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Doily measures 16” (40.5 cm) in diameter.

2-dtr joining = holding the last loop of each

stitch on the hook, (dtr in indicated space or
Special Abbreviations stitch) 2 times, yarn over, draw through all
beg 4-dc cl (beginning 4-double crochet 3 loops on hook. (Stitches may be skipped
cluster) = ch 2, holding the last loop of each between legs of joining.)
stitch on the hook, 3 dc in indicated stitch triple picot = ch 3, slip st in front loop at
LC4646 or space, yarn over, draw through all 4 loops the top of last stitch made, ch 3, slip st in
on hook. same stitch again catching the front loop
4-dc cl (4-double crochet cluster) = of first ch-3 loop, ch 3, slip st in same stitch
holding the last loop of each stitch on the again catching the front loop of first ch-3
crochet hook, 4 dc in indicated stitch or space, yarn loop and second ch-3 loop.
Designed by Kathryn A. White over, draw through all 5 loops on hook. picot-in-ch = ch 4, slip st in fourth ch from
3-tr cl (3-treble crochet cluster) = holding hook.
the last loop of each stitch on the hook, 3 tr
What you will need: in indicated stitch or space, yarn over, draw Note
through all 4 loops on hook. Beginning ch-2 counts as first dc throughout
AUNT LYDIA’S® Classic Crochet
edc (extended double crochet) = yarn over, pattern unless otherwise indicated.
Thread, Size 10: 1 ball 493 French
Rose A, 1 ball 495 Wood Violet insert hook into indicated stitch or space,
B, 1 ball 275 Coral C, 1 ball 450 yarn over and pull up a loop (3 loops on DOILY
Aqua D hook), yarn over and draw through 1 loop With A ch 5; join with slip st in first ch to
on hook (3 loops on hook), [yarn over and form a ring.
Susan Bates® Steel Crochet
draw through 2 loops on hook] 2 times. Round 1 (Right Side): Ch 3, (counts as dc,
Hook: 1.5mm [US 7]
Small Shell = (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in indicated ch-1), dc in ring, [ch 1, dc in ring] 6 times,
Tapestry needle space or stitch. ch 1, slip st in second ch at beginning of
Large Shell = (3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in indicated Round—8 dc, 8 ch-1 spaces.
GAUGE: Rounds 1-7 measure 4” space or stitch. Round 2: Slip st in first ch-1 space, beg 4-dc
(10 cm) across. CHECK YOUR
ch-3 picot = ch 3, slip st in top of last stitch cl, *ch 4, 4-dc cl in next ch-1 space; repeat
GAUGE. Use any size hook to
obtain the gauge. made. from * 6 times, ch 1, edc in top of first cluster
2-tr joining = holding the last loop of each (counts as ch-4).
stitch on the hook, (tr in indicated space or Round 3: Slip st in first ch-4 space, (ch 2, dc,
Buy Thread stitch) 2 times, yarn over, draw through all ch 2, 2 dc) in same ch-4 space, *ch 6, (2 dc,
AUNT LYDIA’S® Classic Crochet
Thread, Size 10, Art. 154 available
Wisteria Doily 3 loops on hook. (Stitches may be skipped
between legs of joining.)
ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch-4 space (Small Shell
made); repeat from * 6 times, ch 6, slip st in
in white, ecru & natural 400 yd; dtr (double treble crochet) = yarn over 3 second ch at beginning of Round.
solid color 350 yd; shaded color Use your favorite colors of crochet thread to times, insert hook into indicated stitch or Round 4: Slip st in first dc and ch-2 space,
300 yd balls. update the classic doily. This new take on the space, yarn over and pull up a loop (5 loops (ch 2, dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in same ch-2 space, *ch
doily is perfectly at home in traditional or on hook), [yarn over and draw through 2 6, skip next ch-6 space, Small Shell in next
loops on hook] 4 times. ch-2 space; repeat from * 6 times, ch 6, slip st
modern room settings. in second ch at beginning of Round.

Please Note: Print this pattern using Landscape Orientation.

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LC4646 Wisteria Doily Round 10: Reattach B in ch-2 space of first
Small Shell on Round 9, ch 10, *dc in ch-3
Round 5: Slip st in first dc and ch-2 space, space of next Large Shell, ch 7, tr in ch-2
(ch 5, slip st in 4th ch from hook, dc, [ch-3 space of next Small Shell, ch 7,** tr in ch-2
picot, dc] 2 times) in same ch-2 space, ch 3, space of next Small Shell, ch 7; repeat from
insert hook under both ch-6 strands from * 6 times, then from * to ** once, slip st in
Rounds 3 and 4, (sc, ch 3, sc) over both third ch of ch-10 at beginning of Round.
strands held together, *ch 3, (dc, [ch-3 picot, Fasten off.
dc] 3 times) in next ch-2 space, ch 3, insert Round 11: Attach C in any ch-7 space, (ch 1,
hook under both ch-6 strands from Rounds 4 sc, ch 3, 4 sc) in same space, *(4 sc, ch 3, 4
3 and 4, (sc, ch 3, sc) over both strands held sc) in next ch-7 space; repeat from * around,
together; repeat from * 6 times, ch 1, hdc slip st in first sc of Round.
in second ch of ch-5 at beginning of Round Round 12: Ch 1, sc in same first sc, *ch 2,
(counts as ch-3). skip next 3 sc, (4-dc cl, ch 3, 4-dc cl) in next
Round 6: Ch 15, skip next shell of (dc, 3 ch-3 space, ch 2, skip next 3 sc, sc in next
ch-3 picots, dc), 2-tr joining worked over sc, ch-3 picot,** sc in next sc; repeat from *
next 2 ch-3 spaces, *ch 12, skip next shell,** around to last ch-3 space, then from * to **
2-tr joining worked over next 2 ch-3 spaces; once, slip st in first sc of Round.
repeat from * 5 times, then from * to ** once, Round 13: Slip st in first 2 chs and next 4-dc
tr in next ch-3 space, slip st in third ch of ch- cl, (slip st, ch 2, dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch-3
15 at beginning of Round. Fasten off. space, ch 7, *Small Shell in next ch-3 space,
Round 7: Attach B between the 2 tr of any ch 7; repeat from * around, slip st in second
2-tr joining, ch 1, sc in same space, *(7 sc, ch ch at beginning of Round.
2, 7 sc) in next ch-12 space,** sc between Round 14: Slip st in first dc, (slip st, ch 2, dc,
next 2-tr joining; repeat from * 6 times, then ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch-2 space, ch 7, *Small
from * to ** once, slip st in first sc of Round. Shell in next ch-2 space, ch 7; repeat from *
Round 8: Ch 1, sc in same sc, sc in next 3 around, slip st in second ch at beginning of
sc, *ch 2, skip next 4 sc, [3-tr cl, ch 2] 4 times Round.
in next ch-2 space, skip next 4 sc,** sc in Round 15: Slip st in first dc and ch-2 space,
next 7 sc; repeat from * 6 times, then from * (ch 5, slip st in 4th ch from hook, dc, [ch-3
to ** once, sc in next 3 sc, slip st in first sc of picot, dc] 2 times) in same ch-2 space, ch 4,
Round. insert hook under both ch-7 strands from
Round 9: Ch 1, (sc, ch-3 picot, sc) in same Rounds 13 and 14, (sc, ch 3, sc) over both
first sc, *ch 2, skip next 3 sc, sc in next ch-2 strands held together, *ch 4, (dc, [ch-3 picot,
space, ch 2, Small Shell in next ch-2 space, dc] 3 times) in next ch-2 space, ch 4, insert
Large Shell in next ch-2 space, Small Shell in hook under both ch-7 strands from Rounds
next ch-2 space, ch 2, sc in next ch-2 space, 13 and 14, (sc, ch 3, sc) over both strands
ch 2, skip next 3 sc,** (sc, ch-3 picot, sc) in held together; repeat from * around, ch 1, dc
next sc; repeat from * 6 times, then from * to in second ch of ch-5 at beginning of Round
** once, slip st in first sc of Round. Fasten off. (counts as ch-4).

Please Note: Print this pattern using Landscape Orientation.

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LC4646 Wisteria Doily Round 22: Ch 1, (sc, triple picot, sc) in
same sc, *skip next sc, sc in next 6 sc, 2 sc
Round 16: Ch 15, skip next shell of (dc, 3 in next ch-2 space, ch 2; (dc, ch-3 picot, dc,
ch-3 picots, dc), 2-dtr joining worked over picot-in-ch, ch 1, dc, ch-3 picot, dc) in next
next 2 ch-4 spaces, *ch 11, skip next shell,** ch-2 space; ch 3, insert hook under ch-6
2-dtr joining worked over next 2 ch-4 spaces; strand from Round 20 and ch-7 strand from
repeat from * around to last shell, then Round 21, (sc, ch 3, sc) over both strands
from * to ** once, dtr in next ch-4 space, skip held together, ch 4; (dc, ch-3 picot, 2 dc,
(sc, ch-4, sc), slip st in fourth ch of ch-15 at triple picot, 2 dc, ch-3 picot, dc) in next ch-2
beginning of Round. Fasten off. space; ch 4, insert hook under ch-6 strand
Round 17: Attach D between the 2 dtr of from Round 20 and ch-7 strand from Round
any 2-dtr joining, ch 2, *11 dc in next ch- 21, (sc, ch 3, sc) over both strands held
11 space,** dc between next 2-dtr joining; together, ch 3; (dc, ch-3 picot, dc, picot-in-ch,
repeat from * around to last 2-dtr joining, ch 1, dc, ch-3 picot, dc) in next ch-2 space;
then from * to ** once, slip st in second ch at ch 2, 2 sc in next ch-2 space, sc in next 6 sc,
beginning of Round. skip next sc;** (sc, triple picot, sc) in next sc;
Round 18: Ch 1, sc in same st, sc in next 9 dc, repeat from * around 10 times, then from *
*ch 5, skip next 5 dc,** sc in next 19 dc; repeat to ** once, slip st in first sc of Round. Fasten
from * to last 14 sts, then from * to ** once, off and weave in ends. Block Doily to size
sc in next 9 dc, slip st in first sc of Round. and shape.
Round 19: Ch 1, sc in same sc, sc in next 5
sc, *ch 3, skip next 4 sc, [3-tr cl, ch 3] 4 times ABBREVIATIONS
in next ch-5 space, skip next 4 sc,** sc in next A, B, C, D = Color A, Color B, Color C,
11 sc; repeat from * around to last ch-5 space, Color D; ch = chain; cm = centimeters;
then from * to ** once, sc in next 5 sc, slip st dc = double crochet; hdc = half double
in first sc of Round. crochet; mm = millimeters; sc = single
Round 20: Ch 1, sc in same sc, *skip next sc, crochet; st(s) = stitch(es); tr = treble
sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in next ch-3 space, ch 2, (triple) crochet; ( ) = work all directions
[Small Shell in next ch-3 space, ch 6] 2 times, in parentheses in the indicated stitch or
Small Shell in next ch-3 space, ch 2, 2 sc in space; [ ] = work directions in brackets the
next ch-3 space, sc in next 4 sc, skip next number of times specified; * or ** = repeat
sc,** sc in next sc; repeat from * around 10 whatever follows the * or ** as indicated.
times, then from * to ** once, slip st in first
sc of Round.
Round 21: Ch 1, sc in same sc, *skip next
sc, sc in next 5 sc, 2 sc in next ch-2 space, ch
2, [Small Shell in next ch-2 space, ch 7, skip
next ch-6] 2 times, Small Shell in next ch-2
space, ch 2, 2 sc in next ch-2 space, sc in next
5 sc, skip next sc,** sc in next sc; repeat from
* around 10 times, then from * to ** once, slip
st in first sc of Round.

Please Note: Print this pattern using Landscape Orientation.

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