Performance Report

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Concrete Industry

Sustainability Performance
9th report: 2015 performance data
Our Strategy 2020
To be recognised as a leader in sustainable construction, by Our Ninth Report
taking a dynamic role in delivering a sustainable, low carbon built
This 9th annual report provides an update and detailed
environment in a socially, environmentally and economically
record of progress against the strategic objectives and
responsible manner.
commitments. It summarises performance from 2008 to 2015
Strategic Objectives against 2020 targets for a range of performance indicators
1. Commit to our role in achieving a sustainable environment and (pages 14 and 15 give a quick reference summary).
contribute to construction industry and government initiatives.
All of the indicators are based on data collated for concrete
2. Engage with the broader supply chain to inform good practice production. In addition, some also report on the additional
and continue to explore new ways of improving or sustainable effects of including a contribution from the reinforcing
production performance. steel provided by BAR under the heading ‘concrete +
3. Communicate with clients to provide knowledge of concrete reinforcement’
solutions to enable the design and construction of a sustainable More details of the background and methodology for these
built environment indicators can be obtained from the publication Concrete
Commitments Industry Guidance on Performance Indicators available through
1. Contribute to the delivery of a low carbon built environment the sustainable concrete website link below.

2. Provide Life Cycle Assessment data compliant with codes and An online version of the report can be viewed at
standards where you can also give
your views on the strategy and its progress.
3. Develop a Material and Resource Efficiency Programme to
inform best practice across the life cycle of concrete in the
built environment
4. Develop a low carbon freight initiative to support improvement
in transport through the concrete supply chain to construction
5. Develop a water strategy to support the measurement
of sustainability performance and target setting
6. Target continuous improvement of sustainable production
performance and report annually.

The concrete industry consists of nine key production sectors that together provide products and solutions to deliver a sustainable built environment.

2 I Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance Report

Our Progress
An update from our Chairman
The UK’s referendum vote to leave the European Union will without doubt set challenges and
opportunities for the UK economy and its industries. Despite this uncertainty, the concrete industry
continues to be committed to our sustainable construction strategy.
Having reviewed the performance data in the report, we are encouraged and proud that overall
progress is positive. Many indicators are showing a high likelihood of reaching the ambitious targets
set when we introduced the strategy in 2008.
However we are not complacent and will ensure that efforts are focussed on improving the areas
Andy Spencer, Chairman of the where progress is a little slower. For example, after several years of good progress, our health and
Sustainable Concrete Forum safety performance during 2015 has given us some cause for concern and as our top priority in the
sector, work to reverse this trend is being treated with urgency.
A key element of our strategy is to provide construction designers and specifiers with reliable and accurate information on which to
base decisions. I’m delighted to say that we now have a number of generic verified Environmental Product Declarations available for
concrete and are working on the tools to enable companies to develop product specific versions.
The Concrete Centre continues to publish excellent guidance and run high quality events focussed on all aspect of sustainable
construction. These are available on our sustainable concrete website or
Our next step will be to carry out a significant review of the direction we need to be taking. We will be discussing this with a range
of stakeholders to ensure that we are meeting their needs and that our report provides them with the information they value.
I’m looking forward to sharing our progress on this important work, along with continuing to drive the core performance indicators
towards our targets.
Andy Spencer, Chairman of the Sustainable Concrete Forum

Progress to 2020 targets based on 2015 performance

Environmental Management Systems

to ISO 14001
Quality Management Systems
to ISO 9001

Responsible Sourcing to BES 6001 93.7%

CO₂ Emissions Production (Rolling Mix) 45.9%

CO₂ Emissions Production

(Standardised Mix)

Waste to Landfill 86.7%

Replacement of Fossil Fuels 46.5%

Biodiversity 89.5%

Health & Safety 41.4%

Employment and Skills 70.5%

Emissions (excluding CO2) 100.0%

Local Community Liaison 100.0%

0% 100%
The graph above is based on a 2008 baseline year.
Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance Report I 3
Action on Materials
Concrete is a locally produced and responsibly sourced material

Environmental Management
Our Strategy 2020 Percentage of production sites covered by a certified ISO 14001 EMS

Commitment 100%


• Target continuous improvement of sustainable
production performance and report annually 70%
72.3 80.4 84.8 86.4 89.8 88.7 89.2 93.0
To target continuous improvement requires effective N/A 80.1 84.0 85.6 89.3 88.8 89.4 93.1
management systems, a consistent methodology for
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
measurement and open and transparent reporting
of progress. 2012 Target Concrete
2020 Target Concrete+ Reinforcement
The concrete industry reports on Environmental
management through ISO 14001, Quality Management
Controlling and managing the environmental impacts of
through ISO 9001 and demonstration of responsible sourcing
procuring materials and manufacturing products is an essential
through BRE BES6001 which provide an effective framework
requirement for sustainable development.
for managing production and materials procurement
sustainably. These independent third party certifications Environmental Management Systems, particularly when meeting
provide confidence that these systems are put into practice the requirements of ISO 14001, are a best practice approach to
effectively with regular review and that performance data identifying impacts, assessing their importance and providing
generated is credible and reliable. a structured approach to controlling, reporting and managing
performance improvement.
The concrete industry sustainable construction strategy and
Our indicator reports on the percentage of the total concrete
the supporting performance indicators provide a framework
production and constituent materials sites that are independently
for a common, transparent approach for the industry to
certified to ISO 14001. 2015 data shows that the proportion of
target appropriate improvements and report progress
certified sites has continued its steady increase now reaching
openly, with regular input from a wide range of stakeholders.
93%. The 2020 target is 95%.
This, the ninth consecutive annual report, provides
details of the industry’s progress towards its performance
improvement targets for 2020.
Quality and Performance
Percentage of production sites covered by a certified ISO 9001 QMS
• Provide Life Cycle Assessment data compliant with
codes and standards 100%

Designers and specifiers need credible data to be able to
quantitatively assess sustainable construction. Environmental
Product Declarations (EPD) based on Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) 70%
84.2 87.5 89.0 91.0 91.2 90.3 91.2 93.8
provide a reliable method in compliance with European and 60%
N/A 87.7 89.3 91.3 91.4 90.5 91.3 93.9
International standards.
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Generic EPD for concrete and concrete products are available
from British Precast and BRMCA. The verified methodology 2012 Target Concrete

used for these was developed into a tool kit that provides 2020 Target Concrete+ Reinforcement

concrete producers with a means to improve their values and

Product consistency, performance and being fit for purpose
ultimately allow individual product EPD.
are crucial to sustainability and ensuring that materials are not
Two key publications from The Concrete Centre rejected or potentially wasted, which is costly both economically
provide valuable guidance for sustainable construction and environmentally.
in concrete. Specifying Sustainable Concrete and
Quality management systems have a vital role and our indicator
Concrete and BREEAM are available free for download at:
reports on the percentage of the total concrete and constituent
material production sites that are independently certified to ISO 9001.
2015 data shows a continued increase in certification to 93.8%.
The 2020 target is 95%.
4 I Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance Report
Sustainable consumption and production

Responsible Sourcing This indicator, which is strongly influenced by the types

of concrete required by the construction sector, reports the
Percentage of production certified to BES 6001 proportion of additional cementitious material as a percentage
of the total cementitious materials.

90% In 2015, 29% of the total cementitious materials used were

additional cementitious materials. The 2020 target is 35%.
Recycled/secondary aggregates
60% N/A 81.0 88.0 92.0 89.0 91.0 89.0 89.0
The use of recycled/secondary aggregates as a proportion of total
aggregates used in concrete
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

2020 Target Concrete 7%

Providing evidence of the responsible sourcing of building 5%
products and materials continues to be crucial with the need to
demonstrate compliance with a recognised responsible sourcing
scheme, certified by a third party. Our indicator reports the
proportion of concrete and constituent materials production that
5.3 3.9 5.8 5.3 5.0 6.9 7.5 6.4
is currently certified to BES 6001. 1%

During 2015 certification of concrete products to BES 6001

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
was maintained at 89% of production tonnage as companies
transferred to the upgraded Issue 3.0 (2014 version). Over Concrete

90% of this certified tonnage achieved a performance rating

of Very Good or Excellent. Depending on the application and the type of concrete there
The 2020 target for BES 6001 certification is 95%. is often an opportunity to incorporate recycled aggregates
previously used in other projects and secondary aggregates that
Resource Efficiency may be by-products from other industrial processes.
The specification of recycled and secondary aggregates is
Additional cementitious materials a balance of resource efficiency, transportation CO2 and the
The amount of additional cementitious materials as a proportion implications on mix design. Consequently, these aggregates
of total cementitious materials should be used in concrete production where it is technically
and environmentally beneficial to do so. The industry continues
to operate on this principle and uses recycled materials where
possible and appropriate. In 2015 6.4% of aggregates used in
40% concrete were from recycled or secondary sources.
Guidance on using recycled materials is provided in Specifying
30.0 30.5 26.4 30.6 30.1 28.5 26.2 29.0 Sustainable Concrete and Concrete and BREEAM available for
10% download at

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Recycled steel reinforcement
2012 Target Concrete
Steel reinforcement manufacturing BAR members used
2020 Target approximately 93% of recycled ferrous metal waste as a
proportion of the raw materials consumed in their electric
By-product materials such as ground granulated blastfurnace arc furnaces (EAF).
slag (GGBS) and fly ash can act as part of the cementitious binder
in concrete. These materials have a lower embodied carbon than
cement and can also influence the appearance and performance
of concrete.

Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance Report I 5

Action on Carbon
Concrete uses its thermal mass to save energy and carbon

Energy Efficiency
Our Strategy 2020 Energy used in production as a proportion of production output -

Rolling Mix (kWh/tonne)


• Contribute to the delivery of a low carbon built
Carbon emissions from the built environment arise from 130
two main sources; ‘operational’ from using buildings and
infrastructure and those ‘embodied’ in the manufacture 132.1 125.3 141.8 136.7 127.0 129.1 133.9 133.1
of construction materials. 110 N/A 148.0 164.3 161.0 150.6 152.0 156.1 156.0

Operational carbon from buildings is significantly greater

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
than the embodied carbon in their construction materials.
Concrete construction can make a significant contribution to
Concrete+ Reinforcement
reducing operational carbon through its unique combination
of properties, in particular thermal mass. The Concrete Centre Reducing the carbon emissions associated with the production
continues to provide best practice advice on low carbon of concrete and its constituent materials can be achieved by
design supported by regular events to share knowledge from improving energy efficiency and reducing consumption. The
exemplar projects. indicator (kWh/tonne) also referred to as ‘energy intensity’ reports
The concrete industry is fully committed to reducing the energy consumption during the manufacture of concrete products
embodied carbon within concrete, and reports on carbon added to proportional contributions from each of the constituent
intensity - kg of CO2 per tonne of concrete produced and materials. This is effectively a measure of the average embodied
energy intensity in kWh/tonne. This data includes the emissions energy of all concrete produced (by the Forum members).
and energy use from the supply of constituent materials.
Energy intensity is reported based on two overall ‘mix’ types; the
Data is reported based on two average proportions of ‘Rolling mix’ and the ‘Standardised mix’. See the box (left) for
materials; the ‘Rolling mix’ based on an average of materials further definition of these terms. .
used per tonne of concrete for the reporting year and the
‘Standardised mix’ based on the materials proportions in In 2015, the energy intensity figure for the Rolling mix is 133.1
2008 when the strategy was introduced so that progress can kWh/t. The figure for concrete and reinforcement is 156.0 kWh/t.
be clearly assessed. The energy intensity figure for the Standardised mix is 122.7 kWh/t.
The figure for concrete and reinforcement is 146.5 kWh/t.
The 2020 target is a 30% reduction based on a 1990 baseline.
Energy used in production as a proportion of production output -
• Develop a Low Carbon Freight Initiative to support
Standardised Mix (kWh/tonne)
improvement in transport performance through the
concrete supply chain to construction sites 170

Concrete is a UK manufactured product that is locally
sourced, helping to reduce the CO2 associated with transport 150

of materials to a construction project. 140

Our current indicator is based on the CO2 emissions related to
delivery transport. 120

110 132.1 132.4 132.3 128.0 118.0 119.5 117.7 122.7

Efforts are underway to address the wider social and
N/A 155.4 155.0 152.6 141.8 143.2 141.4 146.5
environmental impacts of transport through improved
scheduling, vehicle quality and driver training. There are also 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

examples of manufacturers investing in more efficient fleet Concrete

and sector initiatives to encourage and enable a greater use Concrete+ Reinforcement

of rail freight.

6 I Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance Report

Climate Change and Energy

CO2 Emissions – Production

The indicator for production CO2 is carbon intensity or CO2/tonne of CO2 emissions – Production (Standardised mix) (kg CO2/tonne)
concrete produced. Data from the energy use of concrete production 120
and a proportional contribution from constituent materials are
converted to carbon emissions using factors published by DEFRA**
with an adjustment for the process carbon emissions from cement.
The resulting value of our indicator is influenced by both CO2
emissions from production and changes in the average proportions 80

of concrete represented by the data collected. These proportions, 70

87.5 86.3 85.4 82.3 78.4 78.3 76.3 73.8
termed the ‘Rolling mix’ are directly affected by the relative 60 N/A 94.8 93.8 90.8 86.5 86.0 84.2 84.0
market demand for different types of concrete.
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
In 2015, the Rolling mix value was 80.3 kg CO2/tonne for concrete
(21.7% reduction from 1990 baseline) and 90.1 kg CO2/tonne for 2012 Target Concrete 1990 Baseline

concrete + reinforcement. 2020 Target Concrete+ Reinforcement

CO2 emissions – Production (Rolling mix) (kg CO2/tonne)

CO2 Emissions – Transport
CO2 emissions of total delivery transport through the industry supply
100 chain (kg CO2 /tonne)
80 7.2 8.2 7.7 8.2 8.5 8.8 8.4
87.5 84.2 92.9 88.6 85.6 85.2 87.0 80.3 8
60 N/A 92.6 101.3 97.0 93.6 92.6 94.2 90.1

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2012 Target Concrete 1990 Baseline
2020 Target Concrete+ Reinforcement

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

The Standardised or Baseline mix is based on the average Concrete

proportions of materials in concrete when the strategy was

launched in 2008. By using these mix proportions with each year’s Within the concrete supply chain, some elements of transport are
carbon values, the industry reports the overall carbon intensity relatively simple to measure; others are more complex potentially
and shows the performance directly under its control. involving multiple modes of delivery with sub-contracted vehicles
scheduling return loads to make efficient use of vehicles.
In 2015 the Standardised mix value was 73.8 kg CO2/tonne for
concrete (28% reduction from 1990 baseline) and 84.0 kg CO2/ This indicator of kg CO2/tonne is calculated from the
tonne for concrete + reinforcement. conversion of concrete data and proportioned materials
delivery (to a construction site) data using DEFRA carbon
The 2020 target is to reduce CO2 emissions by 30% from the 1990 factors. The value for 2015 was 8.4 kg CO2/tonne.
baseline equivalent to a value of 72.2 kg CO2/tonne of concrete
produced. In 2015 the average delivery distance for all concrete was
46 km (or 28.8 miles).
The average delivery distance for all raw materials for concrete in
2015 was 72km.

Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance Report I 7

Action on Waste
Concrete is a net user of waste and provides material efficient structures

Waste Minimisation
Our Strategy 2020 Waste to landfill as a proportion of production output (kg/tonne)

5 4.4 2.0 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.0 1.1
N/A 4.7 2.1 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.2

• Develop a Material and Resource Efficiency Programme
to inform best practice across the life cycle of concrete
in the built environment 2

The Resource Efficiency Action Plan (REAP) initiative is
a collaboration of the clay, precast concrete and ready-mixed
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
concrete sectors. The framework used to establish the actions
is based on the lifecycle of a construction product in line with 2012 Target Concrete
EN 15804: Manufacture; Logistics & Packaging, Design for Use 2020 Target Concrete+ Reinforcement
and Reuse, Construction, and Demolition.
The indicator for waste minimisation relates to waste disposed
The REAPs were developed through a process of stakeholder
to landfill per tonne of concrete production and includes waste
engagement with the aim of assisting the supply chain in
related to the constituent materials attributed by their proportion
identifying and creating an actionable strategy for improving
in the concrete. During 2015 the value was 1.1 kg/tonne,
resource efficiency. The action plans identify key challenges
performance similar to 2014.
and actions that each sector and its supply chain need to
address in order to make improvements in resource efficiency. The equivalent value for concrete + reinforcement is 1.2kg/tonne.
The initiative has encouraged further collaboration in the The 2020 target is a 90% reduction from the 2008 baseline,
supply chain, for example the sectors have worked with the equivalent to 0.5kg/tonne. Our longer-term aspiration is zero
National Federation of Demolition Contractors (NFDC) to waste to landfill.
update Demolition and Refurbishment Information Data Sheets
(DRIDS) which help identify recyclable materials in Net waste consumption ratio
demolition sites and put contractors in touch with outlets for 19 18 45 67 66 84 107 99
the materials. DRIDS for our products are available from
the NFDC at, listed within the INERT 100
product listing or search for: 80

I2 – Concrete 60
I3 – Bricks 40
I4 – Concrete Blocks
I5 – Precast Concrete Products
I9 – Roof tiles
2008* 2009* 2010* 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
The first progress report of the
REAP initiative will be launched Concrete

at Ecobuild 2017.
The net waste consumption ratio gives an overall indicator for the
The report can be downloaded from industry’s use of waste and by-products relative to its own waste to landfill, specifically:

Waste and by-products used in concrete manufacture + materials

diverted from the waste stream for use as fuels
Waste to landfill generated by concrete production and
its constituent materials

In 2015, concrete was a net user of waste, consuming 99 times more

recovered and waste materials than the waste it sent to landfill.

8 I Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance Report

Natural Resource Protection and enhancing the environment

Replacement of fossil fuels

New Material Efficiency
Material diverted from the waste stream for use as a fuel source, as a
Guidance for Specifiers
percentage of total energy use
Material Efficiency is a publication
from The Concrete Centre providing
guidance on waste minimisation and
40% 17.4 23.4 24.8 29.5 30.6 33.3 31.7 32.5 material efficiency to inform designers
30% and other construction professionals
20% and to help them to optimise the
performance of concrete and masonry.

First published in 2010, this edition has been revised to

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 reflect the progress and latest thinking on resource efficiency
addressing circular economy and waste hierarchy models.
2012 Target Concrete
2020 Target The document offers suggestions for material efficiency using
concrete and masonry at every stage of development, with
The industry requires high temperatures for production, primarily opportunities to do more with less. One particularly useful
in cement manufacture, and this is an opportunity to safely utilise strategy is to expose the concrete soffits and structure, thereby
alternative combustible materials instead of non-renewable fossil reducing the need for internal finishes, whilst optimising the
fuels. Where fuels used are recognised as carbon neutral under EU benefits of thermal mass. Over the life of the building, this
Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), this has the additional benefit also reduces the resources associated with the replacement
of reducing the embodied carbon of cement. and maintenance by avoiding the use of less robust finishes.
Other tips relate to principles of structural design, choice of
The concrete industry indicator shows the proportion of energy
construction solution and design for longevity.
derived from materials diverted from the waste stream as a
percentage of total energy use. In 2015, 32.5% of total energy use Download Material Efficiency from
was from waste-derived fuels. The 2020 target is to increase this
to 50%.

Laban Centre, Deptford. The green roof is constructed of crushed concrete from demolition material sourced from the site prior to construction. Image courtesy of Dusty Gedge

Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance Report I 9

Action on Biodiversity
Restoring quarries and providing product to protect and enhance biodiversity

Our Strategy 2020 Percentage of relevant production sites that have site specific
action plans

Commitment 100%

• Support the Mineral Products Association (MPA)
Biodiversity Strategy “Building on our legacy... realising
our potential” 94.3 95.1 99.5 98.6 96.6 95.0 99.1 99.4
Protecting and enhancing the state of nature and biodiversity
is a key aim for the MPA and sites of mineral extraction are
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
uniquely placed to make a difference, more than any other.
2012 Target Concrete
MPA is working with members to develop an MPA Charter
2020 Target
which features a strategic priority for ‘Natural Environment’.
This includes commitments to: The concrete industry makes a significant contribution to
biodiversity and nature conservation through the management
• Biodiversity: protect and enhance biodiversity and deliver and restoration of sites of mineral extraction.
net gain whenever possible
The industry strategy prioritises its actions within quarries and
• Land Restoration: restore land to a high quality and the indicator reports on the proportion of relevant production
undertake good aftercare sites that have an action plan relating to site restoration,
• Natural Capital: protect natural capital and enhance biodiversity or geodiversity.
where possible The value reported for 2015 is 99.4% against our 2020 target
• Geodiversity: protect geodiversity and enhance of 100%.
where possible
• Heritage: protect national and local heritage assets
• Environmental Protection: minimise and mitigate
operational impacts
Working with Nature After Minerals
• Develop a water strategy to support the measurement
of sustainability performance and target setting. The MPA is a key part of a partnership programme Nature
after Minerals (NAM) .
Using the principles of the MPA Water Strategy,
in conjunction with the World Business Council Developed with Natural England and led by the RSPB, NAM
Sustainable Development Cement Sustainability works with mineral planners, industry, statutory bodies,
Initiative Water reporting and Water accounting tools conservation organisations and local communities, to make
(see, the Sustainable Concrete substantial contributions to priority habitat creation and
Forum (SCF) has modified its data collection methodology boost priority species populations, while providing richer
for water consumption to obtain a more accurate indicator places for people to enjoy.
for water. This will enable the setting of a meaningful water NAM has stated that the restoration of sites of mineral
consumption improvement target in 2018. extraction represents the largest expansion of habit in the
UK. The industry’s investment in restoration is uniquely
placed to enable the UK to achieve biodiversity targets that
will directly safeguard the future of 960 priority species.
Case studies, advice and further information can be found at and

10 I Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance Report

Natural Resource Protection and enhancing the environment

Mains water consumption as a proportion of production output






86.0 105.0 86.8 85.4 80.4 83.1 80.2 74.3
60 N/A 110.1 92.7 89.6 84.2 87.9 85.3 78.3

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Concrete+ Reinforcement

Water is an essential ingredient for the hydration of cement and is

an important resource for concrete and its materials supply chain.
The industry indicator reports mains water in litres per tonne
of concrete used directly in concrete production added to a
proportioned contribution from raw materials production.
The annual indicator continues to show a trend of reduction Various water sources are available for use in both the extraction
of mains water per tonne of concrete produced with the 2015 and production processes of the products represented by MPA.
value at 74.3 litres/tonne and an equivalent value of 78.3 litres/ The hierarchy of water sources, that forms part of the MPA water
tonne for concrete + reinforcement. policy is shown.

Protecting the Twite

The population in England of this songbird has fallen by more
than 90% over the last 20 years. Working with the RSPB, an
MPA member’s quarry in Derbyshire has provided the cracks
and fissures needed for safe nesting and the site has been
further enhanced to provide both breeding and feeding
grounds, and a better future for the twite.

Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance Report I 11

Action on Wellbeing
Protecting life and quality of life is a priority

Health & Safety

Our Strategy 2020 Health and safety of its employees is a key focus of the concrete
industry strategy. Two indicators are used to report performance.
• The industry aim is to achieve zero harm These are established benchmarks of health and safety:

The concrete industry sustainable construction strategy - The number of Reportable Injuries per 100,000 direct
supports the industry targets for Health and Safety set by employees per annum
the Mineral Products Association (MPA). - Lost Time Injuries for direct employee per 1 million hours
From 2009-2014 the target was to reduce lost time incidents worked
(LTI) by 50%, with the aim of zero harm. Concrete industry
data shows that between 2010 and 2014, the industry Reportable injuries per 100,000 direct employees per annum
achieved a 48% reduction in LTI and in the same period 800
achieved a 54% reduction in reportable injuries. 700

In 2014 a new five year target for the MPA started. This target 600
799 753 708 674 490 278 326 431
has been adopted by the Concrete Industry Sustainable 500
Construction Strategy. The target is to reduce lost time
incidents, by a further 65% by 2019, from the 2014 baseline.
In addition to lost time incidents, the concrete industry
also reports on reportable injuries. The definitions of these
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
benchmarks are:
Reportable Injury: Any injury that is reportable under the
Reporting of Injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Lost Time Incidents (LTI) for direct employees per 1 million
Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR). In 2012 the HSE definition hours worked
of reportable changed from three days to seven days.
6.5 6.3 4.6 5.8 3.4 4.3
The concrete industry indicator will remain at three days. 6.5 7.0 4.5 5.6 3.4 4.3
Lost Time Injury: An occupational injury resulting in the
absence of the injured party for one or more working shifts.
For more information visit

Vulnerable Road Users 2

As well as the health & safety of employees, the industry is also

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
committed to the protection of the public. MPA’s Cycle Safe
campaign aims to prevent collisions between cyclists and lorries
and a vulnerable road user (VRU) safety policy was launched in Concrete Concrete+ Reinforcement
2012. The policy refers to driver training and vehicle equipment
requirements and applies to all vehicles delivering on behalf of
The lost time injuries value for 2015 was 4.3 for both concrete and
members which are over 3.5tonnes GVW.
concrete + reinforcement. The improvement target is for a 1.19 LTI
To achieve clarity and consistency, construction and haulage reduction to be achieved by 2019.
interests facilitated by TfL have developed a national VRU
2015 has shown an increase for both Reportable Injuries and Lost
Standard for Construction Logistics (known as CLOCS) which
Time Incidents. The concrete industry is committed to continuous
is now being rolled out across the construction sector. MPA
improvement and Health and Safety is our first priority. Incidents
and its members have been leading contributors in the
are reviewed and key learning points are shared across sectors to
development of the CLOCS standard, and the MPA policy
improve future performance.
adheres to CLOCS.
For more information visit

12 I Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance Report

Creating sustainable communities

Employment and Skills Local Community

Percentage of employees covered by certified training and evaluation Percentage of relevant sites that have community liaison activities
processes 100%

84.4 86.5 90.4 91.5 90.3 92.6 96.8 95.4
60% N/A 87.3 90.9 92.2 91.3 93.2 97.1 95.8 85.9 86.0 95.2 97.2 85.0 60.8 84.3 100.0
40% N/A 85.4 91.9 95.0 85.1 63.3 85.3 100.0

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2012 Target Concrete
2012 Target Concrete
2020 Target Concrete+ Reinforcement
2020 Target Concrete+ Reinforcement

Having a skilled, competent and informed workforce is essential

for the industry to remain competitive, safe and capable of It is often the case that concrete supply chain production
meeting the objectives of the concrete industry strategy. sites have close links with the local communities through the
employment of local people and the use of local materials.
Measurement of competency can be challenging and the current However, because of the potential impacts from vehicle
indicator essentially measures the management of training by movements, dust and noise, some sites may be regarded as
reporting on the proportion of employees whose training is relevant for having more formal local community liaison activities.
monitored and managed within certified management systems
such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and others. ‘Relevant’ sites are defined by the industry as mineral extraction
sites in the cement and aggregates sectors and also other specific
The industry figure for 2015 is approximately 96% for both operations that members consider to have a potential significant
concrete and for concrete + reinforcement. The 2020 target impact on the local community.
is 100%.
Any production site that receives a level of complaints would also
be considered a ‘relevant’ site.
Emissions (excluding CO2) In 2015 100% of relevant sites undertook regular community
Number of convictions per annum for air and water emissions liaison activities such as liaison groups or council meetings open
6 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 days, public meetings, community newsletters, social, recreational
6 N/A 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 and educational activities involving the local community.

Copies of this report can be downloaded from this concrete
industry website. There is also more information about the
concrete industry sustainable construction strategy as well
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
as useful links to relevant guidance, literature and sector
Concrete trade associations.
Concrete+ Reinforcement
We would welcome your comments relating to this report.
Please email [email protected]
Our indicator relating to emissions excluding CO2 reports the
number of convictions for emissions to air and water within the
industry per annum.
During 2015 the industry showed no convictions.
Our 2020 target is for zero convictions and the industry
is reviewing other potential indicators to ensure the focus
is on continuous improvement.
Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance Report I 13
Concrete Industry Sustainable Construction Targets

Sustainable Consumption and Production Action on Materials

Baseline Performance Performance
Concrete Concrete Concrete + reinforcement
Performance Indicator Value Year 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015 2020
Environmental % of production sites covered by
Management a ‘UKAS’ Environmental 72.3% 2008 88.7% 89.2% 93.0% 88.8% 89.4% 93.1% 95.0%
Management System (EMS).

Quality and % of production sites covered

Performance by a ‘UKAS’ certified ISO 9001 84.2% 2008 90.3% 91.2% 93.8% 90.5% 91.3% 93.9% 95.0%
quality management system.

Resource % of additional cementitious

Efficiency materials (GGBS, fly ash, etc.) as a
30.0% 2008 28.5% 26.2% 29.0% N/A 35.0%
proportion of total cementitious
materials used.

No targets have been

set as increasing
Recycled/secondary aggregates
recycled content is
as a proportion of total concrete 5.3% 2008 6.9% 7.5% 6.4% N/A
not always indicative
of sustainable

% of recycled scrap as a
proportion of total constitutent 97.0% 2009 N/A N/A N/A 95.4% 90.7% 93.2%
raw materials used.

Responsible % of production certified to

81.0% 2009 91.0% 89.0% 89.0% 95.0%
Sourcing BES 6001.

Climate Change and Energy Action on Carbon

Baseline Performance Performance

Concrete Concrete Concrete + reinforcement
Performance Indicator Value Year 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015 2020
Energy Efficiency Deliver the industry
Kilowatt hours of energy used
CO2 target and achieve
in production as a proportion of 132.1 2008 129.1 133.9 133.1 152.0 156.1 156.0
sector climate change
production output. (kWh/tonne).
agreement targets

Energy intensity as a proportion

of production output 132.1 2008 119.5 117.7 122.7 143.2 141.4 146.5
Standard Mix (kWh/tonne)

CO2 Emissions - CO2 emissions as a proportion of

Production production output. Rolling Mix 102.6 1990 85.2 87.0 80.3 92.6 94.2 90.1
(kg CO2/tonne). Reduce by 30% from
CO2 emissions as a proportion of 1990 baseline (72.2)
production output. Standardised 102.6 1990 78.3 76.3 73.8 86.0 84.2 84.0
Mix (kg CO2/tonne).

CO2 Emissions - CO2 emissions from delivery

Transport transport through the industry
Indicators and targets
supply chain as a proportion of 7.2 2009 8.5 8.8 8.4
are still under review
production output.
(kg CO2/tonne).

14 I Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance Report

Natural Resource Protection and Enhancing the Environment Action on Waste/Biodiversity/Water
Baseline Performance Performance
Concrete Concrete Concrete + reinforcement
Performance Indicator Value Year 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015 2020
Waste Materials diverted from the
Minimisation waste stream for use as a fuel 17.3% 2008 33.3% 31.7% 32.5% 50%
source, as a % of total enery use.

Waste to landfill as a proportion 90% reduction from

5 2008 1.2 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.1 1.2
of production output (kg/tonne). 2008 baseline (0.5)
Net waste consumption ratio. 19 2008 84 107 99
Water The current water
Mains water consuption as a
strategy programme
proportion of production output. 86.0 2008 83.1 80.2 74.3 87.9 85.3 78.3
will result in targets
being in place by 2018.

Site Stewardship % of relevant production sites

94.3% 2008 95.0% 99.1% 99.4% 100%
& Biodiversity that have specific action plans.

Creating Sustainable Communities Action on Wellbeing

Baseline Performance Performance

Concrete Concrete Concrete + reinforcement
Performance Indicator Value Year 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015 2020
Health & Safety Reportable injuries per 100,000
799 2008 278 326 431
direct employees per annum.

From 2014-2019,
Lost Time injuries (LTI) for direct
reduce lost time
employee per 1,000,000 hours 6.5 2010 5.8 3.4 4.3 5.6 3.4 4.3
incidents by 65% with
an aim of zero harm

Employment % of employees covered by

& Skills ‘UKAS’ certified training and 84.4% 2008 92.6% 96.8% 95.4% 93.2% 97.1% 95.8% 100%
evaluation process.

Emissions Number of convictions for air

6 2008 1 0 0 1 0 0 Zero per Annum
(excluding CO2) and water emissions per annum.

Local Community % of relevant sites that have

85.9% 2008 60.8% 84.3% 100.0% 63.3% 85.3% 100.0% 100%
community liaison activities.

Concrete Industry Sustainability Performance Report I 15

The data is sourced from the following sector associations, We acknowledge the founders and members of the
and we are grateful for their cooperation: Sustainable Concrete Forum:

• British Association of • Aggregate Industries

Reinforcement (BAR)
• Brett Group
• British Precast
• British Ready-Mixed Concrete
Association • Hanson UK

• Cement Admixtures • Marshalls plc

• Tarmac
• Cementitious Slag Makers

• Mineral Products Association

• MPA - Cement

• UK Quality Ash Association

Published by MPA The Concrete Centre, on behalf

of the Sustainable Concrete Forum
Gillingham House, 38-44 Gillingham Street, London SW1V 1HU

© MPA The Concrete Centre, 2017

All advice or information from MPA The Concrete Centre is intended only for use in the UK by those
who will evaluate the significance and limitations of its contents and take responsibility for its use
and application. No liability (including that for negligence) for any loss resulting from such advice or
information is accepted by Mineral Products Association or its subcontractors, suppliers or advisors.
Readers should note that the publications from MPA The Concrete Centre are subject to revision from
time to time and should therefore ensure that they are in possession of the latest version.

Printed on Satimat Green (75% recycled fibre, 25% ECF Virgin Fibre).
Certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.

Front Cover Image:

Burntwood School, London, winner of the 2015 RIBA Stirling Prize. Image courtesy of Tim Soar.

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