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PUBLIC NOTICE DEADLINE: Monday at 12 p.m. Rate $18.75 per column inch. Legals submit-
ted via hard copy will be charged a typesetting fee of $10.00 per typed page. To place an ad, call
(307) 367-2123 or e-mail: [email protected]
VERIFYING YOUR AD: please read your ad on the first day of publication. If there are mistakes, notify us immediately. We will make changes for errors and adjust your bill, but only if we
receive notice on the first day the ad is published. We limit our liability to you in this way, and we do not accept liability for any damages which may result from an error or omission in an ad.
The project consists of constructing a 6-mile or request for hearing as well as the position Creditors having claims against the dece-
PUBLIC NOTICE 138 kV tie-in transmission line; an electrical and the interest of the petitioner in this pro- dent or the estate are required to file them in
PUBLIC NOTICE OF SUPPLEMENTED collector system; a collector substation; an op- ceeding. duplicate with the necessary vouchers, in the
APPLICATION erations and maintenance building; 47, 2.3-3.6 If you wish to intervene in this matter or file a office of the Clerk of said Court, on or before
Pursuant to the Wyoming Administrative MW wind turbines and all associated towers, public comment, statement, or protest, or you three months after the date of the first publica-
Procedure Act and the Wyoming Public Service foundations, roads, cables, and communica- will attend the public hearing scheduled to begin tion of this notice, which first publication is on
Commission’s (Commission) Procedural Rules tions for operation of the plant. Output from on February 22, 2018, and you require reason- January 26, 2018, and if such claims are not so
and Special Regulations, notice is hereby given the wind turbines will be delivered to a col- able accommodation for a disability, please filed, unless otherwise allowed or paid, they will
of the supplement to the Application of Rocky lector substation on the project site where it contact the Commission at (307) 777-7427, or be forever barred.
Mountain Power (RMP or the Company) for will be stepped up to 138 kV and transported write to the Commission at 2515 Warren Av- Dated January 18, 2018
Certificates of Public Convenience and Neces- over the 138 kV tie-in transmission line to the enue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002, to Daniel M. Wilson,
sity (CPCN) and nontraditional ratemaking for Company’s transmission system at the Whitney make arrangements. Communications impaired Personal Representative
wind and transmission facilities, as more fully Canyon substation. The project is located ap- persons may also contact the Commission by WEST LAW OFFICE, PC
described below: proximately 8 miles Northeast of Evanston, on accessing Wyoming Relay at 711. Please men- P.O. Box 1020
RMP is a public utility, as defined in Wyo. 30,000 acres of leased private and state land tion Docket No. 20000-520-EA-17 (Record No. Rock Springs, WY 82902-1020
Stat. §37-1-101(a)(vi)(C), providing retail electric entirely in Uinta County, Wyoming. 14781) in your communications. Public Notice #7358 published in the Pine-
public utility service under CPCNs issued by RMP also supplemented its Application Public Notice #7354 published in the Pine- dale Roundup on January 26, Feb. 2, 9, 2018
the Commission. RMP is subject to the Com- to request additional CPCN to construct the dale Roundup on January 26, Feb. 2, 2018
mission’s jurisdiction pursuant to Wyo. Stat. following additional transmission resources
necessary to interconnect the specific four
On June 30, 2017, the Company submitted identified Wyoming wind resources: ABANDONED VEHICLE NOTICE FORECLOSURE SALE
an Application together with testimony, and ex- [i] for the Cedar Spring Wind Project: install Blue 1985 Chevy Blazer VIN# WHEREAS, default in the payment of
hibits requesting the Commission grant CPCNs two, 230 kV breakers and two line positions 1G8EK18H4FF127589. Vehicle to be sold at principal and interest has occurred under the
to construct, or approval to acquire, four new with associated switches at the Windstar sub- 18 Murdock mesa road Pinedale Wy 82941 on terms of a promissory note (the “Note”) dated
Wyoming wind resources with a total capac- station, installation of high-speed relaying at February 15th, 2018 at 10 am. Storage costs 08/30/2005 executed and delivered by Jerry L.
ity of 860 megawatts (MW) (collectively called the Riverton 230 kV bus, and rebuild 56 miles $750. Morrell to The CIT Group Consumer Finance,
the Wind Projects). The Company’s Application of 230 kV line from the Dave Johnson power Public Notice #7355 published in the Pine- Inc.( a Delaware Corporation) and a real es-
indicated that it would update the requested plant to the Amasa substation, to the Difficulty dale Roundup on January 26, Feb. 2, 2018 tate mortgage (the “Mortgage”) of the same
CPCN in January 2018 based on the results of substation, and to the Shirley Basin substation; date securing the Note, which Mortgage was
the 2017 request for proposals process. [ii] for the McFadden Ridge II Wind Project: PUBLIC NOTICE executed and delivered by Jerry L. Morrell (the
On January 16, 2018, the Company supple- install a new three-breaker 230 kV point of in- "Mortgagors"), to Mortgage Electronic Reg-
terconnection ring-bus substation on the High IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE NINTH
mented the Application with testimony and istration Systems, Inc., as nominee for The
Plains to Foote Creek 230 kV transmission line; JUDICIAL DISTRICT
exhibits after having identified the specific CIT Group Consumer Finance, Inc.( a Dela-
Wind Projects through the request for proposal ware Corporation), and which Mortgage was
[iii] for the Uinta Wind Project: construct a WYOMING
process, which supplement increased the pro- recorded on 09/12/2005, as Document No.
new three-breaker 138 kV point of intercon- In the matter of the Estate of )
posed total capacity from 860 megawatts (MW) 313781 Book 127 and Page 342 in the records
nection ring-bus substation, reconductor 13.7 Lewis A. Wilson, deceased. )
to approximately 1171 MW. RMP requests of the office of the County Clerk and ex-officio
miles of the Railroad 138 kV transmission line Probate No. 2360
CPCN for the following four identified Wyoming Register of Deeds in and for Sublette County,
and modifications to the Naughton remedial ac- NOTICE OF PROBATE
wind resources: State of Wyoming; and
[i] the new 400 MW Cedar Springs Wind The property covered by said Mortgage is
According to RMP, the proposed projects ESTATE:
Project. The project consists of constructing described as follows:
are a time-limited opportunity to obtain cost- You are hereby notified that on January 9,
a 20-mile 230 kilovolt (kV) tie-in transmission Lot 3 of the Sublette Golf Course Subdivi-
effective generation and construct necessary 2018, the Last Will and Testament of decedent
line; an electrical collector system; a collector sion to the Town of Pinedale, Sublette County,
transmission facilities with minimal impact on was admitted to probate by the above named
substation; an operations and maintenance Wyoming With an address of : 438 Country
customer rates. The Company states that the Court, and that Daniel M. Wilson was appointed
building; 161, 2.3-2.5 MW wind turbines and all Club Lane Pinedale, WY 82941.
Transmission Projects are necessary to relieve personal representative thereof. Any action
associated towers, foundations, roads, cables, WHEREAS, the property being foreclosed
existing congestion and will enable intercon- to set aside the Will shall be filed in the Court
and communications for operation of the plant. upon may be subject to other liens and encum-
nection and integration of the proposed Wind within three months from the date of the first
Output from the wind turbines will be deliv- brances that will not be extinguished at the sale.
Projects into the Company’s transmission publication of this notice, or thereafter be for-
ered to a collector substation on the project Any prospective purchaser should research the
system. The proposed Wind Projects, net of ever barred.
site where it will be stepped up to 230 kV and status of title before submitting a bid;
federal wind production tax credits (PTCs) ben- Notice is further given that all persons in-
transported over the 230 kV tie-in transmission NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to
efits, when combined with the Transmission debted to the decedent or to his Estate are
line to the Company’s transmission system at Wyoming Statutes Section 34-4-109(2003)
Projects, are expected to provide economic requested to make immediate payment to the
the Windstar substation. The project is located that the foreclosure sale scheduled for 10:00
benefits for RMP’s customers. RMP states undersigned at 409 Broadway, Suite A, Rock
approximately 19 miles Northeast of Glenrock in the forenoon on 01/19/2018 at the Sublette
that the time sensitive projects require that the Springs, Wyoming.
on 35,000 acres of leased private land entirely County Courthouse located at 21 S Tyler, Pine-
new Wind Projects and Transmission Projects Creditors having claims against the dece-
in Converse County, Wyoming; dale, Sublette County, State of Wyoming, has
achieve commercial operation by the end of dent or the estate are required to file them in
[ii] the new 500 MW TB Flats I and II Wind been postponed to 10:00 in the forenoon on
2020 to fully achieve the benefits of the PTCs. duplicate with the necessary vouchers, in the
Project. The project consists of constructing: 02/23/2018 at Sublette County Courthouse lo-
In addition, RMP also requests the Commis- office of the Clerk of said Court, on or before
an 11-mile, 230 kV transmission line parallel cated at 21 S Tyler, Pinedale, Sublette County,
sion approve the Company’s proposed rate- three months after the date of the first publica-
to the existing Dunlap to Shirley Basin 230 kV State of Wyoming.
making treatment under Wyo. Stat. § 37-2-121 tion of this notice, which first publication is on
transmission line; an electrical collector system; The Bank of New York Mellon, as Trustee
for the Wind and Transmission Projects which January 26, 2018, and if such claims are not so
a collector substation located adjacent to the for CIT Mortgage Loan Trust 2007-1
are expected to cost approximately $2 billion. filed, unless otherwise allowed or paid, they will
existing Shirley Basin substation and includes By: The Sayer Law Group, P.C.
The Company also requests approval of its pro- be forever barred.
500 feet of transmission line connecting the 925 E. 4th St.
posed ratemaking treatment for the investment Dated January 18, 2018
substations; an operations and maintenance Waterloo, IA 50703
in the Wind and Transmission Projects, in ac- Daniel M. Wilson,
building; 134, 2.0-4.2 MW wind turbines and all (319) 234-2530
cordance with W.S. § 37-2-121. The Company Personal Representative
associated towers, foundations, roads, cables, Public Notice #7359 published in the Pine-
proposes to match the costs and benefits of WEST LAW OFFICE, PC
and communications for operation of the plant. dale Roundup on January 26, Feb. 2, 9, 16,
the new resources through a new Resource P.O. Box 1020
Output from the wind turbines will be delivered 2018
Tracking Mechanism (“RTM”), as detailed in Rock Springs, WY 82902-1020
to a collector substation on the project site
proposed Schedule 97B until the full costs and Public Notice #7357 published in the Pine- PUBLIC NOTICE
where it will be stepped up to 230 kV and trans-
benefits are reflected in base rates. The Com- dale Roundup on January 26, Feb. 2, 9, 2018
ported over the 230 kV tie-in transmission line LEGAL NOTICE
to the Company’s transmission system at the pany is seeking approval through this filing that PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to W.S. §4-10-507:
Shirley Basin substation. The project is located the decision to construct the Wind and Trans-
Kathleen A. King (the Decedent) died on the
approximately 5 miles North of Medicine Bow mission Projects is reasonable, prudent, and IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE NINTH
12th day of January, 2018, a resident of Sublette
on 50,000 acres of leased private and state land in the public interest. The Company requests JUDICIAL DISTRICT
County, Wyoming.
in Carbon and Albany Counties, Wyoming; that if the Commission makes this finding in this WITHIN AND FOR SUBLETTE COUNTY,
The Decedent created the Kathleen A. King
[iii] the new 110 MW McFadden Ridge II proceeding, parties will not be able to challenge WYOMING
Revocable Living Trust dated April 14, 2000.
Wind Project. The project consists of construct- RMP’s prudence or recovery of actual costs In the matter of the Estate of )
PENNIE K. ESPELAND is Successor Trustee
ing: a 500-foot 230 kV tie-in transmission line associated with the Wind and Transmission in Bette L. Wilson, deceased. )
of said trust.
to tie into the tap line at the existing McFadden any future Wyoming rate case, unless the ac- Probate No. 2361
The Successor Trustee of said trust hereby
Ridge I and High Plains substation, which con- tual costs of construction exceed the estimated NOTICE OF PROBATE
publishes notice of her intent to distribute the
nects to an existing tie-line to the existing Foote costs of $2 billion presented in this Application, TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN SAID
assets of the Settlor as permitted under the
Creek substation; an electrical collector system; or if there is evidence of mismanagement. ESTATE:
terms of the trust.
a collector substation; 44, 2.3-2.5 MW wind tur- This is not a complete description of RMP’s You are hereby notified that on January 9,
Creditors have 120 days from the first publi-
bines and all associated towers, foundations, supplemented Application. Interested persons 2018, the Last Will and Testament of decedent
cation of this notice to contact the trust or make
roads, cables, and communications for opera- may inspect the entire supplemented Appli- was admitted to probate by the above named
claims against the assets of the trust. Claims
tion of the plant. Output from the wind turbines cation at RMP’s Wyoming offices and at the Court, and that Daniel M. Wilson was appointed
should be addressed to the Trustee of the Kath-
will be delivered to a collector substation on the Commission’s offices in Cheyenne, Wyoming, personal representative thereof. Any action
leen A. King Revocable Living Trust dated April
project site where it will be stepped up to 230 during regular business hours. The Application to set aside the Will shall be filed in the Court
14, 2000, in care of Cook and Associates, P.C.,
kilovolts and transported over the 230 kV tie-in may also be reviewed on line at http://www. within three months from the date of the first
P.O. Box 1345, Laramie, WY 82073. Creditor
transmission line to the Company’s transmis- pacificorp.com. publication of this notice, or thereafter be for-
claims not filed within 120 days of the first pub-
sion system at the Freezeout substation. The Anyone desiring to file a public comment, ever barred.
lication are forever prohibited.
project is located approximately 2 miles East statement, protest, intervention petition in this Notice is further given that all persons in-
DATED this 24th day of January, 2018.
of McFadden on 5,500 acres of leased private matter must file with the Commission in writing debted to the decedent or to her Estate are
Attorney for the Trust:
and state land in Carbon and Albany Counties, on or before February 9, 2018. Any interven- requested to make immediate payment to the
Cook & Associates, P.C.
Wyoming; tion request filed with the Commission shall set undersigned at 409 Broadway, Suite A, Rock
[iv] the new 161 MW Uinta Wind Project. forth the grounds of the proposed intervention Springs, Wyoming. See ‘NOTICES’ on page 12A