19th Livestock Census

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Hkkjr ljdkj
Anup Kumar Thakur Ñf"k ea=kky;
i’kqikyu] Ms;jh o eRL;ikyu foHkkx
Ñf"k Hkou] ubZ fnYyh & 110001
lfpo Government of India
Hkkjr ljdkj Ministry of Agriculture
Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries
Secretary Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
Government of India
Dated the 17th June, 2014


The Animal Husbandry and livestock sectors are critical for the rural
economy, especially the small and marginal farmers. They not only contribute
to their income but also their best insurance against any natural calamity.

For planning purposes, the need for upto date and reliable data cannot
be over emphasized. Livestock Census is a quinquennial complete
enumeration process whereby data on number of livestock along with their sex
composition, age distribution, utility wise distribution etc. are generated. The
present report provides detailed data of the 19 th Livestock Census conducted
across the country covering all States and Union Territories. I am happy that
there has been a significant improvement in all aspects of census work, viz.
data collection, processing and tabulation.

Thanks are due to the official and staff of the Animal Husbandry
Departments of States and UTs without whose whole hearted cooperation this
census could not have been undertaken. I would also like to congratulate Shri
S.K.Das, Adviser (Statistics) and his team of officers and staff in the Animal
Husbandry Statistics Division in the Department for their untiring efforts in
bringing out this voluminous and useful publication.

I sincerely hope that the report will be useful to all stakeholders, for
planning and policy making purposes and also for research and academic
purposes. I would also invite critical comments and suggestions on their report
in order that the same could be useful in helping us to bring out an improved
report of the 20 Livestock Census to be conducted in 2017.

(Anup Kumar Thakur)

E-mail : [email protected] Tel. : 91-11-23382608 Fax : 91-11-23388006


Hkkjr ljdkj
S. K. Das Ñf"k ea=kky;
Advisor (Stat.)
Tel.: 011-25873773 i’kqikyu] Ms;jh o eRL;ikyu foHkkx
Fax:011-25873772 Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture
Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries
Behind State Bank of India,
Delhi Milk Scheme Complex,
Shadipur Depot, New Delhi - 110008

Dated the 17th June, 2014


Livestock census actually covers the census of livestock, poultry, implements

and machinery used for livestock rearing. It is the only source for providing various
kind of detailed information for these groups. India has largest livestock numbers in
the world. Sound and timely available database are the basic requirement for any
planning and policymaking purposes. The conduct of livestock census is thus
essential for making plans and policies for growth of livestock sector and also for
overall growth of the economy. Livestock Census in our country started in the year
1919 and since this the process has been continuing on quinquennialy basis. This is
the Nineteenth census of this regular series of livestock censuses. Breed wise census
of livestock is independently done on 15% villages across the country separating from
the main stream of census.
The Nineteenth livestock census was conducted with 15 October 2012 as the
reference date. All States/UTs participated in the census work and completed in
shortest time. The census was conducted simultaneously in all rural and urban areas
of the States/UTs including inaccessibility areas on account of topography, weather
conditions or severe administrative problems and defence establishments.

About 1.71 lakh enumerators and 28474 supervisors besides senior officers of Animal
Husbandry Departments were involved for the census work in 35 States/UTs. The
census generate data for over 7.25 lakh villages and urban wards records across the
country. The present report has been prepared within shortest possible time after
completion of fieldwork and contains the State-wise totals of all relevant parameters
with rural urban break up.

I express my gratitude to Shri Anup Kumar Thakur, Secretary, Department of

Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, who encouraged and
guided all of us for release of the publication. I also acknowledge my sincere gratitude
to Shri Gokul Chandra Pati, former Secretary, Department of Animal Husbandry,


Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and currently Secretary, Defence
Production for his keen interest in 19 Livestock Census and guiding force for
meticulous planning for completion of census and digitalization of census data and
census report. I am also thankful to Shri Ashok Kumar Mathur, my predecessor for
undertaking various technical and administrative work including preparation of census
manual and clearance of financial sanctions etc. prior to formal launch of 19* Livestock

Shri Ajith Kumar N, Director, Shri Manoj Kumar Verma, Deputy Director and
Shri Brij Mohan Gupta, Asstt. Director with their team have worked very sincerely and
with great zeal in achieving the target of releasing the result in shortest possible time. I
would like to convey my appreciation to all officers and staff of State Animal Husbandry
Departments who took extra effort and care for completing the census work in record
time. Although inadequate software development of outsourced agencies create
several problems for data entry and report generation, the National Informatics Centre
and National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology's team could rectify
such problems for data entry and generating report. I also acknowledge the
contribution of Shri Gautam Saha, Chief Project Coordinator and his team for data
entry, data validation and data finalisation of all States/UTs for 19th Livestock Census.

It is hoped that the publication would be useful to the administrators, planners,

veterinarians, scientists and various research organizations/institutions involved in
the development of livestock and poultry sectors in addition to the State Departments
of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services.

Suggestions/ comments for improvement in this publication, proposed state-

wise publications and also for future censuses will be welcomed.

(S. K. Das),
Adviser (Statistics)

Chapter 1
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5
Livestock Sector .................................. ................................................... ............................................. 5
Chapter 2
Technical Note ................................................................................................................................. 7
Technical Committee for 19 th Livestock Census ................................................................................. 7
Geographical Coverage of Livestock Census......... ................................................... ........................... 7
Species Covered in Livestock Census ............... ................................................... ................................ 8
Important Changes in the Enquiry Schedule of 19 th Livestock Census ................................. .............. 9
Human Resources ................................... ................................................... ....................................... 12
Schedules Canvassed ............................... ................................................... ...................................... 13
Chapter 3
Salient Features of 19 th Livestock Census ..................................................................................... 14
Total Livestock in 2007 and 2012- Highlights .................................................. ............................ 14
Distribution of Livestock Population .................................................. ........................................... 16
Table 3.1: Total Livestock in 2007 and 2012 .................................................. .............................. 16
Dogs, Elephants and Rabbits .................................................. ................................................... ..... 18
Table 3.2: Changes in Livestock and Poultry Population in Rural and urban area .................... 18
Trend of total Livestock population 1992-2012.................................................. ......................... 19
Cattle................................................... ................................................... ........................................... 20
Trends in the Share of Indigenous and Exotic/Crossbred Cattle Population............................. 20
Cattle-Female .................................................. ................................................... .............................. 21
State-wise Cattle Population .................................................. ................................................... ..... 21
State/UT-Wise Percentage Variation in number of Cattle .................................................. ......... 21
Table 3.3: Comparison of Percentage Variations in the Cattle Population in Rural and Urban
Areas during 2003-2007 & 2007-2012. .................................................. ...................................... 22
Buffalo .................................................. ................................................... ......................................... 23
State-wise Buffalo Population .................................................. ................................................... ... 23
State/UT-Wise Percentage Variation in number of Buffalo .................................................. ... 23
Annexure .......................................................................................................................................39
Detailed Statistical Tables Species and State/UT-wise ................................................ ..................... 39
Table 1 Total Number of Livestock and Poultry..... ................................................... ........................ 40
Table 2 Details of Bovines by Sex................. ................................................... .................................. 41
Table 3 R Details of Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Rural Areas Exotic / Crossbred Cattle for Male.......42
Table 4 R Details of Exotic / Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Rural Areas for Female, Total
Exotic/Crossbred Cattle .............................................................................. ...................................... 43
Table 5 R Details of IndigenousCattle by Age, Sex and Use in Rural Areas for Male.......................44

Table 6 R Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Rural Areas for Female, Total
Indigenous Cattle and Total Cattle....................................................................................................45
Table 7 U Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Urban Areas for Male ...........46
Table 8 U Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Urban Areas for Female and
Total Exotic/Crossbred Ca ttle ...........................................................................................................47
Table 9 U Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Urban Areas for Male
Table 10 U Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Urban Areas for Female, Indigenous
Cattle and Total Cattle......................................................................................................................49
Table 11(R+U) Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Rural and Urban
Combined for Male...........................................................................................................................50
Table 12(R+U) Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Rural and Urban
Combined for Female and Total Exotic/Crossbred Cattle .................................................................51
Table 13(R+U) Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Rural and Urban Combined for
Male ..................................................................................................................................................52
Table 14(R+U) Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Rural and Urban Combined for
female, Total Indigenous Cattle and Total Cattle.............................................................................53
Table 15 R: Details of Buffaloes by Age, Sex and Use in Rural Areas for Male
Table 16 R: Details of Buffaloes by Age, Sex and Use in Rural Areas for Female and Total Buffaloes
Table 17 U: Details of Buffaloes by Age, Sex and Use in Urban Areas for Male ...............................56
Table 18 U: Details of Buffaloes by Age, Sex and Use in Urban Areas for Female and Total Buffaloes
Table 19 (R+U): Details of Buffaloes by Age, Sex and Use in Rural and Urban Combined for Male....58
Table 20 (R+U): Details of Buffaloes by Age, Sex and Use in Rural and Urban Combined for Female
and Total Buffaloes...........................................................................................................................59
........................................................... 60
Table 21 R: Details of Mithun by Age and Sex in Rural Areas
Table 22 U: Details of Mithun by Age and Sex in Urban Areas
Table 23 (R+U): Details of Mithun by Age and Sex in Rural and Urban Combined
Table 24 R: Details of Yaks by Age and Sex in Rural Areas
Table 25 U: Details of Yaks by Age and Sex in Urban Areas..............................................................64
Table 26 (R+U): Details of Yaks by Age and Sex Rural and Urban Combined
Table 27 R: Details of Sheep by Age and Sex in Rural Areas for Exotic/ Crossbred .......................... 66
Table 28 R: Details of Sheep by Age and Sex in Rural area for Indigenous and Total Sheep
Table 29 U: Details of Sheep by Age and Sex in Urban Areas for Exotic/ Crossbred
Table 30 U: Details of Sheep by Age and Sex in Urban Areas for Indigenous and Total Sheep
Table 31 (R+U): Details of Sheep by Age and Sex in Rural and Urban
Combined for Exotic/ Crossbred ................................................................ ................................ 70
Table 32 (R+U): Details of Sheep by Age and Sex in Rural and Urban Combined for Indigenous and
Total Sheep .......................................................................................................................................71

Table 33 R: Details of Goats by Age, Sexand Use in Rural Areas.....................................................72
Table 34 U: Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use in Urban Areas
Table 35 (R+U): Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use in Rural and Urban Combined
Table 36 R: Details of Pigs by age and sex in Rural for Exotic/ Crossbred........................................75
Table 37 R: Details of Pigs by age and sex in Rural Areas for Indigenous and total Pigs..................76
Table 38 U: Details of Pigs by age and sex in UrbanAreas for Exotic/Crossbred.............................77
Table 39 U: Details of Pigs by age and sex in Urban Areas for Indigenous and total Pigs................78
Table 40 (R+U): Details of Pigs by age and sex in Rural and Urban Combined for Exotic/ Crossbred
Table 41 (R+U): Details of Pigs by age and sex in Rural and Urban Combined for Indigenous and
total Pigs ............................................................................................................................................80
Table 42 R: Details of Horses & Ponies by Age, Sex and Use in Rural Areas
Table 43 U: Details of Horses & Ponies by Age, Sex and Use in Urban Areas
Table 44 (R+U): Details of Horses & Ponies by Age, Sex and Use in Rural and Urban Combined
Table 45 R: Details of Mules and Donkeys by age and sex in Rural Areas........................................84
Table 46 U: Details of Mules and Donkeys by age and sex in Urban Areas......................................85
Table 47 (R+U): Details of Mules and Donkeys by age and sex in Rural and Urban Combined ........86
Table 48 R: Details of Camels by Age and Sex in Rural Areas...........................................................87
Table 49 U: Details of Camels by Age and Sex in Urban Areas .........................................................88
Table 50 (R+U): Details of Camels by Age and Sex in Rural and Urban Combined ...........................89
Table 51: Details of Dogs, Rabbits and Elephants in Rural Areas.....................................................90
Table 52 U: Details of Dogs, Rabbits and Elephants in Urban Areas................................................91
Table 53 (R+U): Details of Dogs, Rabbits and Elephants in Rural and Urban Combined
Table 54 R: Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural Areas for Fowls.....................................................93
Table 55 R: Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural Areas for Fowls under‘Chickens below 5 Months’
and Total Fowls.................................................................................................................................94
Table 56 R: Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural Areas for Ducks.....................................................95
Table 57 R: Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural Areas for Ducks under ‘Duckling below 6 Months’
and Total Ducks.................................................................................................................................96
Table 58 R: Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural Areas for Turkeys, Quails, Others Poultry and Total
Poultry Birds......................................................................................................................................97
Table 59 U: Details of Backyard Poultry in Urban Areas for Fowls
Table 60 U: Details of Backyard Poultry in Urban Areas for Fowls under ‘Chickens below 5 Months’
and Total Fowls.................................................................................................................................99
Table 61 U: Details of Backyard Poultry in Urban Areas for Ducks.............................................100

Table 62 U: Details of Backyard Poultry in Urban Areas for Ducks under ‘Duckling below 6 Months’
and Total Ducks...............................................................................................................................101
Table 63 U: Details of Backyard Poultry in Urban Areas for Turkeys, Quails, Others Poultry and
Total Poultry Birds...........................................................................................................................102
Table 64 (R+U): Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural and Urban Combined for Fowls ...................103
Table 65 (R+U): Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural and Urban Combined for Fowls under
‘Chickens below 5 Months’and Total Fowls...................................................................................104
Table 66 (R+U): Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural and Urban Combined for Ducks..................105
Table 67 (R+U): Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural and Urban Combined for Ducks under
‘Duckling below 6 Months’and Total Ducks...................................................................................106
Table 68 (R+U): Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural and Urban Combined for Turkeys, Quails,
Others Poultry and Total Poultry Birds ...........................................................................................107
Table 69 R: Details of Poultry Birds in Farms / Hatcheries in Rural Areas......................................108
Table 70 U: Details of Poultry Birds in Farms /Hatcheries in Urban Areas....................................109
Table 71 (R+U): Details of Poultry Birds in Farms / Hatcheries in Rural and Urban Combined
Table 72: Number of Equipments Used in Livestock Sector Rural and Urban Combined..............111
Table 73 R: Number of Households and Households Enterprises Owning Animals/Poultry Birds in
Rural Areas......................................................................................................................................112
Table 74 U: Number of Households and Households Enterprises Owning Animals/Poultry Birds in
Urban Areas....................................................................................................................................113
Table 75 (R+U): Number of Households and Households Enterprises Owning Animals/Poultry Birds
in Rural and Urban Combined.........................................................................................................114
Table 76 R: Number of Non Households Enterprises and Institutions Owning Animals/Poultry Birds
in Rural Areas.................................................................................................................................. 115
Table 77 U: Numberof Non Households Enterprises and Institutions Owning Animals/Poultry Birds
in Urban Areas.................................................................................................................................116
Table 78 (R+U): Number of Non Households Enterprises and Institutions Owning Animals/Poultry
Birds in Rural and Urban Combined................................................................................................117
Table 79: Number of Stray Cattle and Stray Dogs...........................................................................118
Table 80 R: Number of Cattle, Buffaloes, Sheep, Goats and Pigs per Thousand Households in Rural
Areas ...............................................................................................................................................119
Table 81 U: Number of Cattle, Buffaloes, Sheep, Goats and Pigs per Thousand Households in
Urban Areas....................................................................................................................................120
Table 82(R+U): Number of Cattle, Buffaloes, Sheep, Goats and Pigs per
Thousand Households in Rural and Urban Combined................................................................121

Chapter 1.

ivestock Census started in the country in the year 1919. So far 18 such
censuses have been conducted. The Livestock Census in 2012 is 19th in the
series of Livestock censuses. All exercises were carried out with full
participation of States/UT Governments.

Livestock Census is a complet e count of the livestock and poultry at a pre -

defined reference point of time. As in population Census, primary workers were
engaged to undertake house to house enumeration and ascertain the number, age,
sex, etc., of livestock/poultry possessed by every household/household enterprises/
non-household/ non -household enterprises and institutions in rural & urban areas.
Preliminary preparations such as printing of schedules and instruction manual,
training to the primary workers, publicity campaign, etc., were undertaken as
preparatory steps to the conduct of the census. The Census schedules and
instruction manual were printed in the local vernacular languages also. The 19 th
Livestock Census was carried out with reference date as 15th October 2012.

Livestock Sector

The livestock sector alone contributes nearly 25.6% of Value of Output at

current prices of total value of output in Agriculture, Fishing & Forestry sector. The
overall contribution of Livestock Sector in total GDP is nearly 4.11%at current prices
during 2012-13.

Realizing the importance of this sector and also of timely availability of data, many
improvements have been brought in census. The census was conducted by Animal
Husbandry Departments of States/UTs under the central sector scheme with 100%
central grant from the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries in

the Ministry of Agriculture. Most of the States/UTs conducted the census on schedule
time except in some states where delay occurred due to adverse climatic condition, natural
calamities, elections and other administrative reasons. The data were collected in the form
of three schedules with more than three hundred main data items including broad age
group, sex wise, breed wise, species etc.. Officers and staff associated with census work
were provided intensive training for data collection, supervision, processing and
validation. The data were collected from each household and other entities both in rural
and urban areas. The data were collected through oral inquiry method by the staff of
Animal Husbandry Department or enumerators trained by them. Manual of
instructions were prepared. Supervision of fieldwork was done by departmental officers
and staff only. Software development, data entry, data validation, data finalization and
report generation were carried out in association with National Informatics Centre,
Ministry of Information and Communication Technology.

The progress in this sector is attributed not only by the fact of increasing
production of milk, egg, meat and wool but also overall development of livestock by its
diseases control, progeny development and related infrastructure etc.. The total
numbers of animals in each of the identified species are very important determinant
factor in the growth of livestock sector. A brief analysis is given in this report
considering the comparison of the previous census results as well as the data collected
from the current census

Chapter 2
Technical Note

Technical Committee for 19 th Livestock Census

A technical committee was constituted under the Chairmanship of Animal

Husbandry Commissioner in order to finalize subject coverage, methodology,
schedule of enquiry, instructions to field staff and time frame of work to be followed
in this census. Further a sub – committee of the technical committee was also
constituted under the Chairmanship of Adviser (Statistics) to suggest suitable
recommendations for framing schedules and instructions manual including

Geographical Coverage of Livestock Census

As per Office of Registrar General of India (ORGI),the total population in the

country as on 1st March 2011 is 1210.2 million. The total Geographical area of the
country is 3287240 sq km. The census operations were carried out in 5971 sub-
districts under 648 districts of 35 States/UTs covering 6.6 lakhs villages and nearly
64639 urban wards. The Permanent Location Code Number (PLCN) assigned by
ORGI for villages in rural area and towns in urban area were used in 19 th Livestock
Census. Each town in urban area is further dividedinto Wards and the schedules are
prepared and data entries were carried out at wardlevel for urban area. For the State
of Kerala Panchayat Wards were considered in place of villages in rural area.

The census was conducted simultaneously in all rural and urban areas of the
States/UTs including inaccessible areas on account of topography, weather
conditions or severe administrative problems and defence establishments. Apart
from covering each household, the census was also conducted in the household
enterprises as well as non-households enterprises such as farm houses and
institutions i.e. cooperative societies, trusts, temples, mosque, church, gurudwara

Species Covered in Livestock Census

The livestock species namely Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Goat, pig, Horses&
Ponies, Mules, Donkeys, Camels, Mithun and Yak are covered in the census. The
other species covered in the census are Dogs, Rabbits and Elephants. In the census,
head count counts have been done for each of these species and recorded in their
respective households/household enterprises/non-households enterprises. The
characteristics i.e. age, sex distribution and its uses collected for each species are
given in the Box 2.1.
Box 2.1

Species Characteristics

Male Female

• Up-to 1 ½ year • under 1 year,

• Over 1 ½ year • 1 to 2 ½ years and
Exotic and Cross bred Cattle • Used for Breeding • Above 2 ½ years.
• Used for draught only
• In milk
• Used for both draught and
breeding • Dry
• Others • Not calved once
• others

Male Female

• Up to 2 year • under 1 year,

• Over 2 year • 1 to 3 years and
Indigenous Cattle • Used for Breeding • above 3 years
• Used for draught only
• In milk
• Used for both draught and
breeding • Dry
• Others • Not calved once
• others

Male Female

• up to2 year • under 1 year,

• Over 2 year • 1 to 3 years and
Buffaloes • Used for Breeding • above 3 years
• Used for draught only • In milk
• Used for both draught and • Dry
• Not calved once
• Others
• others

Sheep and Goat • under 1 year
• 1 year and above
• In addition for Female Goat , In milk, Dry Not calved once are also
counted separately

Pig Male/Female
• Under 6 months
• Six months and above


Male/ Female
Horses and Ponies/ • up to 3 years and
• above 3 years
• For male used for carts/carriage/sport

Male/ Female
• up to 3 years and
• above 3 years

Mules • up to 3 years and

• above 3 years

Male/ Female
• Under 4 Years
• 4 years and above

Elephant/Dogs/Rabbit Male/ Female

• Fowl
• Ducks
Poultry • Turkeys
• Quails
• Other poultry
• No. of birds in Farms/ Hatcheries

Important Changes in the Enquiry Schedule of 19th Livestock Census

In 19th Livestock Census some changes have been brought in for simplifying
the schedule as compared to the 18th Livestock Census. The changes brought out in
the age structure are shown in the Box 2.2 below.

Box 2.2

18th Livestock Census 19th Livestock Census

Male Male

• Under 1 year • Up-to 1 ½ year

• 1 to 2 ½ years • Over 1 ½ year
Exotic and Cross bred
• over 2 ½ years • Used for Breeding
Cattle • Used for breeding • Used for draught only
• Used for agriculture • Used for both draught and
• Used for bullock cart breeding
• others • Others


Male Male

• under 1 years • Up to 2 year

• 1 to 3 years • Over 2 year
Indigenous Cattle • over 3 years • Used for Breeding
• Used for draught only
• used for breeding only
• Used for both draught and
• agriculture & breeding breeding
• bullock cart & breeding • Others
• others

Male Male

• Under 1 years • up to 2 year

• 1 to 3 years • Over 2 year
• over 3 years • Used for Breeding
Buffaloes • Used for breeding only • Used for draught only
• Agriculture & breeding • Used for both draught and
• Bullock cart &breeding breeding
• Others • Others

Male/Female Male/Female
Sheep • Up to 6 month • under 1 year
• 6 months & above • 1 year and above

Further, in 18th Census, all breeds of Livestock species were alsoconsidered as

one of the characteristics and head counts were made separately. In 19th Livestock
Census, the characteristics of breed of livestock species were separated out in order
to simplify the schedule and a sample survey namely Breed Survey was carried out
independently. The decision was also made keeping in view the fact that identifying
the breed is a more complex exercise which has to be done by trained personnel in
veterinary sciences.

Adding more features such as stray cattle and straydogs is also worth of note.
It is the first time in Livestock Census that information regarding stray cattle and
stray dogs was collected. The information on approximate number of stray cattle and
stray dogs were collected from a single source in the village/ward such as Sarpanch/
other panchayat member or patwari or teacher or other knowledgeable person.

Some important concepts and definitions adopted in 19th Livestock census is

given in Box: 2.3


Box 2.3
Some Important concepts and definitions used in Livestock Census:
Enterprise: An enterprise is an undertaking which is engaged in
production and or distribution of some goods and or services meant mainly
for the purpose of sale.
Household: A group of persons normally living together and taking food
from a common kitchen will constitute a household. Head of household will
be that member of the household who is accepted generally as the head of the
household by the members of the family. He/she may or may not be the major
earning member. It should be left to the members of a household to decide
whom they consider to the head of the household
Household enterprise: A household enterprises is one which is run by one
or more members of a household or run jointly by two or more households on
partnership basis irrespective of whether the enterprise is located in the
premises of the household or not.
Non-household enterprise: A non-household enterprises is one which is
institutional i.e. owned and run by the public sector (Central or State
Government, local bodies, government undertakings, etc.), private corporate
sector (include public and private limited companies registered as joint stock
companies under the Companies Act 1956), Co-operative societies, other type
of societies, institutions, associations, trusts, etc. .
Institution: For the purpose of 19th Livestock Census, Temple, Mosque,
Gurudwara, etc. will be covered under Institution
Indigenous Animals: Animals which belongs to descript/non-descript
breeds of indigenous origin.
Exotic Animals: Animals which are developed in other countries ar e
described as exotic animals. The most important exotic dairy cattle
breeds in India are Jersey and Holstein Friesian (HF).
Cross-bred Animals: Animals which are produced by crossing indigenous
animals with exotic breeds or indigenous animals which have exotic
inheritance are described as crossbred animals.
Animals in milk: Animals in milk production are described as animal s in
Dry Animals: Animals which are calved but at present not in p roduction
are described as dry animals. Animals that cannot be calved in future are not
covered under this category.


Poultry Farms: Farms having more than 1000 birds will be considere d as
Poultry Farms. Farms having only Emu/Ostrich birds will be considered as
farm if having more than 20 birds. However, all government enterprises
having poultry are considered as poultry farms irrespective of the number of
birds in them.
Desi’ and ‘improved’ poultry birds: If a hen/duck lays more than 100
eggs in a year then it is categorized as ‘improved’ hen/duck or else it is
categorized as ‘desi’. If a cock/ chicken/ drake/ duckling falls into the flock of
an ‘improved’ hen/duck then it an ‘improved’ cock/ chicken/ drake/ duckling
or else it is ‘desi’.
Milking Machine: Used for milking.
Baler: Used for making bales of straw for easy transportation.

In 19th Census the socio economic characteristics such as

occupation/caste/income etc. are not collected as was done in 18th Census. Further,
in 18thCensus information on Fisheries Statistics, animal driven agricultural
implements, equipment for livestock and poultry andtheir utilisation were collected.
However, in 19th Census, the Fisheries Statistics was removed and the equipment
used in livestock sector like milking machine, mechanised fodder cutter, mechanised
chopper and baler, mechanised dung collection and disposal were collected.

Human Resources

The Livestock Census-2012 was a concerted effort conducted with the active
participation of all States/UTs. Nodal officers were designated for livestock census in
each States and UTs. As in the human census, in livestock census also door to door
survey was carried out by deploying nearly 1.71 Lakhs enumerators and 0.28 lakh
supervisors under the supervision of officers of Department of Animal Husbandry of
each State/UTs. In the 19th Livestock Census, primary workers for enumerationwork
have been drawn from the village/municipal level functionaries of various
departments such as revenue, animal husbandry, etc. and in some States educated
unemployed local youths were deployed as enumerators. Supervisors were mainly
from the Department of Animal Husbandry of the respective States/UTs.


Schedules Canvassed
The Schedules canvassed are (i) Schedule-1- House list of households,
enterprises and institutions, (ii) Schedule-2- Village/Ward Profile and
(iii) Schedule-3- Household, Enterprise & Institution Schedule. The schedules were
canvassed for each households/Non- household/ Institution in every village/ ward
and the data entry process was done at village/ward level using the summary
schedule viz Schedule-2. Preliminary preparations such as printing of schedules and
instruction manual, training to the primary workers, publicity campaign, house
listing operations etc., were undertaken as preparatory steps for census. The Census
schedules and instruction manual were printed in the local vernacular languages.

Chapter 3
Salient Features of 19 th Livestock Census

Total Livestock in 2007 and 2012- Highlights

The total livestock population consisting of Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Goat, pig,
Horses & Ponies, Mules, Donkeys, Camels, Mithun and Yak in the country is
512.05 million numbers in 2012. The total livestock population has decreased
by about 3.33% over the previous census.

Livestock population has increased substantially in Gujarat (15.36%), Uttar

Pradesh (14.01%), Assam (10.77%), Punjab (9.57%) Bihar (8.56%); Sikkim
(7.96%), Meghalaya (7.41%), and Chhattisgarh (4.34%).

The total Bovine population (Cattle, Buffalo, Mithun and Yak) is 299.9 million
numbers in 2012 which shows a decline of 1.57% over previous census.

The number of milch animals (in-milk and dry) in cows and buffaloes has
increased from 111.09 million to 118.59 million, an increase of 6.75%.

The number of animals in milk in cows and buffaloes has increased from
77.04 million to 80.52 million showing a growth of 4.51%.

The Female Cattle (Cows) Population has increased by 6.52% over the
previous census (2007) and the total number of female cattle in 2012 is 122.9
million numbers. The Female Buffalo population hasincreased by 7.99% over
the previous census and the total number of female buffalo is 92.5 million
numbers in 2012. The buffalo population has increased from 105.3 million to
108.7 million showing a growth of 3.19%.

The exotic/crossbred milch cattle increased from 14.4 million to 19.42 million,
giving rise to an increase of 34.78% whereas the indigenous milch cattle
increased marginally from 48.04 million to 48.12 million, an increase of
0.17%. The milch buffaloes increased from 48.64 million to 51.05 million with
an increase of 4.95% over previous census.

The total sheep in the country is 65.06 million numbers in 2012, declined by
about 9.07% over census 2007.

The Goat population has declined by 3.82% over the previous census and the
total Goat in the country is 135.17 million numbers in 2012.

The total pigs in the country have decreased by 7.54% over the previous
census and the total pigs in the country are 10.29 million numbers in 2012.

Horses & Ponies population has increased by 2.08% over the previous census
and the total Horses & Ponies in the country is 0.62 million numbers in 2012.

The total Mules in the country have increased by 43.34% over the previous
census and the total Mules in the country are 0.19 million numbers in 2012.

Camel population has decreased by 22.48% over the previous census and the
total Camels in the country is 0.4 million numbers in 2012.

The total Donkey population in the country have decreased by 27.22% over
the previous census and the total donkeys in the country are 0.32 million
numbers in 2012.

The total poultry population in the country has increased by 12.39% over the
previous census and the total poultry in the country is 729.2 millionnumbers
in 2012.

The total Mithun and Yak in the country has registered a growth rates of
12.98% and -7.64% respectively over the previous census and the Mithuns and
Yaks in the country is 0.29 million and 0.07 million in numbers respectively.


Distribution of Livestock Population

Graph 3.1:Distribution of Livestock
Pigs Others
2.01% 0.37%

Goat Cattle
26.40% 37.28%


In 19th Livestock Census, 37.28% were cattle, 21.23% buffaloes, 12.71% sheep,
26.40% goats and 2.01% pigs. The corresponding figures as per the 18th Livestock
Census were 37.58%, 19.89%, 13.50%, 26.53% and 2.10%.
Mithun, Yaks, Horses, ponies, mules, donkeys and camels taken together
contribute 0.37 % of the total livestock.
Table 3.1:: Total Livestock in 2007 and 2012
2007 2012 % Change
• Male 6,844 5,971 -12.75
• Female 26,216 33,760 28.78
Total Exotic/Crossbred 33,060 39,732 20.18
• Male 76,779 61,949 -19.32
• Female 89,236 89,224 -0.01
Total Indigenous 1,66,015 1,51,172 -8.94
Total Cattle# 1,99,075 1,90,904 -4.10
• Male 19,597 16,103 -17.83
• Female 85,745 92,599 7.99
Total Buffalo 1,05,342 1,08,702 3.19
• Male 38 35 -7.62
• Female 45 42 -7.65
Total Yaks 83 77 -7.64
• Male 127 129 1.57
• Female 137 169 23.36
Total Mithuns 264 298 12.88


2007 2012 % Change
• Male 1,03,385 84,187 -18.57
• Female 2,01,379 2,15,794 7.16
Total Bovines 3,04,764 2,99,981 -1.57
• Male 1,144 1,207 5.51
• Female 2,586 2,574 -0.46
Total Exotic/Crossbred 3,730 3,781 1.37
• Male 16,730 13,916 -16.82
• Female 51,098 47,372 -7.29
Total Indigenous 67,828 61,288 -9.64
Total Sheep 71,558 65,069 -9.07
• Male 40,793 37,617 -7.79
• Female 99,744 97,556 -2.19
Total Goat 1,40,537 1,35,173 -3.82
Horses & Ponies
• Male 336 350 4.17
• Female 276 275 -0.36
Total Horses & Ponies 612 625 2.12
Total Mules 137 196 43.07
• Male 227 186 -18.06
• Female 211 133 -36.97
Total Donkeys 438 319 -27.17
• Male 243 191 -21.40
• Female 274 210 -23.36
Total Camels 517 400 -22.63
• Male 1,209 1,283 6.12
• Female 1,180 1,174 -0.51
Total Exotic/Crossbred 2,389 2,456 2.80
• Male 4,134 3,681 -10.96
• Female 4,610 4,156 -9.85
Total Indigenous 8,744 7,837 -10.37
Total Pigs 11,133 10,294 -7.54
TOTAL LIVESTOCK 5,29,696 5,12,057 -3.33
• Male 12,432 8,444 -32.08
• Female 6,656 3,228 -51.50
Total Dogs# 19,088 11,673 -38.85
# Excluding Stray Cattle and Stray Dogs


2007 2012 % Change
• Male 183 255 39.34
• Female 241 337 39.83
Total Rabbits 424 592 39.55
Total Elephants 1 22
• Fowls 6,17,734 6,92,646 12.13
• Ducks 27,643 23,539 -14.85
• Turkeys & Others 3,452 13,025 277.32
Total Poultry 6,48,829 7,29,209 12.39

Dogs, Elephants and Rabbits

Population of Dogs has decreased from 19.08 million in 2007 to 11.67 million
in 2012 with a decrease of 38.85%.
The population of Rabbit has increased from 0.424 million in 2007 to 0.592
million in 2012 with an increase of 39.55%.

The population of Elephants has increased drastically from about 1000 to

22000 in absolute terms.

Table 3.2: Changes in Livestock and Poultry Population in Rural and urban
area (In thousands)

Changes in Livestock and Poultry Population in Rural Urban Areas

Total Number of Animals in Total Number of Animals in

Rural Urban
2007 2012 2007 2012 % Change
Cattle 1,90,297 1,83,736 -3.45 8,778 7,168 -18.34
Buffalo 99,916 1,04,095 4.18 5,427 4,607 -15.11
Yaks 83 76 -8.43 - - -
Mithuns 234 291 24.56 31 7 -78.10
Sheep 69,601 63,775 -8.37 1,957 1,294 -33.90
Goat 1,33,314 1,29,081 -3.18 7,224 6,092 -15.66
Horses & Ponies 556 563 1.31 55 61 11.68
Mules 125 183 46.23 12 14 13.26
Donkeys 372 267 -28.09 66 51 -22.29
Camels 507 390 -22.99 10 10 -1.80
Pigs 9,960 9,226 -7.37 1,174 1,068 -9.06
Dogs 16,513 9,495 -42.50 2,575 2,178 -15.42
Poultry 6,06,738 6,97,895 15.02 42,092 31,314 -25.60
- The data of Yak in Urban area is negligible


The Population of Cattle decreased by 3.14%, Yaks by 8.15%,Sheep by 8.37%,

Goat by 3.18%, Donkeys by 28.09%, Camels by 22.09% and Dogs by 42.5% in
Rural Areas.
There is positive growth s in Buffalo with 4.18%, Mithuns with 24.56%, Horses
& Ponies with 1.31%, Mules with 46.23% and Poultry with 15.02% in Rural
There is negative growths in Cattle with 18.34%, Buffalo with 15.11%, Mithuns
with 78.10%, Sheep with 33.90% , Goat with 15.66%, Donkeys with 22.29%,
Camels with 1.80%, Pigs with 9.06%, Dogs with 15.42% and Poultry with
25.60% population in Urban Areas.
There are positive growths in Horses & Ponies with 11.68% and Mules with
13.26% in Urban Areas.

Trend of total Livestock population 1992-2012

Graph 3.2: Total No of Livestock during 1992-2012
540000 529,698
No of animals in ''000

520000 512,057
490000 485,385 485,002

480000 470,860
1992 1997 2003 2007 2012



The total Cattle contributes around 37.28% of the total livestock population.

The total number of Cattle in the country as per 2012 Census is 190.90 million

Graph 3.3: Exotic/Crossbred and Indigenous Population during

200000 178,782
160,495 166,015
No of animals in '000



50000 33,060
20,099 24,686

1992 1997 2003 2007 2012


Exotic/Crossbred Indigenous

Trends in the Share of Indigenous and Exotic/Crossbred

red Cattle Population
Graph 3.4: Trends in the Share of Indigenous and E xotic/Crossbred Cattle Population

93 90 87 83
80 79
% Share



17 21
10 13
1992 1997 2003 2007 2012


Exotic/Crossbred Indigenous


Graph 3.5: Female Cattle population during 1992-2012
Female Cattle Population in '000

102,987 103,335 102,702




1992 1997 2003 2007 2012


State-wise Cattle Population

Graph 3.6: Percentage share of Cattle Population- 2012

10.27 10.24
10.00 8.65
8.11 8.28
8.00 6.98
% Share

6.41 6.09
6.00 5.40 5.23 5.14 5.03 4.98 4.62 4.57



State/UT-Wise Percentage Variation in number of Cattle


Table 3.3: Comparison of Percentage Variations in the Cattle Population in

Rural and Urban Areas during 2003-2007 & 2007-2012.
% Change % Change
Species 2003-2007 2007-2012
Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total
• Male 41.70 9.31 38.40 -11.48 -27.06 -12.75
• Female
* In Milk 33.60 12.40 31.10 36.95 3.46 33.49
* Dry 24.10 -5.90 20.90 41.50 7.02 38.57
* Milch (In milk + Dry) 31.01 7.78 28.28 38.13 4.24 34.79
• Total Female 35.20 13.80 32.80 32.14 -2.42 28.78
Total Exotic/Crossbred 36.50 13.00 33.90 22.98 -6.83 20.18
• Male 0.10 -32.10 -1.00 -18.81 -40.37 -19.32
• Female
* In Milk 11.60 2.50 11.10 -2.32 -23.50 -3.38
* Dry -9.00 -26.40 -9.70 7.00 -8.25 6.45
* Milch (In milk + Dry) 3.08 -7.97 2.53 1.08 -19.10 0.17
• Total Female 8.30 -6.40 7.60 0.78 -17.40 -0.01
Total Indigenous 4.30 -16.40 3.40 -8.39 -24.65 -8.94
Total Cattle 8.34 -7.90 7.50 -3.45 -18.34 -4.10

The percentage change of in-milk cattle-Exotic population during 2007-12 has

shown an increase of 10% in rural areas as compared to the percentage change
during 2003-07.
The percentage changes in-milch cattle-Exotic population during 2007-12 has
increased by 23% in rural areas as compared to 2003-07.
The variations in Indigenous in-milk cattle population has decreased
drastically during 2007-12 as compared to 2003-07.
The percentage change in in-milch cattle - Indigenous population has
decreased by 65% during 2007-12 as compared to 2003-07 in rural areas.


v The total Buffalo contributes around 21.23% of the total livestock population.
v The total number of Buffalo in the coun try as per 2012 Census is 108.7 million
Graph 3.8: Male and Female Buffaloes during 1992-2012
100000 92,599
No of animals in '000

80000 71,294


17,351 18,625 17,888 19,597

1992 1997 2003 2007 2012
Female Male

State-wise Buffalo Population

Graph 3.9: Percentage share of Buffalo Population- 2012

30.00 28.17

% Share

15.00 11.94
9.77 9.55
10.00 7.53 6.96 7.38
5.60 5.15 4.75
5.00 3.19


State/UT-Wise Percentage Variation in number of Buffalo


Table 3.4: Comparison of PercentageVariations in the Buffalo Population in

Rural and Urban Areas during 2003-2007 & 2007-2012.
% Change from 2003-2007 % Change from 2007-
Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total
• Male 1.05 -8.70 9.60 -17.37 -28.37 -17.83
• Female
* In Milk 8.00 -6.50 7.00 3.49 -10.53 2.61
* Dry -5.30 -26.10 -6.50 12.37 -9.11 11.41
* Milch (In milk + Dry) 4.04 -11.38 3.00 5.90 -10.24 4.96
• Total Female 8.30 -9.60 7.10 9.17 -12.74 7.99
Total Buffalo 8.70 -9.50 7.60 4.18 -15.11 3.19
v The variation s of animals in -milk of Buffalo population during the period
2003-07 and 2007-12 showing a decline of 56% in rural area.
v The percentage changes in - milch Buffalo population during the periods has
increased by 46% in rural areas.
v The percentage changes in total female Buffalo population showing an
increase of 10% in rural areas.
v The decline of Male Buffalo population is on higher side for both rural and
urban areas during 2007-12.
v The total Sheep contributes around 12.71% of the total livestock population.
v The total number of Sheep in the coun try as per 2012 Census is 65 million
Graph 3.11: Sheep Population in year 1992-2012
70000 61,288
54,385 55,740
No of animals in '000




5,729 3,730 3,781
10000 2,411 3,110

1992 1997 2003 2007 2012
Exotic Indigenous


State-wise Sheep Population

Graph 3.12: Percentage share of Total Sheep Population- 2012

45.00 40.57
% Share

14.73 13.95
10.00 7.36
5.21 3.97 4.20
5.00 2.62 2.43 2.08 1.65 1.24

State/UT-Wise Percentage Variation in number of Sheep



The total Goat contributes

tributes around 26.40%
26.40% of the total livestock population.
The total number of Goat in the country as per 2012 Census is 135.17 million

Graph 3.14: Goat Population 1992

99,744 97,556
100000 88,543
no of animals in '000


40,793 37,617
35,965 35,815
40000 32,218


1992 1997 2003 2007 2012

Female Male

State-wise Goat Population

Graph 3.15: Percentage share of Goat Population - 2012

18.00 16.03
% Share

10.00 8.99 8.51

8.00 6.71 6.24 6.18
6.02 5.93
6.00 4.87 4.82 4.56
3.67 3.55
4.00 2.39


State/UT-Wise Percentage Variation in number of Goat


v The total Pigs contributes around 2.01% of the total livestock population.
v The total number of Pigs in the co untry as per 2012 Census is 10.29 million

Graph 3.17: Total Pigs during 1992-2012

11,043 11,340
12000 10,939
No of animals in '000

10000 8,744


4000 2,249 2,180 2,389 2,456


1992 1997 2003 2007 2012


Exotic Indigenous


State-wise Pig Population

Graph 3.18: Percentage share of Pig Population- 2012

14.00 12.96

% Share

8.00 6.31 6.30
5.28 4.89
6.00 4.27 3.83 3.52 3.46
4.00 3.16 2.96 2.72 2.69 2.38 2.31

State/UT-Wise Percentage Variation in number of Pigs

Graph 3.19: State/UT-Wise Percentage Variation in number of


40.00 31.38
10.00 3.63 2.79
% Change

-0.30 -1.14
-10.10 -11.68
-60.00 -54.17















v The total Camels contributes around 0.08% of the livestock population.
v The total number of Camels in the country as per 2012 Census is 0.4 million

Graph 3.20: Total Camels during 1992-2012

No of animals in '000

1000 912

600 517



1992 1997 2003 2007 2012



State-wise Camel Population

Graph 3.21: Percentage share of Camels Population- 2012

90.00 81.37
% Share

7.60 4.71
10.00 2.21 1.98 2.13


Mithuns & Yaks

v The total Mithuns & Yaks contributes around 0.07% of the Livestock population.

v The total number of Mithuns & Yaks together in the country as per 2012 Cens us is
0.37 million number.

Graph 3.22: Total Mithuns and Yaks during 1992-2012

No of animals in '000

300 264
200 177
83 77
100 58 59 64
1992 1997 2003 2007 2012

Mithuns Yaks

State-wise Mithun Population

Graph 3.23: Percentage share of Mithuns Population- 2012

90.00 83.48
% Share

20.00 11.69
10.00 3.40 1.10 0.31


State-wise Yaks Population

Graph 3.24: Percentage share of Yaks Population- 2012

80.00 71.08
% Share

10.00 5.26 3.81 1.42

Horses & Ponies

v The total Horses & Ponies contributes around 0.12% of the total livestock

v The total number of Horses & Ponies in the country as per 2012 Census is 0.62
million numbers.

Graph 3.25:Total Horses & Ponies during 1992-2012

900 817 827

800 751
No of animals in '000

700 612 625

1992 1997 2003 2007 2012


Horses & ponies


State-wise Horses & Ponies Population

Graph 3.26: Percentage Share of Horses & Ponies Population- 2012

25.00 23.13

% Share


10.00 7.82
6.05 5.97 5.87 6.30
5.00 3.01 2.92 2.62 2.41 2.27 2.08


Mules, Donkeys
v The total Mules & Donkeys together contributes around 0.10% of the total
livestock population.
v The total number of Mules & Donkeys in the country as per 2012 Census is 0.5
million numbers.

Graph 3.27:Mules and Donkeys during 1992-2012


No of animals in '000


400 319

193 221 196

200 137

1992 1997 2003 2007 2012


Mules Donkeys


State-wise Mules Population

Graph 3.28: Percentage share of Mules Population-2012


20.00 18.59

15.00 13.70
% Share


5.00 3.56 2.87 2.99
2.63 1.98 1.72 1.02

State-wise Donkeys Population

Graph 3.29: Percentage share of Donkeys Population- 2012


20.00 17.77
% Share

15.00 12.18
10.00 6.71
5.41 5.12 4.68 4.21 4.05
5.00 2.88 2.31



v Poultry consists of generally three categories namely Fowls, Ducks and Turkey
& others. The Total poultry population in the country is 729.2 million

Graph 3.30: Percentage share of Poultry Birds in Poultry population




Fowls Ducks turkey and others

Poultry Population during 1992-2012

Graph 3.31: Total Poultry 1992-2012

800000 729,209

700000 630,021 648,829

no of birds in '000





1992 1997 2003 2007 2012


Total Poultry


Fowl, Duck and Turkey and others

Graph 3.32: Total Poultry(Fowls, Ducks, Turkey & Others)
612,538 617,734
no of birds in '000

400000 284,026
200000 27,643 23,539
22,084 20,383 15,828
100000 960 1,267 1,655 3,452 13,025
1992 1997 2003 2007 2012


Fowls Duks Turkey & Others

State-wise poultry Population

Graph 3.33: Percentage share of Poultry Population- 2012

25.00 22.12

% Share

10.00 7.33 7.25
3.73 3.33 3.17 3.31
5.00 2.73 2.56 2.30 2.06 1.86 1.75 1.63 1.13 1.10

State/UT-Wise Percentage Variation in number of Poultry

Graph 3.34: State/UT-Wise Percentage Variation in number of
Poultry (2007-2012)
80.00 62.17 57.17
% Change

54.80 48.76
60.00 30.13
40.00 27.04 20.73 20.13 12.39 11.63
-20.00 -3.45 -6.35 -8.40
-60.00 -38.71















Households /Non-Households Enterprises and Institutions having

Graph 3.35: No of Household Enterprises having
Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Goat & Pig

70000 65,344
No of NH in ''000

40000 33,014
10000 4,552 2,550
Cattle Buffalo Goat Sheep Pig


Graph 3.36:No of Non Household Enterprises and institutions

having Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Goat & Pig
No of NH in ''000



50 25
8 5
Cattle Buffalo Goat Sheep Pig


Uses- Cattle, Buffalo and Goat

Animals in milk
v Animals in milk mean the animal’s who contribute towards production of
milk. The total number of animals in milk in the country is 116.77 Million

Graph 3.37: Percentage share of animals in milk

31% 12%



Exotic/crossbred Cattle Indigenous Cattle Goat Buffalo


Table 3.5: Changes in population of Milch Animals in Cattle, Buffalo, Goat in

Rural and Urban Areas during 2007-2012
(In thousands)
Rural Urban

Species 18th 19th 18th 19th

% %
Livestoc Livestoc Livestoc Livestoc
Change Change
k Census k Census k Census k Census

• Male 6,287 5,566 -11.48 556 406 -27.06
• Female
* In Milk 9,608 13,158 36.95 1,108 1,146 3.46
* Dry 3,378 4,780 41.5 313 335 7.02
* Milch (In milk + Dry) 12,986 17,938 38.13 1,422 1,482 4.24
• Total Female 23,666 31,271 32.14 2,551 2,489 -2.42
Total Exotic/Crossbred 29,953 36,837 22.98 3,107 2,895 -6.83
• Male 74,991 60,882 -18.81 1,789 1,067 -40.37
• Female
* In Milk 29,151 28,475 -2.32 1,536 1,175 -23.5
* Dry 16,733 17,904 7 622 571 -8.25
* Milch (In milk + Dry) 45,884 46,378 1.08 2,158 1,746 -19.1
• Total Female 85,354 86,018 0.78 3,882 3,206 -17.4
Total Indigenous 1,60,344 1,46,900 -8.39 5,670 4,273 -24.65
Total Cattle 1,90,297 1,83,736 -3.45 8,778 7,168 -18.34
• Male 18,775 15,514 -17.37 823 589 -28.37
• Female
* In Milk 33,398 34,564 3.49 2,245 2,009 -10.53
* Dry 12,418 13,954 12.37 581 528 -9.11
* Milch (In milk + Dry) 45,816 48,518 5.9 2,825 2,536 -10.24
• Total Female 81,141 88,582 9.17 4,604 4,018 -12.74
Total Buffalo 99,916 1,04,095 4.18 5,427 4,607 -15.11
• Male 38,526 35,785 -7.11 2,267 1,832 -19.2
• Female
* In Milk 35,066 34,448 -1.76 1,977 1,805 -8.72
* Dry 24,423 24,410 -0.05 1,023 895 -12.53
* Milch (In milk + Dry) 59,489 58,858 -1.06 3,000 2,699 -10.02
• Total Female 94,787 93,295 -1.57 4,957 4,261 -14.04
Total Goat 1,33,314 1,29,081 -3.18 7,224 6,092 -15.66


Animals used for Breeding

Graph 3.38: No. of Male Cattle & Buffalo used for Breeding only
70000 61,949
no of animals in '000s

10000 318 2,084 836
Exotic/crossbred Cattle Indigenous Cattle Buffalo

Male Population Used for Breeding only

Animals used for Draught

Graph 3.39: Percentage share of Male used Draught only

22% 24%


Exotic/crossbred Cattle Indigenous Cattle Buffalo

The detailed Statistical tables, species and State/UT -wise, with Rural and Urban
combinations are presented in the Annexure for reference.


Detailed Statistical Tables Species and State/UT-wise


Table 1: Total Number of Livestock and Poultry

Rural Urban Total (Rural +Urban)

SNo. State/ UT
Livestock Poultry Livestock Poultry Livestock Poultry

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 149714 1149753 5036 15610 154750 1165363

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 54924966 159195345 1174441 2138584 56099407 161333929

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1366179 2188749 46487 55482 1412666 2244231

4 ASSAM 18846897 26837618 235274 378551 19082171 27216169

5 BIHAR 31794467 12166096 1144134 581956 32938601 12748052

6 CHANDIGARH 8031 72212 16166 36507 24197 108719

7 CHHATTISGARH 14379883 22315641 664060 786517 15043943 23102158

8 DADRA & NAGAR 44629 74028 5610 11944 50239 85972

9 DAMAN & DIU 4117 24568 510 3634 4627 28202

10 GOA 130028 270364 15825 21664 145853 292028

11 GUJARAT 25687687 14151593 1440513 854158 27128200 15005751

12 HARYANA 8174609 41735613 644909 1085735 8819518 42821348

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 4815505 1088792 28926 15684 4844431 1104476

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 8911441 7490476 289401 783233 9200842 8273709

15 JHARKHAND 17570555 13168223 482191 391305 18052746 13559528

16 KARNATAKA 26647874 51254779 1054022 2187251 27701896 53442030

17 KERALA 2555352 22985088 179810 1296840 2735162 24281928

18 LAKSHADWEEP 49596 164541 0 0 49596 164541

19 MADHYA PRADESH 34732291 11431358 1600336 473358 36332627 11904716

20 MAHARASHTRA 31092625 75696120 1396027 2098451 32488652 77794571

21 MANIPUR 610659 1920770 85113 578746 695772 2499516

22 MEGHALAYA 1951969 3379945 5658 20087 1957627 3400032

23 MIZORAM 200901 850755 110955 420598 311856 1271353

24 NAGALAND 806071 1838703 105091 339767 911162 2178470

25 NCT OF DELHI 329635 37332 30762 6499 360397 43831

26 ODISHA 20211774 19301803 520724 588735 20732498 19890538

27 PUDUCHERRY 95599 141882 24015 66839 119614 208721

28 PUNJAB 7697973 15901002 419128 893074 8117101 16794076

29 RAJASTHAN 56040021 7715491 1692183 308933 57732204 8024424

30 SIKKIM 288979 445734 2647 6232 291626 451966

31 TAMIL NADU 20478099 105918676 2244885 11430218 22722984 117348894

32 TRIPURA 1888782 4092513 47397 180220 1936179 4272733

33 UTTAR PRADESH 65092726 17185602 3622421 1482230 68715147 18667832

34 UTTARAKHAND 4689261 4567486 105469 74451 4794730 4641937

35 WEST BENGAL 29416951 51136605 931329 1700971 30348280 52837576

Total 491685846 697895256 20371455 31314064 512057301 729209320

Note: Total Livestock covers Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Goat, pig, Horses& Ponies, Mules, Donkeys, Camels, Mithun and Yak and total poultry include total birds
in the poultry farms and hatcheries.


Table 2: Details of Bovines by Sex

Male Female Total Bovine
SNo State/UT
Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

1 ANDAMAN & 20388 116 20504 32183 801 32984 52571 917 53488
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 5261397 81700 5343097 14422795 452840 14875635 19684192 534540 20218732

3 ARUNACHAL 307670 6642 314312 403649 14828 418477 711319 21470 732789
4 ASSAM 4432362 31801 4464163 6178259 100447 6278706 10610621 132248 10742869

5 BIHAR 4020098 93492 4113590 15125036 560130 15685166 19145134 653622 19798756

6 CHANDIGARH 534 1693 2227 7324 13445 20769 7858 15138 22996

7 CHHATTISGARH 5458564 165513 5624077 5241647 339725 5581372 10700211 505238 11205449

8 DADRA & NAGAR 26381 2175 28556 14794 2582 17376 41175 4757 45932
9 DAMAN & DIU 1042 31 1073 1322 131 1453 2364 162 2526
10 GOA 23987 1477 25464 57261 6553 63814 81248 8030 89278

11 GUJARAT 3924793 128281 4053074 15483429 833024 16316453 19408222 961305 20369527

12 HARYANA 1318211 90800 1409011 6005075 479342 6484417 7323286 570142 7893428

13 HIMACHAL 788003 3287 791290 2057107 20717 2077824 2845110 24004 2869114
14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 904254 29731 933985 2540900 116980 2657880 3445154 146711 3591865

15 JHARKHAND 5054766 53150 5107916 4606219 201890 4808109 9660985 255040 9916025

16 KARNATAKA 3232619 104811 3337430 9264444 385115 9649559 12497063 489926 12986989

17 KERALA 207312 12558 219870 1130072 80954 1211026 1337384 93512 1430896

18 LAKSHADWEEP 432 0 432 2667 0 2667 3099 0 3099

19 MADHYA PRADESH 9290271 217861 9508132 17408507 873716 18282223 26698778 1091577 27790355

20 MAHARASHTRA 7651827 168568 7820395 12647822 610382 13258204 20299649 778950 21078599

21 MANIPUR 118474 11268 129742 184154 26447 210601 302628 37715 340343

22 MEGHALAYA 369660 653 370313 546552 1194 547746 916212 1847 918059

23 MIZORAM 12126 1695 13821 22588 6625 29213 34714 8320 43034

24 NAGALAND 112597 7725 120322 166004 16239 182243 278601 23964 302565

25 NCT OF DELHI 32678 2190 34868 207118 6589 213707 239796 8779 248575

26 ODISHA 6066619 91240 6157859 5950725 238994 6189719 12017344 330234 12347578

27 PUDUCHERRY 6973 1577 8550 42927 10528 53455 49900 12105 62005

28 PUNJAB 925218 42877 968095 6279891 339462 6619353 7205109 382339 7587448

29 RAJASTHAN 4712417 124639 4837056 20691459 772042 21463501 25403876 896681 26300557

30 SIKKIM 44837 186 45023 99420 763 100183 144257 949 145206

31 TAMIL NADU 1565326 158346 1723672 7026516 844285 7870801 8591842 1002631 9594473

32 TRIPURA 346135 4241 350376 582301 26923 609224 928436 31164 959600

33 UTTAR PRADESH 9501720 320129 9821849 38524871 1835681 40360552 48026591 2155810 50182401

34 UTTARAKHAND 807234 10683 817917 2113651 62322 2175973 2920885 73005 2993890

35 WEST BENGAL 5575511 93628 5669139 11008450 435118 11443568 16583961 528746 17112707

Total 82122436 2064764 84187200 206077139 9716814 215793953 288199575 11781578 299981153


Table 3 R: Details of Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Rural Areas Exotic / Crossbred Cattle for Male

Exotic / Crossbred Cattle

SNo. State/UT
Upto Over 1.5 Years
Total Male
1.5 Years
Used for Used for Used for both Others
Breeding Draught Only Draught and
Only Breeding
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 2192 278 454 141 83 3148
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 240139 14427 125713 9298 3229 392806

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 2649 1274 807 564 934 6228

4 ASSAM 50163 7075 10525 2696 1290 71749

5 BIHAR 300250 23618 56230 15830 51829 447757

6 CHANDIGARH 49 2 42 1 0 94

7 CHHATTISGARH 19911 1788 18548 968 372 41587

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 47 10 47 28 9 141

9 DAMAN & DIU 21 2 3 2 0 28

10 GOA 1138 237 226 63 32 1696

11 GUJARAT 113440 14064 43830 10568 5487 187389

12 HARYANA 99273 3889 31611 5821 4534 145128

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 72995 2484 74966 2676 4281 157402

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 200845 12719 76721 25431 2531 318247

15 JHARKHAND 17604 3668 13862 3294 861 39289

16 KARNATAKA 152885 6083 32021 2458 1608 195055

17 KERALA 117985 3038 2638 752 4247 128660

18 LAKSHADWEEP 116 40 0 0 5 161

19 MADHYA PRADESH 104350 10230 26779 6004 2013 149376

20 MAHARASHTRA 223024 24225 153709 18276 4856 424090

21 MANIPUR 4185 1492 1796 1275 496 9244

22 MEGHALAYA 3266 2917 775 1266 464 8688

23 MIZORAM 695 294 132 170 5 1296

24 NAGALAND 14680 8431 10301 6037 1613 41062

25 NCT OF DELHI 8806 343 136 122 295 9702

26 ODISHA 164009 4939 129531 2528 1412 302419

27 PUDUCHERRY 4630 356 811 143 81 6021

28 PUNJAB 113814 7640 88281 14069 3460 227264

29 RAJASTHAN 169990 10377 27759 6057 5571 219754

30 SIKKIM 17126 1588 15571 3452 337 38074

31 TAMIL NADU 531679 63394 146074 27017 21665 789829

32 TRIPURA 16715 4125 5407 3638 1731 31616

33 UTTAR PRADESH 347779 29401 161305 24848 22232 585565

34 UTTARAKHAND 49466 2403 22648 1635 350 76502

35 WEST BENGAL 391290 16989 87160 9411 3601 508451

Total 3557206 283840 1366419 206539 151514 5565518


Table 4: R Details of Exotic / Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Rural Areas for
Female, Total Exotic/Crossbred Cattle
Exotic / Crossbred Cattle
State/ UT Female
SNo. Total Exotic /
Under 1 1 to 2.5 Over 2.5 Years Total Crossbred
Year Years In Milk Dry Not Others Female

(1) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 3105 1793 4472 2522 493 63 12448 15596
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 449252 268941 872717 237775 81484 12320 1922489 2315295

3 ARUNACHAL 1979 1960 3388 1767 556 724 10374 16602

4 ASSAM 82139 50918 99510 42411 13202 1808 289988 361737

5 BIHAR 527922 363693 991357 517683 317855 31959 2750469 3198226

6 CHANDIGARH 345 203 853 345 20 0 1766 1860

7 CHHATTISGARH 16219 14011 32591 20284 13107 1224 97436 139023

8 DADRA & NAGAR 48 50 116 25 5 0 244 385

9 DAMAN & DIU 20 21 52 17 3 0 113 141

10 GOA 2437 2642 6923 1980 414 55 14451 16147

11 GUJARAT 316707 356561 715257 226538 72254 12163 1699480 1886869

12 HARYANA 160721 126396 313512 118655 22893 7302 749479 894607

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 154508 118630 405691 108009 24234 3259 814331 971733

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 233458 153994 501216 105477 33168 1973 1029286 1347533

15 JHARKHAND 25531 17135 56288 15656 6542 1886 123038 162327

16 KARNATAKA 501112 338798 1240415 411300 84699 7485 2583809 2778864

17 KERALA 249009 204417 436765 124099 13947 10093 1038330 1166990

18 LAKSHADWEEP 147 119 176 143 90 6 681 842

19 MADHYA PRADESH 143251 102275 253759 98628 24667 5323 627903 777279

20 MAHARASHTRA 545136 491886 1396402 576882 73426 21895 3105627 3529717

21 MANIPUR 5298 4612 9060 2664 1647 636 23917 33161

22 MEGHALAYA 2941 4462 14421 2936 1122 393 26275 34963

23 MIZORAM 802 541 1854 516 318 139 4170 5466

24 NAGALAND 14236 12091 25990 8002 8740 2363 71422 112484

25 NCT OF DELHI 11125 5712 23538 5411 1401 747 47934 57636

26 ODISHA 209482 172012 320206 152913 38632 3951 897196 1199615

27 PUDUCHERRY 8896 6947 16409 7961 855 548 41616 47637

28 PUNJAB 306549 309836 810793 257689 36137 6782 1727786 1955050

29 RAJASTHAN 324020 199002 585655 188792 55411 7588 1360468 1580222

30 SIKKIM 19549 11603 34324 15765 4345 1950 87536 125610

31 TAMIL NADU 1015653 814273 2035130 699613 221180 61638 4847487 5637316

32 TRIPURA 20996 19198 22248 14100 8826 1642 87010 118626

33 UTTAR PRADESH 612649 415208 1089142 411095 124641 29205 2681940 3267505

34 UTTARAKHAND 88599 59898 169903 52723 14889 1805 387817 464319

35 WEST BENGAL 464920 465798 667932 349145 147863 11451 2107109 2615560

Total 6518761 5115636 13158065 4779521 1449066 250376 31271425 36836943


Table 5 R: Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Rural Areas for Male

Indigenous Cattle
State/ UT

SNo. Over 2 Years

Upto 2
Used for Used for Used for both Others Total Male
Breeding Only Draught Draught and
Only Breeding

(1) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 2676 945 8241 1139 204 13205
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 571631 153043 2635487 173786 23826 3557773
3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 60055 19626 77755 21376 10360 189172
4 ASSAM 1047386 201727 2563440 311830 65307 4189690
5 BIHAR 881413 106636 562207 121696 951082 2623034
6 CHANDIGARH 25 16 52 2 0 95
7 CHHATTISGARH 1020940 104772 3251791 217423 57564 4652490
8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 2417 491 20336 861 220 24325
9 DAMAN & DIU 118 49 638 117 30 952
10 GOA 3465 1733 9221 1630 340 16389
11 GUJARAT 505988 134813 2049299 198167 54032 2942299
12 HARYANA 76628 7006 193914 3440 9491 290479
13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 85071 4863 427205 36018 15550 568707
14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 126854 21826 255500 72117 7191 483488
15 JHARKHAND 700842 138320 3146388 410277 55630 4451457
16 KARNATAKA 482878 50728 2089669 48921 20326 2692522
17 KERALA 8648 898 1392 491 833 12262
18 LAKSHADWEEP 258 7 5 0 1 271
19 MADHYA PRADESH 1740421 281560 5442191 354214 82968 7901354
20 MAHARASHTRA 1009040 137170 5186644 272427 57150 6662431
21 MANIPUR 28222 13557 22060 11779 1670 77288
22 MEGHALAYA 77820 86268 37872 64874 79678 346512
23 MIZORAM 3363 1111 2341 892 371 8078
24 NAGALAND 13047 8543 10746 5028 2399 39763
25 NCT OF DELHI 1982 354 72 106 420 2934
26 ODISHA 1133074 113417 3988905 139634 59516 5434546
27 PUDUCHERRY 128 17 527 41 184 897
28 PUNJAB 20088 5389 152813 3301 4250 185841
29 RAJASTHAN 1183070 118417 1457638 139542 61485 2960152
30 SIKKIM 1726 240 2384 537 155 5042
31 TAMIL NADU 237535 60306 333242 37039 23127 691249
32 TRIPURA 99170 37996 117912 43670 11539 310287
33 UTTAR PRADESH 1511746 97002 2395956 95697 95479 4195880
34 UTTARAKHAND 112038 15843 469009 20401 2718 620009
35 WEST BENGAL 2017351 104627 2458927 121021 29018 4730944
Total 14767114 2029316 39371779 2929494 1784114 60881817


Table 6 R: Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Rural Areas for Female,
Total Indigenous Cattle and Total Cattle
Indigenous Cattle


State/UT Under 1 to 3 Over 3 Years Total Total
1 Year Years Female Indigenous Total Cattle
In Milk Dry Not Others Cattle
(1) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)
1 ANDAMAN & 3265 2789 4626 4151 927 210 15968 29173 44769
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 748324 617110 1270190 626598 244202 51488 3557912 7115685 9430980
3 ARUNACHAL 55510 57904 64783 36788 22870 5517 243372 432544 449146
4 ASSAM 1209745 1100942 1780119 1098366 375474 60863 5625509 9815199 10176936
5 BIHAR 1097898 994204 1691241 1109308 787029 274926 5954606 8577640 11775866
6 CHANDIGARH 28 27 101 70 10 0 236 331 2191
7 CHHATTISGARH 725344 802580 1070014 1313080 611178 79974 4602170 9254660 9393683
8 DADRA & NAGAR 2463 2697 4598 2217 551 341 12867 37192 37577
9 DAMAN & DIU 104 113 391 178 37 25 848 1800 1941
10 GOA 4050 4005 7703 4669 643 236 21306 37695 53842
11 GUJARAT 724117 1089449 1724623 801489 232532 58000 4630210 7572509 9459378
12 HARYANA 80782 73850 143411 81515 13942 22459 415959 706438 1601045
13 HIMACHAL 101697 90161 237216 133829 26751 3877 593531 1162238 2133971
14 JAMMU & 185348 128883 323666 153015 37372 5453 833737 1317225 2664758
15 JHARKHAND 725563 749506 1290360 731645 363122 51279 3911475 8362932 8525259
16 KARNATAKA 678670 573410 1248440 885518 302061 30696 3718795 6411317 9190181
17 KERALA 12412 15747 20476 10759 1807 1829 63030 75292 1242282
18 LAKSHADWEEP 217 187 251 770 535 26 1986 2257 3099
19 MADHYA PRADESH 2156175 1715445 3333267 2354237 461196 125035 10145355 18046709 18823988
20 MAHARASHTRA 935388 764679 1648173 1308876 181239 59152 4897507 11559938 15089655
21 MANIPUR 23468 26324 37533 17319 9780 2823 117247 194535 227696
22 MEGHALAYA 77768 102094 171140 89416 50787 21473 512678 859190 894153
23 MIZORAM 2415 2290 4074 2527 1905 168 13379 21457 26923
24 NAGALAND 12436 12422 16676 8982 8470 1812 60798 100561 213045
25 NCT OF DELHI 3975 3518 9195 2950 663 1483 21784 24718 82354
26 ODISHA 945005 931549 1350452 1132696 265837 55782 4681321 10115867 11315482
27 PUDUCHERRY 194 184 371 228 40 32 1049 1946 49583
28 PUNJAB 24040 24998 55102 35068 6663 1789 147660 333501 2288551
29 RAJASTHAN 1677298 1238023 2957149 1855569 461494 54062 8243595 11203747 12783969
30 SIKKIM 2264 1596 2655 1640 499 231 8885 13927 139537
31 TAMIL NADU 304179 299829 569022 280987 108370 40666 1603053 2294302 7931618
32 TRIPURA 99092 109033 128775 94167 50183 7617 488867 799154 917780
33 UTTAR PRADESH 2661763 1643304 4489319 1870233 498123 125755 11288497 15484377 18751882
34 UTTARAKHAND 196735 136737 341387 161973 32358 5418 874608 1494617 1958936
35 WEST BENGAL 1817953 1968477 2478094 1692990 691028 59375 8707917 13438861 16054421
Total 17295685 15284066 28474593 17903823 5849678 1209872 86017717 146899534 183736477


Table 7 U: Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Urban Areas for Male

Exotic / Crossbred Cattle

Upto Over 1.5 Years
SNo. State/ UT 1.5 Years
Used for Used for Used for both Others Total Male
Breeding Draught Only Draught and
Only Breeding

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 62 2 0 0 1 65
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 7473 990 2959 266 261 11949
3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 657 298 80 37 45 1117
4 ASSAM 3852 313 137 112 169 4583
5 BIHAR 22934 2367 1905 1208 3133 31547
6 CHANDIGARH 501 53 15 4 73 646
7 CHHATTISGARH 5380 600 1531 328 161 8000
8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 25 4 14 2 0 45
9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 GOA 137 15 5 3 0 160
11 GUJARAT 3380 514 561 361 337 5153
12 HARYANA 11529 1007 688 192 1335 14751
13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 901 12 209 5 133 1260
14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 20146 760 2751 749 968 25374
15 JHARKHAND 8677 854 1174 512 304 11521
16 KARNATAKA 6745 624 1679 360 719 10127
17 KERALA 7035 193 70 37 212 7547
18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 MADHYA PRADESH 7678 592 1546 353 339 10508
20 MAHARASHTRA 8693 1943 6418 1648 1074 19776
21 MANIPUR 1261 310 462 88 22 2143
22 MEGHALAYA 11 7 1 0 3 22
23 MIZORAM 791 86 17 109 27 1030
24 NAGALAND 3100 895 470 321 258 5044
25 NCT OF DELHI 102 13 1611 5 2 1733
26 ODISHA 13648 709 2705 124 114 17300
27 PUDUCHERRY 1068 94 116 50 4 1332
28 PUNJAB 7264 2495 2179 713 913 13564
29 RAJASTHAN 13722 1955 1455 815 867 18814
30 SIKKIM 123 19 14 11 12 179
31 TAMIL NADU 59767 11357 17093 4837 3965 97019
32 TRIPURA 1527 53 46 16 37 1679
33 UTTAR PRADESH 32470 2838 7837 1823 1023 45991
34 UTTARAKHAND 3393 97 526 69 28 4113
35 WEST BENGAL 27460 1739 1537 515 489 31740
Total 281512 33808 57811 15673 17028 405832


Table 8 U: Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Urban Areas for
Female and Total Exotic/Crossbred Cattle
Exotic / Crossbred Cattle

SNo. State/ UT
Over 2.5 Years Total Exotic /
Under 1 to 2.5 Total Crossbred
1 Year Years Female
In Milk Dry Not Others
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

1 ANDAMAN & 105 63 193 67 2 22 452 517

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 14549 8844 33463 9298 2877 1176 70207 82156

3 ARUNACHAL 883 538 2632 578 747 129 5507 6624

4 ASSAM 6545 4594 12638 4402 1283 120 29582 34165

5 BIHAR 51442 29574 100616 38077 22782 2858 245349 276896

6 CHANDIGARH 823 360 2822 513 163 41 4722 5368

7 CHHATTISGARH 6322 3309 13608 4970 2642 285 31136 39136

8 DADRA & NAGAR 48 57 107 36 18 4 270 315

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 186 169 604 205 55 0 1219 1379

11 GUJARAT 6422 6008 16951 4095 1064 141 34681 39834

12 HARYANA 17865 9742 39132 14304 2800 2902 86745 101496

13 HIMACHAL 2002 1472 5609 1554 271 27 10935 12195

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 21450 14528 51339 6846 2559 58 96780 122154

15 JHARKHAND 15535 10313 45100 7966 3129 282 82325 93846

16 KARNATAKA 23278 15179 63952 16570 3420 1127 123526 133653

17 KERALA 17839 13837 36656 7262 926 525 77045 84592

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 12011 8123 22996 7821 1571 668 53190 63698

20 MAHARASHTRA 17216 15080 48257 16182 3702 947 101384 121160

21 MANIPUR 1861 1630 4622 707 174 9 9003 11146

22 MEGHALAYA 25 18 157 55 7 0 262 284

23 MIZORAM 999 434 2243 657 428 39 4800 5830

24 NAGALAND 2303 2007 4017 1357 1174 566 11424 16468

25 NCT OF DELHI 324 581 624 71 3 15 1618 3351

26 ODISHA 18654 10753 40770 14735 3693 253 88858 106158

27 PUDUCHERRY 1784 1267 3931 1272 158 63 8475 9807

28 PUNJAB 14093 11735 47660 17956 2197 2374 96015 109579

29 RAJASTHAN 29909 14158 68738 16926 4332 1973 136036 154850

30 SIKKIM 107 122 353 90 45 13 730 909

31 TAMIL NADU 125077 101635 267855 80380 32872 12340 620159 717178

32 TRIPURA 3223 2433 4518 1963 643 22 12802 14481

33 UTTAR PRADESH 59389 32073 125724 33819 11790 2724 265519 311510

34 UTTARAKHAND 5999 3483 15394 3499 538 247 29160 33273

35 WEST BENGAL 31348 24306 63206 21246 8356 657 149119 180859

Total 509616 348425 1146487 335479 116421 32607 2489035 2894867


Table 9 U: Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Urban Areas for Male

Indigenous Cattle
SNo. State/UT
Over 2 Years
Upto 2
Total Male
Used for Used for Used for both Others
Breeding Draught Only Draught and
Only Breeding

(1) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 43 3 0 0 0 46

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 6785 1641 17998 2331 1281 30036

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1002 350 390 595 349 2686

4 ASSAM 11853 1571 10371 2145 781 26721

5 BIHAR 17113 1602 6099 1200 8802 34816

6 CHANDIGARH 118 2 47 3 156 326

7 CHHATTISGARH 52550 4246 66309 6271 2534 131910

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 313 3 1633 91 4 2044

9 DAMAN & DIU 4 0 11 2 10 27

10 GOA 256 71 120 52 16 515

11 GUJARAT 38090 7439 27641 5690 3598 82458

12 HARYANA 11283 1422 3721 138 4206 20770

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 172 22 960 3 97 1254

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 1498 114 1384 75 19 3090

15 JHARKHAND 11302 1323 17988 3117 345 34075

16 KARNATAKA 13841 1738 60153 2462 1158 79352

17 KERALA 146 31 11 7 22 217

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 65137 6957 81878 7408 1894 163274

20 MAHARASHTRA 22827 6162 76947 7184 4289 117409

21 MANIPUR 2895 740 3549 1164 96 8444

22 MEGHALAYA 161 182 13 1 274 631

23 MIZORAM 166 56 116 106 10 454

24 NAGALAND 632 338 328 302 195 1795

25 NCT OF DELHI 34 8 2 0 10 54

26 ODISHA 27711 1425 37305 1074 824 68339

27 PUDUCHERRY 46 1 26 13 2 88

28 PUNJAB 2654 917 2747 251 1156 7725

29 RAJASTHAN 44737 3756 8850 1819 3898 63060

30 SIKKIM 3 0 0 0 0 3

31 TAMIL NADU 15639 5422 19916 2161 2157 45295

32 TRIPURA 1685 92 586 106 37 2506

33 UTTAR PRADESH 51058 3371 19580 3707 1992 79708

34 UTTARAKHAND 1207 73 1794 20 24 3118

35 WEST BENGAL 34646 3675 13892 1599 647 54459

Total 437607 54753 482365 51097 40883 1066705


Table 10 U: Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Urban Areas for Female,
Indigenous Cattle and Total Cattle
Indigenous Cattle

Under 1 to 3 Over 3 Years Total Total

SNo. State/UT 1 Year Years Female Indigenous Total Cattle
In Milk Dry Not Others Cattle
(1) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)
1 ANDAMAN & 75 48 97 59 4 10 293 339 856
2 ANDHRA 10498 7045 21176 10442 2348 1261 52770 82806 164962
3 ARUNACHAL 1036 1112 1626 781 722 25 5302 7988 14612
4 ASSAM 15610 13822 23033 12293 4080 944 69782 96503 130668
5 BIHAR 27571 20101 47871 25084 20347 2971 143945 178761 455657
6 CHANDIGARH 87 105 396 315 59 115 1077 1403 6771
7 CHHATTISGARH 45526 40417 72065 60161 25873 6125 250167 382077 421213
8 DADRA & NAGAR 864 222 518 225 100 5 1934 3978 4293
9 DAMAN & DIU 7 6 14 9 0 92 128 155 155
10 GOA 318 302 685 340 81 18 1744 2259 3638
11 GUJARAT 66934 59511 185624 65626 20145 4443 402283 484741 524575
12 HARYANA 10649 13202 18084 25994 6610 10266 84805 105575 207071
13 HIMACHAL 248 253 716 564 40 18 1839 3093 15288
14 JAMMU & 1865 903 3898 1410 215 33 8324 11414 133568
15 JHARKHAND 13376 14317 32611 11104 5144 351 76903 110978 204824
16 KARNATAKA 21707 17888 43814 22756 6197 936 113298 192650 326303
17 KERALA 325 363 546 227 24 51 1536 1753 86345
18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 MADHYA 221655 65185 154840 87867 16503 5356 551406 714680 778378
20 MAHARASHTRA 28754 22227 64555 31492 5733 3222 155983 273392 394552
21 MANIPUR 3599 3905 5687 1595 969 802 16557 25001 36147
22 MEGHALAYA 197 143 333 135 123 1 932 1563 1847
23 MIZORAM 230 177 498 278 161 22 1366 1820 7650
24 NAGALAND 540 1496 888 374 271 97 3666 5461 21929
25 NCT OF DELHI 162 81 309 84 16 22 674 728 4079
26 ODISHA 27894 24182 43767 27804 6925 721 131293 199632 305790
27 PUDUCHERRY 98 62 199 46 6 7 418 506 10313
28 PUNJAB 2610 2678 5313 7303 1566 2389 21859 29584 139163
29 RAJASTHAN 63085 47346 133367 61231 13278 4276 322583 385643 540493
30 SIKKIM 5 1 8 0 1 3 18 21 930
31 TAMIL NADU 22302 22859 46570 17399 8316 2505 119951 165246 882424
32 TRIPURA 2961 3043 4407 2396 1102 118 14027 16533 31014
33 UTTAR PRADESH 101351 54888 178752 56656 18933 3387 413967 493675 805185
34 UTTARAKHAND 2076 1600 5115 1543 293 99 10726 13844 47117
35 WEST BENGAL 47765 45494 77496 37390 15137 1218 224500 278959 459818
Total 741980 484984 1174878 570983 181322 51909 3206056 4272761 7167628


Table 11(R+U): Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Rural and Urban
Combined for Male
Exotic / Crossbred Cattle
Over 1.5 Years
SNo. State/ UT
Upto 1.5 Used for Used for Used for both Others
Total Male
Years Breeding Draught Draught and
Only Only Breeding

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 2254 280 454 141 84 3213
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 247612 15417 128672 9564 3490 404755
3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 3306 1572 887 601 979 7345
4 ASSAM 54015 7388 10662 2808 1459 76332
5 BIHAR 323184 25985 58135 17038 54962 479304
6 CHANDIGARH 550 55 57 5 73 740
7 CHHATTISGARH 25291 2388 20079 1296 533 49587
8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 72 14 61 30 9 186
9 DAMAN & DIU 21 2 3 2 0 28
10 GOA 1275 252 231 66 32 1856
11 GUJARAT 116820 14578 44391 10929 5824 192542
12 HARYANA 110802 4896 32299 6013 5869 159879
13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 73896 2496 75175 2681 4414 158662
14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 220991 13479 79472 26180 3499 343621
15 JHARKHAND 26281 4522 15036 3806 1165 50810
16 KARNATAKA 159630 6707 33700 2818 2327 205182
17 KERALA 125020 3231 2708 789 4459 136207
18 LAKSHADWEEP 116 40 0 0 5 161
19 MADHYA PRADESH 112028 10822 28325 6357 2352 159884
20 MAHARASHTRA 231717 26168 160127 19924 5930 443866
21 MANIPUR 5446 1802 2258 1363 518 11387
22 MEGHALAYA 3277 2924 776 1266 467 8710
23 MIZORAM 1486 380 149 279 32 2326
24 NAGALAND 17780 9326 10771 6358 1871 46106
25 NCT OF DELHI 8908 356 1747 127 297 11435
26 ODISHA 177657 5648 132236 2652 1526 319719
27 PUDUCHERRY 5698 450 927 193 85 7353
28 PUNJAB 121078 10135 90460 14782 4373 240828
29 RAJASTHAN 183712 12332 29214 6872 6438 238568
30 SIKKIM 17249 1607 15585 3463 349 38253
31 TAMIL NADU 591446 74751 163167 31854 25630 886848
32 TRIPURA 18242 4178 5453 3654 1768 33295
33 UTTAR PRADESH 380249 32239 169142 26671 23255 631556
34 UTTARAKHAND 52859 2500 23174 1704 378 80615
35 WEST BENGAL 418750 18728 88697 9926 4090 540191
Total 3838718 317648 1424230 222212 168542 5971350


Table 12(R+U) Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Rural and Urban
Combined for Female and Total Exotic/Crossbred Cattle
Exotic / Crossbred Cattle

Over 2.5 Years
SNo. State/ UT
Total Exotic /
Under 1 1 to 2.5 Total Crossbred
Year Years Not Female
In Milk Dry Calved Others
(1) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
1 ANDAMAN & 3210 1856 4665 2589 495 85 12900 16113
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 463801 277785 906180 247073 84361 13496 1992696 2397451
3 ARUNACHAL 2862 2498 6020 2345 1303 853 15881 23226
4 ASSAM 88684 55512 112148 46813 14485 1928 319570 395902
5 BIHAR 579364 393267 1091973 555760 340637 34817 2995818 3475122
6 CHANDIGARH 1168 563 3675 858 183 41 6488 7228
7 CHHATTISGARH 22541 17320 46199 25254 15749 1509 128572 178159
8 DADRA & N HAVELI 96 107 223 61 23 4 514 700

9 DAMAN & DIU 20 21 52 17 3 0 113 141

10 GOA 2623 2811 7527 2185 469 55 15670 17526
11 GUJARAT 323129 362569 732208 230633 73318 12304 1734161 1926703
12 HARYANA 178586 136138 352644 132959 25693 10204 836224 996103
13 HIMACHALPRADESH 156510 120102 411300 109563 24505 3286 825266 983928

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 254908 168522 552555 112323 35727 2031 1126066 1469687
15 JHARKHAND 41066 27448 101388 23622 9671 2168 205363 256173
16 KARNATAKA 524390 353977 1304367 427870 88119 8612 2707335 2912517
17 KERALA 266848 218254 473421 131361 14873 10618 1115375 1251582
18 LAKSHADWEEP 147 119 176 143 90 6 681 842
19 MADHYA PRADESH 155262 110398 276755 106449 26238 5991 681093 840977
20 MAHARASHTRA 562352 506966 1444659 593064 77128 22842 3207011 3650877
21 MANIPUR 7159 6242 13682 3371 1821 645 32920 44307
22 MEGHALAYA 2966 4480 14578 2991 1129 393 26537 35247
23 MIZORAM 1801 975 4097 1173 746 178 8970 11296
24 NAGALAND 16539 14098 30007 9359 9914 2929 82846 128952
25 NCT OF DELHI 11449 6293 24162 5482 1404 762 49552 60987
26 ODISHA 228136 182765 360976 167648 42325 4204 986054 1305773
27 PUDUCHERRY 10680 8214 20340 9233 1013 611 50091 57444
28 PUNJAB 320642 321571 858453 275645 38334 9156 1823801 2064629
29 RAJASTHAN 353929 213160 654393 205718 59743 9561 1496504 1735072
30 SIKKIM 19656 11725 34677 15855 4390 1963 88266 126519
31 TAMIL NADU 1140730 915908 2302985 779993 254052 73978 5467646 6354494
32 TRIPURA 24219 21631 26766 16063 9469 1664 99812 133107
33 UTTAR PRADESH 672038 447281 1214866 444914 136431 31929 2947459 3579015
34 UTTARAKHAND 94598 63381 185297 56222 15427 2052 416977 497592
35 WEST BENGAL 496268 490104 731138 370391 156219 12108 2256228 2796419
Total 7028377 5464061 14304552 5115000 1565487 282983 33760460 39731810


Table 13(R+U) Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Rural and Urban
Combined for Male
Indigenous Cattle
Over 2 Years
SNo. State/ UT
Upto 2
Used for Used for Used for both Others Total Male
Breeding Draught Draught and
Only Only Breeding

(1) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 2719 948 8241 1139 204 13251
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 578416 154684 2653485 176117 25107 3587809
3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 61057 19976 78145 21971 10709 191858
4 ASSAM 1059239 203298 2573811 313975 66088 4216411
5 BIHAR 898526 108238 568306 122896 959884 2657850
6 CHANDIGARH 143 18 99 5 156 421
7 CHHATTISGARH 1073490 109018 3318100 223694 60098 4784400
8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 2730 494 21969 952 224 26369
9 DAMAN & DIU 122 49 649 119 40 979
10 GOA 3721 1804 9341 1682 356 16904
11 GUJARAT 544078 142252 2076940 203857 57630 3024757
12 HARYANA 87911 8428 197635 3578 13697 311249
13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 85243 4885 428165 36021 15647 569961
14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 128352 21940 256884 72192 7210 486578
15 JHARKHAND 712144 139643 3164376 413394 55975 4485532
16 KARNATAKA 496719 52466 2149822 51383 21484 2771874
17 KERALA 8794 929 1403 498 855 12479
18 LAKSHADWEEP 258 7 5 0 1 271
19 MADHYA PRADESH 1805558 288517 5524069 361622 84862 8064628
20 MAHARASHTRA 1031867 143332 5263591 279611 61439 6779840
21 MANIPUR 31117 14297 25609 12943 1766 85732
22 MEGHALAYA 77981 86450 37885 64875 79952 347143
23 MIZORAM 3529 1167 2457 998 381 8532
24 NAGALAND 13679 8881 11074 5330 2594 41558
25 NCT OF DELHI 2016 362 74 106 430 2988
26 ODISHA 1160785 114842 4026210 140708 60340 5502885
27 PUDUCHERRY 174 18 553 54 186 985
28 PUNJAB 22742 6306 155560 3552 5406 193566
29 RAJASTHAN 1227807 122173 1466488 141361 65383 3023212
30 SIKKIM 1729 240 2384 537 155 5045
31 TAMIL NADU 253174 65728 353158 39200 25284 736544
32 TRIPURA 100855 38088 118498 43776 11576 312793
33 UTTAR PRADESH 1562804 100373 2415536 99404 97471 4275588
34 UTTARAKHAND 113245 15916 470803 20421 2742 623127
35 WEST BENGAL 2051997 108302 2472819 122620 29665 4785403
Total 15204721 2084069 39854144 2980591 1824997 61948522


Table 14(R+U) Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use in Rural and Urban
Combined for female, Total Indigenous Cattle and Total Cattle
Indigenous Cattle
State/ UT
Under 1 to 3 Over 3 Years Total Total
SNo. 1 Year Years Female Indigenous Total Cattle
In Milk Dry Not Others Cattle
(1) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)
1 ANDAMAN & 3340 2837 4723 4210 931 220 16261 29512 45625
2 ANDHRA 758822 624155 1291366 637040 246550 52749 3610682 7198491 9595942
3 ARUNACHAL 56546 59016 66409 37569 23592 5542 248674 440532 463758
4 ASSAM 1225355 1114764 1803152 1110659 379554 61807 5695291 9911702 10307604
5 BIHAR 1125469 1014305 1739112 1134392 807376 277897 6098551 8756401 12231523
6 CHANDIGARH 115 132 497 385 69 115 1313 1734 8962
7 CHHATTISGARH 770870 842997 1142079 1373241 637051 86099 4852337 9636737 9814896
8 DADRA & 3327 2919 5116 2442 651 346 14801 41170 41870
9 DAMAN & DIU 111 119 405 187 37 117 976 1955 2096
10 GOA 4368 4307 8388 5009 724 254 23050 39954 57480
11 GUJARAT 791051 1148960 1910247 867115 252677 62443 5032493 8057250 9983953
12 HARYANA 91431 87052 161495 107509 20552 32725 500764 812013 1808116
13 HIMACHAL 101945 90414 237932 134393 26791 3895 595370 1165331 2149259
14 JAMMU & 187213 129786 327564 154425 37587 5486 842061 1328639 2798326
15 JHARKHAND 738939 763823 1322971 742749 368266 51630 3988378 8473910 8730083
16 KARNATAKA 700377 591298 1292254 908274 308258 31632 3832093 6603967 9516484
17 KERALA 12737 16110 21022 10986 1831 1880 64566 77045 1328627
18 LAKSHADWEEP 217 187 251 770 535 26 1986 2257 3099
19 MADHYA 2377830 1780630 3488107 2442104 477699 130391 10696761 18761389 19602366
20 MAHARASHTRA 964142 786906 1712728 1340368 186972 62374 5053490 11833330 15484207
21 MANIPUR 27067 30229 43220 18914 10749 3625 133804 219536 263843
22 MEGHALAYA 77965 102237 171473 89551 50910 21474 513610 860753 896000
23 MIZORAM 2645 2467 4572 2805 2066 190 14745 23277 34573
24 NAGALAND 12976 13918 17564 9356 8741 1909 64464 106022 234974
25 NCT OF DELHI 4137 3599 9504 3034 679 1505 22458 25446 86433
26 ODISHA 972899 955731 1394219 1160500 272762 56503 4812614 10315499 11621272
27 PUDUCHERRY 292 246 570 274 46 39 1467 2452 59896
28 PUNJAB 26650 27676 60415 42371 8229 4178 169519 363085 2427714
29 RAJASTHAN 1740383 1285369 3090516 1916800 474772 58338 8566178 11589390 13324462
30 SIKKIM 2269 1597 2663 1640 500 234 8903 13948 140467
31 TAMIL NADU 326481 322688 615592 298386 116686 43171 1723004 2459548 8814042
32 TRIPURA 102053 112076 133182 96563 51285 7735 502894 815687 948794
33 UTTAR 2763114 1698192 4668071 1926889 517056 129142 11702464 15978052 19557067
34 UTTARAKHAND 198811 138337 346502 163516 32651 5517 885334 1508461 2006053
35 WEST BENGAL 1865718 2013971 2555590 1730380 706165 60593 8932417 13717820 16514239
Total 18037665 15769050 29649471 18474806 6031000 1261781 89223773 151172295 190904105


Table 15 R: Details of Buffaloes by Age, Sex and Use in Rural Areas for Male

Over 2 Years
SNo. State/ UT Upto2 Years Used for Used for Used for both Others
Total Male
Breeding Draught Draught and
Only Only Breeding

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 673 154 2393 718 97 4035
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 1073548 69747 126844 28173 12506 1310818

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 557 254 1025 433 328 2597

4 ASSAM 43869 10465 91229 21527 3833 170923

5 BIHAR 657268 51652 91671 35158 113558 949307

6 CHANDIGARH 315 25 3 0 2 345

7 CHHATTISGARH 102501 15923 604539 31660 9864 764487

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 253 175 1304 140 43 1915

9 DAMAN & DIU 43 14 0 5 0 62

10 GOA 2557 1004 1459 689 193 5902

11 GUJARAT 595926 82962 68711 24638 22868 795105

12 HARYANA 751950 16842 66473 40297 7042 882604

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 52480 3562 342 312 2730 59426

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 51560 10831 9815 5265 690 78161

15 JHARKHAND 85710 20351 389470 61244 7245 564020

16 KARNATAKA 280562 17796 38021 4715 3948 345042

17 KERALA 52172 1724 2548 790 9156 66390

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 916881 121797 145357 31361 24145 1239541

20 MAHARASHTRA 361343 52014 124891 22935 4123 565306

21 MANIPUR 8530 3543 6333 8131 784 27321

22 MEGHALAYA 2032 2415 3395 5001 1617 14460

23 MIZORAM 598 147 363 476 26 1610

24 NAGALAND 4125 2595 4658 2817 701 14896

25 NCT OF DELHI 17191 769 567 483 1032 20042

26 ODISHA 59738 14037 235185 17655 3039 329654

27 PUDUCHERRY 38 9 8 0 0 55

28 PUNJAB 432913 16958 27069 32749 2424 512113

29 RAJASTHAN 1370626 86493 37029 20954 17409 1532511

30 SIKKIM 117 14 1 8 0 140

31 TAMIL NADU 58737 12844 6113 3102 3452 84248

32 TRIPURA 1436 489 1307 816 184 4232

33 UTTAR PRADESH 3260194 160533 1015392 182460 101696 4720275

34 UTTARAKHAND 82965 7188 17014 3048 482 110697

35 WEST BENGAL 37164 7471 282439 7126 1430 335630

Total 10366572 792797 3402968 594886 356647 15513870


Table 16 R: Details of Buffaloes by Age, Sex and Use in Rural Areas for Female and Total Buffaloes
Under 1 1 to 3 Over 3 Years
Year Years Total
SNo. State/ UT Total
In Milk Dry Not Others Buffaloes
(1) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 765 686 1084 1025 139 68 3767 7802
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 1970660 1435037 3594116 1304200 500548 137833 8942394 10253212

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1473 434 629 513 269 55 3373 5970

4 ASSAM 57291 48963 82944 53050 16444 4070 262762 433685

5 BIHAR 1712363 807481 1988068 1034276 750531 127242 6419961 7369268

6 CHANDIGARH 976 633 2819 839 46 9 5322 5667

7 CHHATTISGARH 93011 81992 155034 124585 75426 11993 542041 1306528

8 DADRA & NAGAR 263 434 652 170 97 67 1683 3598

9 DAMAN & DIU 41 58 151 57 53 1 361 423

10 GOA 4000 3751 9553 3291 787 122 21504 27406

11 GUJARAT 1887373 1893068 3340534 1485857 436339 110568 9153739 9948844

12 HARYANA 1063351 1058540 1857422 716859 133837 9628 4839637 5722241

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 114344 115485 293145 98507 23199 3221 647901 707327

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 139395 99579 276011 112807 17247 2741 647780 725941

15 JHARKHAND 110976 93710 206031 106803 45346 8840 571706 1135726

16 KARNATAKA 610766 393834 1227924 578148 137713 13455 2961840 3306882

17 KERALA 7675 11900 5965 2251 464 457 28712 95102

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 1495666 1062602 2583894 1165499 253379 74209 6635249 7874790

20 MAHARASHTRA 830715 726882 1948395 961641 140103 36952 4644688 5209994

21 MANIPUR 7571 7635 11055 5405 4722 1092 37480 64801

22 MEGHALAYA 1503 1749 2080 1140 716 411 7599 22059

23 MIZORAM 553 666 391 811 517 31 2969 4579

24 NAGALAND 4001 3114 4140 1947 2162 582 15946 30842

25 NCT OF DELHI 29481 15718 76967 11866 2016 1352 137400 157442

26 ODISHA 70455 64173 119291 92754 19741 5794 372208 701862

27 PUDUCHERRY 62 48 109 36 7 0 262 317

28 PUNJAB 832684 924747 1835908 698318 95644 17144 4404445 4916558

29 RAJASTHAN 2555445 1799279 4303536 1829449 540517 59170 11087396 12619907

30 SIKKIM 125 126 167 111 14 1 544 684

31 TAMIL NADU 110437 109821 221018 96538 29168 8994 575976 660224

32 TRIPURA 1187 1287 1622 1514 638 176 6424 10656

33 UTTAR PRADESH 5486523 4406064 9943743 3292782 1105275 320047 24554434 29274709

34 UTTARAKHAND 153304 131967 391650 138724 31959 3586 851190 961887

35 WEST BENGAL 38357 30992 77476 32247 12783 967 192822 528452

Total 19392792 15332455 34563524 13954020 4377846 960878 88581515 104095385


Table 17 U: Details of Buffaloes by Age, Sex and Use in Urban Areas for Male

Over 2 Years
SNo. State/ UT Upto Used for Used for Used for both Others
Total Male
2 Years Breeding Draught Only Draught and
Only Breeding

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 4 0 0 0 1 5
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 33032 3208 1752 880 843 39715


4 ASSAM 129 79 201 76 12 497

5 BIHAR 19004 1660 1800 903 3762 27129

6 CHANDIGARH 613 74 8 18 8 721

7 CHHATTISGARH 10309 1492 12252 980 570 25603

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 71 7 4 4 0 86

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 4 0 4

10 GOA 419 109 161 91 22 802

11 GUJARAT 30463 5641 858 827 2881 40670

12 HARYANA 50297 1580 1371 1437 594 55279

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 659 39 3 0 48 749

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 929 94 154 11 2 1190

15 JHARKHAND 4203 687 1845 656 163 7554

16 KARNATAKA 12111 1422 1150 298 351 15332

17 KERALA 3777 124 90 17 786 4794

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 35007 3862 3157 1224 829 44079

20 MAHARASHTRA 19384 6832 2283 2436 448 31383

21 MANIPUR 276 131 174 87 13 681

22 MEGHALAYA 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 MIZORAM 68 16 43 51 0 178

24 NAGALAND 331 95 76 279 28 809

25 NCT OF DELHI 332 29 22 16 4 403

26 ODISHA 2458 306 2569 221 47 5601

27 PUDUCHERRY 130 21 1 1 4 157

28 PUNJAB 19017 1209 506 781 75 21588

29 RAJASTHAN 37392 2120 1757 933 563 42765

30 SIKKIM 4 0 0 0 0 4

31 TAMIL NADU 10165 2746 1328 1038 755 16032

32 TRIPURA 21 10 18 3 4 56

33 UTTAR PRADESH 140530 8866 28608 12283 4143 194430

34 UTTARAKHAND 2632 109 653 46 12 3452

35 WEST BENGAL 4741 657 1785 197 49 7429

Total 438508 43225 64629 25798 17017 589177


Table 18 U: Details of Buffaloes by Age, Sex and Use in Urban Areas for
Female and Total Buffaloes
Under 1 to 3 Over 3 Years
1 Year Years Total
SNo. State/ UT Total
In Milk Dry Not Others Buffaloes
Calved Female

(1) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 13 22 16 4 1 0 56 61
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 65558 38340 165744 38723 15694 5804 329863 369578

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 ASSAM 212 158 424 181 17 91 1083 1580

5 BIHAR 29282 24487 63367 26852 21892 4956 170836 197965

6 CHANDIGARH 1051 620 4988 817 170 0 7646 8367

7 CHHATTISGARH 9794 6921 24677 11143 4726 1161 58422 84025

8 DADRA & NAGAR 67 28 212 53 8 10 378 464

9 DAMAN & DIU 1 0 2 0 0 0 3 7

10 GOA 571 552 1816 534 111 6 3590 4392

11 GUJARAT 62910 60697 193496 58931 18033 1993 396060 436730

12 HARYANA 71597 40179 145466 45512 4766 272 307792 363071

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 1499 1336 3718 1125 240 22 7940 8689

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 2620 1489 5450 2119 159 21 11858 13048

15 JHARKHAND 7047 4993 23920 4675 1752 275 42662 50216

16 KARNATAKA 30543 19244 67137 24695 5633 1039 148291 163623

17 KERALA 580 697 858 156 33 49 2373 7167

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 58766 36769 122966 39228 8148 3243 269120 313199

20 MAHARASHTRA 44666 36326 213595 47844 8631 1953 353015 384398

21 MANIPUR 242 217 348 66 14 0 887 1568

22 MEGHALAYA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 MIZORAM 88 58 99 116 56 0 417 595

24 NAGALAND 267 278 262 92 81 89 1069 1878

25 NCT OF DELHI 559 510 3156 54 13 5 4297 4700

26 ODISHA 3821 2296 7974 3520 1087 145 18843 24444

27 PUDUCHERRY 204 263 843 321 3 1 1635 1792

28 PUNJAB 37150 26923 124105 30875 2084 451 221588 243176

29 RAJASTHAN 70034 42750 144022 44754 10742 1121 313423 356188

30 SIKKIM 3 0 4 8 0 0 15 19

31 TAMIL NADU 19285 17767 43547 16447 5637 1492 104175 120207

32 TRIPURA 18 17 27 22 10 0 94 150

33 UTTAR PRADESH 232894 152968 594069 119161 48306 8797 1156195 1350625

34 UTTARAKHAND 3678 2494 12765 2812 436 251 22436 25888

35 WEST BENGAL 7361 5987 39450 6818 1833 49 61498 68927

Total 762381 525386 2008523 527658 160316 33296 4017560 4606737


Table 19 (R+U): Details of Buffaloes by Age, Sex and Use in Rural and Urban Combined for Male

Over 2 Years
SNo. State/ UT
Upto 2 Years Used for Used for Used for both Others Total Male
Breeding Draught Draught and
Only Only Breeding
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 677 154 2393 718 98 4040
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 1106580 72955 128596 29053 13349 1350533

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 557 254 1025 433 328 2597

4 ASSAM 43998 10544 91430 21603 3845 171420

5 BIHAR 676272 53312 93471 36061 117320 976436

6 CHANDIGARH 928 99 11 18 10 1066

7 CHHATTISGARH 112810 17415 616791 32640 10434 790090

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 324 182 1308 144 43 2001

9 DAMAN & DIU 43 14 0 9 0 66

10 GOA 2976 1113 1620 780 215 6704

11 GUJARAT 626389 88603 69569 25465 25749 835775

12 HARYANA 802247 18422 67844 41734 7636 937883

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 53139 3601 345 312 2778 60175

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 52489 10925 9969 5276 692 79351

15 JHARKHAND 89913 21038 391315 61900 7408 571574

16 KARNATAKA 292673 19218 39171 5013 4299 360374

17 KERALA 55949 1848 2638 807 9942 71184

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 951888 125659 148514 32585 24974 1283620

20 MAHARASHTRA 380727 58846 127174 25371 4571 596689

21 MANIPUR 8806 3674 6507 8218 797 28002

22 MEGHALAYA 2032 2415 3395 5001 1617 14460

23 MIZORAM 666 163 406 527 26 1788

24 NAGALAND 4456 2690 4734 3096 729 15705

25 NCT OF DELHI 17523 798 589 499 1036 20445

26 ODISHA 62196 14343 237754 17876 3086 335255

27 PUDUCHERRY 168 30 9 1 4 212

28 PUNJAB 451930 18167 27575 33530 2499 533701

29 RAJASTHAN 1408018 88613 38786 21887 17972 1575276

30 SIKKIM 121 14 1 8 0 144

31 TAMIL NADU 68902 15590 7441 4140 4207 100280

32 TRIPURA 1457 499 1325 819 188 4288

33 UTTAR PRADESH 3400724 169399 1044000 194743 105839 4914705

34 UTTARAKHAND 85597 7297 17667 3094 494 114149

35 WEST BENGAL 41905 8128 284224 7323 1479 343059

Total 10805080 836022 3467597 620684 373664 16103047


Table 20 (R+U): Details of Buffaloes by Age, Sex and Use in Rural and Urban Combined for
Female and Total Buffaloes

Under 1 1 to 3 Over 3 Years Total

SNo. State/ UT Year Years
Total Buffaloes
In Milk Dry Not Others
(1) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 778 708 1100 1029 140 68 3823 7863
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 2036218 1473377 3759860 1342923 516242 143637 9272257 10622790

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1473 434 629 513 269 55 3373 5970

4 ASSAM 57503 49121 83368 53231 16461 4161 263845 435265

5 BIHAR 1741645 831968 2051435 1061128 772423 132198 6590797 7567233

6 CHANDIGARH 2027 1253 7807 1656 216 9 12968 14034

7 CHHATTISGARH 102805 88913 179711 135728 80152 13154 600463 1390553

8 DADRA & NAGAR 330 462 864 223 105 77 2061 4062
9 DAMAN & DIU 42 58 153 57 53 1 364 430

10 GOA 4571 4303 11369 3825 898 128 25094 31798

11 GUJARAT 1950283 1953765 3534030 1544788 454372 112561 9549799 10385574

12 HARYANA 1134948 1098719 2002888 762371 138603 9900 5147429 6085312

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 115843 116821 296863 99632 23439 3243 655841 716016

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 142015 101068 281461 114926 17406 2762 659638 738989

15 JHARKHAND 118023 98703 229951 111478 47098 9115 614368 1185942

16 KARNATAKA 641309 413078 1295061 602843 143346 14494 3110131 3470505

17 KERALA 8255 12597 6823 2407 497 506 31085 102269

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 1554432 1099371 2706860 1204727 261527 77452 6904369 8187989

20 MAHARASHTRA 875381 763208 2161990 1009485 148734 38905 4997703 5594392

21 MANIPUR 7813 7852 11403 5471 4736 1092 38367 66369

22 MEGHALAYA 1503 1749 2080 1140 716 411 7599 22059

23 MIZORAM 641 724 490 927 573 31 3386 5174

24 NAGALAND 4268 3392 4402 2039 2243 671 17015 32720

25 NCT OF DELHI 30040 16228 80123 11920 2029 1357 141697 162142

26 ODISHA 74276 66469 127265 96274 20828 5939 391051 726306

27 PUDUCHERRY 266 311 952 357 10 1 1897 2109

28 PUNJAB 869834 951670 1960013 729193 97728 17595 4626033 5159734

29 RAJASTHAN 2625479 1842029 4447558 1874203 551259 60291 11400819 12976095

30 SIKKIM 128 126 171 119 14 1 559 703

31 TAMIL NADU 129722 127588 264565 112985 34805 10486 680151 780431

32 TRIPURA 1205 1304 1649 1536 648 176 6518 10806

33 UTTAR PRADESH 5719417 4559032 10537812 3411943 1153581 328844 25710629 30625334

34 UTTARAKHAND 156982 134461 404415 141536 32395 3837 873626 987775

35 WEST BENGAL 45718 36979 116926 39065 14616 1016 254320 597379

Total 20155173 15857841 36572047 14481678 4538162 994174 92599075 108702122


Table 21 R: Details of Mithun by Age and Sex in Rural Areas

Under 3 Years 3 Years and Above Total Mithuns

SNo. State/ UT
Male Female Total Male Female Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 49736 58659 108395 53542 80508 134050 242445

4 ASSAM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 BIHAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 CHHATTISGARH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 GUJARAT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 HARYANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 237 203 440 195 282 477 917

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 6 5 11 24 22 46 57

15 JHARKHAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

16 KARNATAKA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 KERALA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

20 MAHARASHTRA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21 MANIPUR 2070 2112 4182 2551 3398 5949 10131

22 MEGHALAYA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 MIZORAM 499 826 1325 643 1244 1887 3212

24 NAGALAND 8017 7798 15815 8859 10040 18899 34714

25 NCT OF DELHI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

26 ODISHA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

27 PUDUCHERRY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

28 PUNJAB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

29 RAJASTHAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

30 SIKKIM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31 TAMIL NADU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

32 TRIPURA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 UTTAR PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

34 UTTARAKHAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

35 WEST BENGAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 60565 69603 130168 65814 95494 161308 291476


Table 22 U: Details of Mithun by Age and Sex in Urban Areas

Under 3 Years 3 Years and Above Total Mithuns

SNo. State/ UT
Male Female Total Male Female Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1114 1171 2285 1572 2698 4270 6555

4 ASSAM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 BIHAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 CHHATTISGARH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 GUJARAT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 HARYANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

15 JHARKHAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

16 KARNATAKA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 KERALA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

20 MAHARASHTRA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21 MANIPUR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 MEGHALAYA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 MIZORAM 9 13 22 24 29 53 75

24 NAGALAND 33 36 69 44 44 88 157

25 NCT OF DELHI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

26 ODISHA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

27 PUDUCHERRY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

28 PUNJAB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

29 RAJASTHAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

30 SIKKIM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31 TAMIL NADU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

32 TRIPURA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 UTTAR PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

34 UTTARAKHAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

35 WEST BENGAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 1157 1220 2377 1640 2771 4411 6788


Table 23 (R+U): Details of Mithun by Age and Sex in Rural and Urban Combined

Under 3 Years 3 Years and Above Total Mithuns

SNo. State/ UT
Male Female Total Male Female Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 50850 59830 110680 55114 83206 138320 249000

4 ASSAM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 BIHAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 CHHATTISGARH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 GUJARAT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 HARYANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 238 203 441 195 282 477 918

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 6 5 11 24 22 46 57

15 JHARKHAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

16 KARNATAKA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 KERALA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

20 MAHARASHTRA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21 MANIPUR 2070 2112 4182 2551 3398 5949 10131

22 MEGHALAYA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 MIZORAM 508 839 1347 667 1273 1940 3287

24 NAGALAND 8050 7834 15884 8903 10084 18987 34871

25 NCT OF DELHI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

26 ODISHA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

27 PUDUCHERRY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

28 PUNJAB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

29 RAJASTHAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

30 SIKKIM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31 TAMIL NADU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

32 TRIPURA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 UTTAR PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

34 UTTARAKHAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

35 WEST BENGAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 61722 70823 132545 67454 98265 165719 298264


Table 24 R: Details of Yaks by Age and Sex in Rural Areas

Under 3 Years 3 Years and Above Total Yaks

SNo. State/ UT
Male Female Total Male Female Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 3420 2818 6238 2975 4545 7520 13758

4 ASSAM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 BIHAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 CHHATTISGARH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 GUJARAT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 HARYANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 586 244 830 1450 615 2065 2895

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 7043 9528 16571 17285 20542 37827 54398

15 JHARKHAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

16 KARNATAKA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 KERALA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

20 MAHARASHTRA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21 MANIPUR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 MEGHALAYA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 MIZORAM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

24 NAGALAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

25 NCT OF DELHI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

26 ODISHA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

27 PUDUCHERRY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

28 PUNJAB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

29 RAJASTHAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

30 SIKKIM 481 731 1212 1100 1724 2824 4036

31 TAMIL NADU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

32 TRIPURA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 UTTAR PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

34 UTTARAKHAND 17 2 19 9 34 43 62

35 WEST BENGAL 225 263 488 261 339 600 1088

Total 11772 13586 25358 23080 27799 50879 76237


Table 25 U: Details of Yaks by Age and Sex in Urban Areas

Under 3 Years 3 Years and Above Total Yaks
SNo. State/ UT
Male Female Total Male Female Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 72 68 140 81 82 163 303

4 ASSAM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 BIHAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 CHHATTISGARH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 GUJARAT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 HARYANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 8 3 11 15 0 15 26

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 7 7 14 70 11 81 95

15 JHARKHAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

16 KARNATAKA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 KERALA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

20 MAHARASHTRA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21 MANIPUR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 MEGHALAYA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 MIZORAM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

24 NAGALAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

25 NCT OF DELHI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

26 ODISHA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

27 PUDUCHERRY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

28 PUNJAB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

29 RAJASTHAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

30 SIKKIM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31 TAMIL NADU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

32 TRIPURA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 UTTAR PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

34 UTTARAKHAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

35 WEST BENGAL 0 0 0 0 1 1 1

Total 87 78 165 166 94 260 425


Table 26 (R+U): Details of Yaks by Age and Sex Rural and Urban Combined
Under 3 Years 3 Years and Above Total Yaks
SNo. State/ UT
Male Female Total Male Female Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 3492 2886 6378 3056 4627 7683 14061

4 ASSAM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 BIHAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 CHHATTISGARH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 GUJARAT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 HARYANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 594 247 841 1465 615 2080 2921

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 7050 9535 16585 17355 20553 37908 54493

15 JHARKHAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

16 KARNATAKA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 KERALA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

20 MAHARASHTRA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21 MANIPUR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 MEGHALAYA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 MIZORAM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

24 NAGALAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

25 NCT OF DELHI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

26 ODISHA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

27 PUDUCHERRY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

28 PUNJAB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

29 RAJASTHAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

30 SIKKIM 481 731 1212 1100 1724 2824 4036

31 TAMIL NADU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

32 TRIPURA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 UTTAR PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

34 UTTARAKHAND 17 2 19 9 34 43 62

35 WEST BENGAL 225 263 488 261 340 601 1089

Total 11859 13664 25523 23246 27893 51139 76662


Table 27 R: Details of Sheep by Age and Sex in Rural Areas for Exotic/ Crossbred

Exotic / Crossbred Sheep

Male Female
Total Exotic /
SNo. State/ UT
Under 1 Year Total Under 1 Year Total Crossbred Sheep
1 year and 1 year and
Above Above
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 8618 7331 15949 12598 20964 33562 49511
3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 248 309 557 303 461 764 1321
4 ASSAM 2625 1797 4422 1897 2747 4644 9066
5 BIHAR 2088 2033 4121 1811 3063 4874 8995
6 CHANDIGARH 0 2 2 1 0 1 3
7 CHHATTISGARH 373 415 788 470 467 937 1725
8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 10 7 17 11 9 20 37
9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 GOA 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
11 GUJARAT 5468 5672 11140 5214 8574 13788 24928
12 HARYANA 9500 5169 14669 9373 24871 34244 48913
13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 33218 53532 86750 55690 162455 218145 304895
14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 387149 296689 683838 482545 1060471 1543016 2226854
15 JHARKHAND 1752 1873 3625 2022 2548 4570 8195
16 KARNATAKA 5697 6428 12125 7099 18339 25438 37563
17 KERALA 73 129 202 63 134 197 399
18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 MADHYA PRADESH 2257 2061 4318 2825 5987 8812 13130
20 MAHARASHTRA 9839 7822 17661 16928 33496 50424 68085
21 MANIPUR 990 969 1959 894 1083 1977 3936
22 MEGHALAYA 134 101 235 182 180 362 597
23 MIZORAM 74 140 214 65 233 298 512
24 NAGALAND 192 237 429 180 189 369 798
25 NCT OF DELHI 96 121 217 102 213 315 532
26 ODISHA 2538 2186 4724 1777 3601 5378 10102
27 PUDUCHERRY 52 126 178 90 446 536 714
28 PUNJAB 3298 3780 7078 6013 14861 20874 27952
29 RAJASTHAN 20643 13961 34604 19257 35223 54480 89084
30 SIKKIM 215 339 554 162 367 529 1083
31 TAMIL NADU 76015 86064 162079 96503 203086 299589 461668
32 TRIPURA 32 35 67 32 34 66 133
33 UTTAR PRADESH 19471 14339 33810 16443 26991 43434 77244
34 UTTARAKHAND 14285 15348 29633 23685 74025 97710 127343
35 WEST BENGAL 6411 5189 11600 5753 6958 12711 24311
Total 613361 534205 1147566 769988 1712076 2482064 3629630


Table 28 R: Details of Sheep by Age and Sex in Rural area for Indigenous and Total Sheep
Indigenous Sheep

Male Female Total
SNo. State/ UT Indigenous
Under 1 Year Total Under 1 1 Year Total Sheep
1 year and Indigenous year and
Above Sheep Above
(1) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 2972835 2160123 5132958 5628007 15250134 20878141 26011099 26060610

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1984 2961 4945 2651 4561 7212 12157 13478

4 ASSAM 97141 97494 194635 116659 192801 309460 504095 513161

5 BIHAR 36684 47782 84466 47511 88312 135823 220289 229284

6 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3

7 CHHATTISGARH 26252 29790 56042 34889 71407 106296 162338 164063

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 27 45 72 8 7 15 87 124

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1

10 GOA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

11 GUJARAT 157257 189345 346602 331580 938534 1270114 1616716 1641644

12 HARYANA 36718 25146 61864 62985 177020 240005 301869 350782

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 56681 87030 143711 98951 256777 355728 499439 804334

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 129536 183888 313424 232531 511995 744526 1057950 3284804

15 JHARKHAND 94961 124351 219312 112690 239355 352045 571357 579552

16 KARNATAKA 987412 863421 1850833 1925745 5525696 7451441 9302274 9339837

17 KERALA 68 596 664 88 226 314 978 1377

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 44766 43516 88282 62873 136188 199061 287343 300473

20 MAHARASHTRA 265211 207850 473061 516364 1476451 1992815 2465876 2533961

21 MANIPUR 1558 2311 3869 1370 2275 3645 7514 11450

22 MEGHALAYA 3702 3463 7165 4848 7479 12327 19492 20089

23 MIZORAM 13 8 21 14 17 31 52 564

24 NAGALAND 703 814 1517 657 720 1377 2894 3692

25 NCT OF DELHI 65 52 117 33 45 78 195 727

26 ODISHA 214406 317711 532117 306736 707017 1013753 1545870 1555972

27 PUDUCHERRY 156 102 258 118 365 483 741 1455

28 PUNJAB 11974 10055 22029 19450 53884 73334 95363 123315

29 RAJASTHAN 1175268 837506 2012774 1926602 4978542 6905144 8917918 9007002

30 SIKKIM 287 326 613 312 615 927 1540 2623

31 TAMIL NADU 575254 551416 1126670 876201 2005904 2882105 4008775 4470443

32 TRIPURA 455 449 904 483 905 1388 2292 2425

33 UTTAR PRADESH 195446 233479 428925 265863 552109 817972 1246897 1324141

34 UTTARAKHAND 27849 36730 64579 48533 127609 176142 240721 368064

35 WEST BENGAL 205402 199308 404710 257344 379532 636876 1041586 1065897

Total 7320071 6257069 13577140 12882096 33686482 46568578 60145718 63775348


Table 29 U: Details of Sheep by Age and Sex in Urban Areas for Exotic/ Crossbred

Exotic / Crossbred Sheep

Male Female
Total Exotic /
SNo. State/ UT Under 1 1 Year Total Under 1 1 Year Total Crossbred Sheep
year and year and
Above Above

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)


2 ANDHRA PRADESH 707 622 1329 664 1835 2499 3828

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 8 6 14 4 2 6 20

4 ASSAM 105 58 163 117 141 258 421

5 BIHAR 70 32 102 25 24 49 151

6 CHANDIGARH 1 0 1 1 0 1 2

7 CHHATTISGARH 21 20 41 7 30 37 78

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 1 11 12 1 10 11 23

11 GUJARAT 281 304 585 225 346 571 1156

12 HARYANA 336 532 868 502 1417 1919 2787

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 42 61 103 65 128 193 296

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 10579 23541 34120 14969 39520 54489 88609

15 JHARKHAND 54 60 114 18 53 71 185

16 KARNATAKA 424 967 1391 390 936 1326 2717

17 KERALA 8 9 17 4 27 31 48

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 133 145 278 243 248 491 769

20 MAHARASHTRA 771 979 1750 576 1211 1787 3537

21 MANIPUR 3 2 5 7 1 8 13

22 MEGHALAYA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 MIZORAM 4 23 27 10 34 44 71

24 NAGALAND 34 33 67 33 33 66 133

25 NCT OF DELHI 109 5 114 4 4 8 122

26 ODISHA 99 118 217 103 184 287 504

27 PUDUCHERRY 12 61 73 4 53 57 130

28 PUNJAB 205 409 614 376 665 1041 1655

29 RAJASTHAN 346 396 742 386 849 1235 1977

30 SIKKIM 1 2 3 0 1 1 4

31 TAMIL NADU 6747 7981 14728 7090 14796 21886 36614

32 TRIPURA 20 45 65 38 41 79 144

33 UTTAR PRADESH 961 1064 2025 1066 1744 2810 4835

34 UTTARAKHAND 21 60 81 15 68 83 164

35 WEST BENGAL 134 83 217 97 154 251 468

Total 22237 37629 59866 27040 64555 91595 151461


Table 30 U: Details of Sheep by Age and Sex in Urban Areas for Indigenous and Total Sheep
Indigenous Sheep
Male Female
SNo. State/ UT Under 1 1 Year Total Under 1 1 Year Total Indigenous
year and Indigenous year and Sheep
Above Sheep Above

(1) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 0 2 2 0 1 1 3 3
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 40946 47487 88433 70600 172112 242712 331145 334973

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 12 9 21 17 13 30 51 71

4 ASSAM 1006 967 1973 1022 1490 2512 4485 4906

5 BIHAR 370 745 1115 681 1236 1917 3032 3183

6 CHANDIGARH 3 26 29 3 29 32 61 63

7 CHHATTISGARH 378 671 1049 868 2165 3033 4082 4160

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23

11 GUJARAT 8027 14863 22890 11619 30441 42060 64950 66106

12 HARYANA 1174 965 2139 2004 4905 6909 9048 11835

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 44 45 89 45 107 152 241 537

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 1786 4480 6266 2438 7368 9806 16072 104681

15 JHARKHAND 521 764 1285 726 1177 1903 3188 3373

16 KARNATAKA 31896 32543 64439 44075 132693 176768 241207 243924

17 KERALA 1 9 10 5 6 11 21 69

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 1035 1315 2350 1609 3752 5361 7711 8480

20 MAHARASHTRA 5630 6527 12157 8037 22689 30726 42883 46420

21 MANIPUR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13

22 MEGHALAYA 1 2 3 2 2 4 7 7

23 MIZORAM 4 4 8 1 6 7 15 86

24 NAGALAND 2 3 5 3 5 8 13 146

25 NCT OF DELHI 21 27 48 14 21 35 83 205

26 ODISHA 4363 4858 9221 5192 10240 15432 24653 25157

27 PUDUCHERRY 3 6 9 2 5 7 16 146

28 PUNJAB 533 683 1216 582 1766 2348 3564 5219

29 RAJASTHAN 8838 9957 18795 13523 38405 51928 70723 72700

30 SIKKIM 2 2 4 2 1 3 7 11

31 TAMIL NADU 43214 47380 90594 57687 131342 189029 279623 316237

32 TRIPURA 96 85 181 138 222 360 541 685

33 UTTAR PRADESH 5042 5533 10575 5177 8925 14102 24677 29512

34 UTTARAKHAND 35 113 148 36 344 380 528 692

35 WEST BENGAL 1696 1894 3590 2360 3800 6160 9750 10218

Total 156679 181965 338644 228468 575268 803736 1142380 1293841


Table 31 (R+U): Details of Sheep by Age and Sex in Rural and Urban Combined for Exotic/ Crossbred
Exotic / Crossbred Sheep
Male Female
Total Exotic /
SNo. State/ UT Under 1 Year Total Under 1 Year and Total Crossbred Sheep
1 year and 1 year Above

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 9325 7953 17278 13262 22799 36061 53339

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 256 315 571 307 463 770 1341

4 ASSAM 2730 1855 4585 2014 2888 4902 9487

5 BIHAR 2158 2065 4223 1836 3087 4923 9146

6 CHANDIGARH 1 2 3 2 0 2 5

7 CHHATTISGARH 394 435 829 477 497 974 1803

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 10 7 17 11 9 20 37

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 1 12 13 1 10 11 24

11 GUJARAT 5749 5976 11725 5439 8920 14359 26084

12 HARYANA 9836 5701 15537 9875 26288 36163 51700

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 33260 53593 86853 55755 162583 218338 305191

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 397728 320230 717958 497514 1099991 1597505 2315463

15 JHARKHAND 1806 1933 3739 2040 2601 4641 8380

16 KARNATAKA 6121 7395 13516 7489 19275 26764 40280

17 KERALA 81 138 219 67 161 228 447

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 2390 2206 4596 3068 6235 9303 13899

20 MAHARASHTRA 10610 8801 19411 17504 34707 52211 71622

21 MANIPUR 993 971 1964 901 1084 1985 3949

22 MEGHALAYA 134 101 235 182 180 362 597

23 MIZORAM 78 163 241 75 267 342 583

24 NAGALAND 226 270 496 213 222 435 931

25 NCT OF DELHI 205 126 331 106 217 323 654

26 ODISHA 2637 2304 4941 1880 3785 5665 10606

27 PUDUCHERRY 64 187 251 94 499 593 844

28 PUNJAB 3503 4189 7692 6389 15526 21915 29607

29 RAJASTHAN 20989 14357 35346 19643 36072 55715 91061

30 SIKKIM 216 341 557 162 368 530 1087

31 TAMIL NADU 82762 94045 176807 103593 217882 321475 498282

32 TRIPURA 52 80 132 70 75 145 277

33 UTTAR PRADESH 20432 15403 35835 17509 28735 46244 82079

34 UTTARAKHAND 14306 15408 29714 23700 74093 97793 127507

35 WEST BENGAL 6545 5272 11817 5850 7112 12962 24779

Total 635598 571834 1207432 797028 1776631 2573659 3781091


Table 32 (R+U): Details of Sheep by Age and Sex in Rural and Urban Combined for
Indigenous and Total Sheep
Indigenous Sheep
Male Female Total
SNo. State/ UT Under 1 Year Total Under 1 1 Year Total Indigenous
1 year and Indigenous year and Sheep
Above Sheep Above
(1) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 0 2 2 0 1 1 3 3
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 3013781 2207610 5221391 5698607 15422246 21120853 26342244 26395583

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1996 2970 4966 2668 4574 7242 12208 13549

4 ASSAM 98147 98461 196608 117681 194291 311972 508580 518067

5 BIHAR 37054 48527 85581 48192 89548 137740 223321 232467

6 CHANDIGARH 3 26 29 3 29 32 61 66

7 CHHATTISGARH 26630 30461 57091 35757 73572 109329 166420 168223

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 27 45 72 8 7 15 87 124

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1

10 GOA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24

11 GUJARAT 165284 204208 369492 343199 968975 1312174 1681666 1707750

12 HARYANA 37892 26111 64003 64989 181925 246914 310917 362617

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 56725 87075 143800 98996 256884 355880 499680 804871

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 131322 188368 319690 234969 519363 754332 1074022 3389485

15 JHARKHAND 95482 125115 220597 113416 240532 353948 574545 582925

16 KARNATAKA 1019308 895964 1915272 1969820 5658389 7628209 9543481 9583761

17 KERALA 69 605 674 93 232 325 999 1446

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 45801 44831 90632 64482 139940 204422 295054 308953

20 MAHARASHTRA 270841 214377 485218 524401 1499140 2023541 2508759 2580381

21 MANIPUR 1558 2311 3869 1370 2275 3645 7514 11463

22 MEGHALAYA 3703 3465 7168 4850 7481 12331 19499 20096

23 MIZORAM 17 12 29 15 23 38 67 650

24 NAGALAND 705 817 1522 660 725 1385 2907 3838

25 NCT OF DELHI 86 79 165 47 66 113 278 932

26 ODISHA 218769 322569 541338 311928 717257 1029185 1570523 1581129

27 PUDUCHERRY 159 108 267 120 370 490 757 1601

28 PUNJAB 12507 10738 23245 20032 55650 75682 98927 128534

29 RAJASTHAN 1184106 847463 2031569 1940125 5016947 6957072 8988641 9079702

30 SIKKIM 289 328 617 314 616 930 1547 2634

31 TAMIL NADU 618468 598796 1217264 933888 2137246 3071134 4288398 4786680

32 TRIPURA 551 534 1085 621 1127 1748 2833 3110

33 UTTAR PRADESH 200488 239012 439500 271040 561034 832074 1271574 1353653

34 UTTARAKHAND 27884 36843 64727 48569 127953 176522 241249 368756

35 WEST BENGAL 207098 201202 408300 259704 383332 643036 1051336 1076115

Total 7476750 6439034 13915784 13110564 34261750 47372314 61288098 65069189


Table 33 R: Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use in Rural Areas

Male Female
1 Year and Above
1 Year
SNo. State/ UT Under 1 Under 1 Total Goats
and Total In Milk Dry Not Total
year year
Above Calved
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
1 ANDAMAN & 11116 11388 22504 12644 13526 10328 2500 38998 61502
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 1156965 974369 2131334 1857561 2815900 1388275 636572 6698308 8829642

3 ARUNACHAL 62919 58441 121360 63071 55767 32351 22113 173302 294662
4 ASSAM 941776 1631084 2572860 1012193 1116812 858558 527749 3515312 6088172

5 BIHAR 1989970 1401471 3391441 2177173 2858527 1823313 1455135 8314148 11705589

6 CHANDIGARH 12 23 35 15 53 16 3 87 122

7 CHHATTISGARH 431652 477358 909010 540561 564649 725706 364300 2195216 3104226

8 DADRA & NAGAR 753 633 1386 622 665 470 180 1937 3323
9 DAMAN & DIU 144 248 392 236 607 328 171 1342 1734

10 GOA 1721 2232 3953 1917 3023 1627 819 7386 11339

11 GUJARAT 565626 430501 996127 824791 1572439 875756 295851 3568837 4564964

12 HARYANA 44321 22255 66576 68836 118873 75970 12478 276157 342733

13 HIMACHAL 131841 177243 309084 176117 235132 325947 69798 806994 1116078
14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 227643 269954 497597 381045 588820 417478 99731 1487074 1984671

15 JHARKHAND 1010848 1142809 2153657 1171633 1526702 1019555 526821 4244711 6398368

16 KARNATAKA 549734 486198 1035932 921360 1377979 1015485 236030 3550854 4586786

17 KERALA 197734 76661 274395 382192 331861 147670 27637 889360 1163755

18 LAKSHADWEEP 7428 6735 14163 9431 8060 8383 6460 32334 46497

19 MADHYA PRADESH 1097162 791758 1888920 1445186 2064163 1806123 365767 5681239 7570159

20 MAHARASHTRA 1213676 563935 1777611 1629049 2484619 1792216 288347 6194231 7971842

21 MANIPUR 11614 12698 24312 11614 12275 6081 4389 34359 58671

22 MEGHALAYA 99180 89450 188630 90800 80618 65586 45514 282518 471148

23 MIZORAM 3446 4105 7551 3451 3166 3367 2582 12566 20117

24 NAGALAND 16915 17497 34412 15136 18006 11042 10086 54270 88682

25 NCT OF DELHI 3488 5307 8795 4134 6258 2826 2582 15800 24595

26 ODISHA 1053856 1199377 2253233 1139344 1274375 1286085 413827 4113631 6366864

27 PUDUCHERRY 6386 3291 9677 10513 14306 8083 1238 34140 43817

28 PUNJAB 37629 27998 65627 58462 109385 65212 11671 244730 310357

29 RAJASTHAN 2828083 1270388 4098471 4087735 6771640 4828194 1242417 16929986 21028457

30 SIKKIM 21944 30673 52617 20393 15427 19737 4227 59784 112401

31 TAMIL NADU 1071876 962434 2034310 1612069 1944311 1137661 529657 5223698 7258008

32 TRIPURA 114247 78212 192459 129402 111916 102849 62328 406495 598954

33 UTTAR PRADESH 2166355 1827737 3994092 3003250 3857896 2506695 999753 10367594 14361686

34 UTTARAKHAND 161693 203866 365559 229590 328989 336220 86740 981539 1347098

35 WEST BENGAL 2281874 2005484 4287358 2260563 2161038 1705245 729585 6856431 11143789

Total 19521627 16263813 35785440 25352089 34447783 24410438 9085058 93295368 129080808


Table 34 U: Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use in Urban Areas

Male Female

Under 1 Year and Total Under 1 1 Year and Above

1 Above year Total
SNo State/ UT year Total Goats
. In Milk Dry Not

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
1 ANDAMAN & 812 552 1364 819 794 811 34 2458 3822
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 34695 34751 69446 51707 75337 27463 17626 172133 241579

3 ARUNACHAL 2195 2551 4746 1735 2070 1123 1202 6130 10876
4 ASSAM 16985 10904 27889 15524 19632 12107 5869 53132 81021
5 BIHAR 82278 48832 131110 91834 110835 65628 48524 316821 447931
6 CHANDIGARH 80 183 263 105 268 42 5 420 683
7 CHHATTISGARH 16727 22257 38984 21019 23339 26177 11562 82097 121081
8 DADRA & NAGAR 155 124 279 125 292 111 43 571 850
9 DAMAN & DIU 58 58 116 61 88 30 26 205 321
10 GOA 174 257 431 260 468 391 69 1188 1619
11 GUJARAT 49376 73941 123317 66572 129724 47095 27300 270691 394008
12 HARYANA 3313 2640 5953 4737 9670 5194 829 20430 26383
13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 410 438 848 572 799 1069 125 2565 3413

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 4557 5495 10052 6123 11072 4998 984 23177 33229

15 JHARKHAND 28217 30134 58351 35405 47146 26841 15338 124730 183081
16 KARNATAKA 26746 25525 52271 42974 64978 39593 9545 157090 209361
17 KERALA 13936 6986 20922 25476 26436 7840 1648 61400 82322
18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 62312 67742 130054 82540 123173 86957 21053 313723 443777

20 MAHARASHTRA 65248 56914 122162 88263 156509 79135 17396 341303 463465
21 MANIPUR 964 696 1660 1491 995 355 1986 4827 6487
22 MEGHALAYA 481 418 899 375 208 182 258 1023 1922
23 MIZORAM 413 358 771 445 270 374 229 1318 2089
24 NAGALAND 2252 1923 4175 2101 2193 1288 911 6493 10668
25 NCT OF DELHI 1627 1437 3064 1369 1107 229 106 2811 5875
26 ODISHA 24016 24704 48720 27892 31560 27479 10572 97503 146223
27 PUDUCHERRY 1611 1148 2759 2898 3395 1937 144 8374 11133
28 PUNJAB 2339 2674 5013 2726 5845 2771 560 11902 16915
29 RAJASTHAN 89227 72438 161665 113965 235220 102611 24021 475817 637482
30 SIKKIM 264 222 486 193 118 132 34 477 963
31 TAMIL NADU 144947 128768 273715 201940 246162 110105 53411 611618 885333
32 TRIPURA 2133 1025 3158 2886 2392 2387 1145 8810 11968
33 UTTAR PRADESH 180199 209391 389590 218939 385008 157821 72571 834339 1223929
34 UTTARAKHAND 2447 4915 7362 2304 4800 4467 1382 12953 20315
35 WEST BENGAL 66147 63939 130086 77581 82656 49919 21919 232075 362161
Total 927341 904340 1831681 1192956 1804559 894662 368427 4260604 6092285


Table 35 (R+U): Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use in Rural and Urban Combined
Male Female
Under 1 Year Total Under 1 Year and Above Total
SNo. State/ UT 1 and 1 Total Goats
Year Above Year In Milk Dry Not
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
1 ANDAMAN & 11928 11940 23868 13463 14320 11139 2534 41456 65324
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 1191660 1009120 2200780 1909268 2891237 1415738 654198 6870441 9071221

3 ARUNACHAL 65114 60992 126106 64806 57837 33474 23315 179432 305538
4 ASSAM 958761 1641988 2600749 1027717 1136444 870665 533618 3568444 6169193

5 BIHAR 2072248 1450303 3522551 2269007 2969362 1888941 1503659 8630969 12153520

6 CHANDIGARH 92 206 298 120 321 58 8 507 805

7 CHHATTISGARH 448379 499615 947994 561580 587988 751883 375862 2277313 3225307

8 DADRA & NAGAR 908 757 1665 747 957 581 223 2508 4173
9 DAMAN & DIU 202 306 508 297 695 358 197 1547 2055

10 GOA 1895 2489 4384 2177 3491 2018 888 8574 12958

11 GUJARAT 615002 504442 1119444 891363 1702163 922851 323151 3839528 4958972

12 HARYANA 47634 24895 72529 73573 128543 81164 13307 296587 369116

13 HIMACHAL 132251 177681 309932 176689 235931 327016 69923 809559 1119491
14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 232200 275449 507649 387168 599892 422476 100715 1510251 2017900

15 JHARKHAND 1039065 1172943 2212008 1207038 1573848 1046396 542159 4369441 6581449

16 KARNATAKA 576480 511723 1088203 964334 1442957 1055078 245575 3707944 4796147

17 KERALA 211670 83647 295317 407668 358297 155510 29285 950760 1246077

18 LAKSHADWEEP 7428 6735 14163 9431 8060 8383 6460 32334 46497

19 MADHYA PRADESH 1159474 859500 2018974 1527726 2187336 1893080 386820 5994962 8013936

20 MAHARASHTRA 1278924 620849 1899773 1717312 2641128 1871351 305743 6535534 8435307

21 MANIPUR 12578 13394 25972 13105 13270 6436 6375 39186 65158

22 MEGHALAYA 99661 89868 189529 91175 80826 65768 45772 283541 473070

23 MIZORAM 3859 4463 8322 3896 3436 3741 2811 13884 22206

24 NAGALAND 19167 19420 38587 17237 20199 12330 10997 60763 99350

25 NCT OF DELHI 5115 6744 11859 5503 7365 3055 2688 18611 30470

26 ODISHA 1077872 1224081 2301953 1167236 1305935 1313564 424399 4211134 6513087

27 PUDUCHERRY 7997 4439 12436 13411 17701 10020 1382 42514 54950

28 PUNJAB 39968 30672 70640 61188 115230 67983 12231 256632 327272

29 RAJASTHAN 2917310 1342826 4260136 4201700 7006860 4930805 1266438 17405803 21665939

30 SIKKIM 22208 30895 53103 20586 15545 19869 4261 60261 113364

31 TAMIL NADU 1216823 1091202 2308025 1814009 2190473 1247766 583068 5835316 8143341

32 TRIPURA 116380 79237 195617 132288 114308 105236 63473 415305 610922

33 UTTAR PRADESH 2346554 2037128 4383682 3222189 4242904 2664516 1072324 11201933 15585615

34 UTTARAKHAND 164140 208781 372921 231894 333789 340687 88122 994492 1367413

35 WEST BENGAL 2348021 2069423 4417444 2338144 2243694 1755164 751504 7088506 11505950

Total 20448968 17168153 37617121 26545045 36252342 25305100 9453485 97555972 135173093


Table 36 R: Details of Pigs by age and sex in Rural for Exotic/ Crossbred
Exotic / Crossbred Pigs
Male Female
Total Exotic /
SNo. State/ UT Under 6 Months Total Under 6 Months Total Crossbred Pigs
6 & 6 &
Months Above Months Above

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 2995 2561 5556 2572 2478 5050 10606

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 4207 4461 8668 5666 7074 12740 21408

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 10069 9210 19279 6675 6633 13308 32587

4 ASSAM 170061 159811 329872 138680 137510 276190 606062

5 BIHAR 5349 4688 10037 4860 4983 9843 19880

6 CHANDIGARH 1 6 7 0 4 4 11

7 CHHATTISGARH 4620 3969 8589 4510 4657 9167 17756

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 1030 1244 2274 1513 1661 3174 5448

11 GUJARAT 211 123 334 169 238 407 741

12 HARYANA 9638 6705 16343 11632 11693 23325 39668

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 315 610 925 280 423 703 1628

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 151 202 353 208 275 483 836

15 JHARKHAND 10262 9794 20056 8448 8621 17069 37125

16 KARNATAKA 8071 9397 17468 8631 12132 20763 38231

17 KERALA 9581 10723 20304 10635 16353 26988 47292

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 2064 1942 4006 2162 2587 4749 8755

20 MAHARASHTRA 4812 4918 9730 5616 7232 12848 22578

21 MANIPUR 38727 38688 77415 37068 34765 71833 149248

22 MEGHALAYA 32690 37154 69844 28358 35083 63441 133285

23 MIZORAM 34972 29314 64286 26774 26615 53389 117675

24 NAGALAND 84064 83102 167166 74510 74869 149379 316545

25 NCT OF DELHI 823 1074 1897 600 932 1532 3429

26 ODISHA 1178 716 1894 934 784 1718 3612

27 PUDUCHERRY 17 13 30 3 34 37 67

28 PUNJAB 3591 3264 6855 3421 4298 7719 14574

29 RAJASTHAN 3071 2914 5985 3054 4102 7156 13141

30 SIKKIM 8034 10756 18790 3587 4359 7946 26736

31 TAMIL NADU 5459 5617 11076 5336 7260 12596 23672

32 TRIPURA 57761 53132 110893 51305 49149 100454 211347

33 UTTAR PRADESH 34230 39423 73653 35421 42528 77949 151602

34 UTTARAKHAND 913 983 1896 823 1193 2016 3912

35 WEST BENGAL 16227 10093 26320 12111 8595 20706 47026

Total 565194 546607 1111801 495562 519120 1014682 2126483


Table 37 R: Details of Pigs by age and sex in Rural Areas for Indigenous and total Pigs

Indigenous Pigs

Male Female Total

SNo. State/ UT Indigenous Total Pigs
6 Months 6 Months
Under 6 Under 6 Pigs
& Total & Total
Months Months
Above Above
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (1)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 6624 5833 12457 6735 5829 12564 25021 35627
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 59024 55481 114505 88279 110672 198951 313456 334864

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 78813 76633 155446 79226 75032 154258 309704 342291

4 ASSAM 280622 243716 524338 245883 242654 488537 1012875 1618937

5 BIHAR 226504 108086 334590 120404 141105 261509 596099 615979

6 CHANDIGARH 4 0 4 0 0 0 4 15

7 CHHATTISGARH 89551 81407 170958 106337 111201 217538 388496 406252

8 DADRA & NAGAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 7293 7815 15108 7737 9129 16866 31974 37422

11 GUJARAT 377 632 1009 467 515 982 1991 2732

12 HARYANA 12315 10069 22384 16281 18202 34483 56867 96535

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 786 1370 2156 284 514 798 2954 4582

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 437 363 800 339 335 674 1474 2310

15 JHARKHAND 210022 203010 413032 228054 243705 471759 884791 921916

16 KARNATAKA 24837 28424 53261 40941 65119 106060 159321 197552

17 KERALA 947 1353 2300 817 1627 2444 4744 52036

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 27176 23743 50919 31866 36760 68626 119545 128300

20 MAHARASHTRA 45594 39011 84605 58426 67074 125500 210105 232683

21 MANIPUR 22230 24089 46319 21146 19781 40927 87246 236494

22 MEGHALAYA 98562 113607 212169 91791 104257 196048 408217 541502

23 MIZORAM 6351 7182 13533 6466 7156 13622 27155 144830

24 NAGALAND 32335 31480 63815 26508 26594 53102 116917 433462

25 NCT OF DELHI 19183 10628 29811 18474 10509 28983 58794 62223

26 ODISHA 57738 53776 111514 73900 72320 146220 257734 261346

27 PUDUCHERRY 65 69 134 78 116 194 328 395

28 PUNJAB 2005 1856 3861 1973 2244 4217 8078 22652

29 RAJASTHAN 31771 32646 64417 37073 52532 89605 154022 167163

30 SIKKIM 662 937 1599 408 440 848 2447 29183

31 TAMIL NADU 26676 30512 57188 30367 36831 67198 124386 148058

32 TRIPURA 38206 36190 74396 37175 36036 73211 147607 358954

33 UTTAR PRADESH 219879 236436 456315 256962 295276 552238 1008553 1160155

34 UTTARAKHAND 1313 1894 3207 1379 1997 3376 6583 10495

35 WEST BENGAL 142342 119979 262321 158462 151316 309778 572099 619125

Total 1770244 1588227 3358471 1794238 1946878 3741116 7099587 9226070


Table 38 U: Details of Pigs by age and sex in Urban Areas for Exotic/Crossbred
Exotic / Crossbred Pigs
Male Female
Total Exotic /
SNo. State/ UT Under 6 Total Under 6 6 Total Crossbred Pigs
6 Months & Months Months &
Months Above Above

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

ISLANDS 35 82 117 28 72 100 217

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 1113 1037 2150 1342 1451 2793 4943

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1690 1854 3544 609 629 1238 4782
4 ASSAM 2485 1843 4328 1562 1716 3278 7606
5 BIHAR 1146 941 2087 960 1255 2215 4302
6 CHANDIGARH 8 14 22 11 65 76 98
7 CHHATTISGARH 1062 1006 2068 1086 1233 2319 4387
8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 GOA 82 123 205 87 216 303 508
11 GUJARAT 34 41 75 24 45 69 144
12 HARYANA 2423 2328 4751 2251 3122 5373 10124
13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 67 77 144 80 91 171 315
14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 0 24 24 2 16 18 42
15 JHARKHAND 1197 1173 2370 990 1257 2247 4617
16 KARNATAKA 1015 1732 2747 1099 1447 2546 5293
17 KERALA 722 636 1358 1243 924 2167 3525
18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 977 1212 2189 1060 1534 2594 4783

20 MAHARASHTRA 2981 3784 6765 3428 4684 8112 14877
21 MANIPUR 8417 6664 15081 9148 9069 18217 33298
22 MEGHALAYA 80 105 185 84 69 153 338
23 MIZORAM 27705 23199 50904 22324 22049 44373 95277
24 NAGALAND 17264 18288 35552 14357 14265 28622 64174
25 NCT OF DELHI 1333 2183 3516 912 724 1636 5152
26 ODISHA 188 190 378 109 165 274 652
27 PUDUCHERRY 31 167 198 18 193 211 409
28 PUNJAB 650 933 1583 626 973 1599 3182
29 RAJASTHAN 1950 2039 3989 1619 2336 3955 7944
30 SIKKIM 236 216 452 141 127 268 720
31 TAMIL NADU 1403 1769 3172 1757 2192 3949 7121
32 TRIPURA 550 580 1130 552 614 1166 2296
33 UTTAR PRADESH 8408 7324 15732 7428 7189 14617 30349
34 UTTARAKHAND 695 916 1611 647 1052 1699 3310
35 WEST BENGAL 1415 1077 2492 1299 1330 2629 5121
Total 87362 83557 170919 76883 82104 158987 329906


Table 39 U: Details of Pigs by age and sex in Urban Areas for Indigenous and total Pigs

Indigenous Pigs

Male Female Total

SNo. State/ UT Under 6 Total Under 6 Months Total Indigenous
6 Months 6 & Pigs
Months & Months Above
(1) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
ISLANDS 10 17 27 15 35 50 77 294

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 9047 10893 19940 14058 20557 34615 54555 59498
3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 2303 2909 5212 1828 2232 4060 9272 14054
4 ASSAM 2483 2091 4574 2595 2310 4905 9479 17085
5 BIHAR 6575 6621 13196 6909 9327 16236 29432 33734
6 CHANDIGARH 0 12 12 2 8 10 22 120
7 CHHATTISGARH 5748 5386 11134 7907 9379 17286 28420 32807
HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 2 1 3 7 4 11 14 14

10 GOA 1258 1413 2671 1338 1628 2966 5637 6145
11 GUJARAT 281 366 647 342 414 756 1403 1547
12 HARYANA 3884 3743 7627 5701 6958 12659 20286 30410
13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 45 22 67 41 28 69 136 451
14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 17 17 34 9 26 35 69 111
15 JHARKHAND 7247 7311 14558 9310 11966 21276 35834 40451
16 KARNATAKA 16202 17736 33938 24207 43808 68015 101953 107246
17 KERALA 27 76 103 47 71 118 221 3746
18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 MADHYA PRADESH 8731 10658 19389 9267 13514 22781 42170 46953
20 MAHARASHTRA 14730 17753 32483 17810 27903 45713 78196 93073
21 MANIPUR 1686 1626 3312 2055 2056 4111 7423 40721
22 MEGHALAYA 300 598 898 324 319 643 1541 1879
23 MIZORAM 1254 1256 2510 1160 1461 2621 5131 100408
24 NAGALAND 1911 1950 3861 1023 1168 2191 6052 70226
25 NCT OF DELHI 963 4547 5510 319 3142 3461 8971 14123
26 ODISHA 4273 3422 7695 5272 5351 10623 18318 18970
27 PUDUCHERRY 35 30 65 65 76 141 206 615
28 PUNJAB 1408 1885 3293 1304 1790 3094 6387 9569
29 RAJASTHAN 14158 16444 30602 12394 19571 31965 62567 70511
30 SIKKIM 3 1 4 0 0 0 4 724
31 TAMIL NADU 5516 6930 12446 6730 9628 16358 28804 35925
32 TRIPURA 223 288 511 268 505 773 1284 3580
33 UTTAR PRADESH 36477 36568 73045 35220 35623 70843 143888 174237
34 UTTARAKHAND 1332 1694 3026 1186 1890 3076 6102 9412
35 WEST BENGAL 5698 4621 10319 6681 6865 13546 23865 28986
Total 153827 168885 322712 175394 239613 415007 737719 1067625


Table 40 (R+U): Details of Pigs by age and sex in Rural and Urban Combined for Exotic/Crossbred
Exotic / Crossbred Pigs
Male Female
Total Exotic /
SNo. State/ UT
Under 6 Months Total Under 6 Months Total Crossbred Pigs
6 & 6 &
Months Above Months Above
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 3030 2643 5673 2600 2550 5150 10823
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 5320 5498 10818 7008 8525 15533 26351

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 11759 11064 22823 7284 7262 14546 37369

4 ASSAM 172546 161654 334200 140242 139226 279468 613668

5 BIHAR 6495 5629 12124 5820 6238 12058 24182

6 CHANDIGARH 9 20 29 11 69 80 109

7 CHHATTISGARH 5682 4975 10657 5596 5890 11486 22143

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 1112 1367 2479 1600 1877 3477 5956

11 GUJARAT 245 164 409 193 283 476 885

12 HARYANA 12061 9033 21094 13883 14815 28698 49792

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 382 687 1069 360 514 874 1943

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 151 226 377 210 291 501 878

15 JHARKHAND 11459 10967 22426 9438 9878 19316 41742

16 KARNATAKA 9086 11129 20215 9730 13579 23309 43524

17 KERALA 10303 11359 21662 11878 17277 29155 50817

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 3041 3154 6195 3222 4121 7343 13538

20 MAHARASHTRA 7793 8702 16495 9044 11916 20960 37455

21 MANIPUR 47144 45352 92496 46216 43834 90050 182546

22 MEGHALAYA 32770 37259 70029 28442 35152 63594 133623

23 MIZORAM 62677 52513 115190 49098 48664 97762 212952

24 NAGALAND 101328 101390 202718 88867 89134 178001 380719

25 NCT OF DELHI 2156 3257 5413 1512 1656 3168 8581

26 ODISHA 1366 906 2272 1043 949 1992 4264

27 PUDUCHERRY 48 180 228 21 227 248 476

28 PUNJAB 4241 4197 8438 4047 5271 9318 17756

29 RAJASTHAN 5021 4953 9974 4673 6438 11111 21085

30 SIKKIM 8270 10972 19242 3728 4486 8214 27456

31 TAMIL NADU 6862 7386 14248 7093 9452 16545 30793

32 TRIPURA 58311 53712 112023 51857 49763 101620 213643

33 UTTAR PRADESH 42638 46747 89385 42849 49717 92566 181951

34 UTTARAKHAND 1608 1899 3507 1470 2245 3715 7222

35 WEST BENGAL 17642 11170 28812 13410 9925 23335 52147

Total 652556 630164 1282720 572445 601224 1173669 2456389


Table 41 (R+U): Details of Pigs by age and sex in Rural and Urban Combined for
Indigenous and total Pigs
Indigenous Pigs
Male Female Total
SNo. State/ UT Under 6 Months Total Under 6 Months Total Indigenous Total Pigs
6 & 6 & Pigs
Months Above Months Above

(1) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 6634 5850 12484 6750 5864 12614 25098 35921
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 68071 66374 134445 102337 131229 233566 368011 394362

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 81116 79542 160658 81054 77264 158318 318976 356345

4 ASSAM 283105 245807 528912 248478 244964 493442 1022354 1636022

5 BIHAR 233079 114707 347786 127313 150432 277745 625531 649713

6 CHANDIGARH 4 12 16 2 8 10 26 135

7 CHHATTISGARH 95299 86793 182092 114244 120580 234824 416916 439059

8 DADRA & NAGAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 2 1 3 7 4 11 14 14

10 GOA 8551 9228 17779 9075 10757 19832 37611 43567

11 GUJARAT 658 998 1656 809 929 1738 3394 4279

12 HARYANA 16199 13812 30011 21982 25160 47142 77153 126945

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 831 1392 2223 325 542 867 3090 5033

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 454 380 834 348 361 709 1543 2421

15 JHARKHAND 217269 210321 427590 237364 255671 493035 920625 962367

16 KARNATAKA 41039 46160 87199 65148 108927 174075 261274 304798

17 KERALA 974 1429 2403 864 1698 2562 4965 55782

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 35907 34401 70308 41133 50274 91407 161715 175253

20 MAHARASHTRA 60324 56764 117088 76236 94977 171213 288301 325756

21 MANIPUR 23916 25715 49631 23201 21837 45038 94669 277215

22 MEGHALAYA 98862 114205 213067 92115 104576 196691 409758 543381

23 MIZORAM 7605 8438 16043 7626 8617 16243 32286 245238

24 NAGALAND 34246 33430 67676 27531 27762 55293 122969 503688

25 NCT OF DELHI 20146 15175 35321 18793 13651 32444 67765 76346

26 ODISHA 62011 57198 119209 79172 77671 156843 276052 280316

27 PUDUCHERRY 100 99 199 143 192 335 534 1010

28 PUNJAB 3413 3741 7154 3277 4034 7311 14465 32221

29 RAJASTHAN 45929 49090 95019 49467 72103 121570 216589 237674

30 SIKKIM 665 938 1603 408 440 848 2451 29907

31 TAMIL NADU 32192 37442 69634 37097 46459 83556 153190 183983

32 TRIPURA 38429 36478 74907 37443 36541 73984 148891 362534

33 UTTAR PRADESH 256356 273004 529360 292182 330899 623081 1152441 1334392

34 UTTARAKHAND 2645 3588 6233 2565 3887 6452 12685 19907

35 WEST BENGAL 148040 124600 272640 165143 158181 323324 595964 648111

Total 1924071 1757112 3681183 1969632 2186491 4156123 7837306 10293695


Table 42 R: Details of Horses & Ponies by Age, Sex and Use in Rural Areas
Male Female
3 Year and Total Horses
SNo. State/ UT Under Above Under &
3 Year and
3 Total 3 Total Ponies
Used for Cart Used for Above
year year
and Carriage Sport
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 6 0 3 9 0 1 1 10
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 460 1152 371 1983 571 823 1394 3377

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 601 1426 178 2205 684 1122 1806 4011

4 ASSAM 2923 6167 441 9531 1258 3350 4608 14139

5 BIHAR 9319 9398 6696 25413 5394 14980 20374 45787

6 CHANDIGARH 1 16 0 17 0 15 15 32

7 CHHATTISGARH 400 735 376 1511 223 659 882 2393

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 2 5 0 7 0 0 0 7

9 DAMAN & DIU 1 5 3 9 2 7 9 18

10 GOA 3 5 1 9 2 6 8 17

11 GUJARAT 1961 2448 1451 5860 2346 6461 8807 14667

12 HARYANA 12853 4054 447 17354 4250 11151 15401 32755

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 1565 7223 463 9251 1012 4605 5617 14868

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 19465 61202 4742 85409 14162 40785 54947 140356

15 JHARKHAND 778 1810 946 3534 620 1386 2006 5540

16 KARNATAKA 1743 3522 1059 6324 1230 3273 4503 10827

17 KERALA 64 16 20 100 30 24 54 154

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 2754 3565 2006 8325 1441 6413 7854 16179

20 MAHARASHTRA 5911 9835 3506 19252 3818 7711 11529 30781

21 MANIPUR 108 267 169 544 150 348 498 1042

22 MEGHALAYA 585 559 460 1604 176 531 707 2311

23 MIZORAM 120 262 12 394 77 199 276 670

24 NAGALAND 81 65 137 283 15 88 103 386

25 NCT OF DELHI 231 277 23 531 155 527 682 1213

26 ODISHA 909 80 932 1921 27 1388 1415 3336

27 PUDUCHERRY 4 4 3 11 3 14 17 28

28 PUNJAB 3746 7037 1199 11982 4631 12286 16917 28899

29 RAJASTHAN 4687 2264 3028 9979 6398 16997 23395 33374

30 SIKKIM 65 206 13 284 46 181 227 511

31 TAMIL NADU 882 494 650 2026 484 986 1470 3496

32 TRIPURA 8 1 1 10 1 1 2 12

33 UTTAR PRADESH 13243 52417 8278 73938 13731 46022 59753 133691

34 UTTARAKHAND 2671 6567 1125 10363 880 3912 4792 15155

35 WEST BENGAL 369 1886 185 2440 238 586 824 3264

Total 88519 184970 38924 312413 64055 186838 250893 563306


Table 43 U: Details of Horses & Ponies by Age, Sex and Use in Urban Areas

Male Female
Under 3 Year and
3 Above Total Horses &
SNo. State/ UT year Under
Used for Used 3 Year Ponies
Total 3 Total
Cart for and Above
and Sport
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 311 189 748 1248 286 275 561 1809

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 4 5 0 9 2 5 7 16

4 ASSAM 1 12 0 13 0 1 1 14

5 BIHAR 605 1134 166 1905 288 865 1153 3058

6 CHANDIGARH 9 79 12 100 7 50 57 157

7 CHHATTISGARH 60 243 25 328 77 165 242 570

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 3

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 11 0 11 1 1 2 13

10 GOA 2 1 1 4 0 4 4 8

11 GUJARAT 451 1251 351 2053 342 1202 1544 3597

12 HARYANA 474 1088 66 1628 524 1748 2272 3900

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 15 112 6 133 23 57 80 213

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 555 2396 57 3008 210 919 1129 4137

15 JHARKHAND 20 78 30 128 13 25 38 166

16 KARNATAKA 508 520 372 1400 307 442 749 2149

17 KERALA 17 3 31 51 7 6 13 64

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 392 1115 224 1731 239 654 893 2624

20 MAHARASHTRA 782 2121 2107 5010 313 1183 1496 6506

21 MANIPUR 2 10 18 30 12 17 29 59

22 MEGHALAYA 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 3

23 MIZORAM 6 15 0 21 4 27 31 52

24 NAGALAND 2 44 5 51 7 29 36 87

25 NCT OF DELHI 123 319 16 458 212 811 1023 1481

26 ODISHA 16 10 9 35 9 17 26 61

27 PUDUCHERRY 1 1 0 2 1 2 3 5

28 PUNJAB 415 1553 174 2142 416 1403 1819 3961

29 RAJASTHAN 805 1034 464 2303 636 1463 2099 4402

30 SIKKIM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31 TAMIL NADU 241 327 453 1021 176 610 786 1807

32 TRIPURA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 UTTAR PRADESH 2357 7295 1273 10925 1886 5346 7232 18157

34 UTTARAKHAND 113 637 61 811 114 278 392 1203

35 WEST BENGAL 36 165 673 874 89 181 270 1144

Total 8323 21768 7348 37439 6201 17786 23987 61426


Table 44 (R+U): Details of Horses & Ponies by Age, Sex and Use in Rural and UrbanCombined

Male Female

3 Year and Total Total

Above Horses
SNo. State/ UT Under Under
3 Year and &
3 Used for Used 3 Total Ponies
Year Cart and for Year
Carriage Sport

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 6 0 3 9 0 1 1 10
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 771 1341 1119 3231 857 1098 1955 5186
3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 605 1431 178 2214 686 1127 1813 4027
4 ASSAM 2924 6179 441 9544 1258 3351 4609 14153
5 BIHAR 9924 10532 6862 27318 5682 15845 21527 48845
6 CHANDIGARH 10 95 12 117 7 65 72 189
7 CHHATTISGARH 460 978 401 1839 300 824 1124 2963
8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 2 5 3 10 0 0 0 10
9 DAMAN & DIU 1 16 3 20 3 8 11 31
10 GOA 5 6 2 13 2 10 12 25
11 GUJARAT 2412 3699 1802 7913 2688 7663 10351 18264
12 HARYANA 13327 5142 513 18982 4774 12899 17673 36655
13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 1580 7335 469 9384 1035 4662 5697 15081
14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 20020 63598 4799 88417 14372 41704 56076 144493
15 JHARKHAND 798 1888 976 3662 633 1411 2044 5706
16 KARNATAKA 2251 4042 1431 7724 1537 3715 5252 12976
17 KERALA 81 19 51 151 37 30 67 218
18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 MADHYA PRADESH 3146 4680 2230 10056 1680 7067 8747 18803
20 MAHARASHTRA 6693 11956 5613 24262 4131 8894 13025 37287
21 MANIPUR 110 277 187 574 162 365 527 1101
22 MEGHALAYA 585 559 463 1607 176 531 707 2314
23 MIZORAM 126 277 12 415 81 226 307 722
24 NAGALAND 83 109 142 334 22 117 139 473
25 NCT OF DELHI 354 596 39 989 367 1338 1705 2694
26 ODISHA 925 90 941 1956 36 1405 1441 3397
27 PUDUCHERRY 5 5 3 13 4 16 20 33
28 PUNJAB 4161 8590 1373 14124 5047 13689 18736 32860
29 RAJASTHAN 5492 3298 3492 12282 7034 18460 25494 37776
30 SIKKIM 65 206 13 284 46 181 227 511
31 TAMIL NADU 1123 821 1103 3047 660 1596 2256 5303
32 TRIPURA 8 1 1 10 1 1 2 12
33 UTTAR PRADESH 15600 59712 9551 84863 15617 51368 66985 151848
34 UTTARAKHAND 2784 7204 1186 11174 994 4190 5184 16358
35 WEST BENGAL 405 2051 858 3314 327 767 1094 4408
Total 96842 206738 46272 349852 70256 204624 274880 624732


Table 45 R: Details of Mules and Donkeys by age and sex in Rural Areas

Mules Donkeys

Under 3 Year Total Male Female

3 and Mules
SNo. State/ UT year Above
Under 3 Year Total Under 3 3 Year Total Donkeys
3 year and year and
Above Above

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
1 ANDAMAN & 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 4

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 123 144 267 2127 4458 6585 1768 3567 5335 11920

3 ARUNACHAL 270 64 334 20 16 36 2 1 3 39

4 ASSAM 50 42 92 481 376 857 124 68 192 1049
5 BIHAR 11078 13566 24644 5682 6651 12333 3318 3840 7158 19491
6 CHANDIGARH 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 CHHATTISGARH 428 1130 1558 213 77 290 187 123 310 600
8 DADRA & NAGAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 GOA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 GUJARAT 56 72 128 3893 12155 16048 3628 8992 12620 28668
12 HARYANA 1610 5928 7538 487 901 1388 214 666 880 2268
13 HIMACHAL 2558 20533 23091 795 3517 4312 577 2385 2962 7274
14 JAMMU & 6630 29660 36290 2112 7556 9668 1878 5393 7271 16939
15 JHARKHAND 1157 2733 3890 176 62 238 56 10 66 304
16 KARNATAKA 193 556 749 2835 5200 8035 2423 4462 6885 14920
17 KERALA 35 198 233 157 44 201 92 114 206 407
18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 MADHYA PRADESH 2563 3499 6062 1767 3437 5204 1456 2706 4162 9366

20 MAHARASHTRA 912 1076 1988 3455 9146 12601 2669 6335 9004 21605
21 MANIPUR 247 1 248 75 51 126 0 0 0 126
22 MEGHALAYA 126 52 178 250 268 518 4 0 4 522
23 MIZORAM 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 NAGALAND 493 624 1117 15 5 20 7 12 19 39
25 NCT OF DELHI 14 70 84 127 791 918 42 22 64 982
26 ODISHA 2265 3366 5631 143 115 258 109 103 212 470
27 PUDUCHERRY 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 3 4
28 PUNJAB 1295 3145 4440 1184 606 1790 266 524 790 2580
29 RAJASTHAN 915 1824 2739 14074 26200 40274 10643 23914 34557 74831
30 SIKKIM 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 TAMIL NADU 0 2 2 2268 1881 4149 1058 1029 2087 6236
32 TRIPURA 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
33 UTTAR PRADESH 9823 25305 35128 8867 18316 27183 6087 11714 17801 44984
34 UTTARAKHAND 2034 24226 26260 339 545 884 87 333 420 1304
35 WEST BENGAL 18 66 84 254 154 408 64 94 158 566
Total 44899 137888 182787 51797 102530 154327 36761 76410 113171 267498


Table 46 U: Details of Mules and Donkeys by age and sex in Urban Areas

Mules Donkeys

Male Female
SNo. State/ UT 3 Year
Under 3 Total Under 3 3 Year Total Under 3 Year Total
year Mules year and 3 year and
Above Above
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 164 312 476 265 338 603 389 514 903

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 ASSAM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 BIHAR 145 275 420 535 710 1245 163 478 641

6 CHANDIGARH 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 CHHATTISGARH 19 40 59 6 23 29 10 41 51

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 GUJARAT 11 20 31 1584 5090 6674 1152 2340 3492

12 HARYANA 268 1203 1471 93 293 386 64 185 249

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 43 181 224 2 30 32 8 35 43

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 35 183 218 33 94 127 57 122 179

15 JHARKHAND 0 0 0 16 38 54 9 14 23

16 KARNATAKA 0 13 13 193 387 580 162 650 812

17 KERALA 0 0 0 69 19 88 4 5 9

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 283 644 927 915 2523 3438 729 1383 2112

20 MAHARASHTRA 3 14 17 1392 2504 3896 1011 2623 3634

21 MANIPUR 40 78 118 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 MEGHALAYA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 MIZORAM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

24 NAGALAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

25 NCT OF DELHI 24 28 52 20 23 43 27 35 62

26 ODISHA 1 1 2 10 15 25 7 21 28

27 PUDUCHERRY 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 7 9

28 PUNJAB 151 573 724 89 155 244 33 52 85

29 RAJASTHAN 138 498 636 1113 3337 4450 688 1499 2187

30 SIKKIM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31 TAMIL NADU 0 0 0 1769 732 2501 182 264 446

32 TRIPURA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 UTTAR PRADESH 1628 5904 7532 2237 5016 7253 1502 2904 4406

34 UTTARAKHAND 84 553 637 89 88 177 9 19 28

35 WEST BENGAL 12 17 29 14 21 35 6 2 8

Total 3049 10542 13591 10445 21437 31882 6214 13193 19407


Table 47 (R+U): Details of Mules and Donkeys by age and sex in Rural and Urban Combined

Mules Donkeys

Under 3 Year Total Male Female

SNo. State/ UT 3 and Mules
Under 3 3 Year Total Under 3 3 Year Total Total
year Above
year and year and Donkeys
Above Above
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
1 ANDAMAN & 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 4
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 287 456 743 2392 4796 7188 2157 4081 6238 13426

3 ARUNACHAL 270 64 334 20 16 36 2 1 3 39

4 ASSAM 50 42 92 481 376 857 124 68 192 1049

5 BIHAR 11223 13841 25064 6217 7361 13578 3481 4318 7799 21377

6 CHANDIGARH 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 CHHATTISGARH 447 1170 1617 219 100 319 197 164 361 680

8 DADRA & NAGAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 GUJARAT 67 92 159 5477 17245 22722 4780 11332 16112 38834

12 HARYANA 1878 7131 9009 580 1194 1774 278 851 1129 2903

13 HIMACHAL 2601 20714 23315 797 3547 4344 585 2420 3005 7349
14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 6665 29843 36508 2145 7650 9795 1935 5515 7450 17245

15 JHARKHAND 1157 2733 3890 192 100 292 65 24 89 381

16 KARNATAKA 193 569 762 3028 5587 8615 2585 5112 7697 16312

17 KERALA 35 198 233 226 63 289 96 119 215 504

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 2846 4143 6989 2682 5960 8642 2185 4089 6274 14916

20 MAHARASHTRA 915 1090 2005 4847 11650 16497 3680 8958 12638 29135

21 MANIPUR 287 79 366 75 51 126 0 0 0 126

22 MEGHALAYA 126 52 178 250 268 518 4 0 4 522

23 MIZORAM 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

24 NAGALAND 493 624 1117 15 5 20 7 12 19 39

25 NCT OF DELHI 38 98 136 147 814 961 69 57 126 1087

26 ODISHA 2266 3367 5633 153 130 283 116 124 240 523

27 PUDUCHERRY 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 9 12 15

28 PUNJAB 1446 3718 5164 1273 761 2034 299 576 875 2909

29 RAJASTHAN 1053 2322 3375 15187 29537 44724 11331 25413 36744 81468

30 SIKKIM 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31 TAMIL NADU 0 2 2 4037 2613 6650 1240 1293 2533 9183

32 TRIPURA 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 UTTAR PRADESH 11451 31209 42660 11104 23332 34436 7589 14618 22207 56643

34 UTTARAKHAND 2118 24779 26897 428 633 1061 96 352 448 1509

35 WEST BENGAL 30 83 113 268 175 443 70 96 166 609

Total 47948 148430 196378 62242 123967 186209 42975 89603 132578 318787


Table 48 R: Details of Camels by Age and Sex in Rural Areas

Male Female
Under 4 Years Total Under 4 Years Total
SNo. State / UT Total Camel
4 Years and 4 Years and Above
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 21 19 40 44 10 54 94

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 3 0 3 19 23 42 45

4 ASSAM 252 255 507 211 8 219 726

5 BIHAR 3482 4774 8256 159 144 303 8559

6 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 CHHATTISGARH 15 565 580 0 0 0 580

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 0 1 1 0 0 0 1

11 GUJARAT 3205 11283 14488 3816 8358 12174 26662

12 HARYANA 989 4549 5538 1862 11312 13174 18712

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 95 53 148 17 3 20 168

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 150 645 795 17 105 122 917

15 JHARKHAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

16 KARNATAKA 48 72 120 8 12 20 140

17 KERALA 2 0 2 3 1 4 6

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 717 790 1507 480 987 1467 2974

20 MAHARASHTRA 24 49 73 15 28 43 116

21 MANIPUR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 MEGHALAYA 7 0 7 0 0 0 7

23 MIZORAM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

24 NAGALAND 36 56 92 0 0 0 92

25 NCT OF DELHI 14 1 15 0 0 0 15

26 ODISHA 342 463 805 3 3 6 811

27 PUDUCHERRY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

28 PUNJAB 112 231 343 54 224 278 621

29 RAJASTHAN 43014 101975 144989 47832 129758 177590 322579

30 SIKKIM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31 TAMIL NADU 4 7 11 1 2 3 14

32 TRIPURA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 UTTAR PRADESH 1867 3346 5213 448 689 1137 6350

34 UTTARAKHAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

35 WEST BENGAL 99 148 247 4 14 18 265

Total 54498 129282 183780 54993 151681 206674 390454


Table 49 U: Details of Camels by Age and Sex in Urban Areas

Male Female

SNo. State / UT Under 4 Years and Total Under 4 Years Total Total Camel
4 Years Above 4 Years and
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)


2 ANDHRA PRADESH 9 21 30 10 20 30 60

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 ASSAM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 BIHAR 158 126 284 16 0 16 300

6 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 CHHATTISGARH 19 26 45 18 2 20 65

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 GUJARAT 505 1898 2403 526 824 1350 3753

12 HARYANA 4 60 64 6 63 69 133

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 9 0 9 0 0 0 9

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 1 7 8 0 0 0 8

15 JHARKHAND 0 2 2 0 1 1 3

16 KARNATAKA 4 3 7 1 3 4 11

17 KERALA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 46 170 216 73 159 232 448

20 MAHARASHTRA 11 38 49 5 12 17 66

21 MANIPUR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 MEGHALAYA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 MIZORAM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

24 NAGALAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

25 NCT OF DELHI 60 24 84 28 30 58 142

26 ODISHA 7 8 15 5 4 9 24

27 PUDUCHERRY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

28 PUNJAB 27 25 52 20 0 20 72

29 RAJASTHAN 550 1906 2456 193 485 678 3134

30 SIKKIM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31 TAMIL NADU 2 1 3 0 2 2 5

32 TRIPURA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 UTTAR PRADESH 461 698 1159 223 203 426 1585

34 UTTARAKHAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

35 WEST BENGAL 0 1 1 0 1 1 2

Total 1873 5014 6887 1124 1809 2933 9820


Table 50 (R+U): Details of Camels by Age and Sex in Rural and Urban Combined

Male Female

SNo. State/ UT Under 4 4 Years Total Under 4 4 Years Total Total Camel
Years and Years and Above
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 30 40 70 54 30 84 154

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 3 0 3 19 23 42 45

4 ASSAM 252 255 507 211 8 219 726

5 BIHAR 3640 4900 8540 175 144 319 8859

6 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 CHHATTISGARH 34 591 625 18 2 20 645

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 0 1 1 0 0 0 1

11 GUJARAT 3710 13181 16891 4342 9182 13524 30415

12 HARYANA 993 4609 5602 1868 11375 13243 18845

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 104 53 157 17 3 20 177

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 151 652 803 17 105 122 925

15 JHARKHAND 0 2 2 0 1 1 3

16 KARNATAKA 52 75 127 9 15 24 151

17 KERALA 2 0 2 3 1 4 6

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 763 960 1723 553 1146 1699 3422

20 MAHARASHTRA 35 87 122 20 40 60 182

21 MANIPUR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 MEGHALAYA 7 0 7 0 0 0 7

23 MIZORAM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

24 NAGALAND 36 56 92 0 0 0 92

25 NCT OF DELHI 74 25 99 28 30 58 157

26 ODISHA 349 471 820 8 7 15 835

27 PUDUCHERRY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

28 PUNJAB 139 256 395 74 224 298 693

29 RAJASTHAN 43564 103881 147445 48025 130243 178268 325713

30 SIKKIM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31 TAMIL NADU 6 8 14 1 4 5 19

32 TRIPURA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 UTTAR PRADESH 2328 4044 6372 671 892 1563 7935

34 UTTARAKHAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

35 WEST BENGAL 99 149 248 4 15 19 267

Total 56371 134296 190667 56117 153490 209607 400274


Table 51: Details of Dogs, Rabbits and Elephants in Rural Areas

Dogs Rabbits Elephants

SNo. State/ UT

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
1 ANDAMAN & 19456 6587 26043 22 20 42 35 58 93
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 320785 175902 496687 17969 10265 28234 7 11 18

3 ARUNACHAL 60232 48733 108965 404 86 490 409 38 447

4 ASSAM 303836 201133 504969 3541 1775 5316 217 216 433

5 BIHAR 84511 41901 126412 8535 5247 13782 53 48 101

6 CHANDIGARH 731 353 1084 25 3 28 0 0 0

7 CHHATTISGARH 175751 50707 226458 2964 3169 6133 484 433 917

8 DADRA & NAGAR 658 540 1198 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 336 58 394 2 0 2 0 0 0

10 GOA 33217 11380 44597 72 116 188 6 7 13

11 GUJARAT 149372 69915 219287 3642 2471 6113 2840 4483 7323

12 HARYANA 86539 32037 118576 4781 6862 11643 302 14 316

13 HIMACHAL 145713 21288 167001 2312 3332 5644 22 100 122

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 105137 33052 138189 523 617 1140 0 0 0

15 JHARKHAND 128631 51857 180488 3541 2547 6088 1 2 3

16 KARNATAKA 761375 267494 1028869 7707 10589 18296 117 43 160

17 KERALA 619814 169056 788870 68515 139239 207754 458 76 534

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 3 4 7 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 284497 95556 380053 1496 942 2438 700 310 1010

20 MAHARASHTRA 845090 232766 1077856 3342 4205 7547 20 9 29

21 MANIPUR 77234 60574 137808 883 882 1765 7 4 11

22 MEGHALAYA 138955 97155 236110 603 615 1218 0 43 43

23 MIZORAM 11733 11266 22999 120 117 237 2 1 3

24 NAGALAND 49291 42157 91448 14027 17574 31601 4 1 5

25 NCT OF DELHI 46525 16764 63289 3042 1491 4533 19 18 37

26 ODISHA 120288 44212 164500 658 662 1320 114 99 213

27 PUDUCHERRY 8123 3375 11498 363 409 772 3 2 5

28 PUNJAB 300722 89109 389831 5583 4670 10253 153 49 202

29 RAJASTHAN 367109 161671 528780 4963 5587 10550 1329 2409 3738

30 SIKKIM 13895 5623 19518 268 199 467 0 0 0

31 TAMIL NADU 857917 255114 1113031 17000 17595 34595 2 2 4

32 TRIPURA 28679 19723 48402 834 1050 1884 125 118 243

33 UTTAR PRADESH 439218 202847 642065 8044 12296 20340 1759 1976 3735

34 UTTARAKHAND 144591 37727 182318 2025 2592 4617 1 10 11

35 WEST BENGAL 128485 78874 207359 5849 11397 17246 193 123 316

Total 6858446 2636506 9494952 193658 268625 462283 9382 10703 20085


Table 52 U: Details of Dogs, Rabbits and Elephants in Urban Areas

Dogs Rabbits Elephants

SNo. State/ UT
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
1 ANDAMAN & 1546 380 1926 8 14 22 0 0 0
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 193857 97983 291840 4284 4274 8558 3 3 6

3 ARUNACHAL 3205 2140 5345 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 ASSAM 16110 6442 22552 410 444 854 9 3 12

5 BIHAR 14014 5261 19275 2440 2540 4980 0 0 0

6 CHANDIGARH 6801 2099 8900 180 131 311 0 0 0

7 CHHATTISGARH 29648 7457 37105 1404 1517 2921 2 0 2

8 DADRA & NAGAR 610 301 911 10 3 13 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 80 29 109 6 4 10 0 0 0

10 GOA 5717 2009 7726 30 17 47 0 0 0

11 GUJARAT 24301 9724 34025 1182 1363 2545 1 9 10

12 HARYANA 45687 14420 60107 865 599 1464 208 0 208

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 6782 1225 8007 182 16 198 0 0 0

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 5563 1348 6911 118 130 248 0 0 0

15 JHARKHAND 11579 2842 14421 2069 1870 3939 0 0 0

16 KARNATAKA 180106 66147 246253 2620 2642 5262 34 14 48

17 KERALA 98085 36404 134489 7735 15061 22796 156 26 182

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 42103 11211 53314 710 531 1241 31 4 35

20 MAHARASHTRA 144955 42886 187841 2629 1727 4356 12 8 20

21 MANIPUR 14827 9183 24010 140 134 274 156 217 373

22 MEGHALAYA 2939 1589 4528 16 14 30 0 0 0

23 MIZORAM 9107 7672 16779 346 470 816 0 0 0

24 NAGALAND 12097 9476 21573 5256 7370 12626 0 0 0

25 NCT OF DELHI 64197 22967 87164 1356 817 2173 30 27 57

26 ODISHA 44680 11225 55905 625 554 1179 0 2 2

27 PUDUCHERRY 8466 3621 12087 329 492 821 0 1 1

28 PUNJAB 62986 17741 80727 796 523 1319 0 62 62

29 RAJASTHAN 30004 10791 40795 1570 1422 2992 27 194 221

30 SIKKIM 2309 1487 3796 29 33 62 0 0 0

31 TAMIL NADU 322352 111855 434207 8204 10116 18320 3 6 9

32 TRIPURA 2154 956 3110 321 462 783 0 1 1

33 UTTAR PRADESH 92368 32295 124663 7308 4270 11578 216 135 351

34 UTTARAKHAND 31610 7299 38909 692 634 1326 0 1 1

35 WEST BENGAL 54960 33395 88355 7191 8147 15338 123 99 222

Total 1585805 591860 2177665 61061 68341 129402 1011 812 1823


Table 53 (R+U): Details of Dogs, Rabbits and Elephants in Rural and Urban Combined

Dogs Rabbits Elephants

SNo. State/ UT
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
1 ANDAMAN & 21002 6967 27969 30 34 64 35 58 93
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 514642 273885 788527 22253 14539 36792 10 14 24

3 ARUNACHAL 63437 50873 114310 404 86 490 409 38 447

4 ASSAM 319946 207575 527521 3951 2219 6170 226 219 445

5 BIHAR 98525 47162 145687 10975 7787 18762 53 48 101

6 CHANDIGARH 7532 2452 9984 205 134 339 0 0 0

7 CHHATTISGARH 205399 58164 263563 4368 4686 9054 486 433 919

8 DADRA & NAGAR 1268 841 2109 10 3 13 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 416 87 503 8 4 12 0 0 0

10 GOA 38934 13389 52323 102 133 235 6 7 13

11 GUJARAT 173673 79639 253312 4824 3834 8658 2841 4492 7333

12 HARYANA 132226 46457 178683 5646 7461 13107 510 14 524

13 HIMACHAL 152495 22513 175008 2494 3348 5842 22 100 122

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 110700 34400 145100 641 747 1388 0 0 0

15 JHARKHAND 140210 54699 194909 5610 4417 10027 1 2 3

16 KARNATAKA 941481 333641 1275122 10327 13231 23558 151 57 208

17 KERALA 717899 205460 923359 76250 154300 230550 614 102 716

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 3 4 7 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 326600 106767 433367 2206 1473 3679 731 314 1045

20 MAHARASHTRA 990045 275652 1265697 5971 5932 11903 32 17 49

21 MANIPUR 92061 69757 161818 1023 1016 2039 163 221 384

22 MEGHALAYA 141894 98744 240638 619 629 1248 0 43 43

23 MIZORAM 20840 18938 39778 466 587 1053 2 1 3

24 NAGALAND 61388 51633 113021 19283 24944 44227 4 1 5

25 NCT OF DELHI 110722 39731 150453 4398 2308 6706 49 45 94

26 ODISHA 164968 55437 220405 1283 1216 2499 114 101 215

27 PUDUCHERRY 16589 6996 23585 692 901 1593 3 3 6

28 PUNJAB 363708 106850 470558 6379 5193 11572 153 111 264

29 RAJASTHAN 397113 172462 569575 6533 7009 13542 1356 2603 3959

30 SIKKIM 16204 7110 23314 297 232 529 0 0 0

31 TAMIL NADU 1180269 366969 1547238 25204 27711 52915 5 8 13

32 TRIPURA 30833 20679 51512 1155 1512 2667 125 119 244

33 UTTAR PRADESH 531586 235142 766728 15352 16566 31918 1975 2111 4086

34 UTTARAKHAND 176201 45026 221227 2717 3226 5943 1 11 12

35 WEST BENGAL 183445 112269 295714 13040 19544 32584 316 222 538

Total 8444251 3228366 11672617 254719 336966 591685 10393 11515 21908


Table 54 R: Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural Areas for Fowls

State/ UT
SNo. Cocks Hens
Desi Improved Total Desi Improved Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 80542 44437 124979 179566 87808 267374

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 5040815 357140 5397955 8601812 647684 9249496

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 181586 25837 207423 285199 36032 321231

4 ASSAM 3309144 187169 3496313 5812721 212048 6024769

5 BIHAR 1513523 346766 1860289 2141987 360157 2502144

6 CHANDIGARH 51 8 59 112 10 122

7 CHHATTISGARH 1016910 133576 1150486 1424263 153768 1578031

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 12454 920 13374 22409 783 23192

9 DAMAN & DIU 3708 23 3731 13012 68 13080

10 GOA 20041 2123 22164 44445 7018 51463

11 GUJARAT 774110 82062 856172 1380093 177911 1558004

12 HARYANA 37196 9166 46362 63276 9196 72472

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 34874 28324 63198 67774 44285 112059

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 476120 150698 626818 1077348 189572 1266920

15 JHARKHAND 1922219 207786 2130005 2662851 224615 2887466

16 KARNATAKA 1512478 151546 1664024 3301953 841210 4143163

17 KERALA 696667 761262 1457929 2064683 2857734 4922417

18 LAKSHADWEEP 6599 1880 8479 12932 35993 48925

19 MADHYA PRADESH 873870 205730 1079600 1599485 189593 1789078

20 MAHARASHTRA 2349229 179143 2528372 6657672 470865 7128537

21 MANIPUR 153158 93365 246523 234453 162709 397162

22 MEGHALAYA 728168 63498 791666 980878 97161 1078039

23 MIZORAM 161684 29384 191068 170666 38882 209548

24 NAGALAND 176650 113461 290111 232952 147080 380032

25 NCT OF DELHI 9178 2163 11341 13999 1654 15653

26 ODISHA 1943158 154962 2098120 3023603 232640 3256243

27 PUDUCHERRY 12324 5069 17393 26206 12529 38735

28 PUNJAB 119726 83464 203190 291565 57056 348621

29 RAJASTHAN 386086 91199 477285 702365 175441 877806

30 SIKKIM 60211 21548 81759 102992 22060 125052

31 TAMIL NADU 2096625 231824 2328449 4147155 417402 4564557

32 TRIPURA 463413 109194 572607 669956 103844 773800

33 UTTAR PRADESH 972115 1042227 2014342 1399543 1054500 2454043

34 UTTARAKHAND 78120 77222 155342 140895 179425 320320

35 WEST BENGAL 3810042 795623 4605665 7645802 1451198 9097000

Total 31032794 5789799 36822593 57196623 10699931 67896554


Table 55 R: Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural Areas for Fowls

under Chickens below 5 Months and Total Fowls

SNo. State/ UT Chickens Below 5 Months

Total Fowls
Desi Improved Total
(1) (8) (9) (10) (11)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 153079 63427 216506 608859

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 12272548 652258 12924806 27572257

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 558471 44987 603458 1132112

4 ASSAM 8423438 511879 8935317 18456399

5 BIHAR 1866620 707431 2574051 6936484

6 CHANDIGARH 1 0 1 182

7 CHHATTISGARH 2755301 249100 3004401 5732918

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 30683 545 31228 67794

9 DAMAN & DIU 7083 42 7125 23936

10 GOA 35228 4220 39448 113075

11 GUJARAT 2017634 125385 2143019 4557195

12 HARYANA 35102 55173 90275 209109

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 19846 53833 73679 248936

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 788229 270226 1058455 2952193

15 JHARKHAND 4652270 416298 5068568 10086039

16 KARNATAKA 2879541 425009 3304550 9111737

17 KERALA 726239 1178744 1904983 8285329

18 LAKSHADWEEP 22586 56612 79198 136602

19 MADHYA PRADESH 2966613 315182 3281795 6150473

20 MAHARASHTRA 5849941 1055918 6905859 16562768

21 MANIPUR 527905 318962 846867 1490552

22 MEGHALAYA 591131 730032 1321163 3190868

23 MIZORAM 302082 139604 441686 842302

24 NAGALAND 654336 360546 1014882 1685025

25 NCT OF DELHI 4001 647 4648 31642

26 ODISHA 5717851 439472 6157323 11511686

27 PUDUCHERRY 10769 5890 16659 72787

28 PUNJAB 102855 43257 146112 697923

29 RAJASTHAN 949933 592992 1542925 2898016

30 SIKKIM 122826 96277 219103 425914

31 TAMIL NADU 4302012 379787 4681799 11574805

32 TRIPURA 924832 139125 1063957 2410364

33 UTTAR PRADESH 1286899 1504299 2791198 7259583

34 UTTARAKHAND 85606 176212 261818 737480

35 WEST BENGAL 6253788 2166279 8420067 22122732

Total 67897279 13279650 81176929 185896076


Table 56 R: Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural Areas for Ducks


SNo. State/ UT Drakes Ducks

Desi Improved Total Desi Improved Total
(1) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 24789 11833 36622 17582 11150 28732

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 15550 492 16042 131560 3968 135528

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 20601 2903 23504 20852 3853 24705

4 ASSAM 1865152 52187 1917339 3513603 80571 3594174

5 BIHAR 64382 7237 71619 116270 45201 161471

6 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 CHHATTISGARH 29462 1886 31348 78537 11845 90382

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 2214 4020 6234

9 DAMAN & DIU 283 4 287 93 2 95

10 GOA 72 33 105 249 29 278

11 GUJARAT 3729 167 3896 7739 670 8409

12 HARYANA 157 267 424 686 206 892

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 7 19 26 450 192 642

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 21602 1366 22968 37734 1471 39205

15 JHARKHAND 169624 7110 176734 131555 10463 142018

16 KARNATAKA 1183 419 1602 3330 529 3859

17 KERALA 80580 93874 174454 322705 269021 591726

18 LAKSHADWEEP 217 143 360 372 151 523

19 MADHYA PRADESH 1939 400 2339 11442 2697 14139

20 MAHARASHTRA 4357 622 4979 39155 5485 44640

21 MANIPUR 49477 42877 92354 63657 53275 116932

22 MEGHALAYA 6379 350 6729 9063 18813 27876

23 MIZORAM 517 927 1444 748 1063 1811

24 NAGALAND 15583 9833 25416 20287 10394 30681

25 NCT OF DELHI 425 10 435 463 238 701

26 ODISHA 64570 1526 66096 110476 2605 113081

27 PUDUCHERRY 2383 57 2440 3363 516 3879

28 PUNJAB 383 105 488 2020 679 2699

29 RAJASTHAN 648 253 901 1488 1089 2577

30 SIKKIM 125 10 135 543 9 552

31 TAMIL NADU 111851 13977 125828 39431 9184 48615

32 TRIPURA 240559 36882 277441 198910 50784 249694

33 UTTAR PRADESH 37801 13752 51553 93471 33725 127196

34 UTTARAKHAND 7179 1688 8867 5454 1000 6454

35 WEST BENGAL 3029683 168742 3198425 1410931 104245 1515176

Total 5871249 471951 6343200 6396433 739143 7135576


Table 57 R: Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural Areas for Ducks under Duckling below 6
Months and Total Ducks

SNo. State/ UT Duckling Below 6 Months

Total Ducks
Desi Improved Total
(1) (18) (19) (20) (21)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 14180 13684 27864 93218

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 66947 345 67292 218862

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 24536 3836 28372 76581

4 ASSAM 1618121 81872 1699993 7211506

5 BIHAR 49563 5122 54685 287775

6 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 0

7 CHHATTISGARH 70010 5801 75811 197541

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 6234

9 DAMAN & DIU 5 8 13 395

10 GOA 23 2 25 408

11 GUJARAT 5693 5306 10999 23304

12 HARYANA 61 46046 46107 47423

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 5 7 12 680

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 10909 2850 13759 75932

15 JHARKHAND 170996 9202 180198 498950

16 KARNATAKA 383 157 540 6001

17 KERALA 57537 99548 157085 923265

18 LAKSHADWEEP 139 31 170 1053

19 MADHYA PRADESH 1493 123 1616 18094

20 MAHARASHTRA 3499 266 3765 53384

21 MANIPUR 90635 84659 175294 384580

22 MEGHALAYA 5865 1091 6956 41561

23 MIZORAM 422 2105 2527 5782

24 NAGALAND 38327 17418 55745 111842

25 NCT OF DELHI 1 4 5 1141

26 ODISHA 118618 2815 121433 300610

27 PUDUCHERRY 166 30 196 6515

28 PUNJAB 168 19 187 3374

29 RAJASTHAN 197 36 233 3711

30 SIKKIM 50 4 54 741

31 TAMIL NADU 38442 7740 46182 220625

32 TRIPURA 150102 34967 185069 712204

33 UTTAR PRADESH 24819 10300 35119 213868

34 UTTARAKHAND 1205 715 1920 17241

35 WEST BENGAL 1248703 121059 1369762 6083363

Total 3811820 557168 4368988 17847764


Table 58 R: Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural Areas for Turkeys, Quails,

Others Poultryand Total Poultry Birds

Total Poultry
SNo. State/ UT Turkeys Quails Poultry
Male Female Total
(1) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 32 48 80 944 573 703674

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 2849 3806 6655 61058 17197 27876029

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 391 587 978 2520 948165 2160356

4 ASSAM 12312 13015 25327 3804 129871 25826907

5 BIHAR 7329 6862 14191 3201 68608 7310259

6 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 0 30 212

7 CHHATTISGARH 2074 14551 16625 3117 9646 5959847

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 74028

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 237 24568

10 GOA 66 83 149 6 84 113722

11 GUJARAT 293 5682 5975 549 3158 4590181

12 HARYANA 14 249 263 37 772 257604

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 9 8 17 5 134 249772

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 173 85 258 5 11413 3039801

15 JHARKHAND 5077 6073 11150 1316 124770 10722225

16 KARNATAKA 2720 3918 6638 473 11262 9136111

17 KERALA 17816 28102 45918 148325 297569 9700406

18 LAKSHADWEEP 2 4 6 54 729 138444

19 MADHYA PRADESH 102 4251 4353 49 2822 6175791

20 MAHARASHTRA 393 524 917 7092 9696 16633857

21 MANIPUR 3269 2373 5642 970 9310 1891054

22 MEGHALAYA 2990 2536 5526 128 2358 3240441

23 MIZORAM 4 12 16 14 34 848148

24 NAGALAND 500 682 1182 657 2266 1800972

25 NCT OF DELHI 42 38 80 13 207 33083

26 ODISHA 994 1108 2102 995 17715 11833108

27 PUDUCHERRY 658 904 1562 1811 5690 88365

28 PUNJAB 587 510 1097 288 11729 714411

29 RAJASTHAN 273 265 538 96 87 2902448

30 SIKKIM 0 4 4 0 4 426663

31 TAMIL NADU 21992 39175 61167 23759 36110 11916466

32 TRIPURA 3717 5149 8866 246 46197 3177877

33 UTTAR PRADESH 9108 5385 14493 1515 15609 7505068

34 UTTARAKHAND 14 45 59 79 3500 758359

35 WEST BENGAL 10049 1880 11929 3464 40134 28261622

Total 105849 147914 253763 266590 1827686 206091879


Table 59 U: Details of Backyard Poultry in Urban Areas for Fowls


Cocks Hens

Desi Improved Total Desi Improved Total

SNo. State/ UT
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 2124 46 2170 5556 1545 7101

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 223611 30566 254177 398575 43484 442059

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 7306 1049 8355 13157 2116 15273

4 ASSAM 40269 9144 49413 93704 11733 105437

5 BIHAR 71131 17946 89077 111812 18061 129873

6 CHANDIGARH 483 119 602 764 133 897

7 CHHATTISGARH 57732 19768 77500 88590 21626 110216

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 1387 52 1439 3183 59 3242

9 DAMAN & DIU 796 0 796 2135 2 2137

10 GOA 3132 342 3474 6158 206 6364

11 GUJARAT 49599 22055 71654 93222 17033 110255

12 HARYANA 3533 2210 5743 6337 2767 9104

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 529 577 1106 1391 1152 2543

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 27249 27593 54842 64260 32202 96462

15 JHARKHAND 52158 13022 65180 84018 9782 93800

16 KARNATAKA 106812 13076 119888 228106 27745 255851

17 KERALA 65315 80094 145409 193234 254564 447798

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 47443 17252 64695 85958 22195 108153

20 MAHARASHTRA 138707 41123 179830 350275 72931 423206

21 MANIPUR 24923 37576 62499 39653 61109 100762

22 MEGHALAYA 2033 243 2276 2105 389 2494

23 MIZORAM 43014 39955 82969 38735 52448 91183

24 NAGALAND 26026 27741 53767 33372 35581 68953

25 NCT OF DELHI 2205 425 2630 2042 147 2189

26 ODISHA 69335 15132 84467 117936 16403 134339

27 PUDUCHERRY 5673 2748 8421 12652 6055 18707

28 PUNJAB 10257 1926 12183 15044 2612 17656

29 RAJASTHAN 25661 8333 33994 42982 24846 67828

30 SIKKIM 1332 356 1688 1977 401 2378

31 TAMIL NADU 360050 59597 419647 735364 110903 846267

32 TRIPURA 12000 1794 13794 27203 3705 30908

33 UTTAR PRADESH 86706 86167 172873 134021 85533 219554

34 UTTARAKHAND 7094 3787 10881 12488 6067 18555

35 WEST BENGAL 118776 30419 149195 277804 51990 329794

Total 1694401 612233 2306634 3323813 997525 4321338


Table 60 U: Details of Backyard Poultry in Urban Areas for Fowls under Chickens below 5
Months and Total Fowls

SNo. State/ UT Chickens Below 5 Months Total Fowls

Desi Improved Total
(1) (8) (9) (10) (11)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 3339 1546 4885 14156

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 458586 38887 497473 1193709

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 21398 2784 24182 47810

4 ASSAM 81668 25292 106960 261810

5 BIHAR 44000 24616 68616 287566

6 CHANDIGARH 68 74 142 1641

7 CHHATTISGARH 111579 18096 129675 317391

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 7062 136 7198 11879

9 DAMAN & DIU 331 0 331 3264

10 GOA 7673 39 7712 17550

11 GUJARAT 74668 12849 87517 269426

12 HARYANA 2309 750 3059 17906

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 364 713 1077 4726

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 35688 49320 85008 236312

15 JHARKHAND 88464 28787 117251 276231

16 KARNATAKA 161408 11442 172850 548589

17 KERALA 59770 82443 142213 735420

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 78677 27960 106637 279485

20 MAHARASHTRA 228997 28700 257697 860733

21 MANIPUR 64159 133137 197296 360557

22 MEGHALAYA 1908 3916 5824 10594

23 MIZORAM 54286 183272 237558 411710

24 NAGALAND 109406 78334 187740 310460

25 NCT OF DELHI 471 219 690 5509

26 ODISHA 163653 23867 187520 406326

27 PUDUCHERRY 4492 1901 6393 33521

28 PUNJAB 4541 5049 9590 39429

29 RAJASTHAN 20832 7172 28004 129826

30 SIKKIM 1339 133 1472 5538

31 TAMIL NADU 535105 72468 607573 1873487

32 TRIPURA 14728 2482 17210 61912

33 UTTAR PRADESH 81682 93199 174881 567308

34 UTTARAKHAND 4671 2562 7233 36669

35 WEST BENGAL 167853 56631 224484 703473

Total 2695175 1018776 3713951 10341923


Table 61 U: Details of Backyard Poultry in Urban Areas for Ducks

State/ UT
SNo. Drakes Ducks
Desi Improved Total Desi Improved Total
(1) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 166 9 175 199 10 209

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 960 95 1055 1773 262 2035

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1812 337 2149 1593 289 1882

4 ASSAM 22834 1737 24571 47449 1892 49341

5 BIHAR 3323 597 3920 6648 1825 8473

6 CHANDIGARH 4 0 4 3 107 110

7 CHHATTISGARH 1126 204 1330 2906 1150 4056

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 4 0 4 1 0 1

9 DAMAN & DIU 181 0 181 109 0 109

10 GOA 0 1 1 0 1 1

11 GUJARAT 716 165 881 6881 128 7009

12 HARYANA 2 0 2 130 16 146

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 5895 462 6357 18302 817 19119

15 JHARKHAND 4988 355 5343 2967 267 3234

16 KARNATAKA 289 82 371 541 110 651

17 KERALA 7731 11521 19252 21152 29633 50785

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 299 70 369 995 420 1415

20 MAHARASHTRA 1444 120 1564 2268 199 2467

21 MANIPUR 16959 18521 35480 31562 24352 55914

22 MEGHALAYA 41 8 49 0 0 0

23 MIZORAM 204 132 336 261 140 401

24 NAGALAND 2188 1359 3547 2267 1471 3738

25 NCT OF DELHI 32 23 55 23 19 42

26 ODISHA 2636 159 2795 5599 287 5886

27 PUDUCHERRY 145 55 200 221 129 350

28 PUNJAB 10 14 24 111 25 136

29 RAJASTHAN 129 20 149 125 135 260

30 SIKKIM 17 0 17 39 5 44

31 TAMIL NADU 29116 4020 33136 9549 12860 22409

32 TRIPURA 12168 440 12608 13168 1148 14316

33 UTTAR PRADESH 6544 2725 9269 12428 5768 18196

34 UTTARAKHAND 1973 254 2227 1132 95 1227

35 WEST BENGAL 95467 5381 100848 41160 3626 44786

Total 219403 48866 268269 231562 87186 318748


Table 62 U: Details of Backyard Poultry in Urban Areas for Ducks under Duckling below 6
Months and Total Ducks
State/ UT
SNo. Duckling Below 6 Months Total Ducks
Desi Improved Total
(1) (18) (19) (20) (21)

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 729 43 772 3862

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1895 306 2201 6232

4 ASSAM 13346 1638 14984 88896

5 BIHAR 1647 124 1771 14164

6 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 114

7 CHHATTISGARH 1424 216 1640 7026


9 DAMAN & DIU 36 0 36 326

10 GOA 0 4 4 6

11 GUJARAT 293 192 485 8375

12 HARYANA 35 0 35 183


14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 422 105 527 26003

15 JHARKHAND 2832 148 2980 11557

16 KARNATAKA 107 14 121 1143

17 KERALA 4005 2774 6779 76816

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 97 41 138 1922

20 MAHARASHTRA 361 58 419 4450

21 MANIPUR 25027 50432 75459 166853

22 MEGHALAYA 36 1 37 86

23 MIZORAM 73 131 204 941

24 NAGALAND 4795 2039 6834 14119

25 NCT OF DELHI 23 21 44 141

26 ODISHA 2417 111 2528 11209

27 PUDUCHERRY 34 30 64 614

28 PUNJAB 20 0 20 180

29 RAJASTHAN 132 19 151 560

30 SIKKIM 2 0 2 63

31 TAMIL NADU 4037 1844 5881 61426

32 TRIPURA 3147 236 3383 30307

33 UTTAR PRADESH 4571 2619 7190 34655

34 UTTARAKHAND 345 23 368 3822

35 WEST BENGAL 25787 2692 28479 174113

Total 97712 65861 163573 750590


Table 63 U: Details of Backyard Poultry in Urban Areas for Turkeys, Quails, Others
Poultry and Total Poultry Birds
Turkeys Quails Other Total Poultry
SNo. State/ UT Poultry Birds

Male Female Total

(1) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 9 9 18 152 2 14745

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 579 826 1405 224 5833 1205033

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 76 143 219 0 1221 55482

4 ASSAM 681 330 1011 34 7246 358997

5 BIHAR 156 213 369 158 8077 310334

6 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 0 0 1755

7 CHHATTISGARH 88 520 608 3 3724 328752

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 1 11 12 0 44 11944

9 DAMAN & DIU 2 2 4 0 40 3634

10 GOA 3 5 8 0 0 17564

11 GUJARAT 9 6 15 4 3918 281738

12 HARYANA 1 1 2 65 132 18288

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 4726

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 13 16 29 5 1374 263723

15 JHARKHAND 610 57 667 3 10797 299255

16 KARNATAKA 365 458 823 49 13310 563914

17 KERALA 2076 3327 5403 17745 76194 911578

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 47 13 60 13 1505 282985

20 MAHARASHTRA 379 255 634 312 6897 873026

21 MANIPUR 1273 604 1877 393 1586 531266

22 MEGHALAYA 54 69 123 0 154 10957

23 MIZORAM 12 14 26 9 3 412689

24 NAGALAND 194 216 410 0 16 325005

25 NCT OF DELHI 34 35 69 27 475 6221

26 ODISHA 157 41 198 12 3436 421181

27 PUDUCHERRY 350 547 897 772 7009 42813

28 PUNJAB 212 71 283 0 5622 45514

29 RAJASTHAN 149 223 372 0 6 130764

30 SIKKIM 0 0 0 0 0 5601

31 TAMIL NADU 5011 7835 12846 3697 51164 2002620

32 TRIPURA 146 216 362 303 8404 101288

33 UTTAR PRADESH 537 1639 2176 332 11993 616464

34 UTTARAKHAND 28 33 61 0 1399 41951

35 WEST BENGAL 400 34 434 154 21463 899637

Total 13652 17769 31421 24466 253044 11401444


Table 64 (R+U): Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural and Urban Combined for Fowls

State/ UT
SNo. Cocks Hens
Desi Improved Total Desi Improved Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 82666 44483 127149 185122 89353 274475

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 5264426 387706 5652132 9000387 691168 9691555

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 188892 26886 215778 298356 38148 336504

4 ASSAM 3349413 196313 3545726 5906425 223781 6130206

5 BIHAR 1584654 364712 1949366 2253799 378218 2632017

6 CHANDIGARH 534 127 661 876 143 1019

7 CHHATTISGARH 1074642 153344 1227986 1512853 175394 1688247

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 13841 972 14813 25592 842 26434

9 DAMAN & DIU 4504 23 4527 15147 70 15217

10 GOA 23173 2465 25638 50603 7224 57827

11 GUJARAT 823709 104117 927826 1473315 194944 1668259

12 HARYANA 40729 11376 52105 69613 11963 81576

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 35403 28901 64304 69165 45437 114602

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 503369 178291 681660 1141608 221774 1363382

15 JHARKHAND 1974377 220808 2195185 2746869 234397 2981266

16 KARNATAKA 1619290 164622 1783912 3530059 868955 4399014

17 KERALA 761982 841356 1603338 2257917 3112298 5370215

18 LAKSHADWEEP 6599 1880 8479 12932 35993 48925

19 MADHYA PRADESH 921313 222982 1144295 1685443 211788 1897231

20 MAHARASHTRA 2487936 220266 2708202 7007947 543796 7551743

21 MANIPUR 178081 130941 309022 274106 223818 497924

22 MEGHALAYA 730201 63741 793942 982983 97550 1080533

23 MIZORAM 204698 69339 274037 209401 91330 300731

24 NAGALAND 202676 141202 343878 266324 182661 448985

25 NCT OF DELHI 11383 2588 13971 16041 1801 17842

26 ODISHA 2012493 170094 2182587 3141539 249043 3390582

27 PUDUCHERRY 17997 7817 25814 38858 18584 57442

28 PUNJAB 129983 85390 215373 306609 59668 366277

29 RAJASTHAN 411747 99532 511279 745347 200287 945634

30 SIKKIM 61543 21904 83447 104969 22461 127430

31 TAMIL NADU 2456675 291421 2748096 4882519 528305 5410824

32 TRIPURA 475413 110988 586401 697159 107549 804708

33 UTTAR PRADESH 1058821 1128394 2187215 1533564 1140033 2673597

34 UTTARAKHAND 85214 81009 166223 153383 185492 338875

35 WEST BENGAL 3928818 826042 4754860 7923606 1503188 9426794

Total 32727195 6402032 39129227 60520436 11697456 72217892


Table 65 (R+U): Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural and Urban Combined for Fowls
under Chickens below 5 Months and Total Fowls
State/ UT
SNo. Chickens Below 5 Months Total Fowls
Desi Improved Total
(1) (8) (9) (10) (11)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 156418 64973 221391 623015

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 12731134 691145 13422279 28765966

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 579869 47771 627640 1179922

4 ASSAM 8505106 537171 9042277 18718209

5 BIHAR 1910620 732047 2642667 7224050

6 CHANDIGARH 69 74 143 1823

7 CHHATTISGARH 2866880 267196 3134076 6050309

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 37745 681 38426 79673

9 DAMAN & DIU 7414 42 7456 27200

10 GOA 42901 4259 47160 130625

11 GUJARAT 2092302 138234 2230536 4826621

12 HARYANA 37411 55923 93334 227015

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 20210 54546 74756 253662

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 823917 319546 1143463 3188505

15 JHARKHAND 4740734 445085 5185819 10362270

16 KARNATAKA 3040949 436451 3477400 9660326

17 KERALA 786009 1261187 2047196 9020749

18 LAKSHADWEEP 22586 56612 79198 136602

19 MADHYA PRADESH 3045290 343142 3388432 6429958

20 MAHARASHTRA 6078938 1084618 7163556 17423501

21 MANIPUR 592064 452099 1044163 1851109

22 MEGHALAYA 593039 733948 1326987 3201462

23 MIZORAM 356368 322876 679244 1254012

24 NAGALAND 763742 438880 1202622 1995485

25 NCT OF DELHI 4472 866 5338 37151

26 ODISHA 5881504 463339 6344843 11918012

27 PUDUCHERRY 15261 7791 23052 106308

28 PUNJAB 107396 48306 155702 737352

29 RAJASTHAN 970765 600164 1570929 3027842

30 SIKKIM 124165 96410 220575 431452

31 TAMIL NADU 4837117 452255 5289372 13448292

32 TRIPURA 939560 141607 1081167 2472276

33 UTTAR PRADESH 1368581 1597498 2966079 7826891

34 UTTARAKHAND 90277 178774 269051 774149

35 WEST BENGAL 6421641 2222910 8644551 22826205

Total 70592454 14298426 84890880 196237999


Table 66 (R+U): Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural and Urban Combined for Ducks

State/ UT
SNo. Drakes Ducks
Desi Improved Total Desi Improved Total
(1) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 24955 11842 36797 17781 11160 28941
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 16510 587 17097 133333 4230 137563

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 22413 3240 25653 22445 4142 26587

4 ASSAM 1887986 53924 1941910 3561052 82463 3643515

5 BIHAR 67705 7834 75539 122918 47026 169944

6 CHANDIGARH 4 0 4 3 107 110

7 CHHATTISGARH 30588 2090 32678 81443 12995 94438

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 4 0 4 2215 4020 6235

9 DAMAN & DIU 464 4 468 202 2 204

10 GOA 72 34 106 249 30 279

11 GUJARAT 4445 332 4777 14620 798 15418

12 HARYANA 159 267 426 816 222 1038

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 7 19 26 450 192 642

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 27497 1828 29325 56036 2288 58324

15 JHARKHAND 174612 7465 182077 134522 10730 145252

16 KARNATAKA 1472 501 1973 3871 639 4510

17 KERALA 88311 105395 193706 343857 298654 642511

18 LAKSHADWEEP 217 143 360 372 151 523

19 MADHYA PRADESH 2238 470 2708 12437 3117 15554

20 MAHARASHTRA 5801 742 6543 41423 5684 47107

21 MANIPUR 66436 61398 127834 95219 77627 172846

22 MEGHALAYA 6420 358 6778 9063 18813 27876

23 MIZORAM 721 1059 1780 1009 1203 2212

24 NAGALAND 17771 11192 28963 22554 11865 34419

25 NCT OF DELHI 457 33 490 486 257 743

26 ODISHA 67206 1685 68891 116075 2892 118967

27 PUDUCHERRY 2528 112 2640 3584 645 4229

28 PUNJAB 393 119 512 2131 704 2835

29 RAJASTHAN 777 273 1050 1613 1224 2837

30 SIKKIM 142 10 152 582 14 596

31 TAMIL NADU 140967 17997 158964 48980 22044 71024

32 TRIPURA 252727 37322 290049 212078 51932 264010

33 UTTAR PRADESH 44345 16477 60822 105899 39493 145392

34 UTTARAKHAND 9152 1942 11094 6586 1095 7681

35 WEST BENGAL 3125150 174123 3299273 1452091 107871 1559962

Total 6090652 520817 6611469 6627995 826329 7454324


Table 67 (R+U): Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural and Urban Combined for Ducks
under Duckling below 6 Months and Total Ducks
State/ UT
SNo. Duckling Below 6 Months Total Ducks
Desi Improved Total
(1) (18) (19) (20) (21)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 14213 13684 27897 93635

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 67676 388 68064 222724

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 26431 4142 30573 82813

4 ASSAM 1631467 83510 1714977 7300402

5 BIHAR 51210 5246 56456 301939

6 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 114

7 CHHATTISGARH 71434 6017 77451 204567

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 4 0 4 6243

9 DAMAN & DIU 41 8 49 721

10 GOA 23 6 29 414

11 GUJARAT 5986 5498 11484 31679

12 HARYANA 96 46046 46142 47606

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 5 7 12 680

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 11331 2955 14286 101935

15 JHARKHAND 173828 9350 183178 510507

16 KARNATAKA 490 171 661 7144

17 KERALA 61542 102322 163864 1000081

18 LAKSHADWEEP 139 31 170 1053

19 MADHYA PRADESH 1590 164 1754 20016

20 MAHARASHTRA 3860 324 4184 57834

21 MANIPUR 115662 135091 250753 551433

22 MEGHALAYA 5901 1092 6993 41647

23 MIZORAM 495 2236 2731 6723

24 NAGALAND 43122 19457 62579 125961

25 NCT OF DELHI 24 25 49 1282

26 ODISHA 121035 2926 123961 311819

27 PUDUCHERRY 200 60 260 7129

28 PUNJAB 188 19 207 3554

29 RAJASTHAN 329 55 384 4271

30 SIKKIM 52 4 56 804

31 TAMIL NADU 42479 9584 52063 282051

32 TRIPURA 153249 35203 188452 742511

33 UTTAR PRADESH 29390 12919 42309 248523

34 UTTARAKHAND 1550 738 2288 21063

35 WEST BENGAL 1274490 123751 1398241 6257476

Total 3909532 623029 4532561 18598354


Table 68 (R+U): Details of Backyard Poultry in Rural and Urban Combined for Turkeys,
Quails, Others Poultry and Total Poultry Birds
SNo. State/ UT Turkeys Quails Other Total Poultry Birds

Male Female Total

(1) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 41 57 98 1096 575 718419

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 3428 4632 8060 61282 23030 29081062

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 467 730 1197 2520 949386 2215838

4 ASSAM 12993 13345 26338 3838 137117 26185904

5 BIHAR 7485 7075 14560 3359 76685 7620593

6 CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 0 30 1967

7 CHHATTISGARH 2162 15071 17233 3120 13370 6288599

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 1 11 12 0 44 85972

9 DAMAN & DIU 2 2 4 0 277 28202

10 GOA 69 88 157 6 84 131286

11 GUJARAT 302 5688 5990 553 7076 4871919

12 HARYANA 15 250 265 102 904 275892

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 9 8 17 5 134 254498

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 186 101 287 10 12787 3303524

15 JHARKHAND 5687 6130 11817 1319 135567 11021480

16 KARNATAKA 3085 4376 7461 522 24572 9700025

17 KERALA 19892 31429 51321 166070 373763 10611984

18 LAKSHADWEEP 2 4 6 54 729 138444

19 MADHYA PRADESH 149 4264 4413 62 4327 6458776

20 MAHARASHTRA 772 779 1551 7404 16593 17506883

21 MANIPUR 4542 2977 7519 1363 10896 2422320

22 MEGHALAYA 3044 2605 5649 128 2512 3251398

23 MIZORAM 16 26 42 23 37 1260837

24 NAGALAND 694 898 1592 657 2282 2125977

25 NCT OF DELHI 76 73 149 40 682 39304

26 ODISHA 1151 1149 2300 1007 21151 12254289

27 PUDUCHERRY 1008 1451 2459 2583 12699 131178

28 PUNJAB 799 581 1380 288 17351 759925

29 RAJASTHAN 422 488 910 96 93 3033212

30 SIKKIM 0 4 4 0 4 432264

31 TAMIL NADU 27003 47010 74013 27456 87274 13919086

32 TRIPURA 3863 5365 9228 549 54601 3279165

33 UTTAR PRADESH 9645 7024 16669 1847 27602 8121532

34 UTTARAKHAND 42 78 120 79 4899 800310

35 WEST BENGAL 10449 1914 12363 3618 61597 29161259

Total 119501 165683 285184 291056 2080730 217493323


Table 69 R: Details of Poultry Birds in Farms / Hatcheries in Rural Areas

Number of Birds in Farms / Hatcheries
SNo. State/UT
Layer Broiler Duck Others*

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 154735 282456 3652 5236

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 82824911 47863327 220810 410268

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 523 26870 69 931

4 ASSAM 13658 983277 10189 3587

5 BIHAR 313976 4434543 47094 60224

6 CHANDIGARH 67000 5000 0 0

7 CHHATTISGARH 5367086 7201797 32827 3754084


9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 83797 72768 73 4

11 GUJARAT 4308567 3899262 233897 1119686

12 HARYANA 19825133 20885700 158089 609087

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 219949 483951 15 135105

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 105389 4323293 19900 2093

15 JHARKHAND 103078 2330863 5251 6806

16 KARNATAKA 14599854 27019470 226469 272875

17 KERALA 788452 11544801 705722 245707

18 LAKSHADWEEP 11193 14732 172 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 3616566 1635427 152 3422

20 MAHARASHTRA 7487592 50263198 777540 533933

21 MANIPUR 503 28963 250 0

22 MEGHALAYA 21012 106940 1410 10142

23 MIZORAM 1195 1412 0 0

24 NAGALAND 12072 23165 455 2039

25 NCT OF DELHI 0 4000 0 249

26 ODISHA 1911154 5431819 54185 71537

27 PUDUCHERRY 0 47260 1755 4502

28 PUNJAB 9145276 5408062 34713 598540

29 RAJASTHAN 2509367 2196359 11475 95842

30 SIKKIM 1471 17600 0 0

31 TAMIL NADU 46716768 43433018 1977177 1875247

32 TRIPURA 26138 886901 887 710

33 UTTAR PRADESH 1183331 8280967 55411 160825

34 UTTARAKHAND 2474684 1329031 4082 1330

35 WEST BENGAL 1711955 20883514 272512 7002

Total 205606385 271349746 4856233 9991013

* Others include Turkey, Emu, Ostrich etc


Table 70 U: Details of Poultry Birds in Farms / Hatcheries in Urban Areas

Number of Birds in Farms / Hatcheries

SNo. State/ UT Layer Broiler Duck Others*

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


2 ANDHRA PRADESH 479007 376748 33354 44442


4 ASSAM 2424 15930 0 1200

5 BIHAR 75410 187740 7979 493

6 CHANDIGARH 15011 19122 14 605

7 CHHATTISGARH 111164 331658 1125 13818


9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 0 4100 0 0

11 GUJARAT 236037 289346 253 46784

12 HARYANA 673874 393302 0 271

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 119 10839 0 0

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 27238 489922 0 2350

15 JHARKHAND 6199 84341 488 1022

16 KARNATAKA 1070317 538646 0 14374

17 KERALA 64323 292811 3420 24708

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 42376 147986 2 9

20 MAHARASHTRA 542301 603268 145 79711

21 MANIPUR 0 47480 0 0

22 MEGHALAYA 5004 4126 0 0

23 MIZORAM 3473 0 0 4436

24 NAGALAND 4230 10368 164 0

25 NCT OF DELHI 10 193 15 60

26 ODISHA 29390 132675 469 5020

27 PUDUCHERRY 21 2730 4 21271

28 PUNJAB 505900 272200 2 69458

29 RAJASTHAN 105205 72868 95 1

30 SIKKIM 631 0 0 0

31 TAMIL NADU 4477467 4878640 30675 40816

32 TRIPURA 4150 74782 0 0

33 UTTAR PRADESH 81128 779365 560 4713

34 UTTARAKHAND 24000 8500 0 0

35 WEST BENGAL 51592 743164 5295 1283

Total 8638031 10813685 84059 376845

* Others include Turkey, Emu, Ostrich etc


Table 71 (R+U): Details of Poultry Birds in Farms / Hatcheries in

Rural and Urban Combined
Number of Birds in Farms / Hatcheries

SNo. State/ UT
Layer Broiler Duck Others*

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 154765 283291 3652 5236

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 83303918 48240075 254164 454710

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 523 26870 69 931

4 ASSAM 16082 999207 10189 4787

5 BIHAR 389386 4622283 55073 60717

6 CHANDIGARH 82011 24122 14 605

7 CHHATTISGARH 5478250 7533455 33952 3767902


9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 83797 76868 73 4

11 GUJARAT 4544604 4188608 234150 1166470

12 HARYANA 20499007 21279002 158089 609358

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 220068 494790 15 135105

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 132627 4813215 19900 4443

15 JHARKHAND 109277 2415204 5739 7828

16 KARNATAKA 15670171 27558116 226469 287249

17 KERALA 852775 11837612 709142 270415

18 LAKSHADWEEP 11193 14732 172 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 3658942 1783413 154 3431

20 MAHARASHTRA 8029893 50866466 777685 613644

21 MANIPUR 503 76443 250 0

22 MEGHALAYA 26016 111066 1410 10142

23 MIZORAM 4668 1412 0 4436

24 NAGALAND 16302 33533 619 2039

25 NCT OF DELHI 10 4193 15 309

26 ODISHA 1940544 5564494 54654 76557

27 PUDUCHERRY 21 49990 1759 25773

28 PUNJAB 9651176 5680262 34715 667998

29 RAJASTHAN 2614572 2269227 11570 95843

30 SIKKIM 2102 17600 0 0

31 TAMIL NADU 51194235 48311658 2007852 1916063

32 TRIPURA 30288 961683 887 710

33 UTTAR PRADESH 1264459 9060332 55971 165538

34 UTTARAKHAND 2498684 1337531 4082 1330

35 WEST BENGAL 1763547 21626678 277807 8285

Total 214244416 282163431 4940292 10367858

* Others include Turkey, Emu, Ostrich etc


Table 72: Number of Equipments Used in Livestock Sector Rural and Urban Combined

SNo. State/ UT Milking Mechanized Chopper & Dung Collection&

Machine Fodder Cutter Baler Disposal Equipment

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 673 3973 1097 61


4 ASSAM 2 37 6732 28

5 BIHAR 9358 1132788 62573 7795

6 CHANDIGARH 6 656 4 1

7 CHHATTISGARH 74 7438 1205 101


9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 45 74 5 1

11 GUJARAT 3137 14399 2447 7161

12 HARYANA 2477 1378848 38462 16726

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 80 153011 2593 16665

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 126 48292 142 0

15 JHARKHAND 75 25113 15185 28272

16 KARNATAKA 1154 23118 16270 1707

17 KERALA 1677 828 11700 4662

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 2599 111861 15206 1317

20 MAHARASHTRA 2706 41954 105262 166

21 MANIPUR 1 4 0 0

22 MEGHALAYA 6 0 0 267

23 MIZORAM 0 0 0 542

24 NAGALAND 0 2 1 87

25 NCT OF DELHI 147 11354 345 43

26 ODISHA 1 114 4267 0

27 PUDUCHERRY 21 1 0 0

28 PUNJAB 6960 925543 28984 1130

29 RAJASTHAN 45492 727467 293088 29169

30 SIKKIM 0 6 0 0

31 TAMIL NADU 2897 10593 32023 9704

32 TRIPURA 815 1793 6506 785

33 UTTAR PRADESH 18567 7736320 736268 217703

34 UTTARAKHAND 758 174709 1936 25582

35 WEST BENGAL 9148 4337 120161 4915

Total 109002 12534633 1502462 374590


Table 73 R: Number of Households and Households Enterprises Owning Animals/Poultry

Birds in Rural Areas
Number of Households and Households Enterprises Having

Number of Cattle Buffaloes Goats Sheep Pigs Backyard Poultry

SNo. State/ UT House Holds Poultry Farm
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

1 ANDAMAN & 68713 11362 2222 11071 0 7240 28339 35

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 14983863 2466691 2773184 676819 681501 30391 3560647 4413875

3 ARUNACHAL 154139 94324 2742 82320 1799 91333 126578 5961

4 ASSAM 5883387 2672199 120918 1878127 135001 590809 2126675 64903

5 BIHAR 17232801 5371640 3464824 3950069 22080 118974 1353330 248421

6 CHANDIGARH 27488 488 1029 41 3 2 29 1716

7 CHHATTISGARH 4216224 2393618 429952 583997 19630 87980 828978 2956445

8 DADRA & NAGAR 62505 12988 920 859 40 0 10954 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 17309 898 149 634 1 0 5490 1

10 GOA 238095 10606 4797 699 1 8009 13297 816

11 GUJARAT 8714135 3249865 3233469 920302 72435 490 781888 430039

12 HARYANA 3218444 723960 1926644 61136 20866 16800 47701 1463700

13 HIMACHAL 1425157 732169 342641 164809 77550 1088 28381 11826

14 JAMMU & 1540026 901596 265941 230056 260868 281 368801 3868
15 JHARKHAND 5203960 2566196 388575 1739901 105124 249616 1414396 13575

16 KARNATAKA 8380101 2876772 1267774 672197 502761 17732 1001841 152371

17 KERALA 7133135 572529 53736 420633 229 9544 1785942 141390

18 LAKSHADWEEP 13224 743 0 7688 0 0 6150 12

19 MADHYA PRADESH 13841714 5701238 2549605 1666559 18558 22449 769795 271364

20 MAHARASHTRA 17296338 4754130 2099806 1864220 94863 18270 1872941 1695395

21 MANIPUR 359968 67008 21370 13824 3449 74534 152879 6492

22 MEGHALAYA 481670 126627 4042 59251 4068 148613 209771 386

23 MIZORAM 118689 4760 1080 4153 90 36790 41537 2

24 NAGALAND 304297 50078 9337 20930 380 115452 150300 1096

25 NCT OF DELHI 2366909 30059 38987 9199 201 7206 8405 420

26 ODISHA 9826511 3681509 173891 1237435 237211 56823 1604113 297152

27 PUDUCHERRY 116551 16727 58 9901 250 32 14594 23

28 PUNJAB 3187221 897226 1430158 68769 8514 2612 69951 268001

29 RAJASTHAN 12050693 4810561 4693797 4489309 944936 22159 425182 149433

30 SIKKIM 82904 50661 370 28008 536 17662 38916 17

31 TAMIL NADU 10455131 3004862 252092 1943196 750889 39241 2640898 3409671

32 TRIPURA 783012 308077 3753 160075 715 180005 339937 14760

33 UTTAR PRADESH 29548882 7742977 11541729 4153609 107153 177044 911517 2116571

34 UTTARAKHAND 1791313 666249 466851 181521 16909 1475 55811 1830

35 WEST BENGAL 14481194 6321601 218588 3807719 304052 210110 5534883 1074376

Total 195605703 62892994 37785031 31119036 4392663 2360766 28330847 19215943


Table 74 U: Number of Households and Households Enterprises Owning Animals/Poultry

Birds in Urban Areas
Number of Households and Households Enterprises Having

Number of Cattle Buffaloes Goats Sheep Pigs Backyard Poultry

SNo. State/ UT Households Poultry Farm
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

1 ANDAMAN & 27683 217 12 666 1 17 1109 3

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 5147370 49110 98470 63954 25037 3409 218761 89916

3 ARUNACHAL 8752 5795 0 4917 39 6654 6342 1800

4 ASSAM 586679 37655 418 21725 1470 4853 38411 649

5 BIHAR 1824942 196471 89234 177433 199 8356 78623 25774

6 CHANDIGARH 212172 811 963 180 2 16 454 3445

7 CHHATTISGARH 1053433 107297 17576 25478 450 4052 50449 56386

8 DADRA & NAGAR 25523 1222 35 82 0 0 934 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 13973 8 3 69 0 1 679 0

10 GOA 72986 674 596 140 5 932 1971 2

11 GUJARAT 4948995 106992 114100 112122 7589 103 48881 24445

12 HARYANA 2056063 47658 111286 6462 1033 4877 3197 4569

13 HIMACHAL 146910 6536 3809 794 195 63 560 4

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 360426 53122 3994 5933 10296 12 25730 200

15 JHARKHAND 968934 60693 11693 53780 514 5881 40457 574

16 KARNATAKA 5614326 99033 49629 42782 30505 3572 88470 341

17 KERALA 1706019 33485 3604 30221 16 197 164153 707

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 3091381 236482 102741 124225 765 5661 35829 9994

20 MAHARASHTRA 11061977 122642 85201 136068 3810 7367 146091 152151

21 MANIPUR 109892 11186 446 1373 6 11957 25939 32

22 MEGHALAYA 37213 409 0 351 2 598 1155 5

23 MIZORAM 118309 989 115 505 8 28340 25414 4

24 NAGALAND 244955 3690 358 1948 25 30855 22218 220

25 NCT OF DELHI 3283582 5100 1177 4126 64 2278 991 92

26 ODISHA 1269399 90095 4242 33755 2952 2321 63840 8382

27 PUDUCHERRY 180553 2550 506 2199 15 72 6258 21

28 PUNJAB 1423700 32417 59349 4806 696 1770 5379 18941

29 RAJASTHAN 2638020 200726 152016 246893 11289 10481 31389 7402

30 SIKKIM 32140 361 1 278 6 300 1222 0

31 TAMIL NADU 6909935 338573 45249 275106 55756 10385 553331 201527

32 TRIPURA 186429 11630 77 3442 179 1665 13650 66

33 UTTAR PRADESH 7381000 390096 414024 371293 3274 22732 99233 175828

34 UTTARAKHA ND 507217 17261 8661 6186 123 1508 6608 4

35 WEST BENGAL 4054723 180144 15821 135759 3135 7557 177449 23817

Total 67305611 2451130 1395406 1895051 159456 188842 1985177 807301


Table 75 (R+U): Number of Households and Households Enterprises Owning

Animals/Poultry Birds in Rural and Urban Combined
Number of Households and Households Enterprises Having

SNo. State/ UT Poultry Farm

Number of Backyard &
Households Cattle Buffaloes Goats Sheep Pigs Poultry Hatcheries
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

1 ANDAMAN & 96396 11579 2234 11737 1 7257 29448 38

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 20131233 2515801 2871654 740773 706538 33800 3779408 4503791

3 ARUNACHAL 162891 100119 2742 87237 1838 97987 132920 7761

4 ASSAM 6470066 2709854 121336 1899852 136471 595662 2165086 65552

5 BIHAR 19057743 5568111 3554058 4127502 22279 127330 1431953 274195

6 CHANDIGARH 239660 1299 1992 221 5 18 483 5161

7 CHHATTISGARH 5269657 2500915 447528 609475 20080 92032 879427 3012831

8 DADRA & NAGAR 88028 14210 955 941 40 0 11888 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 31282 906 152 703 1 1 6169 1

10 GOA 311081 11280 5393 839 6 8941 15268 818

11 GUJARAT 13663130 3356857 3347569 1032424 80024 593 830769 454484

12 HARYANA 5274507 771618 2037930 67598 21899 21677 50898 1468269

13 HIMACHAL 1572067 738705 346450 165603 77745 1151 28941 11830

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 1900452 954718 269935 235989 271164 293 394531 4068

15 JHARKHAND 6172894 2626889 400268 1793681 105638 255497 1454853 14149

16 KARNATAK A 13994427 2975805 1317403 714979 533266 21304 1090311 152712

17 KERALA 8839154 606014 57340 450854 245 9741 1950095 142097

18 LAKSHADWEEP 13224 743 0 7688 0 0 6150 12

19 MADHYA PRADESH 16933095 5937720 2652346 1790784 19323 28110 805624 281358

20 MAHARASHTRA 28358315 4876772 2185007 2000288 98673 25637 2019032 1847546

21 MANIPUR 469860 78194 21816 15197 3455 86491 178818 6524

22 MEGHALAYA 518883 127036 4042 59602 4070 149211 210926 391

23 MIZORAM 236998 5749 1195 4658 98 65130 66951 6

24 NAGALAND 549252 53768 9695 22878 405 146307 172518 1316

25 NCT OF DELHI 5650491 35159 40164 13325 265 9484 9396 512

26 ODISHA 11095910 3771604 178133 1271190 240163 59144 1667953 305534

27 PUDUCHERRY 297104 19277 564 12100 265 104 20852 44

28 PUNJAB 4610921 929643 1489507 73575 9210 4382 75330 286942

29 RAJASTHAN 14688713 5011287 4845813 4736202 956225 32640 456571 156835

30 SIKKIM 115044 51022 371 28286 542 17962 40138 17

31 TAMIL NADU 17365066 3343435 297341 2218302 806645 49626 3194229 3611198

32 TRIPURA 969441 319707 3830 163517 894 181670 353587 14826

33 UTTAR PRADESH 36929882 8133073 11955753 4524902 110427 199776 1010750 2292399

34 UTTARAKHAND 2298530 683510 475512 187707 17032 2983 62419 1834

35 WEST BENGAL 18535917 6501745 234409 3943478 307187 217667 5712332 1098193

Total 262911314 65344124 39180437 33014087 4552119 2549608 30316024 20023244


Table 76 R: Number of Non Households Enterprises and Institutions Owning

Animals/Poultry Birds in Rural Areas
Number of Non Households Enterprises and Institutions Having
SNo. State/ UT Cattle Buffaloes Goats Sheep Pigs Poultry Farm &
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 20 4 26 0 10 40
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 852 347 46 84 11 614546

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 13 0 94 0 17 0

4 ASSAM 975 97 470 29 184 502

5 BIHAR 3994 3211 2315 92 99 15940

6 CHANDIGARH 6 9 2 0 0 0

7 CHHATTISGARH 3716 505 418 29 112 122880

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 3 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 0 0 0 0 0 1

10 GOA 17 9 1 0 10 11

11 GUJARAT 19775 7193 3492 546 45 177195

12 HARYANA 2530 2004 52 73 31 67078

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 406 60 76 82 5 708

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 181 16 44 66 0 635

15 JHARKHAND 1651 286 406 31 112 11629

16 KARNATAKA 1091 235 97 176 41 35936

17 KERALA 1220 179 181 5 298 16762

18 LAKSHADWEEP 18 0 21 0 0 99

19 MADHYA PRADESH 12565 5290 835 10 9 54395

20 MAHARASHTRA 2726 625 618 71 120 127469

21 MANIPUR 14 3 11 1 12 4

22 MEGHALAYA 101 2 30 5 141 20

23 MIZORAM 22 0 5 1 11 2

24 NAGALAND 623 24 64 3 293 81

25 NCT OF DELHI 1389 8265 33 1 1 7

26 ODISHA 1256 215 485 318 53 32960

27 PUDUCHERRY 7 1 2 0 0 5

28 PUNJAB 60209 85015 3243 688 334 68532

29 RAJASTHAN 25386 3548 2449 1777 47 12361

30 SIKKIM 28 0 3 0 7 2

31 TAMIL NADU 9329 424 2073 2879 1480 867662

32 TRIPURA 9 0 3 0 3 1539

33 UTTAR PRADESH 6234 8474 1437 329 492 18429

34 UTTARAKHAND 238 34 60 27 6 11153

35 WEST BENGAL 2532 263 1249 61 103 26763

Total 159133 126338 20344 7384 4087 2285346


Table 77 U: Number of Non Households Enterprises and Institutions Owning

Animals/Poultry Birds in Urban Areas
Number of Non Households Enterprises and Institutions Having
SNo. State/ UT Cattle Buffaloes Goats Sheep Pigs Poultry Farm &
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 3 0 6 0 1 3
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 346 272 40 17 1 4336


4 ASSAM 39 0 27 4 13 20

5 BIHAR 277 45 131 0 16 1930

6 CHANDIGARH 10 5 1 2 0 2

7 CHHATTISGARH 424 120 31 0 4 4929

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 2 0 0 0 0 0

10 GOA 1 0 0 0 0 0

11 GUJARAT 3972 408 61 34 1 16133

12 HARYANA 1781 139 10 1 3 1022

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 22 4 4 0 0 12

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 24 1 5 9 0 17

15 JHARKHAND 481 119 19 0 18 158

16 KARNATAKA 290 36 44 37 11 230

17 KERALA 268 28 28 2 47 218

18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 602 129 43 3 0 3822

20 MAHARASHTRA 1127 761 582 158 35 23767

21 MANIPUR 5 0 0 0 7 7

22 MEGHALAYA 4 0 0 0 5 2

23 MIZORAM 16 1 1 1 38 19

24 NAGALAND 96 2 4 0 92 54

25 NCT OF DELHI 52 187 7 0 10 0

26 ODISHA 138 4 69 3 6 362

27 PUDUCHERRY 2 1 1 1 0 2

28 PUNJAB 7239 4112 283 96 73 3812

29 RAJASTHAN 7125 520 756 39 84 61

30 SIKKIM 3 0 1 0 1 1

31 TAMIL NADU 2527 184 1362 117 206 81765

32 TRIPURA 2 0 0 0 0 1

33 UTTAR PRADESH 1923 2856 748 94 115 35

34 UTTARAKHAND 196 38 11 0 2 0

35 WEST BENGAL 750 146 570 8 13 1190

Total 29748 10118 4845 626 802 143910


Table 78 (R+U): Number of Non Households Enterprises and Institutions Owning

Animals/Poultry Birds in Rural and Urban Combined
Number of Non Households Enterprises and Institutions Having
SNo. State/ UT Cattle Buffaloes Goats Sheep Pigs Poultry Farm &
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 23 4 32 0 11 43

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 1198 619 86 101 12 618882

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 14 0 94 0 17 0

4 ASSAM 1014 97 497 33 197 522

5 BIHAR 4271 3256 2446 92 115 17870

6 CHANDIGARH 16 14 3 2 0 2

7 CHHATTISGARH 4140 625 449 29 116 127809

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 0 0 3 0 0 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 2 0 0 0 0 1

10 GOA 18 9 1 0 10 11

11 GUJARAT 23747 7601 3553 580 46 193328

12 HARYANA 4311 2143 62 74 34 68100

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 428 64 80 82 5 720

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 205 17 49 75 0 652

15 JHARKHAND 2132 405 425 31 130 11787

16 KARNATAKA 1381 271 141 213 52 36166

17 KERALA 1488 207 209 7 345 16980

18 LAKSHADWEEP 18 0 21 0 0 99

19 MADHYA PRADESH 13167 5419 878 13 9 58217

20 MAHARASHTRA 3853 1386 1200 229 155 151236

21 MANIPUR 19 3 11 1 19 11

22 MEGHALAYA 105 2 30 5 146 22

23 MIZORAM 38 1 6 2 49 21

24 NAGALAND 719 26 68 3 385 135

25 NCT OF DELHI 1441 8452 40 1 11 7

26 ODISHA 1394 219 554 321 59 33322

27 PUDUCHERRY 9 2 3 1 0 7

28 PUNJAB 67448 89127 3526 784 407 72344

29 RAJASTHAN 32511 4068 3205 1816 131 12422

30 SIKKIM 31 0 4 0 8 3

31 TAMIL NADU 11856 608 3435 2996 1686 949427

32 TRIPURA 11 0 3 0 3 1540

33 UTTAR PRADESH 8157 11330 2185 423 607 18464

34 UTTARAKHAND 434 72 71 27 8 11153

35 WEST BENGAL 3282 409 1819 69 116 27953

Total 188881 136456 25189 8010 4889 2429256


Table 79: Number of Stray Cattle and Stray Dogs

Stray Cattle Stray Dogs

SNo. State/ UT
Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 3624 71 3695 7083 1084 8167

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 28539 13979 42518 1050356 187632 1237988

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 77 0 77 464 0 464

4 ASSAM 20746 2167 22913 505762 10737 516499

5 BIHAR 249733 12616 262349 987500 50220 1037720

6 CHANDIGARH 535 1443 1978 1225 6703 7928

7 CHHATTISGARH 125249 12873 138122 293929 49693 343622

8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 317 712 1029 746 1427 2173

9 DAMAN & DIU 376 169 545 872 262 1134

10 GOA 5882 1301 7183 13598 2727 16325

11 GUJARAT 237963 54499 292462 650915 195178 846093

12 HARYANA 84554 32655 117209 363476 58998 422474

13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 30736 1424 32160 62623 2597 65220

14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 4451 3914 8365 214105 56472 270577

15 JHARKHAND 20010 6032 26042 310222 28395 338617

16 KARNATAKA 41986 22772 64758 661413 214668 876081

17 KERALA 3963 718 4681 233483 35511 268994

18 LAKSHADWEEP 280 0 280 0 0 0

19 MADHYA PRADESH 379846 58064 437910 1082745 125794 1208539

20 MAHARASHTRA 99074 55413 154487 866720 349373 1216093

21 MANIPUR 42 0 42 23 0 23

22 MEGHALAYA 2410 0 2410 5062 288 5350

23 MIZORAM 0 0 0 0 0 0

24 NAGALAND 0 0 0 7 0 7

25 NCT OF DELHI 10461 1702 12163 30311 30161 60472

26 ODISHA 1120137 18914 1139051 684796 177724 862520

27 PUDUCHERRY 9 86 95 7867 9809 17676

28 PUNJAB 81728 19263 100991 256178 49304 305482

29 RAJASTHAN 840674 105376 946050 1041265 109750 1151015

30 SIKKIM 0 0 0 7245 1458 8703

31 TAMIL NADU 38897 28359 67256 455553 192245 647798

32 TRIPURA 3743 403 4146 8612 1583 10195

33 UTTAR PRADESH 495846 513590 1009436 3881081 298164 4179245

34 UTTARAKHAND 9953 3551 13504 34733 13252 47985

35 WEST BENGAL 364654 9206 373860 908210 248960 1157170

Total 4306495 981272 5287767 14628180 2510169 17138349


Table 80 R: Number of Cattle, Buffaloes, Sheep, Goats and Pigs per Thousand
Households in Rural Areas
Number of Number of Animal Per 1000 House Holds
SNo. State/UT
House Holds
Cattle Buffaloes Sheep Goats Pigs

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 68713 652 114 0 895 518
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 14983863 629 684 1739 589 22
3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 154139 2914 39 87 1912 2221
4 ASSAM 5883387 1730 74 87 1035 275
5 BIHAR 17232801 683 428 13 679 36
6 CHANDIGARH 27488 80 206 0 4 1
7 CHHATTISGARH 4216224 2228 310 39 736 96
8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 62505 601 58 2 53 0
9 DAMAN & DIU 17309 112 24 0 100 0
10 GOA 238095 226 115 0 48 157
11 GUJARAT 8714135 1086 1142 188 524 0
12 HARYANA 3218444 497 1778 109 106 30
13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 1425157 1497 496 564 783 3
14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 1540026 1730 471 2133 1289 1
15 JHARKHAND 5203960 1638 218 111 1230 177
16 KARNATAKA 8380101 1097 395 1115 547 24
17 KERALA 7133135 174 13 0 163 7
18 LAKSHADWEEP 13224 234 0 0 3516 0
19 MADHYA PRADESH 13841714 1360 569 22 547 9
20 MAHARASHTRA 17296338 872 301 147 461 13
21 MANIPUR 359968 633 180 32 163 657
22 MEGHALAYA 481670 1856 46 42 978 1124
23 MIZORAM 118689 227 39 5 169 1220
24 NAGALAND 304297 700 101 12 291 1424
25 NCT OF DELHI 2366909 35 67 0 10 26
26 ODISHA 9826511 1152 71 158 648 27
27 PUDUCHERRY 116551 425 3 12 376 3
28 PUNJAB 3187221 718 1543 39 97 7
29 RAJASTHAN 12050693 1061 1047 747 1745 14
30 SIKKIM 82904 1683 8 32 1356 352
31 TAMIL NADU 10455131 759 63 428 694 14
32 TRIPURA 783012 1172 14 3 765 458
33 UTTAR PRADESH 29548882 635 991 45 486 39
34 UTTARAKHAND 1791313 1094 537 205 752 6
35 WEST BENGAL 14481194 1109 36 74 770 43
Total 195605703 939 532 326 660 47


Table 81 U: Number of Cattle, Buffaloes, Sheep, Goats and Pigs per Thousand
Households in Urban Areas
Number of Number of animal Per 1000 Households
SNo. State/UT
Cattle Buffaloes Sheep Goats Pigs

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 27683 31 2 0 138 11

2 ANDHRA PRADESH 5147370 32 72 65 47 12

3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 8752 1670 0 8 1243 1606
4 ASSAM 586679 223 3 8 138 29
5 BIHAR 1824942 250 108 2 245 18
6 CHANDIGARH 212172 32 39 0 3 1
7 CHHATTISGARH 1053433 400 80 4 115 31
8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 25523 168 18 0 33 0
9 DAMAN & DIU 13973 11 1 0 23 1
10 GOA 72986 50 60 0 22 84
11 GUJARAT 4948995 106 88 13 80 0
12 HARYANA 2056063 101 177 6 13 15
13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 146910 104 59 4 23 3
14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 360426 371 36 290 92 0
15 JHARKHAND 968934 211 52 3 189 42
16 KARNATAKA 5614326 58 29 43 37 19
17 KERALA 1706019 51 4 0 48 2
18 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 MADHYA PRADESH 3091381 252 101 3 144 15
20 MAHARASHTRA 11061977 36 35 4 42 8
21 MANIPUR 109892 329 14 0 59 371
22 MEGHALAYA 37213 50 0 0 52 50
23 MIZORAM 118309 65 5 1 18 849
24 NAGALAND 244955 90 8 1 44 287
25 NCT OF DELHI 3283582 1 1 0 2 4
26 ODISHA 1269399 241 19 20 115 15
27 PUDUCHERRY 180553 57 10 1 62 3
28 PUNJAB 1423700 98 171 4 12 7
29 RAJASTHAN 2638020 205 135 28 242 27
30 SIKKIM 32140 29 1 0 30 23
31 TAMIL NADU 6909935 128 17 46 128 5
32 TRIPURA 186429 166 1 4 64 19
33 UTTAR PRADESH 7381000 109 183 4 166 24
34 UTTARAKHAND 507217 93 51 1 40 19
35 WEST BENGAL 4054723 113 17 3 89 7
Total 67305611 106 68 19 91 16


Table 82(R+U): Number of Cattle, Buffaloes, Sheep, Goats and Pigs per Thousand
Households in Rural and Urban Combined
Number of Number of animals Per 1000 Households
SNo. State/UT
Cattle Buffaloes Sheep Goats Pigs

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 96396 473 82 0 678 373
2 ANDHRA PRADESH 20131233 477 528 1311 451 20
3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 162891 2847 37 83 1876 2188
4 ASSAM 6470066 1593 67 80 953 253
5 BIHAR 19057743 642 397 12 638 34
6 CHANDIGARH 239660 37 59 0 3 1
7 CHHATTISGARH 5269657 1863 264 32 612 83
8 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 88028 476 46 1 47 0

9 DAMAN & DIU 31282 67 14 0 66 0

10 GOA 311081 185 102 0 42 140
11 GUJARAT 13663130 731 760 125 363 0
12 HARYANA 5274507 343 1154 69 70 24
13 HIMACHAL PRADESH 1572067 1367 455 512 712 3
14 JAMMU & KASHMIR 1900452 1472 389 1784 1062 1
15 JHARKHAND 6172894 1414 192 94 1066 156
16 KARNATAKA 13994427 680 248 685 343 22
17 KERALA 8839154 150 12 0 141 6
18 LAKSHADWEEP 13224 234 0 0 3516 0
19 MADHYA PRADESH 16933095 1158 484 18 473 10
20 MAHARASHTRA 28358315 546 197 91 297 11
21 MANIPUR 469860 562 141 24 139 590
22 MEGHALAYA 518883 1727 43 39 912 1047
23 MIZORAM 236998 146 22 3 94 1035
24 NAGALAND 549252 428 60 7 181 917
25 NCT OF DELHI 5650491 15 29 0 5 14
26 ODISHA 11095910 1047 65 142 587 25
27 PUDUCHERRY 297104 202 7 5 185 3
28 PUNJAB 4610921 527 1119 28 71 7
29 RAJASTHAN 14688713 907 883 618 1475 16
30 SIKKIM 115044 1221 6 23 985 260
31 TAMIL NADU 17365066 508 45 276 469 11
32 TRIPURA 969441 979 11 3 630 374
33 UTTAR PRADESH 36929882 530 829 37 422 36
34 UTTARAKHAND 2298530 873 430 160 595 9
35 WEST BENGAL 18535917 891 32 58 621 35
Total 262911314 726 413 247 514 39


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