Dealing With Tunnel Ageing: GR Basson, M V1Sagie, JG Malan
Dealing With Tunnel Ageing: GR Basson, M V1Sagie, JG Malan
Dealing With Tunnel Ageing: GR Basson, M V1Sagie, JG Malan
Report to the
South Africa has several inter basin water transfer schemes, as indicated in Figure 1-1, with
the most recent one the Lesotho Highlands Water project (LHWP) transfer tunnels bringing
water under gravity from Lesotho through about 80 km of concrete lined tunnels. South
Africa also has the largest irrigation tunnel in the world, the 5.33 m diameter Orange-Fish
Tunnel, 81 km in length.
Figure 1-1 Water transfer schemes in South Africa
A concrete lined tunnel can lose as much as 30 percent of its hydraulic capacity over a
period of 30 years. Engineers have a sound knowledge of the hydraulic roughness of new
tunnels, as has been confirmed during the recent (1998) commissioning tests of the LHWP
Transfer and Delivery Tunnels. Furthermore, recently completed research funded by the
Water Research Commission (Pegram and Pennington, 1998) helps to assess the hydraulic
capacity of new tunnels. There is however a need for a better understanding of the tunnel
ageing process in order to plan for the phasing in of future possible new tunnels as water
demands increase.
South Africa will have to rely more and more in future on water transfer schemes. These
tunnels are extremely expensive, with estimated capital costs of about R30 000 /m length.
The main aim of the project was to provide a reliable hydraulically based methodology with
which concrete lined tunnel ageing and the associated decrease in hydraulic capacity can be
predicted. Both the ageing mechanisms of sliming (with sediment deposition) and soft water
corrosive conditions were investigated. This will ensure the timeous phasing in of new
schemes when tunnel ageing decreases the hydraulic capacity.
Furthermore, the aim was to establish whether remedial measures can be implemented to
reverse or contain the tunnel ageing process.
Tunnel design and operation guidelines were also developed to limit tunnel ageing.
This study combined laboratory and field test data to obtain a better understanding of the
ageing process in large diameter conduits such as water transfer tunnels. Field tests were
carried out since 1998 at the Orange-Fish Tunnel, Roode Elsberg Tunnel and
Theewaterskloof Tunnel, while laboratory investigations at the Universities of Stellenbosch
and of Pretoria were also carried out on pipes. The following are key findings of this research
• Soft water corrosion occurred at the Western Cape and LHWP tunnels. The effect is a
softening of the upper 3 mm of concrete, but this was protected by a thin layer of
sediment at all the tunnels investigated. The soft water corrosion can however lead to
deep scour holes and etch marks in the concrete, where a poor quality concrete was
used during construction (Theewaterskloof Tunnel). This is however not expected in
the high strength LHWP concrete lining.
• A hydraulic rate of ageing equation was developed and calibrated on UK and South
African data, for conditions where sediment deposition and sliming plays a role. The
pH of the water is a dominant variable.
• Hydraulic flushing at high flows are effective in reducing the hydraulic roughness by
flushing out sediment deposits from the tunnel. Where bacterial action however plays a
role, one cannot rely on flushing alone and other measures have to be considered.
• Chlorination has been used at a limited scale elsewhere in the world to reduce
roughness, but was found more effective after cleaning of the tunnel. Depending on
the system configuration, there are environmental problems associated with
• Literature reviewed indicates that there are two main factors influencing the
deterioration of the concrete due to soft water attack, namely the aggressiveness of
the water and the composition of the concrete under attack.
No cement extenders were used in the concrete of the Theewaterskloof Tunnel and it
was found that the leaching rate of Ca-ions increase exponentially with an increase in
the water operating velocity in the pipe system. The main chemical process taking
place in the concrete during soft water attack in the Theewaterskloof Tunnel is the
leaching of Ca(OH)2. A maximum and minimum theoretical concrete deterioration
depth rate was determined for the concrete. These rates also increase exponentially
with an increase with water operating velocity in the pipe system. The permeability of
this concrete is very high and therefore the leaching rates are also high.
The concrete mixture of the LHWP linings of the delivery tunnels contains fly-ash as a
cement extender. Two different Ca-ion leaching rates for a specific water operating
velocity were found for the LHWP concrete. It indicates that as a result of the fly-ash
content in the mixture, decalcification of the C-S-H gel takes place at a low rate and
Ca(OH)2 leaching at a higher rate. The theoretical concrete deterioration depth rates
for the LHWP concrete are much lower than the rates for the Theewaterskloof Tunnel.
There are not enough data available at this stage, but it seems that the concrete
deterioration rate increases with an increase of water operating velocity.
Although the soft water attack cannot be stopped with a specific concrete mix design it
is possible to decrease it significantly with an optimum design. The optimum concrete
mixture as designed by Castro & Mclntosh (1994) for the LHWP tunnels will still be the
best mixture for resistance to soft water attack because the Ca(OH)2 content is very
low in this design mix.
• Design and operational guidelines for the determination of tunnel ageing and selection
of tunnel diameter during design, have been proposed. The LHWP Delivery Tunne!
North (DTN) has been used as a case study.
• Prediction of future ageing of the LHWP DTN indicates that under current operating
conditions, the rate of ageing would be relatively small and the ultimate discharge
capacity would be between 80% to 85% of the new tunnel capacity. Previous studies
used a higher ultimate roughness (DWAF, 1999) of ks = 4 mm which resulted in an
aged discharge capacity of about 73% of the original capacity. The current predictions
therefore indicate that it might be possible to implement the next phase of the LHWP
without doubling the tunnels: Low Mashai Dam, that would require a total tunnel
discharge capacity (including phase I flow) of 35,8 m3/s without downtime, or 39,8 m3/s
with 10% downtime.
It is recommended that the design guidelines (Chapter 10) are followed during the design of
a tunnel. Even more important however, is that the tunnel should be operated according to
the design.
• Regular hydraulic tests at say 5 year intervals should be carried out at the LHWP,
Theewaterskloof, Orange-Fish and Roode Elsberg Tunnels to determine the hydraulic
roughness to extend the current data base.
• The theory developed for this study should be calibrated against field data of pipelines
for application in pipe design.
Attention to the following chemical aspects regarding soft water corrosion is necessary:
• More laboratory tests are necessary on the LHWP test section at higher water operating
velocities to determine the relationship between the Ca-ions leaching rates and water
operating velocities.
• Tests on the microstructure of the concrete of the test sections are necessary to calibrate
the rate of the theoretical concrete deterioration depths and to determine the exact
influence of the permeability and porosity on soft water attack.
• Tests on the Theewaterskloof Tunnel core have to be completed to calibrate laboratory
• A core from LHWP is required to calibrate laboratory tests.
• The aggressiveness of the water actually flowing through the tunnels should be
determined. Laboratory tests with the water from the field will be necessary to confirm
the calibration of the accelerated rate of deterioration in the laboratory with the actual
field behaviour.
• Further tests on concrete mixtures with silica-fume as cement extender will be valuable
to determine a concrete mixture with a higher resistance to soft water attack.
• The effect of soft water in the concrete mix should be studied
• Coatings should be applied in the Delivery Tunnel North to evaluate its long term
• Tunnels should 'not be cleaned by mechanical equipment or water jets, as this will
increase the hydraulic roughness, especially in softwater conditions. Controlled hydraulic
flushing at high discharge is recommended instead.
The study team wishes to thank the South African Water Research Commission and the
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry for sponsoring this research project.
The South African Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) played an instrumental
role in the successful completion of this study and especially the field work would not have
been possible without their contribution in terms of financial support and personel.
Thanks are also due to Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority for organising and financing the
transport of LHWP tunnel aggregates to Pretoria.
Finally, the Steering Committee members need to be commended for their role in steering
this project to its successful completion from 1999 to 2002. The project team would also like
to thank Mr David van der Merwe, chair person for the WRC on this project, for the way in
which he managed this final project prior to his retirement, and also for the valuable
contribution that he made on hydraulic and water resources projects in South Africa.
Table of Contents
5.1 Boundary layer theory 20
5.2 Friction loss equations 23
5.3 Hydraulic roughness of new conduits 25
5.4 Critical conditions for deposition of sediment 32
5.5 Critical condition for re-entrainment of non-cohesive and cohesive
sediment 33
5.6 Sediment transport in closed conduits 36
5.7 The rate of ageing 38
5.8 Ultimate roughness in tunnels / large conduits 50
Basson, Visagie & Malan October 2002
WRC Project: Dealing with Tunnel Ageing
Table 5.3.1-1 Recommended new pipe roughness values ks (mm) (HR, 1990)
Table 5.3.2-1 Observed roughness of new (or near new) cast in-situ concrete
Table 5.3.3-1 Segmentally lined tunnel data
Table 5.3.3-3 Calibration of segmentally lined tunnel relative roughness (R/ks)
Table 5.3.3-3 Predicted and observed segmentally lined roughness
Table 5.5.2-1 Tunnel shear stress and stream power
Table 5.7.2-1 Roughness values for different sewer pipe material
Table 5.7.3-1 Rate of ageing calibration data
Table 5.7.3-2 Predicted and observed roughness and flow
Table 5.8.2-1 Recommended aged pipeline hydraulic roughness ks (mm)
(HR, 1990)
Table 5.8.4-1 Maximum ultimate roughness prediction by Colebrook (1958)
Table 5.8.5-1 Ultimate tunnel roughness prediction with new equations
Table 5.8.7-1 Predicted discharge based on probable and maximum probable
ultimate roughness
Table 6.1-1 Aggressiveness index interpretation (DWAF, 1996)
Table 6.1-2 Recommended limits for assessing aggressiveness
(Basson, 1989)
Table 6.1-3 Aggressiveness index interpretation (Basson, 1990)
Table 7.2.1-1 The main compounds in Portland cement: (Neville, 1987)
Table 7.2.2-1 Swedish classification of natural waters containing carbon dioxide
(Lea, 1989)
Table 7.3.3-1 Leaching of Ca-ions from pilot test section
Table 7.3.4-1 Chemical composition of cement used for Theewaterskloof tunnel
Table 7.3.4-2 Composition and properties of concrete mixture for Theewaterskloof
tunnel section
Table 7.3.4-3 Theoretical concrete deterioration depths
(Theewaterskloof tunnel section)
Table 7.3.5-1 Chemical composition of cement used for LHWP tunnel section
Table 7.3.5-2 Chemical composition of Lethabo fly-ash
Table 7.3.5-3 Concrete mixture for precast linings of the LHWP Delivery Tunnels
from the 1994 records as obtained from DWAF
Table 7.3.5-4 Theoretical depth of deterioration of the concrete for
LHWP tunnel section
Table 7.3.7-1 Mix proportion for LHWP tunnel linings as proposed by
Castro & Mclntosh ((1994)
Table 8.1.4-1 Roode Elsberg Tunnel field test data
Table 8.5.4-1 Coatings for concretes in aggressive water (Basson, 1989)
A A!2O3
AOL Average operating level
c Volumetric sediment concentration
c Chezy roughness coefficient
C3A Tricalcium aluminate
c2s Dicalcium silicate
c3s Tricaluum silicate
C4AF Tetracalcium Aluminoferrite
CH Ca(0H2) calcium hydroxide
d Particle diameter
dv/dy Velocity distribution
D Datchet Tunnel
D Open channel flow depth
D Pipe diameter
D Tunnel diameter
DTN Delivery Tunnel North
DWAF Department of Water Affairs and Fc
E Enfield
EO Elyouse Tunnel
F Fe2O3
FSL Full supply level
g Gravitational acceleration
h energy head
h/L Energy slope
k0 New tunnel hydraulic roughness
KOp Coefficient of oxygen permeability
ks Effective hydraulic roughness
l Segment length
L Liquid
L Pipe length
LHWP Lesotho Highlands Water Project
M Mixture
MOL Minimum operating level
n Manning hydraulic roughness value
PH Water quality variable
Q Discharge
R Hydraulic radius
Re Reynolds number
Rv Roding Valley Tunnel
s Hydraulic gradient
s Mean step height between joints
ss Ratio of density of solids to that of fluid
S SiO2
Sf Hydraulic gradient
T Years after commissioning
TBM Tunnel boring machine
V mean flow velocity
Vc Critical velocity
w Particle settling velocity
W Walsall Tunnel
WRC Water Research Commission
X Calibrated coefficient
yr year
K Von Karman coefficient = 0.4 for clear water
0D Dimensionless sediment parameter
Pi Sediment density
Tunnel ageing; Water Transfer Tunnel; concrete corrosion; hydraulic roughness; friction
loss; mechanical cleaning; rate of ageing; ultimate ageing; hydraulic flushing; soft water
Basson, Visagie & Malan 0 October 2002
WRC Project: Dealing with Tunnel Ageing
South Africa has several inter basin water transfer schemes, as indicated in Figure 1-1,
with the most recent one the Lesotho Highlands Water project transfer tunnels bringing
water under gravity from Lesotho through about 80 km of concrete lined tunnels.
A concrete lined tunnel can lose as much as 30 percent of its hydraulic capacity over a
period of 30 years. This ageing process is mostly due to sediment deposition and
sliming, but soft water corrosion can also play a role. Engineers have a sound
knowledge of the hydraulic roughness of new tunnels, as has been confirmed during
the commissioning tests of the LHWP Transfer and Delivery tunnels. Furthermore,
recently completed research by the Water Research Commission (Pegram and
Pennington, 1998) helps to assess the hydraulic capacity of new tunnels. There is
however a need for a better understanding of the tunnel ageing process in order to plan
for phasing in of future possible new tunnels as water demands increase.
Tunnels are extremely expensive infrastructure, with capital costs in the order of about
R30 000 /m length. South Africa will have to rely more and more in future on water
transfer schemes and this study will provide very important information on long-term
tunnel capacities and possible management of these tunnels to limit the ageing rate.
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The main aim of this project was to provide a reliable hydraulicaiiy based methodology
with which concrete lined tunnel ageing and the associated decrease in hydraulic
capacity can be predicted. The ageing mechanisms of sliming and soft water corrosive
conditions were investigated. This will ensure the timeous phasing in of new schemes
when tunnel ageing decreases the hydraulic capacity.
Furthermore, the aim was to establish whether remedial measures can be implemented
to reverse or contain the tunnel ageing process. Two methods were considered and
tested in the field: hydraulic flushing and mechanical cleaning.
Guidelines were also developed according to which hydraulic flushing of water transfer
tunnels can be used with safety as management tool under conditions of soft water
concrete corrosion, in order to limit the rate of ageing and ultimate ageing due to
sediment deposition, based on theory calibrated on laboratory data and verified against
field data.
The study involved a combination of theoretical hydraulic assessments of the tunnel
ageing process under conditions of sliming or corrosion, as well as laboratory and
fieldwork. The following key aspects were identified at the start of the study and some
were investigated in greater detail than others as the study progressed:
• Literature review of tunnel ageing rates, the processes and variables involved and
remedial measures. International information/data on tunnel roughness and rates of
ageing for conventional concrete linings and segmentally lined tunnels were
obtained. In this regard the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
(MWD) contributed data on the Colorado aqueducts and tunnels.
• Laboratory tests on sediment transport in pipes and the theoretical analysis of the
interrelationships between roughness, diameter, sediment concentration, energy
dissipation, deposition and critical conditions for re-entrainment. This theory is
essential when predictions on the effectiveness of tunnel flushing are made. The
theory could be applied to minimize the rate of ageing for specific boundary
While conditions (hard water) at the Orange-Fish Tunnel are such that slime would
form with sediment deposition, it was also considered necessary to study soft water
corrosion of concrete at other tunnels. The Theewaterskloof Tunnel, Roode Elsberg
and LHWP Tunnel North (DTN) were therefore selected as case studies to provide
long-term information in this regard.
Hydraulic flushing and the effects on decreasing tunnel roughness and increasing
the discharge capacity was carried out. Field tests were carried out at the Orange-
Fish, Roode Elsberg and Theewaterskloof Tunnels.
• Chemical soft water corrosion tests involved laboratory work, investigating the
different concrete mix designs, flow velocities, rate of soft water corrosion (leaching
of cement) and measurement of the change over time of hydraulic roughness.
Three 5 m test concrete pipe sections were carried out by using distilled water,
running first at low flow velocities. Near the end of the tests, high flushing velocities
were used to investigate possible erosion of the soft concrete surface. If hydraulic
flushing is used as a management tool, it would be essential to have this
knowledge to ensure the flushing discharge is small enough without risk of
damageing the concrete surface with associated increased friction losses.
Hydraulic ageing can also be caused by erosion of the concrete, leading to higher
frictional losses. Concrete erosion in hydraulic structures are caused by cavitation,
abrasion and/or chemical or biological attack. Of these, chemical attack by mineral free
water or soft water corrosion is of most concern in tunnels, not that it affects the
structural strength much, but rather because of a possible increase in frictional losses
created by an eroded concrete surface. The soft water corrosion effect could however
be masked by a thin layer of deposited fine sediment on the concrete surface, which
limits concrete erosion.
If sediment deposition occurs with biological growth, the hydraulic roughness could
become quite high (Theewaterskloof-Franschhoek Tunnel).
"Age of the conduit surfaces alone does not appear to have a significant influence on
carrying capacity of the aqueduct. Up to a certain point, even the accumulation of some
deposits on the concrete surfaces will lower the coefficient of roughness, thus
increasing flow capacity" (Horowitz and Lee, 1971). (This has also been experienced at
the Hartebeespoort Dam siphon, where the initial estimated roughness of 12 mm was
decreased over time to less than 5 mm, based on an investigation by Hopkins (1978).)
Hopkins stated: "However as the coating increases in thickness, becomes stringy and
spongy, or both, the carrying capacity of the conduit gradually diminishes with time".
Regular inspection of the Orange-Fish Tunnel (hard water conditions) since 1974
revealed the following (Metcalf and Jordaan, 1990):
The lining was slippery and close inspection revealed a thin (<1 mm) coating of slime.
More noticeble was the calcite deposits. " These calcite deposits, whilst soft enough to
gough, are not eroded by tunnel flow. Calcification is inhibited when the tunnel is full,
exfiltration being replaced by infiltration". The impact of calcification on the total
roughness was estimated to be less than 5% however (Metcalf and Jordaan, 1990).
Metcalf and Jordaan (1990) noted: "Silt/slime deposits presented when dry as fawn
concave flakes, are estimated 0.5 mm thick. When wet the deposit is dark brown and
continuous. A mottling phenomenon on the crown appears to be due to local
dampness. When the surface of the dry lining is abraded, it typically yields a cream
coloured powdery coating of calcitic silt. Under the coating, the surface of the concrete,
at the occasional points sampled, exhibited a rough (sand paper) feel".
Most of the calcite deposits in the Orange-Fish Tunnel are attributed to the one year
(1976) of no flows in the tunnel, after commissioning in 1974. During the first 10 years
of operation the flows transfered were less than 10 m3/s, with associated flow velocities
< 0.5 m/s, (relative to the design capacity of 47.6 nrvVs. During later years' operation,
the peak summer flows increased to about 25 m3/s (v = 1.1 m/s). At these low flow
velocities, sediment deposition is expected with related relatively high annual rate of
roughness increase, as observed.
Results from the 1998 tests at the Orange -Fish Tunnel indicate that a short period of
high flow managed to flush the tunnel and that tunnel roughness was decreased in
comparison to that of 1988. This was also experienced to some extent during the 1988
4.3.1 Cavitation
Cavitation results from the collapse of vapor pressure bubbles formed by pressure
changes within a high velocity water flow, but is generally not important in tunnels.
Abrasion erosion of concrete is caused by water transported silt, sand and debris.
Ordinarily, concrete in properly designed, constructed, used and maintained tunnels will
undergo years of erosion-free service and due to the relatively low velocities and
generally fine sediment in SA tunnels, abrasion erosion is not a problem in water
transfer tunnels. Damage has however been reported at high head diversion tunnels at
dams, where the tunnel invert is most heavily damaged (Graham, 1998).
The compounds present in hardened Portland cement are attacked by water and by
many salts and acid solutions. Fortunately, in most hydraulic structures the deleterious
action on a mass of concrete with a low permeability is so slow that it is unimportant.
However, there are situations where chemical attack can become serious and
accelerate deterioration and erosion of the concrete, and possibly also increase the
hydraulic roughness.
Hydrogen sulfide corrosion, a form of acid attack, is common in septic sanitary systems.
Hydrated lime is one of the compounds formed when cement and water combine. It is
readily dissolved by water and more aggressively dissolved by pure mineral-free water,
found in some mountain streams, such as in the Western Cape and Lesotho Highlands.
Dissolved carbon dioxide is contained in some fresh waters to make the water slightly
acidic and add to its aggressiveness.
Scandanavian countries have reported serious attacks by fresh water, both on exposed
concrete surfaces and interior surfaces of conduits where porosity of cracks have
provided access (Graham,1998). In the USA, there are many instances where the
surface of the concrete has been etched by fresh water flowing over it, where in general
USA raw water typically has a nearly neutral acid-alkaline balance (pH).
Decaying vegetation is the most frequent source of acidity in natural waters. Running
water that has a pH as low as 6,5 will leach lime from concrete, reducing its strength
and making it more porous on the surface. If the concrete surface remains intact, the
hydraulic roughness will probably not change. However, high flow flushing could
develop bed forms in the soft concrete surface or erode the sediment, or mechanical
cleaning operation can damage the surface and expose coarse aggregate. During
cleaning oi part of the Roode Elsberg Tunnel as part of this study, cleaning by brooms
by hand actually removed the coarse aggregate leaving 20 to 30 mm diameter holes in
the surface!
The amount of lime leached from concrete is a function of the area exposed, the
volume of concrete, as well as aggressiveness of the water. As the surface mortar is
leached from the concrete, more coarse aggregate is exposed, which naturally
decreases the amount of mortar exposed. With less mortar exposed, less leaching
occurs, and hence major structural problems do not usually result, but the hydraulic
roughness can increase.
Some anaerobic bacteria are able to reduce the sulfates that are present in natural
water and produce hydrogen sulfides as a waste product. Another group of bacteria
takes the reduced sulfur and oxides back so that sulphur acid is formed. The genus
Thiobaciltus is the sulfur-oxidizing bacteria that is most destructive to concrete.
Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria are likely to be found wherever warmth, moisture, and reduced
compounds of sulfur are present. Generally, a free water surface is required, in
combination with low dissolved oxygen in sewage and low flow velocities that permit the
buildup of scum on the walls of a tunnel or pipe, in which the anaerobic sulfur-reducing
bacteria can thrive.
Newly constructed concrete has a strongly alkaline surface with a pH of about 12. No
species of sulfur bacteria can live in such a strong alkaline environment. Natural
carbonation of the free lime by carbon dioxide in the air slowly drops the pH of the
concrete surface to 9 or less. At this level of alkalinity, the sulfur bacteria Thiobacillus
thioparus generates thiosulfuric and polythionic acid. The pH of the surface moisture
steadily declines, and at a pH of about 5, Thiobacillus concretivorus begins to
proliferate and produce high concentrations of sulphuric acid, dropping the pH to a level
of 2 or less.
The destructive mechanism in the corrosion of the concrete is the aggressive effect of
the sulphate ions on the calcium aluminates in the cement paste (Graham, 1998). The
main concrete corrosion problem in a sewer, therefore, is chemical attack by this
sulphuric acid which accumulates along the crown of the sewer.
Sediment obtained from the LHWP DTN was tested during this study for possible
bacterial action (see Appendix B).
5.1 Boundary layer theory
Colebrook (1938, 1958) stated that while the boundary layer dominates in new pipes
and tunnels, it is not the case under aged conditions. Field data showed clearly that
aged pipes and tunnels operate in the transitional or rough turbulent zone.
In laminar flow, the friction is transmitted by pure shearing action. Consequently, the
roughness of the solid surface has no effect, except to trap small 'pools' of stationary
fluid in the interstices, and thus slightly increase the thickness of the stationary layer of
In a turbulent flow, a laminar sub-layer forms close to the solid surface. If the average
height of the surface roughness is smaller than the height of the laminar layer, there will
be little or no effect on the overall flow.
The A - Re curves for artificially roughened pipes are shown in Figure 5.1-1. At the
lower range of Reynolds numbers the curves for the rough pipes merge into the single
smooth pipe curve. Thus, rough pipes can behave like smooth ones at low Reynolds
numbers. This phenomenon is explained by the presence of a sub-layer, formed
adjacent to the boundary, in which the flow is laminar. The presence of such a layer
was also confirmed by the velocity distributions obtained by Nikuradse. At low Reynolds
numbers the sub-layer is sufficiently thick to cover the boundary roughness elements so
that the turbulent boundary layer is, in effect, flowing over a smooth boundary, figure
= 1/252
= I/MM
002 = I/ION
0 01
iO' 10 s 10"
The sub-layer thickness decreases with increasing Reynolds number and at high
Reynolds numbers the roughness elements are fully exposed to the turbulent boundary
layer. At intermediate Reynolds numbers, in the transitional turbulent zone, the friction
factor is influenced by both the relative roughness and Reynolds number.
-— — - 5-75 k * — + 5*5
Figure 5.1-3 Laminar sub-layer on smooth boundary
dv r zv
whence — = — and v = -L~
dy pv pv
Where x = shear stress, V= flow velocity, p. = viscosity, y= distance from wall / bed and
p - fluid density. At the upper boundary the velocity of the upper turbulent flow is the
same as in the laminar layer and if these are equated, the laminar layer thickness (51)
can be determined:
<5 =
Substituting v* = VJ— and introducing flow depth (D) on both sides yields:
S 32.8
Re VI (5.1-3)
The thickness of the laminar layer therefore decreases with Reynolds number. For
rough surfaces the zone of turbulent flow is clearly related to the ratio of the magnitudes
the quantity
ReVI ks
will be proportional to — .
D 8
Each of the curves in fig 5.1-1 should therefore deviate from the smooth pipe law at the
same value of — . Thus superimposing all curves by plotting figure 5.1-4, shows that
the transition from the smooth law begins when S is approximately 4ks and ends
when k3 is approximately 6<5 (See figure 5.1-4). It is only at the latter condition when
S - ks/6 that the hydraulic roughness is no longer controlled by viscous effects at the
The boundary layer theory can be used to design operational rules of tunnels. Figure
5.1-5 shows the hydraulic roughness versus required discharge to achieve rough
turbulent flow conditions in the Orange-Fish Tunnel. In the new tunnel with 0.13 mm
roughness, all flow conditions will have a laminar sub-layer, even at the maximum
discharge capacity of 57 m3/s. However, when the roughness reaches say 1.5 mm as
the tunnel ages, the discharge should be less than 27 m3/s to maintain a laminar
boundary layer.
In the case of soft water corrosion, possible damage to the concrete will be limited by
operation with a laminar boundary layer, since the settling velocity of sediment is higher
in laminar conditions than in turbulent flow. In the Orange-Fish Tunnel case, assuming
the water is soft, the tunnel should be operated initially at say 50 m3/s and as the
roughness increases later, the maximum discharge can be decreased to maintain a
laminar layer, but the minimum dominant discharge should not be less than the
discharge associated with the ultimate roughness caused by sediment deposition, to
limit hydraulic ageing. Therefore the ideal condition would be to maintain a laminar sub-
layer when the tunnel is still new and to allow some sediment deposition to occur which
would protect the soft corroded upper layer of the concrete.
In the case of transfer of hard water where damage to the tunnel by the flow is not
possible, the operating discharge should be as high as possible and in the rough
turbulent zone when the tunnel ages, to limit sediment deposition.
= 1.5
g> 1
MaxSf 3.36
E 0.5
20 40 60 80
Discharge (cumec)
One of the earliest attempts at providing a scientific basis for hydraulic channel design
was Chezy's work round about 1775. Many empirical equations have since been
developed, some of which have remained in use to this day. Exponential forms such as
the Manning equation have been the most popular because of the ease of
manipulation. However, most empirical formulae are based on limited data, and, as in
general they have no sound physical basis, extrapolation outside the range of
experimental confirmation may lead to serious error.
When the need for dimensional homogeneity was appreciated, and non-dimensional
parameters such as the Reynolds number were available to represent the relationships
in problems containing many variables, the physics of fluid friction became more
apparent. In the 1930s Von Karman and Prandtl published theories of turbulent flow,
which, coupled with experiments on smooth pipes and on artificially roughened pipes
(Nikuradse), provided the foundation for major advances in design techniques. These
theories were used as basis by Colebrook and White (1937) in their derivation of an
equation describing the frictional resistance of pipes.
The Prandtl- Karman theory of turbulence led to the following flow equations:
Smooth turbulence:
0.8 (5.2-1)
Rough turbulence:
= 2 1 o g — + 1.74 (5.2-2)
2 kt
A = friction coefficient, 2gDS/V2
k, -a linear measure of effective hydraulic roughness
D = tunnel diameter
Re = Reynolds number, VD/i'
A rough pipe's resistance follows equation 5.2-2 at high Reynolds numbers when
viscous effects are negligible. The same pipe's resistance, at low velocities or when
carrying a more viscous fluid would deviate further from equation 5.2-2 as the Reynolds
number reduced. Provided its roughness was not excessive, the pipe's roughness
would tend to act increasingly like that of a smooth pipe, approaching equation 5.2-1.
There is a gradual transition between rough-turbulence and smooth-turbulence which
depends to some extent upon the character of the surface. In this region roughness and
viscosity operate jointly in determining resistance over a range of conditions. Most
commercial surfaces follow very similar transition curve, and the equation obtained by
Colebrook reads:
Transitional flow:
1 ( k 2.5 ID )
-T= = -2\om—— + r=\ (5.2-3)
The transition equation incorporates the smooth-turbulent and rough-turbulent formulae
and is therefore applicable to virtually any surface, conduit size, velocity of flow, or fluid,
While empirical equations such as the Chezy and Manning equations are applicable in
rough turbulent flow, equation 5.2-3 has a wide range of application.
Design charts have been developed in the past to solve problems using equation 5.2-4
(HR, 1990). With modern computers and calculators however, it is quite simple to
determine D or S, and a trial-and-error solution or the use of charts is no longer
Before one can establish the rate of ageing and ultimate roughness of a tunnel, it is
important to know the initial conduit roughness.
Several references give recommended hydraulic roughness values for new pipes.
The Wallingford charts (see Table 5.3.1-1) provide such new pipe data and are widely
used (HR, 1990). The table of surface roughnesses is based on recommendations by
Colebrook (1939), Rouse (1943), Lamont (1954) and Perkins and Gardiner (1982). The
surfaces listed are classified as good, normal and poor examples of their respective
categories, thus leaving it to the engineer's judgement to estimate the actual value to
be used in any particular scheme. The range of roughnesses covered by good and
poor, takes into account not only the quality of the jointing but also the variation of
surface roughness to be found in pipes that are normally of the same material.
Table 5.3.1-1 Recommended new pipe roughness values ks (mm) (HR, 1990)
The hydraulic roughness values recommended for new pipeline design as given in
Table 5.3.1-1, are useful when considering the use of different materials in the design
of a new tunnel or where relining is considered. For concrete lined tunnels it is
proposed that observed new tunnel roughness values for South African conditions are
The observed hydraulic roughness of new tunnels, cast insitu, are indicated in Table
Table 5.3.2-1 Observed roughness of new (or near new) cast in-situ concrete
Colorado River Aqueduct, USA (Horowitz and Lee, 1971) 6.5 0.011 to 0.012
Slayand Inverawe, Scotland (Williams & Partners, 1952, 1964) unknown 0.0125
Segmental linings are being used increasingly for construction of tunnels to carry water
and sewage, yet there seems to be disagreement about the most important measure of
hydraulic performance - hydraulic roughness. As a result, many authorities impose
apparently arbitrary penalties on the use of such linings. For example for a nominal 6 m
diameter tunnel in the USA, an increase of 9 % in diameter was specified if a precast
segmental lining were to be used rather than an in-situ lining (Pitt and Ackers, 1982).
Other factors, such as durability and speed of construction and available construction
equipment, as well as hydraulic performance, can also influence the size and cost of
tunnels. In South Africa, the Delivery Tunnel North (Figure 5.3.3-1) followed the
segmentally lined construction technique. Commissioning test data of this tunnel
indicated a ks = 0.15mm, much less than expected during design. When the
commissioning test data were compared with other international tunnel data, the
general relationship of the equation proposed by Pitt and Ackers (equation 5.3.3-1) was
found, but with a completely different coefficient.
When segmentally constructed tunnels age, the secondary losses created by the panel
joints could actually decrease with time due to sediment deposition and sliming. For
accurate prediction of the ageing rate it is important to know the panel roughness and
the effective roughness caused by the steps between panels.
The Pitt and Ackers (1982) equation related ks to the mean step height Isl (ignoring
sign) and the segment length t. Hydraulic data obtained from 5 tunnels were used by
Pitt and Ackers to calibrate their equation:
k.=k,+x{\s\f!l (5.3.3-1)
with k0 the new panel roughness, calibrated as 0.3 mm, x = calibrated coefficient and ks
in mm. The constant of 0.3 mm is the roughness of the segments only, excluding the
joint losses. The tunnels tested were constructed during the 1970s and the initial
roughness of current in situ and segmentally lined tunnels (panels only) is typically 0.03
to 0.08 mm, based on the LHWP commissioning tests of the Transfer and Delivery
Tunnel North respectively.
T -
1 0|Soulh|L
• d! North!
f .I L
nean vaius tsiandafddeviaJion
Figure 5.3.3-2 Roughness height as a function of step height to step length (Pitt
and Ackers, 1982)
Viljoen and Metcalf (1999) proposed a recalibrated equation, using the DTN
commissioning test data as well as data of the Orange-Fish Tunnel. While the latter
tunnel has been constructed in situ, it has a lining pattern similar to a segmentally lined
tunnel with 1.52 m segments (between shutter joints) and mean step height of 6 mm.
They proposed k0 = 0.03 mm, but calibrated x = 0.65, which is significantly different
from the value proposed by Pitt and Ackers of 60. The British and South African tunnel
data therefore appear to differ, probably because of different hydraulic conditions, and
the s/l relationship on its own does not seem to be a good predictor of the total
Viljoen and Metcalf (1999) proposed equation 5.3.3-2 which gives the percentage
increase in head loss (y), over that due to wall friction ks alone, due to mean step size s,
in mm units. Data of only the Orange-Fish Tunnel and the Delivery Tunnel North were
used in the calibration, with k0 = 0.08 mm. A correlation coefficient of only 0.63 was
obtained and the equation is only applicable for tunnel diameters of 4.6 m to 5.5 m.
y = L.75ln[.v]+4.2 (5.3.3-2)
Equation (5.3.3-2) has been calibrated on a small data set and with a fixed segment
length to diameter ratio of 0.3. A new approach based on applied stream power will be
followed here in order to establish a new equation calibrated on British and SA tunnels.
For equilibrium sediment transport conditions under steady, uniform open channel flow
conditions, when the power applied to maintain suspension near the bed is equated
with the power required to suspend a sediment particle, the following relationship is
x = bed shear stress
v = velocity
y = depth measured from bottom
p = sediment density
p = density of water
g = gravitational acceleration
w = particle settling velocity
The left hand side of equation 5.3.3-3 represents applied stream power at the bed and
can be rewritten as:
K = Von Karman coefficient = 0.4 for clear water
D = open channel flow depth
Sf = energy slope
Simons and Senturk (1992) found through dimensional analysis, that in cobble and
boulder bed rivers with large scale roughness, the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor is
related to the density ratio, the shear velocity and the d50/d84 ratio of the boulders. The
Darcy-Weisbach factor is related to the Chezy C which is a function of D/ks, the left
hand side of equation (5.3.3-5). Although there is no (or limited) sediment transport in
cobble bed rivers and none in the segmentally new tunnels under consideration, the
power is balanced and with a calibrated equation (5.3.3-5) the total hydraulic roughness
of a segmentally lined tunnel can be predicted.
The data considered for the calibration are indicated in Table 5.3.3-1.
Tunnel Type Hydraulic Flow S, (m/m) Observed Mean Step Age pitta
radius velocity new ks step length when Ackers
(X10 3 )
height L(m) tested (1982)
(m) (m/s) (mm)
(mm) (yr) ks calc
Of the 7 tests, the two which yielded the highest values of ks were in sewer tunnels after
2 to 6 years operation, and not new pipelines. It may be argued that hydraulic
resistance was increased as a result of slime on the surface, but inspection showed
that there was little sliming.
The last column of Table 5.3.3-1 shows the calculated ks values based on the Pitt and
Ackers equation, it is clear that the equation cannot predict the hydraulic roughness of
the South African Tunnels, even if the ko value in the equation is adjusted from 0.3 mm
to 0.03 mm.
The mean step heights in equation 5.3.3-6 however cancel out (fron the regression
analysis) and that is why an additional equation 5.3.3-7 was calibrated with a third
parameter R/L to account for the number of joints. Equation 5.3.3-7 gives the same
prediction accuracy as equation 5.3.3-6. Theoretically, it does not make sense that the
step height is not part of the equation, but its unimportance is probably due to the
available data, where step heights to L ratios have a narrow range of values. It is
proposed that equation 5.3.3-6 is recalibrated in future when more data for larger steps
are also available.
The predicted and observed roughness values ks of the calibrated tunnels are shown in
Table 5.3.3-3 and Figure 5.3.3-3.
Ti i n n£i 1
Observed Predicted ks with Predicted ks with
i unnci k 5 {mm) eq 5.33-6 (mm) eq 5.3.3-7 (mm)
ks calculate d (mm)
. . ^ E ^ i d d i n g Valley
s^Dachet N
ElyOyse -r- Dachet S
0.1 ^
0.1 1 10
ks observed (mm)
The proposed methodology gives reliable ks predictions for UK and South African
tunnels for a wide variety of conditions, for diameters ranging from 1.0 m to 5.33 m, for
full flow and partially full flow conditions, with mean step heights at joints ranging from
2.2 to 8 mm, and with a wide range of new tunnel roughness ks = 0.13 to 2.1 mm. It is
believed that the UK data used in the calibration is less robust that the South African
data, due to the free flow in some, and slightly aged conditions in these tunnels. In
future more commissioning test data should be gathered to refine the calibration.
It is proposed that for larger joint step heights (s > 10 mm), the secondary tosses
created by the joints should be calculated separately by using theory for sudden
contractions and expansions.
Figure 5.4-1 Relationship between velocity, energy slope and stream power
Graf, 1971)
1 S
>5 G
V ^
0-5 A •
i . .. W
* *
10 100 1 000
Figure 5.5.1-1 has been used to analyse a case study: Orange-Fish Tunnel. The
calculation is for non-cohesive sediment, while the sediment in the field in this tunnel is
in fact fine and cohesive. The required discharge versus sediment diameter is shown in
figure 5.5.1-2. As the tunnel ages and its roughness increases, the required discharge
to scour a particular sand fraction becomes slightly smaller. When the discharge is less
than 10 m3/s, a laminar sub layer exists and the stream power required for re-
entrainment of the sediment is relatively high. In the rough turbulent zone there is
initially a sharp rise in discharge required to scour 2 mm versus 1 mm diameter
sediment. At the current maximum tunnel discharge capacity, sediment of 20 mm in
diameter will be re-entrained and transported through the tunnel.
10 0.37
CO 0.30
b 0.13
Laminar Turbulent
boundary boundary
Critical conditions to scour cohesive sediment is usually expressed in terms of the bed
shear stress. The critical shear stress depends on a number of factors such as the
physical and chemical characteristics of the sediment, the density of the sediment, its
shear strength and percentage clay. Most of the South African tunnels transfer water
from reservoirs after deposition of coarse sediment. It is the fine sediment that is
transported into the tunnels and deposits in uniform layers in the tunnels. Field data
should as far as possible be used in the determination of a critical shear stress for mass
erosion of the cohesive sediment. Data obtained from reservoir sediment deposits (fine
sediments) can however also provide useful information as shown in Figure 5.5.2-1.
The data were obtained from South African and Chinese Reservoirs. The maximum
and minimum lines can be used to scour sediment in hard water conditions or to limit
re-entrainment of sediment in soft water conditions, respectively.
1 10
1 -
100 1000 10000
Dry density (kg/m3)
maximum •• minimum
Figure 5.5.2-1 Critical shear stress for mass erosion of cohesive reservoir
sediment in open channel flow
The field data obtained during this study during tunnel flushing also provide useful
information on critical shear stresses and input stream power in a tunnel, as shown in
Table 5.5.2-1. Unit input stream power (P) is better correlated with sediment transport
than shear stress and is described by
P = pgVSl
Roode Els berg 0.57 6.5 7.4 Some scour = surface erosion
with C = 300 mg/l
Table 5.5.2-1 shows that at between 4.5 and 7 Pa shear stress, cohesive sediment is
scoured by surface erosion. Laboratory tests indicated it would be safe to operate at a
shear stress as high as 19 Pa without damaging good quality concrete in soft water
Input stream power values of between 7.4 and 12.6 W/m lead to surface erosion of the
sediment, at observed concentrations of 300 to 2000 mg/l. The maximum stream power
without any scour of soft concrete that should be allowed in soft water corrosion
conditions is 210 W/m with a poor quality concrete, while with a good quality concrete
such as the LHWP tunnels, the stream power could be 1515 W/m.
with C = volumetric sediment concentration, L = liquid, M = mixture and h/L the energy
This equation is empirical and based on 310 test runs, where the pipe diameter varied
between 40 and 580 mm, the sediment diameter varied between 0.2 to 25 mm, and the
concentration varied from 50 g/l to 600 g/l, supplemented with particle relative density
variation of 1.60 to 3.95. Figure 5.6-1 shows the calibration data used by Durand.
•- —
! • ; •
i •
• • • - .
• •
• . •• •
The lower limit of the equation where sediment deposition is limited was given by
Durand as
===== = FL (5.6-3)
where V c is the critical velocity and ss is relative weight of the sediment-water mixture.
This velocity separates the deposit-free regime from the deposit regime and is indicated
in Figure 5.6-2.
where ss is the ratio of the density of the solids to that of the liquid.
5.7.1 Pipelines
Colebrook (1938) presented ageing data of the Thirl Aqueduct in the UK. The
roughness was determined at intervals of a few months over a period of 14 years, and
show the gradual increase in resistance in two tarred cast-iron pipes. Both pipes, with
the largest having a 1.76 m diameter, showed a very clear linear relationship between
hydraulic roughness and time. The data of one of the pipes were plotted by Colebrook
as shown in Figure 5.7.1-1.
- I T>
I r
-, o-1 o . . . _ -
n 'Vssume '! linear
rela ion
6 8 1O 12
Perkins and Gardiner (1982) carried out hydraulic roughness ageing tests on slimed
sewers and found that slime builds up on a sewer very quickly and once this initial
sliming has taken place, there is no evidence of a subsequent continuous increase. The
roughness varies, suggesting that there is a continuous process of slime building and
removal taking place. This is not what is expected in tunnels where sediment availability
limits the rate of ageing and the process is often not dominated by sliming.
The pipe or tunnel material could have an effect on the hydraulic ageing. During tests
carried out to determine the ageing of slimed sewers, Perkins and Gardiner (1982)
found that slime built up quickly and that the pipe material had an affect on its
roughness as shown in Table 5.7.2-1.
Table 5.7.2-1 Roughness values for different sewer pipe material (Perkins and
Gardiner, 1982)
a) Colebrook (1938,1958)
Decreased hydraulic roughness with time could be due to the effects of sliming which
has been found to be more severe as pH decreases, or due to corrosion of the concrete
due to soft water attack.
The rate of ageing is usually taken as linear over time in mm/year. If the initial new
tunnel roughness k0 is known, and the rate of ageing a, it is possible to calculate future
aged tunnel roughness using equation 5.7.3-1.
ka = ku + o r (5.7.3-1)
This equation was tested against pipe data by Colebrook (1938), first with Thirlmere
pipeline data (Figure 5.7.3-1), and also with typical USA pipeline data (Figure 5.7.3-2).
He also combined the data and plotted them on a logarithmic time scale (Figure
5.7.3-3). The data showed some scatter due to seasonal temperature changes and
chemical variations, superimposed upon the already large experimental errors to be
expected in such work (Colebrook, 1938). The data show clearly that a linear
relationship exist between the increase of roughness with time and age of a conduit,
and that an equation in the form of equation 5.7.3-1 can be used to determine hydraulic
ageing of pipes or tunnels.
1.1 • U l.l IU l l » l l | W I (I •!
• .
1. 11 1.
- —
\ \
\ • z^ . A
— - * ~ — _
\ _
\ _
s —
' 1 H
-- -- - •
i ', TtAftS
8 2°
7' I !„ :
Colebrook (1958) found a relationship between the rate of ageing of a concrete lined
tunnel and the water pH. He also established a relationship to determine the ultimate
tunnel roughness ks as function of flow velocity and hydraulic radius:
in imperial units, and R = hydraulic radius and V = flow velocity. Equation 5.7.5-2 shows
that tunnel roughness is inversely related to the flow velocity. This would also apply to
the rate of ageing.
\ ... •(-_
Colebrook found a similar relationship (Figure 5.7.3-5) in later work in tunnels (1958),
equation 5.7.5-4, and stated that it should be regarded as tentative until further
experimental data becomes available.
T 1
v : IS rn
oooe ^
- , — •
?" U002
Vjrinwy ^
if ^
-ll' : 17
Derwtnt-Kood i!pl«
S go* (hllcrcj onl/) \
No. 3 \
u ooo Oi JB" : I ) >ri
- «' : 16 yn"Y
b) Basson(1999)
Using the above observed factors which contribute to tunnel ageing, the following new
calibrated equation was proposed by Basson (1999) to determine the rate of tunnel
ageing a (mm/year): with V = flow velocity (m/s), p = fluid density, g = gravitational
acceleration and Sf = energy slope.
The relationship between rate of ageing and input stream power is shown in Figure
5.7.3-6. The rate of ageing is lowest at high input stream power and at high pH values.
Equation 5.7.3-5 includes the impact of input stream power which has generally been
found to describe flow and sediment transport characteristics with great accuracy. A
linear regression carried out to calibrate equation 5.7.3-5 had a low correlation
coefficient of only 0.49. The above equation has therefore been calibrated as envelope
curve (conservative high rates of ageing) on only seven data sets, including the
Orange-Fish Tunnel data, and should be used with caution.
equation 5.7.3-5
. /
¥ /
5.6 *3
a If a
0.01 7
Label: pH
o nm
1 10 100
Figure 5.7.3-6 Relationship between input stream power, pH and rate of ageing
The data used to calibrate the above proposed equation include pH values between 5.5
and 7.5. When ageing field observations obtained at the Orange-Fish Tunnel is used to
forecast possible future conditions at the LHWP tunnels, it is important firstly to have
corresponding pH values. Orange-Fish Tunnel pH values ranged between 7.5 to 8.5 in
1975 at the inlet, while more recent DWAF data indicate a median pH of 7.5, with a
range 5.9 to 8.7 at the tunnel outlet. These values are quite similar to pH values
obtained at Katse Dam before tunnel commissioning, with mean of 8.1 and range 7.0 to
8.8 (based on a small data set of only 23 samples).
Both the equations proposed by Coiebrook (1939) and Basson (1999) showed relatively
poor correlations with the data. This might be attributed to variability in data such as pH,
or the selection of veiocities not representative of typical values experienced in the
tunnels and/or the selection of unsuitable theory. One of the problems with equations
5.7.3-4 and 5.7.3-5 is that they are not dimensionless, which could make predictions
outside the calibration range highly unreliable.
Applied stream power is a maximum at the bed (tunnel wall) and should be able to
describe hydraulic roughness where sediment deposition occurred, perhaps better than
input stream power.
In section 5.3.3 a new equation was proposed relating applied stream power at the bed
to the power required to maintain suspension. This resulted in a dimensionless
equation 5.3.3-5:
D p-p
If for tunnel flow D is replaced with R, v is assumed = 0.4 for clear water, p = constant
for water transfer tunnels, w = settling velocity = constant, it is possible to calibrate
equation 5.3.3-5 to determine the rate of ageing, with ks replaced by a. The settling
velocity had to be taken as constant since no data were available of the tunnels used
by Colebrook. Based on the description of the nature of the sediment deposition it is
similar to the South African conditions, consisting of clay and silt fractions.
The data used for the calibration of the proposed ageing equation were obtained from
Colebrook (1958) and aged Orange-Fish Tunnel data, as indicated in Table 5.7.3-1.
Tunnel ageing data are extremely limited and are rarely published. When hydraulic
tests are carried out, these are often treated as confidential consultants' reports
internationally. At many tunnels, as long as the hydraulic capacity exceeds the water
demand, no field work is carried out to establish hydraulic ageing.
The Apalachia Tunnel is operated at a high flow velocity which would limit excessive
build up of deposited sediment. The hydraulic roughness has however decreased with
time, giving a negative rate of ageing, which can probably be attributed to the formation
of a smooth thin layer of sediment. The Apalachia Tunnel data were not used because
of the negative ageing impact.
The tunnel ages varied between 4 to 55 years, while the pH values varied between 5.5
and 7.5. In some cases the hydraulic gradient was very steep as much as 0.0021, while
at the Orange-Fish Tunnel during the first 13 years of operation at low flow velocities,
the slope was only 0.0001. The roughness of new tunnels have decreased over the
years as construction techniques improved. The UK tunnels had minimum roughnesses
of 0.3 mm, while the Orange-Fish Tunnel had an original roughness of 0.13 mm. The
recently constructed LHWP Transfer Tunnel had a roughness of only 0.03 mm which is
extremely good for a cast in situ lining.
Often during the operation of a water transfer tunnel the water demand increases over
time which results in higher flow velocities, which again limits sediment deposition. This
has been experienced at the Orange-Fish Tunnel. During the 1998 tests the tunnel
was flushed by running it for a day at maximum capacity which resulted in a
considerable decrease in hydraulic roughness. The averaged rate of ageing over 23
years is therefore much less than the rate over the first 13 years. The question has to
be asked therefore is the rate of ageing linear with time and if this is assumed, what
could be the consequences in terms of the design and future operation of tunnels? This
aspect will be discussed in more detail at the end of this section.
Typically the rate of ageing is less than 0.1 mm/year, but at the Derwent Tunnel the
ageing rate observed was extremely high at 0.49 mm/year, with a final roughness ks
after 25 years of operation of 12.5 mm. The actual rate of ageing of this tunnel might be
less since the new tunnel roughness had to be estimated at 0,3 mm.
Since the rate of ageing is also influenced by the type of lining, the initial roughness-
hydraulic radius ratio was also incorporated in the calibration. The final calibrated
ageing equation is:
-11.55, J.21
The correlation coefficient of equation 5.7.3-6 is relatively high at 0.79, compared with
the methods proposed earlier by Basson (1999) and Colebrook (1958). The rate of
ageing is minimized when S increases, when R decreases, and when pH increases.
The rate of ageing is especially sensitive to the pH of the water. The predicted versus
observed rate of ageing-hydraulic radius ratio values are indicated in Figure 5.7.3-7.
50.0 / m
/ Label: discharge
1E-06 *
1E-06 1E-05 0.0001 0.001 0.01
alfa/R observed
Predicted aged ks values calculated with equation 5.7.3-6 are shown in Table 5.7.3-2
and are compared with the observed values. In addition discharge calculated with the
predicted and observed roughness is also given in Table 5.7.3-2.
Observed Predicted
Observed Predicted
Tunnel discharge discharge
old ks (mm) old ks (mm)
(m3/s) (m3/s)
Figure 5.7.3-8 shows the observed and predicted discharges of Table 5.7.3-2
graphically. From Table 5.7.3-2 it is clear that equation 5.7.3-6 over and underestimate
the large roughnesses significantly. However, when the Colebrook-White-Darcy-
Weissbach equation is used to calculate discharge from the predicted ks values, the
differences in discharge predicted and observed are relatively small. In fact all the data
fall within the range of 0.84 to 1.19 when the ratio of predicted discharge to observed
discharge is considered, which is extremely good.
1 4 ^~-^~~
Label: Discharge
08 0. 9 1 1.1 12
Ratio calculated/observed discharge
Equation 5.7.3-6 is applicable for a wide range of tunnel diameters (1.0 to 5.3 m),
hydraulic gradients and operating velocities. The age of the tunnels used for calibration
varied between 5 and 55 years, with an average age of 23 years, and it is proposed
that it should only be used to make ageing predictions up to 30 years into the future.
The calibrated equation 5.7.3-6 can now be used to calculate typical rates of ageing
and flows, for a range of energy slopes and tunnel diameters, as is graphically shown in
Figure 5.7.3-10 for a 30 year aged condition, with k0 = 0.03 mm and pH = 7.5. This
aged condition can be compared with the new tunnel discharge capacity shown in
Figure 5.7.3-9.
In a typical design of a tunnel, the hydraulic gradient St is fixed, discharge is often fixed
based on the firm yield of the water resources system (or demand is fixed), the water
pH is known and for an in situ concrete lined tunnel an initial roughness k0 = 0.03 mm
can be assumed. For a pH of 7.5, discharge = 30 m3/s and say S = 1:1000 one can use
Figure 5.7.3-10 to determine the required tunnel diameter: about 4.4 m. For a new
tunnel the required diameter would be 3.7 m to convey this flow.
The ageing is very sensitive to the pH as can be seen from Figure 5.7.3-11 when
compared with Figure 5.7.3-10, plotted for pH values of 5.5 and 7.5 respectively, which
is also the calibration range. If the ageing calculation above was based on a lower pH
of 5.5, the required tunnel diameter would be much larger at 5.5 m to give the required
capacity after 30 years of operation.
It is clear that once a tunnel diameter has been selected for a specific aged condition
and discharge, the tunnel should be operated for as long as possible at its maximum
capacity every year to limit the rate of ageing. It might be possible to restore some of
the tunnel capacity later after an initial period of flow less than the design discharge by
flushing operation, but efficiency is not guaranteed depending on the critical conditions
to re-entrain deposited sediment from the tunnel wall.
i 6 t
312 S52
5 67
2 3S
5 17 39§_—-"" " 2 99 S23
- .? - —
361, 2 08 1j47~^ 1 08
^ ^ ! ?4 ! 18_^——
3P- " ' 0^95
1 02
0 82
0 87
n I 066
^ • ^ 0.74
^ ^ 0 59
0 Labels: v(m/s)
1 '
2 3 4 5 6
Diameter (m)
0 44
0 51
Labels: v (m/s)
, 0 33
Diameter (m)
Figure 5.7.3-10 Typical 30 year age flow capacity based on rate of ageing
equation and pH = 7.5
1.TQ ^ - 13(
2 S 1,25
l 'fl— ' 1 18 081
Z03 0_67_. ———
"» 0 7 8_^- 0.53
o> 10 1 3 Q - - 0*96 oa——'^*"^ 0 37 Oil
• ' " • " ^ „
0 35 o5o
c °^5 0 33 0.28
. ^
0 31 °^7
a 038 029
0 24
0 27
o 0 22 Uihcls: \ diVs)
2 3 4 5 6
Diameter (m)
Figure 5.7.3-11 Typical 30 year age flow capacity based on rate of ageing
equation and pH = 5.5
In deriving equation 5.7.3-6, it was assumed that the rate of change in hydraulic
roughness occurs linearly with time. It might be possible however that under conditions
with an ample supply of sediment being diverted into a new tunnel, bed roughness
would reach equilibrium roughness or ultimate roughness for specific flow conditions
relatively quickly. This could happen within a year or over a period of 5 to 10 years
where after no further increase in hydraulic roughness occurs. So far in this chapter
however, ageing (increase in roughness) has been assumed to continue indefinitely
and this is probably an incorrect assumption. If the hydraulic roughness is determined
by sediment deposition, even if it is a thin layer, the ageing process should be seen as
a non-equilibrium phase in the life of a tunnel until the ultimate roughness (equilibrium
condition) is reached. The ultimate roughness should remain the same as long as the
same boundary conditions apply. If for example the flow velocity is increased in a
flushing exercise, the equilibrium roughness should decrease (if the sediment can be
5.8.1 Background
Tunnel roughness increases, under steady flow conditions, do not continue indefinitely,
but assimptotically approaches an equilibrium long-term ultimate roughness. This
equilibrium would not only depend on the tunnel material, but also the water quality,
flow velocity, etc.
5.8.2 Pipelines
Several sources can be quoted on final aged roughness values to be assumed for
concrete lined tunnels. Many of these are based on experience, with quite often a risk
(margin for error) design roughness incorporated. Some typical ultimate roughness
values recommended for pipelines are indicated in Table 5.8.2-1.
Table 5.8.2-1 indicates that a wide range of hydraulic roughness values for water mains
are possible and that ultimate roughness increases with older pipes, giving different
values for 50 years and up to 100 years use. It is not clear to what extent the values
given were calibrated against data, but for tunnels the ultimate hydraulic roughness is
expected after say 30 to 40 years, depending on the local hydraulic and water quality
conditions. After the ultimate roughness has been reached further sediment deposition
could occur which would decrease the flow area. This reduction in area could be of
significance in small diameter pipelines, but in tunnels the effect is negligible.
The recommended sewer ageing roughness values indicate that materials with
resistance to chemical and biological corrosion associated with sewerage, have much
lower hydraulic roughness values than a concrete pipe. The build-up of sediment on
adjacent epoxy lined tunnel sections and on concrete sections in the LHWP Delivery
and Theewaterskloof Tunnels, were similar and it is doubtful whether different tunnel
lining material plays a significant role in ageing as with sewers where the dominant
mechanism is sliming.
The recommended roughness data for gravity and rising main sewers in Table 5.8.2-1
indicate that at higher operating flow velocities the ultimate hydraulic roughness
decreases. The difference is quite significant. For example, a rising main's poor
roughness of 0.6 mm at 1.0 m/s, changes to 0.15 mm at 2.0 m/s. The flushing efficiency
improves at higher flow velocities and sediment deposition is limited. Flow velocity on
its own is however not a good hydraulic parameter to use when predicting hydraulic
roughness and instead a stream power approach should be followed. The aged
roughness in sewers flowing full was also found significantly less than with part-full flow,
which might be important for the design of aquaducts not flowing full, although the
ageing mechanism in sewers is completely different.
Aged tunnel data is shown in Table 5.8.4-1, as obtained from Colebrook (1985) and this
Colebrook (1958) deveped a rate of ageing equation based on the pH of the water
which he calibrated on UK tunnel data, as discussed in section 5.7. The same data
were also used by Colebrook to calibrate an equation for maximum probable ultimate
hydraulic roughness due to sliming, in imperial units (equation 5.8.4-1).
ks = QMR0Z*V^i3 (5.8.4-1)
with ks in ft
Table 5.8.4-1 shows the calculated versus observed ultimate roughness values as
determined by the Colebrook equation using the same data his equation was calibrated
against, as well as Orange-Fish Tunnel data.
ks 30 p \JgSfD
By assuming that w and density are constant, the equation can be calibrated against
tunnel data given in Table 5.8.5-1. The relationship between ks/R and the variables on
the right hand side of equation 5.8.5-2 are shown in Figures 5.8.5-1 to 5.8.5-3.
0.15 • Apalachia
• Fasnakyle
• Glenlee
> 0.1
• O-Fish1998
0.05 • Demvent
• Vyrnwy • Mourne
• O-Fish19B8
0,0001 0.001 0,01 0.1
0 01
H Q-Ftshi 99S • Derwent
•• Mourns
0 0001
• O-RsH !98S
0 0001 0.001 0.01 0-1
• O-FisWBS8=isri 1988
• Apalachia
i 7 • Glenlee
• Fasnakyie
• Vyrnwy
• Mourne • Derwent
The figures show that ks decreases as V* increases. When considering Sf, increasing
Sf seems to indicate lower ks, but the relationship is not that clear since the SA data
seem to be giving a slightly different relationship than the UK data. The variable pH
gives a clear relationship for all the data with high pH resulting in a small ultimate
The initial roughness/R to kg/R relationship was also considered but it was found, as
was expected, that it plays no role in determining the ultimate roughness (based on the
available data).
Equation 5.8.5-1 was calibrated with the data given in Table 5.8.5-1 and a high
correlation coefficient of 0.89 was obtained. Probable ultimate ageing roughness is
based on regression analysis, while it is proposed that maximum probable roughness
should also be determined (envelope line of data). Maximum probable roughness
prediction can be achieved by adjusting the regression constant with a factor of about
2.5. Two equations are therefore proposed to evaluate the probable and maximum
probable ultimate ageing of a tunnel, equations 5.8.5-2 and 5.8.5-3 respectively.
Table 5.8.5-1 shows the observed aged roughness and discharge, predicted probable
ultimate roughness and associated discharge, and predicted maximum probable
ultimate roughness and associated discharge values. The discharge was calculated by
using the Colebrook-White-Darcy-Weissbach equation.
Fish 1998 23 0.60 0.53 1.34 50.0 50.5 46.24
It is possible that the Fasnakyle Tunnel data cover too short a period of ageing and that
is why the predicted probable aged condition overestimates the observed values. Due
to the small data base this tunnel was however kept in the calibration data base.
The accuracy with which the probable ultimate discharge can be determined is quite
remarkable, the ratio of predicted to observed flows falling inside a relatively narrow
band between 0.86 and 1.16. This is also shown graphically in Figure 5.8.5-4.
In the past, before the commencement of this study, the ratio (predicted/observed) was
based on estimated Manning n values or ks values with typical prediction observed ratio
range of 0.75 to 1.33 (n-values = 0.012 to 0.016).
1 &:'O
£ Derwent
c 277__-~-~"~~~
,E Glen lee
Ultimate roughness prediction equations have now been derived and calibrated against
field data. There however remains one aspect of concern and this is whether the
calibration data have in fact reached equilibrium roughness conditions. It is believed
that an equilibrium condition is established relatively quickly, if sediment input is
sufficient. Evidence of this quick adjustment can be found where tunnels have been
cleaned mechanically and where the roughness returns to the pre-cleaning state within
a year. The newly calibrated equation that predicts maximum probable ultimate
roughness caters to some extent for the possibility that ultimate roughness has not
been reached in some of the calibration data.
It is important to note that the ultimate roughness and rate of ageing could be
dramatically increased if a tunnel is operated below its design capacity. If in later years
the originally predicted discharge capacity is required, it might not be possible to turn
the ageing process around.
The Roode Elsberg Tunnel was constructed in the late 1960s and transfers irrigation
water from the Roode Elsberg Dam to the Hex River valley (Figure 5.8.6-1). The insitu
concrete lined tunnel is 5.2 km in length and 1.98 m in diameter. The tunnel has mostly
been operated at flow velocities below 0.5 m/s and a 10 mm uniform layer of fine
cohesive sediment deposited on the tunnel wall (Figure 5.8.6-2).
l . \ • • J "•
•» • • > f c
' win
si ^r
• «
Steady flow tests were carried out in 1999 (see full description in Chapter 8) and at the
dominant peak discharge of 1.5 m3/s (0.5 m/s), the calculated probable hydraulic
roughness is 93 mm (eq. 5.8.5-2). The observed hydraulic roughness is 200 mm. The
maximum probable roughness calculated is however 236 mm, at a pH of 5.5 (eq.
5.8.5-3). These equations were calibrated with a maximum roughness data set of 12
mm and the Roode Elsberg Tunnel therefore falls far outside this range. The calculated
roughness is however in the right order and certainly indicating a high roughness, as
experienced in the field.
Three new equations have been derived and calibrated with which the following can be
• Rate of ageing (equation 5.7.3-6)
• Probable ultimate roughness (equation 5.8.5-2)
• Maximum probable roughness (equation 5.8.5-3). (Based on envelope line of
observed data.)
Ail three equations should be applied and ageing should continue until the ultimate
roughness is reached. Engineering judgement should be used when considering
probable or maximum probable roughness, involving a sensitivity assessment and
economic evaluation.
Table 5.8.7-1 provides ultimate ageing data which can be used for tunnel design, based
on the above equations.
6.0 1:500 96.3 114.4 129.6 134.9 85.2 103.5 118.9 124.5
5.5 77.1 91.7 103.8 108.1 68.2 82.8 95.3 99.7
5.0 60.4 71.9 81.4 84.8 53.4 64.9 74.7 78.2
4.5 46.1 54.9 62.2 64.8 40.7 49.6 57.1 59.8
4.0 34.1 40.8 46.1 47.9 30.1 36.7 42.3 44.2
3.5 24.2 28.9 32.8 34.1 21.3 26.1 30.1 31.5
3.0 16.3 19.5 22.1 23.0 14.4 17.6 20.3 21.2
2.0 5.8 6.9 7.8 8.1 5.1 6.1 7.2 7.5
1.0 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4 0.8 1.1 1.2 1.3
6.0 1:1000 66.4 79.2 89.9 93.6 58.6 71.5 82.4 86.3
5.5 53.1 63.4 72.0 75.0 46.8 57.2 66.0 69.1
5.0 41.6 49.7 56.5 58.8 36.7 44.8 51.7 54.2
4.5 31.8 38.0 43.1 44.9 28.0 34,2 39.5 41.4
4.0 23.5 28.1 31.9 33.2 20.7 25.3 29.3 30.6
3.5 16.7 20.0 22.7 23.6 14.7 18.0 20.8 21.8
3.0 11.2 13.5 15.3 15.9 9.9 12.1 14.0 14.7
2.0 4.0 4.8 5.4 5.6 3.5 4.3 5.0 5.2
1.0 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
6.0 1:2000 45.8 54.8 62.3 64.9 40.2 49.3 57.0 59.8
5.5 36.6 43.9 49.9 52.0 32.2 39.5 45.7 47.9
5.0 28.7 34.4 39.1 40.7 25.2 30.9 35.8 37.5
4.5 21.9 26.3 29.9 31.1 19.2 23.6 27.4 28.7
4.0 16.2 19.4 22.1 23.0 14.2 17.5 20.2 21.2
3.5 11.5 13.8 15.7 16.4 10.0 12.4 14.4 15.1
3.0 7.7 9.3 10.6 11.0 6.8 8.4 9.7 10.2
2.0 2.7 3.3 3.7 3.9 2.4 3.0 3.4 3.6
1.0 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6
6.0 1:5000 27.9 33.7 38.4 40.0 24.5 30.2 35.1 36.8
5.5 22.5 26.9 30.7 32.0 19.5 24.2 28.1 29.4
5.0 17.5 21.1 24.1 25.1 15.3 18.9 22.0 23.1
4.5 13.4 16.1 18.4 19.1 11.7 14.5 16.8 17.6
4.0 9.9 11.9 13.6 14.2 8.6 10.7 12.4 13.0
3.5 7.0 8.5 9.7 10.0 6.1 7.6 8.8 9.3
3.0 4.7 5.7 6.5 6.8 4.1 5.1 6.0 6.2
2.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.4 1.4 1.8 2.1 2.2
1.0 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4
While the relatively high pH values and flow velocities in the LHWP tunnels indicate a
relatively slow rate of tunnel ageing, soft water corrosion (leaching) of the concrete
surface could be the dominant ageing factor to consider. The Katse water could be
potentially aggressive to concrete with Langelier index values less than zero (mean = -
0.9), and the Ryznar indices well in excess of 6.5 (which demonstrates a "neutral"
water, neither scale forming nor scale removing). The aggressiveness index formulated
for evaluating corrosion in asbestos cement pipes indicates a value of 11.24, which is
moderately aggressive (DWAF, 1996). (See Table 6.1-1).
Magnesium ion as mg Mg/I 100 to 500 500 to 1000 1000 to 1500 >1500
Total sulphate ion as mg SO4/I 150 to 1000 1000 to 2000 2000 to 3000 >3000
Chloride ion as mg Cl/I 500 to 1000 1000 to 2500 2500 to 5000 >5000
A 4 lh corrosion index was established by Basson (1990) for the Portland Cement
Institute (PCI). Based on the latest water quality data at the Ash River outfall, the PCI
index has a value of about 1700, which indicates a highly aggressive condition (Table
The above four indices indicate that the LHWP tunnels would be subject to softwater
corrosion with resultant leaching of concrete, with possible increased roughness and
friction losses in future.
Unfortunately no way of predicting what the degree of deterioration of the concrete lined
portions of the tunnels will be possible without field observations over time at the LHWP
tunnels. Muller (1977) states that the rate of corrosion is a function of the concrete
permeability. Corrosion resistence is increased against natural aggressive waters if the
concrete is well cured, sound and dense, having a relatively high cement content and a
minimum water-cement ratio.
The rate of tunnel roughening of the LHWP tunnels is however expected to be slow
considering the high quality concrete used. Knowledge of two other tunnels in South
Africa in the Western Cape: Theewaterskloof and Roode Elsberg which both convey
aggressive soft water, indicates that silt deposition and some sliming creating a slippery
surface are present, even under softwater corrosion conditions.
Aggressive ground water zones in South Africa are shown in Figure 6.1-1 and provides
an indication of where soft water in surface water can be expected. The water quality of
surface water at a specific tunnel should however be investigated to obtain site specific
; A P E F R o >' i ••
Figure 6.1-1 Soft water zones in ground water in South Africa (DWAF, 1999)
7.2 Background
In mountainous regions where the rock formations are igneous or siliceous or dense
lime stones into which water cannot penetrate and there is almost complete absence of
bases and soluble salts in the surface soils the waters are almost free of dissolved salts
(Ballim, 1993). The drainage waters from these regions are often acidic owing to the
presence of humic acid and also carbon dioxide, which is a product of plant decay. A
saturated solution of humic acid in water has a pH value of 3.6-4.1. Owing to its low
solubility, 0.19 g/f, the amount, which can be carried in water, is small and although it
has some action on concrete, this is much less serious than that of very pure (mineral-
free) waters or of those containing carbon dioxide (CO2). These pure waters are
aggressive to concrete primarily because of their "ion hungry " nature (Lea, 1998).
The dominant raw materials in ordinary Portland cement is: (Lea, 1998)
C = CaO
S = SiO2
A = AI2O3
F = Fe2O3
CH = Ca(OH2)
The main compounds in Portland cement can be seen in Table 7.2.1-1
The product of hydration of C 3 S is the microcrystalline hydrate C3S2H3 with some lime
separating out as crystalline Ca(OH) 2 ; C 2 S behaves similarly but clearly contains less
lime. Nowadays, the calcium silicate hydrates are described as C-S-H - gel.
The approximate chemical reactions taking place during hydration of ordinary Portland
cement is as follows: (Addis, 1989)
2C 2 S + 4H —• C 3 S 2 H 3 + CH eq. 7.2.1-2
The silicates, C 3 S and C 2 S, are the most important compounds, which are responsible
for the strength of hydrated cement paste. At the age of about one year, the two
compounds, mass for mass, contribute approximately equally to the strength of the
hydrated cement. C3A and C 4 AF contribute very little to the strength of the hydrated
cement paste.
The hydrated calcium silicates (C-S-H) are stable only in highly alkaline conditions; if
calcium hydroxide Ca(OH) 2 is removed, the pH is lowered and decomposition of some
more hydrated calcium silicates (C-S-H) takes place with the liberation of more Ca(OH) 2
which in turn is removed by leaching. Under favourable conditions these reactions can
continue until most of the hydrated calcium silicates (C-S-H) are decomposed (Muller,
Any of the hydrated compounds present in the cement can be leached from the
cement, leaving a residue made up of SiO 2 xH 2 O, AI 2 O 3 yH 2 O and Fe 2 O 3 z H 2 O. This
residue performs a protective role against leaching on account of the gel-like nature of
its compounds (Lea, 1989).
It will be seen that equation 7.2.2-3 is reversible, and can proceed to the right or left
depending on conditions. The direction will be to the right for as long as the calcium
hydrogen carbonate Ca(HCO3)2 can remain in solution, and for this some free carbon
dioxide CO;, is required. If any of this is lost, the reaction will reverse to the left and
calcium carbonate CaCO3 will be precipitated until sufficient carbon dioxide CO2 has
been released to stabilize the calcium hydrogen carbonate Ca(HCO3)2 remaining in
solution (Ballim, 1993).
In the absence of any movement of the water layer in immediate contact with the
concrete surface, any erosion action will soon cease because of the depletion of
reactants and establishment of equilibrium conditions. Erosion rates proceed much
more slowly under stagnant conditions than would be the case if the water was in
motion and the interface water layer was to be constantly replenished (Basson, 1989).
The humic acid in some of the mineral-free drainage waters reacts with calcium salts to
form calcium humate, which is practically insoluble in water. These insoluble calcium
salts tend to block the pores of the concrete surface and prevent further loss of calcium
hydroxide from the cement - a protective skin is formed. Flowing aggressive solutions
are more damageing. The reaction products are carried away from the concrete
surface, thus preventing a protective skin (Lea, 1989).
If the concrete is porous and the soft water can percolate through the material the
leaching effect become very serious {Muller,1977).
Chemical reaction rates are temperature dependant and generally double for every 10-
degree rise in the Kelvin temperature. Warm waters will therefore have higher erosion
rates than cold water (Basson,1989)
On the other hand the aggressive action of water is increased if it contains carbon
dioxide CO2 in a free state but the solubility of CO2 in water increases with a decrease
in temperature. CO2-gasat atmospheric pressure is soluble in water with a temperature
of 18 CC, to the extent of 1.8 g//, giving a solution of 1.0577 g/' carbonic acid (Lea,
Replacement of cement with fly ash, blast-furnace slag and silica-fume respectively
increase the resistance of the cement-based paste to soft water attack. As mentioned
before the durability of cement - based materials, subject to the action of soft water,
depends essentially on the initial amount of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) in the cement
paste. The beneficial effect of the cement extenders is that they contain much less
calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) compared to the ordinary Portland cement. In some cases
the calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) is consumed during the pozzolanic reaction.
In the case of a paste sample made with an OPC cement which leads to about 20%
content of Ca(OH) 2 , the leaching of this Ca(OH)2 is the essential parameter governing
decrease in strength . The loss of strength due to the decalcification of C-S-H is only 6
% and can be neglected in relation to the loss of strength due to the leaching of
Ca(OH)2. In the case of the use of a paste sample with the admixture of silica fume to
consume all the Ca(OH)2, the decalcification of the C-S-H reduces the strength with
about 30 %. The effect of the decalcification of C-S-H is therefore not negligible (Carde,
Leaching of concretes with cement extenders occurs on the hydrated calcium silicates
C-S-H only, causing its decalcification and this is a beneficial factor because this
reaction is much slower than the Ca(OH)2 leaching (Carde,1999).
f) Other factors
The nature of the aggregate also plays also an important role, since it was found that
the depth of corrosion of a paste made with limestone was three times higher than that
made with quartz as aggregate (Lea, 1989).
It has been shown that the degree of deterioration of concrete under attack by
aggressive water depends on whether or not the water is replenished, flowing, warm or
pressurized, and is worse if the water flows from a wet surface to dry surface (Muller,
7.2.3 Conclusion
Concrete wetted by distilled or very soft water is corroded because the difference in
concentrations of calcium compounds between the concrete and water phases creates
leaching of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2). Decomposition of the cement binder takes
place as the calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) is removed and eventually all the hardened
cement can be decomposed.
The main factors influencing the rate of leaching of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) in
mineral - free water are:
Erosion rates proceed much more quickly if the soft water was in motion relative to the
concrete surface and the interface layer was to be constantly replenished.
Warm waters will have higher erosion rates than cold waters except in the case where
the aggressive action of the water is increased by the carbon dioxide CO2 because the
solubility of CO2 in water increases with a decrease in temperature.
Replacement of cement in the concrete mixture with fly ash, blast-furnace slag and
silica-fume respectively increases the resistance of the cement-based paste to soft
water attack. The beneficial effect of cement extenders is that they contain much less
calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) compared to the ordinary Portland cement.
Limestone used as aggregates in the cement paste is more prone to corrosion than
quarts used as aggregates.
7.3.1 Aims
The aim of the laboratory tests was to investigate the rate of concrete deterioration and
ultimate hydraulic roughness in the Theewaterskloof Tunne! and the LHWP pre-cast
linings (without joint effects) of the Delivery Tunnel due to soft water attack.
Soft water attack on concrete is a very slow process and therefore a pilot study was to
be conducted firstly to determine if an accelerated attack on the concrete can be
reached with tests in the laboratory.
The literature review indicates that there are two main factors influencing the
deterioration of the concrete namely the aggressiveness of the water and the
composition of the concrete under attack.
The aim of these tests is to keep the aggressiveness of the water constant by using
very soft (de-ionised, distilled) water to determine the mechanism and rate of leaching
of the Ca-ions from the different concrete mixtures at different water operating
With the leaching data and the concrete composition data known, theoretical rates of
concrete deterioration depths can be determined for the different concretes at different
water operating velocities. The aim with these available data is to correlate it with field
data at Theewaterskloof Tunnel and predict the deterioration of the concrete in the
future. In terms of hydraulic roughness, calibration with field data is not possible
because of sediment deposition in the field.
Originally Roode Elsberg Tunnel was also selected as case study for laboratory testing,
but information on the actual concrete mix used was difficult to obtain and the cement
Basson, Visagie & Malan 68 October 2002
WRC Project: Dealing with Tunnel Ageing
used in the late 1950s to construct the tunnel was quite different from what is currently
The aim with the tests on the LHWP is to predict concrete deterioration in the future and
to recommend a concrete mixture design, which can resist soft water attack to a higher
degree than the mixture at present.
A 150 mm nominal diameter pipe system was installed at the hydraulic laboratory of the
University of Pretoria. (See Figure 7.3.2-1)
A test section is made up of two halves: top and bottom cast around a steel pipe 150
mm nominal diameter as mould. The Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF)
constructed the mould. The two concrete halves weigh close to 0,5 ton each and they
were clamped together and made watertight, while special flanges were used to align
and connect the test section with the pump line (see Figure 7.3.2-2).
Two submersible pumps with about 30 Us discharge capacity each were connected to
the 150 mm diameter pipeline.
A 90° V-notch was installed at the end of the pipeline to measure discharge. (See
Figure 7.3.2-3)
The head loss across the 5 m test section was measured by two electronic pressure
gauges, immediately upstream and downstream of the concrete pipe.
During November 2000 a pilot study was carried out to determine if soft water attack
could be simulated in the laboratory. Concrete sections were cast at DWAF and
transported to the University of Pretoria.
No mixture content data were available for the concrete used to cast the 150 mm
diameter pipe and as no cubes were cast and the 28-day strength was not tested. Four
small test cubes had to be cut from the outside of the concrete pipe and put into the
water for experimental purposes.
Distilled (Ionised) water with a Ca-ion concentration of 0.42 mg/l and a pH of 7 was
used as soft water in the pipe system. Appendix A-6 shows the running time of the
pump, the velocity as well as the volume of the water. The temperature of the water
was also noted. The volume of water in the system decreased due to evaporation and
therefore it was necessary to replenish it with distilled water from time to time (see
Appendix A-6).
a) Experimental methods
Two samples - one before leaching of Ca-ions and one after 10 days of leaching of Ca-
ions were tested with the ARL 9400XP+ Wavelength dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence
Spectrometer. No sample preparation was done, the surface of the material was
exposed to the spectrometer and analysed.
A sample was removed for analysis from the water after 15 days of exposure to soft
water and the resultant leaching of Ca-ions from the concrete. Fragments of the surface
of the sample, as well as a fragment of the inside of the sample were investigated by
using the scanner electron microscope. Sample preparation required the fragments to
be placed in a vacuum after which it was imbedded in a thin layer of gold.
Water samples were taken in the mornings and in the afternoons. An atomic absorption
analysis of the Ca-ions in the water was done on selected samples.
b) Experimental results
AI 2 O 3 4.42% AI 2 O 3 5.83%
Figure 7.3.3-1 to Figure 7.3.3-4 give visible evidence of Ca-ions loss as seen by means
of the microscope.
Figure 7.3.3-5 shows the rate of Ca-ions (g) being leached from the concrete pipe as
determined by the amount of Ca-ions found in the water. In the first 50 hours the
leaching rate was high, followed by reduced leaching rates.
From all this data it was found that it is possible to simulate soft water attack on
concrete in the laboratory.
The original materials used to cast the Theewaterskloof Tunnel, such as the coarse and
fine aggregates have been obtained from the field by DWAF to use in the concrete for
the test section.
The cement originally used for the Theewaterskloof Tunnel was produced by De Hoek
cement factory in 1980 and would today be classified as a CEM I 32,5. In 1980 it would
have contained about 4,5% limestone. Today, the De Hoek cement factory produce
cement (not for resale), which is blended with slag for their Surebuild product. This
"UBC" as it is called contains 6% limestone (around 4,5% when blended with slag). This
UBC cement is the closest to the 1980 cement used in the tunnel. A batch of 300 kg of
this cement was obtained from the De Hoek cement factory to use in the concrete
mixture for the test section. The chemical composition of this cement is as indicated in
Table 7.3.4-1:
TiO 2 0,17
CaO 63,62
MgO 1,13
S0 3 2,34
K20 0,67
Na2O 0,40
The original concrete mixture used for the Theewaterskloof Tunnel was obtained from
DWAF. The composition and properties of the concrete mixture made in the laboratory
can be seen in Table 7.3.4-2.
Composition of mixture
b) Experimental results
The testing on the Theewaterskloof Tunnel section started at the end of May 2001 and
ran 24 h per day until the end of August 2001. Head loss readings, water temperature
readings and water samples were taken in the mornings and afternoons. The operating
velocities were steady at about 1,2 m/s, 1,9 m/s and 2,9 m/s. The temperature of the
water varied between 24 - C and 33 e C. The natural pH - values of the water varied
between 6,7 and 8 with a mean value of 7,4. See Appendix A-1 and A-2 for the data.
120.0 -
It is clear from Figure 7.3.4-1 that during the first three days the calcium hydroxide
(Ca(OH)2) was leached at a much higher rate. It is possible that excess unhydrated
cement was present on the surface of the concrete. When the water was replenished
as indicated on the graph, the leaching rate of the Ca-ions was very high for a day and
then it stabilised at a constant rate for the different water operating velocities.
A linear trendline was added to the graphs and the equation and R-squared value are
displayed on the figure. It seems that the leaching rate of Ca-ions for a specific velocity
is constant.
The leaching rate of Ca-ions from the concrete for different water velocities can be seen
in Figure 7.3.4-2. These leaching rates are for flowing de-ionised distilled water at a
mean temperature of 27 °C and a natural pH - value of about 7. An exponential
trendline was added to the graph and the equation as well as R-squared value is
indicated on the figure. The leaching rate of Ca-ions increases as the operating water
velocity increases.
>. 2
I '-5
y = 0.2768e°-6093x
re R2 = 0.9541
° 0.5
Figure 7.3.4-2 Leaching rate of Ca-ions from the concrete for different
velocities (Theewaterskloof test section)
The leaching of Ca-ions from the concrete for a total volume of water through the test
section can be seen in Figure 7.3.4-3.
A linear trendline was added to the graphs and the equation and R-squared value are
displayed on the figure. It seems that the leaching rate of Ca-ions for a specific volume
of water through the test section is constant. The water operating velocities influence
this leaching rate of Ca-ions.
The leaching rate of Ca-ions per water volume from the concrete for different water
operating velocities can be seen in Figure 7.3.4-4. It seems that the leaching rate of Ca-
ions for a constant volume of water decrease for higher operating velocities but more
research is
= 0.2fl36x + 29.173
W = 0.9959
FF = 0.9935
= 0.3504x+12.196
F¥ = 0.953
Figure 7.3.4-3 Leaching rate of Ca-ions per total volume of water through
Theewaterskloof test section
Basson, Visagie & Malan 78 October 2002
WRC Project: Dealing with Tunnel Ageing
Q. 0.3
y = 0.1142x2 • 0.4592X + 0.737
dy/dx = 0.2284 - 0.4592
•5 0.2
(0 minimum for x = 2.01 m/s
.2 0.1
Figure 7.3.4-4 Leaching rate of Ca-ions per water volume for different
water velocities (Theewaterskloof test section)
A literature review indicates that it is not only the aggressiveness of the water that
influences the leaching rate but also the composition of the cement paste. By predicting
the calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) content of the cement paste a relative chemical
vulnerability towards soft water attack can be established {Addis, 1989).
The mineralogical composition of the cement used for the concrete mixture according to
the Bogue calculation (see Table 7.3.4-1) can be used to predict the calcium hydroxide
(Ca(OH)2) content of the hydrated paste at an age of 28-days (Addis, 1989).
According to Table 7.3.4-2 the Portland cement used in the Theewaterskloof Tunnel
contains 63 % C3S, 11 % C2S, 3.4 % C3A and 11.4 % C4AF.
e) Assumptions:
The calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) content of the hydrated paste at an age of 28-days is
25,17 % (see above) and is very high, therefore according to a literature search
(Carde,1999) the maximum theoretical depth of deterioration of the concrete is
calculated for Ca(OH)2 leaching only.
The permeability is also a factor influencing the depth of deterioration, but is not taken
into account in this calculation.
The maximum theoretical depth of deterioration of the concrete is for de-ionised distilled
water with a mean temperature of 27 °C and a natural pH - value of about 7. This water
is much more aggressive than the soft water flowing through the tunnel in the field,
therefore the maximum theoretical depth of deterioration of the concrete is for an
accelerated soft water attack.
74 v
Therefore: — = Ca(OH)2/k< water
40 0,64
x = 1,18 g Ca(OH)2 / kf water is leached per day
100250K _ 8,29.1?
lm v
y = 0,00008269 m3
The area of concrete attacked per day is the surface of the inside of the test section:
0,15 m * IT * 5 m
where: d max = maximum theoretical depth of deterioration of the concrete per day
Therefore: = 35% Ca-ions in C3S2H3
y = 0,00003290m3
The area of concrete attacked per day is the surface of the inside of the test section:
0,15 m *TT * 5 m
where: dmin = minimum theoretical depth of deterioration of the concrete per day
The actual graph indicating the theoretical depth of deterioration of the concrete per day
lies between the two graphs on figure 7.3.4-5. The factors influencing the depth are the
permeability and porosity of the concrete. The permeability and porosity of the
Theewaterskloof Tunnel concrete are very high (see Table 7.3.4-2), therefore it is
possible that the actual graph will be closer to the dmai(-graph than the dmin-graph.
Leaching of Ca(OH)2
and decaicification of C-S-H-gel (dmin)
The concrete of the test section has to be tested to determine the actual depth of
deterioration (amount of Ca-ions present) in order to calibrate this model. More
research is also necessary to determine the specific influence of the permeability,
porosity and aggressiveness of the water on the deterioration rate of the concrete.
A core, 400 mm in diameter and 700 mm in length, was drilled from the concrete of the
Theewaterskloof Tunnel 21 km from the inlet of the tunnel. In the laboratory a 100 mm
diameter core was taken from the original core. The 100 mm diameter core was cut into
+/- 3mm thin slices with a diamond saw. Every sample was crushed into a fine powder.
The powder was tested for the amount of CaO present by using a titration with [EDTA].
The data can be seen in Appendix A-7.
In the first 3mm (on the surface) of the 100 mm diameter core the CaO content was 6,9
%. At a depth of 7mm - 17mm the CaO content was 9,5 % and at a depth of 210 mm -
213 mm the CaO content was about 8 %.
According to the composition of the cement and the concrete (see Table 7.3.4-1 and
7.3.4-2) the total amount of CaO in the concrete mixture has to be 11 %, therefore it is
possible that the concrete had been affected deeper than 213 mm. More research is
necessary to evaluate the depths to which deterioration took place.
Table 7.3.5-1 Chemical composition of cement used for LHWP tunnel section
TiO 2 0,23
CaO 65,03
MqO 2,41
SO3 2,22
K2O 0,59
Na 2 O 0.08
SiO 2 53,8
AI 2 O 3 34,3
Fe 2 O 3 3,6
Mn 2 O 3 0,1
TiO z 1,6
CaO 4,4
MgO 1.1
SO3 0,1
K2O 0,5
Na 2 O 0,4
P2OS 0,3
LOi 0,8
The concrete mixture used in the LHWP test section is as indicated in Table 7.3.5-3:
Table 7.3.5-3 Concrete mixture for pre-cast linings of the LHWP delivery
tunnels from the 1994 records as obtained by DWAF
Materials (Kg/m3)
The test on the LHWP Delivery Tunnel pre-cast concrete lining section started at the
middle of September 2001 and ran 24 h per day until the middle of November 2001.
Head loss readings, water temperature readings and water samples were taken in the
mornings and afternoons. The operating velocities was steady at about 1,2 m/s, 2,3
m/s and 2,73 m/s. The temperature of the water varied between 19 s C and 29 e C. The
natural pH - values of the water varied between 6,9 and 8,4 with a mean of 7,8. See
Appendix A-4 and A-5 for the data. (The mean pH in the field at the tunnel outlet is 7.9).
The water was analysed for the amount of Ca - ions present in the water by using a
titration with [EDTA] Concentration of Di-sodium Ethylenediamine Tetra-acetate. See
Appendix A-5 for leaching data.
The observed rate of leaching of Ca-ions from the concrete for water operating
velocities of 1.9, 2.3 and 2,7 m/s can be seen in Figure 7.3.5-1.
It is clear from Figure 7.5.3-1 that in the first two days the calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2)
is leached at a much higher rate. The same happened at the Theewaterskloof test
section therefore it is possible that excess unhydrated cement is present on the surface
of the concrete. The water was replenished every time the operating velocity was
changed. Linear trendlines were added to the graphs and the equation and R-squared
values are displayed on the figure.
1,9 m/s
:y = 0.6784x +34.164
R2 = 0.9269
y = 1.8194x +8.2777
R2 = 0.9562
40 -U
7 = 0.6587* + 19-329
A R2 = 0.9682
O 30
y = 3.6581 x + 0.3745
10 4 y= 10.222X+ 9.4999
R2 = 0.9891
2,3 m/s
2,7 m/s
R -1
10 15 20 25 30 35
Figure 7.3.5-1 Cumulative leaching of Ca-ions per day (LHWP test section).
Two constant leaching rates for a water operating velocity can be observed from Figure
7.5.3-1. From the literature review it is possible that the lower leaching rate is the rate of
decalcification of the C-S-H gel and the higher leaching rate is the rate of Ca(OH)2
leaching. The decalcification rate is similar for both the operating velocities, but the rate
of Ca(0H)2 leaching for the two velocities differs.
The duration of the test run at an operating water velocity of 2,7 m/s was not enough to
determine the leaching rate. More research is therefore necessary to evaluate the
leaching rate of higher operating water velocities.
The literature, which has been reviewed indicates that replacement of cement in the
concrete mixture with fly ash increases the resistance of the cement-based paste to soft
water attack. (Basson,1989) For LHWP 14% of the cement-based paste in the concrete
mixture (see Table 7.5.3-3) consists of fly-ash, which contains much less calcium
hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) compared to the ordinary Portland cement. The theoretical
calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) content of the hydrated paste at an age of 28-days can be
determined by using the mineralogical composition (see Table 7.3.5-1 & 7.3.5-2) of the
cement and the fly-ash used in this concrete mixture.
According to Table 7.3.5-1 the Portland cement used in the LHWP delivery tunnel
contains 68,7 % C3S, 8,6 % C2S, 6,2 % C3A and 7,9 % C4AF.
360 kg Ulco Portland cement, which produces (3,6 x 60,07) = 216,25 kg C3S2H3 and
(3,6 x 28,79) = 103,99 kg Ca(OH)2
The 60 kg fly-ash in the mixture reacts with (0,6 x 99,53) = 59,72 kg Ca(OH)2
The theoretical depth of deterioration of the concrete is calculated by assuming that the
calcium hydroxide (Ca(0H)2) in a certain depth of concrete is leached at a rate as
determined with the leaching data and then total decalcification of the C-S-H gel in this
volume of concrete occurs at a different rate (see figure 7.3.4-4).
The permeability is also a factor influencing the depth of deterioration but is not taken
into account during this calculation.
The theoretical depth of deterioration of the concrete is for de-ionised distilled water
with a mean temperature of 27 °C and a natural pH - value of about 7.
Therefore: = 35% Ca-ions in C3S2H3
The Ca-ion leaching rate for decalcification from Figure 7.3.4-4 is 0,66 g / k/
Basson, Visagie & Malan 86 October 2002
WRC Project: Dealing with Tunnel Ageing
And the total Ca-ions leached as Ca(OH)2 is (3,66 * 7) = 25,62 g per day or 1,07g / hour
I Oum x
14.31/; 24/i
x = 16,77
The theoretical depth of deterioration of the concrete with a water operating velocity of
1,9 m/s = 16,77 |jm / day
The total Ca-ions leached as a result of decalcification is (0,68 * 7) = 4,76 g per day or
0,2 g /hour
And the total Ca-ions leached as Ca(OH)2 is (1,82 * 7) = 12,74 g per day or 0,531 g /
1 Oum x
14.09/; 24/i
x = 17,03
The theoretical depth of deterioration of the concrete with a water operating velocity of
2,3 m/s = 17,03 Mm/day
There is not enough data available at this stage but according to Table 7.3.5-3 it seems
that the concrete deterioration rate increase with an increase of water operating
velocity. It is clear that the theoretical rate of deterioration depth per day of the LHWP
tunnel with the fly-ash as cement extender is much lower than that of the
Theewaterskloof tunnel section with no cement extender.
The hydraulic roughness based on the Colebrook-White equation was determined for
the three concrete test sections. Data on the first test pipe were obtained by running the
test at a steady flow velocity of about 1.2 m/s. At the end of the tests at this flow, the
flow velocity was increased to 3 m/s for one day at a time, and after each high flow the
flow was reduced to test the roughness at 1.2 m/s again. The aim was to test what
happened during steady low flows and whether equilibrium had been reached.
An OPC cement was used and the concrete mix was a general low strength mix. The
original purpose of this test was to finalize the test procedure for the LHWP tunnel and
Theewaterskloof Tunnel sections, but very useful data were obtained. This led to
several changes such as the use of pressure gauges instead of a manometer,
construction of a permanent roof over the pumps, construction of a test section at
University of Pretoria instead of at DWAF Materials Laboratory due to transport
problems with the test section weighing more than a ton.
Concrete for the second test section was based on the Theewaterskloof Tunnel design,
without slagment, with aggregate obtained from Western Cape (Berg River) by DWAF
and transported to Pretoria where the test section was cast at the University of Pretoria.
The tests were carried out for three steady flow periods until hydraulic roughness
equilibrium was more or less reached.
The third and last test section was based on the LHWP Delivery Tunnel segmentally
lined concrete. Aggregate for this test section was obtained from site by TCTA who also
arranged transport to Pretoria. Three steady flows were tested, increasing with time.
The test section was 5 m in length, cast in a top and bottom half around a steel pipe as
mould to get a smooth finish. The test pipe had an inside diameter of 0.14 m.
The results of the tests carried out on the pilot test pipe are shown in Figures 7.3.6-1
and 7.3.6-2., while the roughness time series of the Theewaterskloof and LHWP DTN
pipe section laboratory tests are shown in Figures 7.3.6-3 and 7.3.6-4. The following is
concluded from the test results:
• There was a dramatic increase in roughness over the first 5 test days, which is in
agreement with rapid leaching that occurred over the same period (see
Figure 7.3.3-3)
• Near the end of the low flow test period there was again a slight increase in Ca-ions
leaching that corresponds with a slight increase in roughness
• The low flow tests at 1,2 m/s indicated an initial increase in roughness from 1 mm to
about 3 mm, followed by a general scatter of between 1.7 to 3.1 mm. This latter
range of values is due to measurement inaccuracy due to the manometer water
levels varying. Each point however represents the mean value of at least 20
readings taken at the upstream and downstream gauges.
• The high flow testing at > 3 m/s increased the roughness and doubled it after 2
days. After repairs were carried out to the pump system and the pipe was empty for
several months, high flow testing continued and again after a day the roughness
tested higher at 6 mm. No chemical leaching tests were carried out during these
tests. One last high flow test lasting a day was carried out and while it was expected
that the roughness would stabilise at about 6 mm, this did not happen and instead a
dramatic increase occurred to reach 9 mm. The tests were stopped at that stage
due to leakage, loss of water and time constraints. It is not clear whether the
roughness would have increased with longer duration high flow testing.
The rapid increase in roughness following high flows could not be simulated with
higher strength tunnel concrete such as being used in the other two test sections.
When the pilot test section was opened up after the test, it was found that the seal
between the upper and bottom halves had moved into the flow zone, and this must
have happened prior to the start of the tests. This led to relatively high energy
losses and a secondary loss as function of the velocity head was incorporated in the
analysis to determine ks. In further tests of the tunnel sections no secondary loss
coefficient was used to determine the hydraulic roughness.
The seal material inside the test pipe would create convergence and divergence
losses, but would also be oscillating at high flows, changing the velocity profile,
resulting in excessive erosion of the concrete. Inspection of the inside of the pipe
after tests showed a relatively coarse surface and none of the original smooth finish
area was present. The absolute roughness values obtained from the pilot test
should not, however, be used as absolute values due to the many assumptions that
had to be made and because this was a low strength concrete not typical of tunnel
Main saltwater cmroson
f 2.50
JS 2.00
1-OC1-2000 6-Oct-2000 lt-Oci-2000 16-Oc1-2000 21-Oct-2000 26-OC1-2000 31-Oct-2000 5-Nov-2000
7.00 \
_ 6.00 \
£ 5.00
After high flow Hushing for
day at > 3 m/s
11-Sep- l-Oct-2000 21-Ocl- 10-Nov- 30-Nov- 20-Dec- 9-Jan- 29-Jan- 18-fieb- 10-Mar- 3D-Mar-
2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001
2 50
E 200
1 50
0 50
O.QP.; ~z
29-May-0i 8-Jun-01 1B-Jun-O1 28-Jun-01 8-Jul-01 18-Jul-01 2B-JUI-01 7-Aug-OI 17-Aufl-Oi 27-Aug-OI
0 70
27-Aug-01 6-Sep-01 16-Sep-Ol 26-Sep-01 6-Oci-01 lB-Oci-CJl 26-Oci-OI 5-Nov-Ol 15Nov-0! 25-Nnv-OI
• During the first day of testing there was a dramatic increase in roughness, from 1 to
3 mm, which agrees with the Ca-ions leaching rate, and then the roughness
stabilised between 2 to 3 mm. This pattern is similar to what was experienced
during the pilot tests.
• At 1.94 m/s the roughness experienced is much lower at 0.5 mm than at 1.2 m/s.
There was again a small increase in initial roughness as the test started. The rest of
the test at 2.3 m/s showed steady roughness, in agreement with the Ca-ions
leaching rate.
• At 2.9 m/s there was an initial roughness decrease, stabilizing at between 0.1 to 0.2
mm. No deterioration of the pipe leading to high roughness, as experienced during
the pilot test, was experienced, probably due to the higher strength concrete.
• The range of roughness for 1.9 m/s is more or less similar to that of the
Theewaterskloof test, about 0.4 to 0.7 mm. There was however a more definite
decrease in roughness with time at the LHWP test, stabilising at the end.
• At 2.3 m/s an initial rise in ks was observed, but not picked up in the Ca-ions
leaching rate. With time the roughness decreased from about 0.5 mm to reach
roughness equilibrium at 0.33 mm. The Ca-ions leaching however continues after
equilibrium roughness has been reached.
• At the highest flow the roughness decrease rapidly to about 0.11 mm and remained
steady. The Ca-ions leaching rate became very low at the same time. The final
roughness achieved agreed with that at the same velocity of the Theewaterskloof
tests. The bed shear stress at 2.8 m/s in the pipe was 38 Pa, which is generally
higher than that for field conditions.
• An important conclusion from the laboratory tests is that although Ca-ions leaching
occurs and the surface of the concrete softens so that it can easily be damaged by
a hard object, high velocity flow conditions did not increase the hydraulic roughness
when concrete of high quality and strength is used.
According to a paper by Castro & Mclntosh (1994) an optimum concrete mixture was
designed for the pre-cast concrete linings of the LHWP tunnels (see Table 7.3.5-1). A
concrete mixture having a total cementitious content of 360 kg/m3 and a fly-ash content
of 40 % (cement 216 kg/m3 and fly-ash 144 kg/m3) was proposed to ensure a resistance
to soft water attack.
The actual concrete mixture Neumann &True (1994) used in the linings has a fly-ash
content of only 17 % and a total cementitious content of 420 kg/m3 (see Table 7.3.5-2).
The optimum concrete mixture as design by Castro & Mclntosh (1994) will be a mixture
with a higher resistance to soft water attack than the mixture used in the linings,
because the Ca(OH)2 content is much lower.
Research on the use of silica fume in these mixtures is also necessary, because it will
decrease the permeability of the concrete and also the Ca(OH)2 content.
Table 7.3.7-1: Mix proportion for LHWP tunnel linings as proposed by Castro &
Cement 216
Cement Extender 144
Coarse Aggregate - 25 mm 820
Coarse Aggregate - 12 mm 385
Fine aggregate rivers sand 370
Fine aggregate Crusher dust 370
Admixture - water reducer 1.8
Admixture - air entrapment 0.7
Admixture - Superplasticiser 3.6
water 180
Literature, which has been reviewed, indicates that there are two main factors
influencing the deterioration of the concrete due to soft water attack namely the
aggressiveness of the water and the composition of the concrete under attack.
For the laboratory tests the aggressiveness of the water was kept constant by using de-
ionised, distilled water at a mean temperature of 27 s C and a natural pH value of about
7. The aggressiveness of the water is severe to ensure accelerated soft water attack
on the concrete.
No cement extenders were used in the concrete of the Theewaterskloof Tunnel and it
was found that the leaching rate of Ca-ions increase exponentially with an increase in
the water operating velocity in the pipe system. The main chemical process taking
place in the concrete during soft water attack in the Theewaterskloof Tunnel is the
leaching of Ca(OH)2. A maximum and minimum theoretical concrete deterioration depth
rate was determined for the concrete. These rates also increase exponentially with
increasing water operating velocity in the pipe system. The permeability of this concrete
is very high and therefore the leaching rates are also high.
The concrete mixture of the LHWP linings of the delivery tunnels contains fly-ash as a
cement extender. Two different Ca-ion leaching rates for a specific water operating
velocity were found for the LHWP concrete. This indicates that as a result of the fly-ash
content in the mixture decalcification of the C-S-H gel takes place at a low rate and
Ca(OH)2 leaching at a higher rate. The theoretical concrete deterioration depth rates for
the LHWP concrete are much lower than the rates for the Theewaterskloof Tunnel.
There are not enough data available at this stage but it seems that the concrete
deterioration rate increases with increasing water operating velocity.
Although the soft water attack cannot be stopped with a specific concrete mix design it
is possible to decrease it significantly with an optimum design. The optimum concrete
mixture as designed by Castro & Mclntosh (1994) for the LHWP tunnels will still be the
best mixture for resistance to soft water attack because the Ca(OH)2 content is very low
in this design mix.
7.5 Recommendations
Attention to the following aspects is necessary:
• More laboratory tests are necessary on the LHWP test section at higher water
operating velocities to determine the relationship between the Ca-ions leaching
rates and water operating velocities.
• Tests on the microstructure of the concrete of the test sections are necessary to
calibrate the rate of the theoretical concrete deterioration depths and to determine
the exact influence of the permeability and porosity on soft water attack.
• Tests on the Theewaterskloof Tunnel core have to be completed to calibrate
laboratory tests.
• A core from LHWP is required to calibrate laboratory tests.
• The aggressiveness of the water actually flowing through the tunnels should be
determined. Laboratory tests with the water from the field will be necessary to
confirm the calibration of the accelerated rate of deterioration in the laboratory with
the actual field behaviour.
Further tests on concrete mixtures with silica-fume as cement extender will be valuable
to determine a concrete mixture with a higher resistance to soft water attack.
The following remedial measures have been investigated in this report:
• Chlorination
• Tunnel lining
8.1.1 Introduction
When tunnels are operated at high flow velocities, sediment deposits can be re-
entrained and flushed out of the tunnel, thereby increasing the discharge capacity of a
tunnel. In this chapter hydraulic flushing in field and laboratory conditions was
investigated, in hardwater and softwater conditions.
a) Tunnel description
The tunnel consists of about 81 km of 5.33 m diameter in situ concrete lined tunnel,
constructed during the 1970's and is the longest irrigation tunnel in the world. The
tunnel transfers water mainly for irrigation to the Eastern Cape from Gariep Reservoir.
A longitudinal profile of the tunnel is shown in Figure 8.1.2-1. The tunnel flow is
controlled downstream by 6 large valves (Figure 8.12-2), and the tunnel flow is
measured at a large Parshall flume at the outlet, as well as at pumps and a small flume
at a canal diversion at the outlet at Theebus (Figures 8.1.2-3 and 8.1.2-4).
CHANNEL •Q1 • l O m V i MAX.
5,33 Qi
b) Historical tests
Commissioning and other subsequent hydraulic tests were carried out during the 1970s
and 1980s. Rapid ageing was observed due to the first 10 years of operation at
relatively low flow conditions. This resulted in sediment deposition in the tunnel,
consisting of clay fractions with a brown colour. The observed maximum annual flows
are shown in Figure 8.1.2-5.
I 35
o 30
77 79 8: 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99
Time (year)
The tunnel was inspected by driving through it in a day. Almost no sediment was
visible. In many places the concrete had the original smooth finish created by the
shuttering. The concrete is hard and the water is not aggressive to concrete (Figures
8.1.2-6 and 8.1.2-7).
This test involved periods of steady flow, increasing to maximum and then decreasing.
Shaft water levels were gauged by borehole type depth gauges. Static water levels
were also determined. Figures 8.1.2-8 and 8.1.2-9 show a depth gauge used during the
tests. Ott water level recorders were however also installed for continuous monitoring
(Figure 8.1.2-10). These recorders worked at most shafts but difficulties were
experienced at the deep shafts (400 m) and during discharge adjustments when the
surge pulled the float into the tunnel. Figure 8.1.2-11 shows the test results together
with other historical data.
- ••
, m
Figure 8.1.2-10 Ott water level reader and Thalimedes data logger
0.2 * • m
10 20 30 40 SO 60
Discharge (cuinecs)
In 1975 the new tunnel roughness was about 0.13 mm for all flows tested up to the
maximum discharge of 57 m3/s. By 1984 the roughness had increased to 0.6 mm, and
during 1988 the roughness varied between 1.2 mm and 0.8 mm at higher flows. This
roughness was confirmed in 1990 tests. During 1998 another comprehensive hydraulic
test was carried out, but this time in discharge increments going up right to the
maximum capacity. The tests started at the same roughness as for the 1990 test, but
as the discharge increased the roughness decreased with ks = 0.5 mm at 53 m3/s. The
flushing effect at high flow however became apparent when evaluating the downward
steps in flows: at 29 m3/s ks dropped from 0.94 mm to 0.6 mm, and at 20 m3/s it reduced
from 0.9 mm to 0.3 mm.
The flushing changed the long-term ageing rate as indicated in Figure 8.1.2-12.
HDPE pipes were installed down shaft 7a (near outlet), ending in the tunnel upstream
of the shaft at 10 m, 160 m, and 310 m distances. The 150 m closest to the shaft was
cleaned by high pressure rotating head water jets by DWAF as part of this study to
investigate the effect of mechanical cleaning on roughness. The cleaned section was
found rougher than the undisturbed tunnel.
During February 2001 a last flow test was carried out to assess what had happened to
the cleaned sections roughness over time, and to flush the tunnel for a longer duration
at a maximum flow of about 48 m3/s. The results are shown in Figures 8.1.2-13 and
For the upstream part of the tunnel, there appears to be a definite decrease over time in
roughness during the maximum flow testing. For the downstream part of the tunnel
downstream of shaft 6, the roughness at high flow is very low.
i 200
£ l OOO
0 400
02-22-01 02-22-01 02-23-01 02-23-01
3500 60 00
50 00
2 500
40 00
30 00
1 500
20 00
1 ooo
10 00
'«* 0.00
0222-01 02-22-01 02-22-01 02-23-01 02-23-01 O2-23-O1 0223-01 02-23-01
p * - k s -•-Discharge |
The sediment concentrations flushed from the tunnel are shown in Figure 8.1.2-15.
Initially some of the values were up to 140 mg/l, but at the end of the tests they
averaged at about 105 mg/l.
The cleaned tunnel section's roughness was again tested during 2001, with results
shown in Figure 8.1.2-16. The 150-10 m section data represent the cleaned tunnel and
they are consistently higher than for the rest of the tunnel. The very low roughness
values of the 300-150 m section also agrees with the roughness from shaft 6 to 7a.
C vs Time
160 CO
140 00
120 00
• *•
• • • • • •
• • •
100 00 * * * •
• * *
* •
* •
E 60 00
60 00
0 00
02-22-01 ffi-22-01 02-22-01 02-23-01 02-23-01 02-23-01
k vs time (Chezy)
3 500
3 000
E • • 300-150(01)
E 2 000 • 150-10(011
1 500
• • •
* •
1 000
• • • •
• • •
0500 • • • •, 1 *
• *
* • •
0 000 ••"••I ****** *•—•—
2001-02-22 2001-02-22 2001-02-22 2001-02-23 2001-02-23 200102-23 2001-02-23 2001-02-23
A layout of the tunnel is shown in Figure 8.1.3-1 and figure 8.1.3-2 shows a long
2 8 5
I 280
KJeinplaas Dani Berg River
265 i
5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Chainage (m)
Between Theewaterskloof Dam and the Berg River East portal, the Charmaine pump
station (used for dewatering) and the Charmaine air vent are located, on the Southern
side of the Franschhoek mountain. The Berg River releases are made at the Berg
River western portal. Between the Berg River and Jonkershoek shaft, we find the
Wolwekloof vehicle entrance, the Dasbos tunnel junction, air chamber, Wolwekloof
shaft and Banghoek shaft.
During the winter of 1999 the tunnel was dewatered for inspection. The 28 km tunnel
was inspected in two days on foot and by boat, with DWAF. An inflatable boat was
lowered (Figure 8.1.3-3) at the intake shaft and pulled along the tunnel for 4 km to get
past the deep section of the tunnel with standing water.
Figure 8.1.3-3 Lowering of the boat at the Theewaterskloof Dam intake shaft
• Between Theewaterskloof Dam and the Berg River where the tunnel has its
largest diameter, the first part contains a slimy bacterial growth (figure 8.1.3-4)
like a mass of worms covering the concrete about 10 mm thick. There are also
many patches of lower strength concrete surface where severe erosion has
occurred, in some places leaving long etch marks. Some erosion holes are quite
deep (1.0 m) (Figures 8.1.3-5 and 8.1.3-6). These patches of poor quality
concrete were caused by ground water intrusion problems experienced during
Figure 8.1.3-4 Bacteriological growth between the intake and Berg River,
Theewaterskloof Tunnel
Figure 8.1.3-5 Deep scour hole in soft water corroded concrete, intake to Berg
River,Theewaterskloof Tunnel
Figure 8.1.3-6 Deep scour in soft water corroded poor quality concrete, intake
to Berg River, Theewaterskioof Tunnel
Between Berg River and Banghoek, the sediment deposits are about 7 mm
thick, consisting of fine sediment, with a cohesive nature and black colour.
During tunnel emptying the sediment remained intact, similar to manganese
deposits. In one part where a sediment strip fell from the wall, it removed the
upper 3 mm of concrete with it, exposing coarse aggregate (Figure 8.1.3-7).
Sand deposits up to 1 m deep were found on the tunnel floor, especially at the air
chamber, originating from the Berg catchment intake shafts (Figure 8.1.3-8).
• The upper layer of the concrete right through the tunnel was soft due to soft
water corrosion and could easily be damaged (Figure 8.1.3-9).
• There are two contraction sections in the tunnel where the roof of the tunnel has
been lowered in the transition, without providing air vents. Patterns against the
tunnel top clearly show that air has been trapped.
During May 1999, the hydraulic roughness of the tunnel was determined. Tests were
carried out at steady flows, increasing in steps to the maximum flow, and then
decreasing again. No tests were carried out at commissioning to make ageing
comparisons possible.
The test duration was limited due to water restrictions in the Western Cape. Discharge
had to be calculated by reservoir routing of Kleinplaas Reservoir, taking into account its
infiow, river outflow, Cape Town usage and storage change with time. Flow meters
originally installed at the three needle valves at Jonkershoek did not work. About 30
staff members of DWAF were involved in the field work which was coordinated by the
regional office.
The tunnel flows as calculated from the Kleinplaas reservoir balance are shown in
Figure 8.1.3-10. Figure 8.1.3-10 also indicates sediment concentrations flushed out at
20 0.04
115 0.03
10 — 0.02
Figure 8.1.3-10 Tunnels flows and sediment concentrations during 1999 tests
The results of the hydraulic tests indicated that the Berg River to Jonkershoek tunnel
sections had relatively low roughnesses: 3 mm, 0.9 mm and 0.8 mm for the Berg to
Wolwekloof, Wolwekloof to Banghoek, and Banghoek to Jonkershoek Tunnels
respectively. The tunnel diameter is a minimum at Jonkershoek.
In the Franschhoek Tunnel, the roughnesses were 20 mm, 10 mm and 40 mm, for the
Theewaterskloof intake to Charmaine pump station shaft, to Charmaine air vent, and to
Berg River East portal respectively.
During 2001 another steady flow test was carried out, this time with acoustic-doppler
flow meters mounted to each of the steel pipes at Jonkershoek to determine an
accurate discharge. The test was carried out over four days, with the first and last days
at about 67 % capacity, and the other two days at maximum flow {at the given
Theewaterskloof Dam water level) (Figure 8.1.3-11). The flushing efficiency in terms of
sediment being flushed out and possible reduction over time in roughness were
The tunnel roughnesses determined from the flow tests are shown in Figures 8.1.3-12
to 8.1.3-15. The Banghoek to Jonkershoek section has a roughness in the order of 1
mm, with most values less than 1.5 mm. The third day's roughness is slightly higher
than that for day two, which is difficult to explain. The last day's roughness was slightly
less than for day one, indicating possible cleaning by flushing. The flushing velocity was
1.4 to 2.0 m/s over the four days.
In the Wolwekloof to Banghoek Tunnel, the day one to day four decrease in roughness
was from 1.7 mm to about 0.8 mm.
The Berg River to Wolwekloof readings vary too much to be reliable. The manometer
used at the West portal could be the problem with air having been trapped in the pipe.
The general roughness is less than 20 mm, which is possible due to the sand
deposition, but seems too high compared with Wolwekloof to Banghoek.
From Theewaterskloof to East Portal at Berg River, the roughness varies between 20
and 30 mm, which was expected due to the concrete erosion and slime growth.
The sediment concentrations measured at the three pipes at the Jonkershoek shaft are
shown in Figure 8.1.3-16. (OP in the legend indicates observed sediment concentration
at Eastern Portal, Berg River.) The central pipe's concentrations are in line with those
of the tunnel flows and were the highest. On the first day of tests, 81 tons of sediment
were flushed from the 3.5 m diameter tunnel (from Berg River to Jonkershoek). On the
next days the sediments flushed were 120 ton, 11 ton and 24 ton respectively. If the
sediment had been removed evenly from the 12 km long tunnel, this would be equal to
a layer of 2 mm average thickness. The sediment being flushed out was however
mostly sand from the deposits at the tunnel invert.
Qtoial vs Time
2500 -,
20 00
03-26-01 03-26-01 03-27-01 03-27-01 03-28-01 03-28-01 03-29-01 03-29-01 03-30-01 03-30-01 03-31-01
ks vs Time (Colebrook-White)
£ I S00
1 000
0 000
03-27 01 03-27-01 03-2B-01 0328-0! 03-29-01 03-29-01 03-30-01 03-30-01 03-31-01
3000 i
3 500
2000 L
f • 28
S 1 500 29
1 000
0 500
03-27-01 03-27.01 03-28-01 03-28-01 03-29-01 03-29-01 03-30-01 03-30-01 03-31-01
k vsTime(CW)
40 000
30 000
~ 26 000
15 000
5 000
ks vs Time (Colebrook-While)
• • •
• 28
I 25
C vs Time
• •
• •
• Lett
• Middle
I 100
O *• *n •
A Right
• - T • OP
i ••
* <
In general the roughness values of the 1999 and 2001 tunnel tests are in agreement.
This tunnel links Roode Elsberg Dam with the Hex River valley. It is 5.2 km in length
and 1.98 m in diameter, and is insitu concrete lined. The diameter is much smaller than
typical tunnel diameters of today of the major water transfer schemes, but its capacity is
much larger than the maximum water requirement. This tunnel has been in operation
since the 1960s. Figure 8.1.4-1 shows Roode Elsberg Dam where the tunnel starts at
the left bank, while the tunnel outfall at the Hex River Valley is shown in Figure 8.1.4-2.
The tunnel was inspected during 1999 by members of the project team and DWAF
(Figure 8.1.4-3). The tunnel is relatively small, especially at the intake section (Figure
8.1.4-4). Prior to shutdown of the tunnel fow for inspection, the emergency gate had to
be lowered which required special equipment (Figure 8.1.4-5).
Inspection during 1999 showed that due to relatively low operating velocities, a slimy
soft sediment deposit had developed, about 10 mm thick. The surface of the sediment
has a waviness which could be due to bedforms (Figure 8.1.4-6). Unfortunately, within
the inner 3 km of the tunnel a lot of the construction equipment such as pipes, cables
and railway tracks, had been left behind which would lead to high effective roughness
(Figure 8.1.4-7).
Figure 8.1.4-1 Roode Elsberg Dam
Figure 8.1.4-5
i\ is
Lowering of the emergency gate at Roode Elsberg Tunnel
Steady flow tests were carried out on 20 September 1999 to determine the hydraulic
roughness of the tunnel. The tunnel had been operated at relatively low flow velocities
in the past at about 0.5 m/s maximum.
An HDPE pipeline was installed at the downstream end of the tunnel, connected to a
tap at the tee of the bypass pipeline. The static water level was recorded and three
steady discharges were tested: 1.0, 1.47 and 1.77 m3/s, with flows measured at the
three electro-magnetic flow meters. A fourth discharge of about 2.4 m3/s was also
tested by releasing water through the bypass at the outlet (Figure 8.1.4-8). The highest
flow velocity tested was quite small at 0.76 m3/s. The tunnel is however linked directly
to the irrigation distribution system and it is therefore not possible to test higher flows.
Spillage through the bypass is also a loss from the system and the test could therefore
only be carried out when Roode Elsberg Dam was spilling and for a short duration.
' -
gg?. . V
Figure 8.1.4-8 Bypass pipe at Roode Elsberg Tunnel
The head loss in the tunnel could be measured when the bypass pipeline was not in
operation and the observed data are indicated in Table 8.1.4-1.
While the Reynolds number of all the above tests were high and in the turbulent zone,
the first steady flow at 1.0 m3/s was in the transitional zone and laminar boundary
effects could have masked the boundary roughness effects. The low observed
roughness could perhaps also be explained by the bedforms that are in equilibrium at
this low typical discharge, minimizing the stream power. At the higher discharges the
flow is fully rough turbulent and the hydraulic roughness dominates, giving values of
200 to 390 mm which is considerably higher than found at any of the other tunnels
found in South Africa or internationally. Secondary losses at the intake and outlet of the
tunnel, as well as 0.5x the kinetic energy head for construction debris in the tunnel,
were taken into account in the determination of the friction head loss.
At higher discharges than the ones tested, it is expected that the hydraulic roughness
will decrease as the sediment is scoured. The flushing test did scour sediment as
indicated by the observed sediment concentrations, but at the discharge of 1.77 rrvVs,
the sediment availability of the cohesive sediment became limited due to the high shear
stress required to re-entrain the consolidated sediment (Figure 8.1.4-9). At 2.4 m3/s the
shear stress at the wall of the tunnel was about 11.8 Pa. This value agrees with a
critical shear stress for re-entrainment of 12.2 Pa found in rivers with colloidal alluvial
silt (Nalluri and Featherstone, 2001).
During the flow test of 4 h duration, about 5 ton sediment was flushed through the
tunnel. The test duration was relatively too short to identify with reliability changes in
hydraulic roughness associated with the flushing event, but the data seem to indicate
that at 1.77 m3/s, the hydraulic roughness decreased from about 400 mm to 375 mm
over a steady flow period of 45 minutes.
f250 2.5
.2 200 2 «
Sediment <;oncentra
1 8
09:36 10:48 12:00 13:12 14:24
Concentration Discharge
a) Background
Flushing tests to try and remove sediment deposits in a laboratory are much easier to
control and monitor than in the field. It is however not possible to rapidly age a pipe
under laboratory conditions by sediment deposition when water quality, sediment
characteristics and possible bacterial growth play a role. In the laboratory higher flow
velocities and longer duration tests can be carried out than in the field, without the risk
of damage to the prototype tunnel.
An aged pipeline connected to the Theewaterskioof Tunnel system was selected for
flushing tests in the Hydraulic Laboratory of the University of Stellenbosch. This pipe is
a 100 mm diameter AC pipe which has been in operation for 20 years since
commissioning of the tunnel. The pipe was connected to the Dasbos Tunnel portal near
Franschhoek, and supplied water for irrigation to local farmers.
Four 4 m lengths of pipe were carefully removed from the field, with the pipe ends
sealed to maintain the moisture content inside, and transported by truck by DWAF to
Stellenbosch during 2001. Assembly of the pipe in the laboratory was carried out on the
same day of delivery and flow tests started the next day.
The laboratory setup consisted of the 4 pipes placed horizontally on the floor, linked
upstream to the laboratory clear water system by a bend, valve and vertical steel pipe.
After slow filling of the pipeline, flow control was by means of a valve at the downstream
end of the pipe, where the water discharges into a large container with a V-notch weir
for flow gauging. The head loss was measured by means of a manometer. The
upstream gauge point was located 5 m downstream of the pipe bend to ensure uniform
flow conditions, with the second one 12 m downstream.
The test programme consisted of a series of steady flows, starting at low flow velocities
and increasing to the maximum velocities that could be generated with the available
12 m laboratory head. After the maximum flow test, the same steps were repeated in
reverse order. Each test was run until equilibrium hydraulic roughness was obtained.
Following these tests some more high flow tests were carried out at longer durations.
The pipe had a uniform layer of black deposit, about 3 mm thick, with small bedform
riffles closely spaced. This material had a sticky oily feeling and character, and it was
difficult to damage its surface by hand. When water was applied it however became
easier to remove the sediment layer.
The nature of the sediment is similar to that found in the 5.5 m diameter Apalachia
Tunnel, UK (Colebrook, 1958). "...became coated with a 5/16-in. thick layer of black
mucilaginous material in a period of 10 years. This coating was uniform in depth and
surface roughness from end to end of the tunnel. An analysis of the material showed
that it is primarily manganese and is considered that the deposition was probably due to
the absorbtion of the manganese by alga polysaccharides."
A small amount of vegetable binding material was also found in the pipe sediment.
Manganese deposits are common in Western Cape pipes. Manganese bacterial slimes
have also been observed in many Tasmanian hydroelectric conduits (Brett, 1980).
The Dasbos tunnel normally has no flow, apart from the small irrigation release through
the pipeline. Coarse sediment and even silt can therefore not be transported through
the tunnel, and it is probably only organic and colloidal sediments that reached the test
pipe. Bacterial action caused the manganese deposits, mixed with fine sediment. In the
Berg to Jonkershoek Tunnel, similar black deposits have been observed, but with a
more spongy softer character probably due to more fine sediment in the deposit, and it
was not as sticky and difficult to damage as in the pipe. Field flow tests at 2 m/s on the
main Berg-Jonkershoek Tunnel could not remove the cohesive deposited tunnel wall
sediment, but the non-cohesive sand was flushed out.
c) Test results
The observed hydraulic roughness changes with time are shown in Figure 8.1.5-2. The
key finding was that it was not possible to decrease the hydraulic roughness by high
flow flushing, and in fact it increased slightly. At 0.9 m/s flow velocity at the start of the
tests, ks = 1.6 mm, while later after a maximum velocity of 3.2 m/s, the roughness ks at
0.9 m/s was 1.8 mm. At 2.1 m/s, ks = 1.75 mm and 2.1 mm before and after hydraulic
During the rising velocity phase of the tests at steady flows of 2.7 m/s and then 3.0 m/s,
the roughness varied considerably, and this can possibly be ascribed to roughness
adjustment of the sediment, or air in the manometer pipes.
The long duration test at 2.7 m/s indicated no further change in roughness from about
2.1 mm. Lower flow tests at 0.6, 0.9 and 1.2 m/s also indicated no change.
A chlorination test was carried out next, after testing it first on a small sediment sample
from the pipe which seemed to indicate that the sediment would fluidise with some
mechanical disturbance. The pipe was first filled with the HTH mixture and left standing
overnight, before the test commenced. A high flow at 3.6 m/s for a duration of 3.5 h,
however, did not change the roughness. The same procedure was also repeated with
Jayes fluid, running it at 3.4 m/s for 4 h, and then at 4.3 m/s for 4 h. The Jayes fluid
definitely decreased the roughness from about 2 mm to 1.8 mm. The decrease was
however small and the visible effect on the sediment was negligible. The final
roughness achieved was the same as at the start of the tests during the rising steady
flow tests, at a velocity of 2.1 m/s.
After several months the sediment inside the pipe dried out and fell from the wall of the
pipe on its own, as a powdery deposit.
The tests indicate that under certain conditions, ageing by sediment deposition where
the cohesive sediment is well consolidated, consisting of manganese deposits, with
bacterial involvement, cannot be restored by hydraulic flushing. One should therefore
not operate the tunnel at first below its design capacity for long durations, since it would
lead to a higher ageing rate and ultimate roughness, and if the sediment consists of
manganese deposits and especially if bacterial growth is involved, high flow flushing or
higher operating velocities later in the life of the tunnel might not be able to decrease
the roughness. From the field inspections bacterial growth and manganese like
deposits were observed in the Theewaterskloof Tunnel. More research is required to
link the biological character of the deposited sediment to the water quality.
5000 600
4 500
3 50 * Increase
—»— Decrease
* Steady
3 00
Check 1
a Check2
2.50 • Chack3
0 500 050
0000 OOO
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
T (mln)
Finally, a 0.3 m section of pipe was cut in half for inspection after testing and to clean
one half mechanically by hand using a brush, as shown in Figure 8.1.5-3. The cleaned
surface (pipe on the left hand side in figure) was found to be relatively rough and did
not resemble the original smooth finish of the pipe. Even if hydraulic flushing is able to
re-entrain the sediment, it is doubtful whether a final roughness of below 0.6 mm can be
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD), USA, operates the
400 km long Colorado River Aqueduct. Construction on the concrete lined aqueduct
was completed in 1941. The tunnels have the shape of an inverted horseshoe, 4.9 m
high, and are designed for free surface flow conditions. The water is not aggressive to
According to Kelly (1998), MWD periodically uses a tunnel cleaning machine to remove
calcium build-up on the tunnel walls. The tunnel cleaner is an old front loader from
which the bucket was removed and on which a framework and brushes were installed.
The bristles of the brushes are spring steel and were found quite effective in removing
the calcium buildup. No recent specific hydraulic measurements have been carried out
to verify the cleaning efficiency, but a visual observation was that the before and after
conditions were similar to the difference between 40 and 150 grit sandpaper. This
corresponds to a water level drop of 0.25 m in the tunnel after cleaning.
Horowitz and Lee (1971) published an article on their findings of tunnel cleaning
efficiency based on the MWD experience. Manning n-values were found to vary
between 0.0127 to 0.013 before cleaning, while after three passes of tunnel cleaning,
the hydraulic roughness measured as Manning n improved to 0.0113 to 0.0119. This
relates to an average discharge capacity increase of 11 % (5 m3/s) from 46 m3/s to
51 m3/s for the Colorado tunnels.
Figure 8.2.1-1 Tunnel cleaning machine before lowered down shaft into tunnel
Brett (1979) reported on the cleaning of two of the 1.93 m siphons after 5 years of
operation and associated change in roughness. The pipe consists of steel and mostly
woodstave. The roughness dropped from 0.46 mm before cleaning, to 0.11 mm after
cleaning in 1964. Within 6 months, however, the roughness increase linearly to
0.33 mm, and over the next 6 months at a slower rate during winter, to reach a
roughness of 0.46 mm at the end of 1965 and the ageing probably continued after that
to reach the pre-cleaning roughness within two years after cleaning.
The valley is crossed by twin steel pipes 2.26 m in diameter and each 364 m in length.
They were originally coated with horizontal retort tar in 1938. Some cleaning and partial
reconditioning was done in 1952 and 1953. Late in 1966 the first measurements
showed No.1 pipe to have a roughness ks = 1.88 mm, while No. 2 pipe had a
roughness of 1.08 mm. No. 2 pipe was then closed for cleaning and painting with a
coal-tar epoxy. No. 1 pipe was not cleaned or painted until 1974. Head loss
measurements taken during since 1966 have yielded the results shown in Figure 8.2.4-
1. High and low ks values indicated in the figure are the highest and lowest readings
during each year and the fluctuations are due to seasonal growth variation.There is no
explanation why the loss in No. 1 pipe is higher than in No. 2 pipe (Brett, 1979).
Where canal sections of the Tarraleah transfer system were cleaned, deterioration of
the concrete surface was found with loss of cement and fines leaving the dolerite
aggregate proud after the growth is cleaned off. Brett (1979) also states: "It has been
found economic to manually scrape the surface of the canal to remove growth on
occasions to restore capacity, but this has been only temporarily effective because of
the rapid regrowth".
After No 2 pipe
Before cleaning and reconditioned
painting No 2 pipe
No 1 pipe cleaned
and painted 1974
Both pipes cleaned w rth
c 2.00
bristle brush
1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977
• N o . 1 p i p e k s h i g h ••••-•• N o . 1 p i p e k s l o w
• N o . 2 p i p e k s h i g h •••*•- N o . 2 p i p e k s l o w
During 1999 a 150 m section of the tunnel was cleaned by using pressurized water jets
with rotating heads. This tunnel section was located 10 m upstream of shaft 7a (surge
shaft at downstream end of tunnel). Although there was no visible sedimentation in the
tunnel, the test was carried out to find out whether this technique is suitable for hard
water conditions and whether the tunnel concrete will not be damaged. The nozzles
were held about 1 m from the concrete which gave a spray diameter of about 0.5 m on
the concrete surface (Figure 8.2.5-1). The cleaning was completed in about one week.
Due to the large diameter of the tunnel, a truck was used as platform to reach the roof
of the tunnel (Figure 8.2.5-2). A control tunnel section of 150 m length was used to
record and compare head loss over time in the cleaned and not cleaned tunnel
sections. The data indicate that the cleaned tunnel is rougher and damaged, and did
not improve with time due to possible sediment deposition. Figure 8.2.5-3 shows the
test pipes at shaft 7a and field measurement during 2001.
This soft water corroded tunnel was cleaned by using brooms, wetted with the water at
the tunnel invert, to remove the sediment deposits over a 150 m section upstream of
the Wolwekloof vehicle entrance (Figure 8.2.6-1). This operation was carried out by
DWAF, and HDPE pipes were installed upstream and downstream of the cleaned and a
control section, and taken out horizontally about 300 m and then up the mountain to an
elevation above the Theewaterskloof Reservoir water level. After installation the static
water level was recorded and then steady flows were tested to determine the hydraulic
roughness of the tunnel sections. The cleaned section showed consistently higher
roughness than the control section. It therefore seems that no matter how careful you
are when cleaning a tunnel exposed to soft water conditions, damage to the concrete
surface is highly likely to occur. Figure 8.2.6-2 shows a cleaned section (left hand
side), next to the sediment deposition. Figure 8.2.6-3 shows the tunnel after cleaning
with coarse agggregate on the surface of the concrete.
A ..•-.• . ,' .,
^ •• * ' .
A tunnel section close to the intake was cleaned by the Hex River Irrigation Board. As
in the case of the Theewaterskioof Tunnel, brooms were used wetted with the invert
water. The cleaning operation is not an easy task in the wet, dark and cold conditions
(Figure 8.2.7-1). HDPE pipes were installed and taken up the shaft, but tests on the
cleaned section could not be performed due to relatively dry winters with little spillage
and excess water available for high enough flow in the tunnel and because the HDPE
pipe connection had to be broken when the emergency sluice gate was raised. Divers
would have to carry out the reconnection by swimming 30 m into the tunnel from the
intake in the reservoir. The water depth in the reservoir was however too deep to use
standard diving equipment and the exercise was abandoned.
During the cleaning operation, however, it was quite clear that the concrete was
damaged by the cleaning operation. Aggregate located on the concrete surface with 20
to 30 mm diameter fell from the tunnel wall, leaving holes.
8.3 Chlorination
At the MWD tunnels chlorination is carried out on an annual basis, and seems to be
effective if implemented with mechanical cleaning. The system is however closed. More
details are provided in Chapter 9.5.
Flow tests carried out during 1964 and 1965 in siphons of the Tarraleah No. 2 Canal,
Tasmania, revealed some very interesting information with regards to the hydraulic
roughness changes. The hydraulic roughness data are indicated in Figure 8.3.2-1
(Brett, 1979). The project was completed in 1959. The No. 1 siphon is 1.93 m in
diameter with 66 m of steel pipe and 745 m of woodstave pipe. No. 3 Creek siphon has
the same diameter, with 158 m of steel pipe and 594 m of woodstave pipe. The steel
pipe was coated with horizontal retort tar. In one of these conduits experimental
injections of chlorine have been used to prevent slime growth.
The 1964 injections of chlorine did not seem to be as effective in reducing the friction in
a slimed conduit as did the 1965 injections, which prevented slime regowth after
cleaning and kept Manning's n down to 0.0104 (ks = 0.11 mm) in No. 3 Creek siphon,
whereas in No. 1 Creek siphon Manning's n grew from 0.010 (ks = 0.07 mm) to 0.012
(ks = 0.46 mm). Chlorination seemed to have been effective only after cleaning.
In Tasmania, chlorination of tunnels has not been adopted because of possible adverse
effects on the environment (Brett, 1979).
1964 !9&S
0-0/5 •
0 013
1 0-012-
& 0
1.1 o
0015 -I
0-014 •
U013- • : •
0 012- 11
,. U m ,
§•009- g ^ INJECVONS
The first and foremost line of defence against aggressive waters is to use a sound,
dense and impervious concrete, made from the appropriate materials, and properly
compacted and cured (Basson, 1989).
The gradual erosion of the leached mortar can be minimized by use of special cements,
addition of pozzolan to mixes, or use of a variety of protective coatings and sealants
applied to the concrete surface (Graham, 1998).
No portland cement concrete, regardless of its other ingredients, will withstand attack
from water of high acid concentrations. Where strong acid corrosion is indicated, other
construction materials or an appropriate surface covering or treatment should be used.
This may include applications of sulfur-concrete toppings, epoxy coatings, polymer
impregnation, linseed-oil treatments, or other processes, each of which affects acid
resistance differently. Replacement of a portion of the Portland cement by a suitable
amount of pozzolan selected for that property can improve the resistance of concrete to
weak acid attack (Graham, 1998).
A variety of materials are used for repair of concrete, some are better suited for certain
repairs, and judgement should be exercised in the selection of the proper material.
Consideration should also be given to the time available to make repairs, access points,
logistics in material supply, ventilation, nature of the work, available equipment, and
skill and experience of the local labour force. For example if a surface coating has to be
applied to a concrete tunnel after commissioning, sufficient downtime is limited and one
has to allow for dewatering, drying, surface preparation, applying the coating, and
filling. Such downtime for general maintenance which has been allowed for at the
LHWP is about one month per year. Longer periods would only be available during the
early life of this tunnel when the system yield exceeds the water demand.
There are three main ways in which polymers have been incorporated into concrete to
produce a material with improved properties as compared to conventional Portland
cement concrete. These are (Graham et al. 1998):
PPCC is made by the addition of water dispersible polymers directly into the wet
concrete mix. PPCC, compared to conventional concrete, has higher strength,
increased flexibility, improved adhesion, superior abrasion and impact resistance, and
improved durability. The most commonly used PPCC is a dispersion of organic
polymer particles in water. Typically, the fine aggregate and cement factors are higher
for PPCC than for normal concrete, and therefore it would have lower resistance to soft
water corrosion.
PC is a mixture of fine and coarse aggregate with a polymer used as the binder. This
results in a rapid-setting material with good chemical resistance and exceptional
bonding characteristics. So far, polymer concrete has had limited use in large-scale
repair of hydraulic structures because of the expense of large volumes of polymer for
Polymer concretes are finding application as concrete repair materials for patches and
as precast elements for repair of damaged surfaces, and have been used at several
hydraulic structures in the USA such as at Grand Coulee Dam.
Tunnels and conduits that have suffered surface damage due to chemical attack or
bacterial action can be protected from further damage with a non-bonded mechanically
attached PVC lining. Such a lining at the Berg River crossing of the Franschoek-Berg-
Jonkershoek Tunnel scheme was unsuccessful, since it was broken up in pieces over
time and some pieces blocked the Berg River outlet valves, and were very difficult to
remove without dewatering the tunnel.
Polyurethane and neoprene coatings exhibited good resistance to abrasion during high-
head testing (Graham et a!., 1998) and offer good protection against chemical
corrosion. The problem with flexible coatings like these is their bonding to the concrete
surfaces. Once an edge or a portion of the coating is torn from the surface, the entire
coating can be peeled off rather quickly by hydraulic force, and their use in tunnels is
therefore not recommended.
Preformed Polyethylene
polymeric liners
Polyvinyl chloride 0.2 to 1 mm
Emulsion-based Polyacrylics Tolerant of damp
waterborne surfaces
organics Polyacrylonitriles 150 Mm
Bitumens were widely used in the past but have been omitted here due to their
relatively high permeability and inferior ageing characteristics, as have hot-applied,
high-build, coal-tar enamels as a result of the difficulty of application requiring highly
skilled workers. Underwater materials are specially formulated and should be selected
with the manufacturers technical personnel. If the water that is to be in contact with the
coating is intended to be potable, the manufacturer should guarantee that the material
is free from any toxic substances and has been approved for the purpose.
Preparing concrete surfaces for coating should be carried out carefully to ensure
adequate adhesion. The basic function of any method of surface preparation is to
remove any deleterious contaminants that may be present. Unless otherwise indicated
by the coatings manufacturer, one of the following two procedures should be employed
(Basson, 1989):
Surfaces that have been wetted during surface preparation should be allowed to dry
thoroughly before organic coatings (other than water-borne emulsions), are applied.
Trapped moisture reduce adhesion and leads to blistering. The moisture content of the
concrete before application should be below 5 to 8 % (Basson, 1989).
Basson (1989) recommended the use of organic coatings in conditions where his
aggressiveness index exceeds 750: highly aggressive (See Chapter 6 classification).
Resins are natural or synthetic, solid or semisolid organic materials of high molecular
weight. Epoxies are one type of resin. These materials are typically used in preparation
of special coatings or adhesives or as binders in epoxy-resin mortars or concretes.
Epoxies will bond to most building materials and epoxy formulations have been
developed recently which will bond to damp concrete and even bond to concrete under
water. There are case histories of the successful uses of these materials in hydraulic
structures, in the USA as well as the Drakensberg pump storage scheme tunnel where
it was used for patching.
If epoxy is used for patching a very smooth finished surface is obtained, highly resistant
to damage, with the result that the abutting original material erodes away, leaving an
abrupt change in surface geometry and developing a condition worse than the original
damage. This was observed in the Franschhoek-Berg River Tunnel where patching of
poor original concrete that was eroded away was done with high strength concrete.
Within a number of years deep eroded holes developed next to the patched areas,
some measuring 2 m by 1 m in area, and 1 m deep.
PAC also known as "prepacked concrete", is used in the repair of large cavities and
inaccessible areas. Well graded aggregate is placed in a form and neat cement grout or
sanded grout is then pumped into the aggregate matrix through openings. The grout is
placed under pressure until initial set and the concrete has a low volume change.
This method is commonly used for the repair of small diameter pipes to obtain a
jointless, structurally sound pipe inside an existing pipe without excavating the existing
unsound pipe. One such method is to place a plastic pipe inside the deteriorated
concrete pipe and then to fill the annular space between the concrete and plastic liner
with grout. With the proper selection of material for the plastic liner pipe insert, this
repair method can provide a sound, chemically resistant lining.
Another popular method is the installation of a resin saturated fibreglass "hose" into the
pipeline using water pressure. After installation, the hose is filled with hot water to
initiate the chemical reaction of the resin. The hardened resin forms a rigid pipe lining.
Historical tunnel costs are shown in Table 8.7-1. The unit costs (Figure 8,7-1) are
extremely expensive and everything possible should be done to prolong the life of a
tunnel by limiting the rate of ageing and ultimate roughness, especially if this is possible
through flow control during operation.
R 35.000
* R 32,467
• H 31,250
R 30,000
• B 26.467
| R 25.000
Z R 20,000
^ R 15,000
o • R 13,788
| R 10.000
• R 6,071
R 5.000
3.00 3 20 3.40 3 60 3.60 4 00 4 20 4 40 4 60 4 BO 5.00
Lined tunnel diameter (m)
The first phase of the LHWP was completed recently. A layout of the LHWP system
is shown in Figure 9.1-1, while Figures 9.1-2 to 9.1-4 show more detailed profiles of
the Transfer Tunnel, Delivery Tunnel and Intake Tower at Katse Dam respectively.
The Transfer Tunnel conveys water from Katse Dam to the Muela hydropower
scheme in Lesotho, while the Delivery Tunnel transfers water from Muela Dam to the
Ash River in South Africa. The Ash River outfall (end of the Delivery Tunnel North) is
shown in Figure 9.1-5.
\ v..
2C 25
SC3J8 Ot Km
r i ii
I : iI 'I i i ['
1 M is i;;
l 4 If:
16 1m t Irlake icme:
«' T-*I r ^ •' ux
DWAF commissioned a study during 1999 to investigate the possible future ageing and
hydraulic capacity of the LHWP tunnels. Some typical ultimate tunnel roughness values
being used during the design of the tunnels are indicated in Table 9.2-1.
During the design phase of the LHWP absolute maximum and minimum possible rates
of roughness increase in the Delivery Tunnel were set at 0.03 mm/year to 0.5 mm/year,
based on an equation by Colebrook (1958), which relates change in roughness to the
pH of the water. The phenomena observed by Colebrook were that acid waters
encouraged algal growth. While the 1988 design assumptions used pH values of 7 to
5.5, CSIR sampling (23 tests) in 1997 indicates pH values exceeding 8. Sampling by
DWAF at the Ash River tunnel outlet (12/11/97 to 12/01/99) also indicates a median pH
= 7.9 (standard deviation = 0.3), based on 47 samples. Even with a maximum pH of 7
the expected rate of tunnel roughening would be no more than 0.03 mm/year based on
the equation of Colebrook. The new ageing equation (DWAF, 1999) predicts an ageing
rate of 0.04 mm/year at the median pH of 7.9.
The CSIR analysis also shows that, notwithstanding the high ("alkaline") pH's, the Katse
water is also potentially aggressive to concrete and some roughening of lining surfaces
over time could be expected. Unfortunately no methodology is available to predict with
accuracy what the degree of deterioration of the concrete lined portions of the tunnel
will be. The Orange-Fish Tunnel does however provide invaluable information in this
regard and based on the 1988 and 1998 tunnel roughness evaluations, it is possible to
adapt similar rates of roughening for the LHWP tunnels, in the order of 0.07 mm/year,
and 0.022 mm/year based on the 1998 tests.
For the DWAF(1999) study, a probable ageing rate of 0.1 mm/year (conservatively
high) has been used and a minimum rate of 0.03 mm/year. The economic analysis was
based on an ageing rate of 0.1 mm/year.
While these values indicate that relatively low final roughness values are possible if the
LHWP tunnels are operated at design flow capacity (or even higher), an assumption
has been made for the study DWAF (1999) that ks = 4 mm (without cleaning), at an
ageing rate of 0.1 mm/year as the most probable scenario (DWAF, 1999).
Based on the tender assumptions, the minimum, mean and maximum head losses over
the full length of the tunnel were estimated to be 32.3 m, 36.6 m and 45.3 m
respectively, for a tunnel of 4.95 m. I.D., only lined for 6,7 km at 4.35 m I.D. During
construction it was decided to concrete line the complete tunnel at 4.35 m diameter,
which calculations showed should give similar head losses as the tender proposal.
The design flow of the tunnel for water transfer purposes is 32.6 m3/s, while the design
normal maximum discharge (turbines at rated load) is 35.9 m3/s. A review indicated that
medium and long-term friction losses in the concrete lined Transfer Tunnel could be
expected to be 32.8 m and 45.2 m respectively for the medium and long-term friction
losses. These correspond to between 12 and 16 percent of the gross available head
with the Katse Reservoir at full supply level.
Details of the commissioning tests carried out at the Transfer Tunnel have been
obtained from LHC. The new Transfer Tunnel roughness is 0.03 mm (Manning n =
0.0111), which is slightly less than the mean roughness of the Delivery Tunnel of
0.15 mm (Manning n = 0.0116). With the current tunnel roughness which is slightly less
than the "mean Phase 1A typical" Manning n = 0.0123 used during the design of the
tunnel, the discharge capacity is now 11 percent higher than the design discharge at a
design head loss of 36.6 m. Compared to hydraulic tests carried out at other tunnels,
the new tunnel friction loss is relatively small.
The tunnel capacities at various head losses and ageing rates are indicated in Table
9.3-1 and Figure 9.3-1 as determined in a recent study by DWAF (1999). For the
purpose of the assessment the same rate of tunnel roughening as with the Delivery
Tunnel has been assumed.
The analyses indicate that the Transfer Tunnel could, under certain operating
conditions, have sufficient long-term capacity, even at Katse minimum operating level
(MOL), to transfer the Phase II yields.
Table 9.3-1 Hydraulic capacity of the Transfer Tunnel with ageing (m3/s)
(DWAF, 1999)
Note: (a) The available energy head is limited by the minimum design operating
level (1950 m) in the surge shaft upstream of the Muela hydro power
*• K.. scaiMOL
19 90 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Time (yr)
Figure 9.3-1 Simulated hydraulic capacity loss of the Transfer Tunnel due to
ageing (DWAF, 1999).
Various ageing scenarios of the Delivery Tunnel have been investigated, based on the
commissioning tests and a calibrated numerical hydraulic model (DWAF, 1999). The
results are indicated in Table 9.4-1 and Figure 9.4-1.
Allowance has to be made for tunnel maintenance on an annual basis in the order of 10
% of the time. The discharges indicated in Table 9.4-1 are absolute values and do not
include down time.
Table 9.4-1 Hydraulic capacity of the Delivery Tunnel with ageing <m3/s)(DWAF,
'Based on 1988/89 tests at the Orange-Fish Tunnel; the recent 1998 tests indicated
ageing at 0.022 mm/year.
| 46
= 44
| 40
5 38
"~ 32
1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Time (yr)
Figure 9.4-1 Simulated hydraulic capacity loss of the Delivery Tunnel due to
ageing (DWAF, 1999)
9.5.1 General
Various operational and structural modifications have been investigated for the Transfer
and Delivery Tunnels in order to maximize the hydraulic capacities, as counter
measures to limit the impacts of tunnel ageing and hydraulic constraints in the system
(DWAF, 1999).
The options available for increasing the capacity of the Transfer Tunnel are operating
Katse Reservoir at a higher MOL and/or lower the MOL at the surge shaft (upstream of
Operation of the Transfer Tunnel at variable flows is possible, and allows water
transfers at high Katse reservoir levels equal to the yield, while at low reservoir levels,
the tunnel discharge capacity (less than the yield), limits the transfer of water, and
would therefore impact on the system yield. This option has been investigated in the
yield analysis. Table 9.5.2-1 shows the required MOL's at Katse Reservoir for three
phase II yields. It is clear from Table 9.5.2-1 that the highest yield would decrease the
live storage in Katse Reservoir considerably.
Table 9.5.2-1 Transfer Tunnel ageing and related MOL(m) required at Katse
Reservoir for various possible yields (Surge shaft MOL = 1950 m) (DWAF, 1999)
Table 9.5.2-1 is based on a design surge shaft MOL = 1950 m, and rate of ageing of
the Transfer Tunnel = 0.1 mm/year.
Table 9.5.2-2 Transfer Tunnel ageing and related MOL(m) required at Katse
Reservoir for various possible yields, with doubled surge shaft
(Surge shaft MOL = 1919 m)
The design minimum operating water level in the surge shaft at the end of the Transfer
Tunnel is at 1950 m, well above the tunnel. The purpose of such a seemingly high MOL
could be to eliminate negative pressures in the tunnel during startup of the hydro power
plant, or during rapid shutdown. The consequences on the Transfer Tunnel capacity are
however dramatic with the MOL at 1950 m and could be the limiting capacity for the
whole transfer scheme at Katse Dam MOL when phase II flows are considered. The
benefit of this scenario is indicated in Table 9.5.2-3.
Table 9.5.2-3 Hydraulic capacity of the Transfer Tunnel with ageing with
reduced surge shaft MOL <m3/s) (DWAF, 1999)
Notes: (a) The available energy head is limited by the design minimum operating
level in the surge shaft upstream of the Muela hydro power station of
1950 m.
(b) Maximum possible if surge shaft MOL could be lowered from 1950 m
(design) to 1919 m (proposed) to maintain positive head on tunnel.
Several options are available to increase the hydraulic capacity of the Delivery Tunnel
(DWAF, 1999).
The raising of Muela Dam to increase the available hydraulic head of the Delivery
Tunnel could be considered. Any higher tailwater level would of course result in
decreased hydro power generation and efficiency. The long-term Delivery Tunnel
capacity with a raised Muela Dam by 5 m is indicated in Figure 9.4.3-1. The raising of
Muela Dam would however result in a higher hydraulic gradient line at the low cover
Little Caledon River section, exceeding design pressures.
1990 2010 2030 2050
Time (year)
Muela FSL & ageing 0.1 mm/yr Mueta FSL & 0.03 mm/yr
The hydraulic gradient line of the LHWP commissioning tests shows clearly that the
river crossings, especially at high flows, create relatively high energy losses (HDTC,
1998). By doubling these river crossings, it would be possible to increase the hydraulic
capacity of the Delivery Tunnel (See figure 9.5.3-1).
"Regular cleaning of the LHWP tunnels with the aid of mechanical equipment would
probably limit the rate of ageing, and while this should probably be tested in the field by
pilot project, it is expected that the long-term Delivery Tunnel capacity could be as
illustrated in Figure 9.5.3-1. This is based on the USA-MWD experience with
roughness coefficients before and after cleaning of ks = 0.43 mm and 0.14 mm
respectively, giving a mean roughness of 0.29 mm (Horowitz and Lee, 1971).
With the current LHWP tunnels, the tunnel capacity is relatively high compared to the
water yield. As future water requirement increase, however, with the construction of a
possible Mashai Dam (after year 2010), the aged tunnel capacity could be limiting the
transfer of water. If regular cleaning is considered, annual shut-down of say one week,
would result in about 2 percent reduction in yield transferred. It would, however, not be
impossible to design an in line automatic cleaning machine which could operate without
shutdown of the tunnel."
However, based on the findings of this WRC study, mechanical cleaning in aggressive
water conditions is not recommended due to possible damage to the concrete.
d) Hydraulic flushing
At high flow velocities, preferably above 2 m/s, it would be possible over time to recover
some of the lost hydraulic capacity due to ageing by flushing out some of the previously
deposited sediments in the tunnel. Metcalf and Jordaan (1990), indicated the impact of
hydraulic flushing during the Orange-Fish Tunnel testing in 1988:
"Whilst there is a large degree of scatter at lower flows, the trend towards ks = 1.0 mm
(n = 0.0139) at the higher flows is clearly discernable. The fact that roughness tended
to fall as flow was increased, and stay at the lower value (ks = 1.0 to 1.1 mm) when the
lower flows were re-established after the tests, suggests a scouring action," (although
maximum flow velocity was 1.8 m/s). During the 1998 hydraulic tests carried out at the
Orange -Fish Tunnel, a longer duration, higher flow test has been carried out
specifically to test the effectiveness of hydraulic flushing as possible remedial measure.
During tests carried out in 1989, Metcalf and Jordaan (1990), observed: "The value of n
(Manning) obtained at the start of the test for the working flow of 21.3 m3/s was at n =
0.0142, about 2 % higher than that recorded at the end (i.e. post-scour) of the previous
years testing, n = 0.0139. On resuming working flows of 21.3 m3/s after the tests 'n'
showed a decrease to 0.0139, i.e., the same as the previous year."
"At the higher test flow of 34.6 m3/s an initial value of n = 0.0141 was obtained which
showed a slow fall during the test." This friction factor at the Orange-Fish Tunnel was
estimated to be about n = 0.0137 (ks = 0.8 mm), once again implying a scouring action
by the above normal flow, and an increased discharge capacity of 3 %. During even
higher flows in the tests carried out during 1998, the tunnel capacity improved by about
5 % within 20 hours. This was achieved after short duration, high flows, and even
higher flushing efficiency would be possible at higher flows (v > 2 m/s), typical of the
LHWP tunnels. (The Colorado River tunnels typically operated at a flow velocity of
2.6 m/s).
Colebrook (1958) also found that pipes operated at higher hydraulic shear stresses
(higher flow velocities), aged slower than tunnels operated at low flow velocities. To
limit the rate of ageing it is therefore important that the LHWP tunnels are operated at
maximum system yield, with perhaps certain periods on an annual basis, running at
maximum tunnel capacity.
e) Chlorination
MWD (USA) uses monthly chlorination during the summer months with sodium
hypochlorite to remove algae build-up in the Colorado Tunnel (Kelly, 1998). They have
about 12 sites where 4500 litres of 5.5 % sodium hypochlorite is applied. The
applications are in early evening and at the inlets to inverted siphons. This maximizes
mixing. In years past, liquid chlorine was used, but MWD found that they could attain
and maintain a higher chlorine residual with the sodium hypochlorite.
Chlorination of the LHWP tunnels would probably not be practical considering the fact
that they discharge into rivers. It would therefore only be an option to consider if the
proposed Rand Water pipelines are constructed, linking the tunnel outfall to the Rand
Water purification plants in a closed system.
f) Relining
Relining of the Transfer and Delivery Tunnels is possible. Relining could be an epoxy
type/poly-urethane coating to be applied in future only on concrete lined sections of the
tunnel. An ultimate roughness of the relined tunnel of 1.5 mm have been assumed
(DWAF, 1999), which would give the Delivery Tunnel a hydraulic capacity of about
43 m 3/s. An ultimate roughness of as low as 0.6 mm would however also be realistic to
use, but one has to take into account the possibility of abrasion and siltation (DWAF,
1999). The assumption that a relined tunnel would have a different ultimate roughness
than a concrete tunnel used in the DWAF (1999) study should however be modified to
be the same.
Doubling of the Delivery Tunnel could be considered (or even phased doubling), after
other cheaper options have been considered. Complete doubling of the tunnel would
give the capacities indicated in Table 9.5.3-1.
2020 75
2050 71
Phased doubling is possible and doubling has been considered from the Delivery
Tunnel north outfall first, in order to lower the hydraulic gradient line at the Little
Caledon low cover section (DWAF, 1999).
During the 1999 tunnel inspection of the Delivery Tunnel North, about 2 years after
operation started, a thin uniform layer of fine sediment was observed in the tunnel. At
the outlet the tunnel dried and the sediment layer was not visible (Figure 9.6-1), but
deeper into the tunnel it completely covered the tunnel wall (Figures 9.6-2 & 9.6-3). The
LHWP water is aggressive to concrete and the upper layer of the concrete (under the
sediment) was found to be soft and could easily be damaged, exposing the coarse
aggregate (Figure 9.6-4).
Figure 9.6-3 Sediment deposition partially covering the joints in the DTN
The following calculation procedure is proposed to determine the long term roughness
and discharge capacity of the Delivery Tunnel:
• Determine dominant discharge. This could be based on say the discharge that is
exceeded 20 % of the time. The DTN dominant discharge was taken as 35 m3/s at
this stage to be conservative. Typical daily flow vary from 15 to 40 m3/s due to
hydropower generation.
• Obtain pH data and determine the mean, the range and standard deviation, and
select minimum for sensitivity analysis. For DTN the mean is 7.9 with 0.3 standard
deviation, measured at the Ash outfall (Calculation based on data in 1999, but pH
however subsequently deceased). A minimum value of 7.5 was selected.
• Obtain initial roughness of tunnel
• Apply the rate of ageing equation (eq. 5.7.3-6) for the tunnel at mean pH and
selected minimum pH, using the energy slope of the dominant discharge, and
determine ks with time
• Use the ageing ks values determined above and determine the tunnel discharge
capacity by using the maximum available energy slope
• Determine the ultimate roughness for the probable (eq. 5.8.5-2) and maximum
probable roughness (eq. 5.8.5-3), based on the dominant discharge and associated
energy slope, also considering mean and minimum pH values. Then calculate the
ultimate discharge capacity based on the calculated ks values and the maximum
available energy slope, using the Colbebrook White-Darcy Weissbach equation.
The predicted ageing of DTN is shown in Figure 9.6-5, based on a dominant discharge
of 35 nrvVs to calculate the ageing. The ultimate roughness of the three lines indicated
varies between 0.25 mm and 1.31 mm which is much less than the 4 mm used in the
original design of the tunnel and in the DWAF (1999) study where 4 mm was also
considered as the ultimate roughness, corresponding to about 34 m3/s ultimate
discharge capacity. The predicted ultimate discharge capacity is now 41.7 m3/s
(probable ks) with a low value of 38.9 m3/s (maximum probable ks).
The probable ageing is given by the central line, with an ultimate discharge capacity of
85 % of the original capacity. The predicted maximum ageing discharge capacity is
given by the lower line on the graph, with a long term capacity of 80 % of the original
The rate of ageing predicted is 0.017 mm/year and 0.032 mm/year for the mean and
minimum pH values respectively. This is now considerably less than the estimates of
the DWAF (1999) report of probable and maximum probable values of 0.03 mm/year
and 0.1 mm/year.
Observed aqeinq
10 20 30 40 50
Age (years)
Figure 9.6-5 Predicted ageing of the Delivery Tunnel North (this study)
• The critical conditions for re-entrainment (eq. 5.5.1 -1) and transport of non-cohesive
sediment sediment transport (eq. 5.6-1) should be determined to transport say 0.5
mm sediment, the typical median size of sand bedded rivers in South Africa.
• The maximum shear stress should not exceed the maximum value (19 Pa) tested in
the laboratory (Table 5.5.2-1) where no concrete deterioration associated with an
increased roughness occur. The maximum bed shear stress is less at DTN.
The predicted rate of ageing and ultimate roughness has to be refined with more field
data, and the ageing prediction of the Delivery Tunnel and Transfer Tunnel should be
carried out. At this stage, however, these findings indicate that perhaps a next phase of
the LHWP can be implemented without doubling of the tunnels.
Field testing (2002) at the Delivery Tunnel indicates no ageing after 5 years of
operation, with head loss changes of less than 50 mm from the commissioning tests.
Initially the tunnel was operated at regular peak discharges of 35 to 40 m3/s. Since
September 2001 the operation changed to typical peak discharge of 27 m3/s during day
time, dropping to 12 m3/s at night, due to hydropower generation requirements and
system constraints (Figure 9.6-6).
During the first 5 years of operation, the pH of the water discharging from the DTN has
slowly decreased from about 8.0 to about 7.6 (Figure 9.6-6). Since September 2001,
when the peak flows reduced, a large scatter in pH data has been observed, which is
difficult to explain. The predictions of tunnel ageing shown in Figure 9.6-5 are however
based on a range of pH values between 7.5 and 7.9, as observed in the field.
pH dala
ss 35
1997/0&19 1996/01/05 1998/0704 1999/02/09 1999/08/28 20OCLTO15 SOOOnWOI 2001(04/13 2001/11/05 2002/05/24 2002'12!0
Design aspects:
a) Determine the dominant discharge, based on say the flow that is exceeded
20 % of the time. Consider changes in future water requirements, daily and
seasonal variation.
d) Calculate the probable (eq. 5,8.5-2) and maximum probable ultimate (eq. 5.8.5-
3) hydraulic roughness. Use the minimum ultimate roughness equal to 0.6 mm
to allow for possible concrete deterioration.
f) Tunnels should not be oversized as this could lead to high ageing rates. Larger
tunnel diameters lead to reduced flow velocities, which accelerates the rate of
ageing and could lead to a relatively high ultimate roughness. A sensitivity
ageing analysis should however be carried out for various tunnel diameters, with
a costing exercise.
Operational aspects:
i) If the water is not aggressive to concrete, make the dominant discharge as high
as possible to limit ageing. The ageing can in some cases be reversed by
hydraulic flushing at high discharge on an annual basis. The flushing operation
should however be seen as a safety factor in the design since it will not work
under all conditions. It is better to make the dominant discharge as high as
I) In soft water conditions, evaluate the maximum bed shear stress ( and stream
power) which should not exceed 10 Pa to prevent damage to the soft concrete
surface (Table 5.5.2-1).
m) Mechanical cleaning should not be considered for soft water conditions, and
only soft brushes should be used in hard water conditions to prevent damage to
the concrete surface. Drying of deposited sediment will remove it, but this
should not be carried out in soft water conditions as the surface layer of
concrete will also be removed.
p) When designing a tunnel, limit secondary losses as far as possible, but conduct
a cost analysis. Also consider phased partial or complete doubling of the tunnel.
This study combined laboratory and field test data to obtain a better understanding of
the ageing process in large diameter conduits such as water transfer tunnels. Field
tests were carried out since 1998 at the Orange-Fish Tunne!, Roode Elsberg Tunnel
and Theewaterskloof Tunnel, while laboratory investigations at the Universities of
Stellenbosch and of Pretoria were also carried out on pipes. The following are key
findings of this research project:
• Soft water corrosion occurred at the Western Cape and LHWP tunnels. The effect
is a softening of the upper 3 mm of concrete, but this was protected by a thin
layer of sediment at all the tunnels investigated. The soft water corrosion can
however lead to deep scour holes and etch marks in the concrete, where a poor
quality concrete was used during construction (Theewaterskloof Tunnel). This is
however not expected in the high strength LHWP concrete lining.
• Hydraulic flushing at high flows are effective in reducing the hydraulic roughness
by flushing out sediment deposits from the tunnel. Where bacterial action
however plays a role one cannot rely on flushing alone and other measures have
to be considered.
• Chlorination has been used on a limited scale elsewhere in the world to reduce
roughness, but was found more effective after cleaning of the tunnel. Depending
on the system configuration there are environmental problems associated with
• Mechanical cleaning of a tunnel in soft water conditions damages the tunnel and
increase the roughness, no matter how careful you are. In hard water conditions,
high pressure water jets damaged the tunnel surface. Literature indicate rapid
increase in roughness after cleaning, within one to two years.
• Literature reviewed indicates that there are two main factors influencing the
deterioration of the concrete due to soft water attack namely the aggressiveness
of the water and the composition of the concrete under attack.
The concrete mixture of the LHWP linings of the delivery tunnels contains fly-ash
as a cement extender. Two different Ca-ion leaching rates for a specific water
operating velocity were found for the LHWP concrete. It indicates that as a result
of the fly-ash content in the mixture, decalcification of the C-S-H gel take place at
a low rate and Ca(OH)2 leaching at a higher rate. The theoretical concrete
deterioration depth rates for the LHWP concrete are much lower than the rates for
the Theewaterskloof Tunnel. There are not enough data available at this stage
but it seems that the concrete deterioration rate increase with an increases of
water operating velocity.
Although the soft water attack cannot be stopped with a specific concrete mix
design, it is possible to decrease it significantly with an optimum design. The
optimum concrete mixture as designed by Castro & Mclntosh (1994) for the
LHWP tunnels will still be the best mixture for resistance to soft water attack
because the Ca(OH)2 content is very low in this design mix.
• Design and operational guidelines for the determination of tunnel ageing and
selection of tunnel diameter during design, have been proposed. The LHWP DTN
has been used as a case study.
• Prediction of future ageing of the LHWP DTN indicates that under current
operating conditions, the rate of ageing would be relatively small and the ultimate
discharge capacity would be between 80% to 85% of the new tunnel capacity.
Previous studies used a higher ultimate roughness (DWAF, 1999) of ks = 4 mm
which resulted in an aged discharge capacity of about 73% of the original
capacity. The current predictions therefore indicate that it might be possible to
implement the next phase of the LHWP without doubling the tunnels: Low Mashai
Dam, that would require a total tunnel discharge capacity (including phase I flow)
of 35,8 m3/s without downtime, or 39,8 m3/s with 10% downtime.
It is recommended that the design guidelines (Chapter 10) are followed during the
design of a tunnel. Even more important however, is that the tunnel should be operated
according to the design.
• Regular hydraulic tests at say 5 year intervals should be carried out at the LHWP,
Theewaterskloof, Orange-Fish and Roode Elsberg Tunnels to determine the
hydraulic roughness to extend the current data base.
• The theory developed for this study should be calibrated against field data of
pipelines for application in pipe design.
Attention to the following chemical aspects regarding soft water corrosion is necessary:
• More laboratory tests are necessary on the LHWP test section at higher water
operating velocities to determine the relationship between the Ca-ions leaching
rates and water operating velocities.
• Tests on the microstructure of the concrete of the test sections are necessary to
calibrate the rate of the theoretical concrete deterioration depths and to determine
the exact influence of the permeability and porosity on soft water attack.
• The aggressiveness of the water actually flowing through the tunnels should be
determined. Laboratory tests with the water from the field will be necessary to
confirm the calibration of the accelerated rate of deterioration in the laboratory with
the actual field behaviour.
• Coatings should be applied in the Delivery Tunnel North to evaluate its long term
• The rate of ageing and ultimate hydraulic roughness predictors developed and
calibrated in this study make use of hydraulic data and pH values. These equations
should however be refined in future by incorporating water quality variables related
to soft water corrosion and sliming.
Addis, B.J. (1989). Predicting the Ca(OH)2 content and chemical vulnerability of pastes
made with different binders and calculating the saturation proportion for fly ash with
Portland cement. Portland Cement Institute TIP No. 169, Midrand, South Africa.
Carde, C. Francois R. (996) Leaching of both calcium hydroxide and C-S-H from
cement paste: Modelling the mechanical behaviour. Cement and Concrete Research.
Vol.26, No. 8. pp. 1257-1268.
Carde, C. Francois R. (1999). Modelling the loss of strength and porosity increase due
to the leaching of cement paste. Cement and Concrete Research 1997; 21 181-188.
Castro, D.J. & Mclntosh, J. (February 1994). Design of a concrete mix with a high fly
ash content for construction of tunnel linings. Second international symposium Ash - A
valuable Resource Volume 1,.pp 141-154.
Colebrook, C.F. (1939). Turbulent flow in pipes, with particular refence to the transition
region between the smooth and rough pipe laws. J Instn. Civ. Engrs., 11,133.
Colebrook, C.F.(1958). The flow of water in unlined, lined and partly lined rock tunnels.
J. Instn. Civ. Engrs., Paper No. 6281.
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CIRIA Report 96.
28/05/2001 17 72 82 10
(cm) (cm)
Depth at 90° V-Notcti = 224 mm (Velocity 1.94 m/s)
(cm) (cm)
Depth at 90° V-Notch = 264 mm (Velocity 2.9 m/s)
Leaching of Ca-ions from the Theewaterskloof Tunnel section
Volume Volume
*[EDTA] Ca (g) per Calcium
Date Time of water of *EDTA mol Ca pH-values
moW 50ml of water ppm
sample W
28-May 0.00125 0.05 0.0036 4.5E-06 0.00018 4.0 6.76
29-May 0.0025 0.05 0.0049 1.23E-05 0.00049 9.8 7.33
30-May 0.00125 0.05 0.0104 0.000013 0.00052 11.6 7.03
31-May 0.00125 0.05 0.01395 1.74E-05 0.000698 15.5 7.22
01-Jun 0.00125 0.05 0.0139 1.74E-05 0.000695 15.4 7.21
04-Jun 0.00125 0.05 0.0149 1.86E-05 0.000745 16.6 7.34
05-Jun 0.00125 0.05 0.01595 1.99E-05 0.000798 17.7 7.37
06-Jun 09:00 0.0025 0.05 0.0081 2.03E-05 0.00081 16.2 7.66
06-Jun 0.00125 0.05 0.01655 2.07E-05 0.000828 18.4
07-Jun 0.00125 0.05 0.0172 2.15E-05 0.00086 19.1 7.84
11-Jun 0.00125 0.05 0.0198 2.48E-05 0.00099 22.0 7.55
12-Jun 0.0025 0.05 0.0098 2.45E-05 0.00098 19.6 7.73
12-Jun 09:00 0.00125 0.05 0.0197 2.46E-05 0.000985 21.9
13-Jun 0.00125 0.05 0.0203 2.54E-05 0.001015 22.6 7.58
14-Jun 0.00125 0.05 0.0208 0.000026 0.00104 23.1 7.32
15-Jun 09:00 0.005 0.05 0.0061 3.05E-05 0.00122 24.4 7.64
15-Jun 0.00125 0.05 0.0212 2.65E-05 0.00106 23.6
18-Jun 0.00125 0.05 0.0235 2.94E-05 0.001175 26.1 7.44
19-Jun 09:15 0.00125 0.05 0.0182 2.28E-05 0.00091 20.2 7,52
20-Jun 09:00 0.005 0.05 0.0057 2.85E-05 0.00114 22.8 7.57
20-Jun 0.00125 0.05 0.0194 2.43E-05 0.00097 21.6
21-Jun 0.00125 0.05 0.0188 2.35E-05 0.00094 20.9 7.31
22-Jun 0.00125 0.05 0.0194 2.43E-05 0.00097 21.6 7.42
02-Jul 0.0025 0.05 0.0043 1.08E-05 0.00043 8.6 7.14
04-Jul 0.0025 0.05 0.0045 1.13E-05 0.00045 9.0 7.8
Extraction from
Portland Cement Institute:
Tip no. 169
Predicting the Ca(OH)2 content and chemical vulnerability of pastes made with
different binders.
B J Addis
February 1989
• The calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) is always of the form C3S2H3, no matter
which binder it is derived from.
• The calcium silicate compounds in Portland cement hydrate fully.
Atomic Masses
Ca 40
0 = 16
H (hydrogen) =1
Si — 28
Al - 27
Fe = 56
Therefore: Ca(OH)2 = CH - 4 0 + 16 + 16+ 1 +1 =74
SiO2 = S - 2 8 + 16 + 16 = 60
CaO = C -40 + 16 = 56
H2O = H = 1 +1 + 1 6 = 18
AI2O3 = A = 27 + 27 +16 + 16+16 = 102
Fe2O3 = F = 56 + 56 + 16+ 16 = 160
C3S = 56 + 56 + 56 + 60 = 228
C2S = 56 + 56 + 60 = 172
C3A = 56 + 56 + 56 + 102 = 270
C4AF = 56 + 56 + 56 + 56 + 102 + 160 = 486
2C2S + 4H _ • C3S2H3 + CH
C3A + C H + 1 2 H — • CjAH 13
Test data on the LHWP Tunnel section
Leaching of Ca-ions from the LHWP Tunnel section
Laboratory test pipe corrosion data
10-Oct 8:00
11-Oct 7:45
12-Oct 8:30
solution Vol Moles CaO/1 OOg
Sample Mass (ml) [EDTA] EDTA CaO CaO (g) sample
Microbiological analyses:
a) total aerobic bacterial count using Nutrient Agar (Merck) with 50 mg/l
cycloheximide to inhibit fungal and yeast growth;
c) total yeast and fungal count using Potato Dextrose Agar (Merck) with 250 mg/l
chloramphenicol to inhibit bacterial growth;
d) Sulphate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) using Iron Sulphite agar (Oxoid) with titanium
chloride as a reducing agent;
All counts were performed after incubation for two weeks at room temperature, except
the total aerobic bacterial count and the total yeast and fungal count, performed after
incubation at room temperature for 48 hours.
For the SEM work, photos and digital images were obtained. Photo negatives and
contact prints, as well as digital images on a CD-ROM are included with this report.
SEM indicated the presence of at least three kinds of diatoms, as well as yeasts, fungal
hyphae and rod-shaped and coccoid bacterial cells (Figures 1 to 4).
Figure 4: A diatom.
The aerobic bacterial count was high (1.52x106 cfu/g). At least nine different bacterial
species could be observed macroscopically.
Anaerobic heterotrophic counts (2.28x1015 cfu/g) were almost two log-units lower than the
total aerobic bacterial counts. Anaerobic growth at low dilutions was dominated by
fermenters, with high levels of gas produced. At higher dilutions, non-fermenters
dominated with little gas produced. Microscopic observation indicated the incidence of
rod-shaped spore formers with round to oval sub-terminal spores.
A low incidence of yeasts and fungi was observed (1.45x103 and 5.00x103 cfu/g
respectively). Macroscopically, at least seven fungal and one yeast species could be
A low incidence of SRB was observed (2.00x104 cfu/g). These organisms are able to
use oxidized sulphur compounds and reduce these to sulfide which can react with metals
to form black precipitates of metal sulphides, thereby causing microbially induced
In general, there was concern over sampling and transport of the sediment sample.
Firstly, it would be advisable to use a sterile container for sampling, as well as using
aseptic sampling techniques. Secondly, samples should be kept in a cold chain of 4°C
until delivery to a suitable lab for analyzing. There were doubts about the two
prerequisites stated above. Also, to get a representative sample of a biofilm in a
concrete pipe, it would be advisable to scrape the biofilm off the top and sides of the pipe
sampled without including interfering sediment in the sample.
With all the points above taken into consideration, there are doubts as to the validity of all
the analyses performed on the sample in regard to biodeterioration of the concrete pipe
and results should be seen only as an indication of conditions inside the pipe as well as
inside the sediment in the pipe. No final conclusions about the role of the sediment itself
should be drawn to the possible biodegradation of the concrete pipe by microbes. Other
phenomena like structural defects as well as speed of water flow, amount of sediment
etc. should also be taken into consideration.
It is likely that not only Thiobacillus ferooxidans and other thiobacilli, but a variety of
organisms selected for in a biofilm could cause biodeterioration of concrete, mainly by
production of secondary metabolites like organic acids by anaerobic metabolism inside
the biofilm (Prescott etal., 1990).
The lack of Thiobacillus ferooxidans does not indicate the absence of other thiobacilli. it
is suggested that more sensitive methods be used in future to indicate the presence of
thiobacilli. These methods include the use of statistical methods to determine the Most
Probable Number (MPN) or molecular probing techniques like Fluorescent In Situ
Hybridization (FISH).
C) Conclusions:
No final conclusions about the role of microbes in the biodeterioration of concrete pipes
must be drawn from the analyses performed on the sediment sample provided. A much
more detailed and in-depth study should be conducted to investigate the possibility of
specific microbes causing microbially induced corrosion of the concrete pipe. The high
microbial numbers in the sediment sample does indicate the possibility of anaerobic
microbes forming part of anaerobic biofilms and, thus, possible biocorrosion of the
concrete pipe. It is also suggested that wash-down of sediment and soil be minimized by
whatever means possible as the presence of sediments in the pipe creates a habitat
suitable for the growth of microbes. Manual cleaning of pipes (for example pigging)
and/or the possible introduction of organic inhibitors or non-ionic biocides can also be
DJ Oosthuizen.
D) References:
Prescott, L.M., Harley, J.P. and Klein, D.A. (1990). Microbiology. Wm. C. Brown
Publishers, Iowa.
Karaivko, G.I., Kuznetsov, S.I. and Golonizik, A.I. (1977). The bacterial leaching of
metals from ores. Technicopy, England.
• • • •