Assessment 2
Assessment 2
Assessment 2
The unit of work below has been created for a Year 7 class of diverse learners that are particularly engaged in creative and diverse activities. Explicit teaching of
terminology and concepts, scaffolding and differentiation has been integrated to support all students access to teaching and learning activities. Extension activities
have been incorporated into various lessons as a number of students are fast finishers. Literacy has been targeted as a key focus area in this unit of work as many
students within the class require enhanced support in their use of historical terminology and ability to answer written questions correctly. This unit of work has
been designed and supported by pedagogical approaches, and teaching and learning theory to best support the needs of this diverse Year 7 class.
Differentiated instruction is supported within the Australian History Curriculum through the flexibility of teaching and learning approaches to the product, process,
content and learning environment. This unit of work organises the essential knowledge, understanding and skills of the Australian History Curriculum in a manner
that best supports students learning and application (Tomlinson, 1999; Board of Studies NSW, 2012). As the depth study has a large focus on many aspects of
Ancient China it was important in the development of the unit of work to ground students learning in the concepts of significance and Australia’s engagement
with Asia for personal relevance and understanding (Board of Studies NSW, 2012). The differentiated instruction of particularly the product and process of
different learning activities throughout the unit of work encourages students to engage with their own interests and learn in a way that best suits their learning
needs. This allows all students the opportunity and inclusivity to achieve curriculum outcomes.
Bloom’s Taxonomy is a key educational framework informing the Asian World Depth Study Three unit of work. The revised Bloom’s Taxonomy provides a
comprehensive understanding and application of teaching and learning strategies to best support students cognitive processing and application of content
(Krathwohl, 2002). Bloom’s Taxonomy has informed the structure and flow of lessons within the unit of work, and has also informed the types of activities used
As supported by Bloom’s Taxonomy, Max Woods’ Learning and Response Matrix (ALARM) has been used within this unit of work to support all learners critically
thinking and application abilities. ALARM supports students’ development of literacy skills, self-direction, concept application and learning reflection (Woods,
2018). The Learning and Response Matrix is a valuable teaching and learning tool as it supports all students’ ability to effectively structure and answer questions
for all key learning areas. This scaffold is a useful tool for a class of diverse learning needs as it allows both teacher supported learning and self-directed learning
Board of Studies NSW. (2012). History K-10 syllabus. Retrieved from
Krathwohl, D.R. (2002). A revision of Bloom's Taxonomy: an overview. Theory into Practice, 41(4), 212-218. doi: 10.1207/s15430421tip4104_2
Tomlinson, C. (1999). The Differentiated Classroom. Alexandria: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Woods, M. (2018). The official alarm blog: ALARM. Retrieved from
Stage 4 | History
Course: Year 7 Depth Study 3: The Asian World – Ancient China Stage 4 Year 7 Duration 6 weeks
Unit context within Scope and Sequence Outcomes
Stage 4 provides a study of the nature of history and its sources both written and › Describes major periods of historical time and sequences events, people and
archaeological. The Ancient World saw the movement of people and ideas societies from the past HT4-2
throughout the world.
› Describes and assesses the motives and actions of past individuals and groups in
the context of past societies HT4-3
The Asian World is the forth topic completed in Year 7 history, following the
Overview, Investigating the Ancient Past and The Mediterranean World: Egypt. This
› Uses evidence from sources to support historical narratives and explanations HT4-
topic has been selected to support the Stage 5 Depth Study 2 Australia and Asia:
Asia and the World.
› Uses a range of historical terms and concepts when communicating an
understanding of the past HT4-9
› Selects and uses appropriate oral, written, visual and digital forms to communicate
about the past HT4-10
Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia- students develop an understanding of Cause and effect- students demonstrate an understanding of the developments,
Asia and their contribution to the region and the world. This unit of work allows decisions and events in the past that produce actions, results or consequences.
students to investigate the social, cultural and political dynamics of the region and Within the unit of work students investigate the cause and effect of numerous
the shaping of relationships of people and countries. developments, decisions and events on Ancient China’s people and relationships
with other countries.
Sustainability- students investigate past societies access to and use of the Earth’s
resources. This unit of work provides students the opportunity to develop a Perspectives- students understand different perspectives of people at a particular
historical perspective on sustainability through the focus of farming and community time. This unit of work places significant focus on students understanding and
settlements. interpretation of different perspectives of the past for understanding historical
Difference and diversity- students develop their understanding and knowledge of Significance- the importance of an historical event, development or individual of the
difference and diversity amongst people of the past. Within the unit of work past is important for students understanding of a time period. This unit of work
students engage with varying perspectives of individuals and groups, exploring the allows students to analyse different events, developments and individuals lasting
similarities and differences of the past and today. significance on history.
Numeracy- students engage with numeracy within history through the construction
and interpretation of time, mapping and statistics. This unit of work supports and
develops diverse learner’s numeracy skills through explicit teaching of required
skills and enhanced support to allow students to apply these skills to represent,
comprehend and analyse historical data and information.
Key questions Key terms
• How did the geographical setting of Ancient China influence the civilisation • Society • Hierarchy
that developed there? • Dynasty • Legalism
• Who were the key groups in Ancient Society and what were their roles? • Philosophy • Confucianism
• What did everyday life look like in Ancient China? • Artisan • Daoism
• What influence did law and religion have on society? • Merchant • Taoism
• What were the beliefs, values and practices of society during particular • Nobleman • Buddhism
dynasties? • Emperor • Yin and Yang
• What were the death and funerary customs during particular dynasties? • Scholar • Terra Cotta Warrior
• How did contacts and conflicts both internally and externally contribute to • Shi • Silk Road
developments in trade and the spread of philosophies and beliefs? • Nong • Interconnection
• What were the consequences of contact with other societies? • Gong
• What is the legacy of Ancient China? • Shang
• What is the role and significance of Confucius?
Differentiation Checking understanding/formative assessment Information and communication technology (ICT) Targeted literacy and numeracy
• Students create the table in their books or on Religion and law information
their laptop and add the key information.
• Extension activity- students are to write the
distinguishing features that separate each
social class. Are they similar to todays society?
Oxford University Press. (2016). Oxford big ideas
• The role of law and religion in Ancient China is humanities 7: chapter 15 Ancient China.
introduced by a youtube clip. The philosophies Retrieved from
of Confucianism, Daoism/Taoism, Buddhism
and Legalism are described to students. /0027/58185/Chapter-15-Ancient-China.pdf
• Students complete a match activity, matching
the name of the philosophy with its key Smiling Minds
Students learn to: the roles of the professional classes of society:
Describe the roles of key groups the shi, the nong, the gong and the shang. hierarchy-of-ancient-china/
in the society • Explicit teaching is provided to support
students meaning-making abilities through the Literacy strategies
Outcome: Uses a range of application of knowledge through the text, Department of Education. (1997). Teaching
historical terms and concepts whilst linking prior knowledge. reaching a K-6 framework. NSW DET.
when communicating an • Students explain the importance of each group
understanding of the past HT4-9 key roles in Ancient Society, with focus on law,
religion and goods.
10 Content: • In table groups students investigate the Everyday life information
Students learn about: everyday life of men, women and children.
Roles of key groups in the • In six groups students look at the wealthy or e.php
ancient society in this period poor everyday life of men, women and
(such as kings, emperors, priests, children. Focus is placed on housing, food, kids-daily-life-ancient-china/
merchants, craftsmen, scholars, clothing and family structure.
peasants, women), including the • Students are to contribute their research k
influence of law and religion findings to a collaborative Google Slide. Oxford University Press. (2016). Oxford big ideas
(ACDSEH044, ACDSEH041) • Students must include at least three primary or humanities 7: chapter 15 Ancient China.
secondary source analysis on their slides. Retrieved from
• Each group then presents their findings to the
Students learn to: class, with students filling in a table on the /0027/58185/Chapter-15-Ancient-China.pdf
Describe the everyday life of other topics.
men, women and children in the RESOURCE ONE Formative assessment
society Finley, T. (2014). 53 ways to check understanding.
• To conclude the syllabus dot point students are Edutopia. Retrieved from
Outcome: Uses evidence from given time in class or as homework to
sources to support historical summarise their understandings of key groups check-for-understanding-todd-finley
narratives and explanations HT4- in Ancient China in their reflective journals.
The significant beliefs, values tradition, culture and values involved in death Death and funerary customs information
and practices of the ancient and funerary customs.
society, with a particular customs-china/
emphasis on at least ONE of the • Students complete a short 5 words checking
following areas: warfare, or understanding activity to summarise their ancient-china-regarding-death-7976.html
death and funerary customs understanding of Ancient Chinese religion from
(ACDSEH045, ACDSEH042) prior lessons. le/death-culture.htm
• Students watch a virtual tour of the site and a
TedEd Youtube clip of the Terracotta Warriors
Students learn to: • Each group screenshots and emails the teacher
Identify contacts and conflicts of their mind map 9/themes/contact-and-conflict
peoples within the ancient Asian • The different mind maps are consolidated onto
world one worksheet and are given to students the
following lesson. Youtube clip
Outcome: Describes and
assesses the motives and actions • Students are introduced to the concepts of Qyg&t=306s
of past individuals and groups in external trade, conquests and beliefs and their
the context of past societies significance on the development of lasting
HT4-3 interconnections and growth.
16-18 Content: • Students map the trade route of the Silk Road Youtube clip
Students learn about: and mark the flow of different trade items from
Contacts and conflicts within and to Ancient China.
and/or with other societies, Silk Road map
resulting in developments such • Focus is placed on the Han dynasty’s territorial
as the expansion of trade, the expansion and the significance this had on the 20Road%20Trade%20Route
rise of empires and the spread Silk Road.
of philosophies and beliefs • Students watch a Youtube clip to visualise the Silk Road sources
(ACDSEH046, ACDSEH043) growth of Ancient China’s territory, and the
spread of beliefs during the Han dynasty. winter/anex2007-winter-moore.pdf
Students learn to:
Outline significant trade • Students complete an activity to place the 551
contacts with other societies significant trade contacts of Ancient China, the
goods they provided, and the lasting
Outcome: Describes major interconnections this initial contact has led to.
periods of historical time and
sequences events, people and • Students complete a source analysis activity on
societies from the past HT4-2 primary sources of traded items, tracing their
origin and purpose during the time
• Extension activity- students explain the lasting
connections between China and Australia on
trade, culture, etc.
19 Content: • Brainstorm activity- as a class, students create a Consequences information
Students learn about: pros and cons list from the perspective of an Oxford University Press. (2016). Oxford big ideas
Contacts and conflicts within Ancient Chinese emperor assessing the risks of humanities 7: chapter 15 Ancient China.
and/or with other societies, expanding, trading and implementing different Retrieved from
resulting in developments such beliefs from another area.
as the expansion of trade, the • Using this list students are to way up both the /0027/58185/Chapter-15-Ancient-China.pdf
rise of empires and the spread positive and negative consequences of their
of philosophies and beliefs final decision to either contact with another silk-road-helped-in-spreading-infectious-
(ACDSEH046, ACDSEH043) area or remain isolated. diseases/article/470737
23 Content: • Using the ALARM scaffold to help their Confucius colouring pages
Students learn about: structure and their research information from
The role of Confucius, a last lesson, students are to assess the role and pages/confucius-in-a-horse-drawn-coach
significant individual in the importance of Confucius on Ancient China and
ancient Asian world today. pages/confucius-kongzi
(ACDSEH133, ACDSEH132) • Students are to create an introduction, a
minimum of two paragraphs assessing the role
Students learn to: and significance of Confucius, and a conclusion.
Assess the role and importance • Students are explicitly taught how they are to
of the individual chosen answer an ‘assess’ question.
Evaluation of Teaching and Learning
This unit of work has a strong focus on literacy and critical and creative thinking. Students engage in a variety of teaching and learning activities that are
largely student centered. Information and communication technology have a large role in this unit of work, allowing students to engage with a variety of
programs. Students are able to participate in peer learning, learning from and with each other through the use a number of programs. The use of scaffolds
and explicit teaching is valuable for the learning of all diverse learners as students are all able to access activities whilst being challenged. A number of
extension activities have been incorporated to support fast finishers through both academic and creative activities.
Upon reflection of this unit of work it is difficult to condense this depth study into six weeks. Students understanding and application of key concepts would
be enhanced by increasing the amount of lessons spent on key syllabus points. This unit of work could be improved through the integration of more
numeracy targeted activities. This unit of work also could benefit from a continual class project to create an Ancient China museum of one dynasty as a
progressive learning activity or potential summative assessment.
Board of Studies NSW. (2012). History K-10 syllabus. Retrieved from
Hogarth, B. (1999). Ancient China from the Neolithic period to the Han dynasty. Asian Art Museum. Retrieved from
Oxford University Press. (2016). Oxford big ideas humanities 7: chapter 15 Ancient China. Retrieved from
RESOURCE ONE- Group Digital Resource
Student Worksheet
RESOURCE TWO- Source Based Activity
Student handout
RESOURCE THREE- Scaffolded Resource
ALARM scaffold
Analyse the consequences of Ancient China’s contacts with other societies for developments in trade
Analyse: outline the consequences (positive or negative), and the relationship between these consequences on Ancient China
Name and define the consequence of What are the features/details of the What is the significance or role of the How/why is it a consequence? What
the paragraph consequence? Give examples consequence? Use evidence is its relationship with other
Oxford University Press. (2016). Oxford big ideas humanities 7: chapter 15 Ancient China. Retrieved from
Asian Art Museum. (2012). The underground army of the first emperor. Asian Art Museum Education. Retrieved from
Oxford University Press. (2016). Oxford big ideas humanities 7: chapter 15 Ancient China. Retrieved from
Van Tol, D., Ottery, S., & Keith, R. (2012). Pearson history 9: activity book. Pearson Australia. Retrieved from
Victoria and Albert Museum. (2016). Traditional life in China: burial customs. V & A. Retrieved from
Costello, C. (2018). A learning and response matrix. Virtual Library. Retrieved from
Woods, M. (2018). The official alarm blog: ALARM. Retrieved from