Mastering The Tarot

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Professional Readings for Magician’s Mentalists and Psychic Entertainers

Turning your readings into absolute drop dead astounding performances

An easy to remember and use system for creating professional readings
How to make an above average living as a tarot reader

The spread
Levels of meaning
Hidden symbols
Individual cards

OH no not another tarot book. Well rest easy I promise his book will not be like
any other tarot book you have read. It will take an ordinary back yard reading and
turn it into a powerful life changing experience.

The Word Tarot May Have Derived From:

- Torah (Hebrew), "The Law - Law Giver" - Thoth Egyptian god - Tarosh
(Egyptian), "The royal way" - Ator, from the Egyptian goddess Hathor - [See
Hathor Below] - Torah -Torus in Sacred Geometry or Creation - "Taurus" -
Astrology - Rota (Latin), "Wheel" - Wheel of karma - Wheels Within Wheels -
The Taro river in Northern Italy - Orat (Latin), "It speaks, argues" - Taru (Hindu),
"Cards" - Troa (Hebrew), "Gate" - Tares, meaning the dot border on old cards -
Tarotee, meaning a pattern on the backs
Theories about the History of Tarot
The origins of Tarot are somewhat obscure, the most common theories go to
ancient Egypt and Thoth and the connection to the ancient mystery school
teachings. There is a common myth that Tarot was brought to Europe by the
Some believe that a form of Tarot goes back to ancient China.
It is believed that all ancient civilizations developed their own systems of
divination based on the same symbolism and archetypes.
Tarot as we know it today is a collection of images and symbols from a wide
variety of cultures, from the ancient Greeks and Romans to the prehistoric Norse
peoples, from the ancient religions of India and Egypt to the medieval courts of
Italy and France.
The first clear reference that we have to Tarot cards is from a sermon that was
collected with many others about 1500 in Italy found in the Steele Manuscript. The
sermon is thought to date from about 1450 to 1470 and is a diatribe against games
of chance. It gives a detailed description of the Tarot trumps, not only numbering
them but naming them as well.
The oldest group of surviving Tarot cards, called Tarocchi in Italian, appears to
date from 1420 to 1450. Although the oldest cards that we have are hand-painted
ones, many scholars believe that printed or wood block cards predate the hand-
painted ones. However, as most early printed cards were much-used and of poor
quality, the earliest printed cards date from later than the hand-painted ones by
twenty to fifty years so that there is no physical evidence to show which type of
cards were the first to be created. By about 1500, Tarot decks had become fairly
standardized although there were individual differences from deck to deck even as
there are today.
Antoine Court de Gebelin, (1725-84), a French linguist, cleric, occultist, Mason,
member of the Lodge of the Philalethes, and author of the nine-volume work Le
Monde Primitif - was convinced of the mystical significance of the Tarot and fond
of Egyptian lore, this pre-Rosetta Stone. He believed the cards' birth place was
ancient Egypt, where they served as tools of initiation into the priesthood. For him,
the Tarot's Major Arcana was the Book of Thoth, a synthesis of all knowledge once
held in hieroglyphic form in burned Egyptian temples and libraries.
He claimed that it had escaped the destruction of the Library of Alexandria. At the
time he was writing this, the skill of reading hieroglyphics had been lost for almost
1200 years and there existed the widely held belief that they were magical symbols
concealing the lost knowledge of antiquity. He saw the Tarot as a contemporarily
available pictorial embodiment of this occult wisdom, a tangible link with the past.
A French man, (erroneously believed by some to have been barber, he merely had
lodgings above a barbers shop) named Alliette, writing under the pseudonym
Etteilla (his name spelled backwards), followed de Gebelin's lead and revised the
Tarot to comply with his own idiosyncratic idea of Egyptian mysticism. It has to be
said, his Tarot has had less influence upon subsequent designs than have his ideas.
In the mid 1850s a third Frenchman, Alphonse Louis Constant (originally a deacon
of the Catholic Church), began to publish occult works. For the purposes of
authorship he translated his name into Hebrew and wrote under the name Eliphas
Levi (he dropped the final Zahed?. His books contained Tarot references and
symbolism and it was he who first established the link between the Tarot and
cabala (or Qabalah).
He felt that the god Thoth-Hermes made the original deck. His theory contains
mathematical ideas similar to those of Pythagoras, whom he admired.
Eliphas Levi (real name: Alphonse Louis Constant, author of 'History of Magic|'),
1810-1875, was a French priest and Rosicruician who thought the Tarot the key to
the Bible, the Jewish Qabbalah, and all other ancient spiritual writings. He
attempted to link the 22 cards of the Major Arcana to the letters of the Hebrew
alphabet. He drew parallels between Tarot suits and the four letters of the
Tetragrammaton, YHVH ('Yahweh').
Late nineteenth-century Parisian author Paul Christian (Jean Baptiste Pitois) was a
follower of Levi's who believed that Major Arcana cards represent hieroglyphic
paintings found on columns in ancient Egyptian galleries. He also sought parallels
between the Tarot and Qabbalistic astrology.
Papus (Gerard Encausse, 1865-1916), a French doctor, philosopher, and
Theosophist, was another believer in the Tarot's Egyptian sources. Known for the
book 'The Tarot of the Bohemians', he believed the Tarot a bearer of ancient
designs inscribed in secret chambers below the Pyramids. The designs represented
initiation tests. When the temples were at risk, the priests transferred the mystical
designs to materials which later became a pack of cards. Papus, too, described a
link between Tarot and the Tetragrammaton. He also dealt with numerology and
the Tree of Life.
MacGregor (Samuel Liddell) Mathers lead the English Order of the Golden Dawn,
which was founded in 1886. He studied Jewish, Egyptian, Christian, and
alchemical mysticism. He wrote a great deal about the Tarot.
A. E. Waite (1857-1942), the English Christian occult philosopher, broke from the
Order of the Golden Dawn and founded his own school of mystical thought.
Working with the artist Pamela Coleman Smith - who was also a member of The
Order of the Golden Dawn - Waite created a "rectified" deck featuring images and
scenery on all the cards, Minor as well as Major Arcana. They produced the 78
card deck that we use today.
The tarot has been studied by many adepts and has been shown to be directly
relating to the Qabalah. The Order of the Golden Dawn in 1890 made a deck for its
members, utilizing the knowledge of the Qabalah in its symbolism. This was not
the first deck, but the research done by the golden dawn and its members helped
shape the views of the Tarot and the western philosophies of the mysteries.
Together, they produced the 78 card deck that we use today. The tarot has been
studied by many adepts and has been shown to be directly relating to the Qabalah.
Aleister Crowley, too, founded his own occult school, the Ordo Templi Orientis,
which had to do, among other things, sex magic. Working with Freida Harris, he
created the colorful Book of Thoth Tarot. He considered identifying with each card
more important than trying to guess about origins.
Paul Foster Case, who formed the Builders Adytum, thought the Tarot from
Morocco. According to him, 11th century philosophers designed it to both to
preserve knowledge after the Alexandrian libraries were burned down and to
furnish a universal language. He, too, designed a deck, a black and white one. It
strongly resembles Waite's.
Other theories: the cards are allegories of Sufi masters; Grail legend depictions; the
Indian game Chaturanga, a forerunner of chess; Indian holy texts; Gypsy imports;
Hebrew lore; Greek philosophy; ancestors of Mesopotamian copper cylinders;
symbols handed down from prehistoric oral stories; symbols from ancient Central
American Indian cultures; wisdom of prehistoric matriarchal cultures; teaching
aids of the Wilderness, a persecuted Christian sect; surviving lore of the Order of
Knights Templar, founded in 1188 to protect pilgrims and guard the ways to the
Holy Land; or creations of 13th century alchemists -and the Tarot is indeed loaded
with alchemical imagery.
Speculation aside, we don't know, and perhaps will never know, what the first
Tarot cards looked like. Nor do we know where they came from or who created
them. We don't even know how many were contained in a deck. Although it has
frustrated Tarot experts and inspired countless origin theories, So many beautiful
things emerge from drab beginnings that not knowing makes room for fantasies in
which bold spirits paint those first wonderful images in an ecstasy of creative
However they came to be, the images of Tarot, like all true symbols, re-sound
spontaneous self-expressions from the psyche's deepest springs; and for that reason
they hold up magic mirrors to whatever reactions we bring them. Like all authentic
artistic creations, Tarots are ultimately a mystery and will remain so.
Being Psychic

Being psychic is no different than anything else it takes practice. When I work in a
tool shop I am trained in three things three different jobs the fourth comes easy
then the fifth I work out all by myself.

As children we learn the rules of language we are given individual words which
later, without apparent training or instruction we manage to combine together to
create sentences.

We learn this by observing and listening to others

Being psychic is no different it takes practice observation and just enough
diligence to see it through long enough to get some results. All this of course is
made easier by the fact that you are already psychic.

Every book on the subject every lecture I’ve attended and every movie I’ve seen
all allude to the fact that everybody is psychic we all have some innate abilities we
appear to be born with them.
Many books and internet sites have standard lists of things that might tell you
whether or not your psychic like knowing when the phone is going to ring or
thinking of friend and that person contacts you out of the blue.
There may be a fundamental problem with this line of thinking that actually goes
some way to inhibiting your real psychic potential. Left alone these things are great
but leaving them implies that you don’t want to or don’t need to do any extra
training. That you don’t need to grow and expand that you don’t desire any
advanced level of psychic or PSI abilities.

I’m sure that you do if you’ve read more than two books on ESP or personal
development then there is a very good chance that you want to grow step out from
the norm and develop your abilities beyond potential and into something much
more concrete.

This desire may be entirely personal you might not want to be the next Uri Geller
or Doris Stokes you may want nothing more than to know that what you are
receiving is fundamentally sound and not ambiguous. You may never want to
amaze your friends at parties you might want only to give correct and reassuring
advice to loved ones but advice they know they can rely on as correct. Information
from a real extra sensory source and not just glib sayings pulled fro the air because
it sounds appropriate at the time. Information that is personal correct and means
something to them.
Whatever your personal reason the point is and I cannot stress this enough, you
need to train and practice. That’s what this book is all about becoming a good
accurate psychic.
Regardless of the tools you use be they Tarot cards tea leaves, psychometrics,
chicken entrails or pure readings this program is designed to make you a better
psychic a deeper person and a lot more accurate in your readings even predictions.

Whether you use this knowledge for personal peace and wellbeing or want to reach
the standard of a professional psychic is irrelevant

You will need to gather around you people circumstances and information that
lends itself to your improvement and development. Keep away from negative or
skeptical influences. This is not a cope out later we will deal with skeptics, but for
the moment and the initial part of your training try to keep positive things ideas
and thoughts around yourself.
The Source

Information Where Is It From

Where does information come from the spirit world, the universal mind or
consciousness, is there a secret brotherhood of ascended master who pass on tidbits
of knowledge to the initiated? Perhaps one of a thousand possibilities ranging from
aliens hovering over the earth in invisible ships to psychic still living in Atlantis or
Argosy have found their way to your ears

Universal Concept of Preordination

In a nutshell all things are pre-ordained our life is mapped out by cosmic forces
beyond our control but it actually goes deeper than that.
This is the idea that everything in the universe works via a system a system that
through copious amounts of research understanding and science can be understood.
By understanding the rules of the universe one is able to predict with some degree
of accuracy what might happen next. For example you are standing on the side of
the road and you see two cars swerving toward each other. You as the observer can
easily predict that the two vehicles will hit and that somebody is going to be badly

You are able to make this prediction based on the science and observation. Your
knowledge of science tells you that influences like speed, gravity and inertia will
result in a loud bang along with a huge amount of mayhem for everybody
involved. Not only that you can observe the plainly obvious.

Astrology uses the same idea the universe is ordered, you can’t break the cosmic
rules 1 plus 2 will always equal 3 therefore if a certain planetary alignment is
occurring then such and such will be the result. (This is a basic description it’s all
actually extremely complicated and scientific but the basic idea is the same)
The Synchronistic Universe

This is the idea that there is a universal thread a form of energy that connects
everything in the universe to every other thing in the universe. Most standard
forms of older style fortune telling rely on this theory that everything in some way
or other effects to some degree everything else. For example your life and the way
you live it along with the things you do and the people you interact with will have
some effect however small on the random fall of your tea leaves or what you did
last week will influence the order that your tarot cards will be shuffled.

The universal trace theory

The basic idea is that all things leave a trace of themselves. This can be viewed in a
purely scientific sense (the modern science of forensics) or in the higher psychic
sense such as when using psychometry. Everything you do everybody you meet
everywhere you go and every thought you have leaves a trace. Generally we think
of this as a small minute infinitesimal trace of energy, which can be picked up and
translated by someone who is sensitive enough.

Information how we receive it

There are standard tried and true methods that Im sure many people will know or at
least know of
Many people unconsciously choose methods that directly relate to their personal
belief system concerning the origin of the information they receive.
How we receive information is not actually connected to where we believe it is
coming from for example a person who believes in the spirit world and
communication with those who have passed on to the nether plain will, more often
than not use the tools of clairvoyance clairaudience or clairsentience or a
combination of all three.

Another individual let’s say one who believes in pure PSI might use psychometric
techniques or psychic readings as their tool.

Further a psychic who prescribes to the universal concept of preordination might

favor the Tarot cards or astrology.
Knowing the Right Tools

There is an underlying fundamental problem with the nature of the work of many
beginning psychics. That knowing the true nature of the tools being used Telepathy
for example is the transference of thought from one mind to another by its very
nature it implies two minds working in unison or being temporarily connected or
both tuned to the same channel.

You couldn’t take a deck of cards turn them over and try to hope to tell what each
card was without looking by using the rules and principles of telepathy. Many a
novice tries this. Basically it boils down to trying to guess what the next card is it
would be telepathy when and if another person was viewing the cards and you tried
to pick up on the thoughts of that person.

The Nine Card Spread


Internal growth Physical To learn
Travel Mental To teach
CAREER Existing skills some of
which are unused




With triangles we are reading a group of cards or the symbols within the group and
how they are connected to each other for example depending on what appears or
falls in the travel position there may be an effect on either the health positions the
social positions or in some cases both.
The ned to travel over seas or away may effect other people in the clients life. Or
our growth as a person will have an effect on our health.

1. TRAVEL fool

2. HEALTH eight of wands

3. SOCIAL queen of wands

Let’s say the cards fall as above when reading the triangle I may assume that the
clients journey through life is about to change or reach some sort of peak due to the
fact that the fool has appeared here I can tell from the eight of wands that there are
some physical barriers to overcome before this can be achieved and that these
changes will almost certainly have some effect on an important female such as a
mother or older sister or older female friend.

This method will take some practice don’t be a afraid of it however as it is an

important way to read or intuitively receive more information.
The mental word
How we look at the world
The emotional world
How we feel about the world
The physical world
What we have in the world
The inner mental world
What we do about what we see

There are 22 Major Arcana or Trumps. These cards are thought to represent the
higher parts of our consciousness and have been linked with the Archetypes
proposed by Jung, the 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, The paths of the Tree of
Life, The I Ching and the Runes among other things.

The Court Cards represent other people in our lives or aspects of our own
personality. The Minor Arcane are concerned with the everyday, mundane affairs
of day to day living such as work, school, the home and relationships. The Minors
consist of four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. In various decks these
suits might be renamed, but they are usually recognizable.

Some of the more common alternate names are:

Wands - Staves

Cups - Vessels, Bowls

Swords -Crystals

Pentacles - Disks, Coins

Wands can be described as the suit having to do with energy, creativity,
communication, action, passion, self-improvement, self-development, spirituality
and enterprise. If you look at the suit of Wands in most decks you notice that most
of the cards show some type of action in progress, or someone who appears to be
reviewing or enjoying the results obtained from a recently completed action.
Action and energy are two key words to this suit. Wands are usually associated
with the element of fire. If you know a little of astrology, think of the personality
attributes of the fire signs, the forceful Aries, the flamboyant Leo and the honest
and enthusiastic Sagittarius.
Additional attributes include:
Direction - South
Season - Spring (Vernal Equinox)
Masculine/Feminine - Masculine

Cups are associated with the emotions, the subconscious, relationships and
intuitive or psychic abilities. Most decks try to convey emotions in this suit;
happiness, love, boredom, disappointment and dejection are usually represented
and easily identified. This suit is associated with the element of water and like
water can be calm and serene, or turbulent and rough. Astrologically, the nurturing
Cancer personality, the depth of the Scorpio and the intuitive, dreamy Pisces could
be applied.
Additional attributes:
Direction - East
Season - Summer (Summer Solstice)
Masculine/Feminine - Feminine

Swords are the suit of mental activity, rational thinking, decisions, and intellectual
pursuit. Because much of the turmoil in our lives can be attributed to our thoughts,
this suit often depicts conflict and struggle as well. Looking at this suit in most
decks, one finds some of the more negative cards depicting nightmares, craftiness,
pain and restriction. Swords are usually associated with the element of air.
Astrologically one can think of the Libran desire for balance, the contradictions
inherent in the Aquarian personality, and the Gemini's thirst for intellectual
Additional attributes:
Direction - West
Season - Autumn (Autumnal Equinox)
Masculine/Feminine - Masculine

Pentacles are the suit associated with work, money, crafts, the home, the physical
body. Looking at this suit, one sees craftsman at work, business being conducted,
the physical comfort and security of having material things and the physical
discomfort and pain of not having them. Pentacles are associated with the element
earth. Astrologically one can think of Taurean practicality and love of home, the
Capricorn's financial and business prowess and the Virgo's industry, skill and
Additional attributes:
Direction - South
Season - Winter (Winter Solstice)
Masculine/Feminine - Feminine
Swords and Wands are usually associated with Air and Fire respectively, however
some writers have reversed these attributions assigning Fire to Swords and Air to
Wands. Emily Peach does this in "The Tarot Workbook" and Ellen Cannon Reed
does as well in her deck ,"The Witches Tarot" and her two books "The Goddess
and the Tree" and "The Witches Tarot". Arguments can be made for both points of
view and you should chose whichever attributions seems to fit best to you. The
same is true of the directions assigned. An alternative system for directions taken
from Astrology is: Wands - East, Cups - North, Swords West and Earth - South.

RED - Red governs active sexual life and denser, earthly activities. Red is active,
energetic and determined.
GREEN - The color of growth, expansion, joy, clarity and mental stimulation.
BLUE - Implies a cooling, calming and harmonious situation. Blue is found in the
higher frequencies.
ORANGE - The gentle warming effects of orange encourage calmness, wellbeing,
and social graces. A dominance of orange indicates a social person or situation.
YELLOW - The sunny, joyful color of strength, enthusiasm, confidence, creativity,
discipline, wisdom, logic, and the ability to overcome ignorance and evil.
VIOLET - A spiritual color which indicates understanding, stability, harmony and
BROWN - Earthy, practical solutions to life's problems.
BLACK - The absence of light or color indicates mystery, death, rapid change and
WHITE - Includes all of the colors of the light spectrum. It represents perfection,
purity, spirituality, cleanliness, and all things sacred.
GREY - Unclear intentions, neutrality, lack of movement, and dark thoughts.

Timing Events in Tarot Readings

The combination of Tarot and Astrology can allow the Reader to pinpoint almost
any day of the year when making a prediction. The twelve zodiac cards in the
Major Arcana are associated with thirty days, while the Minor Cards 2-10
represent ten days each. The Knight, Queen and Prince of each element also
represent 30 days, but, there is a 10 day overlap between them and the zodiac

Tarot and Astrology

Court Min
Major Decanates Dates
Cards or
Mar 11- Mar
Moon 10 20-30 Pisces
Mar 21- Mar
2 0-10 Aries
Mar 31- Apr
3 10-20 Aries
Apr 11- Apr
4 20-30 Aries
Apr 21- Apr
5 0-10 Taurus
May 1 - May
6 10-20 Taurus
May 11 -
7 20-30 Taurus
May 20
May 21 -
8 0-10 Gemini
May 31
Jun 1 - Jun
9 10-20 Gemini
Jun 11 - Jun
10 20-30 Gemini
2 0-10 Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 1
3 10-20 Cancer Jul 2 - Jul 11
Jul 12 - Jul
4 20-30 Cancer
Jul 22 - Aug
5 0-10 Leo
Aug 2 - Aug
6 10-20 Leo
Aug 12 - Aug
7 20-30 Leo
Aug 23 - Sep
8 0-10 Virgo
Sep 2 - Sep
9 10-20 Virgo
Sep 12 - Sep
10 20-30 Virgo
Sep 23 - Oct
2 0-10 Libra
Oct 3 - Oct
3 10-20 Libra
Oct 13 - Oct
4 20-30 Libra
Oct 23 - Nov
5 0-10 Scorpio
Nov 3 - Nov
6 10-20 Scorpio
Nov 13 - Nov
7 20-30 Scorpio
0-10 Nov 23 - Dec
Sagittarius 2
10-20 Dec 3 - Dec
Sagittarius 12
20-30 Dec 13 - Dec
Sagittarius 21
0-10 Dec 22 - Dec
Capricorn 30
10-20 Dec 31 - Jan
Capricorn 9
20-30 Jan 10 -Jan
Capricorn 19
Jan 20 - Jan
5 0-10 Aquarius
10-20 Jan 30 - Feb
Aquarius 8
20-30 Feb 9 - Feb
Aquarius 18
Feb 19 - Feb
8 0-10 Pisces
Mar 1 - Mar
9 10-20 Pisces
Queen Mar 11 - Mar
10 20-30 Pisces
Wands 20
Note the orderly structure to the attributions, which should help memorization.
Good Tarot decks will have most of this information on each card. The information
above can also be used to assign a Significator according to birth date.

Traits: original, independent, courageous ACHIEVER, strength, creative
The number 1 symbolizes the principle of BEGINNING or initiation. It signifies
that a person must learn to stand alone, be assertive, and achieve recognition for
his or her talents. Therefore, the 1 is ambitious, an achiever, and fares best when it
is allowed to demonstrate its own ideas. It is self-sufficient, inventive, willful, and
dominant. Its energy is masculine, focused, and rational.
Gifts: Self-sufficiency, invention, mastery
Challenges: Stubbornness, egotism, bluntness, ambition, dominance,
willfulness, impulsiveness
Personal Goal: Establishing individuality; making a name
Fears: Being overlooked; not using talents
Succeeds as: Writer, director, inventor, president, public figure, business owner,

Traits: diplomat, friend, artist, enduring PEACEMAKER, gentle, insightful,
The number 2 symbolizes the principle of coming together with another, and is
interested in partnership. It signifies that a person is generally supportive, and that
issues of intimacy and diplomacy are at work. The 2 is very aware of others' needs
as well as its own, and strives to demonstrate friendliness, understanding and tact.
It is artistic, shy, thorough, and analytical. Its energy is feminine and magnetic.
Gifts: Charm, understanding, supportiveness, loving
Challenges: Self-consciousness, fear, hesitation, over-conscientiousness, details
Personal Goal: Reciprocal relationships; security
Fears: Unknown, unplanned change, being alone, making a mistake
Succeeds as: Artist, technician, psychologist, spouse, healer, bookkeeper,

See also The Three Energies
Traits: creative, social, easygoing VISIONARY, humorous, energetic, spontaneous
The number 3 symbolizes the principle of growth. When the initiating force of 1
unites with the germinating energy of 2 there is fruitfulness -- 3. It signifies that
there is a synthesis present -- that imagination and an outpouring of energy is in
action. The 3 is optimistic and fun-loving, and strives to uplift and color its
surroundings. Its energy is enlivening, youthful, and enthusiastic.
Gifts: Enthusiasm, imagination, versatility
Challenges: Exaggeration, lack of direction, unfinished projects, sensitivity to
criticism, laziness
Personal Goal: Enjoy life, stay young, play
Fears: Loss of youth, restriction, boredom
Succeeds as: Motivator, coach, writer, musician, artist, parent, salesperson,
communicator/all media

Traits: application, determination, serious BUILDER, doer, manager, traditional
The number 4 symbolizes the principle of putting ideas into form. It signifies work
and productivity. The 4 is constructive, realistic, traditional and cautious. It is the
number of system, order, and management.
Gifts: Concentration, realistic values, system
Challenges: Rigidity, too cautious, limited viewpoint
Personal Goal: Accomplishment, security
Fears: Sudden change, deprivation, loss
Succeeds as: Earth scientist, business owner, developer, lawyer, administrator,
office worker, body worker

Traits: freedom, activity, influence ADVENTURER, sensualist, promoter, flair
The number 5 symbolizes the principle of multiplicity, progression, and passion. It
signifies the need for change, variety, and new growth. It is the broadcaster --
disseminating information and asking questions. It is a public number -- outgoing,
fast-moving, and mercurial. The 5 is active, daring, non-conventional,
unpredictable, and attracted by the physical senses and indulgences. It is pragmatic
and opportunistic and very persuasive. It may be undependable.
Gifts: Resourceful, magnetic, motivated, competitive
Challenges: Restlessness, procrastination or activity with no direction, lack of
follow through
Personal Goal: To win, to experience life to the maximum
Fears: Growing old, not seeing the world, boredom
Succeeds as: Public figure, developer, speculator, designer, news work, performer,
change agent

6 – SERVICE see also the six energies

Traits: domestic, responsible, careful TEACHER, conventional, provider, healer
The number 6 symbolizes the principle of nurturing, caring, and harmony. It
signifies the need for stability and a solid home-base with comfort. It is the teacher,
trainer, and parent. It is happiest in conventional or familiar surroundings
opinionated and frugal or anxious when insecure. The 6 is rarely selfish, and may
take on the burdens of others unnecessarily. It loves tradition, and is health-
Gifts: Caring, ability to compromise, reliability
Challenges: Anxiety, being over controlled, codependency, guilt
Personal Goal: To provide for others' well-being, to create security and harmony,
to love and be loved
Fears: Lack of resources and love; world going to hell
Succeeds as: Parent, educator, caterer/ restranteur, nurse, body worker/health
consultant, traditional professional, counselor, coach

Traits: specialist, inventor, loner, eccentric, thoughtful, spiritual
The number 7 symbolizes humanity's deep inner need to find depth, meaning, and
spiritual connection. When the creature needs of food, self-expression, material
and domestic achievements have been met, we turn to the deeper levels of life -- to
learn, to educate ourselves and to find purpose. The 7 is an investigator, an
inventor, and must have solitude in which to find the inner voice. Sevens tend to be
different, eccentric, or loners and are very discriminating in all areas.
Gifts: Mental understanding, analysis, perfection
Challenges: Pride, narrowness, distance, rigidity, connection to the past,
argumentative, temper, silence
Personal Goal: To maintain control over life; to understand
Fears: Failure to achieve standards, making a mistake
Succeeds as: Consultant, professor, analyst, earth/maritime occupations,
individualist, observer, occultist

Traits: executive, professional, strength, money PROBLEM SOLVER, organizer,
achiever, judgment
The number 8 symbolizes the principle of domination, control, and achievement. It
is the executive decision-maker. The 8 tends to be rather formal, stern, and hard-
headed. More comfortable in the realm of material, tangible facts, the 8 will be
truly exceptional as soon as it develops its spiritual connection and intuition. A
natural leader with a good grasp of how to accomplish any goal, it must learn
Gifts: Decisiveness, courage, focus, delegation
Challenges: Belligerence, manipulation, anger, judgment
Personal Goal: To exercise control over environment, to achieve power and status
Fears: Loss of prestige, being at the mercy of circumstances or of others less
Succeeds as: Any type of professional, business owner, publisher, contractor,
engineer, financial analyst, judge

Traits: generalist, multi-talented, teacher HUMANITARIAN, healer, artist, old-
soul, actor
The number 9 symbolizes the principle of a universal philosophy or consciousness.
It is the dreamer, and feels at home in the realm of the arts, medicine, religion,
drama, and philosophy and metaphysics. It is a healer and educator, acting always
for the benefit of others. The 9 looks for solutions from the inspirational, intuitive,
and creative worlds. Its energy is loving, compassionate, diffuse, and global.
Gifts: Understanding, communicating, influencing
Challenges: Drifting, tolerance, losing focus, bad habits
Personal Goal: To make an impact in a big way; expansion
Fears: Restriction of any kind, losing control of emotions
Succeeds as: Minister, occultist, health/body worker, counselor, artist/craftsperson,
world/community leader

There are 3 double-digit numbers that, while they are rooted in the single-digit
numbers, require special emphasis and attention. These are 11, 22, and 33.
They are called Master numbers because they possess more potential than other
numbers. They are highly charged, difficult to handle, and require time, maturity,
and great effort to integrate into one's personality.

Traits:artist, celebrity, highly energized INSPIRATION, psychological, radical,
The number 11 symbolizes the principle of enlightenment. It colors everything
with drama, a visionary outlook, artistic sensitivity, and a sparkling quality. It is
not truly practical, but its contribution is its unique perspective and philosophy
which instigates new consciousness. Its energy is very high-strung, intense,
mercurial, polarized (off an on), and subtle.
Gifts: Revealing higher truths, transformation, poetic interpretation, romance
Challenges: Illusion, isolation, allergies, over-stimulation
Personal Goal: Living the dream
Fears: Drudgery, restriction, ugliness, boredom
Succeeds as: Media star, poet, inventor, psychologist, minister, designer, society
figure, beauty queen, occultist

Traits:Idealistic, expansive, visionary, master-builder, government, universal
transformation. philanthropic
The number 22 symbolizes the principle of precision and balance. When it senses
its full capacity as a MASTER BUILDER, it can achieve what is barely
imaginable. The 22 can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality. It is
potentially the most successful of all numbers. It has many of the inspirational
insights of the 11, combined with the practicality and methodical nature of the 4. It
is unlimited, yet disciplined. It sees the archetype, and brings it down to earth in
some material form. It has big ideas, great plans, idealism, leadership, and
enormous self-confidence.
Gifts: Inspire others, common sense, intuitive, practical
Challenges: Share your vision, allow others to make contributions
Personal Goal: Integrate seemingly conflicting characteristics within yourself-your
inspiring vision and natural tendency toward practicality.
Fears: Loss
Succeeds as: Politican, business owner, lawyer, administrator,

Traits:Christ-like, healer, compassionate, blessing, teacher of teachers, martyr,
inspiration, honest, monk.
The number 33 symbolizes the principle of guidance. When expressed to the
fullest, the 33 lacks all personal ambition, and instead focuses its considerable
abilities toward the spiritual uplifting of mankind. What makes the 33 especially
impressive, is the high level of sincere devotion. This is shown in its determination
to seek understanding and wisdom before preaching to others. The 33 in full force
is extremely rare.
Gifts: Honesty, discipline, bravery
Challenges: Requires self-sacrifice, courage
Personal Goal: Searching for the truth
Fears: Lack of resources and love
Succeeds as: Parent, educator, Artist, Doctor

Other Higher Numbers

The 14 Days of Burial, in the Masters degree. 14 parts into which the body of
Osiris was divided A type of Christ, sacrificed on the 14th day of the month. An
amulet of 14 points has been used to cure the sick.
There are 14 Books of the Apocrypha. They were written originally in Greek,
never in Hebrew. An Israelite had to partake of 14 meals in the Booth during the
Feast of Tabernacle.
The Israelites killed the Paschal Lamb on the 14th day of the Month Nisan.
In Matthew, chap. I., we find the genealogy of Jesus re-cited in three series of 14
names, the first under Patriarchs and judges, the second under Kings, the third
under Priests and Governors.
The ancient physicians considered that the 14th day was the crisis of fevers.
15 was the number of Pairs of the Aeons, or Holy Principles in the Gnostic scheme
of Valentinus.
15 is the number by Gematria of the 8th Sephirah, Hod.
There were 15 steps in the Temple between the ante-court of Israel and the
Women's Court and in these were sung the 15 Psalms of Degrees. Psalms cxx. -
cxxxiv., 15 is the number of Jah, a name of God. So the Jews who wrote letters for
numbers, never wrote Jah, 10, 5, for 15, but Tv, 9, 6=15.
The great day of joyful recreation for Jewish Maidens was the 15th Day of the
Month Ab. The Deluge covered the hills to the depth of 15 cubits.
A Jewish boy in the olden time was ordered to begin the study of the Gemara when
15 years of age.
16 means Felicity and also a square number. There are 16 Court Cards in a Tarot
In the Treatise De Iside et Osiride," Plutarch says Osiris was killed on the 17th Day
of the Moon and hence when the Moon was at the full and from that reason, the
Egyptians abominate the number 17, and so did the Pythagoreans they called in
Antiphraxis (obstruction), because it falls between the square number of 16 and the
oblong number 18.
18 was deemed a protection against thieves.
18. Isaiah made 18 denunciations against Israel. At 18, years of age a girl should
go to the Nuptial Colony. The Golden Candlestick of the Temple was 18 hands-
breadths tall. There are 18 Blessings in the Hebrew Liturgy. There were only 18
High Priests during the existence of the First or Solomonic Temple at Jerusalem.
19. The number 19 is famous as being the number of years in the Metonic Cycle.
The cycle of the revolutions of the Moon, after which she returns to have her
changes on the same day of the Solar Year. Meto lived 433 B.C. He was an
Athenian. He published his discovery at the Olympic Games in the above year. The
exact period is, however, 18 years and 10 days. The Calippic period of four cycles
or twenty-six years was invented by Calippus, B.C. 330, to correct Meto. John
Heydon says that the number 19 facilitates births and menses.
20. The Kiddushin, 29. 2 says God may curse a man who does not marry at least
when 20 years old, for his life is a constant transgression. A woman marrying be-
fore 20 may bear children up to sixty. At 20, until 40, and after 40 will have none.
Bava Bathra, 119. 2. To die after 20 days diarrhoea is to die pure.
21. A hen sits 21 days, and the Almond is ripe 21 days after the flower falls.
22. 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, used also as numerals. The realization of a
good Dream may be deferred 22 years. Berachoth, 55. 2.
From the Works of Hermes Trismegistus are abstracted 22 axioms on the Human
Will. They can be found in Tukaram Tatyas Guide to Theosophy," Bombay 1887.
23. In the Sanhedrin, 23 judges were required to try cases of punishable death. This
day of September is no-table because the Moon, which comes to the Full within a
fortnight of it, is called the Harvest Moon, which rises three days in succession at
the same time, instead of getting daily later.
24. 24 is an Evil Number, referring to Cain, Qin, but not of his numeration, which
is 100+ 10+50=160, or else 100+10+700=810. There are 24 birds unclean as food.
24 ribs both in man and women.
26. The number of Jehovah, IHVH, 10+5+6+5=26. In the English language, which
uses 26 letters, it is found that the letters occur in very different proportions. In a
fair example of modern English it has been calculated that the proportion between
the frequency of the use of the letters was, of A, 85; B, 16; C, 30; D, 44; E, 120; F,
25; G, 17; H, 64; I, 80; J, 4; K, 8; L, 40; M, 30; N, 80; O, 80; P, 17; Q, 5; R, 62; S,
80; T, 90; U, 34; V, 12; W, 20; X, 4; Y, 20; Z, 2.
27. The number of the Izeds or Angels who ruled under the supervision of the
Seven Amshaspands of the Zoroastrian Theology.
28. A division of the Zodiac into 28 mansions of the Moon, was probably earlier
than the Solar Division into 12 parts. The names and symbols can be obtained in
Sanskrit and in Arabic. Proctor believes that Solar Astronomy of the 12 signs arose
about 2170 B.C., in a country of about 36 degrees of north latitude, and at a period
when Taurus was the first constellation of the Zodiac.
29. The Rosh Hashanah says the period of the Moons Revolution is 29 days, 6
hours and 40 minutes.
30. A meal of Lentils once in 30 days keeps off the Quinsy. At 30 years of age
Jesus began his ministry; Joseph was 30 years old when he stood before Pharaoh;
David was 30 years old when he began to reign; 30 pieces of silver was the price
Judas received and Jair had 30 sons.
31. The number of El, God=Al. 1+ 30. Joshua did not complete the conquest of
Canaan until he had slain 31 kings.
32. The number of the Paths of Wisdom, of the Sepher Yetzirah, being 10
Sephiroth and 22 letters of the He-brew Alphabet.
33. The years of the life of Jesus. King David reigned in Jerusalem 33 years. The
number of vertebrae in the human spinal column.
35. The number of Agla, AGLA, a composite Kabalistic wonder-working name.
36. Abaji said there are never less than 36 holy men of any regeneration upon
whom the Shekinah does not rest. Plutarch, De Iside et Osiride," calls the
Tetractys, the power of the number 36, and on this was the greatest oath of the
Pythagoreans sworn; and it was denominated the World, in consequence of its
being composed of the first four even and the first four odd numbers; for 1 and 3
and 5 and 7 are 16; add 2 and 4 and 6 and 8, and obtain 36.
39. The number of Articles of the Protestant Christian Church belief.
40. Up to 40 years of age eating is best for a man, after 40 drinking suits best. He
who has passed 40 days with-out an affliction has had his reward in this life.
For 40 days, the Flood lasted, for 40 days, the spies searched the promised land, for
40 days, Goliath challenged Israel, 40 days of Ezekiel's penitence, the Jews were
40 years in the Wilderness, 40 days of waiting be-fore embalming the dead,
Genesis 1. 3; for days, the woman's purification lasted after childbirth; for 40 days,
Moses fasted twice; for 40 days, Elijah fasted, and for 40 days, Jesus fasted in the
Wilderness and 40 days elapsed between the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus.
Moses was 40 years in Egypt, 40 in Midian, and 40 in the Wilderness. The
Israelites were 40 years among the Philistines.
42. 42 is notable because of the 42-lettered name of God, taught by the Kabalists.
There were 42 Judges in the Judgment Hall of Osiris. See Bettany, The Worlds
Religions," pg. 166, on the events of the 42nd day after death.
The Talmud of Babylon in Kiddushin 71, mentions the 42-lettered Name, and it is
given by Ignatz Stern as composed of the Divine Names of the Bible; thus Eheyeh
asher Eheyeh, Al, Jah, Jehovah, Elohim, Jehovah Sabaoth, El Chai and Adonai.
Ahih Ashr Ahih; Ih; Ihvih; Al; Alhim; IHVH Tzbavt; Al Chi; Adni, or 4, 3, 4, 2, 5,
2, 5, 4, 5, 2, 2, 4=42.
It is very curious that the Ten Sephiroth which denote the attributes of God will
show, when these letters are added together, and a V added for and before the last
one, this same number 42; if Chesed be called Gedulah, as was common among
45. The number of Adam, Adm. The world is preserved for the sake of 45
righteous persons. Chullin, 92.
48. There have been 48 prophets in Israel. 48 cities were assigned to the Levites.
49. Moses received 49 reasons for the cleanness and uncleanness of each thing; so
says The Talmud.
50. The number of the Gates of Binah (Binh) the Understanding. The Kabalah
states that even Moses only reached the 49th. See my Sepher Yetzirah," Third
Edition, 1911.
58. Noah, Nch.
60. Aristotle stated that the Crocodile lives naturally 60 years, and sits 60 days on
60 eggs. The Chinese have a time cycle of 60 years, and call it Kya-tse. The people
of Malabar call this period Chi-tam. The Talmud refers to 60 deadly drugs and 60
sorts of wines; the sow bears her litter in 60 days.
61. The number Ain, Negative existence of the Deity.
64. Aletheia, truth.
65. The number of Adonai, translated Lord" (Adni) and of Hs, Hes, keep silence.
67. The number of Binah, Supernal Mother, the 3rd Sephirah.
70. The number of Sud, Sod, a secret doctrine and private assembly. The earliest
name for the Kabalah. Also Iin, Yayin, wine, also meant a secret. The Rabbis
considered that there were 70 nations, and Mordecai is said to have known 70
languages. The Jewish 70 years of the captivity are reckoned from their conquest
by Nebuchadnezzar to the accession of Cyrus.
71. The number of the Members of the Sanhedrin.
72. 72 has a large number of mystic references to the 72 angels bearing the names
of God derived from Exodus xiv. 19, 20, 21 by the Kabalists. There is an important
set of 72 pentacles which, placed in pairs, forms a series of 36 talismans (see Dr.
Rudd, the Lemegeton, Harleian MSS.). It is also the number of Chesed (Chsd) the
Sephirah, Mercy.
It is said that Ptolemy, King of Egypt, collected 72 He-brew Rabbis and confined
each in a separate room, and ordered each to write out the Mosaic Law, and that by
the help of God, each wrote out the same words. Megillah of the Talmud, 9.1. This
account is similar to that of Josephus and Aristaeus, but different to that of Philo.
Hence the name Septuagint.
73. The number of Chokmah (Chkmh), Wisdom, the 2nd Sephirah.
78. The number of cards in a Tarot pack. 40 numerals, 16 court cards and 22
Trumps (Major).
79. Boz, Boaz, the left-hand brazen Pillar at the entrance to Solomon's Temple.
80. The number of Yesod, foundation, 9th Sephirah. The venerable Rabbi Hillel
had 80 points.
81. According to the Book of Rites of Chao Kung, B.C. 1112, an Emperor of
China should have 3 concubines of the First Rank, 9 of the Second, 27 of the Third
and 81 of the Fourth Rank.
90. Ikin, Jachin, the right-hand Pillar of Solomons Temple.
91. 91 is the number of Amn and of Tetragrammaton Adonai (IHVH, Adni).
96. According to Vitruvius, the natural height of a typical adult man is 96 digits,
which equaled 24 palms, or six feet.
99. The Mahometans have 99 names attributed to God.
100. This is the number of Mdvn, which means strife, and it is the beginning of
100 lawsuits.
The Jerusalem Talmud, Bava Metzia, 85. 1, says that Rabbi Zira fasted 100 times
to enable him to forget the Talmud of Babylon, in favor of the Talmud of
Obadiah was considered worthy to be called prophet, because he concealed 100
prophets in a cave.
103. The family of Herod Asmonaeus ruled Jewry 103 years.
120. For 120 years, the secret vault of Christian Rosenkreutz remained unopened,
as he had ordered, 1484 to 1604.
The Shemaneh Esreh, the 18 Blessings, were composed by 120 Elders.
130. The Rabbis said that after the curse, Adam fasted 130 years as a penance. This
number is referred to Elijah, Alihv, and to the word prophet, Hnbia. These names
number 120, add 10 to this, the number of letters. The Kabalists make a Mystical
Square (rectangle) or Kamea of Alihv of 130 permutations - ten by thirteen.
152. The number of Maria, the Greek name for Mary the Virgin, being 40, 1, 100,
10, 1=152.
153. The number of the great fishes caught in an unbroken net by the Apostles
after the Resurrection.
200. The number of bones in the human body.
207. This is the number of Ain Soph, Ain, Svp, the Boundless, and Aur, Avr,
Light, and of Adonai Olam, Adni Ovlam, Lord of the Universe.
216. The cube of six (6); 216 years, the period of the Pythagorean
221. The Cup of David in heaven contains 221 logs of wine, (about 20 gallons)
says the Talmud.
231. The sum of the numbers 1 to 21, the Gates of the Sepher Yetzirah.
243. Circles of Zoir Anpin; the number of the permutations, without reversal of the
Hebrew Letters. Kalisch.
248.There are 248 members of the body, says Talmud Eiruvin, 53. 2, and an
anathema enters into all of them. The word Chrm, accursed, is 248,but so is Rchm,
252. It is said that the disciples of Rabbi Ishmael once dissected a low woman, and
found she had 252 members; but it does not say what the extra ones were.
270. Worlds of the Idra Rabba, or Greater Holy Assembly.
271. The Talmud, in Niddah, says that the Hebrew woman pregnancy lasted 271,
272 or 273 days.
280. 280 days, the term of natural pregnancy, human; - ten times the Lunar 28-day
284. The number of Theos, God, in Greek letters.
294. Ekklesia, The Church and Rodon, the Rose, and also Melchisedek, King of
300. Mithras. The riches of Korah were so vast that it took 300 mules to carry
them. There were 300 sorts of devils in Sichin. The Veil of the Temple required
300 priests to draw it aside, and 300 to cleanse it.
314. The number of Shaddai, Shdi and of Metatron, Mttrun.
345. This is the number of El Shaddai, Al Shdi, God Almighty; and of Shmh
(Shemah), the Name of the Absolute God; also of MshH, Moses and Shilh, Shiloh.
358. The number of Messiah, Mshich and Nchsh, Nachash, the Serpent symbol of
364. The name Satan, the Shathan, HshThn, contains 364, and all these days of
each year he can tempt man, but not on the 365th, the Day of Atonement.
365. Days of the year, Negative Jewish precepts, Dukes of Babylon, and Streets in
the City of Rome.
370. Directions of the thought of Microprosopus. See Idra Rabba, 5. 537.
373. Logos.
375. ShlMH, Solomon.
394. There were this number of law-courts in the Jerusalem of the Kingdom
400. The body of Joseph was carried 400 miles to burial. David is said to have had
a guard of 400 young men who rode in golden chariots at the head of his army.
410. The First Temple stood 410 years, and the Second Temple 420.
474. The number of Daath, Dot, Secret Wisdom, the union of Chokmah and Binah.
496. The number of Malkuth (Mlkt), the Kingdom, the 10th Sephirah.
500. Kosmos.
543. The number of the mystic name Aheie asher Aheie, I am that I am" (Ahih
Ashr Ahih).
550. Shmir, the Shamir, the magical insect which cut the stones for Solomons
608. 608 is a very notable number, representing the Sun. Martianus Capella, of the
5th century, says: The Sun is called in Italy, the God Sol; at the Nile, Serapis; at
Memphis, Osiris; he is also Attis; Adonis at Byblos; and Ammon in Libya; also
Typhon, Mithras and Pluto; his holy name is of 3 letters, which number 608." In
Chaldee and Hebrew 608 is Cham, or Ham (Chm), which also means, heat." In
Greek Y.H.S. from U.H.S. =400+8+200=608. Tyre, Trch, is also an example of
612. Zeus.
613. The words of Moses our Rabbi, MshH Rbinu; and Lord God of Israel, IHVH
Alhi Ishrl, both number by Gematria 613. The 613 Precepts of the Jewish Law
were delivered to Moses. David, it is said, reduced them to eleven (11), and Isaiah
to six (6), and later to two (2). Habakkuk to One (1), viz., The just shall live by
Faith. 613 also refers to the holy garment which had 600 fringes, eight (8) threads
and five (5) knots.
620. The number of Kether, Ktr, the Crown, or 1st Sephirah.
622. 622 years from the Christian era is the date of the Hegira, or flight of
Mahomet from Mecca, from which year the Mahometans reckon their calendar.
632. 632 years A.D. is the foundation of the Persian mode of reckoning years, from
their King Yezdegird.
640. 640 is Shemesh, the Sun, Shmsh; Mem is water; place the three letters one
above the other, and we get Sh, fire, Sun, rising above and sinking below the
646. The total numeration of Elohim, or Aleim Alhim, being 1+30+5+10+600 (=
646); or avoiding the use of final Mem, we get 1+30+5+10+40 (= 86); neglecting
the tens 1+3+5+1+4, and placing these numbers in a circle, we get the sequence
3.1415, notable as the value of Pi, or the relation of a diameter to circumference of
every circle. Elohim is both a singular and a plural word.
650. 650 has been referred by Godfrey Higgins to Noah, Menes, and Bacchus.
Noah, in Hebrew is Nvch or 64.
651. 651, Teletai, the Greek Ancient Mysteries and Episteme - Science.
666. 666 is the pet number of Godfrey Higgins, as referred to Rasit (Rsvt), 200+
60+ 6+ 400, (= 666), which he insists means Wisdom or as most believe, -
Beginning or Principle. The first words of Genesis are be-rasit, In the beginning.
666 is also the number of the Beast, the number of Man, has been associated with
Satan, Mahomet, the Pope and a hundred others. It is also the number of Svrt, the
Hebrew word for the Sun. it occurs in Revelations xiii. 18.
666. In addition, 666 is also the diameter of a circle whose circumference is 2093,
which is the diagonal of a square whose sides are 1480, the number of Christos. It
is also the sum of the numbers 1 to 36. It is also the number of Syene in Greek, a
place in Egypt at which, if a pit be dug, said, Eratosthenes, the rays of the Sun at
the Summer Solstice shine perpendicular into it.
700. The Talmud says there are 700 species of fishes, and in Eiruvin, 18. I, it says
that God plaited Eves hair into 700 braids.
753. 753 B.C., the founding of the City of Rome. It is also the number alike of
Abram with Sarai 243 and 510, and of Abraham with Sarah 248 and 505, the
change which led to parenthood.
780. Ophis - serpent, and Sophia - wisdom.
801. 801 is the number of alpha and omega, 1+800, the Peristera or Dove, vehicle
of the Holy Ghost; being 80+5+100+10+200+300+5+100+1=801.
813. 813 is the numeration of Ararita, a very important Kabalistic word, its letters
being collected from the initials of the sentence, One principle of his unity, one
beginning of his individuality, his vicissitude is one," or so it is rendered by S. L.
831. Puramis, a pyramid and Phallos.
888. The number of Iesous, Jesus, the great contrast with 666, the number of the
891. Uranus - ovpavos — Heaven.
903. The Talmud in Berachoth, 8. I says that there are 903 kinds of Death, for by
Gematria of the word Tutzaut, which means outlets" see Psalm isviii. 20; this
number is obtained, thus T, 400. V, 6, Tz, 90, A, 1, V, 6, T, 400=903. Death by the
Divine kiss is the Euthanasia; death from quinsy is said to be the worst form, a sort
of suffocation long drawn out.
950. According to Genesis ix. v. 29, Noah lived 950 years. The great ages given in
the book of Genesis to the patriarchs have long been a cause of doubt. Recent re-
searches by a Hebrew scholar have led to the opinion that these high numbers did
not mean our Solar Years, but years of five months of thirty days and perhaps the
earliest year was only one month. David spoke of 70 years as the length of human
life; there was no such long period between Noah and David as could reduce
human life by eleven-twelfths.
974. There were this number of generations from the writing of the Law by the
Holy One before he created Man in the World.
999. At the Judgment, although there be 999 who condemn a man, he shall be
saved if One plead for him.
1000. The 1000-headed serpent is Sesha of Ananta, the Hindu emblem of eternity.
1000. The daughter of Pharaoh, whom Solomon married, told him of 1000 forms
of musical instruments and taught him the chants for all the idols. 1000 is the cube
of Ten, a symbol of Perfection. Potiphars wife tempted Joseph with 1000 talents of
silver, when her personal charms failed to move him. The thickness of the earths
crust is 1000 ells, below this is an abyss of 15,000 ells. Succah, 53.2. — If you
have a secret, tell it only to One in 1000.
1004. 1004 B.C. is The Consecration of Solomons Temple.
1081. This is the number of Tiphareth, the central Sephirah, the Sun, Beauty,
Microprosopus, Sun-God.
1263. This the number of the word Gnosis.
1271. He Gnosis, The Gnosis and Stauros, the cross of Jesus.
1322. First year of Egyptian cycle of Sothis, B.C.; Rameses II came to the throne
in this year, B. C.
1378. The reputed year of the birth of Christian Rosenkreutz, founder of the
Rosicrucian philosophy.
1408. Christian Rosenkreutz founded this arcane society in Germania.
1459. The date of writing of the Hermetic Romance of the Chemical Wedding, by
1461. The Egyptian Sothic Period, calculated by the heliacal rising of Sirius, the
Dog Star, at the Solstice.
1480. Christos, in Greek numeration meaning Anointed. According to The Canon"
this number exhibits an important measure of the Cosmos, and was the foundation
of the scientific pantheism upon which Christian theology was built, it was a part
of The Gnosis and was de-rived from the priestly astronomers of Egypt.
1484. Christian Rosenkreutz died. The Vault closed over his body and the secrets
of the Order he had founded.
1604. The Vault of C. R. opened by his successors after 120 years of secret study
and benevolence.
1614. The Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis was printed. 1717. Grand Lodge of
Freemasons was founded.
1752. New Years Day changed from March 25 to January 1.
1865. Frater Robert Wentworth Little founded the Rosicrucian Society of
Freemasons of England, in its present form.
1885. Dr. Robert Woodman became Supreme Magus.
1892. Dr. William Wynn Westcott became Supreme Magus.
1911. This year A.D. is the 5013th year of the Kali-Yuga of the Hindu sages. This
Yuga is to continue 432,000 years.
2000. A Sabbath days journey was 2000 paces. Rabbi Gamaliel had a tube made
which, when he looked through, he could see objects at 2000 cubits distance. This
is the earliest suggestion of the telescope. Eiruvin, 43. 2.
2368. The Greek number of Iesous Christos.
3000. Rav Hammunah says that Solomon spoke 3000 proverbs. At the mourning
for Moses, 3000 precepts were forgotten.
3102. In B.C. 3102, in February, the Kali Yuga, the Black Age of humanity began,
according to the Brahmins.
3761. The Jewish Era was calculated to commence 3761 years before the Christian
4231. Years after the dispersion, said Rashi, the Jews will be restored to their own
4291. After these years, the wars of Gog and Magog will cease says the Talmud.
5888. The number of verses in the Pentateuch says the Kiddushin; but they are
usually counted as 5845.
6000. The world was intended to last 6000 years. 2000 years of Disorder; 2000 of
the Law and 2000 more be-fore Messiah should come; but his Coming has been
delayed by our iniquities. So says the Talmudic treatise. Sanhedrin, 97. 1.
25,000. According to Ezekiel, the mystical city of Jerusalem was surrounded by a
square space measuring 25,000 roods in length and this he called The Holy
Oblation, and it was for the use of the priests, the sons of Zadok.
3.14159 This is the value of Pi, the ratio of diameter to circumference of a circle.
Bodes Law is a curious arithmetical and astronomical problem: -
Take the series of numbers 0 3 6 12 24 48 96 192
Add 4 to each. 444 4 4 4 4 4
And we obtain the numbers 4 7 10 16 28 52 100 196
These show the relation of the ancient planets to the Sun, as to distance, in the
order Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. The planet
corresponding to 28 is missing, and seems to be replaced by the asteroids. Uranus
was discovered in 1781.
The Platonic Year, or great Period, according to Tycho Brahe, is 25,816 years.
Ricciolus, 25,920 years; Cassini, 24,800 years; Norman Lockyer now gives 24,450
It is the period of time determined by the revolution of the equinoxes, or the space
to time wherein the stars and constellations return to their former places in respect
to the equinoxes by means of a constant precession. The equinoxes moving
backwards or westwards, meet the Sun constantly earlier. In the time of the oldest
Greek observations, the equinoctial points were in the first stars of Aries and Libra
respectively; they are now in Pisces and Virgo. When these names were given, the
Sun entered Aries at the Vernal Equinox, and Sign and constellation coincided;
now they do not, so do not be confused by our still calling the first Sign of spring
Aries, although the Sun is now really at such time in Pisces; every 2160 years, the
Sign is changed. Precedent to Aries, the Sun at the Vernal Equinox
Fine-Tuning your Predictions
If the reading points to an event happening in the next month, it is possible to
narrow down the period to approximately seven days. For this, we use the Aces.
Knowledge of the Moon Phases is a useful skill:

Ace Disks
First Quarter
Ace of Cups
2nd Quarter
Ace of Swords
3rd Quarter
Ace of Wands
4th Quarter
Determine the Day
To determine the day, simply look to see if one of the planetary cards is

Sun, Sun
Moon, High Priestess
Mars, Tower
Mercury, Magus
Jupiter, Fortune
Venus, Empress
Saturn, Universe

The divinatory meanings of the cards must be ignored; otherwise Tuesdays will
always be disastrous... Conversely, if the reading suggests events are not
particularly predictable, we might see the Fool, the Hanged Man or Judgment cards
in the “Outcome” position of a Spread.

Determining the Hour

Need more precision than a day? The traditional system of planetary hours comes
to the rescue.

Planetary Hours
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat * **
Mer Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon Mar 8 1
Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Sun 9 2
Sat Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven 10 3
Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon Mar Mer 11 4
Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon 12 5
Sun Mon Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat 1 6
Ven Sat Sun Mon Mars Mer Jup 2 7
Mer Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon Mars 3 8
Mon Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat Sun 4 9
Sat Sun Mon Mars Mer Jup Ven 5 10
Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon Mars Mer 6 11
Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon 7 12
Sun Mon Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat 8 1
Ven Sat Sun Mon Mars Mer Jup 9 2
Mer Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon Mars 10 3
Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Sun 11 4
Sat Sun Mon Mars Mer Jup Ven 12 5
Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon Mars Mer 1 6
Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon 2 7
Sun Mon Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat 3 8
Ven Sat Sun Mon Mars Mer Jup 4 9
Mer Jup Ven Sat Sun Mon Mars 5 10
Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Sun 6 11
Sat Sun Mon Mar Mer Jup Ven 7 12

*Hours from sunset to sunset

**Hours from midnight to midnight

The Four Seasons

There are times when a vague prediction date is required. The Princesses do not
have an astrological attribution, but they can represent the four seasons.

Princess Wands
Princess Cups
Princess Swords
Princess Disks

Armed with this information, you have the ability to make predictions as
accurately as required, and depending on the situation.

The suit of Wands represents creative energy, new enterprises and new inspiration.
Aces represent the energy of each suit in its purest and most concentrated form.
They also represent beginnings, ideas, commencement, opportunity, a fresh start,
inspiration, a gift.
Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands in the Rider-Waite deck features a wooden club with little
sprouting sprigs symbolizing power and brute force. Those little sprigs represent
growth and expansion. In time the wooden clubs became bejeweled royal scepters.
Magicians use wands in their magic acts, fairies spread fairy dust with their wands
and generals carry swagger sticks on the battlefield as they strut around with an
insolent air. All of these wands symbolize power, direction and the promise of
Ace of Cups
The suit of Cups represents love, passion and intense feelings. More abstract
symbolism offers choices, artistic expression and sensuality.
The Ace of Cups with a streaming fountain of water spilling over into a pond
signifies the outpouring and circulation of divine love and energy. Those little
droplets form the letter "yod" in the Hebrew alphabet and symbolize showered
blessings. Pools of water found throughout tarot imagery represent the flow of
spiritual substance. Water is life giving and sooths the body and soul. Since we
cannot see into deep waters we cannot know the mysteries that lie beneath.
Ace of Pentacles
Pentacles represent enterprise, money and the actual manifestation of the all the
other suits. Spiritually, the suit of Pentacles reveals how the mind sets things into
action and ultimately manifests into reality.
The Ace of Pentacles offers the opportunity for growth and accomplishment. The
garden gate beyond the lush garden lures us into the land of clarity,
accomplishment and potential for abundance. Spiritually the card reveals a new
Ace of Swords
Swords depict a double-edged meaning. The negative side has, in the past, been
presented as warlike. However, more positive revelations are gained from this suit.
Swords now represent decisive action, strength, resolve, logic and rationality.
Swords may also cut through the illusions and stuff we accumulate. Spiritually we
may consider how one might resolve challenging situations.
The Ace of Swords presents the opportunity to find clarity, the truth or any of the
above decisive actions. The metal sword in ancient times was thought to ward off
evil. The sword is still used by English royalty to bestow knighthood by tapping a
sword on each shoulder as part of a ceremony that rewards accomplished people.
Reversal of Aces
There at least a dozen ways to interpret a reversal. Some readers reverse the
meaning of a card, while others find alternative meanings that relate to the query.
We use the idea that a reversal means the opposite not necessarily the negative

Twos represent duality, balance, choices, interaction, polarity, developing.
Two of Wands A choice or balance in applying energy. The first steps have been
completed, and one must decide where to apply energy from this point on Control.
Two of Cups Emotional interactions. Balance between opposites Love.
Two of Swords Peace (hard won) a respite from conflict, a tenuous balance
Two of Pentacles Balance in practical matters; juggling several tasks on the
physical plane (home, work, hobbies, recreation, etc.)Change

Threes represent creation, abundance, group activity, building, planning, and
Three of Wands - planning, reflecting, aspiration
Three of Cups - Celebration, happiness, joy, sharing, abundance, friendship
Three of Swords - Sadness, heartbreak, emotional pain, sorrow
Three of Pentacles - creating, bringing into physical reality, work.

Fours represent stability, structure, order and practical attainment.
Four of Wands - rites, inspiration, freedom, ceremony, harmony, peace
Four of Cups - Boredom, apathy, discontent, dissatisfaction, withdrawal,
Four of Swords - regrouping, introspection, illness, time out, rest
Four of Pentacles - holding on to ones possessions, thrift, a reluctance to let go,
insecurity, selfishness. Undercurrents
Fives represent change, unbalance, challenge , struggle, conflict, breakdown.
Five of Wands - Competition, struggle, challenge to authority or established order
Five of Cups - Disappointment, loss, failing to see the good in a situation
Five of Swords - hurt, bruised ego, a small defeat, loss or embarrassment.
Five of Pentacles - Worry, fear, financial loss, difficult times, trouble, insecurity

Sixes represent Harmony, triumph, balance, a high point.
Six of Wands - Victory, self confidence, advancement,well being
Six of Cups - Happiness, pleasant memories, ecstasy, friendship, sharing
Six of Swords - Journey, passing through difficult times, perspective, service
Six of Pentacles - Gifts, generosity, giving freely, an exchange of energy

Sevens represent reflection, inner work, the hidden, difficulties or struggle
Seven of Wands - Self defense, holding a position, inner conviction
Seven of Cups - imagination , fantasy, choices, illusion
Seven of Swords - deception, stealing, strategy, secret plan
Seven of pentacles - waiting, patience, delay, efforts paying off

Eights represent balance, movement, order, change, giving and receiving.
Eight of Wands - Energy, movement, activity, speed,things happening quickly
Eight of Cups - Withdrawal, retreat, turning your back on something and moving
off into a different direction
Eight of Swords - Restriction, feeling blocked, feeling ganged up on or attacked,
frustration, waiting
Eight of Pentacles - Craftsmanship, productivity, putting your affairs in order,
mastery, being busy

Nines represent completion, conclusion, attainment, magic
Nine of Wands - Wisdom, experience, defensiveness, wariness
Nine of Cups - Wishes coming true, fulfillment, satisfaction
Nine of Swords - Nightmares, anxiety, mental stress, depression, guilt
Nine of Pentacles - Abundance, material prosperity, comfort, security, reward

Tens represent the final culmination of each suit. The cycle is complete and you
are ready to begin a new cycle.
Ten of Wands - burden, responsibility
Ten of Cups - Joy, happiness, optimism, family
Ten of Swords - Sacrifice, hitting bottom, release, letting go
Ten of Pentacles. Wealth, abundance, inheritance, prosperity.

At this point we have gone through all the numbered cards. When we started with
the Aces, different authors assigned different qualities to each of the numbers.
Here are a few for comparison:
1 Gifts Beginnings, creation, willpower Unity
2 Balance Love, harmony, cooperation, polarity, duality, choice, balance Polarity,
3 Synthesis Creation, abundance, imagination joy, artistic expression
Development, growth
4 Stability Organization, structure, discipline, work, order Measurement
5 Struggle Freedom, progress, change, courage, versatility Motion, adaptation
6 Exuberance Service, truth, responsibility, beauty, harmony Balance, equilibrium
7 Inner work Spirituality, wisdom Creative synthesis
8 Change Giving and receiving in balance Rhythm, alternate cycles
9 Completion, brotherhood universal love Transition
10 Transformation New beginnings Manifestation, completion, fulfillment

Action NonAction
Beginning Motherhood
Conscious Unconscious
Spontaneity Abundance
Awareness Awareness
Faith Senses
Concentration Potential
Apparent Folly Nature
Power Mystery
Fatherhood Relationship Victory
Belief Systems
Structure Sexuality Will
Authority Personal Beliefs Self-Assertion
Regulation Values Hard Control
(8) FORTUNE (10)
Strength Introspection Destiny Justice
Patience Searching Turning Point Responsibility
Compassion Guidance Movement Decision
Soft Control Solitude Personal Vision Cause and Effect
DEATH (13) DEVIL (15)
MAN (12) (14)
Letting Go Ending Temperance Bondage
Reversal Transition Balance Materialism
Suspension Elimination Health Ignorance
Sacrifice Inexorable Forces Combination Hopelessness
TOWER (16) STAR (17) MOON (18) SUN (19)
Sudden Change Hope Fear Enlightenment
Release Inspiration Illusion Greatness
Downfall Generosity Imagination Vitality
Revelation Serenity Bewilderment Assurance
Judgment Integration
Rebirth Accomplishment
Inner Calling Involvement
Absolution Fulfillment


Creative Force Mental Force Material Force
Enthusiasm Truth Prosperity
ACE Intuition
Confidence Justice Practicality
Courage Fortitude Trust
Personal Power Connection Juggling
TWO Boldness Truce Flexibility
Originality Attraction Fun
Exploration Exuberance Heartbreak Teamwork
Foresight Friendship Loneliness Planning
Leadership Community Betrayal Competence
Self- Rest
Celebration Possessiveness
Absorption Contemplation
FOUR Freedom Control
Apathy Quiet
Excitement Blocked Change
Going Within Preparation
Disagreement Loss Self-Interest Hard Times
FIVE Competition Bereavement Discord Ill Health
Hassles Regret Open Dishonor Rejection
Triumph Good Will The Blues Having:
SIX Acclaim Innocence Recovery Resources
Pride Childhood Travel Knowledge
Running Away
Aggression Lone-Wolf Assessment
SEVE Thinking
Defiance Style Reward
N Options
Conviction Hidden Direction Change
Quick Action Restriction Diligence
EIGH Deeper
Conclusion Confusion Knowledge
T Meaning
News Powerlessness Detail
Moving On
Defensiveness Fulfillment Worry Discipline
NINE Perseverance Satisfaction Guilt Self-Reliance
Stamina Sensual Anguish Refinement
Bottoming Out
Overextending Joy Affluence
TEN Burdens Peace Permanence
Struggle Family Convention


Be Creative Use Your
Have an Effect
Be Be Emotional Mind
Be Practical
Enthusiastic Be Intuitive Be Truthful
PAGE Be Prosperous
Be Be Intimate Be Just
Courageous Be Loving Have
Be Confident Fortitude
Charming Direct
KNIGH Romantic Unwavering
Self- Authoritative
T Imaginative Cautious
Confident Incisive
Positive Sensitive Thorough
Daring Knowledgeabl
Adventurous Refined e Realistic
Passionate Introspective Logical Hardworking
l Blunt Stubborn
KNIGH Fanciful Overbearing Unadventurous
T Temperament Cutting Obsessive
Negative al Opinionated Pessimistic
Over refined Unfeeling Grinding
Loving Honest Nurturing
Tenderhearted Astute Bighearted
QUEEN Intuitive Forthright Down-to-Earth
Psychic Witty Resourceful
Spiritual Experienced Trustworthy
Creative Wise Intellectual Enterprising
Inspiring Calm Analytical Adept
KING Forceful Diplomatic Articulate Reliable
Charismatic Caring Just Supporting
Bold Tolerant Ethical Steady

The most troublesome cards in the deck are the court cards. They are very hard to
read in the context of a spread. For example, if you get the Queen of Cups in the
"Health" position in a spread, what does that mean? (How would you read this?
Alternative medicine, likely dispensed by a new, female healer that there Querent
is going to or should go to). we'll be going through each court card in its own
We can all get talking about these cards and find a way to solidify them in our
minds! So, first, what are court cards? There are four, and even these are
confusing. Rider-Waite style, they are Pages, Knights, Queens, Kings. Crowley
style, they are Princesses, Princes, Queens, Knights.
Does this make a difference? Some say yes, very much so. They argue that in
Crowley, there are an equal number of male/females, and that the seated Queen
indicates the "Goddess power" where as the active Knight indicates the "God"
power. Unlike the more hierarchical situation in the Rider-Waite deck where you
have a seated King ruling at the top, unequal with the seated queen and unmoving
compared to the knight he commands.
In either case, certain things we need to assume.
1) Court cards almost always indicate people. Someone in the Querent's life (past
or present), about to come into the Querent's life or the Querent themselves.
2) Yes, Court cards can be symbolic. For example, Pages can indicate a "message,"
Knights a "movement" or a "trip." It depends on the reading and reader. But in
most cases, the cards are likely to be people, not symbols.
3) Zodiac symbols (designations) are a good way to tell what kind of person each
court card is. For example, that the Queen of Wands is a Leo. But which card is
which Zodiac symbol can differ from deck to deck. So examine images carefully to
see which card is which Zodiac sign in your particular deck. The pentacle court
card which has a field of wheat in it (for example) is undoubtedly Virgo, whether it
is King, Queen or Knight.

Third Level Of The Nine Card Spread

Heart of the Matter Opposing Factor Root Cause
Present Environment Factor for Change Unconscious Influence
(Outer) Secondary Factor Deeper Meaning
Present Environment Reinforcing Factor Unknown Factor
Primary Factor
Past Attitudes and Beliefs
Receding Influence Conscious Influence
Resolved Factor Goal or Purpose
Unresolved Factor
Quality to Let Go Alternate Future
Quality to Embrace
You as You Are
Outside Environment Guidance
You as You Could Be
Another's Point of View Key Factor
You as You Present
Another's Expectations Hopes and Fears
You as Others See You Overlooked Factor
You as You See Yourself
Outcome (Overall)
Outcome (Inner State)
Outcome (Actions)
Outcome (Effects)


The Magician in the Tarot and Magick

The symbolic images of the Magician in the Tarot decks explain the essence of
magick and the required attitude of its practicioners
This card has the number 1, because it is the card of beginnings and everything you
need for a good start: self-confidence, creativity, determination, willpower, self-
control, skill, craft, purposeful action, energy, activity and vitality. It is the drive to
choose your own direction, to realize your Self. Ofcourse it is also the card of
magick and the magician him-or herself, communicating between heaven and
earth, thus creating and materializing new possibilities.

Rider-Waite Tarot Scapini Tarot

In the Rider-Waite Tarot we see a person dressed in white: his actions are pure
(meaning in harmony with himself and beneficial to the world). The white band
around his head shows that he has thought over his actions first and approved them
to serve his higher self. The red cloth he wears depicts the passion and desire he
puts into his magick. Red is the color of Aries and the planet Mars, saying: "I want
this and I want it now." With his right raised arm he holds a white wand of pure
creative light and through his left downward arm he channels these energies to
earth. Thus he symbolizes the coming together of macrocosmos and microcosmos
through creativity and the love and truth of the open heart, since the center of his
left and right arm is between the 5th chakra (throat-chakra, creativity and speech)
and the 4th chakra (heart-chakra, unconditional love). Above his head lies the
lemniscate, symbol of infinity, transformation and high spiritual power.
On the table lie the attributes for successful magick
The sword symbolizes mental power by single-pointed thought and focus.
The wand points at the willpower, determination and energy necessary to create
something new.
The cup tells that he has a passionate desire to perform his magick, and that he
feels love and humility towards the laws of nature.
The disk reveals that he is skilled in his magick, and that the combination of
concentrated thought, desire, willpower and skill will lead to successful magick.
The background of the card is yellow; the color of the god and planet Mercury:
thinking, communicating, traveling between the heavenly world of possibilities and
the earthly world of materialization, and also traveling between our personality and
our soul-self. The red roses symbolize passionate love. The white lilies, flowers of
transformation, point at pure love.

Tarot de Marseilles Thoth Tarot

In both the medieval Scapini Tarot and the old Tarot de Marseilles the magician
wears a big hat, emphasizing the importance of focused thought and knowledge.
He works on a highly instable table with 3 legs, what means that he changes
probabilities into a solid physical reality. In the Scapini Tarot the magician stands
on the skin of a crocodile. The crocodile is a symbol of vision and creative
expression (in ancient Egypt they were considered to be oracles), as well as a
symbol of instinctive nature (the beast within) mastered by the magician. The
figure in Scapini's Tarot is mostly dressed in the red of deep emotional desire and
dedication towards his magick; the magician of the Tarot de Marseilles has reached
more balance between the active, male (red) part of his personality and the
receptive, female (blue) part of himself together with a mature portion of thinking
In Crowleys Thoth Tarot the magician wears nothing at all: he is the ever-young,
joyful, open and spontaneous Mercury, who believes that everything is possible.
He has become a self-confident juggler, reaching the skies and creating himself a
new world. Crowley writes that Mercury is the infinite creation. The magical wand
behind Mercury is surrounded by the two snakes of life (male) and death (female).
They have taken the place of the lemniscate in the Rider-Waite Tarot.


Basic Card Symbols
A wheel turning clockwise with rising/falling figures or beasts on it. Waite also
includes a good many hebrew letters and alchemical symbols. Often there is a
sphinx perched atop the wheel.

Basic Tarot Story

From out of hiding comes the Fool, into the sunlight, as if being pulled up from
some low, dark point on a wheel. It is time for a change. Staff in hand, he heads
back out into the world, expecting nothing. But, strangely, things seem to happen
to him as the hours go by, good things. Wandering by water wheel a woman offers
him a drink in a golden chalice, and then urges him to keep the cup, just because
she likes him; as he wanders by a windmill, he stops to watch a young man
swinging a sword; when he expresses his admiration of the weapon, the young man
presses it into his hand, insisting that he take it.
Finally, when he comes upon a rich merchant, sitting in a wagon, right over one of
the wheels, the man hands him a bag of money. "I like giving away money,"
explains the Merchant, "and I decided, just randomly, that the tenth person who
walked past me today would get this money. You're the tenth." The Fool hardly
thought he could still be surprised, but he is. It is as if everything good that he ever
did in his life is being paid back to him, three-fold. All luck this day is his.
Basic Tarot Meaning
With Jupiter as its ruling planet, the Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck,
change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. Almost every definition of this card
indicates abundance, happiness, elevation, luck. A change that just happens, and
brings with it great joy.
As much as the Tarot is about what a Querent can do to change their life or self,
there are cards that admit that sometimes you just get lucky. This card can mean
movement, change and evolution, but its primary meaning always seems to say
that such changes will seem to come out of the blue, a stroke of good, unexpected
fortune. The person you're reading for is going to get that money, that job, that
promotion, that special person, that break they've been waiting for. Call it Karmic
payback for all the good things they've done in life, destiny or just luck, but
whatever lotteries are out there, large or small, they've just won one.
Reading for Yourself
Many Tarot books and readers warn against reading for yourself. The common
thread in this argument is that it is difficult to be objective and that one tends to see
what one wants to see rather than what is really there. That is a real danger,
however reading for yourself can be most helpful, particular in seeing options that
you might not have come to on your own. You have to keep all possible meanings
in mind when reading for yourself and then decide which one fits best realistically,
not hopefully. Reading for yourself can help you change the outcome of a
situation, by showing you where things are headed presently and what you can do
to change them.

Daily Readings
Try to read for myself everyday. It gives me an idea of where the day is headed
and how things are going with me on an intellectual, physical and spiritual level.
Mind, Body, Spirit
Spread three cards from left to right, with the first representing my mental state,
the second my physical state and the third my spiritual state.
Past, Present, Future
Spread three cards from left to right with the first representing the recent past or
events that have lead up to the present, the second card representing today, and the
third card representing the near future. sometimes readers use this spread in
reference to a problem they may be working on or a project or situation they are
dealing with, whether at work or at home. It is short and to the point. If you feel I
need additional information, just deal more cards on the cards to clarify the one
that is giving me difficulty. For both spreads you should also look at the
undercurrent card.

Tarot Exercise
All readers have cards they dislike (some of them are fives).
This exercise helps one see the full potential in every card. Chose the 3 cards from
the deck you dislike the most. Now brainstorm and come up with five good or
positive things about each card. This is pretty difficult, but you might be surprised
at the things you come up with. The first few are fairly easy. In the Waite-Smith 5
of cups for example, there are still two cups left standing, all is not lost; the person
in the card has a warm cloak and good solid shoes, which seems to say his physical
needs are taken care of; there is "water under a bridge", which suggests that what’s
done is done and that he should let go, pick up his two remaining cups and get on
with his life.

Tarot relies heavily on symbolism. Esoteric decks, such as Thoth and to a lessor
extent, the Waite-Smith make use of every symbol on every card. This is why it is
always recommend you purchase the book written specifically for your deck if one
is available. It will usually explain the designer's use of symbolism in the deck. A
dictionary of symbols is also an excellent tool for discerning deeper meanings in
the cards. It is especially useful for decks which have no separate book available.
For an example where having the book enhances the interpretation, let's look at the
six of wands in "The Witches Tarot" The card shows a woman kneeling in a forest
clearing with six branches on the ground before her in two horizontal groups of
three. If you look in the booklet that comes with the deck you find "Illumination,
realization of bigger things...", but if you look in Reed's book "The Witches Tarot:
The Witches Cabala Two" you read that the branches are laid in the I-Ching
hexagram Ch'ien Ch'ien. This gives you further insight into what the designer was
trying to convey. Using the Waite-Smith deck, let's examine the same card. We see
a man on a horse carrying a staff with a laurel wreath on top. If we look up laurel
in a dictionary of symbols we find "Triumph, victory", so even if did not have
Waite's book we could get an idea of what the card meant from the symbolism
augmented by the picture, which also suggests a triumphant march. If we were not
sure of the type of wreath, and looked up the word "wreath", we find "..glory,
victory, supremacy..." which still conveys the meaning. If you look in the
bibliography of most modern Tarot books, you will probably find at least one
dictionary of symbols listed. They are especially useful for understanding cards
that you have difficulty with.

To some this seems very elementary, In my opinion, there is no right or wrong way
to shuffle. the important thing is to be calm, keep your question in mind, and use
whatever method you normally use to mix the deck. Some readers feel Tarot cards
should never be shuffled per se, but rather mixed by holding the deck in one hand
and pulling cards from various parts of the deck and re-inserting them with the
other over and over until you feel they are well mixed. Personally I shuffle them
like a poker deck, 3 or more times. Why 3? I don't know, it just seems like a good
minimum. I usually shuffle 4-5 times, but never less than 3. If the deck is new, I
shuffle at least 11 times. I read somewhere that statistically speaking, it takes 11
shuffles to get a 78 card deck in random order. One day when I'm really bored, I’ll
do the math for myself and verify this. If you don't use reversals, you should be
careful to keep the cards all in the same direction. This is difficult with some
decks, because it is impossible to tell the direction from the back. Getting a few
cards reversed is not a tragedy, just flip them over. If you do like to use reversals,
turn one pile of the deck over once or twice while shuffling.

Cutting the deck

I have read many different ways to cut the deck. The only one I follow is to cut
with your left hand. I deal with my right hand, so I feel cutting with the left gives
the deal some balance. I also cut into 3 piles. The most common admonition is to
cut with the left hand into 3 piles to the left. It works for me, but I don't doubt some
other method would work as well, this is just the way I learned.
Large cards such as Thoth, Rohrig and Voyager present problems to those with
smaller hands. You can try shuffling them from the sides, vice the long way. You
can also try swishing them around on a table (make sure it is clean <G>), or on
your bed. Like poker cards, Tarot cards wear with time. I still have my first
Motherpeace deck and while it is a little "thick", I have not been able to bring
myself to part with it. If you read for others though, you probably will not make a
good impression with a deck so worn and fat that it is difficult to shuffle. My old
friend is reserved for my personal use only.
Another question that comes up is whether to deal the cards face up or face down. I
deal face up, because I like to get a feel for the spread as a whole, but some people
find it distracting. They feel that they start forming impressions before they have
the whole spread dealt. Dealing face down avoids this. I think that we sometimes
get too tied up in the ritual and "doing things right" and forget that Tarot should be
a relaxing, enlightening experience, vice a nervous ordeal because we are trying to
shuffle in a way we are not familiar with, trying to remember the right way to cut,
the proper invocation etc. Relax, get the cards well mixed and read.

I am listing directional attributes of the suits by various authors. You should chose
one that supports your personal beliefs or which feels right to you.
Wands = South, Cups = West, Swords = East, Pentacles = North(Vicki Noble,
"Mother peace Tarot", Mary Greer "Tarot for Yourself", Connelly,"Tarot a New
handbook for the Apprentice", Jana Riley "The Tarot handbook")
Wands = East, Cups = North, Swords = West, Pentacles = South
Wands = South, Cups = West, Swords = East, Pentacles = North (Witchcraft)
Wands = East, Cups = North, Swords = West, Pentacles = South (Astrology)(Gail
Fairfield, "Choice Centered Tarot" Surprisingly, these were the only lists I could
find. I thought some of the older esotericists (Papus, et al) would have something
since they tended to like lists of attributes, but I didn't find anything :(
Personality and Soul Cards
Contrary to popular belief, these concepts were not developed by Mary Greer, but
by Arrien Angeles in "The Tarot Handbook", a book which does not get the credit
it is due in my opinion. She also presents several similar concepts in the book. such
as growth cards and growth cycles. Personality Card - this card represents your
expression in the outer world, your talents, gifts, resources and how others see you.
To find this card, add your birth day, month and year together. Example: Sept 9th,
1956 = 9 + 9 + 1956 = 1974 then add the digits of the result together - 1 + 9 + 7 +
4 = 21. This is your personality card. If it is a double digit reduce it again: 2 + 1 +
3. This is your soul/spiritual card. The soul card represents the deepest core of who
you are. It provides an internal base of energy and natural resource for you to draw
upon for your personality expression. If the first result is more than 21 like mine:
June 6th, 1956 - 6 + 6 + 1956 = 1968, 1 + 9 + 6 + 8 = 24 (note this is more than
21), reduce it again, 2 + 4 = 6. This both my personality and soul card.

First Impressions
When laying down a spread, it is useful to take a few moments to look at the
spread as a whole, before reading individual cards. Is there a preponderance of one
suit? Are there several Major Arcana, or several Court Cards? These are
indications that you should keep in mind when doing the reading. They are often
clues as to what is going on. For example, lets say the question concerns ones love
life. You throw the spread and see there are lots of pentacles, but not a cup in sight.
What does this mean? It could mean that material security is a key issue in the
relationship right then. It could also mean that the person should be focusing on
financial matters right now, rather than the relationship. Perhaps worrying about
the relationship has led to them doing poorly at work, or to spending more than
they can afford to keep the other person happy. Perhaps they are telling you that
the issue is love, but the thing that is really worrying them is money. Tarot
sometimes tells us what we need to know vice what we want to know. You might
want to ask questions to explore these issues during the reading.
Last Impressions
When I have finished interpreting each card in a spread, I like to sum up the
reading. I just review the overall reading, pointing out the key points we covered. I
always try to leave a reading on a high point. Even if the reading conveys bad
news, I try to give the querent the tools to change events, based on the reading. A
reading should be empowering for the querent, rather than a recital of things that
may happen in the future. The key words are =may happen=. We have the power to
influence and change the future.

Tarot Exercise
Do the same exercise as yesterday, adding the threes and making a third column
for the future. Someone here in the forum once recommended that you do all
readings aloud, even those done for yourself. I think that is an excellent suggestion
and recommend you do the exercises aloud as well. It is one thing to recognize the
meaning of a card in your mind and an entirely different thing to articulate that
meaning to another.
In case you haven't noticed, I do not use reversals, however many people do. You
can take a book and learn it's interpretations of reversals or you can take an easier
approach and chose one of the methods of reading them listed below:
1. A block in the upright energy of the card
2. A delay
3. A subconscious wish or desire
4. A hidden or surreptitious energy
5. A weakened version of the upright meaning
The opposite of the upright meaning (this is the method most often seen in books,
however there are exceptions. Some cards have similar meanings whether upright
or reversed. Refer to the book for your deck when using this method to learn which
cards it does not apply to).
There are many other methods for reading them as well. The use of reversals is not
as prevalent as it once was. Many newer beginner books do not include them at all,
however you must do what you feel most comfortable with. Arguments can be
made for both sides. If you decide not to use them, bear in mind that each card has
a full spectrum of meanings. For example, the three of cups can mean merriment
and celebration, but carried to excess could mean drunkenness, or excessive
This is a reading method I learned from another reader. Whenever she does a
reading, she throws whatever spread she is going to use and then looks at the card
left on the bottom of the deck. She calls this card the undercurrent. The
undercurrent is what underlies the question. It is the atmosphere in which events
are taking place. For example if the querent had a question about a relationship and
the 4 of pentacles was on the bottom of the deck, it could be interpreted as
someone in the relationship not wanting to let go.
Perhaps for financial reasons (very common), for selfish reasons, or for security
reasons. It could be an unconscious or unexpressed desire which the querent
him/herself is not even aware of. Depending on the rest of the cards thrown, letting
go might be the best thing. I find the concept useful and use it in my daily readings.

Most readers do some type of centering exercise before doing a reading. These
exercises can be elaborate or very simple. The method I use is in the latter
category. Before doing a reading I always shuffle the deck. While shuffling I ask
God/Goddess to guide my words and allow me to assist the querent (or myself).
Some people like to create an atmosphere by lighting candles, burning incense or
doing a short meditation before reading. Whatever your belief system, it is best to
approach the cards from a feeling of calm, rather than in a harried, distracted way.
Pray, cast a circle, invoke the God/Goddess, meditate, do deep breathing exercises,
or do whatever it is you do to get in touch with your center.

To me, nines represent the end of a cycle. An interesting idea involving cycles is
the Year card. Angeles Arriens first proposed this in her book "The Tarot
Handbook". Mary Greer describes it her book "Tarot for Yourself" and derived a
similar system of her own in "Tarot Constellations”. James Wanless describes it in
the booklet that comes with the Voyager deck. I will be using his method here. Per
Wanless, the year starts for you on your birthday. There are two year cards for
every year. One is the card that corresponds to your age. At birth you are The Fool.
At one you are The Magician. This cycle goes through 22 years and starts again, so
at ages 22, 44, and 66 you are The Fool. The other year card is calculated by
adding your birth date to the current year, then reduce, much like we did the
personality and soul cards. For my birthday, June 6th it would be 6 + 6 + 1995 =
2007 = 9,The Hermit.For me this is a Star/Hermit year.

Being Psychic
So what kind or type of psychic are you, there are different modes of PSI there are
those that listen those that see and those that feel most of us seem to be subtle
combinations of one or two, the trick is to work out and understand just what it is
you do to receive your information. Keeping in mind that all information already
exists, it’s how you tune into it that we are concerned with here.

From a medium ship or spiritual point of view there are three main types to be
aware of clairvoyant’s clairsentients and clairaudients, the mediums who see hear
or feel from the purely psychic we have similar ideas telepaths, empaths or seers.
As stated though most of us either wittingly or unwittingly use combinations of
these yet seem to favor one that’s why a seer for example may suddenly describe
an emotion o that a part of the body has a specific feeling or sensation during a

It is rare however that a medium will display true psionics or visa versa that a
psychic will suddenly start receiving information from the spirit world. Regardless
of the claims made by a few who say they can or are doing this. We are talking
about two opposing points of view. This I why some of us have trouble with the
term psychic medium, it doesn’t make sense similar to the term or expression army
intelligence, the two words don’t go together. They in a way cancel each other out.
Yes I know I’m going to get a truck load of argument about this and there is a
chance that even you dear reader as you peruse these words are having trouble with
the concept and I wouldn’t blame you because the use of the label psychic medium
is gaining ground it is in fact becoming quite popular to label oneself as a psychic

That doesn’t make it right however crossing over from one realm to the next
delineates your power even though some of these people might be very accurate in
their readings I think that they would find themselves being even more so if they
separated or tried to understand where the information they are receiving is coming
from. A true psychic would consciously or even sub-consciously looks to the spirit
world for answers is not doing himself or the spirit world any justice. You are
likely to become confused an loose detail flitting from one image to another very
fast like trying to read a book and watch television at the same time.

A telepath reads minds experience will show you whether or not you are a telepath
or if this is at least the main way you receive your information the detail will be
mainly bout the persons you are readings past and what’s going on in the present
about action and reactions and how they felt about certain things. Telepaths who
get images will be able to detail people quite well. You might for example describe
the physical appearance of a woman’s husband or partner quite accurately. And yet
get almost nothing of any significance about him as a person.

This is because the person you are reading for lacks an understanding of the person
as a person they are not giving too much thought to that person all thy have is the
picture and that’s what a telepath is picking up on.

Let’s say you have a combination of empathic and telepathic skills and you favor
psychometry as your mode of reading. You take the object from the client and feel
sadness while getting a picture of what could be the person’s husband, yet at the
same time you feel; that this person is perhaps too young or too old to actually be
the husband.

Confusion (this happens more than you think it does) you might be using the
wrong mode, psychometry might not be for you, event thought you may like it
very much and have a lot of fun with it you might be using the wrong mode, try
tarot or rune stones go to the chapter on tools and re read you may simply be using
the wrong tools.
Tools are an important part of the psychic and the mediums work you wouldn’t
expect a plumber to undo a pipe with a hammer. By the same token why would
somebody who communicates with spirits use a tarot deck? Perhaps it is possible
the medium is not actually a medium but a reader or strong telepath with above
average intuition and universal contact.

Tools such as tarot are primarily for universal contact readers they are intuitively in
touch with the cosmic flow of knowledge but have trouble translating this
knowledge into English remember English is what we speak the universe itself
doesn’t speak it it has its own emotive language that goes beyond mere words. In
fact the universe probably doesn’t have too many words to describe itself. The
reader’s job or task is to translate that information into words that we can all
understand. Words like love, hate togetherness describe states of being that are not
fully described by words alone. In fact our simple words do not do such ideas
justice at all. We are extremely limited by our words and language.

So are you a universal contact reader do you have greater success when reading
from objects or systems that enable you to translate your feelings or images into
words. Perhaps you’re an emotional reader an empath, empathic readers feel in two
basic ways physically and emotionally. If your body begins to feel the symptoms
of some illness or disease you are feeling or mimicking conditions that are within
the body of the person you are doing the reading for. Feelings such as sadness
happiness or loneliness mean you are feeling the emotions of the client and not just
sympathizing with them by sharing their emotions.

The Mind

Ever notice how one sock will disappear when you aren’t thinking about it, yet if
you think about it and keep an eye on your socks nothing happens

Here is a new concept that you will need to get a mental handle on something that
you will have to own as information and use and apply to the way you think about
the universe and the mind.
Lets take a long hard look at telepathy

For years the best way to describe the process of telepathy or mind to mind
communication was to imagine the mind or the brain as a radio receiver
The mind of the sender transmitted while the other brain acted as a receiver and
much talk was muttered about just being able to tune in to the brains or minds of
others and how on occasion we were able to do this accidentally or how after years
of knowing somebody such as a wife or husband or life long friend we were able to
tune in to their frequency on certain occasions of high stress or danger. There are
volumes written about t such things and anecdotal evidence in the form of stories
ad tall tales of people seeing or receiving information from others as a car crashed
or a boat sunk.

I call this emotional content but more on this later

There are problems with the idea of viewing the mind as a radio type receiver
sensing device even a highly advanced biological one firstly it separates your mind
from mine, it implies some sort of gulf or space between us, that our minds are not
connected and special techniques or considerations must be made to read or feel
each other’s thoughts.

Secondly it goes against the majority of universal occult or cosmic teachings. The
idea has always been prevalent that there is a universal mind stuff that permeates
the universe that fills every pore every gap every place in the cosmos the universe
or even the multi-verse depending on where you stand on such things.

So if this is true why would our minds be separated? The new view you will need
to take on board is that we are not radios but part of a vast computer network our
minds are all connected all of the time. Just as computers are in a network.

The idea of radio transmitters and senders has persisted for a long time, admittedly
there were no computers around when it was developed and first used as a
Rethink it starting now, there is no turning on or off, there is no tuning in or out,
you are always connected to every other mind soul and being on the planet all you
have to do is accept this and things will begin to change in the way you do
telepathy experiments and in your results. You are already indelibly connected to
the mind you are attempting to read like a computer in a network or if you expand
the idea like computers all over the world that can talk to each other through the

Computers talk to each other in things called protocols bits of programming and
the like that enable them to chat and share information so instead of trying to
receiver or end try readjusting your vocabulary and share information this may
change the way you attempt to perform or experiment with telepathy
psychometrics and even spiritualism.

In the human mind these protocols are basically hidden from us, perhaps evolution
has taught us that being able to read all minds all the time is a dangerous and
difficult thing that some thoughts are best left alone kept private.

Over the years I and others have made certain observations that could very well be
the protocols that enable you to read the feeling of others and with some practice
there thoughts one of these is what I call emotional content.

If a thought or idea has emotional content then it becomes more than a thought.
Almost everyone who was ever interested in the occult, mind powers, spirits ESP
or anything even remotely connected to these things has at one time or another sat
down with friend and said “hey lets try it”

One person thinks of a number or draws a picture or selects a playing card and the
other person tries to receive it, draw it , or guess the card this usually fails to work,
we give up and do not pursue the idea any further generally we leave it to the more
talented like Geller or Stokes and are content to watch and be amazed. Yet think
for a moment about all the stories you’ve heard about all the times that something
akin to extra sensory feelings did work for you. Did those things and times have
emotional content for you?

One of the common examples of telepathy or extra knowledge is phone calls and
letters sometimes we know who is on the other end of the phone or who a letter is
from but why?
Who was the call from? was it an old friend that as soon as you heard there voice
you blurted out hey I was just thinking about you. That’s emotional content, a
playing card hasn’t got it but a call from your wife who is really pissed off because
your late for dinner has. There are other examples too ever noticed how you can
sense that your partner is upset mot only from micro expressions and body
language and because you know you’ve done something to upset them but also
because of that extra knowing that sneaking inner feeling that all is not right
because it has emotional content, anger fear and being emotionally hurt are
powerful activators and carriers of emotional content.

Here is another important factor, lack of preparation, if I sit you down and tell you
to guess the card I’m thinking of, you are mentally preparing you are trying by
mental force to read my mind or guess at what I’m thinking yet when an old friend
calls that you have been wondering about its natural you weren’t expecting it even
though that person was on your mind the last thing you were thinking of was the
phone or receiving a letter from them. No predetermined mind action no thought
about how it should go or what the results might be it just happened without any
interference from you. Basically without thinking about it, or perhaps by not
thinking about it the universe just went on its merry way and things happened.

In short this means not to worry about it and psychic stuff begins to occur all
around you as soon as you set your mind to it and try to test it use it or manipulate
it; it begins to fade becoming ambiguous and completely un-testable. So there has
to be some mind jump necessary to make all this information work for you and
improve your control over the psychic or intuitive part of your awareness more on
this later.

I’ve known many people who say that synchronicity works around them all the
time that whenever they go to the city they always know where the parking spaces
are or they can feel every time the phone rings who is on the other end yet as soon
as we try to quantify it get a handle on it count I or study it, it vanishes into thin

For years this annoyed the hell out of me. Supposedly powerful or extra ordinary
spiritualists and psychics when called upon to demonstrate or offer proof failed
miserably. This is when I discovered that my own awareness suffered the same
fate. Your going to have to develop or train yourself to think about not thinking
about the results of any tests you do in this book.

The trick is to let the mind go free and do its own work without being concerned
with the results. Does this and the results will come, the hard part in all this is that
you do actually become concerned with the results you are going to keep a diary
and records of all the tests and experiments that you do. You are possibly going to
work with a partner who will also be concerned with what’s going on. you will
need to readjust your mind set to allow the universe to do the work for you while
you sit back as the observer and record the results unbiased and mentally
disconnected. Yet at the same time adding emotional content to those same
experiments sounds hard doesn’t it, and it is yet I think you’ll find the journey and
the training exercises well worth the effort as your personal results will surly
improve and in some cases rather dramatically.

The Skills
You’re Mind Set

Through this book I will be asking you to learn certain skills and try out new
abilities to do this successfully and to apply this to what we learned in the last
chapter you are first going to have to get a handle on the type of mind set you need
to develop for this type of training. As I said before for many people this is
something of a mental jump a quantum leap.

You must learn then forget.

Like any other skill or ability that you learn it must become sub mental that is
partly unconscious and partly conscious like driving a car or reading a book once
you know how to do it you forget the process and allow it to just happen. The
process or technique once learned and understood must fade from your mind and
you just operate in the new way or apply the new information without thinking
about it.

That’s easy to read yet hard to apply, primarily because we are dealing with
something of the mind an Ill be asking you to apply things like wish thought and
emotional content and value appropriation as techniques these take thought an
physical mental energy to apply so allowing them to just flow won’t be easy but
that’s what you’ll have to do.

Think about how you learnt to read (I know you can read because you are reading
this) first we learn individual letters and sounds then words then sentences and now
when you read the thought process behind the skill of reading does not become
apparent the last thing you think about is the form or creation of the individual
word all you really go KNOW the word.

The primary skills are still there so that if you come across a new word you can
learn it yet once learned the word becomes part of the inner core of your mind you
never have to think about a word you just know what it is.

The same applies to driving a skill that if done wrongly or done in a way that
negates or ignores the dangers of the road can get you in trouble and yet you drive
without seeming awareness of either your driving actions or the dangers. To signal
a corner your finger flips the indicator without any conscious thought your
awareness of the road tells you just how much pressure to apply to the brake when
the car in front of you slows down. Your foot does this automatically. You don’t
have to think about it years of training and driving experience just takes over.

This is what you will allow yourself to do once a technique is learned or a concept
grasped let go and allow it to do its work.

Value Elevation

In each of my courses I teach students the importance of adding value to the things
they are trying to read such as psychometric readings I explain it thusly

Lets suppose you are at home reading a book or watching TV a car pull into your
drive way you get up to investigate, see who it is and after analyzing the situation
your mind settles and forgets. What if you hear the constant pat of a ball hitting the
wall outside?
You go out look around and see someone playing hand ball against the wall you
settle back relax into the book or TV show and forget that is until you hear the
sound of breaking glass. Suddenly the sound has and elevated value it becomes

In effect this is what you will be asking your mind to do when dealing with the
psychic or spiritual world you will be asking your inner perception to place certain
values on things that you are trying to deal with, read or understand.

Asking The Right Questions

So often in the world of the psyche we ask either the wrong questions or no
questions at all as you are going to see re-thinking the way you ask a question or
asking a totally different question can instantly change your mind set the way you
see things and just as quickly the results.

Experiment number one

Feeling your way

This first test is deceptively simple yet will teach you a lot and help you progress
once you understand the concepts involved.

It is a tracing experiment tracing involves the universal belief that everything

leaves a trace of itself somewhere somehow.
The whole science of forensics is based on this concept that every criminal leaves
behind some trace of himself (or herself).
The skill you will use in this experiment is best thought of as psychometry the
reading of such traces

Experiment Number Three

Asking the Right Questions

Here’s another way we can change our mind set make ourselves pay more attention
to what’s going on around us and as a result elevate the awareness we have. Try
asking different questions.
The following experiment forces us to do just that ask the right question Take two
pens crayons or other writing things that are exactly the same except for the color.
For example two pencils or even chalks from the same box, make sure they are the
same the only difference should be the color.

Now hold one look at it feel it and zone out to it for a few seconds and say
mentally this is red or blue or whatever color it is try to know the color on more
than one level. Try to feel it.

Now turn your back, your partner or learning buddy hands you one of the two
colors while you back is turned and hides the other. Turn around and try to guess
what color you have been given. Sounds easy and because we are only dealing
with two colors you should be right at least 50 percent of the time.

So now add a color turn your back and again try to guess which color you have
been handed. By rights you should guess correctly about 33 percent of the time. So
now add another color and keep adding colors until you are dealing with ten to
twelve different colors.

Anything above five pencils and your guessing will become just that guesses and
you will be wrong more often than you are right unless you re think the question
instead of asking what color is this try asking do I know this object.

Remember at the beginning of this experiment or exercise we only dealt with one
individual colored object lets assume that it was a red crayon as we added colors
we added to the difficulty of the exercise. Yet we had only left our tracing or
thoughts on the one object the red crayon it is the only one that has depth and
meaning for us, so why would we be dealing with the others.
In this exercise try to do nothing more than to separate your chosen crayon from
the others, ask do I know this object don’t ask is this red or is this blue or green,
ask instead ask is this my red crayon or do I know this object. So instead of trying
to determine ten objects all you are looking for is a feeling or a memory that you
know this one object out of all the others.

So if you have ten pencils you are only trying to determine which s yours. Asking a
different question not only causes you to think in a different way but also gives you
different answers do I know this color will give you some feeling of recognition,
no matter how small or finite that feeling seems follow it we are after all dealing
with small minute traces left on the pencil by your intense attention to it at the
beginning of the test.

You should practice doing this with all manner of things, leave traces on any group
of similar objects and try to determine which one you had.

Experiment Number Four

Tarot Cards

This next test is the same as the one above yet advances to a whole new level, we
are going to ask the question as before yet we are going to add new elements to our
abilities as we progress.

Separate the cards into suits now try to determine the suits separately from each
other. Take one suit hold each card individually saying this is a cup or sword
depending on the suit you choose. Now mix the whole deck together again and feel
your way through attempting to separate your chosen suit from all the others.

Entertainment In Your Home That Is Different

Thank you very much for your interest in home psychic parties, this is a unique
party idea that has not been available before in our area but has proven a great
success over seas in the US Canada and England.

As a host for the psychic party you invite ten to twenty people to attend these can
be friend’s relatives and acquaintances.

The demonstration consists of experiments in ESP, extra-sensory perception

telepathy, thought projection and tarot reading I will also try to read the innermost
thoughts of your guests and answer their questions
There is a charge of $25 for each guest which includes a private reading for each
guest there is no charge for you the hostess. A number of psychic books and other
items can be displayed at the party for the convenience of your guests but of course
no one is obligated to buy. A minimum of ten guests is required. If possible the
party should start at 7.30 pm and I always arrive before this time

Each guest I will receive a brief personal reading individually and privately in
another room.
As the hostess you will receive a free book from our catalogue plus a percentage of
any sales made on the night

For more information or to book call us now on the above number

Yours sincerely

Shane Hill

Anni or Shane
Phone 0401234000
PSI 102 Certificate Tarot Numerology & Palmistry Course (Unit 2)
Course Description
This combined Course has been devised as a Real Practitioner's Course. Therefore
the content that has been selected for this Course contains skills and knowledge
that is both specific and accurate. This Course has been written to an 'evolutionary'
level, therefore not just offering information - but also giving remedies and
answers in order to gain a deep understanding of our selves and others in order to
be able to transform lives powerfully.

This Course can also be split into Numerology Only, Tarot Only or Palmistry Only
components, as well as being done as a Correspondence Course, if preferred.
The Numerology and Palmistry information in this Course is professionally
structured and world-class. The Tarot section of the program is of a high
professional standard and is structured for students who want to be good enough to
read at a professional level, students who have already completed PSI 101 receive
training within this Course to proficiently connect Numerology / Palmistry and
This Course is Unit 2 of 3 Modules:
Unit 1: Certificate Tarot Course
Unit 2: Certificate Numerology & Palmistry Course
- Note, this course can be split into Numerology only (Unit 2a) and Palmistry Only
(Unit 2b) components.
These Courses can be done in any order, and may be attended as a 'one off' Course.
It is recommended, however, that these Courses be done sequentially if you are
actively pursuing a career as a Professional Spiritual Practitioner. The skills and
tools that are acquired through these three Courses grant individuals a leading edge
as verbal holistic healers. These Courses offer a vast range of connecting wisdom
for recreational individuals who have a thirst for spiritual knowledge.

The 20-week combined Numerology/Palmistry Certificate Course can also be split

up into a 10 week Numerology Only (Unit 2a), or Palmistry Only (Unit 2b)
Professional Tarot Course
Numerology Course
Palmistry Course
Understanding Our Life Blueprint by the combination of Metaphysical Arts
The Beginning of the Journey of Numerology: Our chosen Life Path Lessons
Numerology: The Sub-Lesson and More Life Path Realizations

the studio guide
The Nine Card Spread
Mastering The Tarot
a psychic studio manual
Mastering the basic nine card spread
( The Psychic Studio
3420 Warburton Hwy Warburton
Vic 3799
Phone 03 59665 772 • Mb 0408 378 000
Table of Contents
Introduction i
A Brief History Of The Tarot 1
The Nine Card Spread 1
The clients shuffles and preparation
The Travel Position 2
The Health Position 2
The Education Position 3
The Career Position 3
The Social Position 3
The Ambitions Position 4
The Finances Position 4
Beginning shapes 4
Chapter 2
Squares 1
Triangles 1
Cubes 2
Pyramids 2


The word Tarot may have derived from:
- Torah (Hebrew), "The Law - Law Giver" - _ HYPERLINK
"" _Thoth_ Egyptian god - Tarosh
(Egyptian), "The royal way" - Ator, from the Egyptian goddess Hathor - [See
Hathor Below] - Torah -Torus in Sacred Geometry or Creation - "Taurus" -
Astrology - Rota (Latin), "Wheel" - Wheel of karma - Wheels Within Wheels -
The Taro river in Northern Italy - Orat (Latin), "It speaks, argues" - Taru (Hindu),
"Cards" - Troa (Hebrew), "Gate" - Tares, meaning the dot border on old cards -
Tarotee, meaning a pattern on the backs
The origins of Tarot are somewhat ambiguous, the most widespread theories go to
ancient Egypt and Thoth and the connection to the ancient mystery school
teachings. There is a common myth that Tarot was brought to Europe by the
Some believe that a form of Tarot goes back to ancient China.
I believe that all ancient civilizations developed their own systems of divination
based on the same symbolism and archetypes.
Tarot as we know it today is a collection of images and symbols from a wide
variety of cultures, from the ancient Greeks and Romans to the prehistoric Norse
peoples, from the ancient religions of India and Egypt to the medieval courts of
Italy and France.
The first clear reference that we have to Tarot cards is from a sermon that was
collected with many others about 1500 in Italy found in the Steele Manuscript. The
sermon is thought to date from about 1450 to 1470 and is a diatribe against games
of chance. It gives a detailed description of the Tarot trumps, not only numbering
them but naming them as well.
The oldest group of surviving Tarot cards, called Tarocchi in Italian, appears to
date from 1420 to 1450. Although the oldest cards that we have are hand-painted
ones, many scholars believe that printed or wood block cards predate the hand-
painted ones. However, as most early printed cards were much-used and of poor
quality, the earliest printed cards date from later than the hand-painted ones by
twenty to fifty years so that there is no physical evidence to show which type of
cards were the first to be created. By about 1500, Tarot decks had become fairly
standardized although there were individual differences from deck to deck even as
there are today.
Antoine Court de Gebelin, (1725-84), a French linguist, cleric, occultist, Mason,
member of the Lodge of the Philalethes, and author of the nine-volume work Le
Monde Primitif - was convinced of the mystical significance of the Tarot and fond
of Egyptian lore, this pre-Rosetta Stone. He believed the cards' birth place was
ancient Egypt, where they served as tools of initiation into the priesthood. For him,
the Tarot's Major Arcana was the Book of Thoth, a synthesis of all knowledge once
held in hieroglyphic form in burned Egyptian temples and libraries.
He claimed that it had escaped the destruction of the Library of Alexandria. At the
time he was writing this, the skill of reading hieroglyphics had been lost for almost
1200 years and there existed the widely held belief that they were magical symbols
concealing the lost knowledge of antiquity. He saw the Tarot as a contemporarily
available pictorial embodiment of this occult wisdom, a tangible link with the past.
A French man, (erroneously believed by some to have been barber, he merely had
lodgings above a barbers shop) named Alliette, writing under the pseudonym
Etteilla (his name spelled backwards), followed de Gebelin's lead and revised the
Tarot to comply with his own idiosyncratic idea of Egyptian mysticism. It has to be
said, his Tarot has had less influence upon subsequent designs than have his ideas.
In the mid 1850s a third Frenchman, Alphonse Louis Constant (originally a deacon
of the Catholic Church), began to publish occult works. For the purposes of
authorship he translated his name into Hebrew and wrote under the name Eliphas
Levi (he dropped the final Zahed?. His books contained Tarot references and
symbolism and it was he who first established the link between the Tarot and
cabala (or Qabalah).
He felt that the god Thoth-Hermes made the original deck. His theory contains
mathematical ideas similar to those of Pythagoras, whom he admired.
Eliphas Levi (real name: Alphonse Louis Constant, author of 'History of Magic|'),
1810-1875, was a French priest and Rosicruician who thought the Tarot the key to
the Bible, the Jewish Qabbalah, and all other ancient spiritual writings. He
attempted to link the 22 cards of the Major Arcana to the letters of the Hebrew
alphabet. He drew parallels between Tarot suits and the four letters of the
Tetragrammaton, YHVH ('Yahweh').
Late nineteenth-century Parisian author Paul Christian (Jean Baptiste Pitois) was a
follower of Levi's who believed that Major Arcana cards represent hieroglyphic
paintings found on columns in ancient Egyptian galleries. He also sought parallels
between the Tarot and Qabbalistic astrology.
Papus (Gerard Encausse, 1865-1916), a French doctor, philosopher, and
Theosophist, was another believer in the Tarot's Egyptian sources. Known for the
book 'The Tarot of the Bohemians', he believed the Tarot a bearer of ancient
designs inscribed in secret chambers below the Pyramids. The designs represented
initiation tests. When the temples were at risk, the priests transferred the mystical
designs to materials which later became a pack of cards. Papus, too, described a
link between Tarot and the Tetragrammaton. He also dealt with numerology and
the Tree of Life.
MacGregor (Samuel Liddell) Mathers lead the English Order of the Golden Dawn,
which was founded in 1886. He studied Jewish, Egyptian, Christian, and
alchemical mysticism. He wrote a great deal about the Tarot.
A. E. Waite (1857-1942), the English Christian occult philosopher, broke from the
Order of the Golden Dawn and founded his own school of mystical thought.
Working with the artist Pamela Coleman Smith - who was also a member of The
Order of the Golden Dawn - Waite created a "rectified" deck featuring images and
scenery on all the cards, Minor as well as Major Arcana. They produced the 78
card deck that we use today.
The tarot has been studied by many adepts and has been shown to be directly
relating to the Qabalah. The Order of the Golden Dawn in 1890 made a deck for its
members, utilizing the knowledge of the Qabalah in its symbolism. This was not
the first deck, but the research done by the golden dawn and its members helped
shape the views of the Tarot and the western philosophies of the mysteries.
Together, they produced the 78 card deck that we use today. The tarot has been
studied by many adepts and has been shown to be directly relating to the Qabalah.
Aleister Crowley, too, founded his own occult school, the Ordo Templi Orientis,
which had to do, among other things, sex magic. Working with Freida Harris, he
created the colorful Book of Thoth Tarot. He considered identifying with each card
more important than trying to guess about origins.
Paul Foster Case, who formed the Builders Adytum, thought the Tarot from
Morocco. According to him, 11th century philosophers designed it to both to
preserve knowledge after the Alexandrian libraries were burned down and to
furnish a universal language. He, too, designed a deck, a black and white one. It
strongly resembles Waite's.
Other theories: the cards are allegories of Sufi masters; Grail legend depictions; the
Indian game Chaturanga, a forerunner of chess; Indian holy texts; Gypsy imports;
Hebrew lore; Greek philosophy; ancestors of Mesopotamian copper cylinders;
symbols handed down from prehistoric oral stories; symbols from ancient Central
American Indian cultures; wisdom of prehistoric matriarchal cultures; teaching
aids of the Waldenses, a persecuted Christian sect; surviving lore of the Order of
Knights Templar, founded in 1188 to protect pilgrims and guard the ways to the
Holy Land; or creations of 13th century alchemists -and the Tarot is indeed loaded
with alchemical imagery.
Speculation aside, we don't know, and perhaps will never know, what the first
Tarot cards looked like. Nor do we know where they came from or who created
them. We don't even know how many were contained in a deck. Although it has
frustrated Tarot experts and inspired countless origin theories, I like that mystery.
So many beautiful things emerge from drab beginnings that not knowing makes
room for fantasies in which bold spirits paint those first wonderful images in an
ecstasy of creative awakening.
However they came to be, the images of Tarot, like all true symbols, resound
spontaneous self-expressions from the psyche's deepest springs; and for that reason
they hold up magic mirrors to whatever reactions we bring them. Like all authentic
artistic creations, Tarots are ultimately a mystery and will remain so.

The Magician in the Tarot and Magick

The symbolic images of the Magician in the Tarot decks explain the essence of
magick and the required attitude of its practicioners
This card has the number 1, because it is the card of beginnings and everything you
need for a good start: self-confidence, creativity, determination, willpower, self-
control, skill, craft, purposeful action, energy, activity and vitality. It is the drive to
choose your own direction, to realize your Self. Ofcourse it is also the card of
magick and the magician him-or herself, communicating between heaven and
earth, thus creating and materializing new possibilities.
Mastering the tarot
Card positions descriptions

As each card falls into its place in the spread your goal is to provide a clear and
precise interpretation of the card its color the symbols on the card in relationship to
where it has fallen in the spread if for example it falls in the travel position then
each of the elements should be interpreted in the sense of travel.

There is more than one way to travel

We can travel from work to home each day, we can plan holidays or wish for them,
we can travel in our imaginations some people even astral travel on a regular basis.
Then there is our journey through life we travel each day through time, getting
older more experienced, wiser and learning more about ourselves. We learn and
travel along a spiritual path of life.
Whichever card falls in the travel position will have significance for the client in
regards to whatever journey they happen to be on.

It would be well to remember also that there are three basic stages to any journey
the beginning the middle and the end of the journey

A client may be about to start their spiritual journey they may be in the stage of
discovery and travel or a part of their life’s journey may be coming to and end.
It is primarily your intuition and reading of the client that will guide you toward
where they are.
For example let us assume that the page of wands has fallen in this position so we
know that all of its images symbols colors and hidden meaning should relate to
Let’s look at what we already know about this card by returning to our charts

There is a predominance of yellow in the pages clothing and his boots you might
on different occasions see other colors as standing out such as the blue sky
background or the orange of the hills in the distance but in this case your intuition
leads you to yellow.
Yellow is the color of creativity generating new ideas new ways of looking at
things, so we might say that there is a new journey being planned or at the least
thought about. Perhaps it is to some new place that the client hasn’t been before.
You might also note that the shoes appear relatively clean, unworn there is a
definite freshness or newness to this image.

The character is also standing alone there are no other people in this image. So we
might assume from this that the client is going to travel alone or if other people are
in the equation there may be a problem with those people actually attending.

Standing alone however can also mean a personal or spiritual journey rather than a
physical one. A new stage of life may be about to be entered into by this client. By
definition the yellow is creative or of the mind so a lot of thought will have gone
into whatever project or journey lays ahead.

This is also evident from the picture itself, the page appears to be examining the
staff almost as if he is perhaps checking that everything is OK for the journey
ahead, he appears to be in a state of happy contemplation.

We also know that according to the consensus of many books wands deals with
physical possessions. In this case there could be two meanings relating to the
journey it appears that this client may be about to embark on letting go of
possessions or the view he or she has about letting go of worldly possessions.

There is an age old Buddhist philosophy that says to grow in the spiritual we must
let go of those material things that hold us back.
This person may also need to decide what to take with them as opposed to letting
go perhaps in some cases more is needed.

_ _Staff:_ Here we are recognizing staff's found in the cards that are specifically
used for support by the archetypes in the cards. With this parameter in mind, staff
symbol meanings deal with support, stability, direction, and single-ness of purpose.
The staff is also a symbolic representation of the numeral one, and as such is
carries a meaning of new beginnings, first-attempts, and again, single-mindedness
in thought as well as deed.

_As you can see we are beginning to develop quite a good reading here simpoly by
using a mixture of intuition and what the cards meaning are in relationship to
Let’s look at another example this time we have the nine of cups fall in the travel
For later reference this is one of the MERCHANT cards it deals with business and
most be related now to travel or growth. Here the client might be starting a new
business venture
This in itself can be a huge journey for some people
Again the color yellow is predominant so creativity plays a role here perhaps the
idea for the business is fairly unique or it may involve some for of creativity.
The merchant and travel are connected so we might be talking about a business trip
or a trip that will result in some sort of business opportunity even if this was not
the original intention of the trip.
Now to a few of the symbols that the uninitiated may not notice straight away
The bench our man in the image is sitting on a bench this can denote taking a
moment to rest to gather ones thoughts and he has his arms crossed a sign of
rejection in the position of travel where our client is going on some type of journey
and a business opportunity does present itself the client may at first reject the idea.
It may come across as too outlandish or there may be trust issues with the person
involved. In short I would advise the clients that if all this does come to pass, to
take a moment to really think about what is going on.
In a completely different reading your intuition may cause you to recall that Cups
are emotional generally the more cups the more emotion we are deal with, this
could be an emotional journey of some type. Keep in mind that there are several
types of emotional journey perhaps the client has to travel to attend a funeral or
meet a potential partner they have been communicating with over the internet (we
live in a changing world.
It could even mean that during a normal holiday some emotional issue drags the
client back or even further away.
We now have the merchant connected to travel connected to emotion as this card is
displayed your intuition and reading of the client will guide you toward what is
right. Keeping in mind that no two clients are ever the same and each circumstance
and situation will be different.
_Finally let’s suppose that the strength card has fallen in travel
Again we see yellow as a primary color creativity new ideas the lion itself is red or
orange while the female character is dressed in white you might also not that there
is a lot of green in the ground,
We see in the symbols the mountains in the distance and an infinity symbol above
the head of the female next there are what appear to be small shrubberies on the
Next we might notice that the prime number of this card is eight
Putting all this together as it relates to travel we might see.
A journey where the client has or will gain much personal strength moving from
one stage of life to another
Whatever this change is, it will be life changing and last for the rest of the clients
life or at the very least have a profound effect on the rest of their life.

Mastering the tarot

Hidden Symbols
Many people have the same or a similar view of the tarot cards as they do for the
spirit board

Angel: Lovers / Wheel / Temperance / Judgment / Queen of Swords

In the Tarot and other occult or oracle systems Angels are symbolic of universal
communication. of higher thought and ideals They are messengers of essential or
inspirational information. We all receive that universal wisdom at times a
collection of unrelated occurrences or signs that seem to mean something. We
don’t know if these messages are from god actual angels the universal principle or
from the subconscious which tends to notice everything that is going on around us.

What we do know is that we notice these signs or clues and attempt to translate and
understand them, often when this happens we ask what does it mean and how
many times have you heard someone say “the universe is trying to give me a
message here” or “the forces are trying to tell me something”

During In a reading, and relating to the position or fall of the card there may a
message coming to the client, this could be a real message such as a letter email or
phone call or the message may be as above in the form of some inspirational idea,
some divine intervention, it might even be in a subtlety that is not immediately
recognized by the client or even the reader. The idea here is to be aware and to
start looking around and reflecting at what is going on.

Adding this information into a reading will again expand the meaning and
effectiveness of your readings like numbers or colors you are adding new deeper
elements in the following example the judgment card falls in money and finances
in our nine card spread.

We are going to combine all that we have learned thus far into this part of the
reading you should remember that this will be done for any card in any position.
Color the numbers the image and the symbols within the card although I will
assume that in this case your intuition and psychic side has noticed (or you have
been drawn to the angel in this card
You have already checked up on the base meaning of the card itself from your
existing tarot books or this course as a guide, you will be adding more detail by
expanding outward into the symbols numbers and colors of the card
You may have noticed the other symbols such as the water or the tomb the trumpet
and the Red Cross, yet it is the angel that stands out to you
You notice the amount of blue refer to your color information (something you will
only need to do at the beginning soon you will just KNOW all the colors) and
comment on this, you then recall that the number twenty (from your higher number
chart) has certain values so you talk about these.

Now the angel appeals to you and there seems to be a message of some kind
headed toward the client, at a fundamental level this may mean a message is
coming about some type of inheritance or perhaps the passing on of another
person, in this case it will most likely be in the form of a phone call.
And because this card is twentieth in the tarot or two the client may find
themselves being the diplomat, in this situation being the one called upon to unite
all parties involved to be the , enduring PEACEMAKER.

Naturally this is only one way of doing the reading there are as many different
interpretations as there are clients your understanding of the client or reading
through intuition will guide you in the right direction

A different client may give you an entirely different FEELING during the reading
the message for the client may be about a business plan that comes to fruition this
plan having overseas connections of some kind.
Again in this reading you have not really noticed or FELT the other symbols in the

The premise of what you are about to study is relatively simple, when two cards
appear in a spread the combination has meaning. It doesn’t matter what spread or
system you employ in your readings, intuition will lead you to know or feel if the
meaning related to the past present or the future, usually the left is more toward the
past, while the right represents the future and the closer the cards are together the
more we need to look at the present.
While the premise may be simple it can take a lifetime of study and experience to
master these combinations and place them in relationship to the areas of your
client’s life. There are seven areas that the combinations may fall into. These are
Travel. Health, Education, Sex, Relationships, Ambitions and Money, each of
these areas carries different energies beliefs and information with them.
In any spread of more than two cards you are going to have a full reading based
simply on your intuition and the cards that fall with the magician.
This is volume one in a series of books designed to break down the nine card
system and allow you to give very powerful even life changing readings. That’s
said however the information is applicable to any spread you may use.
The information in these pages is also very applicable to other decks or oracle
cards as most of them have a magician or a card that represents the magician.
Our lives are divided by time energy and areas of interest to us, as humans we tend
to separate ourselves and spread our energy and time throughout these areas,
unfortunately some get more than others and we may lack things or direction in
areas we may even feel through our perception that an area of life is Ok, when in
fact we are compensating for it through another,
In the nine card spread the first seven cards deal with those areas, the cards that fall
in those positions can be very helpful in determining what’s going on in the
client’s life.


Interpersonal CARD
relationships AND


Another way of thinking about this is to assume that as humans moving through
life there are seven areas of concern that we are most apt to ask questions about. At
times we want to know about relationships, at others times we want to know what
the future holds with our careers, we become concerned about money or material
possessions at one stage of life and later we tend to let that go.
We will first deal with the cards individually as they fall in each of the positions,
keeping mind that this book deals only with the magician, and as there is only one
magician in a deck of tarot the meaning will be individual to the position it falls
and to the client. Your intuition is going to play a big part in determine g the
direction or flow of your reading.
To begin have the client mix the deck while they do this ask them to focus on an
area of life they may be concerned with, or on a question they have, and to keep
this to themselves as you do not want to be influenced by any information you may
have or your feelings on a matter.
Now ask the client to divide the deck into three piles anyway they wish. Either by
cutting three piles or dealing the cards down one at a time. It doesn’t matter how
the three piles are achieved as long as you have three roughly equal stacks of cards.
Ask the client to place them back into one pile in any order they desire.
Now deal the cards face down, from the top of the deck onto the table in a three by
three formation, dealing out
Dealing the last card position 5 last placing it in the centre of the spread, deal this
last card face up. The last card (dealt in position five) represents the client, or
something about them. With their life being spread out around them. After
shuffling or mixing the cards and returning them to a single pile you have placed
nine cards on the table, in a three by three pattern eight of them are face down, the
centre card is face up, to begin your reading turn over the first card the travel
position. The following sections deal with the magician card falling in the prime
Prime positions are not to be confused with the reading as a full once you have the
rime positions we add levels and other cards to complete the reading.
The prime positions are

Travel The magician is the first card down.
We travel in several different ways and we travel via different methods throughout
our lives, we can pack our bags and go on holiday, we travel through various
stages of life and we grow through learning and education in short each of us
travels through our lives, in fact it is this movement that lets us know that we are
alive. Things that are alive generally tend to move in some way.
The magician card falling here can denote several things, one that there is some
barrier to movement or travel, or that things are going well. It will depend on what
other cards come out and where your intuition leads you, we can for example move
location or house, change areas, change jobs, and even change families in today’s
society. Whatever it is, the magician denotes something unknown and possible a
lack of resources.
Health The magician is the second card down.
There are six basic energies that we need to both express and fulfil in our lives if
we are to be complete humans. If these energies are not directed in the right way,
they will find a way to reach fulfilment. Often this is redirected into areas that are
negative unhealthy and wistful. An example might be the gambler who only
gambles when he feels that he has no control in his life, at home he is emasculated
at work he has no control. In fact for most of his life he feels a lack of control.
However when he is at the casino or sitting in front of a poker machine, he feels as
wrong as it may be, that he at least has control here. That he gets to push the
button, he chooses the numbers that will determine his fate
win or lose, he feels as if he has some control over the events.
This of course is just a feeling. It conflicts with reality and in
some cases, such as addiction it can end up being destructive
and life destroying. Yet he feels or has a sense of control.
Another common example is the male or female, who moves
from one promiscuous sexual situation to the next,, the need
for connection drives them from one bad or dangerous
situation to another then another, because at some stage this
person feels connected perhaps even loved, these feelings
because they are not real quickly degenerate, thus the
individual again seeks the next fulfilling relationship. Sex
and love become intertwined,
Energies or drivers are not like motivations, we might be motivated to make
money, yet driven by a fear of being poor and destitute, or driven by our fathers
words, don’t be lazy son… these six energies might be better thought of as drivers.
You will not be motivated by them, yet without them you may be driven to act and
behave in ways that are not beneficial to your life coals. And here is another
important thing, , as you begin to find balance and these energies begin to work for
you rather than against you , a very interesting side effect often occurs, and that is
e find purpose. Many clients tell me that they know they have a purpose in life.
They just can’t see what that purpose is. Bring balance to these six basic human
needs or energies will help you to clarify and discover your purpose, discover what
it is that the universe has in store for you...
The human psyche is designed in such a way that if our fundamental needs are not
met we will find something that fills the gap, and that something will be the nearest
thing to the needed feeling that we can find.
The Energy of Connection
We all need to belong somewhere Love is the need for
connection with other people and the desire to love and be
loved. Everybody needs to be able to express love, to both
give and receive love, be it from friend’s family or spouses.
Without it we will seek it in all the wrong places. This may
be a fundamental reason behind the popularity of some cults
and religious movements as they seem to offer love and
connection (in the initial stages anyway) many disconnected
young males find themselves being drawn toward street
gangs in an effort to belong, and many young girls will make
life changing mistakes just to belong, To gain that sense of
giving and receiving love.
We need to love or to feel connected to other people in order
to thrive. Infants who are deprived of contact with other human beings will die
just from the lack of human touch. People often use words like togetherness,
passion, unity, warmth, tenderness and desire to describe their need for love and
Education The magician is the third card down.
Growth Energy
Ever wonder why older people go back to school. We have an
innate need to constantly develop intellectually, emotionally,
physically and spiritually.
We are in a state of continuous growth even though many do
not always realize it, have a look at what you’re doing right
now reading and learning, growing. When we stop growing,
we in essence die.
We develop emotionally with each life experience that we
have; we develop and grow intellectually every day with each
exposure to new knowledge practically; we all aspire
spiritually as we contemplate the universe around us and our
place in that universe. If we don’t grow we can become
stagnant and have a feeling of being blocked or held back.
Then we will tend to try and find that feeling, fulfil that need as with the other
energies we will through lack of knowledge fill that void with the wrong things,
with anything that doesn’t make us feel stagnant. To be complete we need to be
constantly moving learning and changing we need growth
Energy through Significance
Personal power through significance is the need to feel important, needed and
wanted, to have a place in the world and for that place to be worthwhile. Our sense
of significance is most often validated by comparing
ourselves and our accomplishments or failures to somebody
else. We need personal pride in what we have achieved, and
that pride is usually based on some evaluation by other
people. Did you know one of the biggest causes of feeling
rejected, is actually a lack of feeling significant or needed that
you are worthwhile, that you don’t reach someone else’s
standards. It is this need to feel significant that drives us to be
competitive, to improve our performance at work and is also
a major clue with people who are perfectionists. Those who
feel they can never achieve enough. What’s really driving
them is the need to feel of value or significant.
Career The magician is the fourth card down.
Energy of certainty Variety and Uncertainty
Just as we need to grow and we need a certain amount of
certainty in our lives, we also need stimulus and change. We
need to be confident that things are going to work out, that
the sun will come up each morning and that we can trust our
friends. At the same time our lives are incomplete (read
boring) unless we experience varying degrees of sensory
stimulation. As developing humans we need both emotional
and physical challenges in order to stretch our range of
development. Without this stimulus we can often feel an
undefined and vague sense of fear, not knowing what
tomorrow may bring is negative uncertainty instability.
Experiencing suspense or surprise however is positive
uncertainty this is one reason the entertainment industry is so
popular it fulfils this innate need we all have. We need change with some amount
of conflict and crisis; this may help you to understand why soap operas are
addictive to some people, what they lack in real life is supplied by these TV shows.
Relationships the magician is the sixth card down.
Energy in Contribution
Each of us, whether we admit it or not need to go beyond the
narrow scope of our own needs and give freely to others
without expectation of reward or compensation. I will often
see people look vaguely into space and wonder what they are
contributing to the world at large or indeed to their own small
part of the world. What is the world at large contributing to
your life and what are you contributing to the world? Many
people feel the need to donate to charities, or involve
themselves in other work to fulfil this need. This energy is
what makes our life meaningful, and there is a sense of
meaningless without it that (in extreme cases has led to
suicide) will have us aimlessly wandering around looking for
something to do, or directing that meaning into the wrong
areas, a good example of this is somebody who has a really misinformed view
about what money is and how it works, they will draw meaning of life from
money, not what that money enables them to contribute. Do you feel you are
making a difference and giving back? If not, have a look at the contributions you
are making.
Money The magician is the seventh card down.
Creative Energy
As humans we need to be creative, it is a fundamental part of
our nature, whether it be creating a new business, artwork or
writing or designing that new train diorama we need to
creative, without it we will fell incomplete and purposeless as
a race we would not have survived unless some of us were
creative enough to turn a stick into a weapon
To the body there is little difference in the sensations of
gratification and creativity, both give a sensation of wellbeing
and purpose, that something worthwhile has occurred, the
problem is that gratification, especially instant gratification is
temporary fading very quickly, we need to seek it again
almost straight away, while creativity lasts, if we create
something from a macramé hanging thingy, to writing a book
or painting a picture we receive a feeling of both worth and satisfaction.
And we are involved in the process of creation; it takes time, dedication and focus
to create anything. even drawing a sketch on a piece of paper takes more of your
mental processing and faculties, than going out and finding various forms of
instant gratification, even if at the time it seems like your putting in effort, you
should consider the results and the outcome of what you are achieving.
Ambition The magician is the eighth card down.
We each have beliefs about the world and the way it works. Our experiences
through life have ingrained within us deep-rooted ideas about what is, or is not,
what is possible what is not possible; what and who we are,
or are not, and what we are capable of doing, and what is
beyond our reach
Through this process we are going to examine some of the
beliefs you have retained from your own childhood?
Some of these ideas may be valid; such as eating properly,
washing your hands after going to the toilet, not talking to
strangers and working hard for the boss, other beliefs may be
wildly off the mark, like ATM cards are
unending sources of money, Ill never be
rich, or overweight people are jolly.
These ideas may have been inherited
from a family member or picked up
through and reinforced through feeling good and comfortable
after sweet and fatty foods, all this occurred before we were
old enough to examine them subjectively. Either way, our
beliefs can affect our decisions and choices, whether or not
we realize it.
You know as an adult in your logical mind that credit cards
are not magical money making devices, however as a child
watching your mother use one to pay for the shopping you
may have ,even for a short time, believed or wished that they were, after all your
mother handed over the card and everything was taken care of. This simple
erroneous belief may be affecting you now in adult life and could be partly
responsible for your dept. or savings problems now.
Even though you don’t believe that credit cards are magical there are times when
without knowing it you are acting as if it they were true, handing over the credit
card when you know you shouldn’t.
Our beliefs are conclusions we have drawn based on our experiences as children. If
we grow up in a warm, nurturing and supportive family we will have very different
beliefs than if we grow up in a painful, shaming and abusive family.
Dad comes home at least twice a week complaining about the foreman at work and
what an A-hole he is, years later, you don’t like foreman at any of your jobs and
you’re not even really sure why you don’t like them, all you know is they are as a
rule all A-holes
One constant is, at the time we chose any belief, no matter what that belief may be,
it made sense at the time. It was originally designed to protect or benefit us in some
way, therefore no belief is unintelligent, or bad, or even wrong. Beliefs serve a
purpose and sometimes our lives change so much that old beliefs become a
mismatch for our lives as we change.

The problem is sometimes beliefs developed as children don't always serve us well
as adults. We have changed our situation has changed yet our deeper beliefs have
not changed with us. As children we may truly believe that credit cards are
magical money producing devices. That bosses are evil that you can have super
powers that mum or dad will protect you that you never have to do anything alone.
It makes perfect sense at the time to believe this, some of the adults around you
may have even supported or reinforced these beliefs by the way they acted and the
things they did.
As adults however these values are seriously dated, even dangerous beliefs such as
“bosses are always hard to get on with”, is not going to make your working life
very comfortable, holding onto the belief that “Saving money is for boring nerds”
is detrimental to creating the kind of life we really want. Most of us have probably
worked through beliefs like these. Other beliefs are much more subtle than this and
lay beneath more obvious ones.
Perhaps as a child you did believe that credit cards were enchanted money
producing bits of plastic, and while you have grown up and no longer believe that,
you do as an adult you have a persistent problem with being in debt. Can’t balance
the books, always robbing Peter to pay Paul, are basically not responsible with
money. We might then look below this for a belief about fear of responsibility.
Something like, "Responsible people are boring." and under that might be "Boring
people are lonely."
This program will help you to clear or smash through the belief that “boring people
are lonely”, “I can’t do anything alone”, “I hate being overweight but it’s how I am
destined to be” ”I’m not smart enough” “not pretty enough” “I come from the
wrong background”. This allows you the freedom to begin being more
responsible. You would begin noticing yourself make wiser choices about paying
bills, eating working saving Spending your money more wisely and so on. Or
simply aligning your life habits, viewing success more positively and taking that
first step forward
Another way of telling or determining that you are being held back by your own
limiting belief or Santa clauses is to have a very honest look
at yourself and why you do things the way you do them, then
of course we all know people who continually engage in self-
destructive behavior. Friends, relatives, children and work
colleges who do things that run against their own best
interests? If you or someone you know continues to employ
troublesome behavior even though it consistently leads to a
state of utter misery? Then there is a very good chance that
some limiting belief or fear is holding you back not allowing
you to move forward. In other words (and be honest with
yourself here) if you are repeating bad behavior even though
you know it’s bad and self-destructive.
The person who always dates the same type of loser or
cheater we all know the type of person she is more often than not very intelligent
even excellent at work dresses well seems as they say to have it all together, yet
somehow she always seems to end up with "dead-beat" guys? Then there is the
lonesome fellow who always seems to pick partners that cheat on him he is the
veritable cuckold. Both these people appear to repeat this pattern over and over
again despite any advice or common sense.
Then there are those talented and industrious people we all know, those that you
know if they could only break the mold, shift the pattern, would be millionaires
based on their talent alone perhaps you or someone you know is a singer and artist
a standup comedian or someone you know would be successful in their own
business, you know this because they are always talking about it. Yet when it
comes to doing something about it they can never get the first foot out the door.

While unemployed friends take it easy “living the high life,"

you are industriously hard working, paying living bills, yet
always Struggling to make ends meet. Finally, you begin to
question the wisdom of your behavior and start to visualize a
new job a stepping stone to greater things or running your
business part time just to get things going, Ill build up from
there you say to yourself. Or you say I’ve had enough of this
person in my life I need to move on so you dump him or her,
only to replace them with a "clone” a look-a-like". You end up
in the exact same job in the same industry only in a different
location with a foreman, or manager you despise even more
than the last, you see your new relationship heading down the same path as before
and you begin to feel lost, lonely and not a little afraid.
To everyone else your friends and family and possibly your therapist, the warning
signs are fairly obvious, you’ve done it again you however are oblivious to them.
Have you been telling yourself the same story over and over again, have you been
promising yourself for the last ten years that you will lose 20 pounds, to no avail?
Yet somehow you find that you are never able to adhere to a fitness program. Have
you been promising yourself that you’ll get fit, find a better job, go back to school,
do a course, start that radio show, write a book, make that film, or anything else,
for a very long time now?
You know intrinsically that you can do the things you want to do, you keep telling
yourself that you can, but that’s as far as you get, telling yourself, You don't like
the way you look, you’re not happy with your savings, you keep telling yourself
that tomorrow you will start but tomorrow never seems to come. You don't like the
way you feel. So you keep saying I’ll go to the gym. You are concerned about
health risks, so you tell yourself that giving up smoking or exercising would be the
best thing right now but something stops you from successfully taking that first

You are chronically late with your bills. Are you constantly robbing Peter to pay
Paul and somehow convincing yourself that it will be Ok that your only a week or
a month late, each time this happens do you promise yourself that it won’t happen
again?. Yet that never happens. Something gets in your way? You continue to
create this unpleasant anxiety producing state of affairs? The saddest part is that
you actually know you’re doing it.

You have trouble saying "no". Is it difficult for you to be assertive (not aggressive)
and say “no"? You end up fulfilling the needs or in some cases the demands and
requests of others as your own needs are delayed or go unfulfilled altogether.
Which of our little Santa clauses is it that stops you from developing a healthy
sense of entitlement?
Do you procrastinate? Is it your habit to put things off, this behaviour makes you
unhappy, yet you can't seem to organize yourself to get things started. Believe it or
not procrastination is a very big sign that you may be protecting yourself from
something more on this later for the moment ask yourself (again be honest) What
is really interfering with your capacity to get things done now?
You have difficulty effectively setting and achieving life goals. You know that
your life isn't going the way that you had planned or visualized. Your career goals
are “sort of concrete” yet vague at the same time you are going with the flow and
that flow doesn’t always flow the way you would like.
Your love life is actually sad and you spent at least twenty minutes each day
wishing it was better that “they” would change, or that you had the Moxie to leave,
yet you can't seem to figure out what you want and how to go about pursuing it.
Then you realize, even though you’ve heard a thousand times, read it in numerous
motivational books, seen it on TV and heard it from friends that you never actually
taken the time to sit down and write out your goals.
Dreams and Reality the magician is the last card down.
We have fairly well established that when we talk to
ourselves, we are talking ourselves out of things, usually
really good ideas; we may have talked ourselves out of
success, business or relationships. Yet we don’t just talk to
ourselves, we also listen, and most of the time, that voice we
hear is not ours. That voice is a shadow, an echo of past
voices, our parents, teachers, friends and society at large,
everything we have heard echoes and bounces around in our
heads until needed.
We get our doing and communicating models from our
parents, how we communicate with the world usually
develops at an early age from our opposite sex parent and
how to do things in the world comes from our same sex
parent. As a small girl the first males that you may have communicated with was
your father or the person that took on the fatherhood role in your life, for the rest of
your life you have been using that model, developed as a child, to talk to and
communicate with all the males in your life.
In other words, you have been talking to all men as if they were your father, then
expecting at a subconscious level, them to react the same way your father would
have. When they don’t you become displaced. Things don’t seem right, or it may
feel that they don’t understand you, or that you are not being listened to, all
because you are not getting the reactions and responses you expect.
The same is true for males. As small boys, from infancy your mother instilled in
you a way of communicating with all females. Later in life, when that
communication model is so ingrained and natural for you , that you don’t see it, it’s
just the way you are, there can be problems when talking to women, because some
of them don’t react or converse, back to you the way you internally expect them to,
like your Mum would.
At the same time we get our doing or operating model from the same sex parent,
whether we like it or not, to a very large degree we become our parents. Girls learn
to behave and operate the same way their mother’s do, while boys learn what to do
in the world and how to react to things from their fathers. Cast your mind back to
any argument or “debate” that your parents might have had, you will have learned
from your you opposite sex parent how to communicate in the argument, what to
say , how to say it, then what to do about that argument, how to react from your
same sex parent. If you are female and you saw your father raise his voice at
certain points, that is what you will do, and if after the argument your mum
stormed out of the room or shut herself away in a shell. To a very large degree
That is what you will do,.
Later in life we become so used to this, so good at it we don’t always check to see
if this is the best way of doing things, the most productive way, or of dealing with
the world and communicating our ideas and needs that we fall into the trap of
repeating this behaviour over and over again. It becomes out normal way of
At the same time we are listening internally to all the things our parents said, after
all, what was the first word that most of us understood as children, the first word
we were able to react to, “NO”, the first word that had any real meaning for us was
a negative. The word “NO” there may be the constant echo of the word NO that
rears itself in most situations that either or both of your parents may have disagreed
with. The sad part is we don’t realize we are doing this it becomes natural for us.
Next we listen to other members of our family and our friends, there may be an
uncle or aunt that we admired or felt love from as a child, there may also be some
who we felt less than love from, yet we still listen to the echoes, the shadows of
their voices, their opinions and ways of doing things, anyone who had any
emotional contact with us, has a lasting effect on us through to adulthood. So much
of the time we feel that we are operating under our own will, having our own
opinions, we are not. We are simply echoing the views and opinions we learned
from others. These others include teachers, keep in mind that much of the
education system is designed to tell us, what to think not how to think.

Different part of us can learn things at different times, in different ways, at

different speeds. We each made up of many parts, no this doesn’t mean we are
schizophrenic, it means, there are different parts of us in the driver’s seat at
different times. We are different in various situations that we find ourselves in.
You may be a mother a father yet you are also a son or daughter, you can be a
friend a confidant, a worker, a manager a tradesman, a cook a house cleaner, a wife
a husband along with a variety of other things, such as counsellor to your friends,
nurse to your children and lover to your partner. You are all of them, yet not at the
same time.
When you arrive at your parents’ house, regardless of your age or circumstances,
most of us click into son or daughter mode, and yet later when we arrive back
home, we click into husband or wife mode or mother or father, each situation or
circumstances, allows a different part of us to step into the driver’s seat of our
personality, we are different with our friends than we are with our parents.
Then depending on who and where we are and what part is driving us, we may be
listening to different stories, believing different truths and operating, acting in
different ways. And often these different ways can be in conflict with what is best
for us. One part of us may want success in a certain area of life, while at the same
another part of us, wants and believes that something entirely different is best for
A good example of this is the man who believes that road rage is stupid, public
displays of anger are unproductive, embarrassing and only cause stress and
concern, which is true. He also believes that being on time for work is really good,
he earns more money, the boss respects him, and at the end of the day he feels that
he has put in a good effort, even sleeps better at night, which is also true.
Then one day he finds himself stuck in traffic and may be late for work, next thing
he knows he is feeling disjointed, angry at the other drivers for holding him up, and
could, given the right circumstances end up exhibiting road rage.
Both his beliefs where true, being on time for work, and road rage is for idiots, yet
they could not both be true in the same place. Many parents exhibit similar
behaviour when it comes to children, a part of them has one truth, another part,
another truth, both of which are true, yet given the right time and place these truths
can be in conflict with each other, different parts are listening to different
messages. It’s Ok for the kids to act in a certain way, but its bad parenting if
somebody else allows their kids to do the same. But the way you do it is always
different. It was Ok in my day, but my kids will learn better values.
Different parts of us listens to different echoes or shadows of what we have been
told at various points in our live, the child within you has different values and
beliefs than the adult the parent or the worker. The part of you that wants to be
successful in business may have different values beliefs and listen to different
memories than the part of you that wants to be a good wife or husband, there is an
internal conflict within must of us that is easier to avoid altogether than confront
and deal with.
So what do you do about it? Firstly become aware that you might be listening to
voices from the past, listening to voices that are not yours, become aware of the
difference between when you talk to yourself and when you listen, talking to
ourselves involves an internal dialogue, at other times we sit or wander mentally
almost in contemplation, that’s when we are listening, and we are listening to our
feelings, more than to words.
Listening may involve vague emotions such as guilt, we want something, like
success in business or a certain amount in the bank, part of us is prepared to save,
work extra hours, and put money in the bank and become self-disciplined enough
not to spend any unnecessary money until we reach our goal. Yet for some weird
reason we feel guilt, there is no real reason for it, it is simply there, that vague
feeling that if I save money I’m actually hording and being nasty and somebody
else might miss out,, this is when we are listening, with our feelings, to those
voices from the past, the voices that told us that it is wrong to be rich, that having
money is not spiritual, that rich people step on others peoples toes and are
generally not nice,,
We might feel that it is time to leave a disastrous relationship we talk to ourselves
about it, decide to leave, then fear steps in, the fear of being alone, fear that the
other partner may not like it, fall into depression blame you and possibly even get
violent. These feelings are not expressed in words as much as they are in feeling
emotions and vague sensations, hence we stop, we stay where we are much longer
than we should, we are listening not to our own voices, but to those of the past.
So train yourself to become aware of the internal feelings of difference, between
when you talk to yourself and when you listen.
Where do you spend most of your time?
Letting go of the past
A question I often ask my clients is, where do you spend most
of your time, in the past, the present or the future? If you
were to really think about it, which of these occupies your
thoughts the most, do you dwell in the past, going over old
mistakes, wishing that you had done it better or not at all. Do
you regret things you di, or didn’t do? Are you hopeful of the
future, how much time do you spend planning what you will
do when and if you win lotto, or are you cognizant of the
present what you’re doing right now and the choices you are
making in the now.
There is very little we can do about the past (except in some
cases apologize) the future is uncertain; we can make rough
predictions but that is all. Realistically all you have is right
now, this moment in time, you are certain about NOW and nothing else, and what
you do now determines the type of future you will have.
If I walk up to a person and slap them in the face I am guaranteeing a type of
future, a future where I will get slapped back or have other nasty things happen to
me. If on the other hand if I am nice helpful and thoughtful, then I am guaranteeing
a different future on that will benefit both me and other people.
If I chose to do things now that are productive and will get me closer to my dreams
then I am projecting those actions into the future and the chances of me reaching
those goals are getter.
If I chose to do nothing or to let my fears and natural procrastination get the better
of me, then that is the future I am heading toward.
Everything you do now creates a possible future, this is like a superpower once you
understand it and apply it to your life
Self Awareness
Do You Really Know What You Want? Ever Had That
Feeling You Were Destined For Greater Things But Just Cant
See What Those Greater Things Are
*Self Honesty Empathy Open-Ness
Dishonesty, Insensitivity, Tunnel Vision
It Can’t Be Done
The World Is Flat So Get Used To It
*I Understand Where I Am Coming From
Try Walking In Someone Else Shoes For A Mile.
Self Esteem
Do You Think You Can Do It?
Self Depreciation, Self Doubt, Self Consciousness
*Self Confidence, Self Respect Self Worth,
Ever Thought Id Rather Be Someone Else.
* I Like Myself
Do You Have The Self Control To See This Through After
All Its Your Dream So Who Would You Be Letting Down If
You Didn’t Do What Needed To Be Done.

Irresponsibly, Leaving Things To Chance, Not Making A

*Self Determination Volition, Choice
It Happens To Me
*I Make It Happen
*Life Is Like A Do It Yourself Project
Self Motivation
Fear Compulsion Inhibition
*Desire for Change Excited By Change, The Urge To Change
I Have To, I Can’t
*I Want To, I Can,
Self Expectancy
What Do You Expect Of Yourself?
Pessimism, Despair, Cynicism
*Optimism, Enthusiasm, Hope
With My Luck It Just Had To Fail
*Good Today Better Tomorrow If Nothing Else This Stuff
Up Has Taught Me How Not To Stuff Up Again I’ve Learned
From It.
Self Image
Dark Images, Worry, Neurosis
*Synthetic Experience, Creativity, Visualization
I’m Average
*I’m Changing
Self Direction
Aimless, Non Specific, Wandering
*Goal Seeking, Purpose Orientated, Cybernetic
I Just Can’t Decide
*I Have A Game Plan
Self Discipline
Repetitive Errors, Inconsistency, Discouragement
*Achievement, Drill, Practice, Simulation
Im In The Habit Of Losing
* Practice Winning Mentally
Self Dimension
Are You Aware Of Your Three Dimensional Position In Time And Space

Shallowness, Ego Based, Superficial

*Total Person, Humanist, Visionary
Do Unto Others Before They Can Do It To You
*I Am In Harmony With Nature Spirit And Life When You
Win I Win When We Win Nature Wins
Self Projection
Do You Project Yourself Into The Future? Not day Dreaming But Projecting

Aloof, Unfriendly Unkempt

*Personable, Supportive, Impressive
Don’t Tell Me About Your Facts, I’ve Already Made My
Mind Up
*Tell Me More About Your Needs Dreams And Desires
How You Walk Talk Look And Listen Is How You Are.
Tarot Professionals
Warning this program is only for the serious professional tarot reader
From Novice to Expert
From Expert to Masters
From Master’s Degree to Professional Earning Tarot Reader
The Professional Tarot readers program is the most detailed professional level
Tarot Couse in the world. If you are a Novice it will take you to expert Tarot
reader. If you are already an expert reader it will take you to a Master degree style
level and if you are already a Master Reader it will show you how to make a living
as a professional reader, tarot counsellor, advisor and trainer As a student of the
Professional tarot reader program you will receive the highest levels of Tarot
education, the program is structured in a similar way to full degree programs
taught at universities and leaves no stone unturned when it comes to your
education and professional practise as a reader support and development in friendly
and supportive company.
What it is and is not
Tarot Professionals was founded by Marcus Katz, M.A., M.B.A.. & Tali Goodwin,
Marketing Director. Marcus has been studying, reading and teaching Tarot for 30
years. His first Tarot book, Tarosophy, is widely regarded as an innovative
guidebook to Tarot by the world's leading authors and teachers. Tali Goodwin has
co-authored Tarot Flip, Tarot Twist, Around the Tarot in 78 Days and Tarot Face
to Face. She also researched and published Abiding in the Sanctuary, the discovery
of A. E. Waite's second Tarot, the Waite-Trinick Tarot.
We publish Tarosophist International, the worlds leading Tarot magazine (included
in membership).
arot Courses from Tarosophy®
Take your Tarot from absolute beginner to confident, comprehensive readings,
with the best education in Tarot drawn from the latest academic sources to 30 years
experience. With a trained trainer, professional mentors (many trained in teaching)
you are assured a fun, engaging, lively, exciting and comprehesive introduction to
Tarot - and then intermediate and advanced experiences taking Tarot to whole new
Gain new friends and share experience on our comprehensive range of courses!
You will soon be reading proficiently and confidently for yourself, friends, family
and paying clients, assured of the highest standards and deepest approaches to the
ancient arts of divination. Watch a video interview of one students story by
clicking on the image, as she made her way from absolute beginner to reading for
clients at faires!
A Life-Changing Year of Tarot Living
12 Monthly Booklets with Facebook Group support to change your life! In this
series of methods, one each month, you will be taken through a totally new way to
use Tarot, magically changing the way you see everything!
Each booklet also includes innovative and insightful ways of reading tarot, with
methods, spreads and interpretations of each card for reading.
The experience includes a private Facebook group to share your experience and
extensive reading lists to deepen your ability to take control of your life. The 12
innovative exercises are designed to fit into a busy schedule with maximum effect.
12 Kindle Books (or PDF) available monthly and Facebook Group support.
Book 1: Discover Your Destiny
Book 2: Remove the Blocks
Book 3: Make Decisions Better
Book 4: Go With the Flow
Book 5: Ride the Lion
Book 6: Connect to Service
Book 7: Find Equality
Book 8: Die To Your Self
Book 9: Enter Unity
(Available September 1st 2013)
$2.50 per booklet
Will be sent by email keyed to your name for copyright control (Allow 1-2 days).
BUY BOOKS 1-6 for $15:
The Outer Courtyard
5 Modules delivered Weekly
In a friendly and engaging fashion, these exclusive illustrated lessons will ensure
you learn about the history of the Tarot and how to confidently read the whole
deck and a variety of unique spreads. You will be surprised how quickly the
Tarosophy Method works to be performing your first Tarot readings in less than
ten minutes.
The Inner Courtyard
10 Weekly Lessons building from the introduction course and introducing five
innovative methods to take your Tarot to new levels. You will learn how to read
for any question, turn any question into a spread, and quick methods for reading at
parties and gatherings.
Around the Tarot in 78 Days
3 Months of Lessons delivered weekly + Skype Mentoring, Tele-conferences, and
Our Intermediate course delivers a comprehensive guide to the art of being a Tarot
reader. You will learn deeper layouts and hidden patterns of the cards for self-
discovery and extensive readings for others. Suitable for beginners and
experienced readers alike.
Janine has now taught hundreds of students through this course, many of whom are
now reading tarot easily and confidently for others.
The Gates of Tarot
These unique on-line 1-week experiences take your Tarot to whole new life-
changing levels. Here's what participants have said world-wide:
"Incredible", "Life-Changing", "the deepest study of Tarot I have ever
encountered", "truly brilliant", "I have created new art and discovered new ways of
The Hekademia
The most comprehensive Tarot course in the world, written from 30 years
experience and the highest academic standard. You will see unpublished and rare
material from private and academic libraries, covering the last century of Tarot and
This Degree-style course takes 2 years and is the pinnacle of Tarot training.
Modules in Waite-Smith symbolism, the Thoth deck, Oracle Decks, Professional
considerations, Numerology, the Mythic Journey, Kabbalah, and many other
aspects provide a well-balanced education in Tarot for divination and personal
There are already two years worth of weekly recorded videos (over 100 hours or
direct tarot teaching) in the Hekademia waiting for your discovery and additional
guest lecturers throughout the year including Barbara Moore, Rachel Pollack,
Mary K. Greer and Robert Place.
We use the latest on-line training technologies to assure you of an engaging, fun
and fulfilling experience.
See the Hekademia Site for more details and enrolment
Individual 6-lesson (6 hours of video classes) Modules are now also available for
purchase and study, including Numerology; Developing Intuition; Kabbalah;
Practical Reading Methods & Secrets of the Thoth Tarot.
Details available on the Hekademia Module Only Site.
In this 10-lesson course, you will learn how to confidently read the Lenormand in a
variety of styles, allied with cartomantic and antique methods from European
Drawing on extensive research, and ahead of the first comprehensive book on
Lenormand published in English with new research, (Learning Lenormand, Tali
Goodwin & Marcus Katz, Llewellyn: May 8th, 2013) this is a truly unique course.
The course is supported by our friendly Learning Lenormand Facebook group.
The course also covers salon-style reading methods, fast and direct spreads,
Lenormand and other antique decks, correspondence to playing cards, numerology,
astrology, etc.
Requires 1hr/week for 10 weeks + optional practice assignments.
In this four lesson recorded course, you will discover unique and innovative
insights into an authentic but secret western spiritual path.
If you are interested in personal development, magical practice and spiritual
progress, this course demonstrates the esoteric system in a new light.
Derived from over three decades of intense practice and the highest level of
research, this is the most authentic explanation of the Western Esoteric Tradition
available to the public.
To ask about any of these courses now, contact Tali Goodwin at with same-day response guaranteed (subject to time-
Feedback from Students: "'One on one' Skype is great!" "I am so very honored to
know all of you at Tarot Professionals. Integrity intact." "You are by far hands
down ...The Best of the Best." "Connecting with you has certainly been an
enriching, educational and friendly experience." "All the Skype sessions I was able
to take part in were extremely beneficial, the hints and tips given by Marcus were
very helpful. Feedback on course work from Janine was also helpful, and it was
inspiring talking with other people on the same course." "This course was just what
I needed to motivate me to do face to face readings. It was also extremely good
value for money. The course handbook was well written and very informative but
more than this, the information from Marcus by way of videos and Skype was
exceptional. The spreads suggested have been an eye opener and also ways to get
over a mental block when reading was helpful as that has always been what I
feared the most – having a spread of cards in front of me but not be able to make
sense of them. All in all this was an excellent and most enjoyable course which I
would recommend to anyone interested in learning the tarot."

Take your Tarot from absolute beginner to confident, comprehensive readings,

with the best education in Tarot drawn from the latest academic sources to 30 years
experience. With a trained trainer, professional mentors (many trained in teaching)
you are assured a fun, engaging, lively, exciting and comprehesive introduction to
Tarot - and then intermediate and advanced experiences taking Tarot to whole new
Gain new friends and share experience on our comprehensive range of courses!
You will soon be reading proficiently and confidently for yourself, friends, family
and paying clients, assured of the highest standards and deepest approaches to the
ancient arts of divination. Watch a video interview of one students story by
clicking on the image, as she made her way from absolute beginner to reading for
clients at faires!

Tarot Professionals
Tarot Professionals is the largest professional Tarot organisation in the world. Our
vision is to recover the spiritual dignity of Tarot. As a member you will receive the
highest levels of Tarot education, support and development in friendly and
supportive company.
Tarot Professionals was founded by Marcus Katz, M.A., M.B.A.. & Tali Goodwin,
Marketing Director. Marcus has been studying, reading and teaching Tarot for 30
years. His first Tarot book, Tarosophy, is widely regarded as an innovative
guidebook to Tarot by the world's leading authors and teachers. Tali Goodwin has
co-authored Tarot Flip, Tarot Twist, Around the Tarot in 78 Days and Tarot Face
to Face. She also researched and published Abiding in the Sanctuary, the discovery
of A. E. Waite's second Tarot, the Waite-Trinick Tarot.
We publish Tarosophist International, the worlds leading Tarot magazine (included
in membership).

A Life-Changing Year of Tarot Living

12 Monthly Booklets with Facebook Group support to change your life! In this
series of methods, one each month, you will be taken through a totally new way to
use Tarot, magically changing the way you see everything!
Each booklet also includes innovative and insightful ways of reading tarot, with
methods, spreads and interpretations of each card for reading.
The experience includes a private Facebook group to share your experience and
extensive reading lists to deepen your ability to take control of your life. The 12
innovative exercises are designed to fit into a busy schedule with maximum effect.
12 Kindle Books (or PDF) available monthly and Facebook Group support.
Book 1: Discover Your Destiny
Book 2: Remove the Blocks
Book 3: Make Decisions Better
Book 4: Go With the Flow
Book 5: Ride the Lion
Book 6: Connect to Service
Book 7: Find Equality
Book 8: Die To Your Self
Book 9:
Tarosophy Tarot Introduction Course

Outer Courtyard
5 Modules delivered Weekly
In a friendly and engaging fashion, these exclusive illustrated lessons will ensure
you learn about the history of the Tarot and how to confidently read the whole
deck and a variety of unique spreads. You will be The
surprised how quickly the Tarosophy Method works to be performing your first
Tarot readings in less than ten minutes. The Inner Courtyard
10 Weekly Lessons building from the introduction course and introducing five
innovative methods to take your Tarot to new levels. You will learn how to read
for any question, turn any question into a spread, and quick methods for reading at
parties and gatherings.
Course Books: Tarot Flip & Tarot Twist
Taught Classes by online video (Live & Recorded)
Mentor: Matt Williams
Course Start Dates for 2013:
January 5th
May 25th
September 14th
Around the Tarot in 78 Days
3 Months of Lessons delivered weekly + Skype Mentoring, Tele-conferences, and
Our Intermediate course delivers a comprehensive guide to the art of being a Tarot
reader. You will learn deeper layouts and hidden patterns of the cards for self-
discovery and extensive readings for others. Suitable for beginners and
experienced readers alike.
Janine has now taught hundreds of students through this course, many of whom are
now reading tarot easily and confidently for others.
Course Book: Around the Tarot in 78 Days
For Those Looking For An Easier Way To Learn The Tarot
"Now It Is Easy To Become An Expert Tarot Reader For Fun Or Profit From The
Comfort Of Your Own Home"
Using breakthrough technologies and accelerated learning, we have figured out a
way to remove the mystery from learning Tarot and help anyone become an
accurate reader.
Tarot Classes
"And above all else to thy own self be true." -Willam Shakespeare
Over the years through teaching my Tarot, Astrology and Numerology classes, I
have met so many wonderful people, some have become dear friends. The link for
all of us coming together was our love of Tarot.
I have taught many people all at differnet levels, some understood the Tarot cards
intuitively and they joined my class just to learn what the symbols mean, others
would know nothing about Tarot and their hunger to learn is simply overwhelming
for them.
I often say to my students that I do not teach anything that they don't already know,
they are just remembering. This alone brings confidence, then the sharing within
the class also increases this confidence because you are not just learning from
oneself but also from all the others in the class.
Also many mothers and daughters do my program togther. By using the Tarot,
what a wonderful way for mother and daughter to open up, share and talk with
each other.

My Tarot program fees are:

$40 pay as you go
2 hour class once a week
6 - 8 month Certificate Tarot program
Approx 2 terms of 10 weeks each
I use the Rider Waite & Colman Tarot Deck throughout my classes, as I believe
they use the best symbolism

The 1st term we look at:

The Major Arcana, learn how to use them as milestones in your life today.
Delving in to the Archetypes world and gaining understanding of how these
energies work within ourselves.
We will explore all the Greek, Roman, Egyptian Mythologies associated with each
The Pythagorean Numerology associated with each card.
Western Astrology, and we look at Eastern Astrology too.
The meaning of symbolism and their connection with Dreams.
As well as all the Colours.
And of course Psychology.
We also look at the Kabbalah.
Spreads only using the Major Arcana cards will be practised gradually as to build

The 2nd term we look at:

The Minor Arcana cards, the everyday energies that we use to live out our lives in
the area of work, our loves, our material world and our mental attitudes.
The Four Elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water and their association with the 4
Tarot suits of Wands, Pentacles, Swords and Cups, and how these Elements effects
We continue with Colours, Psychology and Mythologies, etc...
Gain further confidence when we practise spreads using all the Tarot cards.
Also learning so much more when we are in a class environment.
Comparing all the different Tarot cards.
We may also discuss Crystals and other alternative healing modalities whatever
else becomes available for us to use.

What you need to bring for classes:

Tarot cards, I welcome what ever deck you use.
Loose leaf paper and a folder with dividers.
Plastic pockets for all the handouts.
Writing pens and coloured textas.
Other Tarot related books and Tarot cards that you would like to share, it all adds
to everyone's learnings.

I usually run Tarot Classes on the following days:

Monday Morning 10am – 12 noon
Monday Evening 7pm – 9pm
Wednesday Morning 10am - 12 noon
Saturday Morning 10am - 12 noon

EmailEmail me or call 9370 1415 or my mobile 0418 388 712 to discuss details
and new class dates.
You may choose to recieve my monthly newsletter Revelations where I always list
the latest dates and times of all my classes. Click here to subscribe to Revelations.

Or you choose to learn Tarot Online via Skype classes. For more information click
An experienced Tarot Teacher, I have been teaching Tarot for Beginners,
Intermediate & Advanced Tarot for a number of years - both from the Eastern
Suburbs and at Spellbox in the Melbourne CBD. As well as teaching Tarot, I also
run workshops on "Evoking Love", "Attracting Abundance", Feng Shui and
For those who are unable to attend classes, Natasha also offers Beginners and
Intermediate Tarot Courses as a Correspondence Course.

Beginner's Tarot Course - 6 weeks

"A transformational step into the Magical world of Symbolism and the art of
becoming a Tarot Reader".A comprehensive 6- week course that looks at all
aspects of Tarot using the Rider Waite Deck including the Major & Minor Arcana,
Tarot History, Mythology, Symbolism and Numerology, as well as Tarot ethics.
Students are also encouraged develop their own intuition and taught how to "read"
in a practical yet intuitive way. Several Tarot spreads are covered during the course
to ensure confidence in reading by the end of the course.
Dates: Monday 19th August - 17th September 2013
Wednesday 16th October - 20th November 2013
Time: 7.00 - 9.00pm
Cost: $300.00 for 6 weeks
Beginner's Tarot Course - 2 Day
An intensive 2 Day workshop covering the Major & Minor Arcana, Tarot History,
Symbolism, Numerology, Mythology, Ethics & 5 different spreads. The same
format as the 6 week course, just run over two days.
Dates: Saturday 24th& 31st August
Saturday 19th& 26th October 2013
Time: 10.00am - 4.00pm
Cost: $300.00 (includes lunch and afternoon tea)
Intermediate Tarot Workshop - 1 Day
Are your Tarot skills rusty? This one-day workshop is ideal for people who have
done the Beginner's course or people who have a basic knowledge of Tarot and
wish to develop their readings skills. A chance to "brush up" on your reading
skills! Card combinations, Court Cards, advanced spreads, Career and Relationship
Readings are also covered, as well as plenty of practical experience.
Dates: Saturday 14th September
Saturday 9th October 2013
Time: 10.00am - 4.00pm
Cost: $120.00 (includes lunch and afternoon tea)
Numerology Workshop - 1 Day
Discover what your secret numbers mean! Numerology will reveal the hidden
meanings in your name and date of birth and give you an understanding into your
challenges, life lessons and destiny. You will understand yourself on a deeper
level, as well as partners, family, friends and work colleagues. Your Personality,
Destiny, Life path and Challenges will be unveiled, as well as your physical,
emotional and mental planes - how you think, feel and react in life. A Personality
Profile is included as part of the workshop.
Dates: Saturday 17th September
Saturday 12th October 2013
Time: 10.00am - 4.00pm
Cost: $120.00 (includes lunch and afternoon tea)
Location: All classes are held in Box Hill.

Advanced Tarot Classes

"The unexamined life is not worth living." -Socrates

Revisit the Tarot on a much deeper level. The Tarot Advanced program is designed
for those wanting more knowledge, enhancing Tarot skills and gaining further
confidence interpreting the cards.
There are many levels in the Tarot as you know, and this program allows exploring
these many levels giving you further insights, discussing them with others in class,
thereby coming away not just with your own discoveries but with everyone else's
learnings as well.
You will also understand the being of human-beings and why we do the things we
do. You will have the opportunity to have many break throughs, all this assist in
becoming more conscious in life.

What we will cover in this class:

We will explore all the 22 Major Arcana cards
Explore your own weekly spreads and share your insights with the class so
everyone learns the lessons
Each week the whole class will interpret a spread for a participant
Engage with other like minded people and share your knowledge
Covering any other questions you may have re readings, Tarot cards, etc...
You would need to have basic knowledge of Tarot to do this workshop

Tarot Advanced classes fees are:

$40 pay as you go
2 hour class once a week
10 week program
This is also a certificate program
My Tarot Advanced classes usually run on a Wednesday evening. 7pm - 9pm.
You may also choose to recieve my monthly newsletter Revelations where I
always list the latest dates and times of all my classes. Click here to subscribe to

Learn Tarot

The Australian School of Tarot

The Australian School of Tarot offers courses in tarot that are both informative and
experiential. Our courses are designed to facilitate student’s depth knowledge of
the symbolic content and meaning of the cards while teaching them the practical
skills needed to read for clients. Our courses also integrate exercises designed to
aid students psychic development and personal growth.
The Australian School of Tarot has been offering classes and developing a new
generation of tarot readers since 2002, under the leadership of professional reader
Lana McKavanagh who has been lecturing in Tarot and spiritual modalities for
over 10 years.
The Australian School of Tarot currently offers a one year course in the major
arcana and the minor arcana and court cards.
Exploring the dimensions of past lives, the mythic, archetype, angelic realms,
mystical traditions, initiation, ascension and the journey of the soul, this course is
designed to develop your skills as a tarot reader for yourself or others.
This course has been developing readers and psychics for over 8 years and is
suitable for beginners or those wishing to build upon other spiritual backgrounds.
This course will help you develop the frameworks needed to read professionally.

Major Arcana
Our major arcana course is an archetypal journey into the hidden symbols of the
This course is designed to be a formal and experiential introduction to the cards
following traditional pathworking structures.
Duration: 22 weeks, beginning February/March

Minor Arcana and Court Cards

This course facilitates a deeper understanding of numerology, the nature of cycles
and the patterns of the archetypal human experience.
A study of the court cards is included in this course with an emphasis on a
diversity of approach.
Duration: 14 weeks, beginning July/August
Classes are charged at $30 per lesson, payable weekly (subject to change).
Students are asked to commit to duration of course.Non attendance of classes
requires the session fee as study material is provided.
There are no prerequisites to our courses and no previous study is required.
Study materials are provided. Students need to purchase their own Rider-Waite-
Smith tarot deck (available at most general bookstores and alternative retailers),
pens, notepaper and a folder for handouts.
Classes are currently held in Oakleigh (Melbourne, Victoria). Classes run between
2 – 2.5hrs
A certificate of completion is given at the end of a full course of study in the Major
and Minor arcana.
Prospective students are asked to contact the Australian School of Tarot via our
Contacts page.

Advanced Tarot Mentoring

Advanced mentoring is also available for students who have previously competed a
full year of study of tarot. Mentoring is designed to deepen the knowledge of the
student and help them develop the skills needed to become a professional tarot
Classes are held as a one-on-one tutorial in which Lana is able to tailor a program
for your development.
Evelynne Joffe offers private Tarot consultations, as well as Tarot classes in
Melbourne. For details of fees for both consultations and classes, email Evelynne
The pictures on the Tarot Trumps tell a symbolic story. Like our dreams, they
come to us from a level beyond the reach of consciousness and far removed from
our intellectual understanding.
Sallie Nichols; Jung and the Tarot
Nobody is quite sure what the origins of the tarot cards are, although there are
many myths and ideas. We know that the earliest deck in existence dates back to
the 15th Century and we also believe that modern playing cards stem from these
But what is truly amazing is the power that these archetypal images have over our
psyche and as such are a potent tool for self knowledge and understanding. To
learn the Tarot is to start a journey into our unconscious to plumb the depths of
arcane knowledge and to train and develop our intuition.
Beginner course
A beginner course of 12 weeks is offered and is run regularly throughout the year.
It is practical and hands-on and focuses on the use of tarot for oneself and our
personal life journey. At the end of the 12 week course the student will have a
good knowledge of the cards and be on their way to using them in readings for
themselves and others. With further advanced study there will be an opportunity
for each student to develop to professional level.
The next beginner 12 week tarot course starts on Friday 1st April at 10:30am.
If you are interested in joining the class, please ring 03 95768864.
Regular advanced reading groups meet through the year.
Tarot | Astrology | Psycho-Spiritual Counselling | Melbourne, Australia
Skip to content
About Jenne
Counselling and Mental Health Skills for Tarot Readers,
Astrologers and other Psycho-Spiritual Practitioners
“For many years I have wanted to integrate my conventional clinical and educative
work as a Social Worker, my knowledge from Medicine, and a large personal

interest in psychology and psychiatry, with the esoteric.

This course has been a dream of mine for some years – the opportunity to combine
conventional counselling/mental health work and skill, with the esoteric, ultimately
aiming for a balance and integration of the psyche and soul.
“Having become a part-time tarot reader, then astrologer, whilst continuing to
work as Social worker, I also studied Wicca, Jung, Kabbalah, Buddhism and other
spiritual traditions, and engaged in therapy. This has been a profound path of self
awareness, learning about my unconscious and life lessons, attempting to integrate
all this knowledge and experience. And now, dare I say, I feel wisdom has evolved
from a slow imperceptible depth of understanding of the psycho-spiritual.
“I put my ‘foot out into the world’, to actualise my ‘vocation’ and dream, I
presented three talks at the Tarot Guild of Australia and the Astrologers
Association, in Victoria, on ‘Counselling and Mental Health Skills’, which were
well received. I finally sat and wrote a course encompassing my own inner
intuition, a variety of counselling frameworks, Western psychiatry, my experience
with Social Work, Tarot and Astrology clients, my sense of the Spirit and life’s
lessons, which all came together in a course that I ran, in 2010, on Counselling and
Mental Health Skills for Tarot Readers and Astrologers and related practitioners.
The course was lively and clearly participants were eager to have those challenging
issues that clients present with, understood more deeply, and for skills to be
enhanced or developed. They recognised they were ‘counselling’, had some clients
with complex issues and deep psychological pain. The participants keenly
absorbed the context of the different counselling frameworks and were able to
recognise and know what to do when a client with mental health issues appeared,
both to be aware, to know what to do and what resources to offer the person.
Finally the dream became a reality – the opportunity to combine conventional
counselling/mental health work and skill, with the esoteric, ultimately aiming for a
balance and integration of the psyche and soul.”
Course Content
Jenne covers a comprehensive range of topics in this course which includes-
Client Issues
Counselling skills
Schools of therapy
Ethics and boundaries
Family patterns
Relationship issues
Mental health Issues
Depression and Suicide
Personality disorders
There are 4 x 4 hour sessions (or 8 x 2 hour) which are broken up into the
following sections. These are approximate as Jenne responds to her audiences’
needs, using their examples and addressing their key needs. In the ‘on line course’
through Global Spritual Studies, the sessions are broken up into one hour
segments, with regular ‘on line’ webinar/calls.
Week ONE Counselling and relationship to tarot/astrology/reiki etc;
Ethics/boundaries/self knowledge
Week TWO Schools of psychology/therapy/counselling types
Week THREE Families, Relationships
Week FOUR Mental health issues, Resources to assist clients
Each session is consecutive and comprises:
Presentation and discussion
Students examples
Activities/hands-on practice
Jenne ran this course very successfully in 2010 and 2011. Read past student’s
$440 for 16 hour face to face course.
$120 First 3 Sessions & Skype tutorial – online course.
$480 12 Classes & x4 Skype tutorials – Full online course.
Enrol Now
Jenne delivers this course both face to face…REGISTER YOUR INTEREST
NOW … and online through Global Spiritual Studies.
Beginners Tarot Course at SpellBox

Dates: 27 Jun 2013 - 15 Aug 2013

Address: SpellBox , Shop 17 Royal Arcade, 331-339 Bourke Street Mall,
Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Phone: 03 9639 7077
More info
Tarot Course for Beginners

The Beginners Tarot Course will explore the meaning of each card in the deck as
well as the practice of the 3 cards reading: Past, Present & Future. During this
course you will develop your intuition and form a strong bond with and
understanding of your tarot deck. With Anita.

Start: 27th June

Duration: Every Thursday for 8 weeks

Time: 6.45pm to 8.45pm (please arrive at 6.30pm sharp)

Bring: Rider Waite or Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck (available at SpellBox), Pen and
Note book.

Cost: $440 ($220 deposit, balanced by the 3rd week )

Limited 8 places only.

Phone (03) 9639 7077 to book.

Intermediate Tarot Class and Crystal Workshops coming soon.

To register interest please email.
Content: Tourism Victoria

Quick Review of the Case Method First Operation

Select Signifier (or Significator) card.

Shuffle deck with Signifier card and cut as follows:

Locate the pile that the Signifier card is in. That pile indicates the nature of
Signifier’s question that the tarot will answer. See below table for reference:

Personal Development; Health & Wellness. Seeker is asking about

matters of personal development, such as work or career. Could
I indicate an interest in beginning a new venture or carrying out a
new idea. Pile is also associated with the physical, such as body,
health, or wellness issues. (Corresponds with Wands.)
Love, Marriage, Family. The internal sphere: Seeker is asking
about emotions, feelings, personal relationships, or desires. This
H pile pertains to the domestic sphere and interpersonal matters.
1 When love or romance is the matter at hand, or the matter that
Seeker should focus on at present, the signifier will appear here.
(Corresponds with Cups.)
Politics, Ambitions, Social, Intellectual. The intellectualized
sphere: Seeker is asking about ambitions and high aspirations. This
pile corresponds with the Seeker’s role in society. Activists and
leaders often find their signifier cards in this pile. This pile could
also pertain to conflict resolution, imbalances or disappointments.
Note further that this pile could suggest intellectual matters at play,
or a mental struggle. This is the hardest of the four piles to read,
but curiously enough, the signifier rarely appears in this pile–only
for the most unique of Seeker spirits does the signifier appear
here (Corresponds with Swords.)

Money, Business, Property. Seeker is asking about a material

matter, finances, property, or wealth. When the signifier appears in
this pile, the Seeker should be focusing on financial concerns,
wealth management, or the settlement of a particular piece of
property. (Corresponds with Pentacles.)

Proceed with a tarot spread of choice to perform the tarot reading. The reading will
be about the subject matter divined by the Case Method above.

The following provides a quick reference table for selecting signifiers based on
Western sun signs:
Astrol. Signs, Sun Sign Dates Suit Court Card Signifier
PAGE for young
Aries, MAR 21 – APR 19
KNIGHT for young
Leo, JUL 23 – AUG 22
WANDS male
QUEEN for adult
Sagittarius, NOV 22 – DEC 21
KING for adult male
PAGE for young
Cancer, JUN 21 – JUL 22
KNIGHT for young
Scorpio, OCT 23 – NOV 21
CUPS male
QUEEN for adult
Pisces, FEB 19 – MAR 20
KING for adult male
PAGE for young
Libra, SEPT 23 – OCT 22
KNIGHT for young
Aquarius, JAN 20 – FEB 18
QUEEN for adult
Gemini, MAY 21 – JUN 20
KING for adult male
PAGE for young
Capricorn, DEC 22 – JAN 19
KNIGHT for young
Taurus, APR 20 – MAY 20
QUEEN for adult
Virgo, AUG 23 – SEPT 22
KING for adult male
First Operation Practice Log

Pile Pile
# Date Signifier Notes
Intended Outcome
Queen of
Ex. 12/12/2012 H2 V Incorrect.

Ex. 12/12/2012 1: The Magician I I ACCURATE.








First Operation Practice Log

Pile Pile
# Date Signifier Notes
Intended Outcome










Total Total
Incorrect: / 20 ACCURATE: / 20

Record of Completed Readings

# Date of Name of Card Spread Misc. Notes (Fees, Etc.)

Reading Seeker Used
# Detailed Summary of Reading

Date of Reading :

Time of Reading :
Location of
Reading :
Name of Seeker :

Reason for :

Signifier Card :
Card Spread :
Practitioner’s :

Seeker’s :

Miscellaneous :
(Fees, Contact
Info, Additional
Seeker History,


 Written
 Photographs
 Other

Major Major KEY 2: THE HIGH

Arcana Arcana PRIESTESS
Major KEY 1: THE Major KEY 3: THE

(s): Intuition; Sensuality Keyword(s): Innocence; Beginnings

0 – The Fool
New beginnings of unbound potential, with a deeper s
meaning. Purity in spirit; open-heartedness of a child;
High Priestess
innocence and naiveté. Beautiful, creative soul; fooli
feminine energy with slight sexual overtones.
in the accomplishment of impossibly beautiful goals.
nowledge. Intuition. Tapping into the subconscious.
youth. Could also mean that a choice is offered, one o
Duality. Contrast. Caution to keep sensitive
significance. Choice before the Seeker seems minor, b
on secret for now. Do not tell others yet. Contrast:
choice that could affect a lifetime, so tread with cauti
agician is creation in outer sphere. Key 2, High
(otherwise might fall off the edge of a cliff).
is creation in inner sphere; intuitive; psyche.
Reversed Meaning. Seeker has been contemplating a
Meaning. Deceit. Duplicity. Depending on other
or release from the past, but Seeker must be cautious,
pread, could indicate either untapped potential for
decision may not be the best choice. Could also indic
ntuition or sexual attraction or negative
Seeker has been acting in reckless disregard of conseq
itation of one's psychic intuition or sexual powers.
If in relationship, it is spontaneous. If work related iss
is uncertainty as to whether it will be hugely successf
huge failure.

(s): Fertility; Nurture Keyword(s): Power; Creation; Mastery

1 – The Magician
Use of power, often creative power, for constructive p
Powerful, positive omen. Card appears in spreads for
Fruition. Marriage. Contentment. Material
who are strong in spirituality and character. Individua
e. Wealth. Realization of creative projections. If
Contrast: Key 0, Fool could potentially be constructiv
ars in a woman's reading, material success will be
destructive. Key 1, Magician is constructive and destr
constructive when upright, destructive when in revers
Worldly; knowledgeable; self-aware. Self-mastery.
Meaning. Seeker's actions are preventing
ent and fruition. Seeker is the cause of delay in
Reversed Meaning. Use of own power for destructive
purposes. Could also indicate that the powers of the M
represent the Seeker's untapped potential.

cana KEY 4: THE EMPEROR Major Arcana KEY 6: THE LOVERS


(s): Passion; Partnership; Romance; Temptation Keyword(s): Authority; Management

Lovers 4 – The Emperor
g of romance, but also beginning of temptation. Authority. Government. All is in order, under control
ip with just one other person. Also a card about appears in a man's reading, indicates self-mastery and
uality or decision to make in a romantic relationship. power. Authority and glory in war and battle. Active
etween vice and virtue. Father figure. Domination of the mind over the heart.
Structure. Regulation.
Meaning. Interference in a romantic relationship,
from an in-law, relative, meddling friend, or Reversed Meaning. It is very crucial in Seeker's life r
who is jealous of the relationship. Third party is to be assertive, domineering, and wield authority. Put
g with the romance. Or there is a decision to make in over heart. To solve Seeker's problem, must exercise
there is uncertainty or confusion in a current assertiveness. Be proactive. Card reversed could also
hip: Seeker's heart and mind do not align about his the overthrow of authority or an authoritarian figure i
ver. Seeker's life.

(s): External Strength; Victory Keyword(s): Tradition

5 – The Hierophant
. Success. Victory. Independence. Triumph over
Desire to follow conventions and norms. A traditiona
in Seeker's life. Movement in the right direction.
Seeker of traditional values. Seeker places importance
movement will lead to victory. Seeker is controlled;
social and societal approval. Group identification. Per
self-control and self-assertion. Great control over
there is bondage to societal conventions. There is an
n willpower. Equilibrium.
inclination to follow what society deems is "right."
Meaning. Seeker must reconsider direction. Victory
Reversed Meaning. Non-conformity. Seeking freedom
tain in current path chosen. Warning to make better
liberation from conformity. Good omen card. Part of
The Chariot reversed indicates that Seeker is
solution for Seeker is to stop going with the conventio
to enjoy conquest and success, but current choices
society. Do not try to gain societal approval. What is
Seeker in the wrong direction. Be careful of
should be defined and guided by the Seeker only, not
nts. Make sure movement is in right direction. Could
and not society.
ate lack of use of willpower.


cana KEY 8: STRENGTH Major Arcana
cana KEY 9: THE HERMIT Major Arcana KEY 11: JUSTICE

Motion; Turning Point; Great External

(s): Keyword(s): Inner Strength; Compassion
8 - Strength
eel of Fortune
Triumph of love over hate. Compassion is strength. T
point in life. Movement is coming. Forces in motion.
of one's higher nature over material desires. Dominati
uck. If card appears in the past, Seeker has relied on
fears. Reminder that Seeker cannot use brute force to
that is the main cause for how his or her life has
will over others. Must use gentle, subtle influence. Co
t. If card appears in the future, then luck is changing
Key 7, The Chariot is another card denoting strength
tter soon. If card appears in final card of the spread,
triumph. However, Key 7 is typically associated with
e are very strong external forces beyond Seeker's
to master the world, Seeker’s environment. Key 8, Str
at are at play for the situation at hand.
associated with strength to matter the self. Inner stren
Meaning. There may be setbacks. Luck has not
Seeker's side. Change is coming, however. "This,
Reversed Meaning. Seeker must be cautious that brut
pass." Currently not the best of luck, but
not used. Seeker is using his or her strength in the wro
l: no luck good or bad lasts forever.
Card is a reminder of what true strength is.

(s): Integrity; Fairness; Balance Keyword(s): Introspection; Wisdom; Guidance

, fair judgment. Great poise. Decision to be made;
will be made with integrity. Lawsuits won or 9 – The Hermit
esolved in Seeker's favor. If life has seemed unfair Introspection. Wisdom offered. Guidance; mentorship
, it will now balance out. Card may indicate that Someone wiser than Seeker is offering good counsel.
airness, and a detached impartiality are critical counsel is correct. Seeker should accept the advice. B
s or factors in current situation. advice from those who are wiser. Card can also indica
introvert or solitude.
Meaning. Seeker feels that life is unfair toward him
t it is not. The outcome was actually the fair and Reversed Meaning. Seeker was given wise counsel bu
ome, even if it was disappointing to Seeker. Look at heeding it. Current situation is affected or caused by f
e past, at Seeker's own attitudes and actions. If heed that wise counsel. Foolishness. Immaturity.
honest with him or herself, will see that what has
is in fact justice.

cana KEY 12: THE HANGED MAN Major Arcana KEY 14: TEMPERANC
cana KEY 13: DEATH Major Arcana KEY 15: THE DEVIL

(s): Balance; Prudence Keyword(s): Self-Sacrifice

12 – The Hanged Man
Self-sacrifice. The mob has metaphorically hung the S
because they do not approve of the Seeker's beliefs or
Seeker has done. However, Seeker is right. Seeker mu
The bringing or fusion of two contrasting elements
self. He or she has wisdom. Enlightenment. The mob'
ony. Tempering is an important factor in dealing
approval is not needed. Tau cross formed by the legs
ker's current situation. Need to reconcile two
pictured on card indicate the balance between domini
ng elements and bring harmony. Card could indicate
slavery. Note the tau cross in the legs reemerging in K
erance and balance is the key to the matter at hand,
the World card. May also indicate spiritual growth or
e Seeker has an innate skill in balancing different
innate ability to prophesy.
Reversed Meaning. Selfishness. Seeker is too self-rig
Meaning. Temperance is an important factor in the
Seeker thinks of self as a martyr, but do not confuse
roblem, but Seeker is not applying it. Warning to do
martyrdom with selfishness. False idols. False prophe
ob tempering and bringing harmony to the
spirituality. Preoccupied with appearing holy, but the
ng elements currently in Seeker's life.
and superficial are governing. Could also indicate tha
is too preoccupied with material issues; that he or she
neglecting his or her own spiritual development.

(s): Bondage; Materialism; Pessimism Keyword(s): Transformation

13 – Death
to the material and superficial. Hopelessness;
Transformation. End of a phase or stage in Seeker's li
m. Temptation. Human nature prevails over
the beginning of a new one. The transformation proce
y. Seeker is subject to evil influences or temptation
be painful. It will be one of the harder moments of Se
the most dignified version of him or herself. Seeker
life, but endure and persevere: a bright new era will b
rcome this. Card is a warning that there are negative
ahead. "It gets better."
s preventing Seeker from attaining goals. Must
e of the bondage. If Seeker is currently in a
Reversed Meaning. Seeker feels stuck or inert. Inertia
hip, it could be an unhealthy one that is chaining him
feels like nothing has been accomplished. Disappoint
wn. Card could also indicate perversity. Card
Feels that there should be a transition now from a pre
there are undesirable personal, internal forces at
stage into a new one, but Seeker is not progressing. T
ker must work even harder at overcoming the inner
blockage. Seeker must remove the blockage to transit
Could also indicate addictions, unhealthy
the next phase. The transition may be painful. Seeker’
hips, or overdependence on material wealth and
resistance to change is the source of the pain. Card is
indication that Seeker must let go and move on.
Meaning. Removal of bondage. Will to overcome
pting forces. Card could also indicate that Seeker has
ity to be tempted, that there may be some weakness
d character that Seeker must correct.

cana KEY 16: THE TOWER Major Arcana KEY 18: THE MOON

cana KEY 17: THE STAR Major Arcana KEY 19: THE SUN
(s): Duality; Inner Shadow Keyword(s): Hubris; Ego

Moon 16 – The Tower

Duality. Dichotomy. Tame side and wild side. Downfall as a result of one's own selfish, egotistical a
is strong. Hidden abilities to harness both tame Card may call to mind the Tower of Babel. Seeker asc
and wild elements. There may be secrets. Someone the top full of hubris and through ruthlessness and cun
be as they appear to be. The Moon represents the However, will be struck down to humility. However,
f the self, the unconscious mind, repressed good. There will be a lesson in humility. Wisdom wil
es. It suggests that the accumulated repressions are gained in the end. Seeker is about to learn a hard lesso
ing Seeker’s shadow to surface and have effects on humility. Card could also indicate sudden change or
onscious. Facets that have been repressed or latent destruction of past hard work, but that hard work was
are not emerging and influencing the present and result of hubris and ego. Chance of bankruptcy. Reve
t. If card is in the future, unforeseen perils are ahead, the Tower card appears in a reading right side up, it is
er must use intuition to avoid them. What those time to take risks. Seeker should be conservative and
will be determined by the other cards in the spread.
dvising Seeker to maximize use of intuition. Be Reversed Meaning. There will still be downfall, but it
of deceptive people near you. Go with your gut recoverable. Impact will not be as severe on the Seek
bout people. Another interpretation: While upright The Tower sug
false sense of ego and the subsequent jolting back to t
Meaning. Current state of confusion. If Seeker is “ground reality,” reversed it suggests that Seeker relie
out career, there is uncertainty. If asking about love false impressions made by others and as a result, will
onships, it is a highly volatile and emotional period. such a jolt. However, not attributed to Seeker’s own e
nstability. Risk of misunderstandings in the rather based on Seeker’s reliance on misrepresentatio
hip. If Moon appears in reverse and Seeker is have told the Seeker. May also indicate that Seeker ha
ating a risky move, do not take it. Seeker should be falsely accused of something.
vative and stable as possible right now.

(s): Success; Attainment Keyword(s): Hope; Inspiration

Attainment. Accomplishment. Liberation. Good
17 – The Star
Achievement in the arts or sciences or in Seeker's
Hope. Inspiration. Good health. Abundance of health,
n. Look at cards in spread to determine what kind of
happiness, harmony, beauty, hope, or peace in Seeker
f the card follows a bad omen, then those negative
(Note: Card does not foretell material abundance.) Th
ll clear. Card could also indicate mastery of the ego.
abundance here is more spiritual. Contentment. Good
Bright, hopeful future ahead. The Star suggests renew
restoration of hope.
Meaning. There may be loss of something valuable
. Be careful. There may be some marriage troubles.
Reversed Meaning. Seeker's outlook is too pessimisti
ments in Seeker's profession will be delayed.
Negativity may have adverse effect on Seeker's health
and success will be obfuscated. To determine what
to be more hopeful of the future. Negative outlook is
ll obfuscate, look at surrounding cards in spread.
Seeker's current problem. Seeker must turn that pessim
o indicate untapped potential for incredible glory
around to optimism. Seek inspiration in the world aro
mplishment. There may be setbacks causing Seeker
Be hopeful. Seeker's lack of optimism is part of Seeke
enthusiasm. Card is a caution that Seeker must
omentum, energy, and restore that enthusiasm to see
ct through to success.

cana KEY 20: JUDGEMENT Major Arcana KEY 21: THE WORLD

(s): Fulfillment; Completion Keyword(s): Awakening; Epiphany; Renewal

nt. Completion. Triumph in all undertakings. Best
e deck. Reward. Great things to happen to the
inal state of cosmic consciousness, supreme
ance. Command of growth energy, emotions, 20 - Judgement
s, and material goals. All will work out. Synthesis. If Spiritual awakening. Epiphany. Renewal. Change in p
ars in the Seeker's past, then Seeker has potential consciousness. Realization. An important life lesson w
triumph and cosmic consciousness. Could indicate learned. Events currently going on in Seeker's life wil
mportance in the greater cosmic landscape. If card catalyst to a personal awakening. All evidence has be
n Seeker's present, indicates contentment. If card available to Seeker and Seeker has made a judgment.
n Seeker's future, predicts great success and glory to this card indicates that the judgment is correct and wi
mething of great significance will happen to Seeker. an awakening or epiphany in Seeker.

Meaning. Triumph and supreme greatness will Reversed Meaning. Seeker has made the wrong judgm
t is delayed. To ensure that it comes, Seeker must opinion about something significant. Seeker misinterp
efully and make the correct decisions going forward. facts or evidence presented and has arrived at the wro
mine what the correct decisions are, look to the other conclusion. Could also indicate an observation from t
he spread. Could also indicate that there was a major that Seeker is not interested in the spiritual life. Seeke
resented in Seeker's life that could have been great give more focus to developing his or her spirituality.
r's future, but Seeker is afraid of change and is Spirituality is not a main concern in Seeker's life righ
g to take the necessary actions. The World appearing but should be.
in a spread could also indicate that Seeker is
sly and knowingly in denial. Seeker is denying the
ignificance of what is going on in his or her life and
remaining willfully ignorant.

Accomplishment (Personal Development;

(s): Keyword(s): New Venture (Personal Developmen
r scientific success. Professional success. Balance or
ork/career. Two of Wands could also indicate big
s and that Seeker has accomplished much (or
nherited much) but still wants more—Seeker wants
. Calls to mind Alexander the Great. Early stages of Ace of Wands
rise are going to be fruitful, though there may be a New venture or enterprise. Material and spiritual prog
waiting. Card could also indicate a worldly, coming to Seeker. Start of a new journey. Possible inh
ic, educated individual with great creative ability for or new career. Card could also indicate a birth in the f
cements of arts and science. [Compare with Three Child will be energetic and motivated.
, which indicates business or commercial success.
Wands indicates innovative, artistic, or scientific Reversed Meaning. Setbacks to a new enterprise. May
hard time completing goals. Cards reminding Seeker
focused and persistent. Channel more determination t
Meaning. Early stages of an enterprise seem to venture through to finish. Greater will needs to be exe
ed off well, but may not reach fruition as Seeker overcome the setbacks.
ed. This is attributed directly to hasty planning on
part. Be more patient. Do not rush things. Watch the
r this project, especially. Card warns Seeker to not
ent. Card in reverse could also indicate that others
p the fruits of Seeker's labor.



(s): Competition; Envy from Others Keyword(s): Attainment; Commercial Success

Three of Wands
Business or commercial success. Success after hard w
hardship. Thus, the fruition Seeker will now enjoy is
ion in Seeker's field of activity. Be cautious of those
deserved. Seeker will feel validated. [ Compare with T
ou. Are they truly your friends? Or are they
Wands, which indicates arts or sciences success. ] Co
ors? Others may envy what you have, which leads to
indicate that help is coming.

Reversed Meaning. Mistake made through carelessne

Meaning. Harmony in Seeker's field of activity.
in reversed is warning not to overlook details. Doing
ortunities. You have proven yourself in your field
cause failure of entire project. Commercial or busines
have beat out your competition.
will have setbacks and disappointments. Despite a lot
effort, may not come out as planned.

Victory; Good News; Advancement in

(s): Keyword(s): Prosperity; Harvest; Domestic Bliss;
Four of Wands
Harvest. Hearth. Prosperity and peace in the domestic
If Seeker is in a romantic relationship, it may end in m
ands Productivity. Card also suggests happiness within one
Good news. Advancement and progress in community. Celebration. May also indicate work/care
eer, profession, or innovation, arts and sciences. success accomplished through teamwork.
others to victory. Glory.
Reversed Meaning. Still a good card in reverse. Seeke
Meaning. Positive omen. However, there are experience productivity and happiness, but to a lesser
elays and challenges in Seeker's way, but victory or it will not have as significant an influence on the p
ess will come, just delayed. Could also indicate consciousness of Seeker. Card in reverse could also in
tapped potential in Seeker for advancement in arts that Seeker already possesses prosperity, peace, and
ces, work/career. happiness, but fails to appreciate what he or she has a
not seek his or her own fortune. It could also indicate
of the domestic sphere and compromising home and h



(s): Self-Defense; Protective Keyword(s): Resistance; Defiance

els in a defensive, protective mode. Feels like he or Seven of Wands
o fight to defend own. Exhausted from all the Strong will. Defiance. Resistance. Seeker is fierce and
Seeker is up in arms, prepared for battle. Seeker is a fearless. Ability to hold and stand own ground agains
ndependent spirit, mentally active, daring. Seeker is multiple adversaries. Stiff competition in business.
ergy and fire. However, cards urge that there is Courageous character. If card is in the past position, t
way. Seeker does not need to be so defensive and Seeker has already won the fight. If in present, a lot o
ctive. and defiance in current situation. If in future, will nee
show great resistance soon.
Meaning. Seeker feels like he or she is battling
e world to defend what belongs to him or her, and is Reversed Meaning. Strike now. Indecision plagues th
d from that fight. At the brink of giving up. Seeker is Seeker. Need to have more confidence in own strengt
ergy and losing his or her inner fire. Card indicates has the ability to fend off his or her adversaries, but h
of what happens if a Seeker has not heeded the been doing so to the fullest potential. Do not wait for
of the card upright: Seeker is now exhausted from "perfect moment." You need to strike now.
ng. Must seek another way to reconcile.

Burdened; Unable to see one's own path in

(s): Keyword(s): Action; Incoming Message; Buzz; Ne
Eight of Wands
Progressive action. Seeker is fast approaching his or h
Action card. A great deal of buzz and activity to come
carrying an oppressive load and while Seeker is
ideas will be highly promising. Card could also indica
it well, the load is hindering him or her from seeing
arrows of love fast approaching. Card could also indic
Seeker cannot see where he or she is going right
a message or communication is coming soon that will
result of the oppressive load. Maybe Seeker is
good news.
e about the path he or she should take in life because
doing way too much at once right now. The load
Reversed Meaning. Inaction or altercation that preven
preventing sight and insight into the future.
progressive action. The message or communication th
coming will bring bad news. Quarrels or conflicts ens
Meaning. Too big a burden. Seeker is losing a grip
rash actions. Be more cautious. Card in reverse could
ad. Seeker bears more than he or she can handle
warning that someone in Seeker's life is extremely jea
. Must prioritize. Resolution of matter at hand rests
him or her and Seeker must be careful not to let that p
ker alleviating his or her burden.
jealousy harm Seeker. Card may also indicate that Se
acting too hastily or rashly; take it slower.



(s): Self-Assured; Nature Lover; Virtuous Keyword(s): Motivated; Creative; Adventurous

Page of Wands
Creative, enthusiastic, confident energy, with a lot of
Wands Exploration. Adventurous. Card may indicate adventu
, self-assured, attractive woman. Mature woman new beginnings. Perhaps someone in Seeker's life wh
power of attraction. Lover of nature. Great keeper of young female or very young child. Warm, ambitious,
and hearth. Well-liked and honorable. Strong- passionate, a high achiever, dynamic personality. How
d virtuous. Has sound judgment. Unlike the Page of also too young in mind. Much growing up needed. In
who is a bright burst of creative energy that has not reading for a young male Seeker asking about love, co
harnessed, the Queen of Wands can control and indicate the appearance of a young woman with the fo
er creative energies to yield results. qualities.

Meaning. Capitulation. Indicates a yielding Reversed Meaning. Lacking creativity or innovation.

on. Seeker is yielding to others. Non-confrontational. Cowardice. Passivity. Fear of exploring the unknown
ld also indicate acting without honor or virtue. Card holds Seeker back. May indicate insecurity in Seeker.
gest an older, motherly, nurturing figure in Seeker's Seeker is a young female, this card in reverse could in
whom Seeker argues with a lot. Quarrels with this peer who is insecure with herself and as a result, is tak
gure is having an adverse impact on the situation at out on the Seeker and causing a negative impact on S
current situation. If Seeker is a young male, could ind
girlfriend, significant other, or female friend with suc
(s): Authoritarian; Fiery Temper Keyword(s): Impetuous; Thrives on Challenge; Ha

Knight of Wands
Wands Fiery impetuous character. Likes to stir conflict. Thriv
male energy. A man who probably thinks he is challenge. Easy for this character to get into fights. H
ght. A man of strong will. Fiery male energy with Competitive. However, this character has a lot of pote
Man is most likely married or head of his become great someday. Must control immaturity. In a
d. Handsome, passionate, noble, strong, but hasty for a young female Seeker asking about love, could in
k to temper, quick to judgment. Professional man the appearance of a young man with the foregoing qu
utive powers.
Reversed Meaning. Insecurity. Dragging feet on an im
Meaning. Patronizing male authoritarian figure. decision. Hesitating in a daunting or risky project. Lo
Could indicate an authoritative male figure in other cards in spread to see whether hesitation is warr
ife who Seeker often quarrels with. Could indicate a whether Seeker needs to be more assertive. If card ap
conflicting, or tense relationship between the two. reverse for a young female Seeker, may indicate nega
influence in Seeker's life from a young man with such


cana TWO OF CUPS Minor Arcana FOUR OF CUPS

Abundance; Beginning of Love or G
(s): Celebration; Social Events; Rejoicing Keyword(s):
Health; Breakthrough

Ace of Cups
Beginning of prosperity. Overflowing of love, joy, be
health. A breakthrough of some kind. Abundance in
tune and good company. Social events. Time for
prosperity. Productivity. Fulfillment of emotional des
Happy conclusion in an undertaking that took team
Fortune in love and marriage. Much happiness and pe
ommunity. Friendship. Camaraderie.
found in new relationship. If Seeker is asking about ro
this card indicates that a prosperous, joyous, healthy l
Meaning. Seeker is spending more time on play
k. Card is warning Seeker that too much pleasure
ome pain. Seeker relies too much on pleasure
Reversed Meaning. Rejecting matters of the heart. Se
Seeker’s fullest talents remain dormant and are not
pushing away happiness and joy. Perhaps perception
ized. Card could also indicate that Seeker thinks all
too materialistic. Seeker needs a spiritual breakthroug
well and has rejoiced prematurely. Be careful.
be a warning that Seeker’s objectives are too superfic
more to the story and not necessarily happy news.
materialistic and won’t bring joy. Card could also me
ld also indicate Seeker is sexually unhappy.
is promiscuity in a relationship, unstable desires,
overindulgence. Trouble in love.

(s): Introspection; Personal Reflection Keyword(s): Friendship; New Romance; Cooperat

personal reevaluation and internal reflection. Seeker
erested in material gain or success right now. Two of Cups
Seeker is trying to understand the self. Seeker needs Relationship of healing. New romance. The romance
tand his or her own spirituality. This card is advice a strong friendship element to the love. Well-balanced
eker to close off from the outside world and devote Harmony. Cooperation. Two compatible personalities
e to introspection. individuals who work well together.

Meaning. It is now a good time for a new Reversed Meaning. Loss of balance in relationship.
hip. Seeker is ready to face the world again. Seeker Misunderstandings with one that the Seeker regards h
ously closed him or herself off from the world for married, there is tension in marriage due to in-laws.
tion, but now it is time to come out of that shell.
ready for new goals and more accomplishments.



(s): Indecision; Confusion; Obfuscation Keyword(s): Loss of Something Cherished; Mourn

Five of Cups
Sorrow. Mourning. Loss of a loved one or loss of som
Seeker loved or held dear; emotional losses in relation
to choose from many appealing options, but the
However, while mourning Seeker’s loss, Seeker negle
superficial. Too much going on at once in Seeker’s
see what he or she still has. Note how two of the cups
on is clouded and Seeker is obstructed from seeing
card are still intact, but cloaked man in the image can
eally wants as a result of the tempting options. The
them. If in a relationship that is on the verge of ending
efore Seeker as indicated by this card are superficial
is asked by the cards to reexamine the issue and see if
lth, fame, sex, etc.)
or amends can be made. Look to see what you have a
cherish it. Seekers feels a loss of a particular future pa
Meaning. Reversed card is good omen. It indicates
relationship that should have lasted forever has now e
er has made or will make (depending on where the
Something that was meant to be now shall never com
ositioned in the spread) a decision among many
g but superficial and tempting options and Seeker
Reversed Meaning. Return and restoration of hope af
n or will choose correctly. The cards affirm that
losses. The situation is just beginning to turn up for th
moving in the right direction.
Seeker. Seeker is forming new alliances. Seeker is jus
to summon up the courage to deal with the loss.

(s): Abandonment; Soul-Searching Journey Keyword(s): Childhood; Nostalgia; Memories of P

Cups Six of Cups
ment of past fruits. Seeker is leaving behind Nostalgia. Childhood or the past is still a factor in cur
g he or she spent much effort and care on nurturing but it is a positive factor. Something positive from Se
ping. However, Seeker is leaving it behind on his or past will soon visit the present. If asking about a prob
erms, at will. Seeker is looking for more than card indicates that the root cause can be found in Seek
success. Search for a higher meaning. May also childhood. If card is in the future, look to neighboring
charitable, beautiful, or kind personality. Seeker is may indicate the new start of a family or additions to
tual journey. family.

Meaning. Seeker has returned to feasting and Reversed Meaning. Childhood or the past is still a fac
s, enjoying in earthly, material pleasures. Seeker has current life, but it is a negative factor. Something neg
d the spiritual path for the material. Or the card from Seeker’s past will visit the present. Clinging ont
icate peripatetic tendencies in the Seeker. Look to past and nostalgia, unable to progress forward. Could
surrounding this card in the spread to determine the indicate fertility issues in older women or difficulties
te interpretation. disciplining children.



"The Wish Card" - Success; Material
(s): Dreamer; Unrealistic Expectations; Quixotic Keyword(s):

Cups Nine of Cups

oung female who is loving, intuitive, and embraces The wish card. Material success is assured. Seeker wi
ons. She is likely artistic or interested in the arts. A or her wish. Everything will work out well for Seeker
Sweet-natured. Full of imagination. Warm, pacifist, Fondness of luxury and comfort; Seeker attains luxur
personality. In a reading for a young male Seeker comfort. Desires fulfilled. Contrast: The Ten of Cups
out love, could indicate the appearance of a young spiritual prosperity; wealth in relationships and love.
with the foregoing qualities.
Reversed Meaning. Seeker’s wish will not be fulfilled
Meaning. Unrealistic expectations. Quixotic. to the surrounding cards in a spread to see why. Could
al visionary. Impulsive. Emotional instability. indicate too much self praise and conceit. Seeker thin
e. Could also indicate a young woman in Seeker's highly of him or herself. Vanity. However, it is becau
embodies the qualities of the Page of Cups, but who Seeker is highly talented and skilled at attaining luxur
ative impact or influence on Seeker's current comfort. Exceptional ability at gratifying him or herse

(s): Charming; Great People Skills; Sensitive Keyword(s): Ultimate Happiness; Emotional Fulfi
Ten of Cups
Ultimate happiness. Happy family life. True friendshi
f Cups Rewarding relationships. Not necessarily indication o
ng young man of high intelligence. Great people or material prosperity, but a strong indication of genu
mantic. Sensitive. Dreamer. Skilled in the arts. and love. Contrast: The Nine of Cups suggests that th
harismatic. In a reading for a young female Seeker is material; gain in wealth.
out love, could indicate the appearance of a young
the foregoing qualities. Reversed Meaning. Discord in the domestic sphere. Q
within the family. However, if all the cards surroundi
Meaning. Feelings of discouragement. Could also one in a spread are powerfully positive, then this coul
omeone who is out of touch with reality. Overly indicate that happiness is to come, but there may be a
l. Withdrawn from the world. Laziness. Could also third possible meaning for this card is a warning: See
young woman in Seeker's life who embodies the trying too hard to mold life into a “perfect” life accord
of the Knight of Cups, but who has a negative certain standards. Be content with the joys and the
influence on Seeker's current situation. relationships in your life already, even if they do not c
to certain societal standards or expectations of the “pe



(s): Nurturing; Tender; Poetic; Well-Loved Keyword(s): Diplomatic; Caring; High Stress

King of Cups
Wise and diplomatic mature man. Caring male energy
Cups However, may be a man with a troubled conscience o
mature woman. Tender. Nurturing. This woman is a stress and pressure in his life. Yet his life is good ove
r. She is a nurturer. Emotional. A good wife and/or a fruitful, and full of blessings. He deals with his stress
her. Poetic. Kind. She is well-loved by many. Quiet, calm temper. Could be a professional man in la
business; very strong skills in the arts and letters. May
Meaning. Warning that woman who appears to be too much.
d warm is in fact manipulative. Deceit from a close
someone Seeker trusts. Reversed Meaning. Too emotional. Being spiteful to
who cross you due to being overly emotional. Agitati
quick to temper.

(s): Conquest; Valiant; Potential Good Leader Keyword(s): Stalemate; Difficult Choice; Indecisi
Two of Swords
Difficult choice. Stalemate. Seeker is having a difficu
words seeking his or her current situation. Seeker feels blind
quest. Beginning of a conquest or victory. Could grasping through the darkness and unknown. There is
ate the birth of a child who will be valiant, stalemate in the current situation. Indecision. Possible
s, a leader. Champion. Potential to achieve great ahead due to the indecision. Seeker is a strong-willed
ard frequently appears in spreads for Seekers with individual, someone who is capable of carrying large
tial to become great leaders, but who has not yet (the way the woman depicted in the card effortlessly a
ne. dauntlessly holds both large swords). Choosing betwe
bad options. Contrast: Seven of Cups is about choosin
Meaning. Seeker has the potential to be valiant and between a variety of superficially appealing options. T
s, but certain decisions Seeker has made or will Swords is about two bad options.
pending on whether card appears in the past,
or future) are more destructive than constructive.
cautioned to exercise wisdom when wielding Reversed Meaning. There was a stalemate but Seeker
else victory will be short-lived, if there is any at all. have made up his or her mind already. However, card
of trouble and hardship ahead. Chance that Seeker’s
movement is in the wrong direction. Think twice.



Corruption; Spitefulness; Getting an
(s): Keyword(s): Strife; Quarrels; Storm of Emotions

Three of Swords
ess. Seeker has been taking advantage of others to
Strife. Turmoil. Loss. Sorrow. Storm of emotions. Sto
. Victory feels empty. Seeker thinks he or she has
the heart. There have been deep misunderstandings in
the storm is just coming. Could also indicate that
situation at hand and as a result, storm is coming. Pol
etition or battle is now over and Seeker has won, but
strife. Conflicts as a result of ambitions and aggressio
ost? Seeker may have lost his or her friends and
Quarrels with loved ones over politics, ideologies, po
r the situation. This card is about gaining unfair
imbalances, or aggression.
Reversed Meaning. Loss. Disorder. However, the loss
Meaning. Seeker will have an opportunity to take
disorder is not as intense as it would be if the card wa
e of others for personal gain, but it is not clear
side up. Nearby cards in spread will indicate what kin
Seeker will take it. Cards warn that doing so will
has occurred. Card reversed indicates loss and sorrow
ultimate loss and defeat. Victory by unethical gains
lesser degree.

(s): Journey; Passage away from Past Sorrow Keyword(s): Repose; Time for Rest After Illness o
words Four of Swords
Passage away from hardship or sorrow. Change for Time for rest after war, strife, or battle. It is a time for
. Good time to get away. Travel. Rough waters will reclusion and retreat. Seeker may have been sick or re
ehind you. The horizon is smooth and calm. Cutting inactive. Right now is a recovery period for Seeker.
es and moving on.
Reversed Meaning. Time of reclusion is over. Cards s
Meaning. Planned journey postponed. Delays in that Seeker go back out into the world to experience i
o immediate way out of a hardship. Carrying heavy time is over. Nevertheless, cards still warn of social u
l baggage into a new phase. Afflicted. ahead.



Impulsive; Ulterior Motives; Fleeing
(s): Haunted by Loss; Unduly Blaming the Self Keyword(s):

Seven of Swords
Could indicate someone who flees from the norms of
her time; someone who feels the need to do things his
by a loss of a loved one or loss of person who meant
own way. Card could also indicate that Seeker is fleei
e Seeker. You blame yourself for the loss. You
something he or she has done that he or she is not pro
loss was your fault that you could have prevented it
Could also indicate that someone is spying with ulteri
, but the fact is you could not have. It was beyond
motives. Betrayal. Deception. Look to neighboring ca
rol. It was a loss that would have occurred anyway.
determine what interpretation to apply.
had to happen for reasons that Seeker perhaps
rceive right now.
Reversed Meaning. If contemplating something uneth
card reversed indicates that Seeker will get caught. Co
Meaning. Seeker is now in a healing stage. Good
indicate that whoever took unjustifiably from Seeker
loved one. Haunting pain is waning. If Seeker is in
the dues and get caught soon enough. Could also indi
e, card in reverse could be hint that Seeker is
Seeker is trying to deceive self or others into believin
ating infidelity. Cards urge faithfulness.
well, but cards reveal that truth is all is not well. This
card about sabotage, whether to oneself or to others.

Retaliation; Defeat; Victim of Others'

(s): Keyword(s): Imprisonment; Feeling Bound or Stu
Eight of Swords
t of Seeker’s life. Sudden misfortune. Defeat.
Seeker feels bound or imprisoned. Mental self-impris
e acting against Seeker out of jealous, envy, hatred,
Seeker feels stuck in situation, as if there is no way ou
n, or retaliation. There have been retaliatory actions
However, Seeker merely cannot see the way out. With
eeker, though Seeker staunchly believes that he or
strength and creativity, Seeker will be released. Take,
cted judiciously. Many against you and you feel
instance, the woman depicted in the card. She is blind
by them. However, keep hope. There is a bright
situation. However, she could use the blades of the sw
nd some good will come out of all this, like the
surround her to cut through her bondage. Could also i
ght in the card’s horizon. Card should call to mind
restriction of justice.
of Julius Caesar.
Reversed Meaning. Feel a sense of release. Recent rel
Meaning. Courage to rise again. Overthrow of the
from a situation that Seeker had felt bound by. Emanc
ainst you. Even though others try to defeat you, you
Card could also indicate injustice, as woman bound su
rt their retaliatory aggressions. Seeker can endure
blind justice not prevailing.



Astute; Intensely Perceptive; Strong
(s): Keyword(s): Aggressive but Graceful; Intellectual

Page of Swords
Aggressive but graceful young woman. A strong intel
Swords Great capacity for learning. Great potential for diplom
perceptive, quick, and confident adult woman. Likewise, great potential for becoming a fighter. Quic
hildless. Strong character. She can bear her own judgment. Quick to fight. Confrontational. Could be g
She does not like to show her weakness to others. war. Too swift to action sometimes. Needs to learn gr
tute. Fiercely independent. control. In a reading for a young male Seeker asking a
love, could indicate the appearance of a young woman
Meaning. Tendency to be cruel. Narrow-minded. the foregoing qualities.
Spiteful. Acting out of pettiness or malice. Holding
Could also indicate a literal woman in Seeker’s life Reversed Meaning. Fear inhibits action. Seeker is lett
ving a negative influence on Seeker. Look to people's judgments, bad advice, and opinions affect h
ng cards and also the location in the spread that the perception of the self. Be wary of gossip. Do not care
Swords reversed appears in to determine whether it about what others think. Could also indicate a young
ke on a literal or figurative meaning. in Seeker's life who embodies the qualities of the Pag
Swords, but who has a negative impact or influence o
Seeker's current situation.
Stern; Analytical; Articulate; High
(s): Keyword(s): Domineering; Charging; Great Fighte

Knight of Swords
Swords Strong, brave, domineering young man. If in a readin
meanor. Intellectual, analytical, articulate male young man is charging fast into Seeker’s life. This is
Adult man in the military, or a judge, or a man of who has the potential to become a great warrior, a fig
y high discipline with an analytical mind. Firm in life. Headstrong. Scatters away threats and competitio
irm in enemies. Overcautious. A wise counselor. intimidation tactics. In a reading for a young female S
es in his mind he believes he has made a fair asking about love, could indicate the appearance of a
, but it is not. He is a man of action. man with the foregoing qualities. Someone who likes
Meaning. Ruthless actions. Malice. Ulterior
Evil intentions. Not acting with integrity. Reversed Meaning. Warpath. Hostility. Clever at dece
ve, self-serving ambition. Could also indicate a Wrathful. Engaging in aggressive pursuits out of ange
n in Seeker’s life who is having a negative influence Reconsider aggressions. Seeker is following the "shoo
r. Look to neighboring cards and also the location in ask questions later" mantra. Not good. Take a step ba
d that the King of Swords reversed appears in to clear and calm head. Could also indicate a young wom
e whether it should take on a literal or figurative Seeker's life who embodies the qualities of the Knigh
Swords, but who has a negative impact or influence o
Seeker's current situation.



(s): Validation in artistic development or craft Keyword(s): Newfound financial prosperity; Ausp

frequently appears in spreads for artists and Ace of Pentacles
n. Skills and abilities will be rewarded. Will gain Financial gain to come. New venture in finance or beg
and applause from peers. May indicate membership of financial prosperity. Good things of life are to com
ret fraternity or society. Long overdue recognition is You’re headed for an auspicious and comfortable life
possesses great power for achieving on the material si
life. Will secure money and material possessions.
Meaning. Mediocrity in workmanship. Mediocrity
. Card reversed could also indicate difficulties with Reversed Meaning. May experience material gain, bu
social circle if Seeker is still in school and bring Seeker any happiness. Newfound prosperity but
es with coworkers if Seeker is working. Conflicts not satisfy or fulfill. Disappointment. Disillusionment
or superiors; conflicts with Seeker's own mentor. sense of security. There may be misrepresentations m
g great enough care with one's workmanship; Seeker about money or investments. Be careful.

Miserly; Actually fortunate, but feel Multi-tasking; Harmonizing multiple

(s): Keyword(s):
impoverished responsibilities
Two of Pentacles
Great at juggling and harmonizing multiple responsib
eker has fortune and prosperity and yet is
once. Seemingly infinite potential for handling multip
shed. Your own material comfort is your obstacle. It
businesses or multiple venture projects at the same tim
g you back from happiness. Detach from earthly
succeeding at it all. Seeker can handle tough decision
d money. Be more generous and open. While Seeker
grace. Sometimes new projects have a hard time stayi
an excellent gift for money management, Seeker is
due to difficulty in maintaining momentum. Seeker is
miserly and too frugal. The miserliness is causing
several pretty good prospects.
s. Seeker is not happy in spite of the material wealth
Reversed Meaning. Difficulty keeping up with everyt
Seeker has on hand. Trying to do too much at once. S
Meaning. You may lose some money or material
must focus and concentrate. Do not try to do everythi
ns. Business obstacles. Personal recession. Save,
once. Card in reverse could also indicate that Seeker i
e right now. Be cautious and prudence. Be
led astray by others; others are leading Seeker to fool
ive with your expenses.
that will cause instability to Seeker's finances.



Destitution; Poor Health; Loss of Sen
(s): Promotion; Hard Work Paying Off Keyword(s):

as worked hard and the fruits of his or her labor are
wing. Seeker is financially responsible and has been Five of Pentacles
h savings. However, for some reason or another, Seeker must be more cautious with his or her health. T
hesitating before reaping and enjoying the fruits of of your body. Chance of illness. Destitution. Loss of a
. This is a card about investments and return. If home. Depression caused by ill health. Poverty, wheth
an artist, then is reevaluating work done so far; poverty in literal finances or poverty in health and spi
heart is in his or her artwork. Winter season of current situation. However, take hea
that just means that spring is coming.
Meaning. Anxiety about whether hard work will
. Seeker’s heart is invested wholly in this work and Reversed Meaning. Revival. Rebound. Recovery peri
her fruition will occur is of high importance to the Rehabilitation. There was loss in business or professio
Another reading of this card reversed is that Seeker's now time for rebounding. Seeker must use greater eff
uried in the sand and is neglecting to confront his or bring recovery to business or profession. Low point in
cial situation. Card is a warning to pay attention to finances.
better. Could mean that finances are not in order and
ust be more wary of own financial stability.
Charity; Generosity; Social Justice;
(s): Aspiration; Apprenticing in art or craft Keyword(s):

Pentacles Six of Pentacles

studying in the arts. Still an apprentice. This is a Generosity. Sharing with others. Social justice. Could
ut aspirations. Great attention to detail. Methodical indicate that Seeker is the benefactor to others or Seek
mance in craft. Seeker shows great promise in benefiting from the great generosity of others. If Seek
g a highly skilled artisan. Diligence. Hard work. chance of benefiting from others’ generosity, Seeker i
on the right track. encouraged to accept it.

Meaning. Seeker is not working hard enough. Reversed Meaning. Card is about generosity, but Seek
wasting his or her talents. There is a lot of artistic appreciating the generosity of others or that has been
Seeker, but it is being wasted or not utilized to the bestowed upon him or her. Seeker is reminded to be m



Prosperity; Material Well-Being; Sol
(s): Practical; Making a Difference; Scholarship Keyword(s):

Nine of Pentacles
difference. This is someone with great respect for
Material well-being. Solitary enjoyment of the good t
and scholarship. Perseverance. Born into a good
life. Perhaps Seeker is an accomplished woman who i
Material things and possessions. In a reading for a
alone. Card is about refinement and enjoying easy com
ale Seeker asking about love, could indicate the
but doing so as a single. That is because Seeker is mis
ce of a young woman with the foregoing qualities.
of new acquaintances. Could also indicate an inherita
Wealth and comfort.
Meaning. Excess. Wasteful. Love of luxury. Overly
stic. Not responsible with money. Could also
Reversed Meaning. There is so much in your life to e
young woman in Seeker's life who embodies the
you are not happy because you feel alone. You’re eith
of the Page of Pentacles, but who has a negative
or lonely.
influence on Seeker's current situation.

(s): Methodical; Rational; Trustworthy; Reliable Keyword(s): Stable, financially secure family life
Ten of Pentacles
f Pentacles Stable family. Financial security. Will gain long-lastin
al, rational man. Trustworthy, reliable, but perhaps wealth and prosperity. Pinnacle of success. This card
maginative. Conventional. May have a heavy, dull, appears in spreads for Seekers who are from a thrivin
alistic outlook. Kind to animals. Loves nature. Will business or come from a family of wealth or financial
ially stable. Will always take care of his loved ones. stability.
ng for a young female Seeker asking about love,
icate the appearance of a young man with the Reversed Meaning. Some strife in a family that is oth
g qualities. more accustomed to comfort and stability. Could indi
a family that once enjoyed material blessings is now f
Meaning. Money affairs are at a standstill. apart or in flux due to new financial issues. Another r
Could also indicate a young woman in Seeker's life the card reversed is that a family that is highly capabl
odies the qualities of the Knight of Pentacles, but money transactions or a family business, but there is n
a negative impact or influence on Seeker's current of fulfillment. The family is not enjoying one another
company. There is detachment or coldness in the hom
life is not fulfilling.


pages (with tarot card images) on front side of paper.
to printer according to printer's specs to print back side.

Chief of Industry; Powerful; Reliable; Self-

(s): Keyword(s): Charitable; Resourceful; Good at Bus

ndustry. A mature man of exceptional self control.
steady, enterprising male energy. A man in finance,
real estate. Reliable married man with children.
Queen of Pentacles
ancial gifts; accomplished with finances. He is of
Resourceful, intelligent, thoughtful, creative woman.
p to the Seeker or potentially very helpful. Could
charitable. Great at business. Has a lot of material pos
ate materialism or dwelling too much on the value
or very interested in material possessions. Pride in her
al things, overlooking the spiritual. On the negative
wealth, fortune, materials, friends, network, etc. Tend
person is susceptible to bribery and temptations.
be vain.
Meaning. Corruption. Prone to corruption. Bribery.
Reversed Meaning. Lacking creative ability. Overdep
hted. Obtuse. Sophomoric. Metal laziness. Desires
on others. Dependence. Could also indicate the negati
d possessions, but is not even willing to work hard
influence of a woman who fits the profile of the Quee
o attain that wealth and those possessions. Could
unproductive financial endeavors. Card reversed
o indicate an authoritarian male figure in Seeker's
Seeker is financially dependent on, such as a father,
n older male, etc., but Seeker has a terse or negative
hip with this figure. Could indicate negative
s of a man that fits the profile of the King of

nting odd pages (with tarot card images), reload printer with printed pages so that
es (with card meanings) will print on back side of paper.
ds will come out double-sided. Cut into quarters.

Major Arcana


































Minor Arcana: Wands






















Minor Arcana: Cups






















Minor Arcana: Swords






















Minor Arcana: Pentacles























The premise of what you are about to study is relatively simple, when two cards
appear in a spread the combination has meaning. It doesn’t matter what spread or
system you employ in your readings, intuition will lead you to know or feel if the
meaning related to the past present or the future, usually the left is more toward the
past, while the right represents the future and the closer the cards are together the
more we need to look at the present.
While the premise may be simple it can take a lifetime of study and experience to
master these combinations and place them in relationship to the areas of your
client’s life. There are seven areas that the combinations may fall into. These are
Travel. Health, Education, Sex, Relationships, Ambitions and Money, each of
these areas carries different energies beliefs and information with them.
In any spread of more than two cards you are going to have a full reading based
simply on your intuition and the cards that fall with the magician.
This is volume one in a series of books designed to break down the nine card
system and allow you to give very powerful even life changing readings. That’s
said however the information is applicable to any spread you may use.
The information in these pages is also very applicable to other decks or oracle
cards as most of them have a magician or a card that represents the magician.
Our lives are divided by time energy and areas of interest to us, as humans we tend
to separate ourselves and spread our energy and time throughout these areas,
unfortunately some get more than others and we may lack things or direction in
areas we may even feel through our perception that an area of life is Ok, when in
fact we are compensating for it through another,
In the nine card spread the first seven cards deal with those areas, the cards that fall
in those positions can be very helpful in determining what’s going on in the
client’s life.


Interpersonal CARD
relationships AND


Another way of thinking about this is to assume that as humans moving through
life there are seven areas of concern that we are most apt to ask questions about. At
times we want to know about relationships, at others times we want to know what
the future holds with our careers, we become concerned about money or material
possessions at one stage of life and later we tend to let that go.
We will first deal with the cards individually as they fall in each of the positions,
keeping mind that this book deals only with the magician, and as there is only one
magician in a deck of tarot the meaning will be individual to the position it falls
and to the client. Your intuition is going to play a big part in determine g the
direction or flow of your reading.
To begin have the client mix the deck while they do this ask them to focus on an
area of life they may be concerned with, or on a question they have, and to keep
this to themselves as you do not want to be influenced by any information you may
have or your feelings on a matter.
Now ask the client to divide the deck into three piles anyway they wish. Either by
cutting three piles or dealing the cards down one at a time. It doesn’t matter how
the three piles are achieved as long as you have three roughly equal stacks of cards.
Ask the client to place them back into one pile in any order they desire.
Now deal the cards face down, from the top of the deck onto the table in a three by
three formation, dealing out
Dealing the last card position 5 last placing it in the centre of the spread, deal this
last card face up. The last card (dealt in position five) represents the client, or
something about them. With their life being spread out around them. After
shuffling or mixing the cards and returning them to a single pile you have placed
nine cards on the table, in a three by three pattern eight of them are face down, the
centre card is face up, to begin your reading turn over the first card the travel
position. The following sections deal with the magician card falling in the prime
Prime positions are not to be confused with the reading as a full once you have the
rime positions we add levels and other cards to complete the reading.
The prime positions are

Travel The magician is the first card down.
We travel in several different ways and we travel via different methods throughout
our lives, we can pack our bags and go on holiday, we travel through various
stages of life and we grow through learning and education in short each of us
travels through our lives, in fact it is this movement that lets us know that we are
alive. Things that are alive generally tend to move in some way.
The magician card falling here can denote several things, one that there is some
barrier to movement or travel, or that things are going well. It will depend on what
other cards come out and where your intuition leads you, we can for example move
location or house, change areas, change jobs, and even change families in today’s
society. Whatever it is, the magician denotes something unknown and possible a
lack of resources.
Health The magician is the second card down.
There are six basic energies that we need to both express and fulfil in our lives if
we are to be complete humans. If these energies are not directed in the right way,
they will find a way to reach fulfilment. Often this is redirected into areas that are
negative unhealthy and wistful. An example might be the gambler who only
gambles when he feels that he has no control in his life, at home he is emasculated
at work he has no control. In fact for most of his life he feels a lack of control.
However when he is at the casino or sitting in front of a poker machine, he feels as
wrong as it may be, that he at least has control here. That he gets to push the
button, he chooses the numbers that will determine his fate win or lose, he feels as
if he has some control over the events. This of course is just a feeling. It conflicts
with reality and in some cases, such as addiction it can end up being destructive
and life destroying. Yet he feels or has a sense of control.
Another common example is the male or female, who moves from one
promiscuous sexual situation to the next,, the need for connection drives them from
one bad or dangerous situation to another then another, because at some stage this
person feels connected perhaps even loved, these feelings because they are not real
quickly degenerate, thus the individual again seeks the next fulfilling relationship.
Sex and love become intertwined,
Energies or drivers are not like motivations, we might be motivated to make
money, yet driven by a fear of being poor and destitute, or driven by our fathers
words, don’t be lazy son… these six energies might be better thought of as drivers.
You will not be motivated by them, yet without them you may be driven to act and
behave in ways that are not beneficial to your life coals. And here is another
important thing, , as you begin to find balance and these energies begin to work for
you rather than against you , a very interesting side effect often occurs, and that is
e find purpose. Many clients tell me that they know they have a purpose in life.
They just can’t see what that purpose is. Bring balance to these six basic human
needs or energies will help you to clarify and discover your purpose, discover what
it is that the universe has in store for you...
The human psyche is designed in such a way that if our fundamental needs are not
met we will find something that fills the gap, and that something will be the nearest
thing to the needed feeling that we can find.
The Energy of Connection
We all need to belong somewhere Love is the need for connection with other
people and the desire to love and be loved. Everybody needs to be able to express
love, to both give and receive love, be it from friend’s family or spouses. Without
it we will seek it in all the wrong places. This may be a fundamental reason behind
the popularity of some cults and religious movements as they seem to offer love
and connection (in the initial stages anyway) many disconnected young males find
themselves being drawn toward street gangs in an effort to belong, and many
young girls will make life changing mistakes just to belong, To gain that sense of
giving and receiving love.
We need to love or to feel connected to other people in order to thrive. Infants
who are deprived of contact with other human beings will die just from the lack of
human touch. People often use words like togetherness, passion, unity, warmth,
tenderness and desire to describe their need for love and connection.

Education The magician is the third card down.

Growth Energy
Ever wonder why older people go back to school? We have an innate need to
constantly develop intellectually, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
We are in a state of continuous growth even though many do not always realize it,
have a look at what you’re doing right now reading and learning, growing. When
we stop growing, we in essence die.
We develop emotionally with each life experience that we have; we develop and
grow intellectually every day with each exposure to new knowledge practically; we
all aspire spiritually as we contemplate the universe around us and our place in that
universe. If we don’t grow we can become stagnant and have a feeling of being
blocked or held back. Then we will tend to try and find that feeling, fulfil that need
as with the other energies we will through lack of knowledge fill that void with the
wrong things, with anything that doesn’t make us feel stagnant. To be complete we
need to be constantly moving learning and changing we need growth

Energy through Significance

Personal power through significance is the need to feel important, needed and
wanted, to have a place in the world and for that place to be worthwhile. Our sense
of significance is most often validated by comparing ourselves and our
accomplishments or failures to somebody else. We need personal pride in what we
have achieved, and that pride is usually based on some evaluation by other people.
Did you know one of the biggest causes of feeling rejected, is actually a lack of
feeling significant or needed that you are worthwhile, that you don’t reach
someone else’s standards. It is this need to feel significant that drives us to be
competitive, to improve our performance at work and is also a major clue with
people who are perfectionists. Those who feel they can never achieve enough.
What’s really driving them is the need to feel of value or significant.
Career The magician is the fourth card down.
Energy of certainty Variety and Uncertainty
Just as we need to grow and we need a certain amount of certainty in our lives, we
also need stimulus and change. We need to be confident that things are going to
work out, that the sun will come up each morning and that we can trust our friends.
At the same time our lives are incomplete (read boring) unless we experience
varying degrees of sensory stimulation. As developing humans we need both
emotional and physical challenges in order to stretch our range of
development. Without this stimulus we can often feel an undefined and vague
sense of fear, not knowing what tomorrow may bring is negative uncertainty
instability. Experiencing suspense or surprise however is positive uncertainty this
is one reason the entertainment industry is so popular it fulfils this innate need we
all have. We need change with some amount of conflict and crisis; this may help
you to understand why soap operas are addictive to some people, what they lack in
real life is supplied by these TV shows.
Relationships the magician is the sixth card down.
Energy in Contribution
Each of us, whether we admit it or not need to go beyond the narrow scope of our
own needs and give freely to others without expectation of reward or
compensation. I will often see people look vaguely into space and wonder what
they are contributing to the world at large or indeed to their own small part of the
world. What is the world at large contributing to your life and what are you
contributing to the world? Many people feel the need to donate to charities, or
involve themselves in other work to fulfil this need. This energy is what makes our
life meaningful, and there is a sense of meaningless without it that (in extreme
cases has led to suicide) will have us aimlessly wandering around looking for
something to do, or directing that meaning into the wrong areas, a good example of
this is somebody who has a really misinformed view about what money is and how
it works, they will draw meaning of life from money, not what that money enables
them to contribute. Do you feel you are making a difference and giving back? If
not, have a look at the contributions you are making.
Money The magician is the seventh card down.
Creative Energy
As humans we need to be creative, it is a fundamental part of our nature, whether it
be creating a new business, artwork or writing or designing that new train diorama
we need to creative, without it we will fell incomplete and purposeless as a race we
would not have survived unless some of us were creative enough to turn a stick
into a weapon
To the body there is little difference in the sensations of gratification and
creativity, both give a sensation of wellbeing and purpose, that something
worthwhile has occurred, the problem is that gratification, especially instant
gratification is temporary fading very quickly, we need to seek it again almost
straight away, while creativity lasts, if we create something from a macramé
hanging thingy, to writing a book or painting a picture we receive a feeling of both
worth and satisfaction.
And we are involved in the process of creation; it takes time, dedication and focus
to create anything. even drawing a sketch on a piece of paper takes more of your
mental processing and faculties, than going out and finding various forms of
instant gratification, even if at the time it seems like your putting in effort, you
should consider the results and the outcome of what you are achieving.
Ambition The magician is the eighth card down.
We each have beliefs about the world and the way it works. Our experiences
through life have ingrained within us deep-rooted ideas about what is, or is not,
what is possible what is not possible; what and who we are,
or are not, and what we are capable of doing, and what is
beyond our reach
Through this process we are going to examine some of the
beliefs you have retained from your own childhood?
Some of these ideas may be valid; such as eating properly,
washing your hands after going to the toilet, not talking to
strangers and working hard for the boss, other beliefs may be
wildly off the mark, like ATM cards are
unending sources of money, Ill never be
rich, or overweight people are jolly.
These ideas may have been inherited
from a family member or picked up
through and reinforced through feeling good and comfortable
after sweet and fatty foods, all this occurred before we were
old enough to examine them subjectively. Either way, our
beliefs can affect our decisions and choices, whether or not
we realize it.
You know as an adult in your logical mind that credit cards
are not magical money making devices, however as a child
watching your mother use one to pay for the shopping you
may have ,even for a short time, believed or wished that they were, after all your
mother handed over the card and everything was taken care of. This simple
erroneous belief may be affecting you now in adult life and could be partly
responsible for your dept. or savings problems now.
Even though you don’t believe that credit cards are magical there are times when
without knowing it you are acting as if it they were true, handing over the credit
card when you know you shouldn’t.
Our beliefs are conclusions we have drawn based on our experiences as children. If
we grow up in a warm, nurturing and supportive family we will have very different
beliefs than if we grow up in a painful, shaming and abusive family.
Dad comes home at least twice a week complaining about the foreman at work and
what an A-hole he is, years later, you don’t like foreman at any of your jobs and
you’re not even really sure why you don’t like them, all you know is they are as a
rule all A-holes
One constant is, at the time we chose any belief, no matter what that belief may be,
it made sense at the time. It was originally designed to protect or benefit us in some
way, therefore no belief is unintelligent, or bad, or even wrong. Beliefs serve a
purpose and sometimes our lives change so much that old beliefs become a
mismatch for our lives as we change.

The problem is sometimes beliefs developed as children don't always serve us well
as adults. We have changed our situation has changed yet our deeper beliefs have
not changed with us. As children we may truly believe that credit cards are
magical money producing devices. That bosses are evil that you can have super
powers that mum or dad will protect you that you never have to do anything alone.
It makes perfect sense at the time to believe this, some of the adults around you
may have even supported or reinforced these beliefs by the way they acted and the
things they did.
As adults however these values are seriously dated, even dangerous beliefs such as
“bosses are always hard to get on with”, is not going to make your working life
very comfortable, holding onto the belief that “Saving money is for boring nerds”
is detrimental to creating the kind of life we really want. Most of us have probably
worked through beliefs like these. Other beliefs are much more subtle than this and
lay beneath more obvious ones.
Perhaps as a child you did believe that credit cards were enchanted money
producing bits of plastic, and while you have grown up and no longer believe that,
you do as an adult you have a persistent problem with being in debt. Can’t balance
the books, always robbing Peter to pay Paul, are basically not responsible with
money. We might then look below this for a belief about fear of responsibility.
Something like, "Responsible people are boring." and under that might be "Boring
people are lonely."
This program will help you to clear or smash through the belief that “boring people
are lonely”, “I can’t do anything alone”, “I hate being overweight but it’s how I am
destined to be” ”I’m not smart enough” “not pretty enough” “I come from the
wrong background”. This allows you the freedom to begin being more
responsible. You would begin noticing yourself make wiser choices about paying
bills, eating working saving Spending your money more wisely and so on. Or
simply aligning your life habits, viewing success more positively and taking that
first step forward
Another way of telling or determining that you are being held back by your own
limiting belief or Santa clauses is to have a very honest look
at yourself and why you do things the way you do them, then
of course we all know people who continually engage in self-
destructive behaviour. Friends, relatives, children and work
colleges who do things that run against their own best
interests? If you or someone you know continues to employ
troublesome behaviour even though it consistently leads to a
state of utter misery? Then there is a very good chance that
some limiting belief or fear is holding you back not allowing
you to move forward. In other words (and be honest with
yourself here) if you are repeating bad behavior even though
you know it’s bad and self-destructive.
The person who always dates the same type of loser or
cheater we all know the type of person she is more often than not very intelligent
even excellent at work dresses well seems as they say to have it all together, yet
somehow she always seems to end up with "dead-beat" guys? Then there is the
lonesome fellow who always seems to pick partners that cheat on him he is the
veritable cuckold. Both these people appear to repeat this pattern over and over
again despite any advice or common sense.
Then there are those talented and industrious people we all know, those that you
know if they could only break the mold, shift the pattern, would be millionaires
based on their talent alone perhaps you or someone you know is a singer and artist
a standup comedian or someone you know would be successful in their own
business, you know this because they are always talking about it. Yet when it
comes to doing something about it they can never get the first foot out the door.

While unemployed friends take it easy “living the high life,"

you are industriously hard working, paying living bills, yet
always Struggling to make ends meet. Finally, you begin to
question the wisdom of your behavior and start to visualize a
new job a stepping stone to greater things or running your
business part time just to get things going, Ill build up from
there you say to yourself. Or you say I’ve had enough of this
person in my life I need to move on so you dump him or her,
only to replace them with a "clone” a look-a-like". You end up
in the exact same job in the same industry only in a different
location with a foreman, or manager you despise even more
than the last, you see your new relationship heading down the same path as before
and you begin to feel lost, lonely and not a little afraid.
To everyone else your friends and family and possibly your therapist, the warning
signs are fairly obvious, you’ve done it again you however are oblivious to them.
Have you been telling yourself the same story over and over again, have you been
promising yourself for the last ten years that you will lose 20 pounds, to no avail?
Yet somehow you find that you are never able to adhere to a fitness program. Have
you been promising yourself that you’ll get fit, find a better job, go back to school,
do a course, start that radio show, write a book, make that film, or anything else,
for a very long time now?
You know intrinsically that you can do the things you want to do, you keep telling
yourself that you can, but that’s as far as you get, telling yourself, You don't like
the way you look, you’re not happy with your savings, you keep telling yourself
that tomorrow you will start but tomorrow never seems to come. You don't like the
way you feel. So you keep saying I’ll go to the gym. You are concerned about
health risks, so you tell yourself that giving up smoking or exercising would be the
best thing right now but something stops you from successfully taking that first

You are chronically late with your bills. Are you constantly robbing Peter to pay
Paul and somehow convincing yourself that it will be Ok that your only a week or
a month late, each time this happens do you promise yourself that it won’t happen
again?. Yet that never happens. Something gets in your way? You continue to
create this unpleasant anxiety producing state of affairs? The saddest part is that
you actually know you’re doing it.

You have trouble saying "no". Is it difficult for you to be assertive (not aggressive)
and say “no"? You end up fulfilling the needs or in some cases the demands and
requests of others as your own needs are delayed or go unfulfilled altogether.
Which of our little Santa clauses is it that stops you from developing a healthy
sense of entitlement?
Do you procrastinate? Is it your habit to put things off, this behaviour makes you
unhappy, yet you can't seem to organize yourself to get things started. Believe it or
not procrastination is a very big sign that you may be protecting yourself from
something more on this later for the moment ask yourself (again be honest) What
is really interfering with your capacity to get things done now?
You have difficulty effectively setting and achieving life goals. You know that
your life isn't going the way that you had planned or visualized. Your career goals
are “sort of concrete” yet vague at the same time you are going with the flow and
that flow doesn’t always flow the way you would like.
Your love life is actually sad and you spent at least twenty minutes each day
wishing it was better that “they” would change, or that you had the Moxie to leave,
yet you can't seem to figure out what you want and how to go about pursuing it.
Then you realize, even though you’ve heard a thousand times, read it in numerous
motivational books, seen it on TV and heard it from friends that you never actually
taken the time to sit down and write out your goals.
Travel The magician is the last card down.

Template for CARD PROFILES

After dedicated study to each individual card, consider writing a profile for it to
keep in your tarot journal.

Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :
Reversed :

The following is a sample only of what a card profile might look like in your tarot

Card Name : Key 7. The Chariot.

Keywords : Victory. Self discipline. Strong
Upright willpower.
Keywords : Riot. Ruthlessness. Derailing. Pride.
Card : A charioteer in full armor is on a
Description stone gray chariot, which is being
pulled by two sphinxes, one black
and one white. A blue starry canopy
hangs above his head, supported by
beams from the chariot. He holds a
wand in his right hand.
Misc. : Associated with the astrological sign
Attributions Cancer. Ruling planet: Moon.
Number 7 suggests wisdom. Note
body of water behind chariot.
Associated element: Water. Two
sphinxes and two faces on
breastplate suggest Urim and
Thummim, divination for innocence
or guilt.

Symbols in the Card

Eight-sided star on charioteer's head: sovereignty of the sun; life energy.
Laurel wreath: victory; command.
Blue starry canopy: collective unconscious, which the charioteer wields with
control. Pillars holding up the canopy suggest that charioteer's victory and
control is supported by the collective unconscious.
Wand in right hand: power; empowerment.
Waxing and waning moons on shoulders, with faces: fluctuations of our
Engraved symbols on black tunic: the subconscious.
Black and white sphinxes: the physical senses we use to process the world;
knowledge & intuition.
Yellow background: sun; active energy. Yellow wheels of chariot also indicate
active energy.

Card Interpretation
Upright : Conquest. Triumph over obstacles in Seeker's life. Full
Interpretation control of emotional faculties. Movement in the right
direction. Current movement will lead to victory. Seeker
is controlled; master of self-control and self-assertion.
Great control over one's own willpower. Putting into
action body and mind, knowledge and intuition. The
chariot represents the Seeker's personality and tenacity in
motion toward accomplishing a goal.
Reversed : Seeker must reconsider direction. Victory is not
Interpretation certain in current path chosen. Warning to make
better choices. The Chariot reversed indicates
that Seeker is supposed to enjoy conquest and
success, but current choices have put Seeker in
the wrong direction. Be careful of movements.
Make sure movement is in right direction. Could
also indicate lack of use of willpower.
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :
Reversed :

Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :

Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :

Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :

Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :

Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :
Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :

Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :
Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :

Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :
Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :
Reversed :

Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :

Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :

Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :

Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :

Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :
Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :
Reversed :

Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :
Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :
Card Name :
Keywords :

Keywords :

Card Description :

Misc. :

Symbols in the Card

Card Interpretation
Upright :

Reversed :

Suit Themes : Creative/Innovative; Motivation; Personal
Development; Work/Career; Energy and Vitality
Corresponding Element : Fire
Energy Attribution : Active; Yang Energy Principle
Seasonal Attribution : Spring
Astrological Associations : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Social/Estate Hierarchy : Third Estate - Rural / Agricultural; Free Peasants
Modern Application : Work/Career & Innovation; Health/Wellness

Story of the Wands

Anticipating With drive and
what the world vigor, we
We are
has to offer, we persevere, and
presented with
endeavor to then we wait to
an opportunity
advance see what our
for innovation.
beyond our work will
horizons. bring.

We must
But the peace resolve the
It brings is short-lived. tensions to
victory and Motivation achieve glory.
with it, peace becomes We must be a
and harmony to competition leader and
the home. against our bring the
own. dissidents to

... though when

Then our goals
To do so, there we have
will be met;
are times we attained much,
our creativity
must stand our others will
will have its
ground. want to take
from us. We
inclined to
protect our

Know that our

advancement has a price.
We become burdened,
and we lose sight of
where we are going.
Where is our
advancement leading us?

Suit Themes : Emotions; Spirituality; Intuition; Interpersonal

Relationships; Inner Domestic Sphere of Influence
Corresponding Element : Water
Energy Attribution : Passive; Yin Energy Principle
Seasonal Attribution : Summer
Astrological Associations : Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Social/Estate Hierarchy : First Estate / The Clergy
Modern Application : Love & Relationships; Spirituality

Story of the Cups

It starts with an
We celebrate
abundance of Then we find
our joys
love in our love in others.

That solace is
However, we the silence that Memories of
eventually tire our demons home and
of the festivities thrive in. We hearth, of
and we retreat retreat so far childhood and
inward for into our family will
solitary darkness that keep us
reflection. we forget to grounded.
see our good.

We face many We must

That is where
temptations that remember to
we will find
look like always pursue
harmony of
opportunities in higher spiritual
the world. ground.
... and harmony in our

Suit Themes : Ambitions; Expansion; Intellect; Philosophy;

Analysis; Politics; Communication; External Sphere
of Influence
Corresponding Element : Air
Energy Attribution : Active; Yang Energy Principle
Seasonal Attribution : Autumn
Astrological : Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Social/Estate Hierarchy : Second Estate / The Nobility
Modern Application : Ideas & Politics; Philosophy; Ambitions;
Communication & Trendsetting

Story of the Swords

The path of the
There are ones
king is plagued
who are born to ... and strife.
by difficult
be king.

That is the
karma of the
king. Forlorn,
We fight back
Battles wound harder, and
us and we must when we win,
wounds, we
find respite. someone else
flee or at least
must lose.
we try to flee
from our
We do not want
to own our
The deceit
actions; we
imprisons us
want the blame
and we wonder
to fall on
what it will We are haunted
others. They
take be freed of by what we
have hurt us.
the bondage have done.
They inflicted
caused by our
the pain. In
defense, we
deceive others
and ourselves.

The ultimate sacrifice: we

are defeated. That is the
cycle of kings. Live by
the sword, die by the

Suit Themes : Finances; Wealth; Matters of Stability and Security;

Material Issues; Property; Commerce and Business
Corresponding Element : Earth
Energy Attribution : Passive; Yin Energy Principle
Seasonal Attribution : Winter
Astrological : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Social/Estate Hierarchy : Third Estate - Urban / Merchants and Artisans
Modern Application : Money Management; Commerce & Production

Story of the Pentacles

We are After toiling at
An offer for tenacious with the grindstone,
gain, a promise our balance of we gain the
of prosperity. manifold recognition we
enterprises. worked for.

Driven to
attain material Only through
Yet the more
prosperity, we benevolence,
we have, the
find ourselves charity, and
greater the fear
shivering in the generosity can
that we do not
winter of our we find
have enough.
spiritual redemption.

Restored to the coupled with
Soon enough
path of honest methodical
we bask in our
work, the seeds skill, we are
we sowed artisans
bloom in full. mastering our
... and bring honor to the
family name.

Major Arcana

0 - Fool 1 - Magician

Beginnings; Innocence Power; Adroitness

Clear Conscience Construction

2 - High Priestess 3 - Empress

Intuition; Clairvoyance Fertility; Creativity

Premonition; Perceptivity Maternity

4 - Emperor 5 - Hierophant

Authority; Government Tradition; Conventionalism

Paternity Institutionalism

6 - Lovers 7 - Chariot

Passion; Partnership Victory; Control

The Primordial Choice Jurisdiction

8 - Strength 9 - Hermit

Compassion; Force Wisdom; Erudition

Fortitude; Security Mentorship

10 - Wheel of Fortune 11 - Justice

Kismet; Destiny Equilibrium; Equity
Luck; Serendipity Fairness; Legality
Major Arcana, continued

12 - Hanged Man 13 - Death

Self-Sacrifice; Suspension Transformation

Prophesy; Grace Mortality; Suffering

14 - Temperance 15 - Devil

Balance; Forbearance Bondage; Temptation

Attune; Harmonize Seduction

16 - Tower 17 - Star

Hubris; Sudden Fall Hope; Optimism

Ego; Catastrophe Inspiration; Visionary

18 - Moon 19 - Sun
Attainment; Glory
Reflection; Changes
Majesty; Celebrity;
Imagination; Speculation
20 - Judgement 21 - World

Awakening; Epiphany Fulfillment; Completion

Spiritual Realization Masterpiece; Consummation
Major Arcana, Reversed

0 - Fool, Rev. 1 - Magician, Rev.

Vanity; Foolishness Destruction; Bane

Indiscretion; Inanity Untapped Potential

2 - High Priestess, Rev. 3 - Empress, Rev.

Deceit; Duplicity Barren; Lacuna

Hypocrisy; Secrets Cavity; Omission

4 - Emperor, Rev. 5 - Hierophant, Rev.

Passivity; Overthrow
Coup d’état
Bohemian; Existentialist
6 - Lovers, Rev. 7 - Chariot, Rev.

Temptation; Interference Riot; Turbulence

Discord; Moral Quandary Wrong Direction

8 - Strength, Rev. 9 - Hermit, Rev.

Brute; Carnal Ignorance; Immaturity

Physical; Obdurate Petulant; Unreasonable

10 - Wheel of Fortune, Rev. 11 - Justice, Rev.

Flux; Unrest Prejudice; Bias

Mischance; Misfortune Chauvinism; Injustice
Major Arcana, Reversed, continued

12 - Hanged Man, Rev. 13 - Death, Rev.

Selfishness Conclusion; Cessation

Martyrdom; Persecution Denouement; Windup

14 - Temperance, Rev. 15 - Devil, Rev.

Defeat; Release
Excess; Overflow

16 - Tower, Rev. 17 - Star, Rev.

Pessimism; Negativity
Oppression; Cataclysm

18 - Moon, Rev. 19 - Sun, Rev.

Inconstancy; Risky Disorientation

Confusion; Uncertainty Quiescence

20 - Judgement, Rev. 21 - World, Rev.

Misinterpretation Hiatus; Agnosticism

Misreckoning Skeptic
Minor Arcana, Wands

Ace of Wands Two of Wands

Venture; Opportunity
Three of Wands Four of Wands
Validation; Effort Prosperity; Concord
Productivity Familial Bliss
Five of Wands Six of Wands
Competition; Rivalry Success; Victory
Contention Exalt; Tribute
Seven of Wands Eight of Wands
Resistance; Opposition Action; Vigor; Alacrity
Tenacity Acceleration
Nine of Wands Ten of Wands
Burdened; Travail
Defensive; Protective
Exhaustion; Labor
Page of Wands Knight of Wands
Motivated; Energetic Impetuous; Competitive
Receipt of Project News Hot-Headed
Queen of Wands King of Wands
Self-Assured; Naturalist Authoritarian; Demanding
Down-to-Earth Domineering
Minor Arcana, Wands, Reversed

Ace of Wands, Rev. Two of Wands, Rev.

Indolence Impatience
Procrastination Haste; Rush
Three of Wands, Rev. Four of Wands, Rev.
Negligence; Careless Attunement; Harmony
Setbacks; Mistakes Rite of Passage
Five of Wands, Rev. Six of Wands, Rev.
Opportunity; Reconciliation
Pending Advancement
Seven of Wands, Rev. Eight of Wands, Rev.
Indecision; Vulnerability Altercation
Lacking Confidence Regression; Rashness
Nine of Wands, Rev. Ten of Wands, Rev.
Exhaustion; Battle Accountability
Depletion Reassessment
Page of Wands, Rev. Knight of Wands, Rev.

Passivity; Inarticulate Insecurity; Hesitation

Queen of Wands, Rev. King of Wands, Rev.

Capitulation; Yielding Tyranny; Despotic
Lacking Virtue Disciplinarian; Doctrinaire
Minor Arcana, Cups

Ace of Cups Two of Cups

Abundance; Affirmation Friendship; Affinity
Fountainhead Cooperation
Three of Cups Four of Cups
Celebration; Jubilee Introspection
Merriment Reflection; Contemplation
Five of Cups Six of Cups
Nostalgia; Childhood
Loss; Mourning; Regrets
Reminiscence; Memories
Seven of Cups Eight of Cups
Temptation; Superficiality Abandonment; Detachment
Enticement; Decoys Spiritual Journey
Nine of Cups Ten of Cups
Wishful; Wish Granted
Happiness; Joy; Felicity
Comfort; Material Success
Page of Cups Knight of Cups
Dreamer; Sensitive; Poetic Charming; Affable
Receipt of Personal News Equanimity
Queen of Cups King of Cups
Nurturing; Warm Diplomatic; Caring
Tender; Empathic Fatherhood
Minor Arcana, Cups, Reversed

Ace of Cups, Rev. Two of Cups, Rev.

Superficiality Imbalance; Quarreling
Rejection; Promiscuity Misunderstandings
Three of Cups, Rev. Four of Cups, Rev.
Hedonism; Indulgence
Regeneration; Emergence
Five of Cups, Rev. Six of Cups, Rev.
Clinging; Attachment;
Restoration; Acceptance Puerility
Naiveté; Childishness
Seven of Cups, Rev. Eight of Cups, Rev.
Determination Epicurean; Peripatetic
Decision; Purpose Revealed Drifting; Aimless
Nine of Cups, Rev. Ten of Cups, Rev.
Discord; Broken Family
Overindulgence; Greed
Shattered Values
Page of Cups, Rev. Knight of Cups, Rev.
Discouragement; Ennui
Quixotic; Dreamer
Unmotivated; Discomfiture
Queen of Cups, Rev. King of Cups, Rev.

Manipulation; Jealousy Overwrought; Distracted

Minor Arcana, Swords

Ace of Swords Two of Swords

Stalemate; Catch-22
Conquest; Valiance
Difficult Choice
Three of Swords Four of Swords
Strife; Loss Repose; Recovery
Heartbreak Illness
Five of Swords Six of Swords
Corruption; Profiteering Journey; Pilgrimage
Cunning; Machiavellian Baggage
Seven of Swords Eight of Swords
Impulsiveness Imprisonment; Confinement
Spontaneity; Deception Captivity; Constraints
Nine of Swords Ten of Swords
Haunted; Grieving Retaliation; Reprisals
Insomnia; Troubled Revenge; Treachery
Page of Swords Knight of Swords
Ambitions; Judicious Aggressive; Charge
Communication Warrior
Queen of Swords King of Swords
Astute; High-Achieving
Intellectual; Analytical; Stern
Executive; Striking
Minor Arcana, Swords, Reversed

Ace of Swords, Rev. Two of Swords, Rev.

Disruption; Entropy; Chaos Settlement; Decision
Complications; Anarchy Arbitration
Three of Swords, Rev. Four of Swords, Rev.

Disorder; Hurt Caution; Social Unrest

Five of Swords, Rev. Six of Swords, Rev.

Recompense; Contrition Afflicted; Trapped
Penance Yearning Escape
Seven of Swords, Rev. Eight of Swords, Rev.
Reparation; Forfeiture Emancipation
Requital Release; Clemency
Nine of Swords, Rev. Ten of Swords, Rev.
Endurance; Comeback
Healing; Infidelity
Page of Swords, Rev. Knight of Swords, Rev.
Inhibition; Self-Conscious
Aggression; Hostility
Queen of Swords, Rev. King of Swords, Rev.
Spite; Snobbery
Malice; Unyielding
Minor Arcana, Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles Two of Pentacles

Offer; Investment Multitasking; Juggling
Small Financial Gain Prospects; Possibilities
Three of Pentacles Four of Pentacles
Endorsement; Recognition
Miser; Frugality
Five of Pentacles Six of Pentacles
Destitution; Privation Charity; Benevolence
Hardships Alms; Philanthropy
Seven of Pentacles Eight of Pentacles
Promotion; Harvest Aspiration; Apprenticeship
Fiscal Responsibility Natural Gifts in Craft
Nine of Pentacles Ten of Pentacles
Prosperity; Refinement Stability; Prestige
Independence Aristocracy; Urbanity
Page of Pentacles Knight of Pentacles
Practical; Stylish; Scholarly Methodical; Rational
Receipt of Financial News Stable; Reliable
Queen of Pentacles King of Pentacles
Charitable; Noble Powerful; Enterprising
Opulence Established
Minor Arcana, Pentacles, Reversed

Ace of Pentacles, Rev. Two of Pentacles, Rev.

Disillusionment Overwhelmed
Financial Disappointment Must Prioritize
Three of Pentacles, Rev. Four of Pentacles, Rev.
Recession; Obstacles
Five of Pentacles, Rev. Six of Pentacles, Rev.
Rehabilitation Ungracious; Indigence
Refurbish; Improvement Financial Hardship
Seven of Pentacles, Rev. Eight of Pentacles, Rev.
Anxiety; Denial
Squandering; Trifle; Idle
Nine of Pentacles, Rev. Ten of Pentacles, Rev.
Dissatisfaction Disengagement; Ostracism
Depression Familial Disunion
Page of Pentacles, Rev. Knight of Pentacles, Rev.
Materialism; Superficiality
Inertia; Timidity
Receipt of Financial News
Queen of Pentacles, Rev. King of Pentacles, Rev.
Dependence; Indebtedness
Sophomoric; Stoic

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