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H135 Brochure 2018

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002 H135

A versatile platform,
particularly tailored
for demanding hot &
high environments
H135 003

Airbus Helicopters’ lightweight, twin-engine H135® evolution remains top of its class with its distinct combination
of versatility, lowest external sound, optimum performance and new, highly attractive HELIONIX® features incl.
4-axis AFCS and Health Usage monitoring System. Benefiting from an optimized new main rotor, engine software
modifications and a new lateral air intake, the H135 provides additional payload and delivers best-in-class
performance in all engines operative (AEO), one-engine inoperative (OEI), and Performance Class 1 (PC1) operations
throughout the flight envelope. It offers extended mission capability even in the most demanding environments.
No tradeoff has been made between safety and performance. The state-of-the-art new HELIONIX® cockpit increases
pilot’s situational awareness while continuously providing the highest possible safety. The H135 is an extremely flexible
platform adaptable for a variety of missions. It remains a reference in emergency medical services (EMS) and law
enforcement missions as well as Offshore Wind operations. Its variety of aircraft configurations allow unique ad-
aptability in a range of dedicated missions such as human external cargo (HEC)/aerial work, oil & gas, commercial
transport and training.
004 H135

The innovative Helionix® The Fenestron

avionics system This shrouded tail rotor :
• Provides high efficiency
Airbus Helicopters Cockpit Family • Ensures low vulnerability when maneuvering close to terrain
• Fully-integrated glass cockpit using three (3) • Is safe for ground personnel
large displays with full interchangeability • Has the lowest external sound signature
• 4-axis Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS)
with Unique flight envelope protection
• Auto-Hover and LPV functionality
• Part Time Display Concept
• Innovative crew alerting concept
• Single/dual or new single pilot IFR cockpit solutions
H135 005

Engines Bearingless Main Rotor (BMR)

Operators can choose between two engines options. The unique bearingless main rotor design has no main
Both feature a Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) rotor head. This reduces weight and maintenance efforts
system for optimized engine performance and safety : significantly.
• Safran Helicopter Engines ARRIUS 2B2plus Its key characteristics are an exceptional agility, control
• PRATT & WITHNEY CANADA PW206B3 response and safety on ground with rotors turning.


• Unobstructed cabin and cargo EQUIPMENT • Common cargo hook system

compartments (single/dual), HEC certified
• Volume of 5.9 m3 (208.35 cubic ft) More than 400 optional equipment • External hoist, HEC certified
•F  lat floor with integrated rails from have been certified over the years in • External cameras (tail boom and/or
the front to the rear order to reply to our customer needs. landing gear)
•E  xcellent accessibility from all sides Therefore, the H135 is the most • Electro Optical Sensor (EOS)
via two hinged cockpit doors, two versatile and flexible aircraft to use StarSafire 380HDc
wide sliding doors and two rear- for any mission. • CVFDR with PGS Vision System
hinged clamshell doors. and Helicopter Flight Data
•A  new Multi-Functional Floor as Monitoring (HFDM)
well as an HEMS floor is designed • Wireless Intercom System Polycon
by Airbus, thus removing the NEW eSERVICES New generation (PNG)
requirement to have a specific • Fleet Keeper® • Wireless Connectivity Garmin
HEMS floor laid on top of the • Flight Planner® (portable Electronic Connext
aircraft floor. The gain in payload Flight Bag (EFB) and mission). • Airbus light weight HEMS and multi
can be up to an extra 40kg. functional floor (MFF)
•T  he light-weight, ruggedized fully • Offshore Equipment such as
flat floor with hard anodized surface - Emergency float system with
improves the corrosion and scratch auto-activation and floatation up
resistance as well as the cleaning to sea state 6
and disinfection. - Emergency Life Raft System
(ELRS) certified up to sea state 6
- Helicopter Emergency Egress
Lighting System (HEELS)
• Enhanced Reality System (ERS)
006 H135

The reference helicopter for EMS, perfectly designed for

disaster management and Rescue missions
The H135 is by far the most popular helicopter for challenging HEMS operations. Quick and easy
patient loading is ensured via the large sliding doors on either side or the rear clamshell doors – even
when rotors are running. During winch operations, patients can be easily transferred into the hovering
helicopter due to long boarding steps. The H135’s external sound signature – far below the strictest
regulatory specifications - allows operations in close approach to hospitals, often situated in urban areas.

Law Enforcement Aerial Work & HEC missions

Whatever the Law Enforcement Mission requires,
the H135 is up to the challenge. With its compact
size and shrouded tail rotor, the H135 can operate in With its two powerful FADEC controlled engines,
any confined scenario with little disturbance. It’s wide, a flexible cabin with large sliding doors, small ground
unobstructed cockpit and cabin offers increased visibility footprint and multiple quick-change mission equipment,
for effective day and night observation missions. operators can employ the H135 for numerous utility/aerial
The helicopter’s quick role change capability, the low work applications. Thanks to its Human External Cargo
external sound signature, reduced maintenance time and (HEC) certified performance and procedures the H135
low operational costs at a high availability rate make it becomes the reference in the Offshore Wind, Harbor
a perfect platform for daily police operations. Piloting as well as Power Line work mission.
Furthermore Airbus offers most modern police mission
equipment including latest electro optical systems (EOS),
operator workstation, enhanced reality system (ERS) and
connectivity (Wifi, GSM, G4, SAT-COM, Tetra, down-link
systems, etc.)
H135 007

Oil & Gas Trainning

The H135’s excellent outside visibility, exceptional The H135 is the reference for light-twin training helicopter
maneuverability, long-range capability, outstanding around the world. It is the perfect helicopter for pilot
OEI (PC I) performance, high safety level and easy and mission training due to its maneuverability, flexibility,
cabin access and small footprint suit this helicopter for high visibility and low vibration levels. In addition, it is
demanding oil & gas operations. The rotorcraft’s simple equipped with the most advanced technologies available
design enables fast and easy maintenance to ensure to help instructors perform training missions in optimal
optimal dispatch availability and reduced operating costs. safety conditions (i.e. single engine training mode,
The H135 is available with latest safety and offshore automatic failure management).
equipment. The emergency floatation and emergency life Its reliability and high availability, low operating cost and
raft systems are certified up to sea state 6. mutlirole capability plus the choice of different mission
equipment make it the best-suited platform for:
• Basic training
• Advanced training
• Mission training
• Recurrent training

Private & Business Aviation

To differentiate its approach to Private & Business Aviation, Airbus Helicopters introduces ACH – Airbus Corporate
Helicopters – its exclusive brand offering end to end service-based ownership experience.
ACH provides an exclusive platform from which customers can benefit from best in class Corporate and VIP
transport solutions, tailored completion and service. ACH ensures that only the highest quality materials and the best
craftsmanship are on offer to customers.
ACH range now features the ACH prefix: ACH125, ACH130, ACH135, ACH145, ACH160, and ACH175.

Please visit our dedicated website

For more informations,
please contact :

Aeroport International Marseille Provence -
13725 Marignane Cedex - France - 2018 -
All rights reserved, Airbus Helicopters’ logo and the names
of its products and services are registered trademarks.
Airbus Helicopters reserves the right to make configuration
and data changes at any time without notice. The facts
and figures contained in this document and expressed
in good faith do not constitute any offer or contract with
Airbus Helicopters.
Concept design by MicroMega
Photos by ©Charles Abarr, ©Olivier Balmain ,
©Laurie Gilbert , ©Franceschini Philipp , ©Ned Dawson,
©Airbus Helicopters / Patrick Penna,
©Airbus Helicopters / Jérôme Deulin.
Printed in France by SPI
Printed on PEFC certified paper originating from
sustainable forests.

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