03 Editorial Note
04 From the Principal’s Desk
05 Beset in Ice!
12 Grounding in Suez Canal: An Eye-witness
22 Watch Out - We Are Crossing an Iceberg!
06 Art and Science of Trouble Shooting
05 07 Be A Safe Navigator: Learn Your Basics
08 Parametric Roll in Longitudinal Sea
09 Introduction to Load (Plimsoll) Lines
21 Risk Management Tool: BowTie!
10 Squeezing the SOx Out of Ship Emissions
13 CEO, MPA, Singapore Visits SIMS, Lonavala
19 SIMS Cadets Join as ESM Officers
24 Tapti House Wins Inter-house T10 Cricket
24 Double Joy for Ganga House
13 24 Ganga House Clinches 3rd Football
23 Farewell Function for Prof. D.V.B. Swamy
15 Steam Burns to Motorman
15 Responses for Bunker, How Much is Safe
Margin? : Issue 08 (Jan 2010)
17 Crossword Puzzle
18 Electricity from Trees:
A Revolutionary Way of Generating Energy
19 Sailing Through SIMS
20 Learning with SIMS
20 What is Life?
23 20 Helmet
Address: This issue of Samundra Spirit contains an array of life’s practical lessons and experi-
SIMS, MUMBAI ences from our veteran masters in ESM and SIMS that will share invaluable nuggets of
5th Floor, Sai Commercial Building professional wisdom for the future navigators and seafarers. The stories of ships stuck in ice
BKS Devshi Marg, Govandi Station Road, and encountering icebergs from nowhere indeed interesting but were nerve wrecking and
Govandi East Mumbai, PIN- 400088 India
life threatening experiences for those who watched in horror and suffered apprehensions
Tel: + 91 22 6799 3545
for their lives!
Fax: + 91 22 6799 3546
The environment is an issue we cannot and must not forget. Squeezing the SOx out of Ship
EDITORIAL BOARD Emissions and Electricity from Trees are two articles which will definitely provide urgency to
Sikha Singh the issue and food for thoughts for all of us and more so to the vibrant and inquisitive young
Mr. Biju Baben minds.
Capt. Arun Sundaram
We would like to dedicate this issue to the teachers, the “gurus” without whom the life will
remain untaught and unlearned. Gurus are not the ones who deliver the lecture and walk
Editorial Director Sikha Singh off without turning back to the one limping at the side because he/she could not keep pace,
Editorial Assistant Capt. Rajesh Subramanian
neither is he the one who does not only possess vast knowledge but has the wisdom to
Tripta Kapur
deliver, he is the source of ample patience and love for those coming to him/her for guidance
Design & Layout Chen Mian Fang Su
and direction in life. “Guru” in the ancient Sanskrit language means one who leads from
IT Support Peter Chan
darkness to light. As per Hindu religion, Guru is the ultimate teacher and equivalent to God
and parents. We do hope SIMS is fortunate to have “gurus” and not just teachers on board.
SAMUNDRA SPIRIT is a quarterly
in-house magazine produced by This issue also highlights the changing of time and the change of leadership in SIMS, Lonav-
Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies (SIMS) ala from Prof. DVB Swamy to Mr. S. Viswanathan. From an Indian navy veteran and scholar
for private circulation. to a merchant navy seasoned engineer with decades of teaching and mentoring experience.
The regular awards and accolades continue to occupy the designated pages as they are,
Our Editorial Team wants to hear from you! very rightly the source of encouragement and motivation for all involved in the institute.
It is indeed a satisfying experience to step once again into SIMS, Lonavala - which liter-
ally grew in front of my eyes as I recall vividly the time I shunted back and forth from
SIMS, Mumbai and Lonavala in the initial years of the latter starting in October, 2004.
The challenge was tremendous - to realise the dream of establishing a world ranking
maritime institute not just in terms of infra-structure but in terms of its value proposi-
tion. It is meant to be not just a nursery of future officers of ESM but in fact, producing
the maritime world leaders of tomorrow.
As I look around now, barely five years later, what a great place to be in. Whether it
is the greenery, ambience, architecture or the facilities, the most important of all, the
sight of our young and bubbling cadets in their smart uniforms and the hunger for
knowledge in their eyes!
To feel the pulse, I delivered two lectures soon after joining and could see and feel their
insatiable cravings as I interacted with them at length. What an exhilarating experi-
ence indeed!
As a teacher and mentor in this campus, everything one would wish in terms of in-
frastructure and equipments have been well thought out and provided for. Now is the
time for us, the faculty and staff of this great institute to put in the effort to take the
Institute further to its glory by providing the shipping industry with the finest cadets
ever produced. We are happy that visitors representing various international maritime
organisations applaud and appreciate the vision and mission of our Management. But
that does not sound sufficient as we have yet to reach the summit.
There are many more hurdles and challenges to produce the finest cadets and to get the
world shipping fraternity stand up and watch the innovation and pioneering concepts
of our teaching. We would like to see our cadets rise to the ranks, to become Master
Mariners, Chief Engineers, Superintendents, Ship Managers and Ship Builders, in
short - populating the entire shipping industry with the Samundra Stamp. When the
captains of the Industry think of manpower, Maritime Training/Shipping Industry,
SIMS must come to their minds first.
Let us join hands in our endeavour to produce the best of cadets from this region. Let
the cadet never forget his learning and living experience with us in the campus when
he goes out in to the world - because he would then get the opportunity to utilise the
learning and living experiences in his practical life on board.
Wishing all the cadets, faculty and staff of SIMS a bright future.
SIMS, Lonavala
5 Samundra Spirit | APR 2010 ISSUE 09 SHARING EXPERIENCE
Beset in Ice!
“Our experience in Baltic Ice with sec-
tions being 0.5m thick or more and
about 1.0m in way of ‘ridges’ was the
most unnerving and humbling experi-
ence and opened our eyes to another
facet of the power of nature. It is when
you have no idea what is happening,
which is most unnerving, when you
hear and feel the ship shuddering
and vibrating as if the main engine
was working. When you realise that Samraa Alkhaleej in ice
the compaction of the surrounding ice
should be taken prior to the vessel entering
is taking place, you wonder whether extent depends on whether the winter is
icy weather conditions with regarding blowing
the ship’s hull is hurt or if the ship is mild, moderate or severe. Severe winters
lines, clearing strainers, arranging winter gear
in danger and if so, when is the ‘right can lead to ice formation around Denmark
for the ship’s crew, etc. as per relevant ESM
time’ to call for assistance. In short, and southern Sweden.
company forms. A number of precautions will
all I can say is that I have NOT had
such an EXPERIENCE in my nearly Different Ice in Different Regions need to be taken on the deck and in the engine
room as during these times, air temperature as
39 years out at sea. During winter, fast ice, which is at-
tached to the shoreline, develops first, ren- low as minus 350 degree celsius may be en-
dering the ports unusable without the serv- countered.
Capt. Indraneel Ghosh
ices of icebreakers. Level ice, ice sludge, Usually the ports in these icy re-
An ESM master, sharing his experiences while
pancake ice or rafter ice form in the more gions continue to operate even in the winter
the vessel was beset (stuck) in ice in the Baltic
open regions. The gleaming expanse of ice months. There are various agencies monitor-
during the peak season of ice.
is similar to the Arctic, with wind-driven pack ing and transmitting information regarding cur-
Most mariners, particularly those in ice and ridges up to 15 m as was noted by rent ice conditions prevalent in these areas.
the worldwide trade at some time in their ca- the ancients. Offshore of the land, the ice In many of these places, it may be a standard
reer can expect to encounter ice in one form or remains very dynamic all year and because practice for vessels to become beset in ice and
the other. In order to navigate through an ice- of its thickness, it is relatively easily moved remain beset until they are required to berth at
bound region, it would seem prudent therefore around by winds and therefore makes up the terminals. Ice breaker escorts are provided
to have knowledge of what might become an large ridges and piles up against the land for vessels to proceed in an orderly convoy to
expected professional hazard. We have here fast ice and shores. the port.
a real life challenging story from the ESM fleet One of our managed ice class ves-
about a tanker that gets reset in ice and how Precautions for Master sel has been a regular visitor in the Baltic Sea
the master and the crew go through the ice While trading the vessel in win- during this winter season. We would like to
cold experience and finally extricate the ship ter months, the master of the ship needs to share its experience with our other seafarers
and got on their voyage successfully. be aware of the Time Charter Party (TCP) for their knowledge.
clauses for his vessel. The TCP clauses for The tanker had arrived on 25th
The Season of Ice a non-ice class ship usually do not permit January 2010 off Gogland Island to load at
The Baltic Sea, a brackish inland the vessel to enter waters bound by ice or Primorsk and since laycan were commenc-
sea, is bounded by the Scandinavian Penin- waters having possibility of presence of ice ing on 26th midnight, she had anchored amidst
sula, the mainland of Europe, and the Danish or to follow ice breakers. Ice classification 15-20 cm thick close pack ice at 0830 LT. On
islands. On the long-term average, the Baltic of the vessel may vary to different grades 26th January morning however, the ship experi-
Sea is ice covered at about 45% of its maxi- depending on the construction of the ves- enced anchor dragging. The master picked up
mum surface area annually. The ice reaches sel. The categorisation of the ice classifica- the anchor to find a suitable place to re-anchor
its maximum extent in February or March; typi- tion will determine the extent of sea ice the thereafter. However, he found that in the proc-
cal ice thickness in the northernmost areas in vessel can endure during her call to the icy ess of moving, the ship had become beset in
the Bothnian Bay, the northern basin of the waters. ice.
Gulf of Bothnia, is about 70 cm (28 inches) for Upon receiving orders to proceed
landfast sea ice. The thickness decreases far- to waters where the ice may possibly be Call for Help
ther south. encountered (as established from the sail- From the information, the operation
Freezing begins in the northern ing directions), the master must obtain the department mariners in the shore Office knew
coast of Gulf of Bothnia typically in middle of latest ice charts through charterers, local that in Primorsk port it was quite normal for
November, reaching the open waters of Both- agents or ESM operations. The internet is vessels to be beset in ice during this season.
nian Bay in early January. The Bothnian Sea, a valuable source of information and should In fact, the port was also known to take no ac-
the basin south of it, freezes on average in late be used to obtain current information for tion regarding such a situation till the vessel
February. The Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of various areas. was due for berthing. Nevertheless, they were
Riga typically freeze in late January. The ice The winter and ice precautions
Continued on page 6
KNOWLEDGE Samundra Spirit | APR 2010 ISSUE 09 6
A ship’s staff often have to perform S.Viswanathan, Principal ice breakers, should any vessel require it. Of
“troubleshooting” to set right ma- SIMS, Lonavala course, the master needed to assess the con-
chineries and equipment on board dition of his vessel to judge whether he was in
the ship. Equipment may malfunc- to malfunction. any kind of danger. Being beset in ice, as such,
tion or fail due to various reasons. • Finally, start checking from the very posed no real danger to the vessel since Sam-
These could be classified under basic working of the equipment - do not raa was ICE CLASSED with notation 1A. Such
wear and tear, misuse, design conclude with assumptions or presump- vessels can take ‘severe ice conditions’ of upto
faults, etc. Troubleshooting a mal- tions. Remember, time is money. One 0.8m thick ice. However, the master should be
functioning equipment or system should not go in circles and by analysing aware if the vessel is drifting on to shallower
requires thorough knowledge of the correctly, one can hit the bull’s eye. water or against an island, which can cause
concerned equipment or system in It can be seen now that trouble- substantial increase of ice pressure on the
the first place. shooting is actually a combination of sci- ship’s hull. Under these circumstances, the
ence, art, and logic. One has to be methodi- master has to call for ice breaker assistance.
Troubleshooting is not a pure sci-
cal and maintain records. It will be a very Once beset, there is no point using engines to
ence, rather it is a combination of art and
satisfying and rewarding experience for the the keep the propeller clear, however this may
science. We may find that different people
person who achieves the desired result. be done in forming ice.
tackle the same problem in different ways
and achieve the same desired result. A One must keep a record of the method fol-
problem can have many solutions. The lowed in the ship’s record books. This is im- Safety Rules
portant for two reasons: A few things were agreed with the
question, therefore, is to judge these solu-
1. If the same problem occurs again on the master to ensure the safety of the vessel, while
tions by the time and effort taken, spares
ship, the ship staff can access the record the ship also used deck check list DCL12 for
and stores consumed and people involved
and set right the problem quickly. They conducting detailed ice checks:
to achieve the same result. Sometimes, the
need not reinvent the wheel. 1. Keep ballast tank slack (60%) to prevent
ship suffers commercially due to the ineffi-
2. If the problem is not solved by the ship clogging of air vents and structural damage
cient method adopted in terms of time and
staff and finally the shipping company to the ballast tanks.
decides to send the technician on board, 2. Even if a clear patch of water is seen, do
the records will help the technician to by not attempt to drop the anchor when beset
Steps to follow in troubleshooting:
pass the items already checked by the in ice. This will only cause snapping of the
• Decipher the problem correctly - This
ship staff. Technicians are expensive cable.
is the most important phase in trouble-
and they are hired on a per day or per 3. Once a day, list the ship about 2 degrees
shooting. One requires thorough knowl-
hour basis. port to stbd and back to loosen the ice
edge of the equipment or system and
One can practice and fine tune around the vessel.
cannot afford to bark on the wrong tree.
troubleshooting skills with simulated condi- The vessel, of course, thereafter
• Have a first look at the site, not in the
tions or tackle a hypothetical problem. For moved back with the ice breaker’s assistance
cabin or control room, unless the equip-
example, an automatic boiler may not fire to the convoy starting point on 26th January
ment itself is located in that room. -
in auto mode or a main engine may not re- evening and berthed safely at the Primorsk
Sometimes a single glance at the site
verse in the correct direction. An air com- berth on 27th January morning. She then load-
close to the equipment reveals the prob-
pressor may be taking too long to press up ed its cargo of crude oil and sailed out on 28th
lem. One can use all the five senses
the air bottles or a bilge pump may not take January evening. The incident of the ship get-
such as smell, touch, hearing, taste and
suction. The problem that an engineer on ting beset in ice was repeated again on 30th
sight. Take safety precautions and use
board faces could be from a large spectrum January morning. The vessel had to wait for
your senses judiciously. If used care-
of machineries and systems. the ice breaker. Finally the ice breaker arrived
lessly and without anticipating the worst
Conclusion: Only thorough knowl- some 9.5 hours later to escort her and some
scenario, one can get hurt. Use measur-
edge and skill can lead a person to set right other ships out of the ice line. The ship was fi-
ing instruments to augment senses.
the problem. When problems occur and nally out of the ice line on 30th January at noon
• Analyse parameter records, log books to
troubleshooting is carried out, even those time and proceeded safely to her discharge
pin point variations in normal behaviour
not directly connected with the problem can port of Brofjorden.
of the equipment - It is very rare for an
be present and gain valuable experience. Note: SIMS, Mumbai runs a com-
equipment to malfunction all of a sud-
Problems don’t occur often, so we should prehensive and customised “Ice Navigation”
den, without manifesting the ongoing
not miss out on the opportunity. Senior staff course on the full mission simulator to educate
deterioration of its health or in other
must involve juniors in troubleshooting as ESM navigators on the intricacies of the navi-
words, showing any symptom. Remem-
they will one day become the torch bearers. gation through ice-bound regions. This course
ber, there is no fire without smoke.
After the equipment has been set right, a is of immense value for our seafarers who may
• Check associated equipments for trou-
debriefing session could be held informally be required to navigate through such areas.
ble - sometimes, in an inter-connected
to analyse the course of events and find Armed with this knowledge, navigators will
system, a malfunctioning piece of equip-
out if any improvements can be made in also gain experience from every real ice en-
ment may not manifest but cause some
troubleshooting. counter. They will gain confidence in the ship
other subsystem in the up/down stream
and respect the dangers that ice can present.
7 Samundra Spirit | APR 2010 ISSUE 09 KNOWLEDGE
Be A Safe Navigator:
terference by other device operating in close
proximity of GPS antenna, etc.
A simple check on the accuracy
Learn Your Basics of the GPS can be made by using the radar
Capt. D Kishore cursor on a fixed object such as a lighthouse
Nautical Faculty and then comparing it with the position of the
We have seen a spike in the number SIMS, Mumbai lighthouse on the chart. Once this is done, the
of navigation related incidents in the position of the buoys can also be verified on
last few years. Analysis of marine ac- conditions based on which the manoeuvre the radar.
cident trends from various sources can be initiated for the avoiding action to be
indicates between 15-20% increase effective. In all cases, a lesser speed allows VHF and AIS: VHF is primarily meant for
in collisions and groundings over the more time to take effective avoiding action. distress and ship to shore communication.
last two years. Regrettably, some There have been numerous cases of VHF as-
have resulted in loss of the vessel or Look out: Look out does not simply mean sisted collision. The main hazard is positive
worse still, loss of life. having an Able Seaman with binoculars identification of the vessel and misunderstand-
I remember in the early eighties, keeping a watch. One must use the RA- ing due to lingual barriers. Use of the VHF is
ships were fitted with basic radars and some DAR, AIS, VTIS intructions and traffic warn- to be avoided at sea and action must be taken
hyperbolic navigational aids like DECCA or ing on VHF as additional means of advance early enough to avoid any such need.
LORAN unlike the array of gadgets available warning. In congested waters, it may be nec-
on modern vessels. However, there were few- Sometimes, the bridge team is essary to alert a vessel in the vicinity about
er accidents than those today. There are many preoccupied with large targets on the ra- your own action on the VHF, in which case pos-
reasons like increased traffic density, extended dar and hence small boats are overlooked. itive identification of the vessel must be made
fishing area to some hundred miles offshore There may be situations where a give way by using the AIS and confirming the track and
and even inadequate experience and compe- vessel may alter course to take avoiding position of the vessel both on radar and visu-
tence of navigators, to cite a few. Even so, the action and approach perilously close to ally. Any such VHF conversations must be
modern navigator has ARPA, GPS, ECDIS and shallows or buoys or to another vessel in short , to the point and clear without the use of
other such aids which should be able to assist the vicinity. In such situations, a simple trial ambiguous terms.
him in operating more efficiently. maneuver function on ARPA could give an
To strike a comparison, an air advance warning on the dangers associ- ECDIS: This is perhaps the most versatile
craft takes off or lands every 3 minutes from ated with a particular avoiding action. of the equipment onboard. The biggest advan-
London airport, whilst in the Singapore Straits, During heavy showers or condi- tage is that it not only provides the vessel’s
the distance between two vessels is at least tions where the radar displays are affected position in a chart layout in real time, it also
half an hour. It is therefore startling that when by clutter, the AIS can be of help in tracking displays all selected targets on the same chart,
aircrafts do not collide or crash while achieving targets. making monitoring very easy. One of the dis-
speeds in excess of 200 knots, ships manage advantages is that the position is GPS derived,
to do so at speeds less than 15 knots! Navigational equipment and its and therefore the accuracy of GPS has to be
There may be a number of reasons limitations: Some navigators completely checked frequently. It is recommended that
and causes but for a fresh young cadet, the rely on GPS, ARPA, ECDIS, AIS and VHF, the display is used in the North up, day time
following are some simple pointers which will whilst there may those who tend not to use mode to avoid confusion. Presentation should
provide a firm base for building on safe naviga- them enough. Both positions have their be\traditional. Case to point is that the Cosco
tional practices: drawbacks and it is essential to make ap- Busan’s ECDIS was on simplified presenta-
propriate use of what is available to avoid a tion, where symbols were different from that on
Safe speed: What is safe speed? To give grounding, collision or a close quarter situ- the paper chart.
an astern movement, the vessels speed must ation.
be less than about 3-5 knots depending on ECHO sounder: The depths are the most
characteristics, time is also required for inertial ARPA mapping: Most ARPA sets are pro- important feature on the chart. It is not uncom-
reduction of the speed of the vessel. Assume vided with mapping functions which allows the mon that the soundings on the chart may not be
that your vessel is crossing a precautionary navigator to map a TSS or positions of fixed the most accurate and therefore echo sounder
area at a speed of 10 knots (full ahead maneu- object such as buoys etc.This is invaluable should be used to compare the charted depth
vering speed), if the telegraph is brought to in giving the observer an instant overview of with observed depths. As a thumb rule, if after
’stop engine’, it will take about 6-7 minutes the vessel’s position relative to fixed targets allowing for tide, the difference is more than
for the speed to reduce to sufficiently enough and boundaries of TSS, Channels. Whilst it 10%, there is good reason to doubt the ves-
for an astern movement to be effective. The does not replace position plotting and pas- sels position.The role of the echo sounder as a
vessel would have traversed a distance of sage monitoring, it can be a very useful means to ascertain the position should not be
about 2-3 Nm before it comes to a stop. tool in conditions of high traffic density and underestimated.
It therefore follows that in the above restricted waterways. Familiarity with the limitations and
case, any action to avoid collision must be tak- functions of navigational aids is of paramount
en at a distance of at least 3 Nm from the other GPS: Although GPS does provide very importance and all fresh cadets must spend
vessel. Needless to say, at higher speeds the high accuracy in absolute terms, it is not to sufficient time understanding the same before
avoiding action must be initiated at a propor- be used as the sole means of position fix- they are ready to take up their roles as officers
tionally greater distance to be effective. The ing for coastal navigation. Amongst other of the watch.
safe speed therefore must be relative to the reasons, errors can result from the geodetic
prevalent conditions of traffic density and other reference for charts being used, signal in-
KNOWLEDGE Samundra Spirit | APR 2010 ISSUE 09 8
Introduction to Load (Plimsoll) Lines The deck line is shown here for il-
lustration only. Usually the distance between
the deck line and the Plimsoll mark is greater
than shown here. The distance between the
The main purpose of load lines on of unethical practices and abuse by unscru- deck line and the mark to which the vessel
ships is to put a limitation on the pulous shipowners had spread widely. In is loaded is the Freeboard. The mark is re-
maximum draft of the ship to which it 1876, the first load line regulations were leg- quired to be permanently fixed to the ves-
may be loaded, i.e. to prevent it from islated. In view of his pioneering work, the sel amidships on both sides of the hull and
being overloaded with cargo, which load lines are also referred to as “Plimsoll painted in a colour that contrasts with the hull
would make the voyage unsafe for mark “or “Plimsoll lines”. colour.
the crew. There are similar rules for • TF (Tropical, Fresh) - This is the draft to
road transportation, where trucks and Work of IMO in Rule Making: which the vessel can load when in the
containers are not allowed to be over- The first International Convention Tropical Fresh designated zone
loaded to prevent collapse as well as on Load Lines, adopted in 1930, was based • F (Fresh) - This is the draft to which the
to ensure their safe road transporta- on the principle of reserve buoyancy, al- vessel can load when in the Fresh desig-
tion. The risks for marine transporta- though it was recognised then that the free- nated zone
tion are much greater in view of the board should also ensure adequate stability • T (Tropical) - This is the draft to which
heavy and rough weather conditions. and avoid excessive stress on the ship’s hull the vessel can load when in the Tropical
All assigned load lines are marked as a result of overloading. In the 1966 Load designated zone
amidships on each side of the ship, Lines convention, adopted by IMO, provi- • S (Summer) - This is the draft to which the
together with the deck line. sions are made determining the freeboard vessel can load when in the Summer des-
The limits imposed by different load of ships by subdivision and damage stability ignated zone
lines are given in the form of minimum “free- calculations. • W (Winter) - This is the draft to which the
boards”, measuring the distance between the Various annexes and amend- vessel can load when in the Winter desig-
submerged load line to the “deck line”, which ments to the original Load Line conventions nated zone
is cut at the side of the upper deck, also re- have been made and can be referred to at • WNA (Winter North Atlantic) - This is the
ferred to as freeboard deck. This in turn en- the IMO website. draft to which the vessel can load when in
sures external water tightness and integrity, The amendments to Annex B the Winter North Atlantic designated zone.
which are the main objective of load line rules. to the 1988 Load Lines Protocol include a • LR (Lloyds Register) - The initials of the
The regulations take into account number of important revisions, in particu- Classification Society which assigns the
the potential hazards present in different lar to regulations concerning strength and marks.
zones (tropical, summer and winter, etc.) and intact stability of ships; definitions; super- Other possible initials are: NK –
different seasons (summer and winter). The structure and bulkheads; doors; position ClassNK , BV - Bureau Veritas, GL – Germa-
technical annex contains several additional of hatchways; doorways and ventilators; nischer Lloyd, AB - American Bureau of ship-
safety measures concerning doors, freeing hatchway coamings; hatch covers; ma- ping, IR – Indian Registry, etc.
ports, hatchways and other items. The main chinery space openings; miscellaneous These marks are used in conjunc-
purpose of these measures is to ensure the openings in freeboard and superstructure tion with the load line chart, which clearly
watertight integrity of the ships’ hulls below decks; cargo ports and other similar open- shows the designated areas and the dates
the freeboard deck. Ships intended for the ings; spurling pipes and cable lockers; side which apply to these zones.
carriage of timber deck cargo are assigned a scuttles; windows and skylights; calculation A vessel loading in a summer zone
smaller freeboard as the deck cargo provides of freeing ports; protection of the crew and for a port in another zone with a higher free-
protection against the impact of waves. means of safe passage for crew; calculation board requirement may, for instance, load
of freeboard; sheer; minimum bow height to the summer mark, provided that she has
History: and reserve buoyancy; and others. lightened enough due to fuel and water con-
The history dates back to 1836, The amendments, which amount sumption by the time that zone is reached
when public outcry about the safety of ships to a comprehensive revision of the techni- that she is in compliance.
and crew had forced the British Lawmakers to cal regulations of the original Load Lines All vessels must, in addition to hav-
appoint a committee to investigate the grow- (LL) Convention, do not affect the 1966 LL ing the load line permanently marked on both
ing number of loss of ships. In 1850, legisla- Convention and only apply to approximately sides of the hull, carry a load line certificate,
tion was passed to create the Marine Depart- those ships flying the flags of States Party issued by a classification society, this certifi-
ment of the Board of Trade in order to enforce to the 1988 LL Protocol. Currently, only 90 cate stipulates the various freeboards from
a plethora of laws governing manning, crew countries representing 94.25% of ships deck line and distances from summer load-
competence, and operation of merchant ves- worldwide are signatory to the 1988 LL Pro- line, required for that par-
sels. However, in spite of the clamour for regu- tocol. ticular vessel. Some ships
lation, the British government did not interfere may also be assigned
directly with ship operators until 1870, when How it looks like on the shipside: multiple sets of loadlines,
Samuel Plimsoll, a Member of Parliament from but at any given time, only
the industrial Midlands, demanded creation of one set of them will remain
“load line” to limit the weight of cargo loaded valid.
on board the merchant ships. However, a re- Capt. Sandesh Arora
form bill introduced in 1875 was defeated. In Dy. Marine Superintendent
the aftermath of its defeat, public awareness ESM, Singapore
THE ENVIRONMENT Samundra Spirit | APR 2010 ISSUE 09 10
fications of existing machinery and use of emission regulation: tion. Ships on their part will need to be geared
The advent of ‘emission norms’ to operate in a cleaner and greener manner.
additives had to be implemented to be able
on ocean going ships was initiated with
to operate the machinery safely with Gas oil. Capt. Rajesh Subramanian
Another consideration was the risks involved the introduction of Marpol Annex VI which Marine Superintendent
in effecting this change over for engines and addressed many forms of emissions from ESM, Singapore
11 Samundra Spirit | APR 2010 ISSUE 09 DOWN THE MEMORY LANE
of Moorings in Port: Capt. Deepak Tamras had taken the necessary precautions and
employed additional watch keepers to tend
Lessons Learnt Nautical Faculty to the moorings.
SIMS, Lonavala An investigation was conducted
into the incident and the following were the
It was a mooring incident which the engines were requested to be kept in contributory factors identified:
neither caused death nor personal readiness for manoeuvring. 1. A passenger vessel had passed along
injury. However, it did lead to an ap- Two of the cargo stevedores who the channel past own vessel setting up
preciable ‘process loss’ with finan- were present on deck during this time called a surge which pushed the vessel out of
cial implications apart from other the port control on their mobile phone and the jetty.
possible damage and loss to per- conveyed the vessel’s request for a tug. The 2. Mooring winch brakes had not been set
sons and property, which is always tugs arrived in a few minutes and the vessel tight enough to prevent the ropes from
an undesirable event in the ship- was quickly pushed alongside the jetty. Dur- paying out when they were subjected to
ping industry. ing the entire episode the gangway which higher loads.
I was the Chief Officer on a Pan- had been connected to the railings on the
amax bulk carrier calling the Port of Liver- vessel’s lifeboat deck was completely for- Lessons Learnt:
pool for discharging a cargo of coal. The gotten. The gangway had remained sus- 1. Mooring ropes should be kept tight at
sailing directions mentions Liverpool as pended from the port side railings when all times to keep the vessel securely
a tidal port and with strong currents. The the vessel drifted away from the jetty and a moored
above fact was also intimated by the agent part of it was subsequently caught between 2. Winch brakes must be tightened suffi-
prior to arrival and confirmed by the pilot the vessel’s hull and jetty when she was ciently enough to prevent the ropes from
during the berthing operations. brought alongside with tug assistance. The paying out when subjected to higher
The vessel berthed port side railings of the shore gangway sustained im- loads.
alongside with 4 headlines, 2 breast lines pact damage for a length of about 5 metres. 3. In tidal ports, the ship’s staff must exer-
and 2 springs forward and aft. Since it was The vessel’s stern had to be pulled off the cise particular caution and monitor the
a tidal port and the vessel was loaded to its jetty sufficiently enough to allow the gang- moorings closely. Additional personnel
summer marks, the accommodation ladder way to be freed and landed on the jetty. The must be available to assist in the proc-
could not be used for ship shore access. moorings were eventually tightened and the ess.
Hence, a shore gangway was provided to vessel securely tied up alongside. 4. Gangways need to be tended to as much
the vessel and landed on the life boat deck The incident lasted about 2.5 as moorings, especially in such ports.
railing. All the crew were on their regular hours, resulting in a loss of discharging
watch schedules with the AB’s and duty of- time, damage to the shore gangway and in- Whilst the above incident could
ficer attending to moorings and gangway curring tug and port charges for use of tugs. have been entirely avoided, we were indeed
during cargo work throughout the day. The P&I correspondent was called to attend lucky that there was no injury to personnel
Before the master retired for the to the vessel to assist the master and safe- and that the vessel was safely brought back
night, he wrote his instructions to the offic- guard the owner’s interests. alongside.
ers in the deck night order book highlighting
the need to ensure effective management of
moorings and tending of the gangway. He
also included a note requesting the officers
to call additional crew on deck should it be
necessary for handling the moorings.
At around 0115 hrs, the 2nd officer
called me on the deck urgently as the vessel
had moved out of berth at the stern. Almost
half sleep, I rushed to the deck and saw that
the vessel’s stern had moved away from
the jetty by almost 50 metres and the bow
by around 10 metres. The ropes were how-
ever intact, taut and appeared to be bear-
ing equal load. Inspite of the efforts by the
deck crew to heave the vessel in, the flood
tide and strong current was preventing the
vessel from coming alongside to the berth.
By now, the Master who had been called to
the bridge was attempting to raise the port
control to seek tug assistance. In the mean- Source:
time, all ship personnel were called on deck
and sent to man the mooring stations and Port of Liverpool
SHARING EXPERIENCE Samundra Spirit | APR 2010 ISSUE 09 12
Presenting a smart guard of honour for the chief guest, Mr. Lam Yi Young, CEO, MPA, Singapore
We have received an overwhelming on a case by case, tight tank capacity and for the intended voyage. Either there was no
number of Feed backs and comments emergency basis. Chief Engineer could have discussion between the Master and the Chief
from our enthusiastic readers on the been instructed to consult the office and a Engineer or they were too complacent about
case study on Bunker - How Much compatibility test could have been arranged. the whole issue.
is Safe Margin? in the January issue. An open dialogue with charterers could then It was possible that the ship could
We have compiled the response and have taken place regarding the possible is- have used gas oil, in case required on the voy-
expertly edited by Capt. Arun Sunda- sues involved. age, which could have been replenished upon
ram, General Manager, and ESM. The owners did not have a policy arrival at the destined port. This would have
on the minimum reserve to be kept onboard prevented her diversion to Hawaii for bunker-
prior vessel taking up a long voyage. It was ing.
What part did the charterer play in the also stated later that since the vessel had not
above incident? done any transpacific voyage at all, master Action taken was to remove the CE
The charterer requested the ves- had assumed that ship will sail back to the - what possible role could he have
sel to take maximum bunkers basis reachable US Gulf as she had done during previous played to deserve this treatment?
ports in a rather large US Gulf - Japan dis- trips and thus did not insist on taking full bun- Chief Engineer is relied upon for cor-
charge range. Vessel was also informed that kers as needed for cross-pacific voyage. rect calculations and for ensuring that the bun-
no bunkers would be available at the load port. On his part, the Chief Engineer did kers are sufficient at any stage of the voyage.
Until this point, there is no mistake on charter- not consider all the options of maximising the There was 30MT of bunker in 2S
er’s part. bunker intake and just calculated the maxi- and this bunker could have been spread into
However, later on given that the mum bunkers vessel could take. The Chief all tanks, which would be very negligible quan-
agent had informed them regarding the bunker Engineer did not allow for sufficient reserve tity to cause any trouble. Chief Engineer should
barge situation; they could have been more for the intended voyage. The 3 days reserve have brought this proposal to the owners for
proactive at Honolulu in berthing the vessel on as calculated in the scenario was on the as- their approval. He should have also confirmed
the day of the arrival rather than waiting out- sumption that there will be no unpumpable, the safety margin for the voyage from the previ-
side for good weather. which is impractical. In fact the oil distrib- ous voyages data and used this figure.
uted in 4 bunker tanks would have at least Even though harsh, his removal
What part did the vessel/owners play 15~20m3 of unpumpable, thereby reducing seemed to be the right action to be taken (just
in the above scenario? the effective reserve to approximately 90MT culture with zero allowance for gross negli-
Owners are not involved in the bun- only (which is less than 3 days reserves). gence). He should also have been re-educated
CASE STUDY Samundra Spirit | APR 2010 ISSUE 09 16
and trained on this aspect, if considered for an- and in general instruc-
other chance by management. He had made tions for ship’s Master/
a major mistake in calculation and then not CE to contact office for
informing the company and seeking their sug- any doubtful situations
gestion and approval. should have been pro-
On hindsight what should the CE have Considering
done to prevent this outcome? that the diversion was
There were various options open to only 100 miles, it was a
CE to have prevented this from occurring: prudent decision to bun-
1. The CE should have suggested to the office ker the vessel at Hono-
that he can transfer 10MT each to 1p and lulu, however waiting
1s bunker tanks to have only 10MTs in each the vessel at anchorage
tank thereby reducing the commingling ra- for the weather to im-
tio to much less than acceptable levels and prove was not a viable
increased his maximum intake by approx. decision when there
230MTs. Total maximum intake then would was a risk of losing the
have been 880MTs. A compatibility test be- bunker to any other ves-
tween the bunkers in 2P tank and the fresh sel.
bunkers should also have been done.
2. He should have then discussed with the What factors should
Master and requested the charterers for at the CE in general
least 4 days of reserve plus the unpumpa- take into considera-
bles (basis his experience on this vessel). tion when request-
3. By reducing the load on the engine slightly, ing for bunkers in
he could have conserved fuel and could similar situations?
have completed the voyage. Of course The CE should
there would be a delayed ETA. always try to find means
4. By taking in bunkers upto 95 percent of to optimising bunker in-
tank capacity. Risk assessment could have take, especially when he
been carried out with office guidance full gets instructions to take
bunkers were taken safely. maximum bunkers. The
5. Secondly, once the vessel had proceeded idea is to maximize the
on the voyage, the vessel could have sug- intake and if not meet- Artist: CDT Uttam Dutta, DNS-09, SIMS, Lonavala
gested use of gas oil to avoid diversion of ing the company policy,
the vessel. special case like 90% filling ratio, small % must be ascertained by a compatibility test
of commingling etc should be considered in that can be elaborately carried out ashore in
Who should be liable in the above extreme cases where charterers are unable the labs. A compatibility test can also be con-
scenario for the additional costs in- to arrange for bunkers on passage. ducted by the CE onboard. None of these tests
volved - owners or charterers? When there is a tank with such give any 100% confirmation that the mixing is
The major blame for this incident is a small quantity, he should always look for compatible - they only give an indication. So
attributable to the ship’s officers; hence own- a means to transfer the bunker to another there is no percentage that can be mentioned
ers should be liable for the additional costs tank or use it up at the first opportunity be- as safe.
involved. Owners should also have suggested fore bunkering or minimise the quantity fur- Though no expert likes to commit
use of gas oil to prevent the deviation to Ha- ther. himself, in practical terms a safe mixing %
waii. Charterers could be faulted for delay at In the absence of any company ratio of 10:90 may be acceptable. Beyond this,
Hawaii, which may be a small percentage of guidance on reserve, the CE could have re- guidance on a case by case basis should be
the overall costs. viewed several previous voyages consump- sought by the ships.
tions and ascertain from actual experience
What role could the charterers and/ what should have been the reserve. What should be the safe margin for
or managers (owners) have played in Most importantly, he should bunkers when vessel sails on a cross-
preventing the incident? keep all the concerned parties (such as ocean sea passage?
Owners/managers should’ve pro- owners, charterers, managers, etc.) suffi- For increased safety, it could be tak-
vided guidance to the Master/CE regarding ciently informed regarding the situation. At en as either 20% of the voyage consumption
prompt communications concerning such a times the charterers/ owners have better or 4 days reserve for HFO whichever is higher,
situation and for seeking guidance from the ideas to manage and/ or at least can take in case of a cross-ocean voyage. Many ves-
office in case of close call situations like this. a well planned decision instead of such last sels are now running AE on HFO and hence a
Such matters if discussed in advance could minute mess. minimum quantity of DO, i.e. at least 1 day of
have minimised the costs to a large extent. ME running and 4 days of DG running should
Proper guidance regarding com- What percentage of bunker com- be maintained onboard as reserve. These fig-
mingling, optimising the intake of bunkers, re- mingling can be considered safe? ures are excluding the unpumpable quantities
serve bunkers, use of gas oil for emergency There is no thumb rule to this and in the bunker tanks.
17 Samundra Spirit | APR 2010 ISSUE 09 FUN STUFF
Crossword Puzzle
1 2 3 34.ahu 31.flume
33.thrust 29.tbn 28.gear
5 6 7
30.blowdown 27.zener
8 9
28.governer 26.msds
10 11 15
25.montreal 24.trim
24.tiller 22.stable
12 13 14 23.admiralty 19.bumping
22.sewage 18.DPA
21.npsh 17.nomo
20.purifier 16.air
19.ballast 12.preferential
18.density 11.hunting
15.tachometer 10.SSAS
19 20 21 22 23 14.tpc 9.cascade
24 25 13.freight 8.DNV
26 12.purging 7.sounding
11.heleshaw 5.marpol
6.adiabatic 4.salinometer
3.viscometer 3.vit
27 28
29 30
Down Across
32 33
On the 29th of July 2009, as I sat on crew (GME), along with some other fellow a dull boy as it aroused in me athletic en-
the SIMS chariot (bus) with 40 other trainees from around the country. thusiasm, that propelled me to become a
sea cadets, I could not help but be The phrase “unity in diversity” proficient swimmer from a non-swimmer, a
filled with excitement as I thought rang so true in my ears as I saw how a mul- marathon runner and it also further honed
about how my dreams were actu- titude of different people, all Indian, lived my skill in outdoor sports such as cricket,
ally coming true. As we entered our together harmoniously under one roof in football and basketball. In addition, SIMS
magnificent training castle (SIMS), SIMS. We also protected ourselves from the added more spice to my life by giving me
my first words were, “Wow!! Jaisa HINI virus (swine flu) which had consumed an opportunity to project my cultural talent
internet may tha, waisa he hai.” many of our fellow Indian brothers and sis- before eminent sea officers from ESM.
When I alighted from the bus, I real- ters in and around the campus by observing SIMS in fact nurtured and trans-
ised that my somehow bleak looking stringent health and safety rules. It seemed formed me from an inexperienced boy to a
future had been revived just like the as though the unity at SIMS strengthened “man in white”, from being carefree to be-
beautiful mythical bird, the phoenix, us for a time like this as we worked together ing responsible, from a follower to a leader
that rises from its ashes and lives to keep the virus away from our campus. and from a commoner to a seafarer. Now,
through another cycle of years. We also sacrificed our off-shore leave dur- the time has come for me to graduate from
ing this period but it was all worthwhile as “Home Sweet Home SIMS” and to bravely
My Pre-Sea Training commenced
we successfully kept the virus at bay. face the high seas, using the skills I ac-
and eventually my “left and right” orientation
We all know the adage, “time and quired during my training in SIMS. But the
changed to “port and starboard” and my 12-
tide waits for none” and I got the opportu- beautiful memories of SIMS will always re-
hr body clock was transformed into a 24-hr
nity to experience the truth of this saying at main my heart and I believe I will never be
one. My HMT turned into GMT. On the first
the same again.
SIMS Cadets Join as ESM Officers During the Last Quarter Ending 15th April, 2010
CADETS’ DIARY Samundra Spirit | APR 2010 ISSUE 09 20
What is Life?
We also study at night, so we are mentally
is still very fresh and sparkling. It was Mon-
active just before we knock off to go to bed.
day, 31st of August 2009 – a special day in my
Furthermore, we trained for watch-keeping
entire life. I was curious, maybe also a bit of
too in our hostel as we are allotted various Life is only a four lettered word,
apprehensive of the life ahead!
different duties. Simple to spell, but difficult to know well.
However, as days passed, I started
SIMS prepares us to be able to Life is like arithmetic,
relishing each moment of the training. One
stand on our own feet, to understand re- Where you can add new things,
of the first few things I learnt here is “safety
sponsibilities and to be effective and inde- Subtract old ones,
first”. This is not only applicable in a mariner’s
pendent watch-keepers. Hence, many posi- Multiply your joys and
life but also in our day to day life. I learnt that
tive changes can be observed in my life and Divide your sorrows.
before doing anything or taking any step for-
I am eagerly waiting to go home and watch Life is like history,
ward, you should think twice about the cir-
the reaction on faces of my parents, friends A record of events,
cumstances and the resulting consequences
and all others. I bet all will be (pleasantly) Try to correlate
of your decision.
surprised to see such a drastic change in Past with present
When faced with any type of prob-
the boy who was thought to be a foregone Life is like statistics,
lem, I have learnt that we should analyse the
case! A process of calculations and measure-
situation in detail, identify the root of the prob-
No doubt I now look forward to a ments
lem and channel our thinking process to start
great SIC experience in the second semes- Calculate your successes and failures and
from the basics itself. However, we should not
ter and I heartily thank SIMS for bringing out Find the average score,
make our problem seem too complicated by
the best in me. Life is like economics,
analysing something in too much detail either.
Thank you SIMS! A way of earning love and
Marine engineering basically makes use of a
Spending it among wisely
lot of logical thinking strategies instead of ex-
Life is like a teacher
cessive technicalities.
Teaches us a lot
I went through many different theo-
It is real, it is honest,
ry subjects and practical hours, making sure
Like a rose bush
my fundamentals were in place. As we learnt Whole world says “Safety First”,
So rejoice it!
about seamanship, we also realised the im- But for that, Helmet is a must.
portance of teamwork and mutually beneficial Do not take Helmet, Just for Granted.
CDT Hrishikesh Swain
interdepartmental relationships. For everyone’s safety, Helmet is most wanted.
At SIMS, we are trained both men- When Government enforces rule to use Helmet, SIMS, Lonavala
tally and physically. Apart from being trained Please accept and implement without a curse or a fret.
to clear part 4-B for being a marine engineer, Maximum deaths are due to road accidents,
we are undergoing training to be a good mari- Helmet can be used to avoid these incidents.
ner first. Also, I enjoyed learning swimming I don’t know why people avoid wearing a helmet,
here and now I am a swimmer. It truly feels Even though everyone knows, it saves us from an accident.
great and I am so happy with my accomplish- In SIMS I see helmets everywhere,
ment. Because we know, Safety is compromised without a Helmet.
A typical day here starts with physi- If everyone understands importance of Helmets,
cal training in the morning, attending classes, We would not be a long way to implement, CDT Pankaj Bansal, GME-09
which trains us mentally and finally, physical “SAFETY FIRST AND FOREMOST” SIMS, Lonavala
21 Samundra Spirit | APR 2010 ISSUE 09 KNOWLEDGE
A ‘Risk’ is the chance of something adverse happening, The bowtie methodology can be used for any type of hazard analy-
whereas ‘Hazard’ is a source of potential harm or dam- sis from minor to major accidents, in occupational and environmental
age or a situation with the potential of creating harm or areas of business, in information technology, medical diagnosis, and
damage. research or even in security issues. In shipping, we can use them
During our daily life ashore, we carry out risk management very effectively on:
without consciously thinking about the hazards around us. For ex- • Identification or demonstration of risk
ample, at the pedestrian crossing, we’ll not begin to cross unless the • Understanding of the dangers and consequences
signal shows a green human sign or risk being hit by the ongoing • Creating a better understanding of specific risks
traffic. We usually wait patiently till the red pedestrian signal changes • Maintaining hazard situations under control or mitigating them
to green. In case the green pedestrian signal starts blinking, we has- • Creating safety and security improvements on board, and
ten our walking pace to reach the other end before it changes to red • Inspection, audit and certification systems
again. There are many such risk assessment tasks we conduct rou- Let’s take the scenario of a caged live tiger. Though the situation now
tinely and ensure we are leading a safe life. looks risk-free, there is a risk - if the tiger escapes. If we look at the
In order to ensure job safety on board ships, we are re- cause and effect of such an event, we can see the cause could be:
quired to manage risks arising out of the hazards around us. A simple 1. Weak cage, and/ or
flow chart for achieving this is provided below: 2. Door left open by error.
And the effect of such an event could be:
1. Tiger mauls some one, and/or
2. We loose the tiger.
If we insert this information into our bowtie matrix, it will look like this:
The knot of the bowtie represents the threat or risk in the system. On
the left side are the causes of that hazard and on the right side is the
impact or consequence of that hazard, thereby giving us a visual rep-
resentation of a cause-effect-consequence situation. In an extended
interpretation, the knot could also represent the event that took place,
and left flap indicating the hazards and the right flap indicating the
results of such an event, i.e., cause-event-effect. Continued on next page
KNOWLEDGE Samundra Spirit | APR 2010 ISSUE 09 22
Very impressive. World-class facilities. I wish I was fortunate to SIMS was built with a vision. A noble vision. A decade from
take training in such an institute. Founder and staff have taken now, I’m sure the alumnus of SIMS will play leading roles at sea
great efforts to make the institute a success. and ashore.
- Mr. S.S. Gadkar, Engineer & Ship Suveyor-cum-Deputy - Mr. Yujin Chia, Manager, Maritime and Port Authority (MPA),
General (Tech), Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai Singapore
A worthwhile visit that has only confirmed my previous view of Thank you very much for the hospitality and allowing us to ex-
this institute as industry best practice but now it can be said perience this world class facility. Truly inspiring.
with the experience of this visit. Thank you. - Mr. Henrik O Madsen, CEO, DNV
- Mr. Terry Luke, Regional Marine Superintendent, Marine Assur-
ance, Chevron Shipping Company
Thank you for your hospitality. I’m inspired by your state-of- An institute that I wanted to see all the time in my life. What a
the-art facilities that you have envisioned for a seafaring career wonderful set up. Good luck to all those who are engaged and
in India. are going out in the world of opportunity.
- Ms. Lena Han, Manager, Corporate Communications, Maritime - Mr. Rinchen Dorji, Director, Ministry of Works and Human Settle-
and Port Authority (MPA), Singapore ment -Dept of Urban Development & Engineering Services, Bhutan.
Thank you very much for your generous and kind hospitality. It I have found this institute founded in a vision of excellence
has been a true learning experience for me to visit your reputed creating path breaking ways to teach the culture of the Marine
institute. You should be proud of your institute and in the pro- Sciences in a way that will make those who pass out proud to
fessional way you are contributing to our industry. be an Indian. Congratulations. It has been a learning experi-
- Mr. Erik Toft, Corporate Vice President, Marine HR, Torm Shipping ence for me.
- Mr. Murali Iyer, CEO, Torm Shipping Pvt. Ltd.
A visible result of vision, pride and excellence. You make a lot SIMS is a ‘Vision Statement’. Each time I visit here I find ‘the
of people very proud. bar ‘has been raised further. I am sure the best is yet to come.
- Capt. Arun Malia, Island Shipbrokers Pvt. Ltd., Singapore - Capt. Kersi Khambatta, Deputy General Manager, Training - Torm
Shipping Pvt. Ltd.
Thank you for an extraordinary input as to who to educate first Very impressive training facilities. Very good equipment and
class officers that will be the future of the world shipping busi- realistic atmosphere created for the pre-sea candidates. Very
ness. We are looking forward to working with officers educated useful for post-sea courses as well.
of this facility. - Capt. M.S. Parulekar, Senior Manager, BW Maritime
- Mr. Steven Sandorff, General Manager, Tanker Operations,
Norden A/S
Lots of thanks for sharing this “second to none” initiative. The tour of the campus leaves you with a convincing impres-
Graduates from here will be able to satisfy owners. Well Done. sion of dedication and the facilitation to serve this.
Looking forward to cooperating with officers from here. - Mr. Jorn Andersen, General Manager, Technical Dept., Norden A/S
- Mr. Peter K Brandt, Superintendent, Norden A/S
Great and unbelievable facilities and infrastructure. Making In- Thank you for showing us this impressive facility; it has been
dia proud. Thanks for the opportunity and hospitality. a great pleasure.
- Mr. Prakash Tikare, Business Development Manager, South Asia, - Mr. Henrik Christensen, Quality Assurance Manager, Norden A/S
Thanks for an extremely well-arranged visit. The creations A very impressive facility. Your staffs are friendly, informative
since my previous visit are commendable. and dedicated.
- Mr. Kamal Kumar, Area Manager, DNV, India - Capt. Geoff Pearson, General Manager, BW Maritime
Marvelous is not enough. Superb school! Excellent School. Truly impressed. Good luck to all.
- Mr. Pradeep Putta Reddy, Operations Manager, Norient Product - Ms. Junko Mikano, General Manager, Norient Product Pool,
Pool, Singapore. Singapore
Samundra Spirit APRIL 2008 ISSUE 01