Toward Unified Control of Networks of Switches and Sensors Through A Network Operating System
Toward Unified Control of Networks of Switches and Sensors Through A Network Operating System
Toward Unified Control of Networks of Switches and Sensors Through A Network Operating System
Abstract—Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are an integral platforms. The academic research community is following
part of an Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. In fact, a typi- (and in certain cases riding) this wave and today IoT is one
cal IoT service deployment considers an integrated network of of the hottest research topic in computer science, whereas it
switches and sensors (as well as actuators). In order to manage
this heterogeneous network infrastructure, the use of software is also spreading to other domains, such as transportation,
defined networking (SDN) technologies is anticipated. However, production and manufacturing, as well as environmental and
existing SDN-enabling technologies consider only isolated net- social sciences.
works and there has been no concrete solution that treats the Fig. 1 depicts a standard IoT ecosystem, where cloud ser-
whole network in a unified way. In this paper, a network oper- vices, such as SVC-1, SVC-2, and SVC-N, receive data from
ating system is proposed as a way to address the above issue.
Starting from the open network operating system, which cur- networks of sensors through a transport network of switches.
rently supports only OpenFlow networks, the proposed solution More specifically, typical IoT deployments are either per-
leverages SDN-WISE to integrate WSNs and achieves unified sys- formed vertically, i.e., along with the supporting infrastructure,
tem representation and treatment. The proposed system has been or leverage data originally generated by wireless sensor net-
prototyped and is publicly available in open source. Experiments works (WSNs) and finally stored in a data center. In the first
have been executed demonstrating that, by exploiting the pro-
posed solution, it is also possible to improve efficiency of the case, the service provider has full control over the devices,
overall network. but with increased cost and operational complexity. The cost
is significantly lower in the second case which, furthermore,
Index Terms—Internet of Things (IoT), software defined
networking (SDN), wireless sensor networks (WSNs). perfectly fits the most widely used WSN protocol stack, such
as 6LoWPAN and ZigBee. In fact, the above protocol stacks
are perfectly designed for the case in which sensor nodes for-
I. I NTRODUCTION ward data toward their sink(s). However, processing in the
ARKET forecasts released by different institutions cloud causes loss of context, as it cannot be unambiguously
M anticipate the deployment of larger and larger num-
bers of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in the near future.
described in metadata, and real-time processing cannot be
efficiently supported.
For example, the most recent study conducted by IDC for The fragmentation of the IoT landscape, due to the
Intel and the United Nations forecasts that there will be deployment of many Intranets of Things, which cannot
around 200 billion IoT devices by 2020.1 As a result of cooperate effectively and efficiently, instead of a unique
these high expectations industry is investing huge resources IoT [1], sets interoperability constraints despite the integration
in the development and deployment of IoT technologies and efforts [2], [3].
Software defined networking (SDN) solutions for WSNs
Manuscript received January 31, 2017; revised August 31, 2017; accepted
January 26, 2018. Date of publication February 12, 2018; date of cur-
come to question this way of operation, though. Indeed, by
rent version April 10, 2018. This work was supported by the European leveraging SDN technologies, it has now become feasible to
Commission in the framework of the In-Network Programmability for Next- control the infrastructure without having to deploy specific
Generation Personal Cloud Service Support Project through the Horizon
2020 Program (Call H2020-ICT-2014-1) under Grant 644672. (Corresponding
author: Giacomo Morabito.) Even though the SDN-driven approach is definitely a step
A.-C. G. Anadiotis was with CNIT UdR Catania, 95125 Catania, Italy. He toward the vision of an easily (re-)configurable IoT environ-
is now with the Data-Intensive Applications and Systems Laboratory, École
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland (e-mail:
ment, as also outlined in [4] and [5], there is still a major issue
[email protected]). that must be addressed. More specifically, traditional SDN
S. Milardo is with the Dipartimento Energia, Ingegneria dell’Informazione solutions focus on device-level protocols, thereby providing
e Modelli Matematici, University of Palermo, 90133 Palermo, Italy (e-mail:
[email protected]).
isolated views of the individual network segments consisting
G. Morabito and S. Palazzo are with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria an IoT ecosystem. In fact, considering for example that the net-
Elettrica Elettronica e Informatica, University of Catania, 95125 Catania, Italy work of switches of Fig. 1 supports OpenFlow [6] and that the
(e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]).
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2805191
WSN supports some specialized SDN solution such as SDN-
1 [Online]. Available: WISE [7] or Sensor OpenFlow [8], there will be two different
things/infographics/guide-to-iot.html SDN controllers managing each network segment. Bearing in
2327-4662 c 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
of protocols (which should be implemented as network NOSs. Recently, two open source NOSs have been pro-
application on top of the NOS). posed: 1) OpenDaylight [15] and 2) ONOS [16]. OpenDaylight
The individual components of the proposed architecture provides a project, IoTDM, which focuses on the IoT, but
have been previously described in [10]. The main goal of this it follows the data-level integration approach, rather than a
paper is to propose an architecture which accommodates the network-oriented solution, which would actually complement
above components and explain how they interact in order to existing solutions for networks of switches.2 More specif-
achieve the aforementioned contributions. Also, in this paper, ically, IoTDM does not enable the direct communication
the overall system is assessed in an application scenario involv- among devices, whereas it relies on application-level pro-
ing the use of MapReduce to process the data produced by IoT tocols, such as CoAP,3 in order to integrate heterogeneous
devices. devices. Apart from being a hybrid, rather than a pure network-
In order to maximize compatibility with relevant standards, level approach, IoTDM considers only one of the several
major requirement we considered in this paper has been existing standards and as has been well documented [2], [4],
to minimize the number of new abstractions needed in the much effort is still required in order to settle to a particular
ONOS framework and avoid any need for modifications of standard for the IoT. Even though the architectural princi-
the OpenFlow (and other) standard(s). ples between ONOS and OpenDaylight are similar, in this
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II out- paper, we build our prototype leveraging ONOS, currently sup-
lines related work in the area of SDN protocols and existing porting only OpenFlow networks, by extending it to support
NOS-based solutions for the IoT. Then, Section III provides SDN-WISE enabled WSNs.
a general view of the overall system architecture and sum-
marizes the motivation for the proposed system. Section IV III. M OTIVATION AND A RCHITECTURE
introduces the concept of the SSN, which is used to integrate
The key motivation of this paper is the realization of a
WSNs and networks of switches. The fundamental opera-
unified system which enables the communication among het-
tions offered by the proposed system, namely sensor node
erogeneous devices in order to create IoT ecosystems on the
registration and integrated packet forwarding are explained in
fly, exploiting the infrastructure already in place. Following
Sections V and VI, respectively. A MapReduce-based use case
a pure network-level approach, the proposed system does not
for the system is presented in Section VII and it is used to
depend on any particular IoT architecture. This is achieved by
extract performance metrics, which highlight measurable ben-
the following.
efits of the proposed approach. Finally, the conclusions are
1) Employing SDN technologies in both the transport and
drawn in Section VIII.
the sensor networks.
2) Specifying generic, protocol-agnostic abstractions for
II. BACKGROUND AND R ELATED W ORK sensor nodes and network packets.
A. SDN Protocols 3) Introducing the concept of the SSN, an SDN-enabled
SDN has been envisioned as a way to reduce complexity sensor node, which can be easily integrated with any
and increase flexibility of network configuration and manage- existing WSN deployment, by implementing the corre-
ment [6]. In SDN networks management operations (control sponding protocol procedures inside the NOS.
plane) are logically centralized and physically decoupled from Fig. 2 depicts the extended ONOS architecture, where
forwarding operations (data plane), so allowing to easily the dark-colored components are required to integrate soft-
update the behavior of the network. ware defined sensor nodes [10]; whereas the light colored
The most popular and widely used SDN solution for wired components have been kept back in their original ONOS
networks is OpenFlow [6]. OpenFlow success mainly stems implementation.
from its standardized interfaces, which can work on networks The proposed architecture follows the logical separation
made of heterogeneous switches. of ONOS into subsystems. The SensorNode Subsystem pro-
Despite the vast adoption of OpenFlow, and SDN in gen- vides the abstractions as well as an up-to-date registry of the
eral, in the wired domain, there has been no such widely sensor nodes connected to the system. More specifically, the
accepted solution in wireless networks and, especially, WSNs. SensorNode API is a generic, extensible, API, which specifies
Early solutions such as [11] and [12] have been outperformed a generic sensor node, so that it can be efficiently accessed
by recent ones, either based on TinyOS [13] or Contiki [7]. from the other layers of the NOS. The SensorNode API is used
In the context of this paper, we consider SDN-WISE [7], for both sending information, such as forwarding rules, to the
since it is open source and provides a software prototype sensor nodes as well as receiving information, like the battery
of an SDN-enabled sensor node, which has been extensively level and their neighbors, from them. The API is extensible,
used in practice [14], which can be easily integrated into any so that application-specific sensors can also be easily inte-
emulation framework. grated. The SensorNode Manager implements the SensorNode
API functionality. Essentially, it is a registry for all the sensor
B. SDN Controllers nodes managed by the NOS by maintaining up-to-date infor-
mation either for logging reasons (e.g., forwarding rules) or
At the control plane, research has evolved from sim-
ple services, called controllers, to more sophisticated solu- 2 [Online]. Available:
tions that can efficiently manage large scale systems, the 3 [Online]. Available:
for status maintenance (e.g., battery level). The SensorNode the proposed architecture includes the server-side SDN-WISE
Provider translates protocol-specific data to data that can be implementation, which is responsible for communicating with
accessed through the SensorNode API and vice-versa. More the sensor nodes and provides access to low-level proto-
specifically, incoming data are decoded into ONOS-specific col semantics. This is achieved through a protocol-specific
APIs, so that they can be effectively managed by the higher API, with respect to the already existing one in ONOS
layers. Outgoing data are encoded into protocol-specific APIs, for OpenFlow, which is able to encode/decode information
by leveraging the Protocols layer. coming from the WSN/NOS.
The SensorFlowRule Subsystem is used to create and install Observe that in the APP layer, ONOS supports the imple-
flow rules, by leveraging the protocol supported by the tar- mentation of network applications. In fact, these applications
get device. The SensorFlowRule API specifies the high-level are responsible for creating the rules, which are then installed
semantics for creating rules that are sensor-node specific and in the nodes by leveraging the corresponding subsystems.
can look at any portion of the packets to classify them into When a sensor node, which is connected to ONOS, receives a
flows. This is supported by SDN-WISE and enables a high packet that it cannot handle, it attaches this packet to a request
degree of flexibility which goes well beyond what OpenFlow and sends it to ONOS. ONOS decapsulates the various packet
can obtain. The SensorFlowRule Provider is used to encode layers as described previously in the context of the subsys-
flow rules, by leveraging the corresponding protocol, so that tems and, in case it cannot directly be handled by them (e.g.,
they can be sent to the sensor nodes. Let us note here that the it is not a trivial beacon packet), it is delivered to the net-
FlowRule Manager and the FlowRuleProvider API have been work application associated with this node. Then, the network
kept unchanged with respect to their original ONOS imple- application decides how to handle this packet. Note here that
mentation. This has been achieved by exploiting the high-level a network application essentially implements a network pro-
semantics of ONOS combined with the generic design of the tocol. Therefore, even existing protocols, such as 6LoWPAN
FlowRule API. or ZigBee can, in principle, be implemented in ONOS. For
The SensorPacket Subsystem handles incoming and out- instance, if an SDN-WISE node receives a 6LoWPAN packet,
going packets from/to the sensor nodes, by using a non- it will encapsulate it in an SDN-WISE packet by inserting
IP, generic packet encapsulation API. In particular, the it in the payload. Then, the network application will decode
SensorPacket API provides access to incoming and outgoing that payload, it will understand that it is a 6LoWPAN packet
packets from/to sensor nodes. Even though the network-level and will send the corresponding reply packet to the sensor
packet format depends on the corresponding underlying net- node.
work protocol, the SensorPacket Provider encapsulates all Given the heterogeneity of the supported devices (sensor
this information into ONOS high-level abstractions. The cur- nodes and switches), ONOS has to associate each device type
rent API has been designed by considering requirements of with a set of subsystems in order to handle them accordingly.
generic sensor nodes and provides access to information such This is achieved by adopting system-wide naming schemes
as host and destination address, protocol version and other in the form of uniform resource identifiers for every com-
low-level details. However, this API can be extended to sup- ponent. For example, an OpenFlow switch is represented as
port application-specific protocols by building on top of the of:000000001 and an SDN-WISE node as sdnwise:00000101.
existing system. In this way, every device connected to the system as well
In the protocols layer, the specific semantics of the under- as every device-specific software module are registered using
lying network protocol are implemented. More specifically, the same prefix. As a result, ONOS can deliver packets and
Fig. 4. Representation of the (a) sink node in ONOS and (b) its protocol
Fig. 5. Sensor node registration flowchart.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 8. Nodes resource usage. (a) Remaining battery CDF. (b) delay. (c) nodes traffic CDF. (d) Rules CDF.
order to have a common point of reference, the evaluation will sensor nodes in the plain WSN and the integrated forwarding
be made considering that the reducer will be node 1 in both approach. Overall, the integrated forwarding approach results
the standard WSN and the integrated forwarding approach, in less communication between the nodes, which is essential
since the goal is to study the communication aspects of the for WSNs and is the key factor for the reduction on the energy
proposed architecture and not the MapReduce implementation consumption shown in Fig. 8(a).
as a whole. Finally, the proposed integrated forwarding approach results
The use of sensor nodes resources after executing the experi- in less flow rules in the nodes, as depicted in Fig. 8(d). This
ment for 10 min is shown in Fig. 8. More specifically, Fig. 8(a) means less signaling messages and lower memory occupancy
shows the CDF of the remaining energy level of the sensor for the nodes, which is very important given the strict limi-
nodes after the experiment is over. tations on both communication and hardware resources. The
As shown in the figure, in the integrated forwarding case, reduction of flow rules in the integrated forwarding approach
there is always a larger fraction of nodes with more residual is the result of the use of the core network. Indeed, when
battery than in the typical one. Moreover, since the difference using the WSN alone to forward packets, each intermediate
increases as the energy levels become lower, the network life- node requires 1 rule per destination. Therefore, for each path
time is expected to be significantly higher when using the of N hops, which traverses the core network, a reduction of N
proposed approach. rules at most (e.g., in sink-to-sink communication) is achieved
Furthermore, as shown in Fig. 8(b), in case the network of for the WSN.
switches is used, i.e., when nodes 18, 19, 21, 22, and 23 are
sending data to node 1 (reducer), the delivery times are sig- VIII. C ONCLUSION
nificantly smaller than in the typical WSN-specific approach. This paper presents a network operating system which
The reason is that the core network has much larger capacity, is used to integrate networks of switches with networks
and therefore packets are forwarded much faster than in the of sensors, in view of the IoT. Starting from ONOS, an
context of the WSN. existing solution for OpenFlow networks, we have intro-
The effectiveness of the use of the core network also duced new components, which efficiently abstract both the
becomes clear by considering Fig. 8(c), which shows the CDF network elements and their operations. Moreover, we have
of the overall number of packets sent and received by the explained how the proposed extensions can work together with
existing modules, eventually enabling ONOS to perform holis- Angelos-Christos G. Anadiotis (GS’13–M’14) received the Dipl.-Ing. degree
tic network management and integrated packet forwarding in from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
Thessaly, Volos, Greece, in 2008, the M.Sc. degree in advanced information
software defined transport and WSNs. systems from the Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, Piraeus,
The proposed system has been prototyped, whereas its eval- Greece, in 2011, and the Dr.-Ing. degree from the School of Electrical and
uation is performed in the context of a novel in-network Computer Engineering, NTUA, Athens, Greece, in 2014.
From 2014 to 2015, he was with the University of Catania Research Unit,
packet processing approach, which enables the execution of Catania, Italy, as a Researcher. Since 2016, he has been a Post-Doctoral
MapReduce operations in WSNs. Researcher with the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland. His current research interests include large scale distributed
systems, software-defined networks, and data management systems. He has
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citation.cfm?id=2228298.2228302 Mobile Computing.