Basic Concepts of Equity and Trust
Basic Concepts of Equity and Trust
Basic Concepts of Equity and Trust
• C ➔ Claimant
• D ➔ Defendant
• T ➔ Trustee
• S ➔ Settlor
• B ➔ Beneficiary
• The key distinguishing characteristic of equity is its connection with the Chancellor’s
jurisdiction. Ultimately, it is down to the principle of preventing unconscionable
enforcement of Common Law claims/causes of action.
• ➔ Equity is the body of rules which is administered by the Court of Equity [Maitland]
★ Spans both obligation and property - no clear characterisation.
★ Prevents person from using legal powers/rights in a manner contrary to good
• Relationship with the Common Law: NOT 2 rival systems!
• ➔ Equity acts in personam.
• ➔ Courts of Chancery is not bound by Common Law rules of evidence, but can look to
substantive merits (different view of evidence and procedure)
• ➔ common injunctions issued by Courts of Chancery to prevent D from enforcing judgment
obtained at Common Law, if contrary to good conscience.
← The Earl of Oxford’s Case, 1615: dispute between Lord Ellesmere (Chancery) and Lord
Coke (Common Law)
★ Response to controversial practice of issuing common injunctions.
★ ➔ from the Common Law’s perspective, this was a mode of irregular appeal - outside
regular Common Law process
★ ➔ further, Court of Chancery was prerogative court, with Lord Chancellor exercising
discretion while acting as King’s delegate: Common Law courts were hostile to this.
★ Conflict: if P refuses to abide by injunction, he would be in contempt of Court of
Chancery and imprisoned. But if this went back to KB, CJ of KB would use habeas
corpus to release him. Unsustainable!
★ Hence, result of this case was to establish primacy of equitable jurisdiction over the
common law - enshrined in statute today.
← BUT equity does not assume Common Law itself is wrong - doesn’t abolish/compete with
Common Law rules. Rather, it corrects the judgement, presupposing existence and
application of Common Law rules. It provides a gloss/qualification on enforcement of
Common Law rules.
← ➔ equity is still secondary to Common Law insofar as it presupposes the existence of
Common Law rights [Maitland: Common Law can exist without equity, but not the other
way round]
• Hence, after the Earl of Oxford’s Case, procedurally, C would have to bring his claim
before the right court, depending on the nature of the right.
★ But might have to go to more than one court to get complete remedy.
★ Eg. Tort of nuisance is Common Law right of action, but if you want more than
Common Law damages, like an equitable remedy of injunction, you must get
judgment from Common Law court first and then bring judgment to Court of
Chancery to get injunction (can’t start off with latter because it has no jurisdiction)
Equity 1 Basic Concepts of Equity and Trust
★ Problematic! Chancery procedure was slow and expensive (for most of 18th century,
there were only 2 Chancery judges - Lord Chancellor and Master of the Rolls;
required documents to be prepared by clerks who charged based on length of the
• Judicature Acts 1873-1875:
★ Followed Judicature Commission’s recommendation of having a single Sup Court,
having complete jurisdiction, so that no matter what course of action/remedy is
sought, C can go to a unified court and obtain complete resolution.
★ ➔ there are still specialised courts, but have unified jurisdictions to hear all
matters/give all remedies
★ Codified outcome of the Earl of Oxford’s Case: Senior Courts Act 1981 s49
★ Impact: fusion of law and equity - the 3 perspectives of the consequences of the Acts
1. PROCEDURAL FUSION: putting together 2 different jurisdictions but without changing
substantive law - outcomes don’t change.
✤ eg. Berry v Berry, 1929: husband and wife separated and husband agreed to pay annual
maintenance, by deed. Later, both entered into simple variation by contract for reduced sum.
Under Common Law, if you want to vary obligation obtained by deed, must be done by another
deed. But the equitable rule is to “look to substance and not to form” hence any contract with
valuable consideration will suffice to vary original agreement.
✤ Under s25(11), equitable rule prevails so that the variation is upheld. But even pre-1875,
same outcome would have been arrived at - wife first goes to Common Law court with deed
and gets judgment, and husband then goes to Court of Chancery for common injunction to
restrain wife from enforcing Common Law judgment.
✤ Hence, the only change is there is now a unified procedure - substantive rules are the
✤ This was the earlier view. But now, some think there was/should be substantive fusion...
2. SUBSTANTIVE FUSION (the fusion fallacy): much more radical! Saying that distinction
between equitable and Common Law rights ceased to exist! Rights will just be rights, with
historical origins being irrelevant.
✤ Allows use of Common Law defence against basic primary equitable claim. Eg. If T
breaches equitable duty of care not to be negligent, in managing investment fund, but
beneficiaries are negligent as well, T might counter Bs’ equitable claim with Common Law
defence of contributory negligence.
✤ But some think this extreme view is NOT representative of the English approach. Meagher,
Gummow and Lehane call it the “fusion fallacy”, and think that allowing remedies from one
jurisdiction to be imported to the other is wrong!
✤ But this is the approach adopted in New Zealand/some other jurisdictions. All remedies
are made available, regardless of origin ( Chirnside v Fay (No 2), 2005 : though this case was
reversed on appeal, the point on substantive fusion still holds)
✤ ➔ Burrows argues that as law develops, it is proper for judges to borrow ideas across the
Common Law/equity divide, and may find good inspirations for development of law. (as
opposed to NZ view of solving individual cases, this is about a wider view of general
✤ This approach is particularly attractive where we have 2 bodies of law operating
alongside, on same set of facts. Like cases should be decided alike, and mere historical
differences do not justify differences in outcome.
✤ Target Holdings v Redferns, 1996: A is cash buyer who retains solicitor to carry out
conveyancing when buying house. Passes purchase money to B, solicitor, to pass on to vendor
to complete contract. B is under common law duty (retained pursuant to contract of retainer),
and B is under equitable obligations as trustee for A. Should A be better off suing B under
Common Law rules, or should similar test for causation of loss apply?
Equity 1 Basic Concepts of Equity and Trust
✤ Lipkin Gorman v Karpnale Ltd, 1991: where third party receives misapplied trust money,
why should she be at fault before she can be required to restore trust fund? At Common Law,
3rd party recipient of stolen money is liable whether receipt was innocent or not.
✤ BUT note that the 2 approaches of Common Law and equity might not really be alike - if
judges are allowed to borrow ideas across the divide, they must be sensitive to the real
substantive differences between jurisdictions. There may be good reasons to justify why
equitable remedies are fault based - in Common Law contract, parties are expected to be
vigilant (thus have partial defences like contributory negligence), but under equitable trust
rules, there is no similar basis for mutual vigilance. Hence, don’t assume that the only cause
for difference is in historical origin.
• Should we be abolishing any reference to equity, and move instead to “event-based”
categorisation of private law rights? No!
1. Over-simplified reductionism ➔ equitable wrongs can be quite different from
Common Law wrongs - for instance, loss of profits under negligent misrep vs direct
out-of-pocket loss from misapplication of trust funds.
2. -just calling both “wrongs” will not be helpful.
3. Subtlety that equity offers ➔ equity works at margins of legal doctrines, and qualifies
strict contractual rights (eg. Promissory estoppel qualifies contract, but binding only
if D goes back on his word. Hence sits on fence between intention/contract and
4. Need for morals/ethics in to direct future legal development
• Originates from the use: owners transferring property to third parties to the use of owners
themselves/some other person
• Note that equity thinks in terms of remedies, not rights - recognises existence of right
where it awards a remedy - opposite from Common Law approach. Hence, if third party =
Equity’s Darling, B will have no remedy, therefore B’s right is extinguished. But if third
party is on notice, his conscience is affected, therefore B’s proprietary interests still exist
and are then enforceable against him.
• Common law saw third party transferee as legal owner - didn’t give transferor/other
intended beneficiaries any remedies. Hence latter had to look to Court of Chancery for
protection instead.
★ If father conveys land to friends inter vivos, directing them to hold land to the use of
himself during his lifetime, and after his death, to his daughter’s use, there are no
contractual obligations recognised by CL
★ But Chancery intervenes because Ts must not abuse terms of trust and assert
Common Law rights for their own benefits, as a matter of conscience.
★ However, bona fide purchasers for value without notice (Equity’s Darling) will be true
legal owners ➔ equity follows the Common Law unless their conscience is affected.
• Purposes of the use:
← 1) for owner to transfer property to himself and someone in joint names;
← 2) to hold land for Franciscan Friars who couldn’t own land (permanent nature);
← 3) to avoid the Statutes of Mortmain in the 13th C which prohibited gifts, aiming to prevent
land being taken out from circulation permanently;
← 4) to allow for land to be devised by wills;
← 5) to avoid feudal incidences of wardship and marriage, especially when the heir was still
in his minority.
← 6) circumvent rule that married women couldn’t hold property in her own right during
★ Particularly because of the effect of (5) above on the Crown, Henry VIII enacted the
Statute of Uses 1536, attempting to remove these advantages of uses.
Equity 1 Basic Concepts of Equity and Trust
★ But this legislative change was short lived! Right to devise freehold land by will
eventually re-established by the Statute of Wills 1540. Feudal incidences eventually
abolished anyway.
• Sources: in the early days, law was mostly developed by successive Chancellors, as they
extended protection of B (first against transferees with notice of the use, then against
heirs of third parties who inherited the property, and then against anyone except Equity’s
← -even today, rules are mostly from case precedent. Still, legislation has increasingly
intervened in past 150 years, in relation to appointment/removal of T and T’s
administrative duties and powers (eg. Trustee Acts 1925 and 2000)
Features of a trust
1. Separation of economic benefit and management of property (economic approach)
✦ Separation of beneficial use/enjoyment, from powers of management/disposition over
property. Hence, dividing rights between T and B.
✦ Note that beneficial interests which accrue to B cannot be defined in abstract or
general sense - depends on the terms of trust instrument!
✦ T is often an active fund manager (Stack v Dowden, 2007: this type of constructive
trust imposed to divide capital proceeds of sale is NOT the paradigm form of trusts -
little by way of active management by T)
✦ ➔ if so, T will owe duty of care to Bs; T has the power to deal with property because
he’s the legal owner
2. Separation of legal and equitable title (legal approach)
✦ B’s interest and rights under a trust are recognised solely in equity.
✦ Cf Reade v Reade, 1799: (pre-Judicature Acts) if B wants to enforce claim in respect
of trust property, he can only sue in equity, not in the Common Law courts
3. Relevance of conscience
✦ Basis of B’s proprietary claim is that it would be unconscionable for T to deny B’s
interest - Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale v Islington LBC, 1996 (Lord BW)
✦ ➔ Equity recognises obligation on T (legal proprietor)’s conscience, though it also
recognises that T is the legal owner (equity as gloss/qualification).
✦ If trust property is passed to third party, B can be said to have proprietary right
because former’s conscience is bound to restore asset to T (unless Equity’s Darling).
4. Limited equitable powers of trustee
✦ As legal owner, T’s powers are unlimited at Common Law. But equity imposes limits -
whether by trust instrument’s terms, or general law (eg. TA 2000).
✦ ➔ qualification of T’s general powers to deal with property as owner.
✦ If T acts in excess of his equitable powers, might commit breach of trust. He must
then account for resulting gains/losses.
✦ ➔ liability arises only in equity!
5. Fiduciary duties
✦ T is a fiduciary ➔ owes underlying duty of loyalty.
✦ Because of T’s uniquely powerful position in relation to B, due to his legal powers,
there are 2 fundamental rules:
✦ 1) T cannot exercise powers to make personal profit, and
✦ 2) T cannot enter transaction where there’s possible conflict between his trust
duties and personal interests.
✦ Eg. Wright v Morgan, 1926: T cannot sell trust property to himself in personal
capacity - conflict of duty and interest!
6. The “irreducible core” of trusteeship
Equity 1 Basic Concepts of Equity and Trust
✦ Parties might be able to contract out of fiduciary duties, but they definitely cannot
contract out of these specific obligations.
✦ A) T must act in good faith - trust instrument may contain exclusion clauses to allow
T to be negligent, but cannot allow T to be fraudulent without incurring liabilities!
✦ B) T must account to B for management of trust - inherent and non-excludable.
✦ Without these features, T will actually become the beneficial owner of the trust
property! The trust will thus cease to exist.