Brinkley Chapter 6 Notes
Brinkley Chapter 6 Notes
Brinkley Chapter 6 Notes
Issue of Slavery
"Upper" Southern Issue of the Presidency
states such as VA
and MD hoped to
abolish the slave
"Lower" Southern
states such as SC
and GA refused to
partake in any union
that abolished the
slave trade.
Brinkley Chapter 6 Notes
Unresolved Issues
Issue of Trade
No definition of citizenship
No mention of slavery
James Madison "The Father of the Constitution" How could a national government exercise sovereignty concurrently with
state governments? Where did ultimate sovereignty lie?
Madison's 2 most important achievements:
All power, at all levels of government flowed ultimately from the people.
1. The question of sovereignty
Thus neither the federal government nor the state governments were truly
2. The question of limiting power sovereign.
Discontinued in 1969
Brinkley Chapter 6 Notes
ways as a continuation of the be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress
9 of the first 10 Amendments placed limits on the federal government. The Judiciary Act of 1789 provided for a Supreme Court with 6 justices and a
system of lower courts and appeals courts
The Congress created three departments of the executive branch: Though the Constitution was ratified, there remained many philosophical
Federalists Democratic - Republicans
Secretary of State Secretary of Treasury Secretary of War
Washington & Hamilton Jefferson & Madison
Brinkley Chapter 6 Notes
Hamilton was one of the most aristocratic in political philosophy. Believed in As an underdeveloped nation, the US needed good credit to secure loans from
an elite ruling class. As Treasury Secretary he devised bold policies to Dutch and British financiers. However, his plan gave enormous profits to speculators,
enhance national authority and to assist financiers and merchants. who bought depreciated securities.
Hamilton then proposed that the national government further enhance public Hamilton argued the bank would provide stability to the specie-starved American
credit by assuming the war debts of the states. This assumption plan, costing $22 economy by making loans to merchants, handling government funds, and issuing bills
million benefitted the wealthy as they also purchased depreciated bonds. of credit. These potential benefits persuaded Congress to grant Hamilton's bank a
20 year charter and send the legislation to the president for his approval.
Few members of Congress rejected Hamilton's
Jefferson and Madison opposed Hamilton's plan. Jefferson believed the bank was
plan for funding the national debt, but many
unconstitutional. Jefferson's argument rested on a strict interpretation of the
opposed his proposal to exchange new bonds for
Constitution. Jefferson told Washington that it was not a power expressly "delegated to
old certificates of indebtedness on a dollar-for-
the United States by the Constitution."
dollar basis.
Many original bond holders were forced to Hamilton preferred a loose interpretation. He told Washington that Article 1 Section 8
sell them to speculators in the 1780s at a At the insistence of Hamilton, empowered Congress to make "All Laws which shall be necessary and proper" to carry
fraction of their face value. Congress passed the bill to out the provisions of the Constitution. Washington agreed with Hamilton and signed the
exchange the bonds. national bank legislation.
Hamilton's assumption of debt proposal faced greater opposition. 3. Hamilton sought revenue to pay the annual interest on the national debt.
The funding and assumption of debts would require new sources of revenue. 2 new
Opponents argued that if the federal government took over the state debts,
the states with small debts would have to pay taxes to service the states with
large ones. 1. Excise tax on alcoholic beverages, a 2. Tariff on imports, not only to raise
tax that would burden whiskey revenue, but to protect domestic
Massachusetts, for example, owed Hamilton had to compromise distillers and small farmers who manufacturers from foreign
much more money than Virginia. with the Virginians. converted part of their corn and rye competition
into whiskey.
In exchange for northern support for placing the nation's capital in the He urged the expansion of American manufacturing but did not want a protective
South close to Virginia, the south would vote for assumption of the states' tariff but a revenue tariff. As American trade increased, customs revenue rose
debt. The land was to be chosen by George Washington. steadily and paid down the national debt.
Brinkley Chapter 6 Notes
The Federalists were most The Federalists consolidated their position by acting effectively in the
Electoral Map 1796
numerous in the commercial centers western territories and the West.
of the Northeast and in southern
Whiskey Rebellion
seaports as Charleston.
1794 - farmers in western Pennsylvania raised a major challenge to federal
authority when they refused to pay the new whiskey excise tax and began
Democratic - Republicans were
terrorizing tax collectors in the region.
stronger in the rural areas of the
South and West. Hamilton urged Washington to use the federal army and lead them into
Pennsylvania. The rebellion collapsed upon the approach of the militia.
The most glaring difference was the support of the French Revolution. The
The federal government won the allegiance of the whiskey rebels through
Federalists expressed horror and the Democratic-Republicans applauded
the democratic spirit.
The new government inherited border conflicts with Indian tribes. Both Washington and Congress tried to remain neutral
These clashes revealed another issue the Constitution did little to resolve: 1794 - British Navy began to seize American ships in the West Indies.
The place of Indian nations Hamilton was concerned, war with England ended imports from England - most
within the new federal of the revenue to maintain his financial system came from these duties
George Washington sent Chief
The Indians' legal standing.
Justice John Jay to negotiate a
settlement. Jay was instructed
The issue of land and the
to secure compensation for the
sovereignty of land
assault on American shipping.
Brinkley Chapter 6 Notes
When the diplomats arrived in 1797, three agents of French foreign minister For nearly two years, the U.S.
Talleyrand demanded a loan for France and a bribe for French officials found itself engaged in an
before any negotiations could begin. The Americans refused. undeclared war with France.
Brinkley Chapter 6 Notes