Komatsu V CA

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Komatsu Industries (Phils) Inc vs CA : 127682 : April 24, 1998 : J.

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[G.R. No. 127682. April 24, 1998]




Before the Court is pleading filed on March 4, 1998 in behalf of petitioner and
denominated as a Motion for Leave to file Incorporated Second Motion for
Reconsideration of the Resolution of September 10, 1997. This resolution does not in the
least depart from or enervate the specific prohibition against second motions for
reconsideration[1] Which are applicable thereto. Considering however, the increasing
practice by defeated parties of conjuring scenarios which they blame for their debacle
instead of admitting the lack of merit in their cases, the Court is constrained to once
again express its displeasure against such unethical disregard of the canons for
responsible advocacy, with the warning that this insidious pattern of professional
misconduct shall not hereafter be allowed to pass with impunity.
Indeed, petitioner has gone to the extent of attributing supposed errors and
irregularities in the disposition of this case to both the Court of Appeals and this Court,
with particular allusions amounting to misconduct on the part of counsel for respondent
private corporation and with specific imputations against retired Justice Teodoro Padilla
in connection therewith. These will hereafter be discussed in light of the records of this
Court and the vigorous disclaimer of counsel for said private respondent.
Petitioner's unbridled remonstrations are directed at the fact that its petition for
review on certiorari of the adverse decision of respondent Court of Appeals[2] was denied
by this Court for failure to sufficiently show that respondent court had committed any
reversible error in its questioned judgment.[3] This was arrived at after due consideration
by the Second Division of this Court of the merits of the challenged decision and the
extended resolution of respondent court denying petitioners motion for reconsideration
thereof, the arguments of petitioner in his present petition for review on certiorari, the joint
comment of respondents, the reply of petitioner, and the joint rejoinder of respondents,
as well as the respective annexes of said pleadings. Indeed, the parties had all the
opportunity to expound on and dissect the issues in this case, and in some instances
even the non-issues, through the liberal admission by this Court of such pleadings.
Petitioner then filed a 24-page motion for reconsideration, and this Court required
respondents to comment thereon, after which petitioners reply filed without leave was
nonetheless admitted, and to which, on leave sought and granted, respondents filed a
joint rejoinder. All these pleadings, just like those mentioned in the preceding paragraph,
were so extensive, to the point of even incorporating new and modified issues, as to
cover all possible aspects of the case to subserve the partisan views of the parties. Since 3/1/2018
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no additional and substantial arguments were adduced to warrant the reconsideration

sought, the Court resolved to deny the motion on January 26, 1998.[4]
It defies explanation, therefore, why petitioner would still insist that the parties should
further have been allowed to file memoranda, an obvious ploy to justify a resolution
giving due course to its petition, while simultaneously insinuating that its pleadings were
not read. Indeed, petitioner would even dictate how this Court should have acted on its
petition, with the improbable theory that because the case had progressed to the
rejoinder stage, the petition must be given due course and a decision be rendered
thereafter in its favor. This it tries to buttress by the palpably erroneous submission that
since respondent court reversed the decision of the court a quo, this Court is duty bound
to determine the facts involved. Firstly, this is a deliberate misstatement of our
jurisprudence which merely holds that, in such a case, this Court may at its option review
the factual findings of the Court of Appeals instead of being bound thereby. Secondly,
and worse for petitioner, there is no conflict in the factual findings of the two lower courts
as the Court of Appeals actually adopted the findings of fact of the trial court.
In its second motion for reconsideration, petitioner now tries a different tack by
lecturing this Court on its theory that the minute resolutions it assails are supposedly in
violation of Section 14, Article VIII of the present Constitution. In characteristic fashion, it
insinuates that such procedure adopted by this Court is a culpable constitutional violation
and can be subject of impeachment proceedings. Petitioner is, of course, free to believe
and act as it pleases just as this Court may likewise be minded to take the appropriate
sanctions, for which purpose it would do well for all and sundry to now imbibe the
consistent doctrines laid down by this Court.

As early as Novino, et al. vs. Court of Appeals, et al,[5] it has been stressed that these
resolutions are not decisions within the above constitutional requirements; they merely
hold that the petition for review should not be entertained and even ordinary lawyers
have all this time so understood it; and the petition to review the decision of the Court of
Appeals is not a matter of right but of sound judicial discretion, hence there is no need to
fully explain the Courts denial since, for one thing, the facts and the law are already
mentioned in the Court of Appeals decision.

This was reiterated in Que vs. People, et al.,[6] and further clarified in Munal vs.
Commission on Audit, et al.[7] that the constitutional mandate is applicable only in cases
submitted for decision, i.e., given due course and after the filing of briefs or memoranda
and/or other pleadings, but not where the petition is refused due course, with the
resolution therefore stating the legal basis thereof. Thus, when the Court, after
deliberating on a petition and subsequent pleadings, decides to deny due course to the
petition and states that the questions raised are factual or there is no reversible error in
the respondent courts decision, there is sufficient compliance with the constitutional

For, as expounded more in detail in Borromeo vs. Court of Appeals, et al.:[9]

The Court reminds all lower courts, lawyers, and litigants that it disposes of the bulk of its cases
by minute resolutions and decrees them as final and executory, as where a case is patently without
merit, where the issues raised are factual in nature, where the decision appealed from is supported
by substantial evidence and is in accord with the facts of the case and the applicable laws, where it
is clear from the records that the petition is filed merely to forestall the early execution of
judgment and for non-compliance with the rules. The resolution denying due course or dismissing
the petition always gives the legal basis. As emphasized in In Re: Wenceslao Laureta (148 SCRA 3/1/2018
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382, 417 [1987]), [T]he Court is not duty bound to render signed Decisions all the time. It has
ample discretion to formulate Decisions and/or Minute Resolutions, provided a legal basis is
given, depending on its evaluation of a case (Italics supplied). This is the only way whereby it can
act on all cases filed before it and, accordingly discharge its constitutional functions. x x x.


In G.R. No. 76355, Macario Tayamura, et al. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, et al. (May 21,
1987), the Court clarified the constitutional requirement that a decision must express clearly and
distinctly the facts and law on which it is based as referring only to decisions. Resolutions
disposing of petitions fall under the constitutional provision which states that, No petition for
review x x x shall be refused due course x x x without stating the legal basis therefor (Section 14,
Article VIII, Constitution). When the Court, after deliberating on a petition and any subsequent
pleadings, manifestations, comments, or motions decides to deny due course to the petition and
states that the questions raised are factual or no reversible error in the respondent court's decision
is shown or for some other legal basis stated in the resolution, there is a sufficient compliance with
the constitutional requirement.

The course of action adopted by the Court in disposing of this case through its two
resolutions, after a thorough review of the issues and arguments of the parties in the
plethora of pleadings they have filed, is not only in accord with but is justified by this firm
and realistic doctrinal rule:

x x x The Supreme Court is not compelled to adopt a definite and stringent rule on how its
judgment shall be framed. It has long been settled that this Court has discretion to decide whether
a minute resolution should be used in lieu of a full-blown decision in any particular case and that a
minute Resolution of dismissal of a Petition for Review on Certiorari constitutes an adjudication
on the merits of the controversy or subject matter of the Petition. It has been stressed by the Court
that the grant of due course to a Petition for Review is not a matter of right, but of sound judicial
discretion; and so there is no need to fully explain the Courts denial. For one thing, the facts and
law are already mentioned in the Court of Appeals opinion. A minute Resolution denying a
Petition for Review of a Decision of the Court of Appeals can only mean that the Supreme Court
agrees with or adopts the findings and conclusions of the Court of Appeals, in other words that the
decision sought to be reviewed and set aside is correct.[10]

That this Court was fully justified in handing down its minute resolution because it
agrees with or adopts the findings and conclusions of the Court of Appeals since the
decision sought to be reviewed and set aside is correct, is best demonstrated and
appreciated by reproducing the salient pronouncements of respondent court on the real
issues actually involved in this case. The material holdings in its decision[11] of June 28,
1996 are as follows:

The facts of the case as found by the trial court are as follows:

Sometime in 1975, NIDC granted KIPI a direct loan of Eight Million Pesos
(P8,000,000.00) and a Two Million ((P2,000,000.00) guarantee to secure PNB. (Exh. M of
petitioner and Exh. 22 of respondent PNB and intervenor SLDC, T.S.N. October 14, 1992
pp. 19-28). As security thereof, a Deed of Real Estate Mortgage dated April 24, 1975 was
executed by Petitioner KIPI in favor of NIDC, covering, among others, a parcel of land
with all its improvements embraced in and covered by TCT NO. 469737 of the Registry of
Deeds of the Province of Rizal (now Makati, Metro Manila). At the instance of
Respondent PNB and with the conformity of its subsidiary, NIDC, in order to secure the
obligation of Petitioner KIPI under Respondent PNBs deferred letter of credit for 3/1/2018
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US$1,564,826.00 in favor of Toyota Tsusho Kaisha Ltd., Japan, Petitioner KIPI executed
an Amendment of Mortgage Deed dated June 21, 1978 covering the same parcel of land
and its improvements under TCT No. 469737 on a pari passu basis in favor of Respondent
PNB and NIDC. (Exhibit H, H-1 to H-9). Upon full payment of Petitioner KIPIs account
with NIDC and the P2.0 M Credit Line with Respondent PNB, NIDC executed a Deed of
Release and Cancellation of Mortgage[12] dated January 7, 1981 releasing the mortgage on
TCT No. 469737 (Exhibit 1 to 1-4 of Petitioner and Exhibits 7 to 7-D of Respondent PNB
and Intervenor SLDC). In this Deed of Release and Cancellation of Mortgage, it is
provided among the whereases that Whereas, the credit accomodations had been fully paid
by the Borrower to the Philippine National Bank (PNB) and NIDC. (Exh. 1-5). By virtue
of this full payment and the execution of the Deed of Release and Cancellation of
Mortgage, NIDC returned the owners copy of the TCT No. 469737 of the petitioner and
accordingly the Deed of Release and Cancellation of Mortgage was registered with the
Registry of Deed on January 28, 1981. (Exhibits E to E-5) (sic) that there were some
accounts chargeable to Petitioner KIPI on deferred letters of credit opened and established
in 1974 and 1975 settled by Respondent PNB with the foreign suppliers in 1978 and 1979
but came to the knowledge of Respondent PNB only in 1981 and 1982 (Exhibits 21-1 to
21-L. T.S.N. May 20, 1992 pp. 16-30).

In a letter to Petitioner KIPI dated March 31, 1992, Respondent PNB requested for the
return of the owners copy of TCT No. 469737 (Exh. 22). On July 7, 1982 in a letter
addressed to Mr. Ricardo C. Silverio, then President of Petitioner KIPI, Respondent PNB
reiterated for the return of the aforesaid TCT NO. 469737 (Exh. 22-A) and the said title
was returned to Respondent PNB.

On May 7, 1982, Respondent PNB filed a Petition for Correction of Entry and Adverse
Claim with the office of the Registry of Deeds of Makati, Metro Manila and was able to
have the same annotated at the back of TCT No. 469737 (Exh. 9 joint exhibit of
Respondent PNB and Intervenor SLDC).

On November 2, 1983, Respondent PNB filed with the Ex-Officio Sheriff of Makati,
Metro Manila a Petition of Sale Under ACT 1508, as amended by P.D. 385 to extra-
judicially foreclose various properties belonging to Petitioner by virtue of a Chattel
Mortgage with Power of Attorney dated June 21, 1978 (Exhibits J to J-4).

On November 25, 1983, Petitioner KIPI received an undated Notice of Sheriffs Sale to the
effect that the land covered by TCT No. 469737 would be foreclosed extra-judicially on
December 19, 1983 at 9:00 a.m. (Exh. K to K-2).


Simplifying and summing up all the assigned errors of both appellants Philippine National
Bank and Santiago Land Development Corporation, there are actually three main issues to
be resolved in this appeal, to wit: (1) Whether the Deed of Release dated January 7, 1981
executed by the National Investment and Development Corporation in favor of appellee
Komatsu Industries (Phil.) Inc. [Exhibit I, p. 76 Record Vol. I; Exhibit 7, p. 1494 Record
Vol. IV], had the effect of releasing the real estate mortgage in favor of appellant
Philippine National Bank, as embodied in the Amendment of Mortgage Deed dated June
21, 1978 [Exhibit H, p. 64 Record Vol I; Exhibit 6, p. 1482 Record - Vol. IV]; (2) Whether
the foreclosure of appellees property conducted on May 17, 1984 is valid; (3) Whether
there is legal and/or factual basis for the awards of damages in favor of the appellee. 3/1/2018
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Anent the first issue, We rule that the Deed of Release dated January 7, 1981 executed
solely by the National Investment and Development Corporation in favor of the appellee
Komatsu Industries (Phil.) Inc., did not operate to release the real estate mortgage executed
in favor of appellant Philippine National Bank as embodied in the Amendment of
Mortgage Deed dated June 21, 1978. Said Deed of Release is not binding upon the
appellant Philippine National Bank which was not a signatory to it and has not ratified the

It is axiomatic under Our law on obligations and contracts that contracts take effect only
between the parties, their assigns and heirs (Art. 1311, New Civil Code). The characteristic
of relativity of contracts renders it binding only upon the parties and their successors.
[Civil Code of the Philippines, Annotated, Paras, Vol. IV 1994 ed., pp. 550-552]. A
contract cannot be binding upon and cannot be enforced against one who is not a party to it
[Civil Code of the Philippines, Tolentino, Vol. IV 1995 ed., p. 428 citing Lopez vs.
Enriquez, 16 Phil. 336, Ibaez vs. Rodriguez, 47 Phil. 554, etc.] even if he is aware of such
contract and has acted with knowledge thereof [Civil Code of the Philippines, Tolentino,
Vol. IV 1995, p. 428 citing Manila Port Service et al. vs. Court of Appeals et al. 20 SCRA
1214]. The rights of a party cannot be prejudiced by the act, declaration, or omission of
another, and proceedings against one cannot affect another, except as expressly provided
by law or the Rules of Court [Civil Code of the Philippines, Tolentino, Vol. IV 1995 ed., p.
428 / Rule 123 sec. 10 Rules of Court].

We accordingly find no legal basis for the courts ruling that the Deed of Release dated
January 7, 1981, had the effect of releasing the mortgage in favor of appellant bank despite
the fact that it was executed solely by the National Investment and Development
Corporation without any conformity or authority whatsoever of its joint mortgagee, the
appellant Philippine National Bank. It is not disputed that PNB is a corporation with a
separate and distinct personality from that of NIDC. The court a quo erred in holding that
PNB recognized the release of the mortgage as shown by its Exhibit 22 wherein Vice
President Ramirez stated in his memo to the Litigation and Collection Division of the PNB
that upon discovery of the aforecited release of the mortgage, we immediately wrote NIDC
informing them that KIPI effected the release of PNBs mortgage using NIDCs Deed of
Release. The same memo stated that PNB requested KIPI to return the title for the
reannotation of PNBs mortgage which was erroneously cancelled (p. 1712, Record).
Accordingly, the same exhibit indubitably showed that PNB promptly objected to the
erroneous cancellation of the mortgage in its favor. Moreover, as above pointed out, an
agreement cannot bind one who is not a party even if he had knowledge of the agreement
and had acted on the basis thereof.

Moreover, a reading of the Amendment of Mortgage Deeds executed by Komatsu, PNB and
NIDC, will show that it covered not only the credit accommodations obtained by Komatsu with
NIDC as described in the first whereas clause, but also another obligation arising from the
establishment of a deferred letter of credit for US$1,564,826.00, and other credit
accommodations. We quote from the said Amendment:

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the Deed of Mortgage in
favor of NIDC referred to in the first Whereas clause hereof shall be as it is hereby amended in the
sense that the mortgage shall be in favor of PNB and NIDC, their successors and assigns on a pari-
passu basis to secure the respective obligations of the Mortgagor to PNB and NIDC as follows:

NIDC : a) Direct loan of P8,000,000.00 3/1/2018
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: b) Guarantee in the amount of P2,000,000.00 issued in favor of PNB to secure the Credit Line of

PNB : US $1,564,826.00 or equivalent in Philippine Currency by way of deferred Letter of Credit

issued by PNB in favor of Toyoda Tsusho Kaisha Ltd., Japan, thru Republic National Bank of
New York, N.Y.

plus interest and charges as well as all other obligations, whether direct or indirect, primary or
secondary, as appearing in the respective Books of Account of NIDC and PNB and other
reasonable expenses and charges arising thereunder, whether such obligations have been
contracted before, during or after date hereof. Subject to condition No. 4 hereinbelow, in case the
MORTGAGOR execute subsequent promissory note or notes either as renewal of the former note,
an extension thereof, as new loan, or is given any kind of accommodations such as overdraft,
letters of credit, acceptance and bills of exchange, release of import shipments, on trust receipts
etc., this mortgage shall also stand as security for the payment of said promissory notes or notes
and/or accommodations without necessity of executing new contract and this mortgage shall have
the same force and effect as if the said promissory notes or notes and/or accommodations were
existing on the date hereof. However, if the MORTGAGOR shall pay to the MORTGAGEES,
their successors or assigns the obligations secured by this mortgage, together with interest, costs
and other expenses on or before the date they are due and shall keep and perform all the covenants
and agreements herein contained for the MORTGAGOR then this mortgage shall be null and void,
otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect. (pp. 65-66, Record).

It is clear that the reference to the credit accommodations consisting of P8,000,000.00 direct loan
and P2,000,000.00 guarantee mentioned in the third whereas clause of the Deed of Release as
having been fully paid by the borrower was to these two obligations obtained from NIDC, and not
to the other obligation described in the Amended Mortgage as pertaining to PNB directly, arising
from the issuance of the deferred letter of credit in the amount of US $1,564,826.00, the express
inclusion of which obligation in the Amended Mortgage cannot be ignored. It is equally clear that
NIDC was in no position to state that Komatsus direct obligation to PNB has been fully paid. And
on the basic proposition above-stated that the deed of release executed by NIDC cannot bind its
joint mortgagee, which is an entirely different entity, We find that the court a quo erroneously
invoked the 3rd whereas clause stating that the credit accommodations had been fully paid by the
Borrower to the Philippine National Bank (PNB) and NIDC.

We are thus unable to accept the trial courts reasoning that the release executed by NIDC will
necessarily include the mortgage to PNB. The hypothesis that NIDC being a wholly owned
subsidiary of its joint mortgagee could not have executed the Deed of Release and Cancellation of
Mortgage without the knowledge and consent of respondent PNB, its mother company, has no
support in law and jurisprudence. Neither does the evidence of record show that any confirmation
or ratification of the release of mortgage was made by the PNB. Nothing short of an actual
payment of the debt or an express release will operate to discharge a mortgage (55 Am. Jur. 394).

Defendants-appellants also question the trial courts ruling that even granting that PNBs claim is
correct that insofar as it is concerned, the mortgage was not released it being separate entity and
the mortgage being on a pari passu basis, the extrajudicial foreclosure should be to the extent only
of its proportionate credit.

We do not agree that the extrajudicial foreclosure of the mortgage on the whole Pasong Tamo
property is null and void. A mortgage is indivisible in nature, so that payment of a part of the
secured debt does not extinguish the entire mortgage (See Paras, Civil Code Anno., 1995 ed., Vol.
V, p. 1044; Art. 2089, Civil Code). There is also no language in the mortgage instrument to
indicate otherwise, i.e. that the mortgage of the Pasong Tamo property is divisible, so that in case 3/1/2018
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of the payment of the obligation to one mortgagee the mortgage would subsist only to the extent
of the remaining lien of the other mortgagee. The mortgage instrument contemplated not only
obligations existing on the date thereof, but also future obligations or accommodations appearing
in the respective Books of Account of NIDC and PNB, thus rendering it unlikely and impractical
for the parties to have intended a division of the mortgaged property in accordance with the
proportionate credits of the two joint mortgagors.

The case of Central Bank of the Philippines vs. Court of Appeals (139 SCRA 46) cited by the
court a quo is not in point. It refers to a mortgage of one parcel of land in favor of one mortgagee,
where there was a failure of consideration, i.e., the entire amount of the loan was not released to
the mortgagor and the mortgage was thus held to be enforceable only to the extent of the amount
of the loan that was released. The factual situation in this case is obviously different. The
mortgage here is not being enforced for more than the actual sum due.

With respect to the courts pronouncement that the Petition for Correction of Entry or Adverse
Claim cannot be made as basis of any foreclosure proceeding, suffice it to point out that the
records bear out defendants-appellants claim that the PNB filed a verified petition for extrajudicial
foreclosure under Act No. 3135 pursuant to the provisions of the Amendment of Mortgage Deed
(Records, pp. 1482 to 1493). The Petition for Sale under Act No. 3135, as amended, dated October
8, 1983, was made the basis for the issuance of the Notice of Sheriffs sale (Exhs. 9 to 9-d, 9-e to
9-bbb, 9-ccc Komatsu; Exhs. 10, 14 to 14-b, 15, 17 PNB,/SLDC). The plaintiff-appellee has not
controverted the veracity of these documents either in the court below or in its Appellees brief.
Accordingly, We rule that since the mortgage in favor of PNB is still subsisting, the sheriffs sale
on the basis of the petition for extrajudicial foreclosure is valid.

Finally, consistently with Our above ruling relative to the validity of the foreclosure proceedings
and the non-binding effect of the Deed of Release executed by the National Investment and
Development Corporation in so far as the mortgage in favor of the appellant Philippine National
Bank is concerned. We rule that the appellee Komatsu Industries (Phil.) Inc. is not entitled to any
award of damages pursuant to the principle of damnum absque injuria, i.e. there might have been
a loss (on the part of the appellee-mortgagor) arising from the foreclosure but said loss does not
create a ground of legal redress. A loss or damage which does not constitute the violation of a
legal right or amount to a legal wrong is damnum absque injuria [Huyong Hian vs. Court of
Appeals, 59 SCRA 134; Gilchrist vs. Cuddy, 29 Phil. 548]. (Italics supplied)

Consequently, respondent court reversed and set aside the judgment of the trial
court in Civil Case NO. 5957 and declared legal and valid the First Notice of Sheriffs Sale
dated November 12, 1983, the Second Notice of Sheriffs Sale dated April 6, 1984, the
Extrajudicial Foreclosure Proceedings held and conducted thereunder, the Certificate of
Sale dated May 17, 1984 and the registration thereof, the Final Deed of Sale, its
registration and the Transfer Certificate of Title issued to respondent Philippine National
Bank as the highest and lone bidder, the Deed of Sale in favor of and the Transfer
Certificate of Title issued to the intervenor Santiago Land Development Corporation.
Petitioners subsequent motion for reconsideration was denied by respondent court in
its resolution[13] of January 14, 1997, from which we quote the following pertinent

The motion for reconsideration has no merit.

We reiterate our ruling that the Deed of Release executed solely by National Investment and
Development Corporation did not operate to release the real estate mortgage executed in favor of
appellant Philippine National Bank as embodied in the Amendment of Mortgage Deed. This issue
was fully discussed in our decision and We find no substantial argument in the motion for 3/1/2018
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reconsideration, the petitioner-appellees memorandum or at the hearing, that would warrant a

reversal of our previous findings.

It is evident that the Deed of Release pertains only to the mortgage executed in favor of the
National Investment and Development Corporation whose credit has been fully paid. Insofar as
the mortgage executed in favor of PNB is concerned, the same subsists as the credit in the amount
of $1,564,826.00 remained unpaid. Contrary to appellees submission, the Deed of Release
executed by the National Investment and Development Corporation is not an exercise in futility
for said document actually released the indebtedness due to the National Investment and
Development Corporation consisting of an P8,000,000.00 direct loan and P2,000,000.00 guarantee

Petitioner-appellee submits that in the light of Article 2089 of the Civil Code, the Amendment of
Mortgage Deed is null and void, and there was no valid mortgage in favor of PNB. Hence when
the Deed of Release cancelled the only valid mortgage in favor of National Investment
Development Corporation, there was no more mortgage left to be foreclosed by Philippine
National Bank.

We do not agree.

At the outset, We note that the legality and validity of the Amendment of Mortgage Deed was
never put in issue before the trial court nor was it raised in the appeal proper. If well recognized
jurisprudence precludes raising an issue only for the first time on appeal proper, with more reason
should such issue be disallowed or disregarded when initially raised only in a motion for
reconsideration of the decision of the appellate court [Manila Bay Club Corporation vs. Court of
Appeals, 249 SCRA 303].

At any rate, We are not inclined to uphold appellees contention that the Amendment of Mortgage
Deed (which is the basis of the mortgage in favor of the PNB) is null and void on the argument
that Article 2089 of the Civil Code prohibits a situation where two or more creditors, with separate
and distinct credits secured a mortgage over a single property.

There is nothing in Article 2089 of the Civil Code that prohibits the mortgagor from mortgaging
the same property for a separate and distinct debt in favor of another creditor. In this jurisdiction,
the mortgagor is allowed to obtain subsequent loans by means of subsequent and successive
mortgages on the same property. We further agree with appellant that if an owner-mortgagor can
enter into second and further mortgages, there is no law that prohibits the mortgagor and the
mortgagee from agreeing that the mortgages would be pari-passu. What is proscribed by Article
2089 is for a debtor who has mortgaged his property to secure a debt, to demand that the mortgage
be released in proportion to the amount of the debt he has paid. Under the said article, the
mortgagor has to pay the debt in full before he can ask for the release of the mortgage. This is
compatible with the principle that a mortgage is indivisible.

Our ruling that the extrajudicial foreclosure of the mortgage on the whole Pasong Tamo property
is valid since the mortgage is indivisible in nature is not inconsistent with our statement that the
Deed of Released executed solely by National Investment and Development Corporation did not
operate to release the real estate mortgage executed in favor of appellant Philippine National
Bank. The fact that the Deed of Release executed by the National Investment and Development
Corporation did not operate to release the real estate mortgage in favor of appellant Philippine
National Bank, does not render the mortgage divisible. Indeed, foreclosure of the property in its
entirety by Philippine National Bank is necessary because of the indivisible nature of a mortgage.
The fact that there are two obligations secured by the same mortgaged property does not render
the mortgage divisible. The indivisibility of the mortgage or pledge does not affect the divisibility
of the principal obligation. When the same thing is pledged or mortgaged to several creditors, the 3/1/2018
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indivisibility of the pledge or mortgage entitled each and every creditor to the same action against
the thing which is liable in its entirety for the individual share of each creditor. [Civil Code of the
Philippines, by Tolentino, Vol. V, pp. 538-539, 1992 Ed.].

The rest of the arguments of the appellee in its motion for reconsideration are mere rehash of what
have been raised in its brief and were already fully considered and discussed in our decision.
(Emphasis ours)

In the same manner, we readily found that, despite the lengthy and repetitious
submissions of petitioner in its pleadings filed with this Court as earlier enumerated, all
the arguments therein are also mere rehashed versions of what it posited before
respondent court. We have patiently given petitioners postulates the corresponding
thorough and objective review but, on the real and proper issues so completely and
competently discussed and resolved by respondent court, petitioners obvious
convolutions of the same arguments are evidently unavailing. It must be noted that its
recourse to respondent court was by appeal on writ of error, hence the preceding
quotation in extenso of said courts decision readily shows how the real issues were
correctly particularized and summarized to meet petitioners assignment of errors, and
then ably adjudicated on both evidential and legal grounds.
Petitioner has come to this Court this time on appeal by certiorari and it must be
aware of the elementary rule that, as emphasized in the decisions previously cited, a
review thereunder is not a matter of right but of sound judicial discretion, and will be
granted only when there are special and important reasons therefor.[14] Here, there is no
novel question of substance nor has respondent court decided the case contrary to law
or our applicable decisions. On the contrary, it acted with commendable fealty to the
same, and that is the other reason why we extensively reproduced the pertinent
discussions in its challenged decision.
All these notwithstanding, petitioner still comes up with another supposed issue, this
time faulting respondent court for allegedly not resolving the question of whether or not
petitioner is entitled to redeem its foreclosed property from respondent Philippine
National Bank in the event the foreclosure thereof is held to be valid. We agree with
respondents observation that this matter is not proper at this stage of the case since it
was never raised in the complaint or admitted as an issue at the pre-trial, but was raised
only in petitioners memorandum before the trial court.[15] Also, respondents point out that
the period of redemption had long lapsed since the sheriffs certificate of sale was
registered on May 17, 1984 and, citing applicable authorities, the one-year redemption
period is not suspended by an action for nullification of the auction sale.
What is more telling against petitioners new proposition, however, is the documented
fact that as early as April 17, 1985, it executed a Deed of Assignment of Right of
Redemption over the property in question in favor of Atty. Norberto J. Quisumbing.[16] In
fact, the exercise of such right of redemption by the assignee is involved in Civil Case
No. 105 of the Regional Trial court of Makati, and the side issue of the right of
respondent Santiago Land Development Corporation to intervene therein was decided by
this Court in G.R. NO. 106194. On both substantive and procedural considerations,
therefore, petitioners presentation of that so-called issue in the present appellate stage is
an undue imposition on the time of this Court.
We have stated, at the outset, that petitioners second motion for reconsideration
could have been correctly rejected outright. But, as further noted, petitioner has
distressingly adopted the lamentable technique contrived by losing litigants of resorting to
ascriptions of supposed irregularities in the courts of justice as the cause for their defeat. 3/1/2018
Komatsu Industries (Phils) Inc vs CA : 127682 : April 24, 1998 : J. Regalado : Sec… Page 10 of 11

Here, petitioner speaks of pressure having been employed by respondents against the
trial court. It then proceeds to insinuate anomalous haste on the part of respondent court
in reversing the trial court, pointing to the supposed short period of time it took the former
to come out with its decision. It never even bothered to mention that the issues are
actually very simple, that the evidence is basically documentary, and that the questions
raised are easily answered by applying settled doctrines of this Court.
On top of that, it now veers towards this Court, spinning the yarn that retired Justice
Teodoro Padilla first approached the ponente to whom its petition had been raffled, and
asked for a disposition in favor of respondents as a birthday and parting gift; that said
ponente declined and unloaded the case such that it was again raffled to a good friend of
Justice Padilla. The records, however, show that this case was directly raffled to the
Second Division on January 28, 1997 and there was no prior ponente to whom it was
assigned who then supposedly unloaded it; and under the internal rules of this Court,
when a case is unloaded, there is no need for holding a second raffle.
Petitioner could have rendered a signal service to the judiciary if it had only verified
and proved the facts it purveyed but which are now belied even just by the internal rules
of this Court, of which petitioner appears to be ignorant hence the valor of his
denunciation. The members of the Second Division of this Court vehemently deny and
denounce the animadversion on their allegedly having been approached by Justice
Padilla regarding this case. The Padilla Law Office, counsel for respondent private
corporation, has submitted its response to the imputations against it, thus calling for
petitioner to prove its charges. The same burden is also imposed upon petitioner to prove
its charges. The same burden is also imposed upon petitioner for the aspersions it has
cast upon respondent Court of Appeals. We, therefore, leave it to the aforesaid law firm,
Justice Teodoro Padilla and the Court of Appeals, on the one hand, and to herein
petitioner, on the other, to decide for themselves whether to further pursue this incident in
the proper proceedings.
On such contingency, this Court will content itself for the nonce with a stern
admonition that petitioner refrain from conduct tending to create mistrust in our judicial
system through innuendos on which no evidence is offered or indicated to be proffered.
Responsible litigants need not be told that only pleadings formulated with intellectual
honesty on facts duly ascertained can subserve the ends of justice and dignify the cause
of the pleader.
WHEREFORE, petitioners second motion for reconsideration is hereby DENIED for
lack of merit and EXPUNGED as an unauthorized pleading. This resolution is
immediately final and executory, and no further pleadings or motions will be entertained.
Melo, Puno, Mendoza, and Martinez, JJ., concur.

Section 2, Rule 52, in relation to Section 4, Rule 56, 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. This is the reiteration
of the same prohibition in Paragraph 7 of the Resolution En Banc of April 7, 1988.
CA-G.R. CV No. 48734; penned by Justice Minerva P. Gonzaga-Reyes, with the concurrence of Justice
Ramon U. Mabutas, Jr. and Salvador J. Valdez, Jr.
Rollo, 111.
Ibid., 217. 3/1/2018
Komatsu Industries (Phils) Inc vs CA : 127682 : April 24, 1998 : J. Regalado : Sec… Page 11 of 11

G.R. Nos. L-21098, May 31, 1963, 8 SCRA 279, citing In re Almacen, 31 SCRA 562 and Mendoza vs.
CFI, 51 SCRA 369. See also Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd, et al. vs. Lepanto Consolidated
Mining Co., et al., G.R. No. L-43342, October 30, 1978, 86 SCRA 279.
G.R. Nos. L-75217-18, September 21, 1987, 154 SCRA 160.
G.R. No. 78648, January 24, 1989, 169 SCRA 356.
Cadiente vs. Narisma, etc., A.M. No. MTJ-91-576, En Banc Resolution, March 11, 1993.
G.R. No. 82273, June 1, 1990, 186 SCRA 1.
Smith Bell & Co. (Phil), Inc., et al., vs. Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No. 56294, May 20, 1991, 197
SCRA 201.
Rollo, 46-60.
This was only a deed of release (without cancellation of mortgage) of NIDCs rights, interests, title and
participation vested to and acquired by NIDC under and by virtue of the Security Device Agreements
heretofore described and enumerated (Annex 3 of respondents Rejoinder; Rollo, 126-130).
Ibid., 62-67.
Section 6, Rule 45, Rules of Court.
Petitioners practice of raising issues for the first time on appeal was also noted by respondent Court of
Appeals, in its aforequoted resolution denying petitioners motion for reconsideration, on the matter of the
validity of the Amendment of Mortgage Deed.
Annex 1, Joint Rejoinder of Respondents; rollo, 215A-216. 3/1/2018

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