Assignment-1: Professional Ethics and Human Values

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Professional Ethics and Human Values

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2K15/EC/122 RAJESH
Table of Contents

Engineering Ethics & Sustainable Develoment ......................................................... 3

 What is Engineering?............................................................................................................ 3
 Role of an Engineer ............................................................................................................... 3
 What are Engineering Ethics? ........................................................................................... 4
 General principles of Engineering Ethics : .................................................................... 4
 Sustainable Development: .................................................................................................. 5
 The Human Economy : ........................................................................................................ 6
 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES : ............................................................................................... 7
 Who use What ? .................................................................................................................... 7
 Social and economical issue : ......................................................................................... 8
 SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING : ........................................................................................ 8
 CONSTRUCTION: ................................................................................................................ 13
 Sustainable Engineering: Fresh and Waste Water ................................................. 14
 SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING: WASTE ....................................................................... 14
 SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING: Fuel and Energy ...................................................... 15
 8 Step Process Perfects New Product Development: .............................................. 16
Engineering Ethics & Sustainable Develoment

 What is Engineering?
Engineering is the application of science and
math to solve problems. Engineers figure out
how things work and find practical uses for
scientific discoveries. Scientists and inventors
often get the credit for innovations that
advance the human condition, but it is
engineers who are instrumental in making those
innovations available to the world.
To develop a products & services which are useful for common people.

 Role of an Engineer

1. Engineer as Manager: The role of

an engineering manager is usually
permanent, while a project manager
works on specific projects. The main
responsibility for a project manager is to
lead a project team but his job is
normally finished once the project is
complete. Projects could range from
simple to complex
2. Engineer as Consultant: Consulting
engineering is a professional service that
provides independent expertise in
engineering, science and related areas to
governments, industries, developers and
construction firms. Most consulting engineering services are offered through
consulting engineering companies, but are also frequently offered by sole
practitioners. Consulting engineering companies can range in size from a
partnership of two people to multinational corporations with tens of
thousands of employees in offices world-wide.
3. Engineer as advisor/ Expert: Engineer can become an advisor in
government or private organisation.
 What are Engineering Ethics?
Engineering ethics is the field of applied ethics and system of moral principles that
apply to the practice of engineering. The field examines and sets the obligations by
engineers to society, to their clients, and to the profession. As a scholarly discipline, it
is closely related to subjects such as the philosophy of science, the philosophy of
engineering, and the ethics of technology.

 General principles of
Engineering Ethics :
Codes of engineering ethics identify a
specific precedence with respect to the
engineer's consideration for the public,
clients, employers, and the profession.

Many engineering professional societies

have prepared codes of ethics. Some date to
the early decades of the twentieth century. These have been incorporated to a greater or
lesser degree into the regulatory laws of several jurisdictions. While these statements of
general principles served as a guide, engineers still require sound judgment to interpret how
the code would apply to specific circumstances.

The general principles of the codes of ethics are largely similar across the various engineering
societies and chartering authorities of the world which further extend the code and publish
specific guidance The following is an example from the American Society of Civil Engineers

1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public and shall
strive to comply with the principles of sustainable development in the performance of
their professional duties.
2. Engineers shall perform services only in areas of their competence
3. Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
4. Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful
agents or trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest.
5. Engineers shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and
shall not compete unfairly with others.
6. Engineers shall act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance the honor, integrity,
and dignity of the engineering profession and shall act with zero-tolerance for bribery,
fraud, and corruption
7. Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers,
and shall provide opportunities for the professional development of those engineers
under their supervision.
 Sustainable Development:
“ … development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs”

Our Common Future, World Commission on Environment and Development,

Oxford University Press (1987) (“The Brundtland Report”)

To an engineer, a sustainable system is one that is either in equilibrium, or one that changes
slowly at a tolerable rate. This concept of sustainability is best illustrated by natural
ecosystems, which consist of nearly closed loops that change slowly. For example, in the food
cycle of plants and animals, plants grow in the presence of sunlight, moisture and nutrients
and are then consumed by insects and herbivores which, in turn, are eaten by successively
larger animals. The resulting natural waste products replenish the nutrients, which allows
plants to grow and the cycle to begin again. If humans are to achieve sustainable
development, we will have to adopt patterns that reflect these natural processes. The roles
of engineers in sustainable development can be illustrated by a closed-loop human
ecosystem that mimics natural systems. This model of a closed-loop ecosystem was first
proposed in 1990. Other authors have since suggested modifications to this model, one of
the most sophisticated of which is described in this attached file
(SDProdConsumModel.pdf).1[1] Engineers contribute to all the steps in this systems model:

• By developing, processing and transporting natural resources in closed-loop systems,

we can reduce waste and increase the efficient use of resources.

• Harvesting renewable resources such as water, fish and trees within the limits allowed
by nature will ensure a continuing supply of resources for humans and natural ecosystems.
Minimizing our use of non-renewable resources, such as petroleum and scarce minerals, and
replacing them with environmentally friendly substitutes will also help extend the supply of
natural resources.

• Processing natural resources efficiently and with little or no waste helps to preserve
the earth’s finite natural resources. We can further preserve resources by designing products
and packaging for reuse and recycling, and we can protect resources through industrial
processes and facilities that have minimal adverse environmental impacts throughout their
full life-cycles.

• Transporting goods contributes heavily to pollution; to minimize these effects, we can

transport resources and manufactured goods efficiently to consumers by pipelines, rivers,
railways, roads, ships and airplanes using technologies that have minimal impacts on the
surrounding land use and serve the needs of consumers with little waste.

• How we develop, process and transport resources can improve living standards in
many ways. These include providing clean water, energy, housing and commercial buildings
and streets and other forms of infrastructure; efficiently storing and distributing food; and
meeting acceptable health standards, including high-quality waste management and

• To allow natural and built environments to be clean and unpolluted, we can reduce
waste throughout this ecosystem cycle by continually recycling and recovering residual by
products of resource development, industrial processing and meeting consumer needs. Some
waste in the system is inevitable but should be in forms that have minimal long-term impacts
on the natural environment. The impacts from residual waste can be offset by continuing
programs to clean up and reuse old waste sites, along with other forms of environmental

• The effects of developing energy sources on the atmosphere, earth and water can be
reduced by more efficient use of power and by production from non-fossil sources.

• As described in other sections of this CD, engineers fill vital roles in each phase of this
human ecosystem model

 The Human Economy :

 Sustainable development Approach :

An approach which seeks to reconcile human needs and the capacity of the environment
to cope with the consequences of economic systems.

 Three dimension sustainability :

 Natural resources
o Water
 1 billion people lack access to clean water
 2.5 billion people (more than 1/3 of population) lack adequate
o Air
 Air in most cities in the world is polluted
o Land
 Land contamination
 Deforestation
 Desertification
o 50% of natural resources (fossil fuels, minerals) have already been consumed

 Who use What ?

 Inequitable distribution of resources between nations

 The US, Japan, Germany, Canada, France, Italy and the UK (less than 12 % of
the world's population) consume 43%world's fossil fuel production, 64% of
the world's paper, and 55-60% of all the aluminium, copper, lead, nickel and
 20% of the population in the developed nations consume 86% of the world’s
resources .

 Social and economical issue :

 Population increase
 current 6 billion to 10 billion in this century?
 Income distribution and poverty
 The richest 20% (1.2 billion) of the world’s population receive nearly 83% of
total world income
 At the same time, the poorest 20% of the population receive 1.4% or less
than $1 a day
 Almost half of the world's population of six billion lives on less than $2 a day
 About 790 million people are hungry and food insecure.


 Sustainable engineering means providing for human needs and improving quality of
life without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs
 Engineers can contribute to sustainable development in many ways, e.g.
 designing sustainable buildings
 designing transportation
 manufacturing plants
 water and food provision systems
 introducing ICT to reduce material use, emissions and waste in products and
 Economy

 to optimise economic returns

 Environment

 to optimise the use of natural resources and minimise environmental impacts

 Society

 to supply human needs and improve quality of life

 Examples of human needs:

Housing, food, health, energy, communication, mobility

Approximately 15 million engineers populate the world today. As in many other professions,
there are different kinds of engineers, including civil, environmental, mechanical, electrical,
chemical, industrial, agricultural, mining, petroleum and computer engineers. Engineers are
involved with two kinds of projects:
1. They design and build projects that meet basic human needs (potable water, food,
housing, sanitation, energy, transportation, communication, resource development and
industrial processing)
2. They solve environmental problems (create waste treatment facilities, recycle
resources, clean up and restore polluted sites and protect or restore natural ecosystems).
Engineers are problem solvers. They use skills or information that include the following:
• The results of scientific discoveries
• Empirical experience gained from centuries of construction
• Innovative approaches gained from recent projects
• Analyses of costs versus benefits over the life of projects
• Evaluation of environmental impacts versus benefits
• Consideration of political, cultural and social environments at project locations
Engineers are involved in many functions in their work. These include the following:
• Baseline studies of natural and built environments
• Analyses of project alternatives
• Feasibility studies
• Environmental impact studies
• Assistance in project planning, approval and financing
• Design and development of systems, processes and products
• Design and developent of construction plans
• Project management
• Construction supervision and testing
• Process design
• Measuring progress for sustainable development Sustainable Engineering Engineers
can play an important role in sustainable development by planning and building projects that
preserve natural resources, are cost-efficient and support human and natural environments.
A closed-loop human ecosystem can be used to illustrate the many activities of engineers
that support sustainable development. Resource Development and Extraction Engineers are
involved in developing and extracting natural resources in many different ways:
• Discovering and evaluating deposits of industrial minerals such as sand and gravel
• Planning open-pit and underground mining operations
• Petroleum engineering and designing offshore oil platforms
• Water resource planning of all kinds including dams, irrigation systems and wells
• Agricultural engineering in land reclamation, drainage and improved farm operations
• Designing tree plantations and managing forests
• Designing fish farms and supporting aquaculture
• Improved land planning to protect the best farmland and natural resources from the
impact of urban.
Processing and Modifying Resources In the past, many industries generated waste products
that were toxic and not easily degraded under natural conditions. In the last 100 years, this
has led to environmental pollution and new laws and regulations to help protect the
environment. Because of improved measuring and monitoring technologies, pollution has
been identified that was previously unknown. Many industries are now making major
changes in the ways they use raw materials to produce products—by reducing their waste to
a minimum, many are finding that improved processing leads to increased profits. Engineers
play the following roles in processing and modifying resources:
• Developing instrumentation to measure and monitor pollution
• Changing industrial processes to reduce the use of energy and other resources and to
eliminate waste wherever possible
• Considering the total input/output of operations over their complete life-cycles
• Designing products and packaging for re-use or resource recovery
• Collaborating with other industries by creating “eco parks” or applied industrial
ecology. With this approach, several industries work together so that each industry’s waste
products can be used as the raw materials for others. This also makes possible more efficient
use of waste heating and cooling water and using combined waste treatment facilities.
• Restoring and modifying old industrial sites for other uses Transportation In the past
200 years, engineers have made continuous breakthroughs in developing transportation
• Building canals, locks and improving river navigation
• Designing and building all-weather roads and highways
• Constructing pipelines that move liquid and gas products
• Designing engines and transportation vehicles
• Building bridges and tunnels
• Constructing railroads and high-speed rail systems
• Creating ports and harbours
• Designing airplanes, airports and air traffic control systems In the future, engineers
will design these transportation systems so that they will:
• Be more energy efficient
• Create fewer adverse environmental impacts
• Encourage sound urban and rural planning with less urban sprawl
• Create longer-life facilities that can be maintained at lower costs Meeting Consumer
Needs By the year 2020, there may be 8 billion people in the world. Over 80 percent of this
population will be in countries that we describe as “less developed” or “developing.” About
half the world’s population lives in cities today; within 15 years, there may be more than 20
cities with populations of 10 million or more, and 500 cities will have more than a million
inhabitants. In the next 25 years most of the population is expected to live in “mega-cities” in
developing nations. The engineering profession will be under continuing pressure to help
provide the food and other resources to this growing population, and the traditional roles of
engineers will be stretched to satisfy the future needs of mega-cities. The roles of engineers
in meeting human needs include the following
• Creative land planning and development to minimize negative environmental impacts
• In emerging mega-cities, helping to establish local organizations that can provide the
necessary infrastructure
• Providing treatment facilities and distribution systems for potable water
• Designing systems to collect and store food and other supplies
• Designing housing and commercial buildings
• Developing streets, utility lines, public transportation and other infrastructure
• Using underground space for recreation and other uses
• Providing technologies and facilities for heating and air conditioning
• Creating high-quality treatments for liquid and solid waste
• Reducing the risks of damage and loss of life from natural hazards such as hurricanes,
floods and earthquakes Resource Recovery and Reuse
According to a World Resources Institute report, the USA currently produces more than 20
billion metric tons of materials per year, about 80 tons per person. The direct input into the
built environment is over 3 billion metric tons. A high proportion of the materials used
consists of industrial minerals such as sand, gravel and crushed stone. In 1990 the average
North American produced over 1500 pounds of municipal solid waste, compared to about
700 pounds by the average Western European. Eighty percent of all products in the USA are
thrown away after one use. For sustainable development to be possible, our human activities
will have to be redesigned to reuse our raw materials and consumer products many times
over. Engineers can assist in this process in several ways:
• Improving ways to recycle and reuse domestic waste
• Designing better solid waste collection and storage facilities
• Improving methods to collect and reuse construction materials such as concrete and
asphalt from roads, and ways to reuse scrap metal and other natural and synthetic materials.
• Improving treatment facilities for urban organic waste and human waste so that the
treated fluids and solids may be used safely for agriculture and other purposes.
• Recovering, reusing and remanufacturing by products from resource development and
industrial processing Environmental Restoration. Some environmental pollution is inevitable
in the future, resulting from resource extraction, industrial processing and transportation,
and from wastes generated by humans wherever we live. In the future, the impacts of
residual wastes should be offset by a variety of environmental restoration projects. Engineers
can assist in restoring environments in several ways:
• Treating and restoring old industrial waste sites
• Reclaiming old mine properties
• Treating polluted groundwater, lakes and streams
• Restoring the ecology of lakes and wetlands
• Renewing aging urban areas in large cities
• Reclaiming and restoring eroded or damaged farmlands Energy Production and Use
We now use 80 times more energy than we did in 1850, with attendant emissions of carbon,
sulphur and nitrogen by products creating unacceptable levels of pollution. Humans consume
more fossil fuels per year than nature produces in a million years. The long-term effects of
increased energy use may produce major changes in the earth’s climate. The American
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has estimated that energy use in America could be
reduced by 50% without any reduction in the country’s standard of living. One of the greatest
engineering challenges for the future will be to develop less environmentally damaging
sources of energy while simultaneously reducing total energy consumption. In the future,
the roles of engineers in energy production may include the following:
• More efficiently extracting and processing remaining petroleum and gas reserves
• Improving the efficiency of electric power stations and using superconductors for
power distribution
• Reconsidering the use of nuclear power, assuming that safer facilities can be
developed for generating power and handling nuclear wastes
• Expanding the use of hydroelectric, solar, geothermal, wind, and biomass energy
Engineers can also play a role in conserving and reducing the use of energy in the following
• Designing energy-efficient buildings
• Designing industrial processes that are more energy efficient
• Using low-energy lighting systems
• Designing more efficient automobiles and public transportation systems
• Increasing the use of underground construction


 Energy use in buildings

constitutes 30-50% of total
energy requirements of a
society .

 This energy use contributes to

more CO2 emissions than
traffic or industry
 Reason: poor insulation and inefficient combustion systems
 Relatively cheap fuels and profligate use of energy

 For Cambridgeshire CC
 Commute miles down by up to 500,000-1.25 million per year
 Commute hours could be reduced by 40,000 – 75,000 per year
 Reductions in emissions 26,200 kg CO, 323,000 kg CO2 and 4,500 kg NOx per
 Positive high quality of life
 Self-reported health benefits
Greater use of local services


 Online services: home shopping, banking, entertainment, even learning

 Traffic reduction is difficult to measure. RAC (1997) predicted that by 2007 will cut
shopping travel by 17%
 Possible dematerialisation e.g. online subscriptions for software updates
 Social inclusion
 Better accountability of service providers
 Has made the world far smaller
Information transfer: news and media

 Sustainable Engineering: Fresh and Waste Water

 The supply problems - shortage of water

 1 billion people lack access to clean water
 Provision of water to developing countries
 Increasing the efficiency of use and reducing demand for fresh water
 e.g. using ‘grey water’ for toilets or to water the gardens (the example of the
 Rethinking systems for treating and recycling water
 e.g. sea water desalination

 Developed countries, each person
500kg p.a.
 Prevention of waste generation
 increased process efficiencies
 reduced consumption of materials
 Re-use and recycling
 turning waste into valuable resources
 provision of facilities for recycling
 Leasing rather than buying products
 Waste-to-energy schemes
 Incinerating municipal solid waste
A plant in Sheffield provides heating to 3,000 homes and 90 buildings
Saves 200,000 MW of fossil fuel and 60,000 t of CO2


 Global warming and limited supply of carbon-based fuels will require the use of non-
carbon energy sources
 Wind and solar power
 Biomass
 Hydrogen (generated by using solar energy or nuclear power)
 Electric batteries
 Fuel cells
Also more security of supply
 8 Step Process Perfects New Product Development:

Step 1: Generating
Utilizing basic internal and external SWOT analyses, as well as current marketing trends, one
can distance themselves from the competition by generating ideologies which take
affordability, ROI, and widespread distribution costs into account.
Lean, mean and scalable are the key points to keep in mind. During the NPD process, keep
the system nimble and use flexible discretion over which activities are executed. You may
want to develop multiple versions of your road map scaled to suit different types and risk
levels of projects.

Step 2: Screening The Idea

Wichita, possessing more aviation industry than most other states, is seeing many new
innovations stop with Step 2 – screening. Do you go/no go? Set specific criteria for ideas that
should be continued or dropped. Stick to the agreed upon criteria so poor projects can be
sent back to the idea-hopper early on.
Because product development costs are being cut in areas like Wichita, “prescreening
product ideas,”means taking your Top 3 competitors’ new innovations into account, how
much market share they’re chomping up, what benefits end consumers could expect etc. An
interesting industry fact: Aviation industrialists will often compare growth with metals
markets; therefore, when Boeing is idle, never assume that all airplanes are grounded, per se.

Step 3: Testing The Concept

As Gaurav Akrani has said, “Concept testing is done after idea screening.” And it is important
to note, it is different from test marketing.
Aside from patent research, design due diligence, and other legalities involved with new
product development; knowing where the marketing messages will work best is often the
biggest part of testing the concept. Does the consumer understand, need, or want the
product or service?

Step 4: Business Analytics

During the New Product Development process, build a system of metrics to monitor
progress. Include input metrics, such as average time in each stage, as well as output metrics
that measure the value of launched products, percentage of new product sales and other
figures that provide valuable feedback. It is important for an organization to be in agreement
for these criteria and metrics.
Even if an idea doesn’t turn into product, keep it in the hopper because it can prove to be a
valuable asset for future products and a basis for learning and growth.

Step 5: Beta / Marketability Tests

Arranging private tests groups, launching beta versions, and then forming test panels after
the product or products have been tested will provide you with valuable information allowing
last minute improvements and tweaks. Not to mention helping to generate a small amount of
buzz. WordPress is becoming synonymous with beta testing, and it’s effective; Thousands of
programmers contribute code, millions test it, and finally even more download the
completed end-product.
Step 6: Technicalities + Product Development
Provided the technical aspects can be perfected without alterations to post-beta products,
heading towards a smooth step 7 is imminent. According to Akrani, in this step, “The
production department will make plans to produce the product. The marketing department
will make plans to distribute the product. The finance department will provide the finance for
introducing the new product”.
As an example; In manufacturing, the process before sending technical specs to machinery
involves printing MSDS sheets, a requirement for retaining an ISO 9001 certification (the
organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources needed to implement quality
In internet jargon, honing the technicalities after beta testing involves final database
preparations, estimation of server resources, and planning automated logistics. Be sure to
have your technicalities in line when moving forward.

Step 7: Commercialize
At this stage, your new product developments have gone mainstream, consumers are
purchasing your good or service, and technical support is consistently monitoring progress.
Keeping your distribution pipelines loaded with products is an integral part of this process
too, as one prefers not to give physical (or perpetual) shelf space to competition. Refreshing
advertisements during this stage will keep your product’s name firmly supplanted into the
minds of those in the contemplation stages of purchase.

Step 8: Post Launch Review and Perfect Pricing

Review the NPD process efficiency and look for continues improvements. Most new products
are introduced with introductory pricing, in which final prices are nailed down after
consumers have ‘gotten in’. In this final stage, you’ll gauge overall value relevant to COGS
(cost of goods sold), making sure internal costs aren’t overshadowing new product
profits. You continuously differentiate consumer needs as your products age, forecast profits
and improve delivery process whether physical, or digital, products are being perpetuated.







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