Water Level
Water Level
Water Level
On our planet earth, 71% of part is occupied by water. Only 2% of water source is
usable and rest of 98% of water is salty water which has no use for human and all
living beings except in sea.
Water, the main source of life. It is the most required, important and individual part
of all living beings. We can not imagine life without water.
Our country India such a populated one is facing such a big problem of water
minimization. If proper precautions are not taken for preserving the most valuable
natural resource then it may lead to an disastrous situation.
This project is based on the theme that water should be controlled to such a level that
it can be utilized with proper use. Due to implementation of this project, water level
can be controlled automatically and hence large amount of water is saved. In future,
India will have not face such problems and there will be a vast progress in the
development of country.
PLC based Multichannel Automatic Liquid Level measurement aims to control the
level of liquid automatically so that water going waste due to overflow of tanks can be
saved easily.
In this project , Three liquid level sensors are provided for overhead tanks and
source tanks. Those liquid level sensors are low level sensors and high sensors. These
sensors sense the level of liquid and operate relays and serves inputs to Programmable
Logic Controller (PLC). Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is programmed to
control liquid level and maintain it at specific level in overhead tanks automatically.
SMPS ( Switch Mode Power Supply ) :-
Electronic Power Supply that incorporates a switching regulator to convert
electrical power efficiently. Like other power supplies, an SMPS transfers power from
a source like the electrical power grid to a load (such as a Personal Computer) while
converting voltage and current characteristics. An SMPS is usually employed to
efficiently provide a regulated output voltage, typically at a level different from the
input voltage.
Unlike a linear power supply, the past transistor of a switching mode supply
continuously switches between low dissipation, full on and full off states, and spends
early little time in the high dissipation transitions (which minimize wasted energy).
Ideally, a switched mode power supply dissipated no power, voltage regulation is
achieved by varying the ratio of to on to off time. In contrast, a linear power supply
regulates the output voltage by continuously dissipating power in the pass transistor.
This higher power conversion efficiency is an important advantage of a switched mode
power supply. Switched mode power supplies may also be substantially smaller and
lighter than a linear power supply due to the smaller transformer size and weight.
The Liquid Level Sensors are the probe type sensors which senses the
level of liquid in tanks. Whenever the liquid level touches the probes, relay coil is
energized. As working voltage of Liquid level Sensor is 12VDC. 12VDC supply is
provided through step down transformer, full-wave rectifier and filter circuit. This
serves as input to PLC. +24 VDC terminal is connected to the common terminal of
relay hence, it gives +24VDC at output which is further connected to the input ports
of PLC.
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a controller for this project. It has input as
well as output ports. All the Liquid Level Sensors serves as input to PLC. As liquid
level sensors senses the liquid level, relay coil is energized and +24VDC reaches to
PLC through input module. As we have already loaded program in PLC, it gives output
according to user program and hence output devices like indicators, solenoid valves,
pump are controlled through output ports. We are using PC (Personal Computer ) as a
programming device for PLC.
Due to high prices of PLC, it is very important to protect PLC from various abnormal
conditions. Relay Unit is mainly used for over-current, over-heating and short-circuit
protection so that no damage will occur to PLC.
We are using five 24VDC general purpose relay in this relay unit. Four of them are
use for operating solenoid valves and rest of one is used for operating pump.
R1 - 470K Ohm
R2 - 10M Ohm
R3 - 1K Ohm
C1, 2, 3, 4 - 2.2 nF 2.2 kpf/ 222
T1 - BC557 PNP Transistor
D1, 2, 3 - IN4148
LED - 3mm Red.
IC 1 - 4093 Cmos IC
14 Pin IC Socket for IC1
Rly 1 - 12V /1 CO Relay
The actual circuit of the level sensor is extremely simple. The circuit around N1 forms
an oscillator. If the two sensors are immersed in a conducting solution, C4 will be
charged up via the AC coupling capacitors (C2 and C3) and the diodes so that after a
short time the output of N2 is taken low and the relay is pulled in. The relay can be
used to start a pump for example, which in turn controls the level of the liquid. When
a conductive path between the two sensors no longer exists. C4 discharges via R2 with
the result that the output of N2 goes high and the relay drops out. The Relay turns ON
or OFF only when a contact between the two electrodes due to presence of water.
Programmable Logic Controller :-
PLC was originally designed to replace relay based logic systems and solid-
state hard-wired control panels. PLC has advantages over relay based system, that they are
easily programmed, more reliable, flexible, relatively inexpensive, and capability to
communicate with field computers. Modern PLC’s are powerful and more
Programmable logic controllers are used for controlling sequences of events.
Hence they are also known as sequential controllers. For example, in the bottle filling
system it senses the empty bottles, place the bottles at proper position for filling, fill
the bottles at desired locations.
A PLC is defined by National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA, USA):
The power supply is designed for the higher temperature and humidity as PLC is used
in industrial environment. It is designed to eliminate the electrical noise present on
AC power or signal lines of industrial plants, so that the noise does not introduce errors
in the control system.
Small size :-
They are usually very compact and do not have large space requirement.
Elements of PLC are in modular form. PLC is designed easily using these
Rugged construction :
It is rugged enough to operate in an industrial environment.
Greater reliability :
Interfacing easy :
The input and output modules are provided for interfacing the input and output
field devices to it.
Ease of programming :
Reprogrammed easily :-
Relatively inexpensive :-
Maintenance easier :-
In old days, with wired relay-type panels, any program alterations required
time for rewiring of panels and devices. With PLC control any change in circuit
design or sequence is as simple as retyping the logic. Correcting errors in PLC
is extremely short and cost effective.
Space Efficient:-
Testing :-
Visual Observation :-
Flexible :-
Number of contacts held by the PLC on each coil is more than the
contacts held by a relay.
Low cost :-
Operating speed :-
PLC operation speed is faster than the relay. Speed PLC scan time is
determined by its in units of milliseconds.
The PLC also have counters, relays and other components, so it does
not require components such as additional. Use of relays requires counters,
timers or other components as additional equipment.
Documentation :-
Printout of the PLC can be directly obtained and do not need to see the
blueprint of his circuit. Unlike the printout relay circuit cannot be obtained.
Changing the PLC cannot be done unless the PLC is not locked and
programmed. So there is no unauthorized person can change the PLC program
for a PLC is locked.
Users can add a circuit controller at any time quickly, without requiring
great effort and cost as in conventional controllers.
PLC require modules for interfacing of various input and output device.
PLC is designed for relay logic ladder and have difficulty with some smart
Environmental considerations :-
Moisture can affect the sensitivity
Cleaning of probes is required due to oxidation problems.
It can not be used for uncovered tanks during rainy season.
In house-hold tanks.
In difficult to access over head tanks.
In industries for liquid level sensing and controlling.
In hotels, apartments. hospitals, offices, hotels and all commercial
In many plants to ensure continuous water supply.
In industries for automation purpose.
In difficult to access over-head tanks.
When water level of Tank 1 is below high level , Solenoid Valve 1 and pump is
When water level of Tank 2 is below low level, Solenoid Valve 2 and pump is operated
and when it is reached at high level Solenoid 2 gets OFF.
When water level of Tank 3 is below low level, Solenoid Valve 3 and pump is operated
and when it is reached at high level Solenoid 3 gets OFF.
Whenever water of source tank is reached below low level, process goes automatically