Student Handbook: Bob Jones University
Student Handbook: Bob Jones University
Student Handbook: Bob Jones University
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Preliminary Edition
A Letter from
the President
B ob Jones University is all about discipleship toward
Christlikeness. Everything we do here—from academics to
sports to society outings to prayer groups—is designed to help
you develop Christlike character that is manifest in a scripturally
disciplined life, in service to others and love for God in sharing the
Gospel, and in biblical discernment of what counts for eternity.
From the University’s beginning in 1927, we’ve recognized
the necessity of an edifying atmosphere on campus and an
environment that promotes spiritual growth. We are obligated to
you to do everything we can for your physical protection and your
personal purity, growth and discipleship. We want every aspect of
your experience here to invest in your long-term spiritual success.
To that end, we want to give you a handbook that will help you
develop discernment and earn more responsibility and privileges
over time. This handbook reflects strongly the realization that we
are a community of believers, in which we must all demonstrate
a biblically informed love for God and others. Briefly stated,
believers are redeemed sinners who now have the joy of living to
Christ’s advantage (2 Cor. 5:14–15).
The handbook emphasizes the theological basis for what we
do and the personal heart behind the policies of BJU. While
externals are not our focus, we do need to recognize that externals
do communicate and therefore do need to be addressed on some
We want you to grow academically, socially, physically and
especially spiritually. To help you to know our expectations of
you from the outset and over the course of your tenure as a BJU
student, we want you to do more than endure the emphasis here.
It is our desire to see you flourish and grow because of BJU’s
ministry in your life.
Your friend,
Stephen Jones
Table of
Academic Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Attendance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Social Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Dress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Day Students. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Disciplinary System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
BJU’s Institutional Identity
The following foundational statements define Bob Jones University and the
essence of a Bob Jones University education.
• To develop in students Christlike character through disciplined,
Spirit-filled living
• To direct students toward a biblical life view that integrates God’s
Truth into practical Christian living
• To prepare students to excel intellectually and vocationally by
offering diverse academic programs rooted in biblical truth and
centered on a liberal arts core
• To develop in students the cultural breadth and social skills that
enhance their lives and also equip them to communicate biblical
truth effectively
• To instill in students a compelling concern for reaching the
unconverted with the saving truth of the Gospel of Christ
• To implant in students an eagerness for vital involvement in the life
and ministry of a biblically faithful local congregation
• To develop educational materials and services that extend these
objectives beyond the university campus
BJU also provides students with ministry opportunities so it becomes
natural to you to live out your beliefs in service to God and to others. Students
are encouraged to have weekend ministries of various sorts both in the
immediate area and in surrounding states as well. BJU keeps before all its
students the Christian’s responsibility to God and to the surrounding world in
this matter.*
* For an expanded statement of the BJU philosophy of education or for academic discipline-
specific philosophy statements, please refer to the Bob Jones University Press title Christian
Education: Its Mandate and Mission, which is available at the Mack Library and in the BJU
Campus Store.
Our Biblical
This handbook describes the learning environment at BJU and outlines
what is expected of students. In our mission to help students grow into
the image of Christ, we seek to base all we do on scriptural precepts and
principles. Our approach to campus life is based upon what the Bible says
about our identity as believers and its imperatives for our lives.
When God created Adam and Eve, He emphasized what distinguished them
from the rest of creation: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness”
(Gen. 1:26). Scripture explains much about what it means to be made in God’s
image and what God expects of His image-bearers. It encompasses every way
in which people reflect the attributes of God and thus bring Him glory.
However, something has gone terribly wrong. Far from reflecting God’s
image, fallen people live in rebellion against their Creator. They exalt their own
wills and do the will of God’s archenemy, Satan (Eph. 2:1–2).
The Gospel addresses every aspect of our fallen condition, including the
central issue of our justification, or our legal standing before God.
As our Substitute, Jesus kept God’s law that we failed to obey (Gal. 4:4–5).
On the cross He suffered the penalty of God’s wrath for our violations (1 Pet.
3:18). By resurrecting Jesus, God declared that He was fully satisfied with Jesus’
work (Rom. 4:24–25). God can justly forgive sinners who rely upon that work,
declaring them to be righteous and eternally accepted in His presence (Rom.
3:21–26; 8:1). Through justification we are united with Christ by faith, and
God credits us with Christ’s perfect and changeless righteousness. Nothing can
separate us from God’s love (Rom. 8:31–39).
Justification is one of our greatest joys as believers because it guarantees us
God’s favor. Whatever we do for the Lord—even obeying authority—should
be motivated not by guilt but by gratitude and love (2 Cor. 5:14–15).
Sanctification is the ongoing work of God through the Holy Spirit in
progressively conforming a believer’s mindset and choices to accurately
mirror his position and identity in Christ (Rom. 6:1–14). Justification and
sanctification are both components of the Gospel, but there are important
differences between them.
Justification is a once-for-all declaration, but sanctification is a process (2
Pet. 3:18). The new birth gives us spiritual life, yet that life has to be nurtured
and developed (1 Pet. 1:22–2:3). As long as we are on the earth, we will have
“the flesh” to contend with and we will fail the Lord, but we remain justified in
His sight.
Justification is entirely an act of God, but sanctification involves our active
participation. Paul writes, “Work out your own salvation with fear and
trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his
good pleasure” (Phil. 2:12–13). God has given us all the resources we need for
the development of Christlikeness (2 Pet. 1:3–7).
The Holy Spirit sanctifies us by producing in us qualities of godliness as
we yield to His working (Gal. 5:16 ff.; Eph. 5:18 ff.). He delivers us from sin’s
dominance over our hearts and decisions. He purifies us so that we become
zealous for good works (Titus 2:11–14). And He increasingly transforms
us into His own image so that we can accomplish the purpose for which
He created us (2 Cor. 3:18). His most important tools for sanctification are
Scripture (2 Tim. 3:16–17), prayer (Phil. 4:6–7) and the ministry of other
believers in our lives (Eph. 4:15–16).
A Christian university like BJU provides a unique setting in which to live
out the amazing unity we enjoy in Christ. Successful community life requires
a spirit of mutual humility, love, and consideration under the expectations of
a student covenant designed to promote spiritual growth. But growth often
follows failure, so our community also values repentance, forgiveness and
restoration (Gal. 6:1).
Submitted to Institutional Authority
God’s written authority, the Bible, teaches that He also exercises authority
through several kinds of human leadership. The primary biblical authority
structures are the family (Eph. 5:22–23, Deut. 6:7–9), government (Rom. 13:
1–7) and church (Acts 20:28; Heb. 13:7, 17). But the Bible also allows for
human authority structures beyond those three.
BJU supports the discipleship efforts of Bible-believing churches and
Christian families in part through providing a structured environment that
promotes biblical Christian living. The University does not replace parents’
authority, but we aim to support their goals for students through policies
that promote continued spiritual growth and protect students from harm.
Although some policies will not be identical to the rules established by a
specific student’s parents, we ask students and parents to keep in mind that it
is impossible for BJU to replicate the pattern of every particular home.
A student’s acceptance of BJU’s authority is a voluntary matter. The
parents of some students choose to send them here, while other students
come desiring this kind of discipleship for themselves. While we require all
students to sign the student life covenant indicating their intent to abide by
the University’s policies, we trust they see the value of this commitment as
instrumental in their growth process.
Be holy for God is holy
Reflecting Christ also means displaying God’s distinctive character in
grateful response to Christ’s costly redemption (1 Pet. 1:15–19). We have
been set apart to exhibit God’s glory as God’s people by God’s grace. Holiness
entails separation from the godless “world” system (1 John 2:15–17; Ezra 6:21)
by discerning where one’s culture reflects evil values. Therefore, students at
BJU commit themselves to obey God not by “fitting in” comfortably with the
world but by being transformed by the Gospel. By living holy, separated lives
we publicly proclaim that only He is worth loving and following.
Assemble together
Reflecting Christ hinges on active participation in a local assembly of
believers. God has specifically designed the church as a place for us to serve
others and be ministered to by them (Eph. 4:11–16). Therefore, students at
BJU commit themselves to obey God by worshiping with a local assembly and
by exercising their gifts to help other believers mature (Rom. 12:3 ff.; 1 Cor.
12:1 ff.).
Submit to authority
Reflecting Christ entails walking in humility and choosing to submit to
others (1 Pet. 5:5). Therefore, students at BJU commit themselves to obey the
God-given authorities in their lives (Heb. 13:7, 17).
Exercise stewardship
Reflecting Christ encompasses wisely using the time, talents and material
possessions God has entrusted to each believer. Therefore, students at BJU
commit themselves to considering their property, money, time and talents as
gifts from God and using them—and those of others—to the glory of God
(Prov. 3:9).
for believers (James 5:12). Believers also communicate in ways that build
up instead of tearing down (Eph. 4:29). Therefore, students at BJU commit
themselves to obey God by speaking truthfully and graciously.
Exercise self-control
Reflecting Christ demands Spirit-empowered moderation and discipline
(Gal. 5:23). No pursuit is more worthwhile than conditioning oneself for
eternity (1 Cor. 9:24–27; 1 Tim. 4:7–8). Therefore, students at BJU commit
themselves to obey God by submitting their impulses (e.g., anger) and fleshly
habits (e.g., laziness) to the renewing influence of God’s Spirit.
Exhibit modesty
Reflecting Christ means focusing on internal beauty that pleases God rather
than external fashions that allure people (1 Tim. 2:9–10; 1 Pet. 3:3–4). Modesty
is a powerful way for believers to glorify God in a culture filled with sensuality
and seduction. Therefore, students at BJU commit themselves to obey God by
displaying in appearance and conduct a heart devoted to Christ.
To summarize, we are committed to obeying the directives of our heavenly
Father in response to the death and resurrection of His Son in the power of
His Spirit. We affirm this commitment, recognizing that our flesh is weak and
that we’ll often need the cleansing and forgiveness God promises to those
who confess their sins and repent (1 John 1:9). We strive to obey not with
slavish fear of a vindictive Master, but with joy in the God who loved us first
(1 John 4:19). Because He died for us, we are compelled to live for Him
(2 Cor. 5: 14–15).
Academic Life
Bob Jones University professors teach classes from a biblical worldview
and to the highest academic standards. Students attend each class for which
they are registered and are expected to apply the appropriate time and
energy necessary to earn the best possible grade in each class. In addition,
students are expected to respect both professors and fellow students and
exhibit deportment that helps create a positive learning environment in each
Academic Resources
BJU wants all students to achieve their highest academic potential and
makes faculty and academic support resources available to assist each student
in meeting his academic goals. Students, however, are ultimately responsible
for their own academic success and should take the initiative to ask for
assistance as needed.
Faculty—Students needing assistance with a specific course should first seek
the help of the professor. Maintaining continued contact with a professor and
staying informed of academic status in a course is recommended.
Academic Advisor—Each student has an academic advisor who is
knowledgeable about the major the student is pursuing and available to help
the student plan his semester course sequence, course load and class schedule.
In addition the advisor is available to counsel students on all matters related to
being a college student, including career and ministry choices, as well as on life
Academic Success Center—The Academic Success Center provides
academic counseling—including counseling in how to study to succeed in
college—and coaching, opportunities to make up tests and quizzes, tutor
referrals, help with individual learning challenges and assistance with the use
of instructional media and technology.
Career Services—In addition to services offered by the Academic Success
Center, Career Services offers counseling on the choice of a major based on a
student’s abilities and career interests, as well as networking opportunities with
recruiters for potential employment.
Academic Deans and Registrar—Both a student’s academic dean and the
registrar are available to help a student explore academic options and evaluate
goals in light of ACT scores and current academic progress. They can also help
students understand GPA requirements for graduation.
Academic Integrity
A key aspect of Christlike character is integrity. In their academic lives,
students exhibit integrity by being truthful about their own academic work
and properly acknowledging sources of ideas and information.
Cheating in any form is not tolerated. Cheating includes
• Copying from another student’s test or assignment
• Unauthorized provision or use of notes or other helps on a test or
assignment, such as requesting or accepting answers on a quiz or
test from another student who has already taken it, discussing test
information to any extent with other students, transmitting quizzes
or tests or answers to quizzes or tests electronically to other students
via cell phone, e-mail, etc.
• Changing answers after a test or assignment has been completed
• Reporting false information about the completion of an assignment,
including turning in someone’s work as one’s own (another
student’s, a purchased paper from an online source, etc.)
Another form of cheating is plagiarism, the intentional or unintentional use
to any degree of the ideas or words of one’s source material without proper
acknowledgement. Plagiarism typically takes two forms:
Substantial: Failure to acknowledge the use of an author’s ideas or
organization by footnote or identification of the source in the text of the
paper. Incomplete paraphrase (mere rearrangement of syntax and substitution
of synonyms for the author’s words) is plagiarism.
Verbal: Failure to acknowledge the use of an author’s words by quotation
marks, as well as by footnote or identification in the text.
Plagiarism is theft, and the Scriptures are clear that we are to respect the
property of others and to be honest and above reproach in all things (Exod.
20:15, Rom. 12:17, Heb. 13:18). Regardless of the source being used (Internet
site, book, database, magazine, newspaper, computer program, speech, class
notes, handouts, etc.), all words and information from those sources must be
presented accurately and acknowledged properly so that a student’s integrity is
not called into question and his testimony harmed.
Examples of appropriate and inappropriate handling of source material:
Original text: “As Rome became involved in wars fought on many fronts
and with many soldiers, supplying military provisions became a lucrative
business. Usually the contractors were paid as soon as their work was
completed. In a military emergency, however, they might be asked to accept
a promise of deferred payment (probably with interest).” (Shelton, JoAnn. As
the Romans Did: A Source Book in Roman Social History. New York: Oxford UP,
1988. 146–47. Print.)
Unacceptable Paraphrase: As Rome fought wars on many fronts and with
many soldiers, supplying provisions to the military became a money-making
business. Usually contractors were paid right away, but in an emergency they
were asked to accept deferred payment (Shelton 146–47). [This paraphrase is
inappropriate because it follows the same syntax (sentence structure) and uses
many of the same words as the original.]
Acceptable Paraphrase: Dealing in military supplies was a profitable
industry when Rome’s armies grew and became entangled on multiple
fronts. Although suppliers in times of crisis were willing to be paid on a
delayed schedule, in most cases the Roman government was able to pay them
immediately (Shelton 146–47). [Note different words and different syntax.]
Plagiarism checking: Students should be aware that faculty members have
access to software programs that allow them to check student writing for
Students may refer to College Writing (Ch. 5) and Companion to College
English (Ch. 23) for more information regarding plagiarism and how to
avoid it.
Copyrighted Material
All written material—whether in print or electronic form—is considered to
be copyrighted, regardless of whether a specific copyright statement appears
on the document. Copying this material without authorization from the
publishing agent or copyright owner is stealing.
Penalties for cheating may be academic, disciplinary or both. Cheating on a
final exam brings denial of reenrollment.
Class Deportment
Appropriate class deportment is a matter of self-control. Students are
expected to be attentive in class. Talking, reading, studying other materials, text
messaging, writing letters and sleeping are inappropriate. If you use a laptop
or handheld device, use it only for functions pertinent to the class you are in,
not for answering e-mail, playing games, browsing the Internet or working
on assignments for other classes. Water, not food or other beverages, may be
brought into the classroom buildings.
Class Attendance
Students are expected to attend all scheduled class sessions for each course
in which they are enrolled, including final exams, and to arrive on time. To
accommodate the occasions when a student may need to miss a class session,
BJU recognizes two types of absences: personal and university-authorized.
Personal Absences
Personal absences include such things as illness, visits and interviews at
graduate schools or for future employment, participation in voluntary events
such as individual competitions or field trips, and military duty requirements.
University-authorized Absences
University-authorized absences include participating in university-
sponsored events; officially representing the University at assigned events;
participating in official intercollegiate team competitions; responding to
administrative requests; chronic illness; illness, surgery or medical emergencies
requiring absence of more than three consecutive days, and funerals of
immediate family members.
Class meetings per week 1 2 3 4 5 5 (block)
Personal absences allowed 23455 1 1
University-authorized absences allowed 1 3 5 4 4 1 1
Students are expected to arrive on time for classes and to attend classes for
the entire class period. Unless a student makes prior arrangements with his
professor to leave a class early, he will be counted absent from the class if he
leaves before the end of the class hour.
Dropping a Class
Contact the Records Office before missing a class you want to drop.
• Day of Prayer activities
• Special evening convocations
• Bible Conference
• Concert, Opera and Drama programs
• Vespers
• Commencement activities
Consult the Calendar of Events for dates of the required activities.
University-authorized Absences
The University will authorize certain absences from required activities with
prior approval:
• Participating in university-sponsored events, officially representing
the University, participating in intercollegiate teams and responding
to administrative requests
• With a doctor’s note, chronic or extended illness, surgery and
medical emergencies of more than three consecutive days
• Attending the funeral of an immediate family member
• Regularly scheduled work or extension (If an activity has multiple
performances, students are expected to arrange work schedules to
attend one performance.)
Students are to attend chapel Monday through Thursday and every day
they have a scheduled exam. They are to bring a printed Bible and sit in their
assigned chapel seats. Via e-pass, a student may secure approval to sit with
a guest. For days on which a student has no scheduled classes or no classes
before 2 p.m., he may apply for a permanent pass to miss chapel one day a
week to work off campus. A student on campus during the chapel hour is
expected to attend chapel, even if he has an exemption. If a student’s classes
are all canceled on a specific day, he may miss chapel also. For information on
chapel attendance for part-time students, see page 40.
Sunday Morning Worship on Campus
Residence hall students attend society Sunday school and morning worship
on campus unless participating in extension. Approved extensions for Sunday
morning absences include participating in a major, necessary function of a
church service, such as preaching, directing or accompanying congregational
music or ministering special music. Students with general or advanced
privileges may also participate in other church activities such as ushering,
singing in a choir and working in a nursery. Group leaders, room leaders and
students in the School of Religion may participate in Sunday morning nursing
home ministries. Residence hall students whose parents live in Greenville may
attend services at their own churches with their families.
Day students are expected to attend their local churches on a regular basis.
Social Life
At BJU, education is more than meeting academic requirements, earning
a degree and learning how to earn a living. BJU’s overarching goal is to teach
students how to live. To help students experience long-term spiritual success,
BJU teaches students to apply biblical principles to practical daily living. As
part of that, BJU desires that students develop Christ-honoring friendships
and enjoy a rich social life that enhances their overall college experience, as
well as their preparation for life.
Regulations regarding social life on and off campus assist in the academic,
spiritual and social development of students. The regulations are designed for
these purposes:
Ensure safety—Student safety requires the University to be aware of
student locations and activities so that students can be alerted to danger and
be contacted easily in case of emergencies.
Promote purity—BJU wants students to engage in wholesome social
activities in settings that provide accountability for biblical requirements of
Build Christ-honoring relationships—The University desires that students
have opportunities for building Christ-honoring relationships.
Provide accountability—BJU requires students to exhibit maturity by
being accountable or answerable for their activities.
Give graduated privileges—As students demonstrate maturity, they
receive additional responsibilities and privileges.
Physical Contact
On and off campus, physical contact between men and women students is
not allowed.
Student Privileges
BJU students enjoy three levels of privileges, pertaining primarily to off-
campus activities. The first two levels apply to residence hall students and the
third level to both residence hall and day students.
First-year privileges
These are available to all first-year residence hall students.
A student with first-year privileges
• Will check out when he/she leaves campus and check in upon return
• After 8 p.m. needs to be accompanied off-campus by another BJU
student or another person (21 or older) of the same gender
• May work off campus with a permanent work pass and will check in
and check out for work
• Is to work in a public work situation or with another student when
working in a private home unless working at a faculty or staff home
General privileges
These are available to all resident students from the beginning of their third
semester through the time they earn advanced privileges.
A residence hall student with general privileges will enjoy all first-year
privileges, plus
• Will check out and check in only when dean’s approval is required to
obtain a pass (see page 24)
• May travel off campus in his own vehicle for work, church, personal
errands and extension
• May go off campus alone for an errand or shopping after 8 p.m.
Advanced privileges
These are earned by resident students who meet each of the following
• Recommended to be a room leader or residence hall group leader
(whether or not they are serving as a room or group leader)
• Completed a minimum of four semesters at BJU
• Recommended for advanced privileges by two university employees,
at least one of whom is a faculty member
• Cumulative 2.0 GPA
• Strong chapel and class attendance record
Day students earn advanced privileges by meeting the last four criteria and
maintaining fewer than 75 demerits.
A residence hall student with advanced privileges will enjoy all general
privileges, plus:
• May chaperon a mixed group of up to four other students off
campus and mixed groups on campus when a chaperon is required
• May double date off campus without a faculty/staff chaperon when
all four students have advanced privileges
• With dean’s approval, may participate in overnight mixed group
extension ministries with other students who also have advanced
privileges (See Extension Ministries, Appendix E.)
• May chaperon an Academy student of the same gender off-campus.
• Once a week (Monday through Thursday nights) may study until
2 a.m. in the residence hall study lounge
A day student with advanced privileges
• May chaperon up to four other students off campus
• May double date with residence hall students off campus when all
four students have advanced privileges
• With dean’s approval, may participate in overnight mixed group
extension ministries (See Extension Ministries, Appendix E.)
Note: A student with advanced privileges is responsible for the safety
and activity of any group he oversees. He is proactive in working to prevent
problems before they begin and seeks to remove obstacles to purity, safety
and accountability. A student with advanced privileges understands that
integrity must not be compromised, and rather than being swayed by negative
peer pressure, is loyal to Jesus Christ, the principles of Scripture and BJU’s
expectations. Students failing to maintain qualifications or abusing advanced
privileges will have advanced privileges suspended.
For transfer students and students with unique circumstances, the dean of
men/women in concurrence with the registrar may grant exceptions to the
criteria for privileges.
Student Center
Hours are listed in the Calendar of Events.
Classroom Buildings
Male and female students should guard their testimonies and are not to be
alone together in a classroom or rehearsal studio.
Classrooms close at 5 p.m. Classrooms in the Alumni Building, Gustafson
Fine Arts Center and Culinary Arts Building and the biology labs in the
Science Building are available for student use after 7 p.m. Students may reserve
a room ahead of time through the coordinator in each building, or groups
may check in with the building host on the first floor after 7 p.m. for a room
assignment. Mixed groups rehearsing in other buildings require a chaperon.
Tennis Court
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Mixed groups, including couples, may study together at the tables on the
main floor of the library. Conversational volume should be kept low to allow
others to study.
• Paid staff from a student’s church may chaperon a mixed group
composed of members of his church.
Dating Non-students
• With dean’s approval, resident male students may date a commuter
student or non-student in town, including the daughter of a faculty/
staff member living at home.
• To date a non-student in town, women students are to be
chaperoned by either a faculty/staff member or her parents/
grandparents or those of her date.
Outside Greenville
• All students leaving Greenville—alone or with a group—will require
dean’s approval.
Private Homes
• Students of the same gender may visit a private non-faculty/staff
home when a resident adult 23 years or older is present. The home
address is to be stated on the pass.
• Mixed groups visiting a private home require a chaperon meeting
the following qualifications:
— A parent, grandparent or sibling who is either a BJU graduate
or at least 23 years of age
— Faculty, staff or graduate assistant
— A pastoral staff member
Engaged Couples
• May stay overnight at the home of one of the parents
• May ride together from campus to counseling and other official
business in Greenville
• Students may stay overnight with close relatives.
• Fifteen overnights are available each semester. Additional overnights
may be granted to students officially representing the University,
participating in officially sponsored university events or as members
of university intercollegiate teams.
Students with advanced privileges may chaperon up to four other students.
A faculty/staff member, GA or a parent/grandparent may chaperon up to
10 students; a faculty/staff or GA married couple may chaperon up to 20
students. By special request, dean’s approval may also be granted for paid
staff from a student’s home church or school or sponsor of a visiting group to
chaperon up to 10 students off campus.
Restaurants—Students are not to patronize restaurants with a tavern
or bar-like atmosphere or reputation or that does not have a dining room
separate from live entertainment, such as Coffee Underground.
Shopping—Students are not to patronize businesses that specialize in adult
gifts and party items.
Entertainment, Music and
Bob Jones University’s mission is to help students develop Christlike
character, and we therefore encourage students to make biblical decisions
in the area of entertainment. BJU expects students to select and participate
in entertainment options—including music, movies, television, computer/
video games, printed materials, the Internet and social media—that
honor Jesus Christ and edify both individual Christians and the Christian
community. Students are to avoid any types of entertainment that could be
considered immodest or that contain profanity, scatological realism, sexual
perversion, erotic realism, lurid violence, occultism and false philosophical
or religious assumptions. (See Appendix F for a biblical approach to
evaluating objectionable elements in literature or entertainment.) BJU also
encourages students to honor the Lord in how they spend their time and to
carefully consider the desensitizing effects of consistent exposure to popular
entertainment, even if the content itself is not objectionable.
Music has the power to dominate the mind and heart of the listener. Its style
and content can lift the spirit and help draw a Christian closer to Jesus Christ,
or it can appeal to the flesh or embed the world’s philosophy in his heart
and mind and actually draw him away from unhindered communion with
Christ. For this reason the believer, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, must
continually weigh the content, style and beat of music and exercise biblical
discernment in making musical choices.
Because of the nature of our institution, BJU takes a more conservative
approach to music. While students are at the University, our goal is to teach
them to appreciate music that is spiritually edifying and culturally valuable.
For the BJU student, this precludes most of the music of our popular culture
including rock, rap, jazz and country, as well as religious music that borrows
from these styles. It also precludes any music that uses a discernible rock
beat regardless of the style. In order to develop their spiritual and aesthetic
discernment, BJU encourages students to listen to classical and semiclassical
music and traditional sacred music. There is also a spectrum of music that
falls outside semiclassical and traditional sacred music that is acceptable to
listen to.
BJU students are to listen to and bring to campus only music that meets our
community standards. In addition, each member of the BJU family should
carefully monitor music in movies, computer games, television programs,
commercials, Internet sites, cell phone ringers, etc. To ensure personal
accountability, students are not to listen to music with headphones. Resident
supervisors may approve individual requests to use headphones for academic
assignments in language and music classes.
Resident supervisors and faculty are available to answer any questions about
the appropriateness of specific music, but individual students are responsible
to ensure their music choices meet campus community standards.
Movies can provide wholesome entertainment, helpful instruction or
profound insight into life and human behavior. However, much of what is
and has been produced by the entertainment industry reflects views, lifestyles
and modes of communication which are in direct opposition to a Christ-
centered life. These movies exert a worldly pull on Christians trying to develop
Christlikeness that compounds with continued exposure over time.
In private homes students may view G-rated movies and movie trailers.
In a faculty/staff home students may view certain PG movies when the
faculty or staff member watches with students and objectionable elements
are discussed. Guidelines are in place to help faculty make choices. Nonrated
movies frequently contain objectionable content that has not been cut to meet
rating standards and are not appropriate. Students are not to attend a movie
of any rating in a public theater during overnights, Thanksgiving break and
weekends preceding summer school sessions. In addition, students are to
avoid displaying on campus screen savers, buttons or other objects promoting
movies rated PG-13 or above.
While questions regarding the suitability of a specific movie should be
directed to a resident supervisor or faculty, the student is responsible to ensure
his viewing choices comply with campus community standards.
Televisions in residence hall rooms may be used as game consoles only.
Students are not to watch television via the Internet on their cell phones or
Computer/Video Games
Students are not to play video games rated above E10 or games that
contain graphic blood or gore, sensual or demonic themes, violent first-
person shooting, suggestive dress, bad language or rock music. Resident
supervisors will provide guidance about the suitability of a game, but students
are ultimately responsible for making sure their game choices meet campus
standards and that they make wise decisions about the use of their time.
BJU encourages students to use the Internet as the valuable tool that it
is but also expects students to be good stewards of their time while on the
Internet and to avoid objectionable sites. Therefore, video clips viewed on any
electronic device should be no longer than five minutes. To ensure network
security and provide individual accountability, BJU employs a proxy filter and
tracks campus Internet activity. Occasionally, an on-campus user inadvertently
may get to an objectionable site which the filter has not caught. Do not assume
that if a site is accessible or gets through the filter, it is okay. Note the URL
and report it immediately to [email protected]. Any attempt to bypass the
proxy filter is a serious offense.
In a related area, sending, forwarding or requesting an e-mail, text message
or video with objectionable verbal or visual material is not edifying to others,
and students sending/forwarding such items will be held accountable. These
types of communications should be deleted upon receipt.
Social Media
BJU expects students to use social media and blogs responsibly, following
biblical principles and maintaining content that promotes a consistent,
positive Christian testimony. Language should not violate scriptural
commands regarding abusive, slanderous, complaining, profane, blasphemous
or tale-bearing speech, and content should be biblical and avoid promoting a
lifestyle contrary to principles taught in Scripture or at the University. Videos
taken on campus and posted on students’ sites should comply with campus
dress and social standards and should not contain images of people under 18
years of age. Specific guidelines for participating in social media are posted on
the BJU intranet.
Certain types of magazines and catalogs reflect an ungodly philosophy or
pervasive sensuality and are not to be received through the campus post office
or read on campus. These include fashion, model, teen, body-building, video/
computer game and television/film magazines such as Esquire, GQ, People,
Entertainment, Yahoo Magazine, Men’s Fitness and ESPN.
Gambling—or risking the material provisions of God on chance—is poor
stewardship and caters to covetousness and the love of money. It is based on
the false premise of “luck” and is a portal for exploitation. Therefore, gambling
of any kind is unacceptable for any student.
BJU’s Objectives
BJU’s dress guidelines exist to help BJU reach its goal of educating the whole
person. Our dress guidelines are designed to help students model biblical
modesty in ways that are distinct from the world and that reflect the God-
ordained differences between men and women. We enforce these guidelines
to help students develop thinking that includes a desire for purity, self-control
and neatness and the ability to discern the appropriate clothing for any event.
We also intend that dress guidelines teach students to consider the impact of
their choices on others, thus living out Jesus’ instruction about loving others as
• Terrycloth and velour pants may be worn around the women’s
residence halls and inside the women’s fitness areas.
Class Attire (on campus Monday through Friday until 5 p.m.)
The following are requirements for general classroom dress, which should
always reflect a professional, academic appearance. Professors may require
more dressy clothing at their discretion for class presentations, speeches, etc.
• Skirt and blouse or dress
• Dressy t-shirts (non-athletic wear)
• Denim jackets are appropriate
• Hose or tights are appropriate but not required
• Leather (or leather-like) sandals are appropriate
Class attire does not include sweatshirts, denim skirts or dresses, Crocs,
Birkenstocks, beach shoes, shower shoes, flip-flops, athletic shoes, hiking boots
or baseball caps.
Non-class Campus Attire
Non-class campus attire is appropriate Monday through Friday after 5 p.m.
and all day Saturday if not attending a formal program. It is also appropriate
for midweek church services. Non-class attire is not appropriate during Bible
Conference or commencement week.
• Denim skirts or dresses
• Crocs, Birkenstocks, flip-flops or athletic shoes
• Leggings are appropriate
Non-class attire does not include athletic clothing, shower shoes, hiking
boots or baseball caps.
Off-Campus Attire
Off-campus attire is appropriate off campus Monday through Saturday (if
not attending a formal program), in private homes on Sundays, at evening
athletic events at the DFH (playing or watching) or music rehearsals with
the director’s permission (off-campus attire may be worn to and from the
rehearsal venue). It is also appropriate on campus if it is the required uniform.
• Dress, skirt, loose-fitting pants or capri pants
• Crocs, Birkenstocks, flip-flops or athletic shoes
Off-campus attire does not include shorts and pant styles that come just
below the knee.
Formal/Sunday Attire
Formal or Sunday attire applies to the Sunday morning worship service,
on-campus evening services, convocations, Bible Conference, Artist Series and
evening (6 p.m. or later) concerts and recitals. Sunday attire is also appropriate
for church services in the Greenville community.
• Dressy skirt and blouse or dress
• Dressy shoes
• Hose or tights (not required for church in town)
Formal/Sunday attire does not include denim or khaki twill (skirts, shirts,
or jackets), Crocs, Birkenstocks, beach shoes, shower shoes, flip-flops, athletic
shoes, hiking boots or any shoe designed to be worn without hose, leggings,
sweatshirts, athletic clothing, toeless hose or hose with fishnet patterns (other
patterns are acceptable).
Recreational/Work Attire
Athletic attire may be worn while participating in athletics and using
the fitness facilities, for manual labor off-campus or for participating in
recreational activities off-campus.
• Athletic pants (wind pants or mesh pants)
• Athletic t-shirts
• Knee-length shorts (on campus only)
Jewelry and Makeup
• Earrings may be worn in the lower lobe of the ear (no more than 2
matching pairs). Other types of body piercing are not appropriate.
• Tattoos are not appropriate.
• Makeup should be worn in moderation, so that it does not draw
attention to itself.
• Hairstyles should be neat and feminine.
• Hair color should appear natural.
Class attire does not include sweatshirts, cargo/carpenter pants, jeans,
athletic clothing or shoes, flip-flops or slippers
Non-class Campus Attire
Non-class campus attire is appropriate Monday through Friday after 5 p.m.
and all day Saturday if not attending a formal program. It is also appropriate
for midweek church services. Non-class attire is not appropriate during Bible
Conference or commencement week.
• Dress pants or Dockers-style pants
• Collared shirt: Polo shirts or dress shirts
• Conservative walking shoes, loafers, boots, and leather deck-type
Non-class attire does not include jeans, crew-necked shirts, tennis shoes,
flip-flops, sandals, athletic clothing or ankle socks.
Off-Campus Attire
Off-campus attire is appropriate off campus Monday through Saturday
(if not attending a formal program), in private homes on Sundays and at
athletic events on campus. It is also appropriate on campus if it is the required
• Collared shirts
• Casual dress pants
• Unripped, well-fitting jeans (off campus or at campus athletic events
• Conservative walking shoes, loafers, boots, and leather deck-type
Off-campus attire does not include crew-necked shirts; jeans that have holes
or patches or are faded, paint- or bleach-spattered; or pants that are oversized,
tight or low-riding.
Formal/Sunday Attire
Formal or Sunday attire applies to the Sunday morning worship service,
on-campus evening services, convocations, Bible Conference, Artist Series
and evening (6 p.m. or later) concerts and recitals. Formal or Sunday attire
also applies to some other events, including church services, in the Greenville
• Coat*, collared shirt and tie
• Dress pants
• Dress shoes
*coat is optional for Sunday evening church services off campus
Athletic Attire
Athletic attire may be worn when playing sports, participating in sporting
events or using the fitness facilities, as well as between residence halls.
• Shorts (Wear warm-ups before playing and if watching the next
game; wear shorts off campus only for serious biking and jogging.)
• Athletic t-shirts (with sleeves for outdoor activities; sleeveless shirts
are for indoor activities only)
• Hair is to be a natural color.
• Length—Students are not to shave their heads bald, unless active in
the military reserve or have an obviously receding hairline. Students
should use a blending attachment.
• Front—Hair may come no lower than one finger width above the
• Sides and back—Off the collar and ears
• Styles—Neat and professional
• Fauxhawks are not appropriate.
• Sideburns—No lower than the lower opening of the ear
• Students are to shave each morning and remain clean-shaven (no
facial hair) throughout the day.
Residence Hall Life
Living in a residence hall offers BJU students many benefits—opportunities
to grow spiritually, to build solid friendships, to grow in love and
consideration for others from various backgrounds and cultures and to
develop and exercise leadership skills. The following guidelines for residence
hall living are intended to help each student feel at home at BJU and to enable
students to live together harmoniously in close proximity.
Room Check
Residence hall room check is at 11 a.m., Monday through Friday, and at
9:50 a.m. on Sunday. Items that the resident assistant will check are listed
on the back of the door in each residence hall room. Students in each room
should discuss as a group how they will divide room responsibilities and
covenant together to fulfill those responsibilities. Questions or concerns
about room expectations can be discussed with a resident assistant or resident
Study Hour
Study hours in the residence halls are from 7–10 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday
and Thursday, and from 7–9:30 p.m. Wednesday. During study hours, noise
within a room—including music and instruments—should not be heard
outside the room or disturb others inside the room. Students are also to be
quiet in the stairwells and halls.
Day Students
Day students are welcome to attend a friend’s prayer group but should leave
the residence halls by 11 p.m.
Lights Out
Lights out is at midnight, at which time students are to be in their own
beds and quiet with all lights in the room turned off. This precludes talking,
studying, texting and eating between midnight and 5 a.m.
Between 11 p.m. and midnight students are to be in their rooms unless
working on a university work crew. A warning bell will ring at 10:59 p.m. This
hour is intended for quiet study or fellowship with roommates so that those
who need to go to bed early can do so. It is not a time for phone conversations
or video/computer games.
Academy students are to be in bed by 11 p.m. every night except Friday,
when they are under normal university policies. University students with
Academy students in their rooms are to make adjustments as necessary to help
their Academy roommates.
Students with advanced privileges may study until 2 a.m. in the residence
hall study lounge one night per week (Monday–Thursday nights).
Students who have checked off campus on an overnight pass are to be away
from campus by 11 p.m.
Residence Hall Evaluations
BJU’s mission is to help each student develop Christlike character. For
residence hall students, an effective Christian testimony, mature social and
residence hall adjustments, along with strong interpersonal relationships
with others, are key indicators of how well individuals are growing spiritually
and how well they are progressing in developing Christlike character. To help
residence hall students evaluate how well they are doing in these areas, during
the second semester of each academic year residence hall students receive a
private, personal evaluation. These evaluations are intended to help students
become aware of what a person looks like who is experiencing mature
adjustment and demonstrating a good testimony and to help students evaluate
where they stand in their own personal adjustment and testimony. Residence
hall leadership is also evaluated each year, with room leaders evaluating group
leaders and group leaders evaluating resident assistants. Questions regarding
student evaluations may be directed to resident supervisors.
Fire Code
The following guidelines are necessary to prevent residence hall fires and to
comply with the local fire code.
Items continually plugged into an electrical outlet are to be plugged directly
into an outlet or a power strip that is plugged directly into an outlet, not into
an extension cord. Extension cords may be used temporarily but are to be
unplugged immediately after use. Power strips are to have an on/off switch
and rest on a headboard, desk or shelf. They should not be in contact with
Outlet adapters (that convert two wall outlets into four or six) may be used
only if they have an on/off switch or a surge protector. A power strip may be
plugged into a surge protector if the adapter has an on/off switch or a reset
button. Orange outlets are for computer use only.
Food preparation appliances (with the exception of hot pots and coffee
makers) are to be used in the snack rooms of each residence hall.
Candles and incense are not to be burned in the residence halls.
Containers that store flammable materials (e.g., gas cans, propane tanks,
etc.), items that utilize flammable gas or liquids (e.g., gas grills, lawn mowers,
chain saws, etc.) or tools that are used for yard work are not to be stored in or
around the residence halls.
Evacuation Drills
Each residence hall conducts practice evacuations every semester. At the
sound of the fire alarm, evacuate the building immediately and quietly. Exit
according to the evacuation plans posted in each residence hall.
Day Students
Society Membership
When a society reaches more than 33 percent day student membership, it
is closed to new day students, except those whose parent or sibling is or was a
member of the society prior to the day student’s enrollment. If a day student
lives in a residence hall and joins a closed society and later moves back to
town, he will need to select another society currently open to day students,
unless he is a rising senior or the society has become open.
Chapel Attendance
Day students taking 12 hours or more attend chapel daily, except days on
which they have no classes. If on a specific day, a day student’s only class is
at 7 a.m. or after 5 p.m., he has no chapel requirement that day; or if taking
a three-credit course that meets four or five times a week, he may obtain an
exemption to miss one chapel per week.
A day student whose first class on a specific day does not meet until 2 p.m.
or after may obtain a chapel exemption for work that day (one day/week).
Day students taking 6–11 hours attend chapel two days a week, and those
taking 5 or fewer hours attend one day a week. If a student’s only class is an
evening class, an independent-study class or a single class on the block, he has
no attendance requirements beyond the class.
A post-graduate special student attends chapel only when taking one
or more graduate courses or taking undergraduate courses to work off
Day students are to fill out a DS form to be excused from any chapel,
including days when they have no classes.
Day students too ill to attend class should remain at home; they will
generally not be admitted to the infirmary at Barge.
Day Student Qualifications
One of the following conditions must be met in order for a student to enroll
as a day student.
• Student is at least 23 years old, or married and at least 20 years old.
• Student lives with parents who live full-time in the Greenville area,
with a court-appointed legal guardian or with an actual aunt, uncle
or grandparent.
Note: Students may live with a single aunt or uncle provided the
student and the aunt/uncle are of the same gender or if another
sibling also lives there or if both are graduate students.
• Student lives with a brother or sister who is at least 23 years old, has
completed a bachelor’s degree at BJU or is married.
Note: If siblings qualify to live in town together and are of different
genders, there are to be no other roommates.
• Student has completed a bachelor’s degree program or has marched
at commencement and is returning in summer school to finish
course work for a four-year bachelor’s degree.
A resident student considering becoming a day student is to meet with the
dean of men or women, who will determine the student’s eligibility based on
the qualifications above. Change of status may occur between semesters.
Disciplinary System
The mission of Bob Jones University is to help students develop Christlike
character that is manifested in a scripturally disciplined life, service to others,
love for God, sharing of the Gospel and biblical discernment about what God
values for eternity. Accomplishing the mission requires an edifying campus
atmosphere and an environment that promotes spiritual growth.
Maintaining a desired campus atmosphere necessitates a discipline system
to which all students submit themselves and hold each other accountable.
BJU bases its system of accountability and correction on the functions of
Scripture taught in 2 Tim. 3:16—teaching, reproof, correction and training in
righteousness. These functions follow a progression from doctrinal instruction
to convicting rebuke to restorative correction to the formation of Christian
character. Through its discipline system, BJU seeks to lovingly verbalize the
truth in order to instruct, warn, rebuke, restore and develop Jesus’ disciples
and to apply God’s Word to help develop “complete” Christians fully equipped
for every good work (2 Tim. 3:17).
Demerit System
BJU uses a demerit system to track disciplinary offenses. Minor offenses
receive 1–50 demerits, while major offenses receive 50–150 demerits.
Examples of Minor Offenses
Absences (non-class required activities): 10–25
Lates (non-class required activities): 5–10
Breach of dress: 10–25
Failure to check in/out: warning to 5
Failure to pass room inspection: 2 and up depending on frequency
Examples of Major Offenses
Misuse of media: 50–150
Disrespect/disobedience: 50–150
Profanity/sacrilegious behavior: 50–150
Theft/dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism: 50–150
Smoking: 100
Accumulation of Demerits
A student earning 75 demerits in a semester is placed on disciplinary
restriction and, among other restrictions, may not participate in intramural
sports, hold a campus office or leadership position or have a role in an official
program. If he has advanced privileges, he loses those privileges and goes back
to general privileges. He is also placed in a structured counseling program.
Earning disciplinary restriction two consecutive semesters places a student
on disciplinary probation and for the final two semesters forfeits a student’s
privilege to participate in commencement exercises.
If a student earns 100 demerits two consecutive semesters, he is denied
reenrollment for one semester. A student earning 150 demerits in a semester is
BJU issues demerits only for offenses in a current semester, and students
begin each semester with a clean demerit record. However, BJU may suspend a
student for grievous offenses, such as immorality, that come to light from the
previous semester.
academic administrators and Student Life representatives will hear a student’s
Because of the edifying atmosphere needed for the good of the campus
community as a whole, there are some offenses that result in immediate
suspension, including
• Major moral failure including immorality, hard-core pornography,
sensual behavior, or use of alcohol or drugs
• Stealing or shoplifting
• E-pass infractions regarding overnight visits
• Not disclosing a crime committed before or during enrollment
• Encouraging or aiding another student in an action that results in
A suspended student may not return to BJU for one full semester. A student
suspended twice is permanently expelled from the University.
A student who withdraws under disciplinary probation will have his
academic record marked “withdrew under disciplinary probation” and will be
ineligible to reenroll for one full semester.
Appendix A—
Student Resources
Bob Jones University is committed to student success and overall well-being
and makes the following resources available to assist students.
Academic Assistance
Professors, Academic Advisors and Academic Deans
For academic assistance, first see the professors for the specific classes in
which you need help. Academic advisors provide assistance both with studies
in general and your academic major. Faculty and advisor office locations and
hours are listed on StudentCentral. Academic deans are also available for
consultation by making an appointment with their administrative assistant.
Career Services
Career Services, located in the Student Center mall, serves graduates and
graduating students seeking employment, as well as students seeking summer
employment. Specific services can be found at by clicking “Life
at BJU.”
Employment and Housing Aid
The Office of Student Services in the Office Annex manages student
employment opportunities on campus and maintains lists of available jobs
and housing opportunities in town. Consult [email protected].
Financial Aid
The Financial Aid office on the second floor of the Administration Building
assists students with scholarships, loans, grants and the student work program
and provides information on the student insurance plan.
Physical Aid
Students in need of medical care should see the triage nurse at University
Health Services (Barge Infirmary). After hours, go to the rear door and ring
for a nurse. Students too sick to attend required activities should also report to
Barge. The receptionist will provide a pass for missed activities. Barge can also
provide transportation to University Medical Associates if a student needs to
see a doctor.
Room and board at the infirmary are covered in regular student room and
board fees. There is a fee for checking into Barge after 5 p.m. or on weekends,
and any necessary lab work and medications will be billed to the student’s
Appendix B—
General Deportment
Students are to use crosswalks and sidewalks and avoid walking on the grass.
Gum chewing is not appropriate before or during a religious service or
formal program.
To keep aisles clear in the dining common, students are to leave backpacks
in the lobby; however, they may take one book in to read while eating.
Students (individuals or societies) are not to haze, humiliate or harass other
At athletic events, players and spectators are to conduct themselves in a
Christ-honoring manner; moshing, booing, name-calling, negative cheering
or publicly questioning the officials’ decisions are not appropriate.
Campus Facilities
Students are expected to be good stewards and not to damage, tamper with
or borrow university property. They are asked to report needed repairs by
calling in a requisition to ext. 4000, e-mailing [email protected] or
submitting a requisition form located in each residence hall.
Students are to obtain permission before hanging signs, banners, plaques,
pictures and hooks outside residence hall rooms. Political posters, bumper
stickers, etc., are not to be attached to any university-owned property,
including residence hall doors and rooms. The coordinator of Student
Organizations is to approve all materials posted on public bulletin boards, and
resident supervisors approve items posted on residence hall bulletin boards.
Access to some campus facilities is limited to those who have a specific need
to be there. Students needing to enter locked spaces will be issued a key or
electronic access.
Emergency Evacuation Plan
Regardless of cause, activation of the building’s fire alarm system indicates
an emergency and requires immediate and orderly evacuation of the building.
Those who hear the warning or see the fire should begin an orderly evacuation
of the building using the nearest safe stairway or door.
If you discover fire or smoke, remain calm. Carry out the following steps, if
it is safe to do so, and if time permits.
• Upon discovery of a fire, shout “FIRE” to alert those in your area.
• Do not fight a fire, but exit the building closing all doors close by to
help confine the fire in the original area.
• Sound the alarm. Locate the fire alarm pull station nearest the
location of the fire and push down on its handle. Pull stations and
fire extinguishers are located at the center and ends of each floor.
When activated, the fire alarm will produce a loud, high-pitched
chirping sound accompanied by flashing strobe lights.
• Notify as many persons in the area as possible. At minimum, shout
“FIRE” as you exit.
• Call 370-1800, ext. 1111, to report a fire to Public Safety as soon as it
is safe to do so.
• If you become trapped in your room, hang something out of your
window (a sheet, curtain, etc.) to warn firefighters that you are still
in the building. Place wet towels at the bottom of the door of your
room or apartment.
All persons who have evacuated a building should remain outside and at
least 100 feet away from the building. If everyone is not accounted for, do not
reenter the building but notify the firefighters on the scene.
For further information or explanation, contact the Fire Safety Coordinator
at ext. 5912.
Emergency Notification
If a situation arises on or off campus that threatens the well-being of the
university family, Public Safety will utilize the emergency notification system,
which issues warnings to students by cell phone and campus e-mail. Caller
ID will identify the emergency message as coming from (864) 241-1697.
For everyone’s safety, students are to follow transmitted messages precisely.
Communications or Public Safety may also post more detailed information
on the intranet or on the website for the general public. To ensure they receive
notification, students are to keep their cell phone numbers up to date on
Fireworks are not to be brought to campus.
Guest Speakers and New Groups
Before inviting a guest speaker for any organized meeting, starting new
groups, initiating fundraising efforts or surveying the student body, students
are to obtain approval from the dean of students or coordinator of Student
Non-harassment Policy
Bob Jones University provides an educational environment free of
harassment of any kind—sexual, racial or otherwise. Such harassment,
whether verbal or physical, is illegal and is not allowed. A student who feels he
is being harassed should discuss the situation with the dean of men/women.
Sacrilegious Behavior
Sacrilegious behavior of any kind, including t-shirt slogans, music, etc., that
does not show respect and reverence for God is inappropriate at BJU.
Students who use “sharps” (syringes with needles and lancets for finger
sticks) and have a need for on-campus disposal of used sharps are to dispose
of them in a labeled, approved container designed for this purpose. Upon
request, University Health Services will provide the first approved sharps
disposal container at no charge and will exchange each full container brought
to UHS during regular business hours. Students are not to place sharps or
sharps containers in the regular trash.
Students, staff or outsiders may not sell to or survey the university family on
Student Vehicles
Residence hall students who bring a vehicle to the Greenville area and
day students who drive to campus are to register their vehicles (including
motorcycles and bicycles) with BJU’s Office of Public Safety. Public Safety will
issue parking tags and an e-tag (electronic gate pass), both of which need to
be permanently affixed to each student’s vehicle. Residence hall students will
receive an assigned parking place on campus property. Day students should
check the Public Safety website for designated day student parking areas.
Residence hall students are to drive only their own cars or cars belonging
to relatives, except when driving together on a long trip where safety is an
issue. To share vehicles, relatives and engaged couples may apply for relative
registration at the dean of men’s/women’s office.
Per S.C. law, students are not to possess handguns if they are under age 21.
Residence hall students are to turn in all handguns, rifles and shotguns to
Public Safety (ext. 5900). All handguns are to have trigger locks. In addition,
students are not to bring concealed weapons to campus and are to keep
martial arts weapons in their vehicles. Blades on knives kept in residence hall
rooms are to be no longer than 3 inches.
Students who marry while under 20 years of age may not continue
enrollment. Students may marry between semesters but not during a semester
or summer session.
A student may cancel his reservation for second semester or change his
reservation type (day/residence hall) without charge until 12 days prior to the
formal opening of the second semester.
Appendix C—
Creative Projects
& Programs
Checking Requirements and Procedures
Residence hall students participating in a program off campus require
dean’s permission.
In the interest of Christian testimony and the University’s cultural
reputation, an art faculty member is to check student art prior to an on- or
off-campus exhibition.
Karate/Judo Presentations
The physical education faculty checks all karate and judo presentations.
Media Presentations
Except for academic class or society meeting presentations, the visual
media committee checks the content and technical competence of all media
presentations including video, film, DVD, slides or other formats shown in
public. A second check is necessary if changes are required. The committee or
division chair approves projects prepared in the Division of Film, Video and
Broadcasting. Checking schedules and guidelines are available from the School
of Fine Arts and Communication office.
Videos produced for official Student Body or Student Leadership Council
events are university property and may not be disseminated.
Except for day students performing in their home churches, the fine
arts music checker checks all special music (instrumental, vocal, and
congregational song leading) for church services off campus, extension,
society meetings, outings and Student Body programs. When performing
in churches, students should follow the church’s music guidelines. Music is
checked Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30–7 p.m.
Note: Societies are the only student groups that may have permanent
ensembles larger than nine members. Temporary groups, such as for class
meetings, may be organized for up to three weeks’ duration.
Students are responsible to get programs, dating outing skits, radio and
television programs used on and off campus and pep band performances
checked well in advance. Checking policies, times and locations are posted on
bulletin boards in the Gustafson Fine Arts Center (GFAC).
Before final production, duplication or sale, the music checker and the dean
of men/women or dean of the School of Fine Arts and Communication are
to check student recordings and the jacket proofs. On-campus advertising is
to be word of mouth or through paid campus media ads. (See social media
guidelines on the intranet.)
Mixed-Group Rehearsals
Music Majors
Mixed groups of music majors and accompanists may rehearse in the GFAC
music wing without a chaperon in a room with a window in the door (no
dating couples).
Speech Groups
Groups practicing a speech communication project may use rooms in the
GFAC speech wing with windows in the doors.
Appendix D—
University Trips
Conventions and Contests Away from
With administrative conference approval, students with general privileges
and above may attend professional meetings, contests and conventions related
to their major and may stay overnight with an approved chaperon. See the
“Attendance” chapter for information concerning absences from class and
non-class activities. A dean’s pass is required.
• Television and movie viewing is to be in keeping with university
guidelines. Because of copyright issues, commercial videos are not
shown on the bus.
• With the group leader’s consent, personal music devices and
headphones may be used if content is in keeping with the
University’s music policy.
Appendix E—
Extension Ministry
Because BJU is a fundamental Christian institution and serves the needs of
fundamental churches and ministries, do not obligate yourself to any service
or ministry without knowing its affiliations. If you have questions about an
organization, discuss them with the director of Extension and Ministerial
Training. BJU extensions are not to work with liberal or New Evangelical
churches or organizations.
Children’s Ministries
Be careful to be above reproach in all interactions with children. All events
with children should be held in public view or in a well-supervised location,
such as a faculty/staff member’s home. At no time should any student be alone
with a child, and physical contact should never be made in an inappropriate
Should your extension plan an activity that will be held somewhere other
than the regular meeting place, contact the Extension and Ministerial Training
office for release forms that require a parent’s signature. Extension groups
should not transport children (under 18) without a signed release form.
Couples with mutual social interests may go on extension together but are
to follow the social regulations for mixed groups.
Non-class off-campus dress is appropriate. Any questions should be directed
to the dean of men or women. Student dress should also comply with the
standards of the church in which the students are ministering.
Extension groups may eat together in private homes associated with their
ministries. The name of the hostess should be listed on the extension pass.
Extension music groups may have as many as nine members, and all
musical selections should be in keeping with BJU policies. Rehearsed pieces
and programs should be checked through the School of Fine Arts and
Communication office. (See Appendix C.)
Overnight Extensions
Students with advanced privileges who participate in overnight mixed
group ministries will need to provide the following information on the dean’s
pass: details of the ministry opportunity, who invited them, the pastor or lay
leader’s name and phone number, and the sleeping arrangements.
Materials/equipment that may be checked out for extension are available at
the Davis Field House, Mack Library and Films Distribution.
Students with 100 demerits or higher may not participate in extension, and
students on spiritual or disciplinary probation are not to be extension leaders
and may go on extension only with a residence hall group leader, room leader
or faculty/staff member.
Sports Activities
Extension groups supervising children and teens are welcome to bring them
on campus to attend intramural games, but BJU’s physical education facilities
are not available for extension activities.
Appendix F—
Biblical Approach to
Evaluating Objectionable
Elements in Entertainment
When evaluating an entertainment choice, Christians should ask themselves
the following questions:
• Are the characters noble?
• Do the actions of the story cause the characters to desire virtue and
reject vice?
• Does the story’s resolution reward good and punish evil or honor
wisdom and scorn foolishness?
• Does the theme of the story conflict with God’s truth? If it does,
how? Where is the flaw?
Instead of making entertainment choices indiscriminately or insulating
oneself from all entertainment, Christians should follow God’s example: create
a resistance to the allurement of evil by wisely applying small doses of antigen
in the form of critical reading, watching and listening.
It is godly to present ungodliness in a biblical manner, for a biblical purpose,
and to a biblical effect. It is ungodly to use what might seem the freedom of
Scripture as a cloak of licentiousness (cf. I Pet. 2:16).
Condensed from Dr. Ron Horton’s Christian Education: Its Mandate and Mission.
A for creating new groups, 49
for fundraising, 49
Absences, for inviting guest speakers, 49
class, 16–17 for posting on bulletin boards, 49
double absence days, 17 for solicitation, 49
non-class, 17–18 for speaking for the University, 49
personal, 16 for surveys, 49
university-authorized, 16, 18 for withdrawing from school, 50
Academic advisors, 12, 45
Academic Integrity
cheating, 13
Bible Conference
copyright, 14 may miss for permanent extension, 18
plagarism, 13 medical appointments during, 18
Academic resources, 12, 45 emergency absences, 18
Academic Success Center, 12, 45 regular work permitted, 18
Career Services, 12, 45 Bible for chapel (printed), 18
deans, 12, 45 Biblical discernment, 8
registrar, 12 Blogs, 38
Academic probation, 17 Borrowing, 38
Academic Success Center, 12, 45 automobiles, 50
Affiliations, 55 Bulletin boards, 47
Aid, student, 12, 45–46
Alcohol, 44
Alumni Building, 22
Calendar of Events, 17
Appeals Candles in residence halls, 38
Discipline Committee, 43–44 Caps, 32–33
Artwork, 51 Career Services, 12, 45
Athletic Events Chapel, 18
dating at, 22 Chaperons, 21–26
deportment at, 47 Cheating
Attendance policies general, 13–14
class, 16–17 on a final exam, 14
non-class. 17–19 possible penalties, 14
Chapel, 18 Checking procedures
Sunday morning, 19 art, 51
local church, 19 media presentations, 51
Authorization music, 51
entering buildings, 47 pep bands, 52
for becoming day student, 41 programs, 52
recordings, 52 various on-campus locations, 22–23
speech material, 52 while on dean’s passes (overnights), 25
Student Body programs, 51 Day of Prayer, 17–18
Checkout desk Day students
Checking in and out, 26 chapel, 40
Churches illness,40–41
approved activities, 19 qualification, 41
extension, 19, 55–56 society membership, 40
off-limits, 19 Dean’s passes, 24–25
on campus attendance requirement, 19 Decorations, 36
passes, 19 Demerits
Classrooms ethics, 13–15 checkpoints, 43
Clinicals, nursing, 26 offenses and penalties, 43–44
Commencement, 11 Deportment
Computer policies at athletic events, 47
blogs, 28–29 in the classroom, 15
copyright laws, 14 in the dining common, 47
e-mail, 30 with superiors, 47
Internet, 30 Dining common
legal rights, 44 deportment in, 47
network restrictions, 30 Disciplinary system
network violations, 30 appeals, 43–44
use in class, 15 demerits, 43
Computer/video games legal rights of BJU, 44
not after 11 p.m., 37 suspension, 44
not during class, 15 withdrawing under, 44
ratings, 29 Discipline committee, 53
Concealed weapons, 50 Dishonesty, 43
Concerts Door-to-door solicitation, 26
local, 26 Double absence days, 17
out-of-town, 26 Drama/speech checks, 53
Sunday, 26 Dress,
Contests, 53–54 men’s dress code, 33–35
Conventions, 53–54 on extension, 55
Copyright laws, 14 penalties, 43
Core Values, 3 university trips, 53
Counselors, residence hall, 46 women’s dress code, 31–33
Creative Projects & Programs Drinking alcohol, 44
checking procedures, 51–52 Drinking water
mixed group rehearsals, 52 in class, 15
Crosswalks, 47 Dropping a class, 17
D grounds for suspension, 44
double dating, 21–22 E
off-campus, 22 E-mail
on extension, 55 network administrator’s address, 30
passes, 20–22 not in class, 15
pornographic content, 30 Fire code, 38
objectionable content, 30 Fire drill, 39
right to review, 44 Firearms, 50
Emergency evacuation, 48 Fireworks, 48
Emergency notification, 48 Food
Employment and housing, 46 food-prep appliances in snack room
Engagement privileges, 25 only, 38
Entertainment in residence hall rooms, 37–38
computer/video games, 29 not in class, 15
evaluating obectionable elements, 28, Fundraising, 49
Internet, 30 G
magazines, 30 Gambling, 30
movies, 29 Gazebo, 22
music, 28–29 Goals, Institutional, 3–4
ratings, 29 Grass (walking on), 47
social media, 30 Gum
televisions, 29 not in religious services or formal
E-tags, 50 programs, 47
classroom behavior, 15 H
Evacuation, 39, 48 Hair, 33–35
Evaluations, 38 Handbook
Evangelistic Meetings, 17 Biblical foundations, 6–11
Extension, Handguns, 50
affiliations, 55 Harassment policy, 49
children’s ministries, 55 Hats, 32–33
dating, 55 Hazing, 47
dress, 55 Headphones, 29
leaders, 24 Help
meals, 55 academic, 45, 12–13
music groups, 56 emotional/spiritual, 46
office of, 19, 55 employment and housing, 46
overnight, 56 financial, 46
permanent passes, 24 medical, 46
program checks, 51–52 Hospital, 40, 46
resources, 56
restrictions, 56 I
sports activities, 56 ID card, 38
transportation, 24 Illness, 46
Extension cords, 38 Immorality
grounds for dismissal, 44
F Imperatives, 9–11
Facilities, 47 Incense in residence halls, 38
Faculty offices, 45 Inspection (room), 36
Financial Aid Office, 46 Intercollegiate competitions and tours,
Fine Arts policies (see Creative Projects 16, 53
and Programs)
Internet attending unacceptable concerts, 26
blocked sites, 30 cell phone ringers, 29
blogs, 30 checking, 51–52
during class, 15 extension music groups, 56
filter, 30 mixed-group rehearsals, 52
Internet administrator’s address, 30 philosophy, 28–29
objectionable 30 recordings, 52
personal sites, 30 unacceptable, 28–29
violations, 43 Musical instruments, 37
Internships, 26
J Nursing students, 26
Job placement, 45
Jogging, 22 O
Judo/Karate presentations, 51 Off-campus social regulations, 24–28
Office numbers (faculty), 45
K On-campus social regulations, 22–24
Karate/Judo presentations, 51 Outlet adapter, 38
L policy, 25
Lates, 17–18 dean’s passes, 22, 24–25
Lawns (walking on), 47
Learning difficulties (help for), 45 P
Legal rights of BJU, 44 Parents, 19, 25–26, 41, 44
Library Pass infractions, 43
social regulations, 24 Pastors, 26
Lights out, 37 Permanent passes
Loans, 46 extension, 24
with relatives, 25
M Periodicals, 30
Magazines, 30 Personal class absences, 16
Media presentations, 51 Personal aid, 45–46
Medical aid, 46 Pets, 36
Mission statement, 3 Philosophy
Mission teams, 53–54 of Christian education, 4
Mixed groups of handbook, 6–11
in various on-campus settings, 22–24, Physical aid, 46
52 Plagiarism, 13–14
Movies Political signage, 47
acceptable ratings, 29 Pornography
clips, 30 immediate suspension for, 44
not at theaters, 29 in entertainment, 28
on university trips, 54 on the Internet, 30
participation in productions, 51 Posters, 47
philosophy, 28–29 Power strips, 38
unacceptable content, 28–29, 57–58 Prayer group, 1, 37
Music Private home passes, 25
acceptable, 28–29 Privileges,
first-year, 21 Room decorations, 36
general, 21 Room inspection, 36
advanced, 21–22
Probation S
academic, 17 Sacrilegious behavior, 49
disciplinary, 43 Safety and security, 38
Program checks, 52 Sales, 26
Proselytizing, 49 Scholarships, 46
Public place passes, 24–25 Security cameras, 38
Public relations, 49 Sensual behavior
Public safety grounds for dismissal, 44
fire arms, 50 Sharps waste disposal, 49
vehicle registration, 50 Shotguns, 50
Siblings, 25
R Sidewalks, 47
Ratings Smoking, 43
computer/video games, 29 Social media, 30
movies, 29 Social regulations
Receptacle adapter, 38 dating and extension, 55
Refrigerators, 36 off-campus dating, 24–26
Rehearsals off-campus events and venues, 26
extension groups, 56 on-campus regulations, 22–24
mixed groups, 23–24 passes, 24
Relatives siblings, 25
in mixed groups, 25 Societies
Release forms, 55 absence from, 17
Repairs, 47 attendance at, 17
Required activities, 17 checking media presentations, 51
Requisitions and repairs, 47 checking outing skits, 52
Residence halls checking special music, 51
decorating, 36 day students, 40
dress, 36 pep bands, 52
evacuation, 39, 48 rehearsals, 22–23
evaluations, 38 Solicitation, 49
fire code, 38 Speech/drama presentations, 52
instruments, 37 Speech groups, 52
lights out, 37 Spiritual aid, 46
not in others’ rooms, 38 Stealing, 43
overnight, 37 copyrights, 14
prayer group, 37 Student aid, 45–46
room check, 36 Student offices, 43
study hour, 37 Student organizations
security, 38 starting new groups, 49
Restrictions Student Services Office, 46
disciplinary, 43 Student teaching, 26
for work, 26 Study hour, 37
on extension, 56 Sunday worship, 17, 19
Rifles, 50
for accumulation of demerits, 43 W
for breaching social policy, 44 Water, 15
for concealing a crime, 44 Weapons
for moral failure, 44 firearms, 50
for pass infractions, 44 martial arts, 50
for sacrilegious behavior, 44 Websites, personal, 30
for theft, 44 Weddings, 50
grounds for immediate, 44 White-water rafting, 31
Surveys, 49 Withdrawal, 44, 50
Swimming, 53 Work
off-campus, 26
Television, 29
Theft, 43–44
Track, 22
sharing cars, 50
Trips, university, 53–54
biblical foundation for policies, 6–11
charter, 3
core values, 3
goals, 3–4
mission statement, 3
philosophy of education, 4–5
University-authorized absences
class, 16
non-class activities, 18
University Health Services, 46, 49
University Medical Associates, 46
University trips
dress, 53
entertainment, 54
social regulations, 53
Vehicles, 50
Video/computer games
not after 11 p.m., 37
not during class, 15
ratings, 29–30
clips, 30
ratings, 29
Bob Jones University
Student Covenant
Bob Jones University believes God’s Word is authoritative and sufficient for
Christian faith and practice. In many areas, Scripture gives clear commands
which believers are to obey because of their love for their Savior. In other
areas where Scripture does not give specific commands, believers are to use
Spirit-guided discernment to make wise choices based on biblical principles.
BJU bases its student policies on Scriptural commands, biblical principles and
principles that enable the University community to live together harmoniously
in close proximity. Each BJU student is expected to adhere to these policies
while enrolled as a student.
By my choice to enroll as a student in Bob Jones University, and having
read the student handbook, I agree to abide by all the policies in the
handbook. I commit to:
• Exercise a spirit of humility, love, consideration and forgiveness
while living in community with fellow students, faculty and staff;
help create a campus environment conducive to spiritual growth
through my attitude and actions; and encourage fellow students to
keep their commitment to this covenant.
Nonprofit Org.
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