Windshear - Its Detection and Alerting
Windshear - Its Detection and Alerting
Windshear - Its Detection and Alerting
Dr. Ping-Wah LI
Scientific Officer
Hong Kong Observatory
134A Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Windshear is a sustained change in the wind resulting in changes in the lift to the
aircraft. Those who have flown on an aircraft might occasionally experience
sudden change of altitude during the course of landing or departure. They might be
caused by windshear and the pilot would need to respond in a timely manner to ensure
safety. In other parts of the world, the microburst, a kind of severe windshear caused
by thunderstorms, had brought a number of fatal aircraft accidents. Weather
information and warnings on windshear are thus very important to aircraft operation
and safety.
In this paper, we will explain how windshear can affect aircraft operation, and
the weather conditions which might lead to windshear over the Hong Kong
International Airport at Chek Lap Kok. These include terrain-disrupted flow,
microburst, gust front, sea breeze and low-level jet. We will talk about the
technologies now employed by the Hong Kong Observatory for windshear alerting,
including the world first automatic LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) windshear
alerting system for detection of windshear in rain-free conditions, the sophisticated
Terminal Doppler Weather Radar system for detection of microburst and windshear in
rainy conditions and the introduction of weather buoys for monitoring of sea breezes.
Furthermore, we will discuss how the combination of science, technologies and user
education contribute to the enhancement of aviation safety in Hong Kong.
1. Introduction
An aircraft flies in the air by utilizing the lifting force exerted on its wings.
The magnitude of the lift FL can be expressed as:
C L ρSVa
FL = (1)
where ρ is the air density, Va the true air speed of the aircraft, S the cross-sectional
area of the wings and CL the lift coefficient (Tritton 1995). The change of the lift
(relative to the aircraft) as an aircraft flies into a windshear region can be shown to be
(Fujita 1985):
∆FL 2 k
= − ∆u + ∆w (2)
where ∆u and ∆w are respectively the change of the horizontal and vertical wind
components, VG the aircraft ground speed and k a parameter dependent on the lift
coefficient and the attitude (technically speaking, the angle of attack) of the aircraft.
According to Eq. (2), as an
aircraft flies into a region with
horizontal wind drop and/or downdraft,
lift will decrease, causing the aircraft
to fly below the original flight-path
(Fig.1). This losing of altitude could
become very dangerous during an Fig.1 Due to the decreased headwind in a sinking
aircraft’s landing and takeoff phases. shear case, the lift will be reduced and subsequently
the aircraft would fly below its intended flight path.
This is normally called “headwind
loss” or “sinking shear” scenario. Conversely, when an aircraft encounters
horizontal wind increase and/or updraft, the lift will increase, causing the aircraft to
fly above the original flight path. This is called a “headwind gain” or “lifting shear”
scenario. Though not seems to be as critical as the headwind loss scenario, the
headwind gain scenario could still cause trouble to the pilot during an aircraft’s
landing as the aircraft could be caused to fly above the approaching glide-path, hence
missing the touch down zone and have to make a go-around (Figs.2a-2d). During
windshear situation, a pilot needs to respond in a timely manner to carry out
corrective measures so as to ensure aircraft safety.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig.2 Windshear effects on aircraft landing or takeoff from an airport: (a) headwind loss during
landing, (b) headwind loss during takeoff, (c) headwind gain during landing, and (d) headwind gain
during takeoff. (adapted from ICAO 2005).
Winds flow across a high obstacle would be disrupted, causing wind speed and
direction changes in the lee side (i.e. downwind) of the obstacle. When winds of
15 knots or higher blow across the hills on Lantau from the east, southeast, south and
southwest, windshear may occur near the airport (Fig.3a). Furthermore, high winds
may come from the northwest through northeast sectors across the hills over the
northwestern part of the New Territories to affect HKIA (Fig.3c). On windy
occasions such as the approach of a tropical cyclone (Shun et al. 2003), air streams of
high wind speed may emerge from the mountain gaps. Lying between these
high-speed air streams are air streams of lower wind speed which could be traced
back to the flow over the mountain peaks. Hence, as an aircraft approach or depart
from HKIA, it may traverse through alternating high-speed and low-speed air streams,
leading to headwind losses (sinking shear) and gains (lifting shear) at different
locations along the approach and departure corridors (Fig.4a). When the aircraft
flies from a low-speed air stream to a high-speed air stream, it may experience a large
headwind gain, leading to a lift of the aircraft. These lifting/sinking shears occur
irrespective of whether there is accompanying precipitation or not.
Fig.3a Terrain-induced windshear case due to Fig.3b LIDAR radial velocity image showing the
wind flow disturbed by Lantau Island. complex wind flow behind the Lantau Island.
Fig.3c Terrain-induced windshear due to wind Fig.3d LIDAR radial velocity image showing the
flow disturbed by mountains to the northeast of complex wind flow behind the mountains to the
HKIA. northeast of HKIA.
Besides alternative high and low wind speed regions, the cross mountain flow
may also generate even complicated localized flows such as horizontal vortices,
vertical rotors or hydraulic jumps (ICAO 2005). These features may bring
significant windshear to HKIA and affect aircraft safety. Terrain-induced
windshear could occur almost all-year round with the most frequent occurrence in
Fig.4a The regions lying to the lee side of the Fig.4b An aircraft may encounter windshear over
mountain peaks will have low speed wind but the region where the sea breeze meets the
those areas behind the mountain troughs will prevailing/background wind.
have gap flow of high wind speed.
Fig.4c A gust front may cause an aircraft to Fig.4d A microburst may cause an aircraft to
deviate from the original flight path. deviate from the original flight path.
As HKIA is built on an island, daytime heating may trigger convection over the
landmass and subsequently the formation of sea breeze blowing towards the
aerodrome from the surrounding waters (Lee and Shun 2003). Sea breeze usually
develops under fine weather and light wind conditions. At HKIA, the onset of sea
breeze is typically characterized by winds turning westerly over the western part of
the airport. With prevailing easterly winds blowing in the background, significant
windshear in the form of headwind gain to an aircraft may develop along the runways
(Fig.4b). While not frequent, windshear of 20 knots or greater associated with sea
breeze may occur under background easterly winds of 10 knots or higher. Such a
weather setup occurs more in winter and spring.
Statistically speaking, most of the windshear cases occurred at HKIA are caused
by the winds blowing across the mountains surrounding the airport. Based on pilot
report statistics, terrain-induced windshear accounts for about 70% of all the
windshear reports received. The 2nd most prominent windshear type is the sea
breeze which accounts for roughly 20% of all the windshear events. The gust front,
microburst and low-level jet induced windshear in total account for the rest of the
10% of the reported events. These statistics would however be considered as
indicative information since, for example, pilots tend to avoid landing/takeoff during
thunderstorm and so the frequency of gust front and microburst is probably
Fig.5 The HKO has implemented a comprehensive meteorological monitoring system over and
around the HKIA for detecting windshear conditions to support the airport operations.
4 The HKO Windshear Detection System
In order to monitor and detect the windshear conditions over HKIA, the
Observatory implemented one of the most comprehensive and sophisticated
windshear and turbulence warning systems in the world to provide timely alerting
service for all arriving and departing flights. The system is composed of a number
of state-of-the-art weather sensors including: a Terminal Doppler weather radar
(TDWR), a suite of wind sensors consisting of a number of land-based anemometers
and strategically distributed weather buoys over the waters around the airport island, a
number of wind profilers, and a pulsed Doppler LIDAR (Fig.5).
Fig.6a A TDWR utilizes microwave of 5 cm wavelength and the Doppler principle to detect
the intensity and movement of raindrops and ice particles in the air.
Fig.7a A LIDAR uses an infrared laser beam with Fig.7b LIWAS glide-path scanning strategy
a wavelength of 2 µm to measure the wind by for windshear detection over HKIA.
tracking the movement of suspended particles in the
air. It works best in fine and rain-free conditions.
airport since mid-2002. The LIDAR system is strategically placed on the roof-top of
the Air Traffic Control Complex between the two parallel runways for scanning the
approach and departure corridors of both runways. Operating on a principle similar
to that of TDWR, LIDAR emits eye-safe laser pulses of wavelength of 2µm for
detecting the movement of tiny particles (known as aerosols) in clear-air to obtain the
wind speed and direction aloft (Fig.7a). It is configured to perform sector scans at
Fig.8a LIDAR detection of a sea breeze front Fig.8b LIDAR detection of a gust front
(the gray line) to the west of the runway emerging from a thunderstorm located to the
thresholds around 1:00p.m. on 10 Mar 2006. northeast of HKIA.
Winds blowing away from the LIDAR are
highlighted with blown/yellow/orange colour
while those towards the LIDAR are highlighted
in green colour.
several different elevation angles to monitor the wind conditions out to about 3
nautical miles (1 nautical mile = 1.86 km) from the respective runway thresholds.
The LIDAR is configured to scan towards the landing and takeoff glide-paths over
HKIA. A software is also developed for automatic identification of significant
windshear along the glide-paths (see Section 4.5.3). LIDAR data are collected
automatically and are updated about once every two minutes.
4.5.1 AWARE
4.5.2 TDWR
4.5.3 LIWAS
The LIWAS utilizes: (a) LIDAR scans towards the landing and takeoff flight
paths to measure the winds to be experienced by aircraft (Fig.7b), and (b) a
sophisticated software developed by the Observatory for identifying significant
windshear on the glide-paths and for issuing windshear alerts automatically. The
automatic LIWAS windshear alerts, available on a minute-to-minute basis, have been
fed in real-time into the WTWS for relay to aircraft via air traffic controllers since
December 2005. Figure 11 shows a sample product of LIWAS indicating the wind
profiles along the glide-paths of the 8 runway corridors of HKIA.
Fig.11 The Observatory developed the first algorithm in the world to detect windshear automatically
based on the LIDAR wind data collected along the flight path (right figure). Brown/yellow/orange
colour shows wind blowing away from the LIDAR while green colour towards the LIDAR.
In short, the Observatory’s WTWS is the world first windshear alerting system to
utilize LIDAR and weather buoys, in addition to the sate-of-the-art TDWR and
conventional anemometer network, covering both rainy and dry weather conditions.
(Fahey 2006)
Fig.12a The WTWS Graphical Situation Fig.12b The WTWS Alphanumeric Alert Display
Display installed at the Airport Control Tower installed at the Airport Control Tower showing
showing the windshear and turbulence alerts the windshear and turbulence alerts over various
over various runway corridors at HKIA. Red runway corridors at HKIA.
hollow circle or ellipse – windshear alert
generated by TDWR. Red-filled circle or
ellipse – microburst alert generated by TDWR.
Red hollow rectangular shape – windshear alert
generated by AWARE.
Alerts for windshear are classified into two levels: “Microburst Alert” and
“Windshear Alert”. Windshear with runway-orientated wind speed loss of 30 knots
or greater and accompanied by precipitation are referred to as Microburst Alert. This
is automatically generated by the TDWR. Windshear with runway-orientated wind
speed loss or gain of 15 knots or greater (except microburst) are referred to as
Windshear Alert. The Microburst or Windshear Alert passed by ATC includes the
intensity and type of alert (i.e. microburst or windshear), the magnitude of the runway
orientated wind speed difference and the location (final approach or departure area as
appropriate). Both graphical and textual alerts are provided simultaneously
(Figs.12a, 12b). Besides, all aircrafts which encounter significant windshear are
requested to report the event to the ATC Tower and the Observatory. These reported
events together with the WTWS detected windshear alerts would then be relayed via
ATC Tower to the following aircraft to alert them of the latest windshear conditions.
2000 and 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 (up to
the past three consecutive years, before end of March)
over 90% of the windshear events Fig.13 The POD (Probability of Detection) of HKO
reported at HKIA were successfully Windshear Alert and Warning Service.
covered by windshear alerts/warnings issued by the Observatory. Those undetected
were of moderate intensity or very transient. The majority (almost 70%) was
captured by LIWAS. The rest was captured by TDWR, AWARE and the forecaster.
Meanwhile, the false alarm ratio has also been decreasing, indicating that the skill of
the WTWS has been improving continuously.
Experience indicates that most of the local windshear events are caused by the
winds disrupted by the mountains near HKIA, including winds associated with the
passage of tropical cyclones and strong monsoon. The LIDAR has also shown that
windshear is sporadic and transient (HKO/IFALPA 2005). In other words, a wind
speed loss/gain sequence experienced by an aircraft may be experienced rather
differently by the subsequent aircraft. Some aircraft may experience windshear
and/or turbulence, while others do not, even though the weather conditions are
broadly the same. In this connection, HKO works closely with the Civil Aviation
Department in coordinating the provision of windshear alerting services at HKIA.
HKO and CAD, together with GFS, International Federation of Air Line Pilots’
Associations (IFALPA), International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers'
Associations (IFATCA) and airline representatives hold regular meetings to review
the windshear service and discuss further enhancements. Meanwhile, the
Observatory has continuously requested pilots to report via ATC of any windshear
encountered. The Observatory also continuously acquires on-board flight data from
aircraft arriving/departing HKIA for post-analysis to enhance the understanding of
windshear causes for fine-tuning the alerting algorithms. Furthermore, the
Observatory, together with IFALPA has published a booklet to promulgate the
knowledge of local windshear among aviation community and to encourage pilots to
provide feedbacks to the Observatory (HKO/IFALPA 2005). In short, the
collaboration among the Observatory and the users has been proved to be important
for continuously improvement of the windshear alerting services at HKIA.
6 Future Development