Dr. J. Michael Rifenburg (Updated 11/2018) : Education
Dr. J. Michael Rifenburg (Updated 11/2018) : Education
Dr. J. Michael Rifenburg (Updated 11/2018) : Education
Academic Employment
Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of North Georgia. Fall 2013-Spring 2017
Administrative Appointments
Reviewing and revising course outcomes, template syllabi, and course descriptions
Conducting instructor observations
Overseeing course needs and assessment reports to Assessment Coordinator
Faculty Fellow for Scholarly Writing. Center for Teaching, Learning, and Leadership. University of
North Georgia. Fall 2016-present
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Establishing multifaceted faculty development programs across five campuses that enrich
scholarly productivity through a focus on research and writing skills
Drilled to Write: A Longitudinal Study of a Cadet Writer at a Senior Military College. Under contract.
University Press of Colorado.
The Embodied Playbook: Writing Practices of Student-Athletes. Utah State University Press, an imprint of
the University Press of Colorado. 2018.
Contemporary Perspectives on Cognition and Writing. Co-edited with Patricia Portanova and Duane Roen.
WAC Clearinghouse, Colorado State University Open Press, and University Press of Colorado.
“To Ensure Warfighting Function: Writing Inside a U.S. Army Brigade Headquarters.” Composition
Studies. Forthcoming Spring 2019.
“First-year Cadets’ Conceptions of General Education Writing at a Senior Military College” co-
authored with MAJ. Brian Forester. Teaching & Learning Inquiry. 6.1. (March 2018): 52-66.
“The Performance of Literate Practices: Rhetoric, Writing, and Stand-up Comedy.” Journal for the
Assembly of Expanded Perspectives on Learning. 22 (Winter 2016-2017): 78-91.
“Student-Athletes, Prior Knowledge, and Threshold Concepts.” Teaching English in the Two-Year
College 44.1 (September 2016): 32-48.
“Supporting the Student-Athlete Writer: A Case Study of a Division I Athletics Writing Center and
NCAA Academic Mandates.” The Writing Center Journal 35.2 (2016): 61-87. Print.
“The Literate Practices of a Division II Men’s Basketball Team.” Grassroots Writing Research Journal
6.2 (Spring 2016). 55-63. Print.
“The Woven Body: Embodying Text in Performance Art and the Writing Center.” Co-authored
with Lindsey Allgood. Across the Disciplines 28 (Dec. 2015). Web.
“‘Student-Athletes’ and the Rhetorical Consequences of Naming.” Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric
in Society 4.2 (2015). Web.
“Getting All Interdisciplinary: A Guiding Business Principle for Writing Center Practice.” Southern
Discourse 18.1 (Fall 2013): 4-7. Print.
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“Converting the Center: Considering Christianity in the Writing Center.” Co-authored with Michael
Mohon. Dangling Modifier 19.2 (Spring 2013). Web.
“Fleshing Out the Uniqueness of Student-Athlete Writing Centers: A Response to Alanna Bitzel.”
Praxis: A Writing Center Journal 10.1. (2012). Web.
“Community: A Response to Marty Townsend.” In Talking Back: Senior Scholars Deliberate the Past,
Present, and Future of Writing Studies, edited by Norbert Elliot and Alice Horning. University Press of
Colorado. Forthcoming.
“Chasing the Team: Participant Recruitment Strategies for Qualitative Research into Student-Athlete
Writers” In Research, Interrupted: Navigating Challenges in Qualitative Education Research, edited by Todd
Ruecker and Vanessa Svihla. Routledge. Forthcoming.
“Case Study.” In Theories and Methods of Writing Center Studies: A Practical Guide, edited by Jo
Mackiewicz and Rebecca Babcock. Routledge. Forthcoming.
“Visual Rhetoric” & “Multimodality.” Contribute a Verse: A Guide to First-Year Composition. Ed. Tanya
Long Bennett. University of North Georgia Press. 2015. Print.
Bibliographic entry. The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Basic Writing. 4th ed. Eds. Chitralekha
Duttagupta and Robert Miller. 2015. Print.
“Food Insecurity and the Student-Athlete.” University of Colorado blog. 3 April 2018.
“Let’s All Help UNG Students Learn to Become Better Writers.” Gainesville Times. 20 August 2017.
“Student-Athletes and Writing Transfer.” Literacy & NCTE. blogs.ncte.org. 9 March 2017. Web.
“Web List Aiming to Expose ‘Radical’ Professors Raises Familiar Red Flags.” Gainesville Times. 24
December 2016.
“Safety, the NCAA and a Cloudy Future.” Academe Blog Academeblog.com. 9 June 2016. Web.
“What it Means to be Connected.” Center for Teaching, Learning, and Leadership. University of
North Georgia. 2 February 2015. Web.
“The Value of Connection.” Literacy & NCTE. blogs.ncte.org. 11 Dec. 2014. Web.
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“Student-Athletes at UNG Represent What is Good about College Athletics.” Dahlonega Nugget 10
Dec. 2014.
“Global Collaboration Around Education.” Literacy & NCTE. blogs.ncte.org. 12 Nov. 2014. Web.
“Automated Essay Scoring Could Lead to High-Tech Ways to Fool it.” Gainesville Times 28 Aug.
2014. Print.
“Transfer Learning the Latest in Teaching Writing Skills.” Vanguard Dahlonega (student newspaper).
16 April 2014. Web.
“People of Dahlonega are Central to Academic Success of UNG Students.” Dahlonega Nugget. 25
December 2013. Print.
“Introverts and the Teaching of Writing.” Center for Teaching, Learning, and Leadership. University
of North Georgia. 6 November 2013. Web.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award. University of North Georgia. Fall 2015.
This award recognizes faculty whose research demonstrates valuable work in the scholarship
of teaching and learning. The awardee engages in a systematic examination of student
learning and the instructional conditions that promote learning.
Select Presentations
“Making it Count: Shaping Public Scholarship for Local Promotion and Tenure Guidelines.”
Biannual Thomas R. Watson Conference. Louisville, KY. October 2018.
“Becoming a Cadet: Preliminary Results from a Longitudinal Study into Learning Army Genres”
Conference on College Composition and Communication, Summer Regional Conference. Denver,
CO. July 2018.
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“Words for All: Supporting Public Scholarship Through Centers for Teaching and Learning.” With
John Duffy as Respondent. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Kansas City,
MO. March 2018.
Co-Chair, Special Interest Group. “Teaching with Research on Cognition and Writing.” Conference
on College Composition and Communication. Kansas City, MO. March 2018.
“Embodied Play Literacy in an Auburn University Defensive Football Play.” With Kevin Roozen as
Respondent. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Tampa, FL. March 2015.
Co-chair, Special Interest Group. “A Conversation with Duane Roen: The Eight Habits of Mind.”
Conference on College Composition and Communication. Tampa, FL. March 2015.
“A Literacy Audible: The Embodied Literate Practices of Big-Time College Football.” Biannual
Thomas R. Watson Conference. Louisville, KY. October 2014.
Co-chair, Special Interest Group. “Cognition and Writing: A Conversation with John Hayes:
Contemporary Perspectives on Cognitive Science and Writing.” Conference on College
Composition and Communication. Indianapolis, IN. March 2014.
“Penalties, Fouls, and Errors: Student-Athletes and the Trouble of Open Access.” Conference on
College Composition and Communication. Indianapolis, IN. March 2014.
Co-chair. Special Interest Group. “Rhetoric, Sport, and Student-Athletes.” Conference on College
Composition and Communication. Las Vegas, NV. March 2013.
Co-chair. Workshop. “Expanding the Conversation: Graduate Students, Contingent Faculty, and the
Future of Basic Writing.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Las Vegas, NV.
March 2013.
Courses Taught
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Post-Secondary Education
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Through focusing on key readings in Bizzell and Herzberg’s The Rhetorical
Tradition and supplemental readings, students explore various theories of language
and language use from 5th century Athens and rhetoricians such as Aristotle and
Gorgias to 21st century America and rhetoricians such as Malea Powell, Adam
Banks, and Damián Baca.
Honors English 1213: English Composition II, Appropriating Classical Rhetoric for
Contemporary Uses
English 1213: English Composition II
Secondary Education
Franklin, Cheyenne. “Quintilian Education and Additive Bilingualism.” Queen City Writers.
4.1 (2015). Written in ENGL 3120: Introduction to Rhetorical Theory.
Henderson, Sawyer. “Looking Right Now: A Rhetorical Analysis on Gay Men’s Diction
Relative to Grindr.” National Council for Undergraduate Research. University of North
Carolina, Asheville. April 2016. Forthcoming NCUR Proceedings. Spring 2017. Paper
written in ENGL 2230: Writing for an Online Audience.
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Price, Laura. “Native American Rhetoric: How and Why It’s Important.” Queen City Writers.
5.1 (2016). Written in ENGL 3120: Introduction to Rhetorical Theory.
Regeski, Julia. “An Ethical Rhetorical Question.” Sigma Tau Delta 2016 National
Convention. Minneapolis, MN. March 2016. Written in ENGL 3120: Introduction to
Rhetorical Theory.
Associate editor, Perspectives on Writing book series, The WAC Clearinghouse / University
Press of Colorado.
Member, Council of Writing Program Administrators Best Book Committee. 2017, 2018
Reviewer, Writing Center Journal, Composition Studies, and Queen City Writers, a refereed journal
for undergraduate composition
Reviewer, University of North Georgia Press, Utah State University Press, Routledge
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Faculty Fellow for Scholarly Writing, Center for Teaching, Learning, and Leadership.
Fall 2015-present
Athletic Committee, Fall 2015-Spring 2017
Professional Development
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Facilitating Learning in an Online Classroom. Distance Education and Technology Integration.
University of North Georgia. Fall 2013
Professional Affiliations
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