Biology Project

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A certification that the student has completed the investigatory

project, done well and on time, under the guidance of
_____________ (Subject Teacher) during the year 2015-
2016 in a partial fulfilment of the Biology Practical

Examiner’s Sign Teacher’s Sign

Date :

Principal’s Sign
School Stamp


I greatly acknowledge the valuable contributions of my Biology

Teacher, Mrs. Preeti Agarwal for reviewing the manuscript and
giving valuable suggestions. I would also like to thank the Lab
Assistant Mr. Lakhmir Chamd Sharma for his timely help.


1. Introduction : What is Mobile Phone

2. History And Evolution Of The Mobile Phone
3. Some common features to all mobile handsets
4. Base Station and it’s Health Hazards
5. Mobile Phone Radiation And Health
6. Some of the Potential Side Effects of Exposure to
Electromagnetic Radiation:
7. Effects of Cell Phones as an Environmental Hazard
8. Effects of Mobile Radiation on Living Tissue
i. Radiation Absorption
ii. Thermal Effects
iii. Blood-Brain Barrier effects
iv. Cognitive Effects
v. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity
vi. Behavioural Effects
vii. Sperm count and sperm quality
9. What has research shown about the possible cancer-
causing effects of radiofrequency energy?
10. Findings from famous studies
11. Research and Survey
12. Tips for Reducing Potential Harmful Effects of
Mobile Phone Radiation
13. Conclusion
14. Bibliography
What Is Mobile phone?

A mobile phone is a phone that can make and

receive telephone calls over a radio link while
moving around a wide geographic area.
It does so by connecting to a cellular network
provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing
access to the public telephone network.
By contrast, a cordless telephone is used only
within the short range of a single, private base

The first hand-held cell phone was demonstrated

by John F. Mitchelland Martin Cooper of Motorola
in 1973, using a handset weighing around 4.4
pounds (2 kg).

In 1983, the DynaTAC 8000x was the first to be

commercially available. From 1983 to 2014,
worldwide mobile phone subscriptions grew from
zero to over 7 billion, penetrating 100% of the
global population and reaching the bottom of the
economic pyramid. In 2014, the top cell phone
manufacturers were Samsung, Nokia, Apple, and
History And Evolution Of The Mobile

In The Beginning
Many of the early cell phones were considered to be “car phones,” as
they were too large and cumbersome to carry around in a pocket or
purse. However, in 1983, the Motorola DynaTAC 8000x arrived on the
market. Though huge by today’s standards, it was considered the first
truly mobile phone because it was small enough to carry.

Though the DynaTac and subsequent models were smaller, mobile, and
ultimately cooler, they still had their faults. Bulky, luggable models like
the Nokia Mobira Talkman and the Motorola 2900 Bag Phone had longer
battery lives and more talk time, making them more popular at the time.
As the technology advanced, cell phone companies figured out how to
pack all the features their customers wanted into a smaller, portable,
more affordable model.

A Shifting Purpose
Early cell phones were just for talking. Gradually, features like voicemail
were added, but the main purpose was talk. Eventually, cell phone
manufacturers began to realize that they could integrate other
technologies into their phone and expand its features. The earliest
smartphones let users access email, and use the phone as a fax
machine, pager, and address book.

Changing Shape

Just in recent years, cell phone designs have actually started to become
larger and simpler, making room for a larger screen and less buttons.
Because phones have become mobile media devices, the most
desirable aspect is a large, clear, high-definition screen for optimal web
viewing. Even the keyboard is being taken away, replaced by a touch
screen keyboard that only comes out when you need it.
Some Common Features To All Mobile

The common components found on all phones are:

1. A battery, providing the power source for the phone


2. An input mechanism to allow the user to interact with the


3. The most common input mechanism is a keypad, but

touch screens are also found in most smartphones.

4. A screen which echoes the user's typing, displays text

messages, contacts and more.

5. Basic mobile phone services to allow users to make calls

and send text messages.

6. All GSM phones use a SIM card to allow an account to be

swapped among devices. Some CDMA devices also have
a similar card called a R-UIM.

7. Individual GSM, WCDMA, iDEN and some satellite phone

devices are uniquely identified by an International Mobile
Equipment Identity (IMEI) number.
Top Five Worldwide Total Mobile Phone Vendors.

Rank Manufacturer Gartner[24] IDC[25]

1 Samsung 24.6% 24.5%

2 Nokia 13.9% 13.8%

3 Apple Inc. 8.3% 8.4%

4 LG 3.8% 3.8%

5 ZTE 3.3% -
What Is A Base Station?

The term base station is used in the context of mobile

telephony, wireless computer networking and other wireless
communications and in land surveying: in surveying it is a GPS
receiver at a known position, while in wireless communications
it is a transceiver connecting a number of other devices to one
another and/or to a wider area. In mobile telephony it provides
the connection between mobile phones and the wider
telephone network.

Health Hazards Of Base Stations

Another area of concern is the radiation emitted by the fixed

infrastructure used in mobile telephony, such as base stations
and their antennas, which provide the link to and from mobile
phones. This is because, in contrast to mobile handsets, it is
emitted continuously and is more powerful at close quarters.
On the other hand, field intensities drop rapidly with distance
away from the base of transmitters because of the attenuation
of power with the square of distance.

One popular design of mobile phone antenna is the sector

antenna, whose coverage is 120 degrees horizontally and
about ∓5 degrees from the vertical.
Because base stations operate at less than 100 watts, the
radiation at ground level is much weaker than a cell phone due
to the power relationship appropriate for that design of antenna.
Base station emissions must comply with safety guidelines.
Some countries, however (such as South Africa, for example),
have no health regulations governing the placement of base
Mobile Phone Radiation And Health

The effect of mobile phone radiation on human health is a

subject of interest and study worldwide, as a result of the
increase in mobile phone usage throughout the world. As of
November 2011, there were more than 6 billion subscriptions
worldwide. Mobile phones use electromagnetic radiation in the
microwave range. Other digital wireless systems, such as data
communication networks, produce similar radiation.

In 2011, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

classified mobile phone radiation as Group 2B - possibly
carcinogenic (not Group 2A - probably carcinogenic - nor the
dangerous Group 1). That means that there "could be some
risk" of carcinogenicity, so additional research into the long-
term, heavy use of mobile phones needs to be conducted. The
WHO added in June 2011 that "to date, no adverse health
effects have been established as being caused by mobile
phone use", a point they reiterated in October 2014. Some
national radiation advisory authorities have recommended
measures to minimize exposure to their citizens as a
precautionary approach.
Headaches Tumours Melanoma

Memory Loss Fatigue



Genetic Cardiovascular
Damage Stress

Behavioural Reduced
Some Of The Potential Side Effects Of
Exposure To Electromagnetic Radiation:
Break In Blood

• Blurry Vision
• Headaches
• Nausea
• Fatigue
• Neck Pain
• Memory Loss
• Leukaemia
• Rare Brain Cancers
• Enzyme Changes That Affect DNA
• Birth Defects
• Changes In Metabolism
• Increased Risk For Alzheimer’s Disease
• Increased Risk For Heart Conditions
• Neurological Hormone Changes Linked Impaired
Brain Function
Effects Of Cell Phones As An
Environmental Hazard

Toxic Leaching

The Natural Resources Defense Council observes that lead, mercury and cadmium
found in personal electronic devices such as mobile phones can “release dangerous
toxins into our air and water when burned or deposited in landfills improperly.” In
these situations, there can be significant environmental impacts.
Effects Of Mobile Radiation On Living

Radiation Absorption

Part of the radio waves emitted by a mobile telephone handset are

absorbed by the body. The radio waves emitted by a GSM handset are
typically below a watt. The maximum power output from a mobile phone
is regulated by the mobile phone standard and by the regulatory
agencies in each country.
In most systems the cellphone and the base station check reception
quality and signal strength and the power level is increased or
decreased automatically, within a certain span, to accommodate different
situations, such as inside or outside of buildings and vehicles.
The rate at which energy is absorbed by the human body is measured
by the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), and its maximum levels for
modern handsets have been set by governmental regulating agencies in
many countries.
In the USA, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has set a
SAR limit of 1.6 W/kg, averaged over a volume of 1 gram of tissue, for
the head. In Europe, the limit is 2 W/kg, averaged over a volume of 10
grams of tissue. SAR data for specific mobile phones, along with other
useful information, can be found directly on manufacturers' websites, as
well as on third party web sites. It is worth noting that thermal radiation is
not comparable to ionizing radiation in that it only increases the
temperature in normal matter, it does not break molecular bonds or
release electrons from their atoms.

Thermal Effects

One well-understood effect of microwave radiation is dielectric heating,

in which any dielectric material (such as living tissue) is heated by
rotations of polar molecules induced by the electromagnetic field. In the
case of a person using a cell phone, most of the heating effect will occur
at the surface of the head, causing its temperature to increase by a
fraction of a degree. In this case, the level of temperature increase is an
order of magnitude less than that obtained during the exposure of the
head to direct sunlight. The brain's blood circulation is capable of
disposing of excess heat by increasing local blood flow. However, the
cornea of the eye does not have this temperature regulation mechanism
and exposure of 2–3 hours duration has been reported to produce
cataracts in rabbits' eyes at SAR values from 100–140 W/kg, which
produced lenticular temperatures of 41 °C. This has known to cause
premature cataract in humans.
A image via thermal scans showing heating of the facial skin after 4
hours of phone usage.

*Thermal effects have also known to cause harm to ear drum and
impair hearing in the long term.

Blood–Brain Barrier Effects

Swedish researchers from Lund University have studied the effects of

mobile radiation on the brain. They found a leakage of albumin into the
brain via a permeated blood–brain barrier. This confirms earlier work on
the blood–brain barrier by Allan Frey, Oscar and Hawkins, and Albert
and Kerns.
Prof Leszczynski of Finland's radiation and nuclear safety authority
found that, at the maximum legal limit for mobile radiation, one protein in
particular, HSP 27, was affected. HSP 27 played a critical role in the
integrity of the blood-brain barrier.

Cognitive Effects

A 2009 study, examined the effects of exposure to radiofrequency

radiation (RFR) emitted by standard GSM cell phones on the cognitive
functions of humans.
The study confirmed longer (slower) response times to a spatial working
memory task when exposed to RFR from a standard GSM cellular phone
placed next to the head of male subjects, and showed that longer
duration of exposure to RFR may increase the effects on performance.
Right-handed subjects exposed to RFR on the left side of their head on
average had significantly longer response times when compared to
exposure to the right side and sham-exposure.

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

Some users of mobile handsets have reported feeling several unspecific

symptoms during and after its use; ranging from burning and tingling
sensations in the skin of the head and extremities, fatigue, sleep
disturbances, dizziness, loss of mental attention, reaction times and
memory retentiveness, headaches, malaise, tachycardia (heart
palpitations), to disturbances of the digestive system.
Reports have noted that all of these symptoms can also be attributed to
stress and that current research cannot separate the symptoms from
nocebo effects.

Genotoxic Effects

In December 2004, a pan-European study named REFLEX

(Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low
Energy Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposure Using Sensitive
in vitro Methods), involving 12 collaborating laboratories in
several countries showed some compelling evidence of DNA
damage of cells in in-vitro cultures, when exposed between 0.3
to 2 watts/kg, whole-sample average. There were indications,
but not rigorous evidence of other cell changes, including
damage to chromosomes, alterations in the activity of certain
genes and a boosted rate of cell division.
Australian research conducted in 2009, by subjecting in vitro
samples of human spermatozoa to radio-frequency radiation at
1.8 GHz and specific absorption rates (SAR) of 0.4 to 27.5
W/kg showed a correlation between increasing SAR and
decreased motility and vitality in sperm, increased oxidative
stress and 8-Oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine markers, stimulating DNA
base adduct formation and increased DNA fragmentation.

Behavioural Effects

A study shows that exposure to excessive mobile radiation

during pregnancy can cause a risk of ADHD in child.

Sperm Count And Sperm Quality

Exposure to SAR values for long times for those men who keep
the mobile phones in their lower pockets for most of the time,
increases the temperature of groin and the radiation has known
to cause considerable lowering of the sperm motility and vitality
of sperm.
What Has Research Shown About The
Possible Cancer-Causing Effects Of
RadioFrequency Energy?
Although there have been some concerns that radiofrequency energy
from cell phones held closely to the head may affect the brain and other
tissues, to date there is no evidence from studies of cells, animals, or
humans that radiofrequency energy can cause cancer.
It is generally accepted that damage to DNA is necessary for cancer to
develop. However, radiofrequency energy, unlike ionizing radiation, does
not cause DNA damage in cells, and it has not been found to cause
cancer in animals or to enhance the cancer-causing effects of known
chemical carcinogens in animals
Researchers have carried out several types of epidemiologic studies to
investigate the possibility of a relationship between cell phone use and
the risk of malignant (cancerous) brain tumors, such as gliomas, as well
as benign (noncancerous) tumors, such as acousticneuromas (tumors in
the cells of the nerve responsible for hearing), most
meningiomas(tumors in the meninges, membranes that cover and
protect the brain and spinal cord), and parotid gland tumors (tumors in
the salivary glands)
In one type of study, called a case-control study, cell phone use is
compared between people with these types of tumors and people
without them. In another type of study, called a cohort study, a large
group of people is followed over time and the rate of these tumors in
people who did and didn’t use cell phones is compared. Cancer
incidence data can also be analyzed over time to see if the rates of
cancer changed in large populations during the time that cell phone use
increased dramatically. The results of these studies have generally not
provided clear evidence of a relationship between cell phone use and
cancer, but there have been some statistically significant findings in
certain subgroups of people.
Findings From Famous Research
Studies Are Summarized Below

 The Interphone Study, conducted by a consortium of researchers

from 13 countries, is the largest health-related case-control study of
use of cell phones and head and neck tumors. Most published
analyses from this study have shown no statistically significant
increases in brain or central nervous system cancers related to higher
amounts of cell phone use. One recent analysis showed a statistically
significant, albeit modest, increase in the risk of glioma among the
small proportion of study participants who spent the most total time
on cell phone calls. However, the researchers considered this finding
inconclusive because they felt that the amount of use reported by
some respondents was unlikely and because the participants who
reported lower levels of use appeared to have a slightly reduced risk
of brain cancer compared with people who did not use cell phones
regularly. Another recent study from the group found no relationship
between brain tumor locations and regions of the brain that were
exposed to the highest level of radiofrequency energy from cell
 A cohort study in Denmark linked billing information from more than
358,000 cell phone subscribers with brain tumor incidence data from
the Danish Cancer Registry. The analyses found no association
between cell phone use and the incidence of glioma, meningioma, or
acoustic neuroma, even among people who had been cell phone
subscribers for 13 or more years.
 The prospective Million Women Study in the United Kingdom found
that self-reported cell phone use was not associated with an increased
risk of glioma, meningioma, or non-central nervous system tumors.
The researchers did find that the use of cell phones for more than 5
years was associated with an increased risk of acoustic neuroma, and
that the risk of acoustic neuroma increased with increasing duration of
cell phone use. However, the incidence of these tumors among men
and women in the United Kingdom did not increase during 1998 to
2008, even though cell phone use increased dramatically over that
 An early case-control study in the United States was unable to
demonstrate a relationship between cell phone use and glioma or
 Some case-control studies in Sweden found statistically significant
trends of increasing brain cancer risk for the total amount of cell
phone use and the years of use among people who began using cell
phones before age 20. However, another large, case-control study in
Sweden did not find an increased risk of brain cancer among people
between the ages of 20 and 69. In addition, the international CEFALO
study, which compared children who were diagnosed with brain
cancer between ages 7 and 19 with similar children who were not,
found no relationship between their cell phone use and risk for brain
 Studies of workers exposed to radiofrequency energy have shown
no evidence of increased risk of brain tumors among U.S. Navy
electronics technicians, aviation technicians, or fire control
technicians, those working in an electromagnetic pulse test program,
plastic-ware workers, cellular phone manufacturing workers, or Navy
personnel with a high probability of exposure to radar.

Cell Phones Reach The Market Without

Safety Testing
The cellular phone industry was born in the early 1980s, when
communications technology that had been developed for the
Department of Defence was put into commerce by companies focusing
on profits. This group, with big ideas but limited resources, pressured
government regulatory agencies—particularly the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA)—to allow cell phones to be sold without pre-market
testing. The rationale, known as the “low power exclusion,” distinguished
cell phones from dangerous microwave ovens based on the amount of
power used to push the microwaves. At that time, the only health effect
seen from microwaves involved high power strong enough to heat
human tissue. The pressure worked, and cell phones were exempted
from any type of regulatory oversight, an exemption that continues today.
Today there are more than two billion cell phone users being exposed
every day to the dangers of electromagnetic radiation (EMR)—dangers
government regulators and the cell phone industry refuse to admit exist.
Included are: genetic damage, brain dysfunction, brain tumours, and
other conditions such as sleep disorders and headaches.

Do children have a higher risk of

developing cancer due to cell phone
use than adults?
In theory, children have the potential to be at greater risk than adults for
developing brain cancer from cell phones. Their nervous systems are
still developing and therefore more vulnerable to factors that may cause
cancer. Their heads are smaller than those of adults and therefore have
a greater proportional exposure to the field of radiofrequency radiation
that is emitted by cell phones. And children have the potential of
accumulating more years of cell phone exposure than adults do.

Research And Survey

A survey was conducted on 50 individuals of various

age groups from teens to adults to obtain information
of their mobile phone usage pattern and duration,
including the major purpose of using their mobile
The survey included individuals of the following age
a. 10-13 years
b. 14-17 years
c. 18-25 years
d. 26-35 years
e. >40 years
A sample of the questionnaire used in the survey:

1. What is your gender?

a. Male
b. Female
2. What’s your age?
a. 10-13 years
b. 14-17 years
c. 18-25 years
d. 26-35 years
e. >40 years
3. Do you own a mobile phone?
a. Yes
b. No
4. Would you classify Internet as an important part of
a mobile phone?
a. Yes
b. No
5. Currently which mobile phone do you own?

Company Model Purchased in


6. How much did you pay for it?

a. 5,000-10,000 Rs.
b. 10,000-15,000 Rs.
c. 15,000-25,000 Rs.
d. >25,000 Rs.
7. Why did you buy the mobile phone?
a. Prize
b. Function
c. Screen size
d. Appearance
e. Trend
f. Ads
8. How much do you spend on your mobile (calls
only) a day ?
a. >30 mins
b. 30 mins -1 hr
c. 1hr-2hrs
d. >2hrs
9. Do you use any other features of your mobile
phone? If so, how much time do you spend on
this feature?
Feature Don’t use it >30 minutes 1hrs-2 hrs 2hrs-3hrs  >3hrs

Internet browsing


Text messaging



Other utilities

10. Which of these is your favourites feature?

Scale of 1 to 6? (6 = extremely satisfied)?
a. Internet browsing/Application
b. Music
c. Text messaging
d. Gaming
e. Camera
11. What is your primary purpose for using
internet on your mobile phone? Please
rank your answers from 1 to 4. (1 is the most
frequent purpose and 4 is the least frequent)
a. To browse (www.)
b. To read news
c. To read/send e-mails, messages, etc.
d. To use online applications
e. Social Media
f. To play Online Games

12. What would you describe as the

main benefits of using internet on your mobile
phone? (Multiple answers possible – 3 answers at
the max)
a. It helps me to contact people when necessary
b. I can search for information that I need urgently
c. It is a way to pass my time
d. It allows me to use online utilities when I am out

13. How far do you keep your phone away from

while you sleep?
a. 1-2 feet
b. 2-5 feet
c. >6 feet

14. Do you charge your phone while you sleep?

a. Yes
b. No

15. Have you felt any discrepancies in body

function after long and continuous use of your
mobile phone (for any reason) E.g. Headache,
strain in eyes, fatigue, body pain.
a. Yes
b. No

16. Do you believe that usage of mobile phones

can have health hazards?
a. Yes
b. No

17. Are you aware and worried about the health

hazards from prolonged mobile usage?
a. Yes
b. No
Result Of The Survey


6Male Female


0 0 10-13 years
9 8 14-17 years
18-25 years
0 26-35 years
7 >40 years

Mobile Phone Used for Calls

1 >30 mins
4 30mins-1hr
8 >2hrs

Molbile Used For Other Purposes

Internet Music
Text Messaging Social Media
Gaming Other Utilities

Inference Of The Data From The Survey

1. Major members of the survey were male and
between the age group 14-17 years.
2. All members of the survey were owners of mobile
3. Internet was an important and integral part of their
mobile phones.
4. Most of the members bought new mobile phones
as it was trending. This is the result of increase in
consumerism over the years.
5. Greater number of members spent between 1 to 2
hours on the mobile phones making calls per day
whereas a considerable number of members also
spent more than 2 hours a day making calls on
their mobile phones.
6. Out of the major purposes of the use of a mobile
phone, members spent majority of their time on
social media, followed by internet browsing and
listening to music. Most of the members in the age
group of 10-17 years were the ones who also used
their mobile phones for playing games.
7. Out of the 50 members of the survey 41 people
charge their phones while sleeping.
8. 90% of the members kept their phones on their
bedside while they slept, i.e. 1-2 feet from them
while it was on charge.
9. Almost all members felt slight effects of mobile
usage on their health such as headache, strain in
the eyes, fatigue, pain in the neck and back, loss of
sleep, etc. Members above the age of 40 years also
experienced slight stretches of short term memory
10. But, despite this fact most members were not
aware of the long term effects of mobile use and

Conclusions Drawn From The Survey

From the above survey it can be seen that most people
know as well have experienced the short term effects of
long term mobile usage. But, they are unaware of the
long term effects and health hazards from mobile
radiation. People also keep their phones on charge
while they sleep on their bedside. This was very
hazardous to the health as the radiations emitted are
close to the body and damage the organs as well as
there is a great risk of over charging the battery and
causing its explosion. Such cases have been recorded
in the past as well. People are unaware in their sleep
and overcharging or voltage fluctuations may trigger a
battery malfunction and causing it to explode which
when 1- feet close to the body can cause fatality.
Children experience weakening of eye sight and slowed
brain development by prolonged exposure to mobile
radiation. Retardation in mental development causes
retardation in over all development of the individual
and children are the most prone to such causes. Mobile
radiation is maximum during a voice call and placing
the phone near the ear can cause hearing loss and
brain tumours as a result of long term exposure. People
who make calls for 4+ hours a day are the ones most to
this consequence and develop discrepancies faster
compared to other who are exposed less to mobile

Tips For Reducing Potential Harmful

Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation

1. When on a call, use a wired headset or speakerphone

mode. Use a Bluetooth headset, which emits a smaller
amount of radiation, only when talking. When not using
the headset, keep it off your body.
2. Place the mobile phone away from your body when
on a call.
3. Do not carry mobile phones in pockets of pants or in
shirts or bras. Use a belt holster designed to shield the
body from radiation.
4. Avoid using a mobile phone in a moving car, train,
bus, or in rural areas at some distance from a cell
tower. Distance from a cell tower will increase the cell
phone’s radiation output.
5. Turn the mobile phone off when you don't need to
use it.
6. Use a corded landline phone instead of a wireless
phone, which also emits radiation.
7. Avoid using mobile phone inside of buildings,
particularly those with steel structures, which increases
the device's radiation output because signals are not as
8. Do not allow children, whose bodies are more
vulnerable to absorbing radiation, to sleep with a cell
phone beneath their pillow or keep it at the bedside.
9. Do not allow children under 18 to use a mobile phone
except in emergencies.
10. When making a call, do not hold the phone to your
ear until after the person on the other line answers. The
device emits more radiation before a call goes through.

The conclusion drawn from the investigatory project
finally states the mobile radiation is harmful to human
health. The effects may not be noted almost
immediately, but will be causing adverse effects to the
present as well the future generations because of the
ability of the radiations to effect and mutate human
DNA which have a high potential to cause mutations
and new diseases in the future generations. Mobile
radiations present a very high risk of brain cancer and
tumours in humans and most prominently in children
below the age of 5 years.
Precautionary measure should be taken to protect one’s
self and family and friends from the harmful effects of
mobile radiation.
Mobile radiation might not seem harmful in almost
immediate effects but is such a slow poison to cause
harmful effects to us and even our future generations,
in the long run.

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