Market Startegy
Panasonic has commenced its 'GP3 Plan,' mid-term management plan, from this fisc
al year, and is working towards steady growth with profitability. And now, it co
nsiders that advanced environmental initiatives should be awarded the same level
of importance, and will promote these two as the wheels that drive its vehicle.
In the followings, a presentation by Fumio Otsubo, President of Matsushita Elect
ric Industrial at Panasonic Center Tokyo on October 5, 2007 is explained
As you are all aware, it was announced this February by IPCC -- Intergovernmenta
l Panel on Climate Change -- that human-induced greenhouse gases are the main ca
use of global warming.
Meanwhile, the first commitment period to achieve greenhouse gas reduction targe
ts set out in the Kyoto Protocol begins next year, while international anti-glob
al warming movements are gaining pace, with the Heilgendamm Summit held this Jun
e and APEC in September.
With the Hokkaido Toyako Summit also scheduled for next year in Japan, social in
terest can be expected to continue rising.
Even in customer purchase motives, as you can see on these charts, the weight of
'environment' is growing every year.
I now feel that an era has dawned in which companies without sufficiently fast a
nd solid environmental initiatives will struggle to survive.
The most important and directly relevant theme for us is to reduce CO2 emissions
in production activities.
Until now, we have considered this reduction in terms of 'basic unit,' namely, t
he total CO2 emissions from across our business units divided by sales or produc
tion output.
However, we will now consider reduction in terms of the total value across the g
roup, regardless of how our business expands -- in other words, seek to reduce C
O2 emissions in terms of absolute quantity.
More specifically, we are aiming to reduce our global CO2 emissions by 300,000 t
ons over the three years of the GP3 Plan. In addition, we aim to reduce total em
issions to the FY2001 levels by FY2011.
Panasonic has determined that FY2001 represents the standard year of its 'Enviro
nmental Action Plan,' and aims first to reduce emissions to that year's levels.
Panasonic Corporation of North America
Panasonic Corporation of North America, based in Secaucus, NJ, is the principal
North American subsidiary of Osaka, Japan-based Panasonic Corporation (NYSE: PC)
and the hub of its branding, marketing, sales, service, product development and
R&D operations in the U.S. and Canada.
For more than 50 years, Panasonic has delighted American consumers with innovati
ons for the home and business. Panasonic's consumer electronics and technology p
roducts range from award-winning VIERA High Definition Plasma and LCD TVs and LU
MIX Digital Cameras to ruggedized Toughbook® laptop computers, communications solu
tions, networkable office solutions, security systems, home appliances, personal
care products, components and entire in-flight entertainment and information sy
Panasonic operations in North America include R&D Centers, manufacturing bases,
the highly rated Panasonic Customer Call Center in Chesapeake, VA, business-to-b
usiness and industrial solutions companies and consumer products, sales and serv
ice networks throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Panasonic Corporation of No
rth America and its subsidiaries and affiliates employ about 12,000 people in th
e region.
Ideas For Life Approach
Established in New York City in 1959, Panasonic Corporation of North America was
known as Matsushita Electric Corporation of America until 2005 when its company
name was changed to strengthen its connection to the brand and the consumer. Th
roughout its history, Panasonic has made understanding how its products can impa
ct people's lives a core focus for product development and refinement. "Ideas Fo
r Life" is a reflection of that commitment and a guiding force for what can be e
xpected from Panasonic in the future.
Corporate Social Responsibility Philosophy
Worldwide, Panasonic Corporation and its subsidiaries are guided by a basic busi
ness philosophy created by founder Konosuke Matsushita. He began the journey in
1918 by inventing a two-socket light fixture. Profound in its import yet elegant
ly simple, Konosuke Matsushita's breakthrough led to what is now one of the worl
d's largest electronics companies. As he built Matsushita Electric Industrial Co
., Ltd., he never lost sight of the importance of putting the needs of his custo
mers and the public first.
That philosophy holds that the mission of the enterprise is to contribute to the
progress and development of society and the well-being of people worldwide. Thi
s thinking continues to guide management to this day.
In the U.S., Panasonic creates and supports initiatives that contribute to peopl
e in the communities where it does business. Such initiatives include the Panaso
nic Foundation, which partners with school districts that are committed to schoo
l reform; Panasonic Kid Witness News, a worldwide video education program for pu
blic school children in underserved communities; and Panasonic Design Challenge,
a program for New Jersey high schools that encourages engineering achievement,
especially related to preserving the environment - and rewards students with sch
Environmental Commitment
Panasonic Corporation of North America is a strong proponent of the responsible
recycling of electronics. Panasonic, together with Sharp Electronics Corporation
and Toshiba America Consumer Products established Manufacturers Recycling Manag
ement Company, LLC (MRM), an EPA-award winning joint venture which manages colle
ction and recycling operations. Working with MRM, Panasonic now has nearly 400 l
ocations at which end-of-life products can be dropped off for recycling. MRM s mis
sion is to provide convenient recycling opportunities to consumers. Its long-ter
m goal is sustainable electronic product recycling.
On a global basis Panasonic is committed to securing a healthy future for both t
he planet and its people. The company s founder, Konosuke Matsushita said Panasoni
c is about more than technologies, as our commitment to "people before products"
demonstrates. Panasonic s business vision is to "contribute to a ubiquitous netwo
rking society that co-exists within the global environment." And being 'green' h
as been part of our mission for a long time.
The company is pursuing advanced environmental strategies based upon three eco i
deals, or 'eco ideas' outlined in a declaration issued in October 2007. Panasoni
c has pledged to reduce its global carbon footprint by 300,000 tons by 2010. Pan
asonic has also pledged to vastly increase the number of energy-efficient produc
ts it makes and to encourage the growth of environmental awareness and sustainab
ility worldwide.
At the World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland in January, 2009, Panason
ic Corporation was named to the Global 100's list of the Most Sustainable Corpor
ations in the World. The Global 100 focuses on companies that are committed to s
uperior management of their environmental, labor, human rights and other policie
s. Panasonic Corporation
On a global basis, Osaka, Japan-based Panasonic Corporation, which until October
1, 2008 was known as Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., recorded worldwi
de consolidated net sales of Y7.8 trillion (about US$87 billion) for the fiscal
year ended March 31, 2009. The company has 203 overseas subsidiaries in 46 count
ries and regions.
Olympic Partnership
Panasonic Corporation has been a proud supporter of the Olympic Movement - which
strives to promote international understanding and peace through sports - for m
ore than 20 years as an Official Worldwide Olympic Partner in the Video and Audi
o Equipment category. Panasonic recently renewed its partnership with the Intern
ational Olympic Committee through the Summer Olympic Games in London in 2016.
Under the slogan "Sharing the Passion", Panasonic used its technological experti
se to take the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing to a new level of video tech
nology excellence. All international video delivered from the International Broa
dcasting Centre (IBC) to the rights-holding broadcasters around the world was pr
oduced and distributed in High-Definition, using Panasonic's DVCPRO professional
video equipment and related technologies. The official video feed of the Beijin
g 2008 Olympic Games was recorded and broadcast entirely with Panasonic HD video
systems --a first in the history of the Olympic Games-- providing fans worldwid
e a chance to experience the games like never before - in clear, crisp, High Def
Panasonic Corporation's shares are listed on the Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya and New Yo
rk (NYSE:PC) Stock Exchanges.