5D - Orbicularis Oris Flap

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Orbicularis Oris Flap Applications Coverage Lip Reconstruction Lip and Oral Sphincter Abbe Flap Estlander Flap Gillies Fan Flap McGregor Flap Karapandzic Flap 302 Regional Flaps: Anatomy and Basic Techniques / Head and Neck FEATURES LOCATION: Circumference of mouth just deep to the lip mucosa and skin sizes 1.5 x 8em ORIGIN: Multiple origins from other facial muscles and structures INSERTION: Lip skin and mucost Flap Type: Muscle, musculocutaneous, and musculo-mucocutaneous Pattern of Circulation: Type III NERVE SUPPLY MOTOR: Facial nerve NSORY, UPPER LIP: Superior labial branches of maxillary division of trigeminal nerve ENSORY, LOWER LIP: Buceal nerve and medial branches of inferior alveolar nerve, both branches of mandibular division of trigeminal nerve FUNCTION: These muscles function as the oral sphincter and are indispensable. Orbicularis Oris Flap 303 Dominant pedicles: Superior labal artery (D,| Inferrlabial artery (Ds) VASCULAR ANATOMY: The muscle in the upper lip is supplied by the superior Jabial artery. The muscle in the lower lip is supplied by the inferior labial artery. Each lip has a left and a right superior and inferior labial artery, making this a type M muscle flap. Dominant Pedicle of Upper Lip: Superior labial artery REGIONAL SOURCE Facial artery DIAMETER: | mm LOCATION; Lateral border of muscle at the angle of the mouth Dominant Pedicle of Lower Lip: Inferior labial artery ;GIONAL SOURCE Facial artery DIAMETER: 1 mm. LOCATION: Lateral border of muscle at the angle of the mouth Minor Pedicle of Lower Lip: Medial branch of inferior alveolar artery REGIONAL SOURCE Inferior alveolar artery LENGTH:3 cm DIAMETER: Less than | mm LOCATION: Inferomedial border of the muscle on each side

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