Mape Antique I
Mape Antique I
Mape Antique I
Super-fluid, salt-
resistant, fillerized
hydraulic binder, based
on lime and Eco-Pozzolan,
for making injection
slurries for consolidating
rendering. suitable mortar from the Mape-Antique
ape range.
M • Do not use Mape-Antique I for skimming
render (use Mape-Antique FC Ultrafine, Cleaning
Mape-Antique FC Civile or Slurry may be removed from tools with
Mape-Antique FC Grosso). water before it hardens. Once hardened,
cleaning is much more difficult and must
• Never add additives, fillers, sand, cement be carried out mechanically.
or other binders (lime and gypsum) to
Mape-Antique I. PACKAGING
20 kg bags.
• Do not apply Mape-Antique I if the
temperature is lower than +5°C. CONSUMPTION
Approx. 1.40 kg/dm³ (of cavities to be
Preparation of the substrate
Grout and “seal” all cracks and gaps on STORAGE
the masonry facing wall from where the 12 months in a dry, covered environment in
slurry could seep out. Drill 20-40 mm its original, unopened packaging.
diameter holes to a depth of 2/3 of the
thickness of the wall, preferably at a square SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR
pitch of 50x50 cm. If the wall is thicker PREPARATION AND APPLICATION
than 60 cm, it is better to make holes from Mape-Antique I contains special hydraulic
both sides. Fasten small tubes or injectors binders which, in contact with perspiration
or other bodily fluids, may produce an
Preparation of in place to inject the slurry. The day
Mape-Antique I irritating alkaline reaction to the eyes or
before injecting the slurry, we recommend
skin. Use protective gloves and goggles.
saturating all the inside of the structure
For further and complete information about
with water through the tubes or injectors
the safe use of our product please refer to
previously fastened in place. Saturate the
our latest version of the Material Safety
wall starting with the holes in the highest
Data Sheet.
position. Make sure the structure has
absorbed all the water before injecting
the slurry.
Preparation of the slurry Although the technical details and
Prepare Mape-Antique I in a suitable recommendations contained in this
clean container using a low-speed electric product data sheet correspond to the best
drill with a mixing attachment. Mixing by of our knowledge and experience, all the
hand is not recommended. After pouring above information must, in every case,
in approximately 7 litres of clean water for be taken as merely indicative and subject
each 20 kg bag of Mape-Antique I, to confirmation after long-term practical
slowly add the powdered binder in a application: for this reason, anyone who
continuous flow. Mix for approximately intends to use the product must ensure
5 minutes and check that the blend is well beforehand that it is suitable for the
mixed, even and free of lumps and that no envisaged application: in every case, the
Filling of the
injection pump with material has stuck to the sides and base user alone is fully responsible for any
Mape-Antique I of the container. Inject the slurry within 60 consequences deriving from the use of the
minutes of preparation. product.
Appearance: powder
Colour: white
Test Performance
Performance characteristic
method of product