A) Advertisement B) Campus Interview C) Employment Exchange D) Others
A) Advertisement B) Campus Interview C) Employment Exchange D) Others
A) Advertisement B) Campus Interview C) Employment Exchange D) Others
How did you come to know about the vacancies in the BHEL?
a) Advertisement
b) Campus interview
c) Employment exchange
d) Others
What is your opinion of the recruitment policy?
a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Satisfactory
d) Poor
Do you find any improvements in the recruitment policy in the recent years?
a) Yes
b) No
Are the identification of the requirement of man power is well in advance?
a) Yes
b) No
Do officials from different functions and different levels of organization conduct interview?
a) Yes
b) No
What is main thing that retains you in the company?(If any two then tick those two)
a) Future prospects
b) Job security
c) Welfare entities
d) Image of company
e) Pay scale
The management of Adecco India can increase its scope of requirements through
advertisements and company can go for job fairs where people get to know about the
They should also follow new selection techniques and methods for better recruitment.
The member of the selection committee should be well qualified and experienced people.
So that the selection of the employee will be more effective.
For filling up vacancies recruitment process can be adopted more in the concerned.
It suggested that the Hr department should involve various departmental heads while
recruiting an individual, because the departmental heads can analyze the technical
knowledge relating to the job to the particular department.
H.R Department should be more practical and efficient so that the recruitment and
selection become more effective.
Stress should be given on proper maintenance of database of application for future
recruitment in the organization.
The company should follow new traits / trends in the recruitment process.
The stress should be given on knowledge and the experience should be the major criteria
for selection of employees.
More stress should be given to recruit qualification & skills percentage for scrutinizing
the application of prospective candidates.
The study was based on the recruitment practices but there is a scope to study other HR
and overall organizational study not only in ADECCO INDIA PVT LIMITED but also
the remaining manufacturing and service industries. Researchers may also find the linkage
between the different HR practices with the recruitment and selection practices like
performance, employee satisfaction etc. Researchers’ may also find the online recruitment
followed in the organizations and also the online screening of employees.
The focus of recruitment and selection is to match the capabilities of prospective candidates
the demands and rewards inherent in a given job. For this reason, top performing companies
considerable resources and energy to creating high quality selection systems. Recruitment
selection process are important practices for human resource management, and are crucial in
affecting organizational success. The quality of new recruits depends upon an organization's
recruitment practices, and that the relative effectiveness of the selection phase is inherently
dependent upon the caliber of candidates attracted.
The study was conducted among the employees of The ADECCO INDIA PVT LIMITED
50 respondents. The data was collected by means of questionnaire and the data was classified
analyzed carefully by all means. From the analysis, it has been found that the most of the
employees in the company were satisfied but changes are required according to the changing
scenario of recruitment process that has a great impact on working of the company as a fresh
new idea enters in the company. Selection process is also good and the company’s
department is doing well in placing the candidates and filling the job vacancies for all levels
positions. Some of the suggestions were mentioned to enhance the organizational policies,
strategies, procedures and process. BOOKS
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1. www.google.co.in
2. www.ebscohost.com
3. www.wikipedia.org
4. www.jgate.com