Student's Activity Student's Activity

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At the end of the lesson, the learner
1. Identifies traditional media and new media and their relationship (MIL 11/12EMIL-IIIb-5)
2. editorializes the roles and functions of media in democratic society(MIL11/12EMIL-IIIb- 6)


A. Skills :
B. Reference : Media and Information Literacy by Boots Liquigan, Diwa Learning Systems


C. Materials : projector and computer with presentation

presentation software,
software, mobile phones / manila
manila paper,
D. Values : Attentiveness, Participation, Appreciation, Group cooperation, Discipline
III. Procedures (25 minutes)
Teachers Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routine (5 minutes)

1. Prayer
Lead the Prayer.. In the Name of the Father.... Amen.
2. Greetings
Good Morning Class Good morning Sir
3. Classroom Management
Before you sit down, Kindly check your (Students will pick up the pieces of
surroundings for pieces of paper and  paper and arrange their chairs properly)
arrange your chairs properly. Ok. Take
your seat.
Thank you Ma’am!
4. Checking of Attendance
Miss secretary kindly report our
attendance for today.

That’s great!
great! We have again a Ma’am, everybody is present today.
 perfect attendance.

5. Checking of Assignments
Yesterday, I gave you an assignment
which is to develop sentences using (Students will pass their assignments.)
simile and metaphor. Now, will you
 please pass it forward..
B. Lesson Proper (25 minutes)
1. Review of Previous Lesson
Before we proceed to our next
lesson, first let us have a short
review about the lesson during our
(Students raising their hands)
last meeting

Again, What are Media?

(Students raising their hands)
Yes. __________? Media are defined as sources of credible
and current information created through
an editorial process determined by
 journalistic values whereby editorial
accountability can be attributed to a
specific organization or a legal person.

2. Motivation
(the teacher will play a video about a
Brief History of Communication)

What do you think is that red ball that is

being passed around? And why do you
think so.? (Student answers Message because it looks
like they are communicating)
Thank you. Now what we have seen has
something to do with out topic.

3. Presentation of Objectives

Let me inform you that at the end of

the lesson you are expected to
a. Identify traditional media and new
media and their relationship
b. editorializes the roles and functions of
media in democratic society Participate
Actively in group activities

Are our Objectives clear? (Yes Sir)

4. Presentation of Lesson
Our lesson for today is about “the
evolution of traditional to new media”
5. Pre-Discussion
But before that, I’ll show you a picture
about a brief history of communication.
(teacher shows picture)

Can you identify what forms of media (students share their experience)
have you experienced using?
6. Discussion
(teacher discuss contrast of traditional
and new media)

Traditional Media
 Media experience is limited
 One directional
 Sense receptors used are very

New Media

 Media is more interactive

 Audience are more involved
and can send feedback
 Integrates all aspect of
traditional media

(teacher will facilitate student class


Class give your opinion on this.

(Class with opposing sides will discuss their
Does technology shape us or is it us, our culture
and society, that shaped the technology?

(teacher Discuss Functions of Communication and

Media in a democratic society)

1. Inform citizens on what is happening

(monitoring function)
2. Educate the audience (meaning and
significance of facts)
3. Provide a platform for public discourse
(public opinion and expression of dissent)
4. “Watchdog” role of journalism
5. Channel for advocacy and political
IV. APPLICATION (25 Minutes)
Tell the learners to divide and form 5 groups. With each group
should have at least 1 member with a smart phone with wifi
capability . Connect to MIL Wifi Connection and browse to using web browser.

Each group will pick 1 function of Communication and Media by

clicking on the Menu provided on the site. Using their smart
phones, they will answer the questions indicated on the selected
Function collectively. And click publish.

Questions for each Function are as follows

1. Cite examples of How your chosen Function are being
utilized today?
2. What are their effects on our current society? (Group one will present
their work)
Give the learners 15 minutes to perform the group activity. After
filling-up the table, tell the learners to assign a group reporter. The (Group two will present
reporting can be done through the Busy Bee method described their work)
below: (Group three will present
Group reporters will be play the role of busy bees. Each busy bee their work)
will be assigned to share the group’s answers in one group for the
(Group four will present
two minutes then move to the remaining groups in the same time
their work)
(Group five will present
their work)
In case of groups with no available smart phones. Let them write
their collective answers on the boar d for discussion latter on.

V. Generalization

Does communication and media have important Yes

role on our society today?

How? it serves as a source of Information on what is

happening, educate people, provide platform
for opinion and discourse, serves as a
government watchdog and can be a channel
for advocacy.
Very good. It seems like you really
understood the topic for today. Do you still
have questions or clarifications?
VI. Evaluation (10 minutes)

Write an Essay about (5 point each)

1. a world without freedom to express

political viewpoints
2. a world without new media


all points are relevant to topic  – 5pts

most pints are relevant to topic -4 points

some points are relevant to topic - 3 points

at least 1 point relevant to topic  – 2 points

not relevant – 1 point

no answer – 0 point

VII. Assignment

In a ½ sheet of paper crosswise, Write an Essay on how social media change your life and your
relationship with others? Your essay must not be more than 500 words but not less than 150

Is your assignment clear?

Okay, let’s call it a day. Goodbye class!

Prepared by:

Christian F. Ramos

Teacher Applicant

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