Myofascial Release - Consultation Form: Medical History (Please Give Dates)

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Todays’ date

Name Date of birth Age

Address Occupation
G.P. contact details
Post code
Telephone number Mobile number
E-mail address How referred

Medical history (please give dates)




Current medication, prescription over the counter and alternative supplements

Have you been referred for further investigation, out-patient, physiotherapy or other therapy by your GP ? If so
what and when ?

Health problems
Do you have, or have you ever suffered with, any of the following? (Please tick all that apply.)

q circulatory disorder q varicose veins q allergy

q respiratory disorder q epilepsy q arthritis
q heart condition q diabetes q osteoperosis/osteopenia
q high/low blood pressure q abdominal complaint q nervous system disorder (MS, stroke)
q thrombosis q skin disorder q headaches
q dizzyness q bowel complaint q ringing in the ears
q blackouts q bladder complaint q eating disorders
q dental complaints q visual disturbancies q a potentially fatal condition

Height Weight Special diet Smoker? Yes / No No. daily

How much water do you drink? /day Alcohol consumption light / moderate / heavy

How would you describe your stress levels? high / moderate / low

What are your expectations of this treatment?


What is your primary complaint?

When and how did this complaint start ?

How does this complaint affect you ?

Is this a recurrence of an old injury? (if yes please state when) yes no

Please indicate your current level of discomfort? Please circle where 10 is the worst and 0 is the best

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

What is the worst level of intensity you have had with your primary complaint? Please circle where 10 is the worst
and 0 is the best.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Please state when this was


What, if anything, increases your pain/discomfort ?

What, if anything, decreases your pain/discomfort ?

How often does your pain/discomfort occur on a normal day ? Please circle where 10 is constant and 0 is never.

Never 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 constant

At what time of day is your pain/discomfort at its worst ? Please circle those which apply

On waking mid day evening before bed during the night

To what extent is your daily functional ability hindered, as a percentage, due to your pain/discomfort? Please circle
where 0% is the worst and 100% is the best

On a good day. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

On a bad day. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Have you had any previous treatment for this complaint before, If so what was it and what was the outcome?

Have you had any Xrays, tests or MRI’s? If so what were the results? yes no

If you are employed, how many days have been absent from work for this pain/discomfort?

Please indicate any other information that you feel is relevant to your symptoms and treatment of your primary
Please shade on the diagram the areas
where you feel your pain/discomfort

Please mark on the diagram with a cross (x)

where you feel areas of numbness or


Please summarise any previous or ongoing treatments or GP referrals for your secondary complaint including appropriate

dates and outcomes.

Please indicate any other information that you feel is relevant to your symptoms and treatment of your secondary complaint


Please tell us about any dental and jaw issues which have resulted in surgery, braces, bridges, implants, crowns, difficult

extractions and dentures.

q Intraoral MFR can be performed to relieve tight jaw and face muscles. Please tick this box if you agree to this
How many pregnancies have you had?

How many children do you have?

Did you have any difficulty with delivery. If yes what? yes no

Have you had a caesarean section? yes no

Do you consider yourself-

q Perimenopausal q Menopausal q Postmenopaulsal

Do you have any symptoms from the above that bother you?

If you are still having periods, are they periods regular? yes no

Myofascial release is an effective therapy for breast discomfort including pre and post surgery. Your therapist can do this for
you as well as advise you on a home care treatment.

In certain circumstances patients can benefit from internal musculoskeletal myofascial therapy. This treatment is offered to
all patients in order to release pelvic floor, back, coccxygeal and abdominal pain and tension as well as bladder, bowel and
general gynaecological discomfort. This treatment requires patient consent. Please discuss this with your therapist for
further information. It is also possible for your therapist to advise you on a home care treatment.


Thank you for providing us with the relevant information on your medical status and your personal details.

An MFR treatment consists of a discussion concerning general medical information and specific information
regarding your present complaint after which a physical examination will be carried out. This will include an in-
depth assessment of your presenting complaint as well as any other relevant examination procedures. You will be
required to change down to your underwear, or if you prefer shorts and a bra top. During treatment you will be
draped with sheets or towels.

On subsequent treatments further assessments will be carried out to establish changes to your posture and
function and presenting complaint.

Children under the age of 12 will not be treated without a parental or guardian’s permission.

q Please tick this box if you do not wish us to leave a voicemail or message on your telephone number.
All patient information, medical history, personal details and treatment plans are stored manually which complies
with the Data Protection Act.

We accept cards, credit/debit (not Amex) and cash. All treatments will be individually charged. Intensive treatments
must be pre-paid.

I understand that charges will apply if I give less than 24 hours notice of any cancellation. I understand that
I must inform my therapist if my medical circumstances change at any time.

Signature of client date

Signature of therapist date

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