (C and G), and
dissolved Fe (D and H).
98 K.W. Bruland et al. / Marine Chemistry 93 (2005) 81–103
concentrations that would be limiting to populations case, there was adequate iron available to drive the
of coastal diatoms (Bruland et al., 2001; Firme et al., macronutrient assimilation, resulting in a large diatom
2003). Macronutrient concentrations in this region bloom in these shelf waters. Ferredoxin, rather than
were nonlimiting. flavodoxin, was dominant in phytoplankton from this
DiTullio et al. (submitted for publication) also region (DiTullio et al., submitted for publication).
report flavodoxin and ferredoxin values determined Thus, both of these biological indicators point to Fe-
on phytoplankton samples collected during these replete conditions in this bbrown waterQ part of
various transects. A response common to phytoplank- Transect 11. This massive diatom bloom is consistent
ton subjected to Fe-deplete conditions is the sub- with the time and space domain reported by MacIsaac
stitution of ferredoxin with flavodoxin, a non-Fe et al. (1985) who state that the cycle from initial
containing functional equivalent (LaRoche et al., upwelling to bloom development and nutrient draw-
1996). Elevated expression of flavodoxin in a range down in this region is completed in 8 to 10 days
of diatom species tested is induced by Fe limitation, within 30 to 60 km off the coast.
suggesting that ferredoxin and flavodoxin can be used Codispoti et al. (1982), in a comparison of eastern
as diagnostic markers of physiological Fe-status in the boundary upwelling regions, concluded that the high
ocean. In the blue water region of Transect 12, only biological productivity of the Peruvian upwelling
flavodoxin was observed in algal populations domi- system may be linked to the ability of the phyto-
nated by haptophytes indicating Fe-stress conditions plankton to take up and utilize nitrate at an extra-
(DiTullio et al., submitted for publication). ordinary rate. We suggest that a critical factor leading
Hutchins et al. (2002) performed a series of Fe- to these especially high rates off Peru is the co-
amendment experiments at a station at the outermost occurrence of high macronutrient and high iron
part of Transect 12 in the low Fe, HNLC, blue water concentrations in the euphotic zone. This suggestion
region (referred to as the Peru Current Station). Initial is supported by the maximal F v/F m ratios in excess of
F v/F m ratios in their samples were 0.27 and in the 0.6. This situation occurs over the broad shelf regions
bottles to which Fe was added, rapid increases in F v/ off northern and central Peru where high-chlorophyll
F m were observed, peaking on day 3. Bottles with an brown waters are found.
addition of 2.5 nM dissolved Fe reached maximum
F v/F m ratios of 0.47. These increases in F v/F m are 4.2. Sources of dissolved Fe in the Peru upwelling
consistent with Fe being the limiting nutrient and with system
the lack of iron inhibiting the photosynthetic com-
petence or F v/F m of the phytoplankton community in Extremely high concentrations of dissolved Fe
this region. The +2.5 nM dissolved Fe addition were observed in subsurface suboxic waters in contact
resulted in Chl a increasing from just under 1 Ag/l with shelf sediments off northern and central Peru at
to a maximum of 8 Ag/l on day 4 of the incubation. depths of 40 to 100 m. These near-bottom waters over
The increase in Chl a was primarily due to pennate the broad shelf areas off northern and central Peru had
diatoms and haptophytes that responded to the Fe dissolved Fe concentrations ranging from 48 to 118
additions at this offshore station (Hutchins et al., nM. These values are consistent with those observed
2002). by Hong and Kester (1986) who reported concen-
trations of dissolved Fe(II) greater than 50 nM in the
4.1.2. bBrown watersQ suboxic near-bottom shelf water at depths of 40 to 100
The near-shore region of Transect 11 provides a m within 5 to 10 km of the coast off central Peru.
good example of high-Chl bbrown waters of Peru.Q In Although the suboxic conditions and high nitrite
the high-Chl a, high-iron regions, F v/F m ratios were values persist far offshore (Fig. 7C and D), the
greater than or equal to 0.6 (Fig. 10A, B, C and D). dissolved Fe concentrations rapidly diminish away
These are remarkably high F v/F m ratios for natural from the shelf (Fig. 6). This is consistent with the
populations and indicate exceptionally high photo- redox conditions of Fe in suboxic waters (Rue et al.,
synthetic competency, suggesting that the phytoplank- 1997), in that the tendency is for particle-reactive
ton community was growing at optimal rates. In this Fe(III) to be the thermodynamically stable form of
K.W. Bruland et al. / Marine Chemistry 93 (2005) 81–103 99
iron in the suboxic waters of the eastern tropical plankton bloom would have drawn down the dis-
Pacific. It takes anoxic conditions for Fe(II) to be the solved Fe originally present in freshly upwelled waters
thermodynamically stable form of iron (Rue et al., of this region, and concentrations of only 1 to 3 nM
1997). Hong and Kester (1986) argued for a shelf were observed at this time. In Transect 15 off southern
sediment source for the high concentrations of Fe(II) Peru (Fig. 5E), freshly upwelled waters contained 1 to
they observed in the near-bottom shelf waters. It 2 nM dissolved Fe, while in Transect 16 (Fig. 6E),
appears that the organic-rich shelf sediments can freshly upwelled waters had only 0.1 to 0.3 nM
provide a substantial source of iron to the near-shore dissolved Fe and diatoms comprised b20% of the total
suboxic water column that can be upwelled into the Chl a biomass. Thus, upwelled waters off Peru vary
surface photic zone. markedly in the amount of dissolved Fe initially
Both analytical techniques used in this study for entrained along with the macronutrients. High rates of
the determination of dissolved Fe measure the sum of diatom production on the Peruvian shelf are dependent
Fe(II) and Fe(III) and do not distinguish between upon an adequate supply of dissolved Fe. As a result
dissolved iron in these two oxidation states. We did of the broad range of initial conditions occurring in the
examine the electrochemical lability of the dissolved coastal upwelling waters off Peru, a mosaic of Fe-
Fe in these subsurface waters. At the shelf station off replete to Fe-deplete conditions develops, similar to
northern Peru, we observed the following results: at what has been observed off central California (Hutch-
52 m depth, 39 nM of the 48 nM total dissolved Fe ins et al., 1998; Bruland et al., 2001).
was labile, and at 40 m depth, 16 of the 21.5 nM Bruland et al. (2001) discussed how phytoplankton
dissolved Fe was labile. At the shelf station off central Fe assimilation varies in a non-Redfield manner
Peru, 73 nM was labile out of 118 nM total dissolved depending upon the availability of iron. They exam-
Fe. Labile dissolved iron is that iron that exchanges ined laboratory data for coastal diatoms generated by
with the competing ligand SA (27.5 AM) when there Sunda and Huntsman (1995) and estimated Fe/C
has been no pretreatment of the sample (e.g., no ratios (Amol Fe/mol C) as a function of available
acidification or microwave pretreatment). This large [FeV]. This variable relationship can be used to
fraction of labile Fe is consistent with the bulk of the evaluate the drawdown of iron relative to nitrate.
dissolved Fe in this suboxic shelf water existing as Fig. 11A presents scenarios of dissolved iron and
soluble Fe(II), rather than as a less-reactive Fe(III) nitrate drawdown for various starting conditions
colloidal form. where an upwelled parcel of water undergoes a
The near-bottom waters in the narrow shelf region phytoplankton bloom. The nitrate is plotted as a
off southern Peru, although they were also suboxic, function of [FeV], where in this case, [FeV] includes all
contained relatively low concentrations of dissolved the biologically available iron. In the defined labo-
Fe—values ranging from 1.4 to 4.6 nM. As a result, ratory studies of Sunda, the [FeV] referred to the sum
only waters upwelling over the broad shelf regions off of inorganic forms of Fe(III) ([Fe(OH)2+], [Fe(OH)3o]
northern and central Peru are likely to have high and [Fe(OH)4 ]), with Fe chelated to EDTA being
concentrations of the micronutrient Fe entrained along nonavailable. The scenario starting with 12 nM Fe and
with high concentrations of macronutrients. Transect 30 AM nitrate represents initial conditions that might
10 (Fig. 2E) had dissolved Fe concentrations of 10 nM be representative of upwelled waters in the near-shore
in freshly upwelled waters. Transect 11 (Fig. 3E) regions off northern and central Peru. In this case, the
obtained over northern Peru had dissolved Fe con- initial Fe/C ratio assimilated by diatoms would be
centrations of 6 to 16 nM in the high-nutrient freshly approximately 300 Amol/mol, and Fe is rapidly drawn
upwelled waters. In Transect 13, a massive phyto- down relative to nitrate. As the Fe concentration
plankton bloom with Chl a concentrations up to 45 decreases, the Fe/C assimilation ratio of the diatoms
Ag/l had already occurred along the coast by the time markedly decreases, and the slope of Fe to nitrate
we sampled (Fig. 4F). When this area was sampled, removal decreases. As the Fe drops below 1 nM, the
the winds had previously died down and the system Fe/C ratio drops to 20 Amol/mol. Eventually, as the Fe
was in the midst of a relaxation event, with a massive becomes depleted to the point where it limits the
diatom bloom already present. This extensive phyto- growth rate, the Fe/C assimilation ratio of coastal
100 K.W. Bruland et al. / Marine Chemistry 93 (2005) 81–103
this could keep providing a source of water with high portion of the South Pacific subtropical gyre and into
Fe relative to nitrate that could keep diatoms growing the equatorial Pacific has the lowest dust input of
at near optimal rates. In fact, a scenario whereby the anywhere in the oceans. Moore et al. (2002) have
available Fe is maintained at approximately 1 to 2 nM developed a model that yields estimates of dissolved
would be more ideal than providing an initial large Fe in these waters of only 5 to 30 pM—the lowest
concentration of 10 to 20 nM and then shutting off model values predicted for anywhere in the oceans.
any further source of nutrients. Although Fig. 11 is a This is a large area of the eastern tropical South Pacific
simplistic model of a diatom bloom developing in an that the model of Moore et al. (2002) predicts should
isolated water parcel of upwelled water, the model still be severely iron-limited. Several studies (Thomas,
demonstrates that these coastal upwelling systems 1979; Pena et al., 1994) have shown the persistence of
have a strong tendency to be driven towards Fe unused nitrate in surface waters extending far offshore
limitation, especially as sedimentation of iron-rich from the Peru upwelling region, despite irradiance and
diatom biomass exports Fe out of the surface photic stratification conditions favorable to stimulate nutrient
zone. These processes can lead to the rapid develop- uptake rates. This persistence of unused nitrate results
ment of blue water HNLC conditions. in an important fraction of the upwelled nitrate being
The massive blooms that occurred in Transect 13 transported away from the upwelling zone (Fiedler et
provide an example of non-Redfield removal of al., 1991). The results presented in this paper and the
dissolved Fe relative to nitrate. Presumably, high incubations carried out by Hutchins et al. (2002)
dissolved Fe concentrations were originally upwelled provide field evidence in support of the role of iron
to the surface waters along with the macronutrients. limitation being the key factor leading to the presence
The subsurface waters at this location contained of these large HNLC areas.
extremely high concentrations of dissolved iron—in MacIsaac et al. (1985) proposed an alternative
excess of 100 nM. However, the highest dissolved Fe explanation of the optimal trace metal balance of the
concentration observed in surface waters of this nutrient-rich water in this region based upon the ideas
region experiencing relaxation conditions, where a of Barber et al. (1971). These authors suggested that
bloom had already occurred, were only 2 nM. In the the alongshore flow of the poleward undercurrent
region where the bloom was the most pronounced comes into contact with the reducing sediments of the
(with Chl a concentrations between 35 and 45 Ag/l), Peruvian shelf, and that during this contact, the source
the dissolved Fe was less than 1 nM (Fig. 4E). We water for upwelling gains manganese from the
suggest that these upwelled waters had initially reduced sediment and loses copper as an insoluble
contained extremely high dissolved Fe that had been sulfide. They suggest that increased manganese ion
subsequently assimilated and depleted by both the concentrations and decreased copper ion concentra-
high diatom biomass and luxury Fe-uptake during tions provide the trace metal ion balance required for
early stages of the bloom. Because of the low-wind maximal growth rates by phytoplankton in such
relaxation conditions that existed during Transect 13, nutrient-rich water. We suggest, however, that the
we sampled the system just as the bloom was peaking role of iron as a micronutrient is far more important in
and iron was depleted. providing the optimum trace metal balance to the Peru
On every surface transect, once we moved offshore coastal upwelling regime, rather than optimal Mn and
of the shelf break, the Peru upwelling system became Cu concentrations.
an iron-limited HNLC or bblue waterQ regime. Any The impetus for this study was to examine the role
upwelling or fresh supply of subsurface nutrients of iron limitation in the Peru upwelling regime and the
occurring off the shelf break would provide low impact of a broad shelf to serve as an iron trap and
concentrations of dissolved Fe along with the provide an external source of iron in a similar manner
enhanced macronutrients and would quickly evolve to what we have previously observed off central
into a Fe-limited HNLC regime. California. We have shown unambiguously that iron
Modeling studies of dust transport and deposition plays an important role in the Peru upwelling system.
(Mahowald et al., 1999) suggest that this offshore In northern and central Peru, where a broad shelf
region of Peru extending out into the northeastern exists, there is a substantial external supply of iron
102 K.W. Bruland et al. / Marine Chemistry 93 (2005) 81–103
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