Electronics Mechanic - Pdfrailway Syllabus PDF
Electronics Mechanic - Pdfrailway Syllabus PDF
Electronics Mechanic - Pdfrailway Syllabus PDF
Sl. Topics Page No.
1. Introduction 3-4
2. Job roles: reference NOS & NCO 5-7
3. NSQF compliance block 8
4. Learning outcome 9-10
5. General information 11
6. Course structure 12
7. General Training Plan, Examination & Pass Regulation 13
8. Assessable outcome 14-15
9. Assessable outcome with assessment criteria 16-25
10. Syllabus content with time structure 26-55
10.1 Syllabus content for Professional Skill & Knowledge
10.2 Syllabus content of core skills
11. Employability skills 56-62
11.1 General information
11.2 Distribution of topics between semesters for employability skill
11.3 Syllabus content of Employability Skill
12. Infrastructure 63
13. Assessment standard 64-69
13.1Assessment guideline
13.2 Internal assessments (Formative assessment)
13.3 Final assessment- All India Trade Test(Summative assessment)
14. List of trade committee members 70-71
15. List of Tools & Equipment-Annexure-I 72-76
16. Guidelines for instructors and paper setters- Annexure-II 77
India is one of the youngest nations in the world. Our youth are our strength. However, a
challenge facing the country is that of skilling our youth as per the demands of the industry.
Recognizing the need for quickly coordinating the skill development and entrepreneurship
efforts of all concerned stakeholders, the Government of India created the Ministry of Skill
Development and Entrepreneurship on 9th November, 2014. To create further convergence
between the Vocational Training System through Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) and the
new skill initiatives of the Government, the Training and Apprenticeship Training divisions
from the Directorate General of Employment and Training (DGET) under the Ministry of
Labour and Employment stand transferred to the Ministry of Skill Development and
Entrepreneurship (MSDE) with effect from 16th April, 2015. This move brings over 11000
ITIs and scores of other institutions, and the Apprenticeship and Training divisions, under
the Ministry.
The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship is an apex organization for the
development and coordination of the vocational training including Women’s Vocational
Training in our country. The Ministry conducts the vocational training programmes through
the Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS), Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS), Modular
Employable Scheme (MES) under the Skill Development Initiative (SDI) Scheme, and
Craftsmen Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) to cater the needs of different segments of the
Labour market. The National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) acts as a central
agency to advise Government of India in framing the training policy and coordinating
vocational training throughout India. The day-to-day administration of the ITIs rests with
the State Governments/ Union Territories.
Training courses under the CTS is being offered through a network of more than 11000
Government and Private Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) located all over the country
with a total seating capacity of more than 16 Lakhs with an objective to provide skilled
workforce to the industry in 126 trades. Skill development courses exclusively for women
are also being offered under CTS and other schemes through Government and Private
ITIs and Regional Vocational Training Institutes (RVTIs) for Women.
The Apprentices Act, 1961 was enacted with the objective of regulating the program of
apprenticeship training in the industry by utilizing the facilities available within for
imparting on-the-job training. The Act makes it obligatory for employers in specified
industries to engage apprentices in designated trades to impart on the job training for
school leavers, and ITI passed outs to develop skilled manpower for the industry.
The Ministry is implementing the Employable Scheme (MES) under the Skill
Development Initiative Scheme to provide vocational training to people to develop
skilled manpower for the industry through a network of Vocational Training Providers
(VTPs) located across the country.
Central Staff Training and Research Institute (CSTARI), Kolkata is the nodal institute for
the development/revision of curricula under all vocational training schemes of the Ministry.
National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI), Chennai is to make available instructional
material in various trades for the use of trainees and trainers to ensure overall improvement
in the standard of institutional training under the CTS and ATS schemes. The institute is
actively involved in the development, production and dissemination of instructional media
Packages (IMPs) comprising of books on Trade Theory, Trade Practical, Test/Assignment,
and Instructor’s Guide.
The National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), published in the Gazette of India
on 27th December, 2013, is a national framework that aims to integrate general and
vocational streams of education and training. The main goal of the NSQF is to focus on
competency-based qualifications, which in turn facilitate and enhance transparency, both
within and between general and vocational streams. The National Skill Development Agency
(NSDA) under the Ministry is responsible for anchoring and implementation of the
Framework, by bringing together the key stakeholders through the National Skill
Qualifications Committee (NSQC).
The competency-based framework organizes qualifications into ten levels, with the entry
level being 1, and the highest level being 10. Each level of the NSQF is described by a
statement of learning outcomes in five domains, known as level descriptors. These five
domains are (1) Process, (2) Professional knowledge, (3) Professional skill, (4) core skill, and
(5) Responsibility. The paradigm shift from learning focused on inputs to an
outcome/competency-based education would help in the Recognition of Prior Learning
(RPL), and simultaneously enable the alignment of the Indian qualifications with
international ones. Government funding is expected to be on a preferential basis for NSQF
compliant courses. The NSQF notification provides a Qualification Register, which is the
official national database of all qualifications aligned to NSQF levels. Through this Register,
learners can expect access to all NSQF compliant qualifications.
The Ministry has set up Mentor Councils to focus on courses under NCVT in various
sectors with representation from thought leaders among different stakeholders viz.,
industries, innovative entrepreneurs who have proved to be game-changers,
academic/professional institutions, and champion ITIs for each of the sectors. The Mentor
Council for each sector reviews curriculum, admission criteria, course duration, and
requirement of trainers and assessment/evaluation systems for the sector on a continuous
basis and make recommendations regarding the same. Sector-wise Core Groups are formed
to plan and prepare the documentation for the competency-based curricula for the courses
under each sector.
1. JOB ROLES: Reference NOS & NCO
Electronics Fitter, other include all other workers engaged in fitting, assembling,
repairing and maintaining electronic equipment, machinery, appliances, etc., not
elsewhere classified.
Television Installation Man installs and adjusts television receivers and antennas,
using hand tools. Selects antenna according to type of set and location of
transmitting station. Bolts cross arms and dipole elements in position to assemble
antenna. Secures antenna in place with bracket and guy wires, observing insurance
codes and local ordnances to protect installation from lighting and other hazards.
Drills and waterproofs holes in building to make passage for transmission line.
Connects line between receiver and antenna and fastens it in place. Tunes receiver
on all channels and adjusts screws to obtain desired density, linearity, focus and
size of picture. Orients antenna and installs reflector to obtain strongest possible
reception. May operate radio broadcasting unit.
Cable Television Installer installs cable television cables and equipment on
customer's premises, using electrician's tools and test equipment. Measures
television signal strength at utility pole, using electronic test
equipment. Computes impedance of wire from pole to house to determine
additional resistance needed for reducing signal to desired level. Installs terminal
boxes and strings lead-in wires, using electrician's tools.
Connects television set to cable system and evaluates incoming signal. Adjusts and
repairs cable system to ensure optimum reception. May collect installation fees and
explain cable service operation to subscriber. May communicate with
SUPERVISOR, using two-way radio or telephone, to receive instructions or
technical advice and to report problems to be repaired. May report unauthorized
use of cable system to SUPERVISOR. May clean
and maintain tools, test equipment.
Television Service and Repairman repairs and adjusts radios and television
receivers, using hand tools and electronic testing instruments. Tunes receiver on all
channels and observes audio and video characteristics to locate source of trouble.
Adjusts controls to obtain desired density, linearity, focus and size of picture.
chassis for defects. Tests voltages and resistance of circuits to isolate defect
following schematic diagram and using voltmeter, oscilloscope, signal generator
and other electronic testing instruments. Tests and changes tubes, solders loose
connections and repairs or replaces defective parts, using hand tools and soldering
iron. Repair radios and other audio equipment. May install television sets.
Plan and organize assigned work and detect & resolve issues during execution.
Demonstrate possible solutions and agree tasks within the team. Communicate with
required clarity and understand technical English. Sensitive to environment, self-
learning and productivity.
Qualification Pack (QP) with no of NOS and NSQF Level:-
ELE/Q0115 ELE/Q7201
ELE/NO115, ELE/N9919, ELE/N9921 ELE/N 0061, ELE/N 7201, ELE/N 7202, ELE/N
ELE/Q6301 ELE/Q5101
ELE/N 6301, ELE/N 9971, ELE/N 9972
ELE/Q0105 ELE/Q7303
ELE/N 0103, ELE/N 9919, ELE/N 9920 ELE/N 7306, ELE/N 9962, ELE/N 9963
ELE/Q8104 ELE/Q5901
ELE/N 8106, ELE/N 8107, ELE/N 9909, ELE/N ELE/N 5901, ELE/N 5902, ELE/N 9952, ELE/N
9910 9953
The Broad Learning outcome of Electronics Mechanic trade under CTS mostly
matches with the Level descriptor at Level- 4.
. The NSQF level-4 descriptor is given below:
4. Learning outcome
The following are minimum broad general learning outcome after completion
of the Electronics Mechanic course of 02 years duration:
1. Recognize & comply safe working practices, environment regulation and housekeeping.
2. Work in a team, understand and practice soft skills, technical English to communicate
withrequired clarity.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of concept and principles of basic arithmetic, algebraic,
trigonometric, and statistics and apply knowledge of specific area to perform practical
4. Understand and explain basic science in the field of study including friction, simple
machine and heat and temperature.
5. Read and apply engineering drawing for different application in the field of work.
6. Understand and explain the concept in productivity, quality tools and labour welfare
legislation and apply such in day to day work to improve productivity & quality.
7. Explain energy conservation, global warming and pollution and contribute in day to day work
by optimally using available resources.
8. Explain personnel finance, entrepreneurship and manage/organize related task in day to day
work for personal & societal growth.
9. Understand and apply basic computer working, basic operating system and uses internet
services to get accustomed & take benefit of IT developments in the industry.
10. Perform basic mechanical workshop operations using suitable tools for fitting riveting,
drilling etc observing suitable care & safety.
11. Identify, charge, discharge, connect, maintain different batteries used in electronic
12. Identify, test various electrical components like Switches, Transformers, Relays,
contactors, Solenoid valves
13. Identify, test various electronic components using proper measuring instruments and apply
this knowledge to troubleshoot power supplies.
14. Configure, install, troubleshoot, upgrade, interconnect given computer system(s) and
demonstrate &utilize application packages for different application.
15. Assemble, test and repair the various analog circuits and apply this knowledge to
troubleshoot AF amplifier of PA system, fan regulator, light dimmer circuit
16. Assemble, test and repair the various digital circuits and apply this knowledge to troubleshoot
various application circuits viz. display systems, digital clock, digital timer and event
17. Draw , simulate and analyze the analog and digital circuits using Electronic simulator
18. Prepare, crimp, terminate and test various cables used in different electronics industries.
19. Identify , place, solder and desolder and test different SMD discrete components and IC’s.
20. Identify, prepare /construct different electrical controls circuits, features and test for their
proper functioning.
21. Construct/assemble/test and trouble shoot a commercial AM /FM receiver.
22. Identify different blocks of programmable system & test/troubleshoot the various
components of it and apply the knowledge to service different domestic programmable
23. Understand the operation of different process sensors, identify, wire & apply the knowledge
to test various sensors of different industrial processes by selecting appropriate test
24. Select a project, understand the requirements to construct the project and install it for a
domestic /commercial applications based on various analog and digital IC’s
25. Prepare fibre optic setup to transmit and receive various analog and digital data using fibre
optic cable by following proper care
26. Interface the LCD, LED DPM panels to various circuits for monitoring and testing
27. Identify the various components , connectors and trouble shoot the SMPS, UPS and inverter
with due care and follow the safety norms
28. Install a solar panel and connect the panel to the inverter and test
29. Dismantle, identify the various parts of a cell phone, repair and assemble the cell phone/smart
30. Identify the various parts of a LED lights and stacks and troubleshoot
31. Identify, operate various controls, troubleshoot and replace modules of the LCD/LED TV &
its remote.
NOTE: Learning outcomes are reflection of total competencies of a trainee. Each learning
outcome may include multiple assessment components. However assessment will be carried
out as per assessable outcome and assessment criteria.
Prof. Knowledge
Engineering Drawing
7. General Training Plan, Examination & Pass regulation
Each Semester examination is to take place after the end of the six
months of training. The each semester examination encompasses such skills as
are listed for that period of training (Detail in Section -10) and also includes
theoretical knowledge, Core skills & E/S. The E/S will be covered in first two
semesters only.
The details of the examination and assessment standard are as per section - 11
Pass regulation
1. Recognize & comply safe working practices, environment regulation and housekeeping.
2. Work in a team, understand and practice soft skills, technical English to communicate withrequired
3. Demonstrate knowledge of concept and principles of basic arithmetic, algebraic, trigonometric, and
statistics and apply knowledge of specific area to perform practical operations.
4. Understand and explain basic science in the field of study including friction, simple machine
and heat and temperature.
5. Read and apply engineering drawing for different application in the field of work.
6. Understand and explain the concept in productivity, quality tools and labour welfare legislation and
apply such in day to day work to improve productivity & quality.
7. Explain energy conservation, global warming and pollution and contribute in day to day work by
optimally using available resources.
8. Explain personnel finance, entrepreneurship and manage/organize related task in day to day work
for personal & societal growth.
9. Understand and apply basic computer working, basic operating system and uses internet services to
get accustomed & take benefit of IT developments in the industry.
10. Perform basic mechanical workshop operations using suitable tools for fitting riveting, drilling etc
observing suitable care & safety.
11. Identify, charge, discharge, connect, maintain different batteries used in electronic applications.
12. Identify, test various electrical components like Switches, Transformers, Relays, contactors,
Solenoid valves
13. Identify, test various electronic components using proper measuring instruments and apply this
knowledge to troubleshoot power supplies.
14. Configure, install, troubleshoot, upgrade, interconnect given computer system(s) and demonstrate
&utilize application packages for different application.
15. Assemble, test and repair the various analog circuits and apply this knowledge to troubleshoot AF
amplifier of PA system, fan regulator, light dimmer circuit
16. Assemble, test and repair the various digital circuits and apply this knowledge to troubleshoot
various application circuits viz. display systems, digital clock, digital timer and event counter
17. Draw , simulate and analyze the analog and digital circuits using Electronic simulator software
18. Prepare, crimp, terminate and test various cables used in different electronics industries.
19. Identify, place, solder and desolder and test different SMD discrete components and IC’s.
20. Identify, prepare /construct different electrical controls circuits, features and test for their proper
21. Construct/assemble/test and trouble shoot a commercial AM /FM receiver.
22. Identify different blocks of programmable system & test/troubleshoot the various components of it
and apply the knowledge to service different domestic programmable systems
23. Understand the operation of different process sensors, identify, wire & apply the knowledge to test
various sensors of different industrial processes by selecting appropriate test instruments
24. Select a project, understand the requirements to construct the project and install it for a domestic
/commercial applications based on various analog and digital IC’s
25. Prepare fibre optic setup to transmit and receive various analog and digital data using fibre optic
cable by following proper care
26. Interface the LCD, LED DPM panels to various circuits for monitoring and testing
27. Identify the various components , connectors and trouble shoot the SMPS, UPS and inverter with
due care and follow the safety norms
28. Install a solar panel and connect the panel to the inverter and test
29. Dismantle, identify the various parts of a cell phone and repair and assemble the cell phone/smart
30. Identify the various parts of a LED lights and stacks and troubleshoot
31. Identify, operate various controls, trouble shoot and replace modules of the LCD/LED TV & its
i) The training shall be conducted as per syllabus defined in reference no: Section 10.
ii) The trainee shall demonstrate the competencies which are defined below in assessable
outcome and assessment criteria.
iii) All the assessable outcomes are to be tested during formative assessment, Theory & Practical
examinations, various observation and viva-voce.
iv) Assessable outcome of Employability Skills, Workshop Calculation & Science and
Engineering Drawing shall be tested separately and also be applied in Theory and Practical
v) These assessable outcomes and assessment criteria will serve as guide lines for Trainers,
Paper setters, Moderators and Assessors.
1.10 Identify basic first aid and use them under different
1.11 Identify different fire extinguisher and use the same as per
1.12 Identify environmental pollution & contribute to the
avoidance of instances of environmental pollution.
1.13 Deploy environmental protection legislation & regulations
1.14 Take opportunities to use energy and materials in an
environmentally friendly manner
1.15. Avoid waste and dispose waste as per procedure
1.16Recognize different components of 5S and apply the same in
the working environment.
2. Work in a team, 2.1 Obtain sources of information and recognize information.
understand and practice soft 2.2Use and draw up technical drawings and documents.
skills, technical English to 2.3 Use documents and technical regulations and occupationally
communicate withrequired related provisions.
clarity 2.4 Conduct appropriate and target oriented discussions with higher
authority and within the team.
2.5 Present facts and circumstances, possible solutions &use
English special terminology.
2.6 Resolve disputes within the team
2.7 Conduct written communication.
2. Demonstrate 3.1 Semester examination to test basic skills on arithmetic,
knowledge of concept algebra, trigonometry and statistics.
and principles of basic 3.2 Their applications will also be assessed during execution of
arithmetic, algebraic, assessable outcome and also tested during theory and practical
trigonometric, and examination.
statistics and apply
knowledge of specific
area to perform
practical operations.
4. Understand and explain 4.1 Semester examination to test basic skills on science in the field
basic science in the field of of study including friction, simple machine and heat and
study including friction, temperature.
simple machine and heat 4.2 Their applications will also be assessed during execution of
and temperature assessable outcome and also tested during theory and practical
5. Read and apply 5.1 Semester examination to test basic skills on engineering
engineering drawing for drawing.
different application in 5.2 Their applications will also be assessed during execution of
the field of work. assessable outcome and also tested during theory and practical
6. Understand and explain 6.1 Semester examination to test the concept in productivity,
the concept in productivity, quality tools and labour welfare legislation.
quality tools, and labour 6.2 Their applications will also be assessed during execution of
welfare legislation and assessable outcome.
apply such in day to day
work to improve
productivity & quality.
7. Explain energy 7.1 Semester examination to test knowledge on energy
conservation, global conservation, global warming and pollution.
warming and pollution and 7.2 Their applications will also be assessed during execution of
contribute in day to day assessable outcome.
work by optimally using
available resources.
8. Explain personnel 8.1 Semester examination to test knowledge on personnel finance,
finance, entrepreneurship entrepreneurship.
and manage/organize 8.2 Their applications will also be assessed during execution of
related task in day to day assessable outcome.
work for personal & societal
9. Understand and apply 9.1 Semester examination to test knowledge on basic computer
basic computer working, working, basic operating system and uses internet services.
basic operating system and 9.2 Their applications will also be assessed during execution of
uses internet services to get assessable outcome.
accustomed & take benefit
of IT developments in the
10. Perform basic 10.1 Identify basic hand tools for fitting, riveting, drilling etc. with due
mechanical workshop care and safety.
operations using 10.2 Practice on fixing surface mounting type of accessories.
suitable tools for 10.3Demonstrate and apply the connection of electrical accessories.
fitting, riveting, 10.4 Wire up of a test board and test it.
drilling etc observing
suitable care & safety.
16. Assemble, test and 16. 1 Illustrate to practice the digital trainer kit with safety
repair the various 16. 2 Identify various digital ICs, test IC using digital IC tester and
digital circuits and verify the truth table
apply this knowledge 16. 3 Construct and verify the truth table of all gates using NOR and
to troubleshoot NAND gates
display systems, 16. 4 Construct a adder cum subtractor circuits and verify the truth
digital clock, digital table
timer and Event 16. 5 Construct a decoder and encoder, multiplexer and de-
counter multiplexer circuits and verify the truth table
16. 6 Construct a multiplexer and de-multiplexer and verify the truth
16. 7 Construct andverify the truth table of various flip flop, counter
and shift register circuits
17. Draw , simulate and 17.1 Plan the work incompliance with standard procedure
analyze the analog 17.2 Prepare simple analog and digital electronic circuits using the
and digital circuits simulator software
using Electronic 17.3 Simulate and test the prepared analog and digital circuits
simulator software 17.4 Convert the prepared circuit into layout diagram
17.5 Explore various trouble shooting and fault finding the resources
provided in the simulation software
18. Prepare, crimp, 18.1 Plan and work incompliance with standard safety norms
terminate and test 18.2 Prepare, terminate and test various electronics cable using proper
various cables used in crimping tools.
different electronics
21. Construct/assemble/test 21.1 Plan and select tools to assemble the receiver
and trouble shoot a 21.2 Modulate and Demodulate various signals using AM and FM
commercial AM /FM on the trainer kit and observe waveforms
receiver 21.3 Construct and test IC based AM Receiver
21.4 Construct and test IC based FM transmitter and receiver
21.5 Modulate and Demodulate a signal using PAM,PPM,PWM
21.6 Troubleshoot and replace the faulty components
21.7 Check the functionality of AM/FM receiver
22. Identify different blocks 22.1 Understand and interpret the procedure as per manual of
of programmable system Micro controller
& test/troubleshoot the 22.2 Identity various ICs & their functions on the given
various components of it Microcontroller Kit
and apply the knowledge 22.3 Identify the address range of RAM & ROM.
to service different 22.4 Write data into RAM & observe its volatility
domestic programmable 22.5 Identify the port pins of the controller & configure the ports
systems for Input & Output operation
22.6 Demonstrate entering of simple programs, execute & monitor
the results
23. Understand the operation 23.1 Ascertain and select tools, material for the job and make this
of different process available for use in the timely manner
sensors, identify, wire & 23.2 Plan work in compliance with safety norms
apply the knowledge to 23.3 Demonstrate possible solution and agree task within the team
test various sensors of 23.4 Identify sensors used in process industries such as RTDs,
different industrial Temperature ICs, Thermocouples, proximity switches
processes by selecting (inductive, capacitive and photo electric), load cells, strain
appropriate test gauge. LVDT by their appearance
instruments 23.5 Measure temperature of a lit fire using a Thermocouple and
record the readings referring to data chart.
23.6 Measure temperature of a lit fire using RTD and record the
readings referring to data chart.
23.7 Measure the DC voltage of a LVDT
23.8 Detect different objectives using capacitive, inductive and
photoelectric proximity sensors
24. Select a project, 24.1 Plan, analyze and estimate the cost of the particular project
understand the 24.2 Identify the various tools required for the job
requirements to construct 24.3 Prepare the simple digital/ analog electronic circuit
the project and install it 24.4 Simulate and test the prepared circuit
for a domestic 24.5 Assemble and test the circuit
/commercial applications
based on various analog
and digital IC’s
27. Identify the various 27.1 Identify the tools and equipments to perform the job with due
components , care and safety.
connectors and 27.2 Dismantle the given stabilizer and find major sections/ ICs
trouble shoot the components.
SMPS, UPS and 27.3 Identify various input and output sockets / connectors of the
inverter with due given SMPS.
care and follow the 27.4 Identify major sections/ ICs/components of SMPS
safety norms 27.5 Identify and replace the faulty components and construct and test
IC Based DC-DC converter for different voltages
27.6 Identify front panel control & indicators of UPS
27.7 Connect Battery & load to UPS & test on battery mode
27.8 Open Top cover of UPS & identify isolator transformer & UPS
transformer & additional circuit other than inverter
27.9 Identify various circuit boards in UPS and monitor voltages at
various test points
27.10 Test UPS under Fault condition & rectify fault
28. Install a solar panel 28.1 Select appropriate tools and equipment.
and connect the 28.2Install a solar panel to a roof.
panel to the inverter 28.3Wire a solar panel to a solar controller.
and test 28.4Wire a solar controller to a battery storage station.
28.5Connect storage batteries to a power inverter
28.6Wire a power inverter to an electrical service panel.
28.7Connect and test solar panel to the Inverter and run the load.
28.8Installation of Solar Inverter.
28.9 Demonstrate the installation with team.
29. Dismantle, identify 29.1 Understand and interpret repair procedure as per manual of cell
the various parts of a phone and select appropriate tools & equipment for undertaking
cell phone and repair job.
and assemble the 29.2 Plan to repair and assemble the components used as per circuit
cell phone/smart diagram.
phone 29.3 Dismantle, identify the parts and assemble different types of
smart phones.
29.4 Interface the cell phone/smart phone to the PC and transfer the
data and browse internet.
29.5 Flash the various brands of cell phone/smart phone (at least 3)
and upgrade the OS.
29.6 Format the cell phone/smart phone for virus (approach the mobile
repair shop/service centre).
29.7 Identify the defective parts and rectify.
30. Identify the various 30.1 Understand and interpret measuring procedure as per manual.
parts of a LED lights 30.2 Conduct systematic trouble shooting
and stacks and 30.3 Dismantle the LED light, identify the connections of LEDs
troubleshoot stacks, protection circuits, regulator
30.4 Measure the voltage across LED stacks
30.5 Identify the rectifier, controller part of LED lights
30.6 Test various subassemblies of the given LED light system
30.7 Comply with safety rules when performing the above operations.
30.8 Avoid waste, ascertain unused materials and components for
disposal, store these in an environmentally appropriate manner
and prepare for disposal.
31. Identify, operate 31.1 Ascertain and select tools and materials for the job and
various controls, make this available for use in a timely manner.
troubleshoot and 31.2 Plan to Dismantle and assemble modules as per circuit
replace modules of diagram.
the LCD/LED TV & 31.3 Identification and operate different Controls on LCD,
its remote. LED TV.
31.4 Dismantle, Identify the parts of the remote control.
31.5 Trace and rectify the faults of a various remote controls.
31.6 Identify various connectors and connect the cable
operator’s external decoder (set top box) to the TV.
31.7 Comply with safety rules when performing the above
31.8 Avoid waste, ascertain unused materials and components
for disposal, store these in an environmentally
appropriate manner and prepare for disposal.
1. Familiarize with basics of electricity, test the cable and measure the electrical parameter
2. Identify and Use different hand tools
3. Identify and test cells/batteries
4. Identify and test passive and active electronic components
5. Practice soldering and de-soldering of various types of electrical and electronic components
6. Assemble a computer system, install OS, Practice with MS office
7. Use the internet, browse, create mail IDs, download desired data from internet using search
magnetism, types of cores.
10 Transformers
Identify different types of mains
transformers and test. Working principle of a Transformer,
Identify the primary and secondary
Transformer construction, Types of
transformer windings and test the
polarity. cores used. Specifications of a
Identify different sizes, shapes of cores transformer, Step-up, Step down and
used in low capacity transformers. isolation transformers with applications.
Measure the primary and secondary Different type of losses in Transformers,
voltage of different transformers Phase angle, phase relations, active and
Construct a low voltage night lamp reactive power, power factor and its
Identify and test the variac importance in the industry.
16 IC Regulators
Identify the different types of fixed +ve
and –ve regulator ICs and the different
current ratings (78/79 series)
Identify the pins Regulated Power supply using 78XX
Construct a fixed voltage regulator as a series,
variable one by floating the reference
Identify the different heat sinks for IC 79XX series, Op-amp regulator, 723
based regulators regulator , (Transistorized & IC based)
Observe the output voltage of different
IC regulators by varying the input voltage regulation, error correction and
voltage amplification etc.
Construct a dual power supply by using
the fixed IC regulators with current
limiting and short circuit protection
17-21 Computer Hardware, OS, MS office
Basic blocks of a computer, Hardware
• Identification of various indicators, and software, I/O devices, keyboard,
Connectors, ports on the computer types of mouse and their working,
cabinet Different types of printers, their
• Identify drives and their capacity.
function and inter-connection and their
• Identify various connectors and cables
inside the cabinet & Identify advantages HDD, CDD, DVD. Various
connections to rear side and front panel ports in the computer.
of the cabinet
• Identify various parts of the system unit POST Booting concept.
and motherboard
Windows O.S.
• Disable certain functionality by
disconnecting the concerned cables ( MS widows: Starting windows and its
like USB, SERIAL, Flat)
operation, file management using
• Replace the CMOS battery
• Replace/Extend a memory module explorer, Display & sound properties,
• Test and Replace the SMPS screen savers, font management,
• Replace the given HDD on the system installation of program, setting and
• Replace the given DVD on the system using of control panel., application of
• Configuring and troubleshooting display accessories, various IT tools and
problems applications, Components of desk top
• Boot the system from different options
• Practice various features of OS Concept of word processing,: MS word
• Perform maintenance of the computer
using standard tools provided in the OS – Menu bar, standard tool bar, saving,
• Install a Printer driver software and test copying, deleting & retrieving files,
for print outs
page setting, editing, formatting,
• Install antivirus software and scan the
system and Explore the configuration advance features i.e. highlighting, cut &
options in the antivirus software paste, subscript & superscript drawing
• Install MS office software features, mail merging, Hyperlink,
• Use start menu, check available tables and borders, printing of document
programs in computer, use search, etc.
settings, run and options. Creation of
short cuts Excel – Worksheet basics, data entry
• Changing screen savers and formulae. Moving data in worksheet
• Create folder and files, Drawing pictures using tool bars and menu bars,
using paint, using menus of paint
Formatting and calculations, printing
• Explore different Menu/Tool/
Format/status bars of MS word and worksheet, creating multiple work
practice the options: Editing the text, sheets, creating charts, changing chart
saving the text, changing the font and types, Adding titles, legends and
size of text. gridlines, colouring charts, printing
• Creation of broachers and taking the charts, placing charts in a word file.
• Practice the Mail merge and Hyperlink Introduction to power point Basics of
options preparing slides, different design aspects
• Prepare a power point presentation on of slides, animation with slides etc
any three known topics with various
design features Concept of Internet, Browsers,
• Prepare a power point presentation with Websites, search engines, email,
different animation and visual effects. chatting and messenger service.
• Invoke excel sheet from MS WORD and
Downloading the Data and program
vice versa
• Convert the given PDF File into WORD files etc.
File using suitable software. (use free
Computer Networking:-
downloadable software )
• Use of search engines, Creation of email Network features-Network topologies,
accounts, sending and receiving the
protocols- TCP/IP, UDP, FTP, models,
mails configuration of email
clients. types, network components, network
Identify the cables and network medias,
Making UTP cross cables and testing, Specification and standards, types of
Making straight cables and testing, cables, UTP, STP, Coaxial cables.
Making cable layout drawing Network components like hub, Ethernet
switch, router, NIC Cards, connectors,
media and firewall. Difference between
PC & Server.
26 Semester Gap
Second Semester
(Semester Code no. ELM - 02)
Duration: Six Month
2-3 Amplifier
Construct and test voltage divider bias
Construct and Test a common emitter Transistor (CB, CE & CC) configurations and
amplifier with and without bypass their characteristics and applications
Construct and Test common base Transistor biasing circuits and stabilization
amplifier Techniques.
Construct and Test common
collector/emitter follower amplifier Classification of amplifiers according to
Construct and Test Darlington amplifier frequency, mode of operation, methods of
Construct and test a two stage RC coupling, Voltage amplifiers- voltage gain,
Coupled amplifier
Construct and test a Class B loading effect. Configuration of common
complementary push pull amplifier emitter, common base, common collector
Construct and test class C Tuned transistor, their definition characteristics and
amplifier applications. Single stage CE amplifier, (CC
amplifier) emitter follower circuit and its
advantages RC coupled amplifier, Distinguish
between voltage and power amplifier, Push
pull amplifier and class C tuned amplifier
Alpha, beta, voltage gain, Concept of dB
dBm. Feedback and its types.
Identify FET transistors and record main Construction of FET, differentiate it with
parameters from the Data book BJT. Purpose of Gate, Drain and source
Test the given FET using multi meter terminals and voltage / current relations
Construct and test a FET Amplifier between them,
Identify SCRs of different ratings and the
packages Impedances between various terminals.
Test different SCRs using a Multi meter Interpret the main parameters of the FET.
and component tester Suitability of FET amplifiers in measuring
Construct a test circuit to test SCRs
device applications. Working of power
Construct a test circuit of SCR using UJT
electronic components such as SCR, TRIAC,
Identify different heat sinks used with DIAC and UJT.
Construct a snubber circuit for protecting
SCR use freewheeling diode to reduce
back emf.
Construct and test solid state relay.
Construct a jig circuit to test DIAC
Identify and test a TRIAC using multi
Construct a simple dimmer circuit using
Identify and Test a UJT using multi meter
Construct UJT based free running
oscillator and change its frequency.
8 MOSFET & IGBT: Working of MOSFET, Power MOSFET and
Identify MOSFET by its number IGBT - their types, characteristics, switching
Identify different heat sinks used with speed, power ratings and protection.
various power MOSFET devices. Differentiate FET with MOSFET,
Construct MOSFET test circuit with a differentiate a Transistor with IGBT
small load
Identify IGBT by its number
Construct IGBT test circuit with a small
9 Opto Electronics: Working and application of LED, IR LEDs,
Identify different types of LEDs Photo diode ,photo transistor, its
Test LEDs using DC supply and measure characteristics and application, optical sensor,
voltage drop and current using multimeter opto-couplers, circuits with opto isolators,
Identify and test LDR, Identify photo characteristics of LASER diodes
voltaic cell
Construct a circuit to test a photo voltaic
Construct a circuit to switch a lamp load
using photo diode
Construct a circuit to switch a lamp load
using photo transistor.
Identify Opto coupler input and output
terminals and measure the quantum of
isolation between i/o terminals (Opto
Transistor, TRIAC and SCR) and operate
a Relay by connecting a switch
10 Basic SMD (2,3,4 terminal
Identification of 2,3,4 terminal SMD Introduction to SMD technology
Identification of 2,3,4 terminal SMD
De-solder the SMD components from the
given PCB components, advantages of SMD components
Solder the SMD components in the same over conventional lead components
Check for cold continuity of PCB Introduction to solder paste and machine.
Identification of loose /dry solder, broken
Soldering of SM assemblies - Reflow
tracks on printed wired assemblies
11 Basic Gates:
Identify different Logic Gates (AND, OR,
NAND, NOR, X-OR, X-NOR, NOT ICs) Introduction to Digital Electronics.
by the number printed on them and draw
I/O pin-out numbers. Difference between analog and digital signals,
Verify the truth tables of all Logic Gate Logic families and their comparison, Logic
ICs by connecting switches and LEDs. levels of TTL and CMOS. Number systems
Construct and verify the truth table of all (Decimal, binary, octal, Hexadecimal) BCD
the gates using NAND and NOR gates code, ASCII code and code conversions.
Use digital IC tester to test the various
digital ICs (TTL and CMOS) Logic Gates and their truth tables,
propagation delay, power dissipation and
noise immunity
Prepare simple digital and electronic Study the library components available in the
circuits using the software circuit simulation software. Various resources
Simulate and test the prepared digital and of the software.
analog circuits
Convert the prepared circuit into a layout
Explore various troubleshooting and fault
finding resources provided in the
simulation software.
16-17 Counter & shift Registers:
Construct and test a four bit asynchronous
binary counter using 7493. Basics of Counters, types of counters, two bit
Construct and test 7493 as a modulus-12 and three bit Asynchronous binary counters
counter. and decade counters with the timing diagrams.
Construct and test a four bit Synchronous
binary counter using 74163. 3-bit Synchronous counters and synchronous
Construct and test synchronous Decade decade counters.
Construct and test an up/down Types of seven segment display,
synchronous decade counter using 74190
and monitor the output on LEDs. BCD display, BCD to decimal decoder. BCD
Identify and test common anode and to 7 segment display circuits,
common cathode seven segment LED
display using multi meter Basics of Register, types and application of
Display the two digit count value on Registers.
seven segment display using
decoder/driver ICs.
Construct a shift register using RS/D/JK
flip flop and verify the result
Construct and test four bit SIPO register
Construct and test four bit PIPO register
Construct and test bidirectional shift
18-21 Op – Amp & Timer 555 Applications:
Use analog IC tester to test the various
analog ICs Block diagram and Working of Op-Amp,
Construction and testing of various Op- importance, Ideal characteristics, advantages
Amp circuits Inverting, Non-inverting and and applications.
Summing Amplifiers
Construct and test Differentiator and Schematic diagram of 741, symbol, Non
Integrator inverting voltage amplifier, inverting voltage
Construct and test a zero crossing detector amplifier, summing amplifier, Comparator,
Construct and test Instrumentation zero cross detector, differentiator, integrator
amplifier and instrumentation amplifier, other popular
Construct and test a Binary weighted and Op-Amps.
R-2R Ladder type Digital-to-Analog
Construct and test Astable timer circuit
using IC 555
Construct and test mono stable timer
circuit using IC 555 Block diagram of 555, functional description
Construct and test VCO (V to F w.r.t. different configurations of 555 such as
Converter) using IC 555 mono stable, Astable and VCO operations for
Construct and test 555 timers as pulse
various application
width modulator
24-25 Revision
26 Examination
Third Semester
(Semester Code no. ELM - 03)
Duration: Six Month
Identify various connections and the setup Soldering / de-soldering of above components
required for SMD Soldering station
Identification of crimping tools for Identification of Programmable Gate Array
various IC packages. (PGA) packages
Make the necessary settings on SMD
soldering station to de-solder various ICs Soldering / De-soldering of above PGA
of different packages (at least four) by components
choosing proper crimping tools.
Make the necessary settings on SMD Cold/Continuity check of PCBs
soldering station to solder various ICs of
different packages (at least four) by Identification of lose /dry solders, broken tracks
choosing proper crimping tools. on printed wiring assemblies
Tips for selection of hardware, Inspection of SM.
5 Protection devices:
Identify different types of fuses along
with fuse holders. Fuse ratings, types of Fuses, Fuse bases,
Wire an MCB to a motor and run it single/three phase MCBs, single phase ELCBs.
Test and rectify defects associated with
MCBs. Types of Contactors, contactor coils and working
Connect an ELCB and test the leakage of voltages, contactor contact currents, protection to
an electrical motor control circuit. contactors and high current applications.
• Read & follow markings on the Male / Female type DB connectors, Ethernet 10
connectors for testing the continuity of Base cross over cables and pin out assignments,
the prepared cable sets UTP and STP, SCTP Cables
The set of cables prepared should
cover applications like computer, Cable trays.
audio, video products, RF, DATA
Transmission, IDE etc Different types of connectors Servo 0.1”
connectors, FTP, RCA,BNC,HDMI
• Modulate and Demodulate various signals Radio Wave Propagation – Principle, Fading,
using AM and FM on the trainer kit and
observe waveforms Need for Modulation, types of modulation.
• Construct and test IC based AM Receiver Demodulation techniques.
• Construct and test IC based FM
transmitter Fundamentals of Antenna, various parameters,
• Construct and test IC based FM Receiver types of Antennas & application.
• Dismantle the given FM receiver set and
identify different stages Introduction to AM, FM & PM, SSB-SC
( AM section, audio amplifier section etc)
& DSB-SC,block diagram of AM and FM
• Modulate and Demodulate a signal using transmitter.
PAM,PPM,PWM Techniques
FM Generation & Detection
the given Microcontroller Kit Microcontroller Kit. Differentiate
• Identify the address range of RAM & microcontroller with microprocessor. Interfacing
ROM. of memory to the microcontroller. Internal
• Write data into RAM & observe its
hardware resources of microcontroller. I/O port
• Measure the crystal frequency, connect pin configuration. Different variants of 8051 &
it to the controller. their resources. Register banks & their
• Identify the port pins of the controller & functioning. SFRs & their configuration for
configure the ports for Input & Output different applications. Utilization of on chip
operation resources such as ADC. Availability of assembly
• Connect an input switch & control a software & complier for 8051. Application of
lamp using necessary program
microcontroller in domestic, consumer &
• Demonstrate the initialization, load &
turn on a LED with delay using Timer. industries.
• Demonstrate the use of a Timer as an
Event counter to count external events. Comparative study of 8051 with 8052.
• Demonstrate entering of simple Introduction to PIC Architecture.
programs, execute & monitor the results
13-14 Sensors ,Transducers and
Basics of passive and active transducers.
Identify sensors used in process
industries such as RTDs, Temperature Role, selection and characteristics.
ICs, Thermocouples, proximity switches Working principles of RTD, PT-100
(inductive, capacitive and photo Thermocouple, Sensor voltage and current
electric), load cells, strain gauge. LVDT formats.
by their appearance
Measure temperature of a lit fire using a Thermistors – salient features –operating range,
Thermocouple and record the readings composition, advantages and disadvantages.
referring to data chart.
Thermocouples – basic principle – commonly
Measure temperature of a lit fire using
used combinations, operating range, advantages
RTD and record the readings referring to
and disadvantages.
data chart.
Measure the strain of a given material Strain gauges – principle, gauge factor, types of
using strain gauge strain gauges.
Measure the DC voltage of a LVDT
Detect different objectives using Load cell –definition, uses, working of strain
capacitive, inductive and photoelectric gauge load cell
proximity sensors
Principle of operation of capacitive transducers,-
advantages and disadvantages
Make simple projects/Applications using ICs Discussion on the identified projects with respect
741, 723, 555, 7106, 7107 to data of the concerned ICs, components used in
the project
Sample projects:
Laptop protector
Mobile cell phone charger
Battery monitor
Metal detector
Mains detector
Lead acid battery charger
Smoke detector
Solar charger
Emergency light
Water level controller
Door watcher
(Instructor will pick up any five of the projects
for implementation)
24-25 Revision
26 Examination
Fourth Semester
(Semester Code no. ELM - 04)
Duration: Six Month
• Identify the resources and their need on Introduction to optical fiber as a transmission media,
the given fiber optic trainer kit its advantages over other media, properties of optic
• Make optical fiber setup to transmit fiber, testing, losses , types of fiber optic cables and
and receive analog and digital data
• Demonstrate FM modulation and
demodulation using OFC trainer kit Encoding of light.
using audio signal and voice link
• Demonstrate PWM modulation and Fiber optic joints, splicing, testing and the related
demodulation using OFC trainer kit
equipments/measuring tools, precautions to be taken
using audio signal and voice link
• Demonstrate PPM modulation and laying of cables, safety aspects while handling
demodulation using OFC trainer kit optical cables.
using audio signal and voice link
2-3 Digital panel Meter:
• Identify LED Display module and its Different types of seven segment displays, decoders
decoder/driver ICs and driver IC s for them. Concept of multiplexing
• Display a word on a two line LED and its advantages.
• Measure/current flowing through a
resistor and display it on LED Module Block diagrams of 7106 and 7107 and their
• Measure/current flowing through a configuration for different measurements.
sensor and display it on a LED
module(DPM) Use of DPM (Digital Panel Meter) with seven
• Identify LCD Display module and its
segment displays to display different voltage
decoder/driver ICs
• Display a word on a two line LCD ¤t signals.
• Measure/current flowing through a Principles of working of LCD. Different sizes of
resistor and display it. Measure/current LCDs. Decoder/Driver ICs used with LCDs and
flowing through a sensor and display it their pin-out diagrams.
on a LCD module(DPM)
Scrolling displays and its design.
• Dismantle, identify the parts and Introduction to mobile communication, concept cell
assemble different types of smart site, hand off, frequency reuse, block diagram and
phones working of cell phones, cell phone features, GSM
• Dismantle the cell phone/smart phone
and CDMA technology. Use IEMI number to trace
replace the display
• Dismantle the cell phone/smart phone lost/misplaced mobile phone.
remove the key pad and clean it, test
for the continuity of the matrix/tracks
• Interface the cell phone/smart phone to
the PC and transfer the data
• Enhance the memory capacity of the
cell phone/smart phone
• Connect internet on cell phone and
browse popular web sites
• Flash the various brands of cell
phone/smart phone ( at least 3)
• Upgrade the OS
• Format the cell phone/smart phone for
virus( approach the mobile repair
shop/service centre)
• Unlock the handsets through codes and
• Identify the defective parts and rectify
• Clean the water damage sets using
CTC with vibrator tubs
• Replace various faulty parts like mic,
speaker, data/charging/audio jack etc.
15-16 LED Lights
Dismantle the LED light, identify the Types of LED panels used in various lighting
connections of LEDs stacks, protection applications.
circuits, regulator
Stacking of LEDs. Driving of LED stacks.
• Measure the voltage across LED
• Identify the rectifier, controller part
of LED lights
• Test various subassemblies of the
given LED light system
17-21 LCD and LED TV
• Identification and operate different Difference between a conventional CTV with LCD
Controls on LCD, LED TV & LED TVs,
• Identify various connectors provided
on a LCD TV and test the healthiness. Principle of LCD and LED TV and function of its
• Identification of components and different section. Basic principle and working of 3D
different sector of LCD and LED TV. TV.
• Dismantle, Identify the parts of the
remote control IPS panels and their features
• Trace and rectify the faults of a various
remote controls Different types of interfaces like HDMI, USB, RGB
• Identify various connectors and etc with latest TVs.
connect the cable operator’s external
decoder (set top box) to the TV. TV Remote Control –Types, parts and functions, IR
Code transmitter and IR Code Receiver, Working
principle, operation of remote control. Different
adjustments, general faults in Remote Control.
24-25 Revision
26 Examination
(Semester Code no. ELM - 01)
Duration: Six Month
1. Unit: Systems of unit- FPS, CGS, MKS/SI Engineering Drawing: Introduction and its importance
unit, unit of length, Mass and time,
Conversion of units - Relationship to other technical drawing types
- Conventions
- Viewing of engineering drawing sheets.
- Method of Folding of printed Drawing Sheet as per
BIS SP:46-2003
2. Fractions : Fractions, Decimal fraction, Drawing Instruments : their Standard and uses
L.C.M., H.C.F., Multiplication and - Drawing board, T-Square, Drafter (Drafting M/c),
Division of Fractions and Decimals, Set Squares, Protractor, Drawing Instrument Box
conversion of Fraction to Decimal and vice (Compass, Dividers, Scale, Diagonal Scales etc.),
Pencils of different Grades, Drawing pins / Clips.
versa. Simple problems using Scientific
9. Work, Power and Energy: work, unit of Method of presentation of Engineering Drawing
work, power, unit of power, Horse power
of engines, mechanical efficiency, energy, - Pictorial View
- Orthogonal View
use of energy, potential and kinetic energy,
- Isometric view
examples of potential energy and kinetic
Second Semester
(Semester Code no. ELM - 02)
1. Demonstrate basic algebraic, mensuration, trigonometric facts and formulas to derive value of unknown
quantity / variable.
2. Apply the factual knowledge of basic heat & temperature, basic electricity for day to day practical
3. Explain & apply principles of simple machine & levers for mechanical advantage, efficiency for practical
4. Draw & practice dimensioning, construction of solid figures and projections as per IS specifications.
4. Heat &Temperature: Heat and temperature, their Construction of Geometrical Drawing Figures:
units, difference between heat and temperature, - Different Polygons and their values of included
boiling point, melting point, scale of temperature, angles. Inscribed and Circumscribed polygons.
relation between different scale of temperature, - Conic Sections (Ellipse & Parabola)
Thermometer, pyrometer, transmission of heat,
conduction, convection, radiation.
5. Basic Electricity: Introduction, use of electricity, Drawing of Solid figures (Cube, Cuboids, Cone,
how electricity is produced, Types of current_ Prism, Pyramid, Frustum of Cone and Pyramid.)
AC, DC, their comparison, voltage, resistance, with dimensions.
their units. Conductor, insulator, Types of
connections – series, parallel, electric power,
Horse power, energy, unit of electrical energy
6. Levers and Simple Machines: levers and its Free Hand sketch of hand tools and measuring
types. tools used in respective trades.
Simple Machines, Effort and Load, Mechanical
Advantage, Velocity Ratio, Efficiency of
machine, Relationship between Efficiency,
velocity ratio and Mechanical Advantage.
7. ----- Projections:
- Concept of axes plane and quadrant.
- Orthographic projections
- Method of first angle and third angle projections
(definition and difference)
- Symbol of 1st angle and 3rd angle projection as
per IS specification
Third Semester
(Semester Code no. ELM - 03)
Duration: Six Month
1. The trainee will acquire the knowledge, explain and apply the basic terms and law
related with elasticity & materials, magnetism, pressure and heat treatment process.
2. The trainee will able to explain and solve the problem related to Laws of indices &
Quadratic Equation.
3. The trainee will acquire knowledge of electronic circuits, symbols and block diagram
of CRO, Micro controller AM/FM receiver, function generator and front panel
controls of electronic equipments
5. Indices: Laws of indices related problems. Modulation: - Block diagram of super Heterodyne Radio
Quadratic Equation: Introduction, Block diagram of AM and FM receiver.
solution of simple Quadratic equation and
related problems.
6. Solution of simple A.C. circuit with R.L.C. Power supply: Block diagram of SMPS.
Calculation of power factor etc. Block diagram of UPS-ONLINE, OFFLINE, LINE
7. A.C Waveform Calculation: Calculation
of r.m.s, average, instantaneous value,
peak value. Peak to peak value, Frequency
and wavelength calculation and their
8. Series And Parallel Connection of -----
Electrical and Electronic components:
1. Calculation Series and parallel
connection of Resistors.
2. Calculation Series and parallel
connection of Capacitors.
3. Calculation Series and parallel
connection of Inductors.
4. Calculation Series and parallel
connection of Batteries.
Conversion of power flow to H.P.
Calculation of KVA.
Fourth Semester
(Semester Code no. ELM - 04)
Duration: Six Month
problems on profit and loss , Balance sheet
2. Applicability :
CTS- Mandatory for all trades
ATS- Mandatory for fresher only
5. Instructor Qualification :
Existing Social Studies Instructors duly trained in Employability Skills from DGET institutes
6. Instructor :
One full time instructor is required for
1000 seats and above
For seats less than 1000, the instructor
may be out sourced/ hired on contract
1. Read, write and communicate in English language for day to day work.
2. Communicate in written and oral and with required clarity ensuring that the information
communicated is clear, concise and accurate.
3. Understand and apply basic computer working, basic operating system and uses internet
services to get accustomed & take benefit of IT developments in the industry.
1. English Literacy
Hours of Instruction: 20 Hrs. Marks Allotted: 09
2. I.T. Literacy
Hours of Instruction: 20 Hrs. Marks Allotted: 09
3. Communication Skills
4. Entrepreneurship skill
Affecting Factors Skills, Working Aids, Automation, Environment, Motivation
How improves or slows down.
Comparison with Comparative productivity in developed countries (viz. Germany,
developed countries Japan and Australia) in selected industries e.g. Manufacturing,
Steel, Mining, Construction etc.
Living standards of those countries, wages.
Personal Finance Banking processes, Handling ATM, KYC registration, safe cash
Management handling, Personal risk and Insurance.
6. Occupational Safety, Health & Environment
Quality Consciousness : Meaning of quality, Quality Characteristic
Quality Circles : Definition, Advantage of small group activity, objectives of Quality
Circle, Roles and Functions of Quality Circles in organisation,
Operation of Quality Circle, Approaches to Starting Quality Circles,
Steps for Continuation Quality Circles
Quality Management Idea of ISO 9000 and BIS systems and its importance in maintaining
System: qualities.
House Keeping : Purpose of Housekeeping, Practice of good Housekeeping.5S
Principles of Housekeeping: SEIRI – Segregation, SEITON –
Arrangement, SEISO – Cleaning, SEIKETSU – maintenance of
Standards, SHITSUKE - Discipline
(i) Out of two Instructors required for the unit of 2(1+1), one must have
Degree/Diploma in the field.
(ii) Instructor qualification for WCS and E.D, as per the training manual.
a) Weightage in the range of 60-75% to be allotted during assessment under following performance
For this grade, the candidate with occasional guidance and showing due regard for safety
procedures and practices, has produced work which demonstrates attainment of an acceptable standard
of craftsmanship.
good skill levels in the use of hand tools, machine tools and workshop equipment
many tolerances while undertaking different work are in line with those demanded by the
a fairly good level of neatness and consistency in the finish
occasional support in completing the project/job.
b) Weightage in the range of above75%- 90% to be allotted during assessment under following
performance level:
For this grade, the candidate, with little guidance and showing due regard for safety procedures
and practices, has produced work which demonstrates attainment of a reasonable standard of
c) Weightage in the range of above 90% to be allotted during assessment under following performance
For performance in this grade, the candidate, with minimal or no support in organization and
execution and with due regard for safety procedures and practices, has produced work which
demonstrates attainment of a high standard of craftsmanship.
high skill levels in the use of hand tools, machine tools and workshop equipment
tolerances while undertaking different work being substantially in line with those demanded by the
a high level of neatness and consistency in the finish.
minimal or no support in completing the project
10. Perform basic mechanical workshop operations using suitable
tools for fitting riveting, drilling etc observing suitable care &
11. Identify, charge, discharge, connect, maintain different batteries
used in electronic applications.
12. Identify, test various electrical components like Switches,
Transformers, Relays, contactors, Solenoid valves
16. Assemble, test and repair the various digital circuits and apply
this knowledge to troubleshoot various application circuits viz.
display systems, digital clock, digital timer and event counter
17. Draw , simulate and analyze the analog and digital circuits using
Electronic simulator software
industrial processes by selecting appropriate test instruments
There will be a single objective type Examination paper for the subjects Engineering
drawing and Workshop Calculation & Science.
a) There will be a single objective type Examination paper for the subjects Trade Theory and
Employability Skills.
b) The two objective type Examination papers as mentioned above will be conducted by
National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT), whereas examination for the subject
Trade Practical will be conducted by the State Government. NCVT shall supply the Question
Paper for the subject Trade Practical.
Marking Pattern
Sl. No. Subject for the trade test Maximum marks for the each subject
a) Practical 300
TOTAL: 700
9. R. Malathi, TO RVTI(W), Bangalore Member
Annexure - I
A. TRAINEES TOOL KIT FOR 20 TRAINEES +1 INSTRUCTOR ( common for all semesters )
Names of the Items Quantity
1. Connecting screwdriver 100 mm 10 Nos
2. Neon tester 500 V. 6 Nos
3. Screw driver set (set of 5 ) 10 Nos
4. Insulated combination pliers 150 mm 6 Nos
5. Insulated side cutting pliers 150 mm 8 Nos
6. Long nose pliers 150 mm 6 Nos
7. Soldering iron 25 W. 240 V. 10 Nos
8. Electrician knife 6 Nos
9. Tweezers 100mm 10 Nos
10. Digital Multimeter (3 ½ digit) 10 Nos
11. Soldering Iron Changeable bits 10 W 6 Nos
12. De- soldering pump 10 Nos
E. Tools and Equipments for III semester
Sl No. Names of the Items Quantity
1 DSO ( colour) 1 No
4 DOL starter 1 No
5 AC motor ¼ HP 1 No
14 Various analog and digital ICs useful for doing project works As required
mentioned in the digital and analog IC applications modules
F. Tools and equipments for IV semester
11. Cell phone power source with charger chords for different 1 No
cell phones
Sl.No Name of the items Quantity
1 Instructor’s table 1 No
2 Instructor’s chair 2 Nos
3 Metal Rack, 100cm x 150cm x 45cm 4 Nos
4 Lockers with 16 drawers standard size 2 Nos
5 Steel Almirah, 2.5 m x 1.20 m x 0.5 m 2 Nos
6 Black board/white board 1 No
1. Allthequestionsoftheorypaperforthetradewillbeinobjectivetypeformat.
2.Due care to be taken for proper & inclusive delivery among the batch. The following some method of
delivery may be adopted:
3. Maximum utilization of latest form of training viz., audio visual aids, integration of IT, etc. may be
4. The total hours to be devoted against each topic may be decided with due diligence to safety & with
prioritizing transfer of required skills.
6. Due weightage to be given to all the topics under the syllabus while setting the question paper.