Natalie Pearce Field Notes

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EDUC 450

Teacher Quality Standards Field Notes

Throughout your time in 450, you are going to be on the lookout for the same things that
an administrator (and more pertinently, your student teaching supervisor) will look for
when you are teaching. Below, you will see the Teacher Quality Standards and
corresponding elements. Throughout this semester, you will be required to complete
this form by contributing an observable “artifact” from your practicum time, or a
hypothetical, “it could have been in play when…”if nothing was observed. You will also
add a personal reflection of your own growth on each element from the artifacts you
noted. This will be an easy assignment if you stay on top of it, but if it gets away from
you, it will be a burden at the end.

Observable from the classroom. “How did I

know my teacher was hitting this standard?”
Quality Standard Element
and Personal Reflection of Growth – “How
have I grown in this element?”

QS 1: Element a: Teachers Observed Evidence: In the 7th Grade Social

Teachers provide instruction that Studies class I’m observing, the students’ units
is aligned with the are focused on the main 4 themes of social
demonstrate Colorado Academic studies. They review each of the themes at the
mastery of and Standards, their beginning of each year, and then every unit is
pedagogical District’s organized essentially another way they can work on
expertise in the plan of instruction, and mastering each theme.
content they the individual needs of
their students. Personal Reflection: I have improved on this
teach. The element especially during my Methods of
secondary Teaching Social Studies class because we are
teacher has crafting units and curriculum maps that directly
knowledge of align with the Colorado Academic Standards. I
literacy and now understand how to plan lessons that meet
mathematics these standards.
and is an Element b: Teachers Observed Evidence: Mrs. Darrow planned a day
expert in his or develop and implement for her students to hear from the school counselor.
her content lessons that connect to The counselor talked to them about a wide variety
endorsement a variety of content of disciplines and the students took a career test
area(s). areas/disciplines and that included a data calculation aspect to
emphasize literacy and emphasize mathematical practices even within the
mathematical social studies classroom.
Personal Reflection: I am feeling more confident
in this standard especially after completing the
cross-content assessment project. However, I am
not very confident in the mathematical practices
portion of the standard yet.

Element c: Teachers Observed Evidence: Mrs. Darrow is able to

demonstrate answer most questions students have related to
knowledge of the history or Social Studies. On the off chance she is
content, central unable to answer their questions, Mrs. Darrow
concepts, inquiry, shows the students how to go about investigating
appropriate evidence- a historical question.
based instructional
practices, and Personal Reflection: I struggle with this standard
specialized a bit because students’ questions about the
characteristics of the content can be unpredictable at times. I believe I
disciplines being have improved this semester by observing Mrs.
taught. Darrow. Even though she is well-trained in the
content, she recognizes that it is acceptable not to
know every single answer as long as she provides
students with a working solution.

QS 2: Element a: Teachers Observed evidence: Mrs. Darrow follows many

Teachers foster a predictable routines in her classroom. Students are aware they
learning environment need their bag of supplies at the start of every
establish a characterized by class period, and to look at the back of the board
safe, inclusive acceptable student and copy down their homework before the class
and respectful behavior and efficient begins. She also gives them a water/restroom
learning use of time in which break halfway through every class period.
environment for each student has a
a diverse positive, nurturing Personal Reflection: Mrs. Darrow is fantastic at
population of relationship with caring fostering a predictable learning environment and I
adults and peers. have observed that this makes her class run much
students. smoother. I will make sure I establish routines
and predictable learning activities in my
classroom early on so my students are more
comfortable in the classroom.

Element b: Teachers Observed Evidence: Mrs. Darrow always gives

demonstrate an her students choices for how to complete different
awareness of, a assignments. For example, when students are
commitment to, and a asked to take notes during a direct lecture, she
respect for multiple gives them the choice to use a graphic organizer
aspects of diversity, or complete them in a way that works best for
while working toward them individually. When completing vocabulary,
students have the option to draw the definitions or
write them out.
common goals as a Personal Reflection: I believe this is one of the
community of learners. more challenging standards to meet as a teacher
because students are all working towards a
common goal. However, I have learned this
semester that once I get to know my students on a
deeper level, I will be able to understand what
each one needs to meet that common goal even if
their activities are slightly different than other
students in the classroom.

Element c: Teachers Observed Evidence: At the beginning of the

engage students as school year, Mrs. Darrow allowed her students to
individuals, including choose or request where they wanted to sit in the
those with diverse classroom based on how they like to learn. She
needs and interests, also lets students move around the room during
across a range of ability note-taking activities if they need a better view of
levels by adapting their the board, or she has the notes printed out for
teaching for the benefit students who do not feel comfortable writing
of all students. them on their own.

Personal Reflection: Mrs. Darrow told me that

differentiation happens in the classroom
automatically, so teachers might as well prepare
for it. This advice was reassuring because
students will do what they need to do to complete
tasks, but teachers can better serve them if they
predict what a student might choose to do to
complete a task.
Element d: Teachers Observed Evidence: On September 4th during her
work collaboratively planning hour, Mrs. Darrow received an email
with the families and/or from a concerned parent. She considered all kinds
significant adults for of responses and ultimately decided to call the
the benefit of students. parent and let them know she had moved their
child to a different seat to change the situation,
but also suggested having the student talk to Mrs.
Darrow directly to give the student a collaborative
voice in her own learning environment. Mrs.
Darrow explained to me that often times she
prefers speaking to the parents on the phone to
handle situations so she can maintain a positive
relationship with them and prove she is providing
the best experience in the classroom for their

Personal Reflection: Mrs. Darrow helped me

realize that although dealing with parents can be a
stressful and scary experience, most conflict can
be avoided if you directly speak with the parents
and do not procrastinate making the changes
they’ve requested for their student.

QS 3: Element a: Teachers Observed Evidence: Mrs. Darrow has read many

Teachers plan demonstrate studies and observed how her 7th grade students
knowledge about the are changing and experiencing. She knows that
and deliver ways in which learning her students likely do not have a long attention
effective takes place, including span, therefore she makes sure to include
instruction and the levels of movement in her classroom between each
create an intellectual, physical, activity. Even if that movement is as simple as
environment social and emotional walking up to the front of the classroom to get a
that facilitates development of their textbook, she believes it helps them stay more
students. engaged in each activity.
learning for
their students. Personal Reflection: I honestly never thought
much about this standard until I worked with Mrs.
Darrow and saw how much she recognizes how
her students respond to different activities and
how much this helps her classroom. I definitely
want to make sure I’m aware of whatever age
group I’m working with and the impact that will
have on their ability to stay engaged.
Element b: Teachers Observed Evidence: Mrs. Darrow has many
use formal and informal check-ins with her students to see what
informal methods to they need to complete each activity. She has them
assess student hold up their fingers to indicate where they’re at
learning, provide in an activity and makes changes right in the
feedback, and use moment to decide where the class is headed next.
results to inform She also has many formal methods of assessment
such as quizzes, map-making, and response
planning and Personal Reflection: Before 450, I assumed the
instruction. only way to assess student learning and projects
was through formal assignments or tests.
However, I now see that informal methods can be
just as valuable as tests and can help me make
sure I’m giving my students what they need to
complete each assignment effectively.

Element C: Teachers Observed Evidence: Mrs. Darrow used many

integrate and utilize different forms of technology in the classroom.
appropriate available For example, when the students were learning
technology to engage about a new topic, she showed them a
students in authentic Flocabulary video that was fun and upbeat to help
learning experiences. them remember the themes of geography. She
also lets them take electronic notes if they need
to, and many of their summative tests are taken

Personal Reflection: I have been exposed to many

different kinds of technology this semester that I
am planning on implementing in my future
classroom. I have seen the positive impact
technology has had in student engagement.

QS 3 (cont): Element d: Teachers Observed Evidence: Mrs. Darrow is very good at

Teachers plan establish and asking follow up questions directly after a student
communicate high has responded to one of her questions. The
and deliver expectations and use questions that she asks during discussion as well
effective processes, such as as on formatives and summatives are asked in a
instruction and questioning, to support way that force students to dive deeper into the
create an the development of topic.
environment critical thinking and
that facilitates problem-solving skills.
learning for
their students.
Personal Reflection: I taught a lesson this
semester for Mrs. Darrow’s honors section that
had them use critical thinking skills to answer
questions that were not found within the reading,
but had to be answered based on the knowledge
they gained during readings.

Element e: Teachers Observed Evidence: Mrs. Darrow’s class is

provide students with consistently working in teams. At the beginning
opportunities to work of the year, she had them build their teams based
in teams and develop on a world map and has them pair up during
leadership qualities. almost every reading activity. She also allows
groups to break out of the classroom and work in
the hallway to complete tasks. The groups answer
questions on a whiteboard and are then asked to
share their answers out with the entire class.

Personal Reflection: Before this semester, I was

not really sold on the idea of group work because
I disliked it as a student. However, I have seen
group work modeled in a way that all students
enjoy and can see why it is a useful practice in the
classroom that I would like to implement daily in
my classroom.
Element f: Teachers Observed Evidence: Kinard is all about
model and promote cooperation with teachers and effective
effective communication. Mrs. Darrow works daily with
communication. her teaching partner to provide the best and most
effective plans for her classes. She also tells the
students that she meets with Mrs. Thomas daily to
model that they are communicating and working

Personal Reflection: I have really enjoyed

watching the communication between staff
members at Kinard this semester and hope to be
hired at a school that has similar expectations for
their staff. If not, I will try to promote this
communication with my colleagues immediately.

*The last standard is about yourself through 450, not your cooperating teacher so require you
to only reflect on how you’ve grown*

QS 4: Element a: Teachers Personal Reflection: I believe I have done very

Teachers demonstrate high well this semester meeting this standard because I
standards for am always on time to class and dressed
demonstrate professional conduct. professionally. The students know I am organized
professionalism and well-prepared before each lesson or warm up
through ethical I have taught.
Element b: Teachers Personal Reflection: In previous semesters, I
reflection, and
link professional would say I have not met this standard. However,
leadership. growth to their I have made it a point this semester to network
professional goals. myself within the district and set the goal of one
day working in PSD. I have met with teachers
from different schools and asked them questions
about the best ways to meet this goal and I am
working hard to get there.

Element c: Teachers Personal Reflection: I believe I met this standard

demonstrate during Avid tutoring. The students I tutor are well
leadership in the aware of the program I am working through and
school, the community, the work that I complete at CSU. They are
and the teaching constantly asking me advice about college and
profession. choosing the right career.

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