H135 Brochure 2018
H135 Brochure 2018
H135 Brochure 2018
002 H135
A versatile platform,
particularly tailored
for demanding hot &
high environments
H135 003
Airbus Helicopters’ lightweight, twin-engine H135® evolution remains top of its class with its distinct combination
of versatility, lowest external sound, optimum performance and new, highly attractive HELIONIX® features incl.
4-axis AFCS and Health Usage monitoring System. Benefiting from an optimized new main rotor, engine software
modifications and a new lateral air intake, the H135 provides additional payload and delivers best-in-class
performance in all engines operative (AEO), one-engine inoperative (OEI), and Performance Class 1 (PC1) operations
throughout the flight envelope. It offers extended mission capability even in the most demanding environments.
No tradeoff has been made between safety and performance. The state-of-the-art new HELIONIX® cockpit increases
pilot’s situational awareness while continuously providing the highest possible safety. The H135 is an extremely flexible
platform adaptable for a variety of missions. It remains a reference in emergency medical services (EMS) and law
enforcement missions as well as Offshore Wind operations. Its variety of aircraft configurations allow unique ad-
aptability in a range of dedicated missions such as human external cargo (HEC)/aerial work, oil & gas, commercial
transport and training.
004 H135
Aeroport International Marseille Provence -
13725 Marignane Cedex - France - 2018 -
All rights reserved, Airbus Helicopters’ logo and the names
of its products and services are registered trademarks.
Airbus Helicopters reserves the right to make configuration
and data changes at any time without notice. The facts
and figures contained in this document and expressed
in good faith do not constitute any offer or contract with
Airbus Helicopters.
Concept design by MicroMega
Photos by ©Charles Abarr, ©Olivier Balmain ,
©Laurie Gilbert , ©Franceschini Philipp , ©Ned Dawson,
©Airbus Helicopters / Patrick Penna,
©Airbus Helicopters / Jérôme Deulin.
Printed in France by SPI
Printed on PEFC certified paper originating from
sustainable forests.