Strain Gauge Load Cell
Strain Gauge Load Cell
Strain Gauge Load Cell
A load cell is a transducer that is used to create anelectrical signal whose magnitude
is directly proportional to the force being measured. The various load cell types
include hydraulic, pneumatic, and strain gauge.
A load cell usually consists of four strain gauges in a Wheatstone bridge configuration. Load cells of one strain gauge (quarter
bridge) or two strain gauges (half bridge) are also available.[1] The electrical signal output is typically in the order of a few millivolts
(mV) and requires amplification by an instrumentation amplifier before it can be used. The output of the transducer can be scaled to
calculate the force applied to the transducer.Sometimes a high resolutionADC, typically 24-bit, can be used directly.
The gauges themselves are bonded onto a beam or structural member that deforms when weight is applied. In most cases, four strain
gauges are used to obtain maximum sensitivity and temperature compensation. Two of the gauges are usually in tension can be
represented as T1 and T2,and two in compression can be represented as C1 and C2, and are wired with compensation adjustments.
The strain gauge load cell is fundamentally a spring optimized for strain measurement. Gauges are mounted in areas that exhibit
strain in compression or tension. When weight is applied to the load cell, gauges C1 and C2 compress decreasing their resistances.
Simultaneously, gauges T1 and T2 are stretched increasing their resistances. The change in resistances causes more current to flow
through C1 and C2 and less current to flow through T1 and T2. Thus a potential difference is felt between the output or signal leads
of the load cell. The gauges are mounted in a differential bridge to enhance measurement accuracy.[2] When weight is applied, the
strain changes the electrical resistance of the gauges in proportion to the load.[3]
Other load cells are fading into obscurity, as strain gauge load cells continue to
increase their accuracy and lower their unit costs.[4]
Shear beam, a straight block of material fixed on one end and loaded on
the other
Bending beam, a compact, extremely versatile load cell that can easily
fit into components where space is limited. These devices are commonly
used in industrial and commercial measurement applications.
Pancake, low-profile compression and wheel tension load cells that
have a wide surface area for absorbing shock loads.
Single point / platform load cells, allow the construction of a weighing
scale or machine with only one load cell. Used in small / medium sized
platform scales.
Double-ended shear beam, a straight block of material fixed at both
ends and loaded in the center
Compression load cell, a block of material designed to be loaded at one
point or area in compression
S-type load cell, a S-shaped block of material that can be used in both
compression and tension (load links and tension load cells are designed Push-pull rod load cell spring
for tension only) element
Rope clamps, an assembly attached to a rope and measures its tension.
Rope clamps are popular in hoist, crane and elevator applications due to
the ease of their installation; they have to be designed for a large range of loads, including dynamic peak loads, so
their output for the rated load tends to be lower than of the other types
Loadpin, used for sensing loads on e.g. axles
Common issues
Mechanical mounting: the cells have to be properly mounted. All the
load force has to go through the part of the load cell where its
deformation is sensed. Friction may induce of fset or hysteresis. Wrong
mounting may result in the cell reporting forces along undesired axis,
which still may somewhat correlate to the sensed load, confusing the
Overload: Within its rating, the load cell deforms elastically and returns
to its shape after being unloaded. If subjected to loads above its shearbeam loadcell for platform
maximum rating, the material of the load cell mayplastically deform; this
weighing, hospital beds etc.
may result in a signal offset, loss of linearity, difficulty with or
impossibility of calibration, or even mechanical damage to the sensing
element (e.g. delamination, rupture).
Wiring issues: the wires to the cell may develop high resistance, e.g. due to corrosion. Alternatively , parallel current
paths can be formed by ingress of moisture. In both cases the signal develops fset of (unless all wires are affected
equally) and accuracy is lost.
Electrical damage: the load cells can be damaged by induced or conducted current. Lightning hitting the
construction, or arc welding performed near the cells, can overstress the fine resistors of the strain gauges and
cause their damage or destruction. For welding nearby , it is suggested to disconnect the load cell and short all its
pins to the ground, nearby the cell itself. High voltages can break through the insulation between the substrate and
the strain gauges.
Nonlinearity: at the low end of their scale, the load cells tend to be nonlinear . This becomes important for cells
sensing very large ranges, or with large surplus of load capability to withstand temporary overloads or shocks (e.g.
the rope clamps). More points may be needed for the calibration curve.
The correct selection of a load cell for the application it is to be used in is a critical factor to realise accuracy and
reliability. So what parameters need to be considered when selecting a load cell[5]?
Excitation and rated output
The bridge is excited with stabilized voltage (usually 10V, but can be 20V, 5V, or less for battery powered instrumentation). The
difference voltage proportional to the load then appears on the signal outputs. The cell output is rated in millivolts per volt (mV/V) of
the difference voltage at full rated mechanical load. So a 2.96 mV/V load cell will provide 29.6 millivolt signal at full load when
excited with 10 volts.
The full-bridge cells come typically in four-wire configuration. The wires to the top and bottom end of the bridge are the excitation
(often labelled E+ and E−, or Ex+ and Ex−), the wires to its sides are the signal (labelled S+ and S−). Ideally, the voltage difference
between S+ and S− is zero under zero load, and grows proportionally to the load cell's mechanical load.
Sometimes a six-wire configuration is used. The two additional wires are "sense" (Sen+ and Sen−), and are connected to the bridge
with the Ex+ and Ex- wires, in a fashion similar tofour-terminal sensing. With these additional signals, the controller can compensate
for the change in wire resistance due to e.g. temperature fluctuations.
The individual resistors on the bridge usually have resistance of 350 Ω. Sometimes other values (typically 120 Ω, 1,000 Ω) can be
The bridge is typically electrically insulated from the substrate. The sensing elements are in close proximity and in good mutual
thermal contact, to avoid differential signals caused by temperature differences.
If the force can be concentrated to a single point (small scale sensing, ropes, tensile loads, point loads), a single cell can be used. For
long beams, two cells at the end are used. Vertical cylinders can be measured at three points, rectangular objects usually require four
sensors. More sensors are used for large containers or platforms, or very high loads.
If the loads are guaranteed to be symmetrical, some of the load cells can be substituted with pivots. This saves the cost of the load
cell but can significantly decrease accuracy.
Load cells can be connected in parallel; in that case, all the corresponding signals are connected together (Ex+ to Ex+, S+ to S+, ...),
and the resulting signal is the average of the signals from all the sensing elements. This is often used in e.g. personal scales, or other
multipoint weight sensors.
The most common color assignment is red for Ex+, black for Ex−, green for S+, and white for S−.
Less common assignments are red for Ex+, white for Ex−, green for S+, and blue for S−, or red for Ex+, blue for Ex−, green for S+,
and yellow for S−.[6] Other values are also possible, e.g. red for Ex+, green for Ex−, yellow for S+ and blue for S−.
Other types
Other types include vibrating wire load cells, which are useful in geomechanical applications due to low amounts of drift, and
capacitive load cells where the capacitance of acapacitor changes as the load presses the two plates of a capacitor closer together
Every load cell is subject to "ringing" when subjected to abrupt load changes. This stems from the spring-like behavior of load cells.
In order to measure the loads, they have to deform. As such, a load cell of finite stiffness must have spring-like behavior, exhibiting
vibrations at its natural frequency. An oscillating data pattern can be the result of ringing. Ringing can be suppressed in a limited
fashion by passive means. Alternatively, a control system can use an actuator to actively damp out the ringing of a load cell. This
method offers better performance at a cost of significant increase in complexity.
Load cells are used in several types of measuring instruments such as laboratory balances, industrial scales, platform scales[12] and
universal testing machines.[13] From 1993 the British Antarctic Survey installed load cells in glass fibre nests to weigh albatross
chicks.[14] Load cells are used in a wide variety of items such as the seven-post shaker which is often used to set up race cars.
Standard calibration tests will use linearity and repeatability as a calibration guideline as these are both used to determine accuracy.
Calibration is conducted incrementally starting working in ascending or descending order. For example, if you have a 60 tonne load
cell, then you way use specific test weights that measure in 5, 10, 20, 40 and 60 tonne increments – A five step calibration process is
usually sufficient for ensuring your device is accurately calibrated. Repeating this five-step calibration procedure 2-3 times is
recommended for consistent results.[16]
1. "Wheatstone Bridge Diagrams and Equations"(
Transducer Techniques.
2. "Sensors - May 2000 - Getting the Most out of Strain Gauge Load Cells"
00/52/). Retrieved 2018-03-15.
4. LLC, Tacuna Systems. "The Essential Guide to Load Cells : Load Cells, Amplifiers, Calibration, Strain Gauges –
Tacuna Systems" (
. Retrieved
5. "Loadcell trouble shooting"(
8. DeGlandon, Kathy. "Selectring the Best Hydraulic Pressure Sensor"(
e-best-hydraulic-pressure-sensor/). Drilling Instruments. Drilling Instruments. Retrieved 28 December 2016.
10. "Load Cells - Hydraulic"( Retrieved 2018-03-15.
11. "Emery Winslow Scale Company - Industrial Scales - Hydrostatic Load Cells For Harsh Environments"
( Retrieved 2018-03-15.
12. "2. Where are load cells used? 【Introduction to Load Cells】 A&D" (
cell/introduction/loadcells_qa_02.html). Retrieved 2018-03-15.
13. "Load cell testing gets straight to the point"(
. Maritime Journal. Mercator Media. 20
December 2010.
14. Highfield, Roger. Antarctic's birds thrive on warmth, The Daily Telegraph 18 August 1993
15. "Control of Monitoring & Measuring Equipment"( Retrieved 2018-07-17.
16. "Load Cells: A Beginner's Guide - Measurement Shop UK"(
oad-cells). Retrieved 2018-07-17.
ASTM E4 - Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines
ASTM E74 - Practice for Calibration of Force Measuring Instruments for erifying
V the Force Indication of Testing
NTEP - National Conference on Weights and Measures (Certificate of Conformance)
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