Haber 2017
Haber 2017
Haber 2017
Background Standard approaches to estimation of losses in the HIV cascade of care are typically cross-sectional and Lancet HIV 2017
do not include the population stages before linkage to clinical care. We used indiviual-level longitudinal cascade data, Published Online
transition by transition, including population stages, both to identify the health-system losses in the cascade and to January 30, 2017
show the differences in inference between standard methods and the longitudinal approach.
See Online/Comment
Methods We used non-parametric survival analysis to estimate a longitudinal HIV care cascade for a large population http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/
of people with HIV residing in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. We linked data from a longitudinal population S2352-3018(16)30212-0
health surveillance (which is maintained by the Africa Health Research Institute) with patient records from the local *These authors contributed
public-sector HIV treatment programme (contained in an electronic clinical HIV treatment and care database, equally
ARTemis). We followed up all people who had been newly detected as having HIV between Jan 1, 2006, and Department of Global Health
Dec 31, 2011, across six cascade stages: three population stages (first positive HIV test, HIV status knowledge, and and Population, Harvard TH
Chan School of Public Health,
linkage to care) and three clinical stages (eligibility for antiretroviral therapy [ART], initiation of ART, and therapeutic Boston, MA, USA (N Haber MSc,
response). We compared our estimates to cross-sectional cascades in the same population. We estimated the T Bärnighausen MD); Africa
cumulative incidence of reaching a particular cascade stage at a specific time with Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Health Research Institute,
Somkhele, South Africa
(N Haber, F Tanser PhD,
Findings Our population consisted of 5205 individuals with HIV who were followed up for 24 031 person-years. We J Bor ScD, K Naidu MSc,
recorded 598 deaths. 4539 individuals gained knowledge of their positive HIV status, 2818 were linked to care, T Mutevedzi MSc, K Herbst MSc,
2151 became eligible for ART, 1839 began ART, and 1456 had successful responses to therapy. We used Kaplan-Meier K Porter PhD, D Pillay PhD,
survival analysis to adjust for censorship due to the end of data collection, and found that 8 years after testing positive T Bärnighausen); School of
Nursing and Public Health,
in the population health surveillance, 16% had died. Among living patients, 82% knew their HIV status, 45% were University of KwaZulu-Natal,
linked to care, 39% were eligible for ART, 35% initiated ART, and 33% had reached therapeutic response. Median Durban, South Africa (F Tanser);
times to transition for these cascade stages were 52 months, 52 months, 20 months, 3 months, and 9 months, Centre for the AIDS
respectively. Compared with the population stages in the cascade, the transitions across the clinical stages were fast. Programme of Research in
South Africa—CAPRISA,
Over calendar time, rates of linkage to care have decreased and patients presenting for the first time for care were, on University of KwaZulu-Natal,
average, healthier. Congella, South Africa
(F Tanser); Department of
Interpretation HIV programmes should focus on linkage to care as the most important bottleneck in the cascade. Global Health, Boston
University School of Public
Cascade estimation should be longitudinal rather than cross-sectional and start with the population stages preceding Health, Boston, MA, USA
clinical care. (J Bor); Health Economics and
Epidemiology Research Office,
Department of Internal
Funding Wellcome Trust, PEPFAR.
Medicine, School of Clinical
Medicine, Faculty of Health
Introduction supporting earlier ART initiation15,16 and treatment as Sciences, University of
The HIV cascade of care has been widely used to assess prevention17 accumulates, identification of failure points Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,
South Africa (J Bor); MatCH
the scale-up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV, and along the cascade is becoming more important.
(Maternal Adolescent and
has provided benchmarks for programme monitoring Unfortunately, the success of the approaches and Child Health Systems), School
and highlighted opportunities for intervention.1 The strategies based on the cascade concept, including those of Public Health, University of
cascade describes discrete, consecutive stages through aiming to achieve the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets,18 is the Witwatersrand, South
Africa (K Naidu); Research
which people with HIV pass, including HIV testing, threatened if cascade data are biased or incomplete.
Department of Infection and
knowledge of HIV status, linkage to care, eligibility for We previously identified four problems19 common in Population Health (K Porter),
ART,2–6 ART initiation, retention in care, and viral load studies of HIV care cascades: missing the preclinical, and Division of Infection and
suppression.3,4,6–8 Because each stage in the cascade population stages; failure to account for temporal biases; Immunity (D Pillay), University
College London, London, UK;
depends on the previous stage, missing one stage will in lack of longitudinal inference; and use of disparate data
and Institute of Public Health,
general result in failure to benefit from ART. At the sources. Cross-sectional cascade analyses are likely to Faculty of Medicine, University
population level, failure along the cascade results in loss yield biased inference because they do not account for of Heidelberg, Heidelberg,
of life for people with HIV (an estimated 1·1 million both the changing composition of patients between Germany (T Bärnighausen)
deaths globally in 2015),9–11 increased HIV transmission,12 stages and the time taken to transition from one stage to
and substantial economic burdens.13,14 As evidence the next. Although in several studies, most notably those
Correspondence to:
Dr Noah Haber, Harvard TH Chan Research in context
School of Public Health,
665 Huntington Avenue, Evidence before this study Added value of this study
Boston, MA 02115, USA We did a targeted search based on a previous review and critique In this Article, we address the limitations of previous work by
[email protected] of the literature about the HIV cascade of care that we published. presenting the first population-based longitudinal analysis of the
The primary source of evidence reviewed for this Article was the entire HIV cascade of care. Beginning in 2006, after the initial
reference list for the previous paper, which includes both current rollout of antiretroviral therapy in South Africa’s public health
and historical context for the construction of the HIV cascade. system, we followed up individuals from HIV infection to
The methods review of that paper covers peer-reviewed therapeutic response. We used survival analyses serially between
published work, conference proceedings, and governmental all cascade stages to characterise both the simple time to
institution publications. In most cascade analyses, cross- transition and the shape of the survival analytic transition curve,
sectional designs are used to identify gaps in care, but cross- leading to improved inference on the losses occurring at each
sectional analyses are likely to be biased as a result of violations stage. These innovations allow us to strengthen the existing
of synthetic cohort and long-term steady-state assumptions. evidence and to identify initial linkage to care as the most
We noted a lack of comprehensive longitudinal cascade data. Of substantial loss in the cascade, which would have been biased in,
the few longitudinal cascades identified, all contained only the or entirely missing from, other cascade-of-care analyses.
clinical cascade stages and therefore could not be used to
Implications of all available evidence
identify losses in the preclinical population stages. No cascade
The major implications of our findings are twofold. First, policy
analysis had been done that followed up individuals
makers in rural communities in South Africa and the wider region
longitudinally over all phases of the cascade from time of
should focus their efforts on improvement of initial linkage to
infection before knowledge of status, through status
care, which was the most important gap identified in our study.
knowledge, linkage to care, ART initiation, and recovery.
Second, researchers should, whenever feasible, use longitudinal
Furthermore, of the analyses with longitudinal data, none fully
data and survival analytic methods in HIV cascade analyses,
leveraged serial survival analytic methods, which can provide a
because inference based on cross-sectional analyses could lead to
complete and detailed view of the cascade and reduce the need
substantial bias in the identification of losses along the cascade.
for model assumptions.
by Nosyk and colleagues20 in 2015 and Alvarez-Uria and The Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI), one of the
colleagues2 in 2013, longitudinal data have been used for Wellcome Trust’s five major overseas programmes,
cascade analysis, our analysis is the first to use operates a comprehensive, longitudinal population
longitudinal, individual-level data across all stages of the health surveillance, which includes HIV testing, in the
cascade, from infection to therapeutic response. study area.23 All individuals aged 15–50 years who tested
We aimed to use, for the first time, a truly longitudinal positive for HIV between Jan 1, 2006, and Dec 31, 2011,
cascade, transition by transition, including population were included in the study and followed up until Jan 27,
stages, both to identify the health-system losses in the 2014. There are 17 HIV treatment and care clinics in
cascade and to show the differences in inference between Hlabisa subdistrict, most of which began distributing
standard methods and the longitudinal approach. We free ART between 2004 and 2007.23 The definition for
apply survival analysis to data from a longitudinal individual eligibility for ART changed during the study
population health surveillance, which has been linked to period (table 1).9,24–26
clinical HIV programme data, to assess health-system
gaps in a rural region with a high prevalence of HIV Data collection
infection in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Whereas cross- For this analysis, we linked two longitudinal data
sectional cascades focus on the proportion of people in sources: the population health surveillance, which is
stages, we focus on the flow between stages. Most maintained by the AHRI, and the electronic clinical HIV
previous studies focused on the clinical stages of the treatment and care database ARTemis, which is managed
cascade, but ours includes both the population and the by the Hlabisa Department of Health and the AHRI. The
clinical cascade stages. population health surveillance system is based on a
series of longitudinally linked annual surveys of all
Methods individuals 15 years or older who live in the surveillance
Study site and population area. The surveys include HIV testing, questions about
Our study population was individuals with HIV living knowledge of HIV status, and questions about sexual
within a 438 km² area in the mostly rural subdistrict of and health-care-seeking behaviours.23 HIV test results
Hlabisa in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The study area generated in the surveys are not disclosed to participants.
is located near the market town of Mtubatuba; the The ARTemis database is derived from the local
prevalence of HIV infection in the area is high—around Department of Health clinic-based HIV treatment and
30% among adults.21,22 care information system, which contains data for clinic
visit dates and laboratory data for all patients enrolled in for each stage transition. In an extreme example, if a
either pre-ART or ART in one of the 17 clinics within the person were to test positive for HIV on day 0, and their
uMkhanyakude subdistrict. We linked the ARTemis data next recorded event was a CD4 count of 150 cells per μL
at the individual level to the data in the AHRI population 60 days later, they would appear as having transitioned
health surveillance system by using a combination of simultaneously to HIV status knowledge, linkage to care,
individual identifiers.27 and ART eligibility stages 60 days after first testing
Ethical approval for data collection for both the AHRI positive. This updating of information conceptually
population health surveillance system and ARTemis was preserves the conditionality of the cascade, which
obtained from the Biomedical Research and Ethics requires that individuals have to go through each stage to
Committee of the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Written reach the next stage.
consent for data collection from these studies was The population-based view of HIV testing includes all
obtained in Zulu, and included use of collected data for HIV testing sources and facilities. Our data for cascade
anonymous research. attainment and progression from both population-based
and clinical records ensure that so-called side doors31 into
Statistical analysis the cascade were captured comprehensively. Analytically,
We used Kaplan-Meier non-parametric survival analytic each new transition starts on the day when the event
methods28 to estimate the HIV cascade on the basis of the defining eligibility to this transition has occurred,
combined data from the the AHRI population health irrespective of the pathway that led a person to that event.
surveillance system and the ARTemis clinical database. This approach correctly accounts for both side doors into
We estimated the time to reaching the next stage of the the cascade and skipped and simultaneous transitions.
cascade. The events defining the different cascade stages For instance, an individual would not contribute person-
are described in table 1. Because viral load tests were not time to the transition between linkage to care
consistently done in the HIV treatment and care clinics and eligibility, if this individual had simultaneously
during the analysis period, we used a composite definition transitioned to linkage and to eligibility. We also
of therapeutic success as having a CD4 count of more quantified the magnitude of skipped transitions by
than 500 cells per μL or a single undetectable viral load
(<200 copies per mL29). This definition thus incorporates,
but differs from, the WHO definition of undetectable Definition Estimation
viral load (<1000 copies per mL30). First positive HIV test Patient tested positive for HIV Date of first recorded positive HIV test in the AHRI
We characterised the probability of an individual for the first time population health surveillance system
starting at one stage and transitioning to a subsequent HIV status knowledge Patient knows their HIV status Annual individual surveys within the AHRI
population health surveillance system cohort
stage with a Kaplan-Meier curve for each transition stage. include a question about whether individuals know
The competing risk of mortality was considered failure to their HIV status; all who respond “yes” are recorded
reach a subsequent stage. Patients who reached the last as knowing their status on this date; all who have a
date of cohort follow-up were censored. Eligibility for an clinical event (HIV-related clinic visit, laboratory
test, or initiation of ART) associated with HIV
event was conditional on a previous event. Whereas status knowledge are also recorded as knowing
many other studies define retention as a binary concept their status (on the date of the event)
(retained vs lost to follow-up), we demonstrated the full Linkage to care Patient engages with formal Date of first recorded HIV clinic visit, registration
variability of retention by showing the number of clinical health-care sector for at an HIV clinic, clinical CD4 cell count, viral load
HIV-related health care count, or ART initiation
visits at all times before transition. Deaths and retention
Eligibility for ART Patient qualifies for ART, Date of first CD4 cell count that meets eligibility
events were counted in each transition for each
according to the South African criteria for ART at the time of observation*
individual, if they occurred between the beginning and national HIV treatment
ending stage, so that death and retention are attributable guidelines at that time
to a specific transition. Initiation of ART Patient starts to take ART Date of the first ART prescription or dispensing;
All percentages throughout this study represent on the basis of ARTemis data
percentages located on Kaplan-Meier curves. Each point Therapeutic response Virological suppression or Date of first instance after ART initiation of CD4
immunological recovery, count >500 cells per μL or undetectable viral load
on the curves is the cumulative incidence of an event on or both (<200 copies per mL)
a particular day, expressed as the percentage of all those
eligible for the event on day 0 who have attained the The first denominator is “first tested positive”; it is a criterion for inclusion of individuals from the AHRI population
health surveillance system in the analyses. The subsequent denominators are also the events used in the survival
event by that particular later day. The area above the analyses of each cascade stage to define time to event. For instance, those who enter the study analysis on the date
cumulative incidence curve between the y-axis and a when they “first tested positive” are then observed in their time to the event “HIV status knowledge”; those included in
vertical line that is perpendicular to the x-axis and crosses the denominator “HIV status knowledge” are then observed in their time to the event “linkage to care”, and so on.
ARTemis is an electronic clinical HIV treatment and care database. ART=antiretroviral therapy. AHRI=Africa Health
the x-axis on a particular day is the expected number of
Research Institute. *CD4 cell count criteria for ART eligibility varied over time: August, 2004, to March, 2010, ≤200
person-years between the initial stage event and the cells per μL;26 April, 2010, to July, 2011, CD4 count ≤200 cells per μL and ≤350 cells per μL for patients who were
subsequent event. pregnant or patients diagnosed with active tuberculosis; after July, 2011, ≤350 cells per μL for all individuals.9,24,25
People were allowed to have more than one transition
Table 1: Definition of events that define cascade stages
on the same day, and were included in the denominator
speed to the next cascade stage has decreased (figure 1).
33% At the time of initial detection in the surveillance, 67%
(95% CI 65–68) of individuals knew their HIV status,
25 25% (24–27) had been linked to care, 15% (14–16) were
eligible for ART, 13% (12–13) had begun ART, and 7%
(6–8) had reached therapeutic response after initiation
0 (appendix p 2). 2 years after first testing positive, 66%
First positive HIV status Linkage to care ART eligibility ART initiation Therapeutic (64–68) knew their status, 25% (23–26) were linked to
HIV test knowledge response
care, 16% (15–17) were eligible for ART, 12% (11–13) had
Population stages Clinical stages initiated ART, and 10% (9–11) had therapeutically
responded (appendix p 3). These data are a conservative
Figure 1: Kaplan-Meier graphs of longitudinal cascade vs annual cross-sectional cascades estimate of time to event from initial infection, because
Bars represent cross-sectional cascades generated on the basis of the last known stage of cascade progression on
Dec 31 of each year. The red lines show the percentage of individuals reaching each stage up to 8 years after first infection must have occurred before detection. Less than
testing positive for HIV. 95% CIs from of the Kaplan-Meier estimates are shown as brackets on the red lines. 50% of individuals are expected to have transitioned to
ART=antiretroviral therapy. any stage in the cascade beyond knowing HIV status
within 8 years of testing positive in the surveillance
See Online for appendix allowing transitions on day 0, with the proportion who (among those who had not reached later stages at initial
skipped through this stage shown as the y intercept in detection; appendix pp 3–4).
the Kaplan-Meier graphs. The rates of transition differ substantially across the
The proportion of individuals reaching each stage from cascade stages. Overall, the transitions in the population-
the time of testing positive was estimated by the Kaplan- based stages are slower than those across the later clinical
Meier estimator, adjusting for time censorship, each day stages (figure 2). Patients who are eligible for care typically
up to 8 years after first testing positive for HIV. We began ART within a few months of testing eligible, with a
compared this longitudinal cascade estimate with median time to transition of about 3 months. Similarly,
estimated cross-sectional cascades, which were based on once initiated, the median individual reached therapeutic
the last known stage status of individuals in our study response within a year. Median time to transition from first
population who were alive at the end of each year between testing positive for HIV test to knowing HIV status was
2006 and 2013. 52·1 months (95% CI 47·6–57·9), from status knowledge to
linkage to care was 51·9 months (48·4–56·4), linkage to
Role of the funding source care to ART eligibility was 19·5 months (17·0–22·3), ART
The funders of the study had no role in study design; eligibility to ART initiation was 3·1 months (2·8–3·4), and
data collection, analysis, or interpretation; or writing of ART initiation to therapeutic response was 9·3 months
the Article. The corresponding author had full access to (8·6–10·2; appendix p 5).
all the data in the study and had final responsibility for Importantly, the transitions through the two population-
the decision to submit for publication. based stages of the cascade slowed down over calendar
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Years since previous event Years since previous event Years since previous event Years since previous event Years since previous event
HIV status knowledge Linkage to care ART eligibility ART initiation Therapeutic response
time (figure 2). By contrast, individuals who have started time, with increasingly large percentages of people having
treatment seemed to be responding faster in later than in either transitioned to the next stage or making additional
earlier years, with median time to therapeutic response of clinic visits without transitioning (figure 3).
12 months (95% CI 9–13) among those who initiated ART To examine the overall effect of changing ART eligibility
in 2006–07 and 9 months (95% CI 8–10) among those who guidelines in South Africa, we constructed the HIV
initiated ART in 2010–11 (appendix p 5). In the appendix, treatment cascade over calendar time, rather than over
we also summarise time-to-transition data in an alternative time since first detection of an individual with HIV
form (p 6): we show the percentage of people who have (appendix p 1). Although the early stages of the cascade
reached the next cascade stage 2 and 4 years after reaching did not seem to be affected by changes to guidelines for
the present stage. ART eligibility in South Africa, we noted small increases
The longitudinal cascade in figure 2 is useful because it in the proportions of people reaching later cascade stages
focuses on the cumulative incidence of transitioning (ART eligibility, ART initiation, and therapeutic response),
across individual cascade stages, but does not contain which could be explained by the guideline changes.
detail on which stages people move to, or about sub-
sequent stages. Figure 3 shows skipped transitions and Discussion
simultaneous transitions across several cascade stages. We used an individually linked longitudinal cascade of
As calendar time progressed, deaths occurred at care from time of HIV detection in the population to
increasingly later stages in the cascade (figure 3; appendix clinical therapeutic response to show that linkage to care
p 7). Retention was very high among people who were is the most important bottleneck in the HIV cascade
linked to care, particularly among those who began ART in rural KwaZulu-Natal. Our population-based and
(figure 3). Furthermore, retention improved over calendar longitudinal analysis of the cascade provides crucial
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Years since previous event Years since previous event Years since previous event Years since previous event Years since previous event
HIV status knowledge Linkage to care ART eligibility ART initiation Therapeutic response Mortality before transition Clinic visits before transition
Figure 3: Transition to each stage by year, including entrance and exit stages, retention, and mortality
n=5205. The intercept in this figure shows the percentage of people who have already transitioned across subsequent cascade stages the first time they are detected in the denominator of a particular
cascade stage. These intercepts thus represent the percentages of people who skip cascade stages or simultaneously transition across several stages. Each blue-shaded striation represents the cumulative
incidence of reaching a cascade stage subsequent to the one that is represented by thick black lines in each panel of this figure. The percentage of people who have had a given number of additional clinic
visits before transitioning is shown in green—the darker the shade of green, the more clinic visits. The cumulative incidence of death before the next transition is shown in pink, and the white area
represents the proportion of people at each timepoint who are alive, have not made any additional clinic visits, and have not transitioned to a subsequent cascade stage. ART=antiretroviral therapy.
insights that would not have been generated from either The longitudinal cascade contains all cross-sectional
cross-sectional or facility-based cascade analyses. perspectives that are possible during the observation
One key finding is that the early stages of the cascade period, in addition to the cascade’s development over
differ substantially in character from the later stages. In time. Thus longitudinal cascades will always be better
the early stages before treatment eligibility is known, than otherwise-equivalent cross-sectional cascades.
transitions are slow and unpredictable. Individuals tend However, cross-sectional cascade analyses are likely to
not to transition for long times, but when they do, they remain useful because the data needed for their
often do so in rapid succession across several cascade construction are easier, quicker, and cheaper to collect.
stages. Once individuals are known to be eligible for ART, Data collection systems for national-level cascades might
transitions tend to occur rapidly and predictably. necessitate substantial financial commitment and long-
Comparison of longitudinal and cross-sectional analyses term collaboration across many clinical and research sites.
shows how the latter can be misleading. The repeated The data for this study came from one of Africa’s largest
cross-sectional cascades we constructed as an alternative and longest-running population-based and longitudinal
to longitudinal analysis imply improvement in the cascade public health surveillance systems. For other longitudinal
with time. However, much of that improvement is cascade analyses, less resource-intensive data collection
attributable to the passage of calendar time, rather than will probably be sufficient, but individual-level longitudinal
health-systems improvement. This insight becomes data for cascade events requires substantial investment in
apparent only with longitudinal cascade analysis. data collection. When such investments are not feasible,
cross-sectional cascades are the next-best option to inform test for HIV have even lower rates of linkage to care and
policy and programmatic decisions. other cascade progressions than those in our study,
Our findings complement and advance those of suggesting that our conclusions are likely to be
previous work on the HIV treatment cascade. In an conservative. A third limitation is that, although this
important previous study,32 Nsanzimana and colleagues analysis might show trends and changes, we do not
estimated the cross-sectional cascade from multiple data quantitatively estimate the effect of the causal
sources for Rwanda. One of the main conclusions of that mechanisms underlying those changes. Future analyses
work—that major losses in cascade progression occur at should be done to understand better the determinants of
the stage of linkage to care—also holds true in our study, the speed of cascade progression.
which was in a very different context. Our study Interventions increasingly need to promote HIV
substantially strengthens the evidence for this finding, testing in early disease stages and linkage to care among
because we were able to estimate the cascade for the first people with HIV who have not yet taken up care. Options
time both longitudinally and on the basis of individually for improvements in HIV testing uptake include
linked data across all cascade stages (rather than cross- financial incentives and gifts for HIV testing,35 home-
sectional comparisons of cascade stages estimated by based testing approaches, and testing with support from
combining aggregate denominator and numerator data community health workers. HIV self-testing, which has
from different sources19). Our findings also complement become available in South Africa and several other
with direct measurement the indirect evidence provided countries in the region, could also contribute to increased
by Siedner and colleagues,33 who inferred that barriers to knowledge of HIV status in people in early disease
“presentation, diagnosis, and linkage to HIV care remain stages. Options for enhancement of linkage to care
major challenges” in sub-Saharan Africa on the basis of include interventions that address the major structural
the fact that CD4 cell count at the point of linkage to care and behavioural barriers to HIV treatment uptake,
did not increase significantly between 2002 and 2013. including supply-side interventions (eg, subsidised
Counterintuitively, as the rollout of HIV interventions transport to clinics and building of additional ART
expands and services improve, some measures of health- clinics) and demand-side interventions (eg, motivational
systems performance can seem to worsen. One counselling, financial incentives, and mobile phone
reasonable explanation for this effect is population reminders to link to care after a positive HIV test).
dynamics. Early in the rollout of ART, there is a backlog Scientists need to support efforts to improve HIV
of individuals who had been ill for some time. These testing and linkage to care through effectiveness
patients are likely to link quickly to newly available HIV experiments and rigorous implementation science, and
care. Individuals reaching a given cascade stage in later qualitative studies to discover the underlying reasons
years are more likely to have been infected more recently why some subpopulations are at higher risk of not
and, as a result, less likely to have symptoms of HIV, testing or linking to care than others. In addition to
which could reduce the motivation to engage in care. empirical studies of interventions complementing and
CD4 cell counts at first presentation in our population enhancing existing models of HIV treatment and care,
steadily increased with time, consistent with the findings research into the effect of novel models of HIV care,
of other studies in South Africa.33 Other factors, such as such as home-based ART initiation and integrated
underlying beliefs and psychological traits, socioeconomic chronic disease care, is needed. Because funding for
status, and physical access to health services, are probably novel interventions and models of care will compete
changing over time with respect to newly infected and with other funding priorities, detailed (and ideally
detected individuals, and could also be contributing to causally determined) cost data should be gathered in
the slowing of linkage over time. these studies. Importantly, as our results show, future
Our data have several important limitations. The studies of interventions and novel models of care should
second stage in our analyses (ie, knowledge of HIV aim to esablish approaches to accelerate cascade
status) is measured on the day of a self-report of HIV progression and should be based on longitudinal
status rather than on the actual day when patients outcomes data.
became aware of their status. However, because we Contributors
gathered data annually, the underestimation of the NH and TB developed the study concept and oversaw implementation
cumulative incidence of individuals who gained HIV of methods, led interpretation of analysis, and drafted the Article.
FT contributed to early conceptual and technical support in the study
status knowledge should not be very large. Another design phase, and provided writing and input on the Article.
limitation is that some people eligible for HIV testing in JB contributed key insight and input to the conceptual development of
the surveillance cannot be contacted in a specific year or the model and interpretation of results, and provided writing and
refuse to test for HIV. However, over 5 years, more than input on the Article. KN and TM contributed to the dataset collection
and model implementation. KH provided key support on the data
80% of eligible individuals tested for HIV at least once in collection, dataset structure, implementation, and input on the draft
the study population,34 ensuring that, during the Article. KP contributed conceptual feedback on the development of the
observation period, most people with HIV were included model and interpretation of results, and provided writing and input on
in our sample. We would expect that people who do not the Article. DP and TB were senior authors and contributed key input
and direction to all phases of the project, from model development to 15 Cohen MS, Chen YQ, McCauley M, et al. Prevention of HIV-1
Article writing. TB initiated this work. infection with early antiretroviral therapy. N Engl J Med 2011;
365: 493–505.
Declaration of interests
We declare no competing interests. 16 Siegfried N, Uthman OA, Rutherford GW. Optimal time for
initiation of antiretroviral therapy in asymptomatic, HIV-infected,
Acknowledgments treatment-naive adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2010;
Core funding supporting the AHRI population health surveillance 3: CD008272.
system and ARTemis was primarily provided by the Wellcome Trust 17 Eaton JW, Johnson LF, Salomon JA, et al. HIV treatment as
and PEPFAR. FT and TB received funding from the Wellcome Trust prevention: systematic comparison of mathematical models of the
and from the US National Institutes of Health (NICHD R01- potential impact of antiretroviral therapy on HIV incidence in
HD084233 and NIAID R01-AI124389). FT received additional funding South Africa. PLoS Med 2012; 9: e1001245.
from the South African MRC Flagship (MRC-RFA-UFSP-01–2013/ 18 UNAIDS. 90-90-90: an ambitious treatment target to help end the
UKZN HIVEPI) and a UK Academy of Medical Sciences Newton AIDS epidemic. Geneva: UNAIDS, 2014.
Advanced Fellowship (NA150161). JB received funding from the 19 Haber N, Pillay D, Porter K, Bärnighausen T. Constructing the
National Institutes of Health (NIH 1KO1MH105320). The contents are cascade of HIV care: methods for measurement.
the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the Curr Opin HIV AIDS 2016; 11: 102–08.
views of any of the funders or the US Government. TB received 20 Nosyk B, Montaner JSG, Colley G, et al. The cascade of HIV care in
additional funding from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation British Columbia, Canada, 1996–2011: a population-based
through the Alexander von Humboldt professor award, the European retrospective cohort study. Lancet Infect Dis 2014; 14: 40–49.
Commission, the Clinton Health Access Initiative, and the US 21 Nyirenda M, Zaba B, Bärnighausen T, Hosegood V, Newell ML.
National Institutes of Health (NIA P01-AG041710, NIAID Adjusting HIV prevalence for survey non-response using mortality
R01-AI112339, and FIC D43-TW009775). rates: an application of the method using surveillance data from
References rural South Africa. PLoS One 2010; 5: e12370.
1 WHO. Global update on HIV treatment 2013: results, impact, and 22 Zaidi J, Grapsa E, Tanser F, Newell ML, Bärnighausen T.
opportunities. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2013. Dramatic increase in HIV prevalence after scale-up of antiretroviral
2 Alvarez-Uria G, Pakam R, Midde M, Naik PK. Entry, retention, and treatment. AIDS 2013; 27: 2301–05.
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