Student's Activity Student's Activity
Student's Activity Student's Activity
Student's Activity Student's Activity
That’s great!
great! We have again a Ma’am, everybody is present today.
perfect attendance.
5. Checking of Assignments
Yesterday, I gave you an assignment
which is to develop sentences using (Students will pass their assignments.)
simile and metaphor. Now, will you
please pass it forward..
B. Lesson Proper (25 minutes)
1. Review of Previous Lesson
Before we proceed to our next
lesson, first let us have a short
review about the lesson during our
(Students raising their hands)
last meeting
2. Motivation
(the teacher will play a video about a
Brief History of Communication)
3. Presentation of Objectives
4. Presentation of Lesson
Our lesson for today is about “the
evolution of traditional to new media”
5. Pre-Discussion
But before that, I’ll show you a picture
about a brief history of communication.
(teacher shows picture)
Can you identify what forms of media (students share their experience)
have you experienced using?
6. Discussion
(teacher discuss contrast of traditional
and new media)
Traditional Media
Media experience is limited
One directional
Sense receptors used are very
New Media
V. Generalization
no answer – 0 point
VII. Assignment
In a ½ sheet of paper crosswise, Write an Essay on how social media change your life and your
relationship with others? Your essay must not be more than 500 words but not less than 150
Prepared by:
Christian F. Ramos
Teacher Applicant