Planificare 2a 2018 2019
Planificare 2a 2018 2019
Planificare 2a 2018 2019
Semestrul I
1 My Letters The English alphabet 2.3 Participate in communication games and reproduce or create 2 S1-S2
rhymes/short messages.
10.09- 21.09
2 Hello, Magic Meeting the characters 2.2 Present a familiar person/character giving personal details 2 S3-S4
Friends! (name, gender, age, hobbies).
Hello, I’m... 24.09-05.10
3 My Family Mummy, daddy, brother, 1.2 Recognise the basic location (on, under, in front of, behind, 3 S5-S7 Vacanta
sister. in) of objects in the surrounding environment.
Bedroom, bathroom, 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of films and 08.10-26.10 27.10-04.11
living room, kitchen, songs in the English language.
garden. 2.2 Present a familiar person/character giving personal details
This is my mummy, (name, gender, age, hobbies).
Vicky. 3.1 Understand short, simple written texts used in everyday
Where’s Alvin? situations.
Is he in the kitchen? 4.1 Participate in group/class projects and create short texts.
4 My birthday Robot, clock, computer, 1.1 Respond appropriately (in basic communication situations) 2 S8-S9
bike, TV, lamp. to short, simple questions in a clear and concise way.
Square, circle, triangle, 2.1 Reproduce short and simple songs/poems. 05.11-16.11
rectangle. 3.1 Understand short, simple written texts used in everyday
This is for you. situations.
A clock. Thank you.
It’s a blue rectangle.
5 My body Head, arm, tummy, leg, 1.1 Respond appropriately (in basic communication situations) 2 S10-S11
foot. to short, simple questions in a clear and concise way.
Clap your hands, nod your 2.2 Present a familiar person/character giving personal details 19.11-30.11
head, stamp your feet, (name, gender, age, hobbies).
wave your arms. 3.1 Understand short, simple written texts used in everyday
What’s the matter? situations.
My arm hurts!
Clap your hands!
6 I can sing! Sing, dance, ride a bike, 1.1 Respond appropriately (in basic communication situations) 2 S12-S13
play football, draw. to short, simple questions in a clear and concise way.
Piano, guitar, triangle, 2.2 Present a familiar person/character giving personal details 03.12-14.12
drum, tambourine, (name, gender, age, hobbies).
recorder. 2.4 Request and give short and simple information related to the
I can dance! location of objects within the surrounding environment .
I can play the guitar! 4.1 Participate in group/class projects and create and write short
7 Fun Time 2.4 Request and give short and simple information related to the 1 S14 Scoala Altfel
location of objects within the surrounding environment .
2.1 Reproduce short and simple songs/poems. 14.01-18.01 17-21.12
2.3 Participate in communication games and reproduce or crate
rhymes/short messages. Winter
8 Happy New 2.1 Reproduce short and simple songs/poems. 2 S16-S17 Vac. Inters.
Year! 2.3 Participate in communication games and reproduce or crate
rhymes/short messages. 21.01-01.02 02.02-11.02
Semestrul al II-lea
5 Looking good! Boots, jacket, jeans, 2.3 Participate in communication games and reproduce or create 2 S9-S10 Vac.
jumper, dress, hat, T-shirt, rhymes/short messages. 22.04-06.05
shorts, vest, socks, cap, 4.1 Participate in group/class projects and create and write short 08.04-19.04 Școala Altfel
shoes. texts.
I’m wearing my jumper
and jeans.
Daddy Bear’s shorts are
Take off your shoes.
6 Round-up 2 S11-S12
7 Fun time 2.4 Request and give short and simple information related to the 2 S13-S14
location of objects within the surrounding environment .
3.1 Understand short, simple written texts used in everyday 20.05-31.05
8 Happy Easter 2.1 Reproduce short and simple songs/poems. 2 S15-S16