Project Charter
Project Charter
Project Charter
Project Charter
1. System Objective:
The objective of the new Internet Administration System is to provide an unrestricted
Internet connection for Ad hoc wireless and wired users – while tracking the amount of time
and bandwidth consumed so that customers will be billed appropriately. The information
gathered from this system will then enable the Marketing team to focus it's advertising across
southern Ontario.
In order to be successful this project must have all of the core features completed by April
25, 2007. Nice to have features will be given a priority, and completed as time allows.
2. Project Roles/Responsibilities:
Nathan Joyes Project Manager and Systems Developer
Rob United Managing Partner International Internet Café
Cheryl United Managing Partner International Internet Café
Judy Foreman CFO International Internet Café
Cera Jones Marketing Director International Internet Café
Branch Manager Systems Requirements Resource
Host/Hostess Systems Requirements Resource
3. Business Benefits:
The immediate benefit from the Internet Administration System will be increased availability
for the customers who wish to use the Internet. Rather then having to wait for a free
computer or a host/hostess's help, a customer's personal computers may be used instead to
connect to the Internet. Other benefits will include:
• Reduced hardware expenses – Internet access will be available through personal
laptops rather than Café owned computers, this means fewer hardware repairs, and
technical support calls.
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International Internet Café
• Focused Marketing – to gain Internet access users will have to login and provide their
home address, the Marketing department can use this information to focus its
advertisements across southern Ontario.
• Redirected Staffing – less computers in the bank will also mean less staff time spent
serving the Internet customers, these staff can then be used to improve the service for
the other customers in the café.
4. System Capabilities
Functional Requirements
In order to achieve the business benefits listed, the new system will include the following
functional requirements:
• Reporting – will provide the marketing department with customer statistics, it will
also allow the customer to login, and view the current state of their account. Some of
the report will be built to show live data.*
Internet traffic usage
Internet sales by Café location
Internet sales by customer home address
Daily sales
• Track Internet Usage – will track the amount of Internet traffic that a customer uses.
Time used
Bandwidth volume and Internet services used*
Café location
Internet sites visited*
• Manage customer accounts
Credit card information
Home address
• Manage the café billing rates
Internet usage per time period
Internet usage by bandwidth used*
• Customers login to gain Internet access
Customer will be automatically logged off after X minutes, an optional choice for
the customer when they login
• Customers logoff to close Internet access
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International Internet Café
Maximum time spent online for any customer will be set by the Branch Manager
Administrator setting to automatically log customers off after X minutes of zero
Internet activity*
• Customer printing
Provide customer with the use of the café printers, automatically credit each page
printed to their account*
• Integrated with POS
integration of this system with the POS would give customers the ability to order
menu items from their computers without having to get in line*
* Functional requirements are considered to be “Nice to Have” and will be given a priority
and completed as time allows
NonFunctional Requirements
To properly support the business benefits, and functional requirements, of the new system
the following nonfunctional requirements will be included:
• Technical – front end will be a platform independent browser based application,
allowing customers with all types of operating systems connect provided they have
proper hardware
• Performance – data screens will appear on user's screens with no noticeable pauses.
Data requests will be loaded withing 3 seconds
• Usability – critical data (customer signon, customer signoff, etc.) will be available
within 5 mouse clicks
• Reliability – data snapshots of customer transactions will be taken every hour, and
saved to removable hard drive. Snap shots from hard drive to be sent offsite nightly
• Security – all confidential data will be transmitted of the network using a Secure
Socket Layer encrypted connection
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International Internet Café
5. Event Table:
Event Trigger Source Use Case Response Destination
New customer Customer signs Customer Add customer Customer added System
wants to use the up for a new
café account
Customers Customer updates Customer Update customer Customer updated System
information has their personal
changed information
Customer wishes Customer Customer Customer login Start customer System
to start using the connects to café transaction
café's Internet network and logs
Customer has Customer logs off Customer Customer log off End customer System
finished using the of system, and transaction
café's Internet disconnects from
Customer added Customer caught Branch Manager Ban Customer Customer's System
to banned list abusing the account is Customer
system disabled
Customer has Customer is System Customer End customer System
been using the automatically disconnected transaction
café's Internet for logged off of the
the maximum system
amount of time /
not been active
End of the day End of the day Café Bill Customers Build billing list System
processing is run Host/Hostess Bank
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International Internet Café
6. Project Critical Success Factors:
To ensure the success of this project, it will require:
• photocopies existing Internet sign up forms
• sample flyer's and promotional playbills, etc
• Branch Managers are available for interviews
• Customer survey to be conducted in Branch offices
• Branch Managers are available to be job shadowed
• Café Hosts/Hostesses are available to be job shadowed
• Café Hosts/Hostesses are available for interviews
7. Preliminary Technical Architecture:
To ensure the success of the project many different computer systems components will be
required. The following is a list of the requirements by location, and a description of what
the computer component does in the system.
Head Office will require one server class computer (midhigh range). It will maintain a
backup copy of the Branch office data snap shots. These snap shots will be imported into the
Head Office database for Marketing and Executive analysis. The server will run Linux,
MySQL, Tomcat, and Rsync. Head office will also require workstation class computers for
running analysis and reports.
Each Branch Office will require one server class computer (lowmid range). It will regulate
each customers Internet connections, as well as record the details about the customers Internet
activity. The server will run Linux, MySQL, and Tomcat. Branch offices will require a high
speed Internet connection, if they don't already have one. Branch offices will also require at
least one of: a wireless access point, a publicly accessible set of wired network connections,
or a public bank of computers.
8. Project Development Infrastructure:
To ensure the success of the project many different tools will be used in the development
process. The following is a list of the development tools and their descriptions that will be
used in the process. – online open source development tool that can be used for version control,
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International Internet Café
change request management, and as a project backup.
NetBeans – the enterprise version will be used to build the Analysis and Design UML
documentation, as well environment will be used in the development of the system
components in the following languages Java, JSP, C.
DBDesigner4 – this open source program will be used in the development of the required
database schemas.
libpcap – open source packet capture library that provides a high level interface to capture
network packets. This library will be used in the development of bandwidth monitoring tool.
tcpdump – open source front end to libpcap. The project source code will be used as a
reference to how to properly use the packet capture library.
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