An Introduction To Ptolemy Theorem PDF
An Introduction To Ptolemy Theorem PDF
An Introduction To Ptolemy Theorem PDF
Qi Zhu
3 Example Problems 5
3.1 Carnot's Theorem - Noticing Congurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 IMO 1995, #5 - Symmetry in Hexagon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4 Problems - Practice makes perfect 8
Qi Zhu Ptolemy's Theorem 2016, September 05
Ptolemy's Theorem can be powerful in easy problems, as well as in tough Olympiad problems. Often,
it is hard to spot the ingenious use of Ptolemy. As there are not many introductions to Ptolemy's
Theorem, I dedicated my time to write a fullling, but rather easy introduction.
You should read this article, if
• You don't know Ptolemy's Theorem.
• You don't know Ptolemy's Theorem very well.
• You know Ptolemy's Theorem, but you are rusty.
• You are an expert, but still want to learn more. (Or you just want to criticize my failures.)
• You do not know at least 6 proofs of the theorem.
• You want to help me improve my writing skills.
• You just want to make me happy. ♥
And so on! In general, we will nd several proofs to Ptolemy's Theorem, discuss a few examples and
at last, there will be a bunch of problems to practice for yourself.
The handout itself is not too dicult. It starts from easier problems and goes up to early Olympiad
level. Basic geometry understanding suce to understand this handout. In specic, you should be
condent with angle chasing, similar triangles and low tech theorems. Having some knowledge in basic
trigonometry wouldn't hurt, though.
Ptolemy's Theorem
If ABCD is a (possibly degenerate) cyclic quadrilateral, then
| AB| · |CD | + | AD | · | BC | = | AC | · | BD |.
Proof. Spoilers ahead! Try proving it by yourself rst, then come back. There are many possibilities
to do so.
Qi Zhu Ptolemy's Theorem 2016, September 05
Pick point E on line BD, such that ∠DEA = ∠CBA. For convenience, call
a = | AB|, b = | BC |, c = |CD |, d = | DA|, e = | AC |, f = | BD |.
Now by construction, observe 4 ABE ∼ 4 ACD and 4 AED ∼ 4 ABC. (Why? Hint: Basic angle
chasing theorems in the circle. Look at Figure 2.) Thus, we have |BE
= ce and |ED
= de , so
ac = e · | BE| and bd = e · | ED |.
Recall | BE| + | ED | = f . Hence, adding them gives
ac + bd = e · | BE| + e · | ED | = e(| BE| + | ED |) = e f ,
which ends the proof. As for the degenerate case, note that quadrilateral ABCD then lies on a circle
with radius ∞. Doing Exercise 2.1 will make this clearer for you. If you're not too condent with
that, you may also prove it by bashing out some lengths.
In fact, Ptolemy's Theorem is just a tiny part of what we will be looking at. You have probably heard
of the triangle inequality. But have you ever wondered about whether there is a similar inequality for
quadrilaterals? Then Ptolemy's Inequality is what you were looking for.
Ptolemy's Inequality
If A, B, C, D are four points in the plane a , then
| AB| · |CD | + | AD | · | BC | ≥ | AC | · | BD |.
Qi Zhu Ptolemy's Theorem 2016, September 05
∠ BAX = ∠CAD and ∠YBA = ∠ DCA. Let E be the intersection of AX and BY. Then, it is easy
to see that ∠BAC = ∠EAD, so 4 ABE ∼ 4 ACD. That gives
| AB| | BE|
= ⇐⇒ | AB| · |CD | = | AC | · | BE|. (1)
| AC | |CD |
by the triangle inequality. Equality holds, if and only if 4 BED is degenerate, that is E lies on BD. That
happens if and only if ∠DCA = ∠YBA = ∠DBA or equivalently if ABCD is a (possibly degenerate)
cyclic quadrilateral.
We'll proceed by discovering more proofs of the theorems. You may skip this, if you want to, but it is
good practice and you should denitely do it somewhen. There are elegant proofs to Ptolemy, as well
as instructive ones that explain the method being used very well.
Exercise 2.1. Prove Ptolemy's Inequality with Inversion . Try to cover the equality case with that
proof as well.
Exercise 2.2. Prove Ptolemy's Inequality with Complex Numbers . Again, try to cover the equality
Exercise 2.3. Prove Ptolemy's Inequality with Simson's Line. Cover the equality case.
Exercise 2.4. Prove Ptolemy's Theorem with trigonometry. Think of Addition Theorems or the Law
of Cosine .
Exercise 2.5. Can you nd dierent proofs that weren't mentioned in this handout? 1
1 If you do, then feel free to send me your proof ! Contact me at [email protected].
Qi Zhu Ptolemy's Theorem 2016, September 05
3 Example Problems
In this section, I will be presenting 2 problems to give a general idea of how Ptolemy's Theorem may
be used. In specic, I will try to explain motivational steps and include a write-up as I'd do it in a
contest. You should try them yourself before reading the solution.
Anyway, I proceed by using Ptolemy three times on the three cyclic quadrilaterals XBYO, YCZO, ZAXO,
since I know the side lengths of those quadrilateral well and it is connected to the relation I am trying
to prove. It gives me
a0 dc + c0 d a = Rb0
a0 db + b0 d a = Rc0
b0 dc + c0 db = Ra0
It seems like, somehow combining them could lead to some canceling. So I try some combinations.
One of them being adding all three equations. That yields
a 0 ( d b + d c ) + b 0 ( d c + d a ) + c 0 ( d a + d b ) = R ( a 0 + b 0 + c 0 ).
I'd like to divide by a0 + b0 + c0 . I'd already have the summand R on the right hand side. And the left
hand side almost has factor a0 + b0 + c0 . So perhaps I'd add something to the equation. That is why I
add a0 da + b0 db + c0 dc to both sides. This gives
( a0 + b0 + c0 )(d a + db + dc ) = R( a0 + b0 + c0 ) + a0 d a + b0 db + c0 dc .
Qi Zhu Ptolemy's Theorem 2016, September 05
Now, I'd start by drawing segment AB. I could follow up with a segment BD with equal length. I knew
that I could just construct point C on the far right, so I didn't care about that for now. I knew that
Qi Zhu Ptolemy's Theorem 2016, September 05
4 ADE was isosceles with | DE| = | EA| = b as I was looking at the diagram, so point E must lie on
the perpendicular bisector of segment AD. I drew the perpendicular bisector, picked a suitable point E
and constructed equilateral triangles with segments BD and EA outside of quadrilateral ABDE. I've
succeeded in drawing the hexagon ABCDEF!
Time to look at the problem itself. I notice that the given angles are 60◦ and 120◦ and they conveniently
add up to 180◦ . That smells like cyclic quadrilaterals. Thus, it makes me think about a point C0 , such
that AC0 BG is a cyclic quadrilateral. A good point to choose would probably be a point that makes
4 AC 0 B equilateral. So I chose that. Now AC 0 BG is cyclic and | AC 0 | = |C 0 B| = | BA| = a. The
diagonals and side lengths of that quadrilateral are all interesting to me, so that's when I use Ptolemy
on the newly constructed AC0 BG. It gives me
| AG | · a + | GB| · a = |C 0 G | · a ⇐⇒ | AG | + | GB| = |C 0 G |.
I then note that points G and H are arbitrary points on those circles I've discovered with the cyclic
quadrilaterals. Hence, it could be possible that C0 , G, H, F0 are collinear. It seems good to use the
triangle inequality now to say
|C 0 G | + | GH | + | HF 0 | ≥ | F 0 C 0 |.
Now, it suces to prove | F0 C0 | ≥ | FC |. But look at the construction. Looking at the gure, this
seems obvious. That construction is so symmetric, by symmetry, we'd get | F0 C0 | = | FC |, it should not
Qi Zhu Ptolemy's Theorem 2016, September 05
be hard to prove it rigorously. Some congruency or rotating should do it. Cool, I've solved an IMO
problem. Yay.
Proof. Let C0 and F0 be points outside of hexagon ABCDEF such that 4 AC0 B and 4 DF0 E are
equilateral. As ∠ AGB + ∠BC0 A = 180◦ , quadrilateral AC0 BD is cyclic. Therefore, by Ptolemy's
Theorem we have
| AG | · | BC 0 | + | GB| · |C 0 A| = |C 0 G | · | AB| ⇐⇒ | AG | + | GB| = |C 0 G |,
with two uses of the triangle inequality |C0 G | + |GH | ≥ |C0 H | and |C0 H | + | HF0 | ≥ | F0 C0 |. But we
also have | FC | = | F0 C0 |, as hexagons AXBDYE and ABCDEF are congruent because all correspond-
ing sides and angles are equal.
In the concluding section 2 , I will include several problems for you to practice on your own. They are
roughly arranged in diculty, even though I cannot assure that you will feel the same way. Take your
time for the problems and don't give up too early.
Most problems will be solvable with Ptolemy, you might nd solutions without using Ptolemy, though.
I even threw in a few problems that can not necesarilly by solved with Ptolemy to let you think about
all possible approaches, instead of being too focused on Ptolemy. (Or maybe I didn't? Find it out by
Also, if you know cool problems related to Ptolemy or any of the problems in this article, please contact
me as well! Have fun and good luck!
Problem 4.1 (NIMO 14.1). Let A, B, C, D be four points on a line in this order. Suppose that
| AC | = 25, | BD | = 40, and | AD | = 57. Compute | AB| · |CD | + | AD | · | BC |.
Problem 4.2. Point P is chosen on the arc CD of the circumcircle of a square ABCD. Prove that
| PA| + | PC | = 2 · | PB|.
Problem 4.3. Let triangle ABC be isosceles with | AC | = | BC| and let P be a point of arc AB of its
circumcircle. Then prove that |PA||+|
PC |
is constant for all possible points P.
Problem 4.4. The angle bisector of ∠BAC of triangle ABC meets its circumcircle at D. Prove that
| AB| + | AC | ≤ 2 · | AD |.
Problem 4.5. Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral with ∠CBA = ∠ ADC = 90◦ . Prove that
| BD | = | AC | · sin ∠ BAD.
Problem 4.6 (Baltic Way 2001, #7). A parallelogram ABCD is given. A circle passing through A
meets the line segments AB, AC and AD at inner points M, K, N , respectively. Prove that
| AB| · | AM| + | AD | · | AN | = | AK | · | AC |.
2I might make documents with hints and solutions in the near future. But until that happens, feel free to ask me via
[email protected], if any questions come up. I'd also take a look at your solutions, if you want to.
Qi Zhu Ptolemy's Theorem 2016, September 05
Problem 4.7 (Geometry Revisited, 1.9.1). Let Q be a point of segment BC of an equilateral triangle
ABC. Let line AQ meet the circumcenter again at P. Then prove
1 1 1
+ = .
| PA| | PC | | PQ|
Problem 4.8 (Germany 2014). Let ABCDEFG be a regular heptagon with side length 1. Prove that
1 1
+ = 1.
| AC | | AD |