The document provides a hexadecimal color gradient chart with color swatches organized into blocks of similar colors ranging from light to dark, including yellow/orange, red, red/pink/purple, green, blue, brown, and white/gray/black gradients. Each block contains multiple rows of hexadecimal color codes arranged from left to right and top to bottom, with the lightest colors starting on the top left and getting progressively darker towards the bottom right within each row.
The document provides a hexadecimal color gradient chart with color swatches organized into blocks of similar colors ranging from light to dark, including yellow/orange, red, red/pink/purple, green, blue, brown, and white/gray/black gradients. Each block contains multiple rows of hexadecimal color codes arranged from left to right and top to bottom, with the lightest colors starting on the top left and getting progressively darker towards the bottom right within each row.
The document provides a hexadecimal color gradient chart with color swatches organized into blocks of similar colors ranging from light to dark, including yellow/orange, red, red/pink/purple, green, blue, brown, and white/gray/black gradients. Each block contains multiple rows of hexadecimal color codes arranged from left to right and top to bottom, with the lightest colors starting on the top left and getting progressively darker towards the bottom right within each row.
The document provides a hexadecimal color gradient chart with color swatches organized into blocks of similar colors ranging from light to dark, including yellow/orange, red, red/pink/purple, green, blue, brown, and white/gray/black gradients. Each block contains multiple rows of hexadecimal color codes arranged from left to right and top to bottom, with the lightest colors starting on the top left and getting progressively darker towards the bottom right within each row.