"Investigation On The Electrolysis Voltage of Electrocoagulation CHEN 2002 PDF
"Investigation On The Electrolysis Voltage of Electrocoagulation CHEN 2002 PDF
"Investigation On The Electrolysis Voltage of Electrocoagulation CHEN 2002 PDF
The relation between electrolysis voltage and the other variables of an electrocoagulation process was analyzed. Theoretical models
describing such a relation were established. Experiments were conducted to con4rm the theoretical analysis and to determine the constants
in the models. Both the theoretical analysis and experiments demonstrated that water pH and 7ow rate had little e8ects on the electrolysis
voltage within a large range. The electrolysis voltage depends primarily on the inter-electrode distance, conductivity, current density and
the electrode surface state. The models obtained can be used to calculate the total required electrolysis voltage for an electrocoagulation
process. ? 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
0009-2509/02/$ - see front matter ? 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 9 - 2 5 0 9 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 4 7 - 1
2450 X. Chen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 2449–2455
Al 3+
2. Theoretical analysis
then Thus,
1−p ∗
k1 (1 − tAl3+ )j COH − − COH− |x=0
CAl3+ |x=0 = : (6) j = −FDOH− + tOH− j:
3FDAl3+ c
∗ ∗
CAl 3+ can be calculated from Eq. (2) as Usually, COH − COH− |x=0 , thus
CH∗3+ (1 − tOH− )j c
CAl 3+ = : (7) COH− |x=0 = :
Similarly, the net transport and thus the net current of ions The corresponding concentration of H+ at the cathode sur-
except for H+ , OH− through the cathode di8usion layer is face can be calculated according to the ion product of water
zero. Fig. 2 illustrates the concentration variation of H+ and Kw
CH+ |x=0 =
OH− near the cathode. Because H+ is reduced to produce COH− |x=0
hydrogen gas, pH near the cathode is alkaline even if bulk
pH is acidic but not extremely strong. In other words, the
concentration of OH− near the cathode is much higher than Kw FDOH−
CH+ |x=0 = : (9)
that of H+ and hence the current there comes predominantly k2 (1 − tOH− )j 1−q
2452 X. Chen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 2449–2455
6 _
It should be noted that the passive overpotential highly +
depends on the electrode surface state. For the new
non-passivated aluminum electrodes, the passive overpo-
tential can be neglected and Eq. (12) simpli4es to Sludge
d Effluent
U0 = A + j + K1 ln j: (13)
stage experiments were conducted after the electrodes had κ = 355 µs/cm
been used for about a month. At this stage, the anode surface 20 κ = 578 µs/cm
looked still relatively smooth, thus could be considered as
κ = 908 µs/cm
not passivated. The second stage experiments were done
κ = 1210 µs/cm
after the electrodes had been used for more than 3 months. 15
U0 /V
At this stage, the anode surface was full of pits and covered κ = 2090 µs/cm
The theoretical analysis has demonstrated that the elec- Fig. 4. Dependence of electrolysis voltage on conductivity and current
trolysis voltage between electrodes is independent of pH as density for non-passivated electrodes. Inter-electrode distance 6:4 mm, pH
long as water is not far away from neutral. In order to con- ◦
7.20 –7.37, temperature 22.5 –23:8 C, 7ow rate 6 l=h.
4rm it, electrolysis voltages were measured at di8erent pH
values. It was found that the e8ect of pH on U0 was really
insigni4cant for both new and passivated electrodes. For the
new electrodes, an increase in pH from 3.75 to 10.41 re- 30
sulted in only an increase in U0 from 13.2 to 13:8 V even κ = 445 µs/cm
at a current density as high as 137 A=m2 . For the passivated 25 κ = 849 µs/cm
electrodes, when pH varied from 3.38 to 10.79, the maxi- κ = 1390 µs/cm
mum di8erence of U0 measured at a constant current den- 20 κ = 2120 µs/cm
sity was only 7.7%. Therefore, both results from new and κ = 3130 µs/cm
passivated electrodes support the theoretical analysis well.
U0 /V
through nonlinear regression, and the equation became p H2 fractional pressure of hydrogen at the cathode, atm
0:016 d R gas constant, J=mol K
U0 = −0:43 + 0:47 j 0:75 + j + 0:20 ln j: (16) T absolute temperature, K
For the bipolar mode, the total required electrolysis volt- Greek letters
age is U0 times the number of total cell which is the number
of electrodes minus one. Thus a di8usion layer thickness near an anode, m
c di8usion layer thickness near an cathode, m
U = (N − 1)U0 : (18) a; a anode activation overpotential, V
a; c anode concentration overpotential, V
a; p anode passive overpotential, V
5. Conclusions c; a cathode activation overpotential, V
c; c cathode concentration overpotential, V
Theoretical analysis and experiments demonstrated that
conductivity of water=wastewater treated, mho=m
water pH and 7ow rate had little e8ects on the electroly- (x) potential at distance x, V
sis voltage of electrocoagulation process. Two mathematical
models, one applicable to non-passivated aluminum elec-
trodes and the other to passivated aluminum electrodes were Acknowledgements
established and veri4ed. With these models the total required
electrolysis voltage of an electrocoagulation process can be The authors wish to acknowledge the Environment and
calculated. Conservation Fund=WooWheelock Green Fund for the 4-
nancial support of this project.
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