Oil Palm Cultivation in India Past Prese PDF
Oil Palm Cultivation in India Past Prese PDF
Oil Palm Cultivation in India Past Prese PDF
Cultivation of oil palm, Elaeis guineensis Jacq. by giving irrigation is a unique practice in the world and is being
followed only in India. The palms that were brought for ornamental purpose later paved the way to utilize them as
source of vegetable oil. The wide gap between demand and supply in vegetable oil production using the nine annual
oilseed crops, the population explosion, the increased consumption of vegetable oil due to increased GDP forced
to grow the crop under Indian conditions to obtain more yield. The role played by various organizations in the
development of oil palm industry is worth mentioning without which it would not have been successful. The role
played by AICRP on Palms (ICAR) in raising the demonstration plots to find the feasibility of the crop in different
areas of the country, DAC by appointing three committees to identify the potential areas for cultivation, DBT for
taking up of large scale demonstrations and initiation of mutation breeding using gamma rays irradiation of seed
sprouts, UNDP by sanctioning two mega projects on training and seed production and finally the TMOP taking the
overall control of the project and maintain it successfully to achieve the best results are worth mentioning. The
Government policies, are however, need to be reviewed at frequent intervals as these are responsible for the setback
that were observed in different periods. If these are taken care off, the oil palm industry will be a successful venture
in the country.
Vegetable oil is the main source of fat for human General importance of oil palm
consumption. It is critical for the nutritional security of the
people. However it is one of the major areas of deficit, both In the year 1824 the importance of the palm was
for edible and industrial purposes. India occupies a identified by extracting the oil from its fruits by crude ways.
prominent place in global oilseeds scenario with 12-15% of During 1911 the palm was introduced into Malaysia by the
area, 6-7% of vegetable oil production, and 9-10% of the then British rulers for commercial cultivation, which later
total edible oil consumption and 13.6% of vegetable oil changed the economy of that country in a surprising manner.
imports. The country has rich diversity of annual oilseed This was mainly due to the existence of congenial climatic
crops on account of diverse agro-ecological conditions. conditions like high rainfall and sunlight, which are the two
Nine annual oilseeds, which include seven edible oilseeds, basic things, required for the palm. Seeing the potentiality of
the palm which yields 4-6 tonnes of oil per ha, many
viz., groundnut, rapeseed-mustard, soybean, sunflower,
countries made an attempt to introduce its cultivation. So far
sesame, safflower and niger and two non-edible crops, viz.,
43 countries in the world are cultivating oil palm.
castor and linseed are grown in the country. Despite having
The introduction of oil palm into India was accidental or
the largest area under oilseeds in the world (26.77 million for ornamental purpose during 1848 in the National
ha), India currently imports about 56% of total oil Botanical Gardens, Calcutta. Further introduction of Duras
requirement at a huge cost which was 3% in 1970-71. Low from Nigeria was made by Maharashtra Association for
and unstable yields of most oilseed crops, and uncertainty in Cultivation of Sciences (MACS), Pune during 1948 to 1954
returns to investment, which result from the continuing and planted in forest land, irrigation and canal bunds and in
cultivation of oilseeds in rainfed, high risk production many places. Organized commercial cultivation of oil palm
environments, are the factors leading to this situation of wide was started during 1972 to 1984 at two locations viz., Kerala
demand-supply gap. Palm oil, which accounted for 80% of and the Little Andaman. However during 1986 a shift was
the total import basket will continue to be the major made in the development of oil palm in the country. The
vegetable oil consumed. This golden crop is best positioned concept of irrigated oil palm was developed after
in all ways, such as pricing, logistics, nutritional values, identification of about 0.79 million ha in 11 states as
versatile usage and being user friendly, to take care of the potential for this crop. Three demonstration units of 1,000
needs of the Indian consumer. ha. each were laid out during 1990 and subsequently massive
_______________________________________________ Oil Palm Development Project (OPDP) was implemented by
Principal Scientist (Agril. Entomology), DOPR, Pedavegi, E-mail: the Technology Mission on Oilseeds and Pulses, Ministry of
potinenikalidas@gmail.com; 2Principal Scientist (Plant Pathology), DOR, Hyderabad;
Agriculture, Government of India.
General Manager, Ruchi Soya Oil Palm Ltd., Ampapuram, Andhra Pradesh
The idea of using oil palm for vegetable oil purpose was The Government of India in the wake of acceptance of
first proposed by the State Department of Agriculture, the recommendations of National Commission on
Kerala, accordingly a team was deputed to Nigeria which Agriculture in 1972 sanctioned the establishment of
suggested for introduction of the crop into Kerala which is Andaman and Nicobar Islands Forest and Plantation
having similar climatic conditions to that of its native Development Corporation Ltd. at Port Blair. The main
country. Accordingly some seedlings were imported from objective of forming the Corporation was to develop and
Nigeria by Government of Kerala and planted in 40 ha area manage the inaccessible forests in Little and North Andaman
at Thodupuzha near Kottayam in 1960. This was considered on the principle of sustained annual yield and to undertake
as the first attempt of systematic cultivation of oil palm in the cultivation of agricultural and horticultural crops including
country and paved way for the foundation for Indian oil palm red oil palm.
industry. These introduced palms are identified as of Dura The Corporation started oil palm cultivation in an extent
types and used them as mother palms, later effectively used of 1593 ha out of the proposed 2400 ha in Little Andaman
for large scale multiplication of seed sprouts. In 1968, one Islands during 1979-1981 by importing oil palm seed sprouts
more consignment of oil palm plants were introduced into from different sources like Malaysia, IRHO and PNG. Only
Sullia block of Dakshina Kannada district of Karnataka by in these plantations, the branching of oil palm (with two and
the then Asst. Commissioner of Forest Mr. M. Chengappa. three branches) is seen which is unique in the entire world.
This time it was mainly to finalize the most remunerative In all the above mentioned areas oil palm is cultivated as
crop among oil palm and rubber to take up large scale rainfed crop without supplementing any irrigation. To
plantation in forest areas. A total of 1119 palms inside the process the fruits produced in these plantations, a fruit
forest and 79 palms at the road side on the way to Bangalore processing mill with a capacity of 1.5 tonnes of Fresh Fruit
were planted using 9 m spacing. Except in Botanical Bunches (FFB) per hour was established in the year 1985.
gardens, Kolkata, all the other palms in the remaining places Although it was envisaged to extend the plantation area in
are still available and are yielding. Even the fruit bunches 5000 ha to make the project viable, in view of the adverse
were harvested from the Sullia plantations and oil was ecological impact perceived due to monoculture cultivation
extracted though in crude method by the forest officials till of red oil palm, Govt of India imposed the ban on further
some time. Later on these are abandoned as the rubber was extension in 1985-86. During 1987-88 a few interested
found economically remunerative compared to oil palm. The farmers in West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh started
interesting thing observed in these gardens was even at 46 oil palm cultivation in large areas under DRDA project. The
first planting was done in Sitaramapuram village of Pedavegi
years age, these palms are yielding without any fertilizer
mandal by the then Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh which
is the foundation for the modern oil palm industry of India
In the Botanical gardens of Kolkata the first generation
using underground irrigation.
palms are no more seen as they were dead. The second
Realizing that commercial production of oil palm would
generation palms which are the off springs of the first
help in achieving self-sufficiency in edible oils, the
generation are however seen yielding. Likewise a few palms
Department of Biotechnology (DBT) was entrusted with the
are seen in the Kumarkripa guest house in Bangalore which
oil palm cultivation by initiating Oil Palm Demonstration
are more than 40 years old whose details of planting is not
Project (OPDP) during 1988-89 in three states viz., Andhra
known. Based on the experience gained from the
Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra. The objective was to
Thodupuzha plantations, systematic large scale commercial demonstrate the possibility of oil palm cultivation under
cultivation of oil palm was started in Kerala in 1971. This is irrigated conditions. This was launched in East and West
the first commercial scale plantation in India that was raised Godavari and Krishna districts in Andhra Pradesh, Shimoga
under government sector as joint venture. Both the State district in Karnataka and Sindhudurg in Maharashtra.
Government of Kerala and Union Government jointly While the earlier attempts of oil palm production were
developed these gardens under the umbrella of Oil Palm made on Government lands in Kerala and Andaman and
India Limited, Kottayam. The gardens were developed in Nicobar Islands, under this project it was introduced in
Kulathpuzha, Bharatipuram and Chithara areas of Kollam farmers' lands. The DBT in collaboration with the Regional
district extending in an area of nearly 3705 ha. In similar Departments of Horticulture had chosen the farmers in both
lines, the Plantation Corporation of Kerala Limited (a Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, while in Maharashtra, the
Government of Kerala undertaking) has also started growing project was implemented through the Department of
oil palm in Athirapally near Thrissur in a large scale. The Industries by the Development Corporation of Konkan Ltd.
Company has 705 ha of oil palm plantation in its Kalady (DCKL). The DCKL had taken the land on lease from
Group of Estates lying all along the banks of Chalakudy farmers of Asaldi and nearby villages in Sindhudurg district,
river. Major part of the plantations is installed with drip Maharashtra and raised the plantations which are in
irrigation system. abandoned condition now. In the recent years, these are
leased out to third parties. In one of the blocks that are under the underground water. It has identified an area of 0.79 m ha.
lease by M/s Sun Fruits Limited, Pune, Stevia rebaudiana comprising in the 11 states being potential for its cultivation.
(sweet Tulasi) is being cultivated in the inter rows by It also visited various oil palm growing countries like Costa
removing one entire row of oil palms. Rica, Papua New Guinea, Nigeria and Malaysia to negotiate
Total land covered in all the three states was 3164 ha the supply of seed sprouts. Accordingly Govt. of India
with 1050 ha in Andhra Pradesh, 1114 ha in Karnataka and accepted the report and initiated the work plan with the help
1000 ha in Maharashtra. In this project imported elite seeds of Technology Mission on Oilseeds and Pulses (TMOP). To
called Tenera hybrid seeds and indigenous seeds were know the performance of the crop, DBT, Ministry of
planted in the ratio of 80:20 respectively. The seedlings were Science, Govt. of India raised the crop as demonstration
reared in 10 nurseries for 15-20 months before giving to plots in the potential districts of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka
farmers. The project was unique because, the farmers were and Maharashtra with farmers' participation. After seeing the
provided 100% subsidy and intercrops were allowed to grow successful growth of the palms in the demonstration plots,
here which were not grown anywhere else. This was to TMOP under Ministry of Agriculture has started a project
ensure source of income for the farmer till the economic namely Oil Palm Development Programme (OPDP) in a big
viability of the crop was realized. Since the crop was not way by offering subsidy to the farmers on seedlings as well
native to the country and its management practices were as cultivation practices for the juvenile period of first three
totally new, technical expertise from Costa Rica was utilized years. An area of 80,000 ha was estimated to bring under oil
to evolve new management practices for the cultivation. palm cultivation by the end of eighth five-year plan.
Work on tissue culture propagation of oil palm was However, nearly 40,000 ha area was only brought under this
initiated in the case of elite types imported from abroad, at palm in India by the end of that plan. This indicated that 50%
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai and the success was only achieved in convincing the farmers though
plantlets produced have been supplied to Oil Palm most of the areas were located in Andhra Pradesh followed
Demonstration Project nursery at Bhadra Reservoir Project, by Karnataka. Although efforts were made to introduce this
Shimoga District, Karnataka. The seeds that were received crop in a large acreage in Tamil Nadu not much response
from ASD were exposed to gamma rays irradiation to get was obtained from the farmers, which may be due to many
mutation variability. Though no variation in the FFB increase reasons.
was observed but physical variation was seen in the male In the year 2006, i.e., exactly after 20 years of first
inflorescence which showed lot of abnormality compared to committee, Govt. of India appointed Dr. K.L. Chadha to
untreated ones. review the progress and further identify the potential areas
for oil palm cultivation which recommended an area of 1.036
Role of TMOP: The Technology Mission on Oilseeds and m ha as suitable for oil palm cultivation. whereas in 2012,
Pulses (TMOP) launched in 1986 was the first one more committee under the chairmanship of Dr. P.
comprehensive intervention aiming self-sufficiency in edible Rethinam identified nearly 2.0 m ha of area as suitable for oil
oils production through the spread of technology and palm cultivation in the country.
provision of market support. The Mission met with early
success. However, increasing demand for edible oils Establishment of processing facilities
necessitated the imports in large quantities leading to a
substantial drain on foreign exchange. Edible oil imports Establishment of processing mills under the aegis of
increased from around 15% of total edible oils consumption public sector undertaking of State Government of Andhra
in 1995-96 to nearly 53% in 2009-10. The need for Pradesh at Pedavegi and also subsidy on the establishment of
addressing this deficit motivated a systematic study of the processing mills by private entrepreneurs in all the potential
oilseeds economy in order to formulate appropriate strategies states was done under the supervision of TMOP. The first
to bridge the demand supply gap. mill was constructed at Pedavegi, West Godavari district
during 1993. This is the basis for the processing of oil palm
Committee on identification of potential areas for oil fruits. Followed by this many companies have established
palm cultivation with latest technologies and upgraded their old factories to
suffice the demand. Godrej Agrovet, Ruchi Soya and
The first committee to study the feasibility for oil palm APOILFED have gone for two mills each in Andhra Pradesh
cultivation in the country was appointed by DAC during alone. Presently the processing capacity of these mills is
1986 under the chairmanship of Dr. K. L. Chadha, the then more than 300 tonnes per hour. In Karnataka, FAO model
Horticulture Commissioner, Government of India. The mill with one tonne/ hour capacity was constructed at Kabini
committee has surveyed the coastal areas of India to identify in Mysore district. In Gujarat, the processing mill was
the potential areas for the cultivation of the palm by sufficing constructed under Cooperative Society Act in Navsari
the irrigation needs with artificial manner i.e., by exploring district which is unique.
However, the first oil palm processing mill in the country incorporated by way of giving irrigation during off-season.
for research purpose was established in CPCRI Research Having high underground irrigation potentiality and
Centre, Palode in collaboration with the Regional Research exploring them by using motor pump sets is a unique feature
Laboratories, CSIR, Trivandrum. The capacity of the mill is in oil palm cultivation in the world.
0.5 tonnes/hour. The technology was transferred to private
company which later on established in many states in India Progressiveness of the farmers: The success of oil palm
including AP, Gujarat, Orissa, etc. In the recent years much cultivation in the country is mainly due to the farmers as they
more modifications have been made by many processing are by and large enthusiastic and progressive in nature. This
units in terms establishment of nut breaking unit, kernel oil led them to take-up oil palm cultivation as a challenge and
extraction units, methane gas capturing, tilting and vertical many farmers got success in the process. Implementation of
sterilizers and conveyor belt system. All these things made intensive cultivation practices made them successful in oil
the industry more profitable by reducing the oil loss at palm cultivation.
different places.
Low production cost: Cultivation cost of oil palm is
Captive plantations comparatively cheaper to other plantation as well as oil
producing crops. This is mainly because it harbours low pest
Commercial cultivation of oil palm in India was started problems and less labour intensive as compared to other
as captive plantations in Kerala followed by Little Andaman oilseed crops like groundnut. As the palms are responding
by OPIL and ANIFPCL, respectively. In OPIL an area of positively and yielding more than 25 tonnes of FFB per ha
3000 ha was planted in three different estates namely with fertilizers and irrigation this is the fetching factor for the
Bharatipuram, Kulathpuzha and Chitara where as in Little oil palm success in India.
Andaman, it is in Netaji Nagar, Krishna Nalla and
Ramakrishna Puram areas covering 1593 ha. Later PCKL has Industry support: During the inception of oil palm
also started its captive plantations in Athirapally area of cultivation in commercial manner in Andhra Pradesh and
Thrissur district in 750 ha. Apart from these it is not Karnataka, no processing facilities were established. Similar
observed in any other states. All these are under rainfed conditions were existed in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
cultivation like in Malaysia and Indonesia. However the where in the produce was harvested and thrown into the sea
concept of oil palm cultivation in the country has been or used as mulch. However, in Andhra Pradesh the first
changed later on. Since 1988 onwards, the cultivation is done processing factory was established in 1993 i.e., four years
with the supplement of irrigation after the first commercial planting of oil palm was done at
Pedavegi. This was followed by the establishment of many
Factors for success of oil palm other factories that created confidence among the farmers
and ultimately provoked them for oil palm cultivation.
Oil palm cultivation by giving irrigation is unique in the
entire world as it is generally grown as rainfed crop in other Apart from it in the major three potential states namely
South East Asian countries. Similarly raising plantations Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu the potential
with the help of farmers' participation is also a unique feature areas identified by the Chadha Committee has been divided
though in Malaysia and Indonesia it is done at 70:30 ratio. in to different zones and allotted to different companies for
Since 70% plantations are with the processors as captive creating development and processing facilities. The allotted
plantations, these do not have the problem of short supply of companies developed the oil palm nursery in their regions by
FFB. Since the farming community is 100% involved in obtaining the sprouts from the major oil palm growing
raising plantations and supply of FFB to the companies in the countries like Costa Rica, Papua New Guinea, France and
country, the latter had to depend on them for the sake of also from Palode area of Kerala. After rising in the primary
fruits. This is the main draw back in Indian oil palm industry, and secondary nurseries these seedlings have been
warranting complete care of the palms from planting to distributed to the oil palm growers after ascertaining the
harvest and later supply off FFB for obtaining quality oil. suitability of land and water. In the process of development
However, many factors are found positive for the successful the companies have also been engaged themselves in the
growing of oil palm in many states which include the management practices of oil palm by passing the suggestions
following. on cultivation practices. They have also established
collection centres for the procurement of the harvested FFBs
Climate: Climate is the important phenomena that should be from farmers to send them to the processing factories within
taken in to consideration for growing oil palm. Although the stipulated time. These companies are also responsible to
many congenial conditions except rainfall, throughout the make the payment within the stipulated time as per the oil
year are prevailing in the country, the deficit factor is palm act being followed by all the State Governments. This
not only eradicated the middleman system but also ensures sectors visited Malaysia and underwent training on all the
the farmer the correct price for their produce, which is not aspects of oil palm. After returning, these persons acted as
possible for any other crop. trainers and trained 6000 farmers and 600 officers on oil
palm cultivation. Apart from this, two scientists of NRCOP
Government support: As a matter of fact the role of visited PNG and got trained in advanced seed production
Government is the most vital in the establishment and technologies that helped the industry in minimizing the
success of oil palm industry in India. Without its losses and increased the productivity of seed sprouts. Two
participation in the initial periods by way of appointing a advanced breeding materials (elite Duras) were also procured
separate district level officer for this crop, by giving seedling from ASD Costa Rica to utilize them as mother palms and
subsidy, cultivation subsidy for the first three years i.e., further use in breeding programme.
during the unproductive period (Juvenile period) and later on
fixing the price for FFBs with the consultation of farmers Support from TMOP: Technology Mission on Oilseeds and
and company officials in the form of oil palm price fixation Pulses, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India has
committee wherein the officials representing the TMOP and supported the Indian oil palm industry in a big way by giving
the Director of the National Research Centre for Oil Palm are the seedling subsidy, cultivation subsidy in way of fertilizers,
members. sanction of new posts in the State Departments of
Horticulture exclusively for the sake of oil palm
Market Intervention Scheme: When the palm oil prices development, establishment of leaf analysis laboratories in
were crashed internationally, the Government has come into both Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka states for the use of oil
the rescue of the farmers as well as the processors to save the palm growers, establishment of processing mills under the
Indian oil palm industry. By adopting the Market aegis of public sector undertaking of State Government of
Intervention Scheme (MIS), Government has purchased the Andhra Pradesh at Pedavegi and also subsidy on the
FFBs from farmers at profitable prices to both farmers and establishment of processing mills by private entrepreneurs in
processors. For this it had to pay higher prices, which were all the potential states. Apart from these the TMOP also
given, in the form of subsidy. This really saved the oil palm spared funds for arranging the training programmes for
industry of India to a large extent. farmers in the form of tours to the already established
Research support gardens located in other areas and also for planting material
of intercrops for rising in the oil palm gardens. The scheme
In the initial periods of oil palm development in the on oil palm training sanctioned by TMOP during 1991 to the
country during 1970-90, research was mainly confined to CPCRI, RC, Palode made a dent in the development of oil
rainfed oil palm at CPCRI Research Centre, Palode. Work on palm industry by giving training to many officers all over the
pepper was carrying out at this centre initially and later on it country. However it was mainly on rainfed oil palm practices
was shifted to oil palm where breeding and pest management as no work was carried out on irrigated oil palm by that time.
aspects were given priority. Seed gardens using the mother
palms from Thodupuzha seed garden was established at this Support from Union Government: After identifying the
centre which has later become a big source for indigenous potentiality of the oil palm, the Union Government of India
seed sprouts. also extended its support by offering the subsidy for erecting
the drip system for the oil palm gardens. Similarly the State
Establishment of National Research Centre for Oil Palm, Government of Andhra Pradesh also extended its support for
Pedavegi: By establishing the NRC for Oil Palm at Pedavegi oil palm cultivation by sanctioning the electricity connection
by ICAR, the Government crated research facilities for this on priority to oil palm growers. All these efforts made the
unique crop, which further created confidence in the farming Indian oil palm industry in to a successful launching in the
community. Since growing of oil palm by giving irrigation initial years.
is a new venture in the world, the palms can have lot of
variation by showing diseases and disorders. This needs Having good resources of ground water for irrigation,
detailed studies to draw the control measures. Systematic congenial weather conditions necessary for cultivation,
research at National level only can solve these problems and farmers awareness on the crop's potentiality, extension
establishment of National Research Centre will definitely activities carried out by the State Departments of
cater the needs of the growers. Horticulture in promoting the crop, issuing of subsidy for
seed material as well as cultivation practices during the
Role of United Nations Development Programme juvenile stage, active participation of private as well as state
(UNDP): UNDP extended its support to the Indian oil palm government undertakings in the development and processing,
industry by sanctioning two mega projects viz., training of zonalization of the area, formation of project management
trainers in oil palm production and oil palm breeding for seed committee and price fixation committee and reviewing them
production worth 140 lakhs to NRCOP, Pedavegi. Ten at quarterly interval are the few reasons for its successful
members representing research, development and processing launching. Establishment of Research Centres, low
production cost, obtaining higher yields with good the government, oil palm development started very lately
management practices, low pest and disease problems, although the performance of the palms is very good in
establishment of processing factories in each zone, opening Narayanapur.
of collection centres by the processing industries and lifting In Tamil Nadu the situation is different as the areas
the FFB for processing and making the payment to the namely Karur and Trichy that have been identified for OPDP
producers within the stipulated time are the few reasons for are drought prone and hence farmers did not show much
its take off in a big way. interest in growing. Many places the palms were either in
dried and abandoned conditions without irrigation. In some
Reasons for setback places even the seedlings were not planted in the field and on
GATT agreement under WTO, reduction of import duties bunds itself. In Madurai district few palms in Agricultural
on palm oil, large scale importation of crude palm oil from College could be seen that were planted as avenue palms. In
Malaysia and Indonesia, overall price reduction for palm oil Theni district, the oldest plantation is existing where the
in the international market, reduction of ground water table planting material was brought directly from Malaysia
due to poor monsoon, non-availability of sufficient without any quarantine certificate.
electricity for operating the bore wells, non establishment of Regaining the momentum
byproduct extraction units and long gestation period are the
few reasons for the set back of Industry which led to With the involvement of Government of India, the
uprooting of the plantations in many areas. This was industry regained its momentum and came to normalcy. The
overcome by changing the Government policies and paved measures like Implementation of Market Intervention
way for bright future of oil palm in India. The reasons in Scheme (MIS) to procure the oil palm fresh fruit bunches by
few states are specific to local conditions. giving subsidy, by enhancing the import duties on crude
Rat and wild boars were observed as the causal agents for palm oil that is imported from other countries, encouraging
poor performance of oil palm in Baspadua area of South the cultivation of intercrops and overall reduction of prices
Tripura district adjacent to Bangladesh. Although oil palm for agricultural commodities made the Industry to set on the
was started during 1994-95 the poor yields due to lack of right track.
pollinating weevils could not give any momentum in area
expansion. This ultimately resulted into closing of OPDP Support from Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC):
project in the area. In Assam, during 1980s the Assam With the successful reentry of the Industry after the setbacks
Plantation Crops Development Corporation took up the oil of GATT under WTO during 1999-2002, many countries
palm cultivation in Karbi Anglong district near Khaziranga started looking towards Indian oil palm industry. A
National Park to find the feasibility of the area. Due to lack combined team of scientists from MPOB and IOPRI under
of interest of State Government, the project was shelved in the chairmanship of Dr. Mohd. Basri Wahid, the then Deputy
spite of the good performance of oil palm in Kahi Kuchi Director General (R&D), MPOB visited the oil palm
demonstration project. plantations of Andhra Pradesh and National Research Centre
In Gujarat, although oil palm cultivation was started in for Oil Palm, Pedavegi during August, 2004 to see the
1993 the footing was not strong enough to convince the progress after set back. Later during the same year another
farmers for oil palm cultivation. Initially due to lack of team from Myanmar also visited the oil palm plantations and
knowledge on oil palm cultivation to the farmers and later research centre. In the year 2011, MPOC arranged a study
due to lack of processing mill facilities it has not come up tour to few important persons of Indian vegetable oil industry
properly. The only cooperative company being operative in including a scientist from DOPR to study their oil palm and
the country in oil palm industry i.e., M/s Kalyan Agricultural palm oil. Later in 2012 one more team visited Malaysia
Crops Sales and Processing Society is not effective in mainly for exchange of oil palm germplasm and procurement
extension activities. In recent years, many processing of oil palm sprouts for the sake of Indian oil palm industry.
companies have started their business in the state with the All these indicate the successful revival of the Indian oil
allocation of new areas. palm industry after the setbacks.
The growth of the oil palm in Narayanapur of Research on oil palm
Chhattisgarh state, Karakala of Udipi and Padilu of Dakshina
Kannada districts of Karnataka state is very good to take up Although much of the research work was carried out in
oil palm cultivation. Due to existence of competent crop like Malaysia, Indonesia, Nigeria, etc., but most of them were
arecanut the development could not be taken up. Since confined to rainfed oil palm. On irrigated crop no specific
Yellow Leaf Disease (YLD) on arecanut is a serious problem work was done anywhere in the world except a few trials in
on areca palms and not attacking oil palm, it is planned to Thailand on irrigation aspects. With the establishment of
take up oil palm in these two districts in recent years. In National Research Centre for Oil Palm at Pedavegi and
Chhattisgarh due to social problems and lack of interest by subsequent merging of CPCRI Research Centre, Palode to
NRCOP further strengthened the research on irrigated oil under AP Cess fund scheme of ICAR, many projects were
palm. Upgradation of the Centre to the Directorate level is sanctioned to carry out research on oil palm including pest
another important step in oil palm research. The Palode problems, pollinators, development of computer software for
Centre is mostly concentrating on the seed production seed gardens, reestablishment of oil palms uprooted during
aspects while Pedavegi station is doing on all aspects of oil cyclones etc. Above all the first research project from ICAR
palm including breeding, production, protection, post harvest on oil palm as adhoc scheme was sanctioned to Acharya N
technology and computer applications. The achievements of G Ranga Agricultural University to survey and monitor the
the Directorate are worth to mention. These include the pests and diseases problems during 1994-96.
selection and development of promising Dura mother palms During 1999-2002 many projects under NATP with
from commercial plantations of Maharashtra, Andhra World Bank assistance were sanctioned to the Centre
Pradesh and Little Andaman plantations, development of 11 including production, protection and harvest and post harvest
new oil palm hybrids and testing them under AICRP on technology development. Later on under ISOPOM and
Palms trials, development and selling of license agreement RKVY of TMOP, few projects on oil palm improvement and
on commercialization of oil palm tissue culture protocol, extension activities were carried out.
standardization of oil palm based cropping systems with Oil palm was included under All India Coordinated
heliconia, red ginger, bush pepper, guinea grass and cocoa in Research Project (AICRP) on Palms during 1987 as
adult oil palm plantations, development of Diagnosis and component crop to carry out research work at four centres of
Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) norms and the country on irrigation and fertilizer requirement of the
optimum leaf nutrient concentration ranges, development of crop. In the recent years the varietal performance is also
a simple water extraction method for estimation of potassium being taken up in these centres. To test the adaptability of oil
concentration in oil palm leaf, standardization of use of palm in different locations of the country viz., Kahi Kuchi,
spectro radiometer to detect potassium and magnesium Negicherra, demonstration projects were conducted using
deficiencies in oil palm, designing and development of planting material from Palode centre of CPCRI.
height adjustable hydraulically elevated platform to reach up The work on development of inter specific hybrids using
to a height of 5 m for harvesting FFB from tall palms and Elaeis guineensis and E. oleifera parents for dwarf and other
development of ablation tool, development of integrated pest characters has been taken up at both Palode and Pedavegi
and disease management practices for rhinoceros beetle, centres. The African germplasm that was collected under
psychid and leaf web worm, basal stem rot and stem wet rot, explorations were planted at different locations to further test
training to the officers and farmers of all the oil palm their adaptability in different agro climatic areas of the
growing states including NEH region on oil palm cultivation, country viz., Adilabad, Nellore, Mohit Nagar etc., so as to
pest and disease management etc., and development of oil utilize them in the breeding programmes.
palm Kisan Mobile Message Services to send to all oil palm Some of the findings emerged from the Indian oil palm
growers of the country in four languages. research are the first time reports in the world. These include
The project on establishment of Leaf Analysis Laboratory new pest species like Sylvanus sp. feeding on leaf tips, black
(LAL) to analyze the oil palm leaf samples for various slug, Laevicaulus alte feeding on one day old nursery plants,
nutrient levels and advise the farmers for correct nutrition Shoot borer, Sesamia inferens feeding on both primary as
which was sanctioned by TMOP during 1996 is an important well as secondary nursery plants, bamboo rat, Cannomys
link between the institute and farmers. Similarly another badius feeding on the roots of the newly planted oil palms.
project sanctioned by TMOP on Research cum In case of diseases, potty virus and spear rots were the first
demonstration of oil palm genotypes under varied reports from India. The stem wet rot and bunch end rot
environments using cross combinations obtained from ASD diseases were also reported only in irrigated oil palm
Costa Rica at four different agro-climatic locations of the plantations. The management practices that were developed
country is also a long run one to study the performance of oil for the bud rot as well as stem wet rot put the industry in
palm genotypes under varied environments in order to evolve sound position unlike in other countries. In the recent years,
location specific hybrids and base future seed production Indian oil palm industry is facing the problem from Basal
programmes. The other centres where the trials were stem rot (Ganoderma) disease which is a dreaded one.
conducted are Bhimankolli in Karnataka, Aduthurai in Tamil The establishment of pollinating weevil, Elaeidobius
Nadu and CPCRI RC, Palode. It has also sanctioned a kamerunicus in all the released areas irrespective of
project on strengthening of training on oil palm production abnormal environmental conditions is a good sign for the
technology worth 38.33 lakhs to train the field officers and industry. This could be due to the development of new
farmers on various aspects of oil palm cultivation. Whereas biotypes resistant to weather conditions.
Future scenario of Indian oil palm of sustainable palm oil by the Business and Industry (B&I)
in India. The efforts to supply palm oil at cheap prices to
Oil palm is having great future with its high productivity India as well as other export markets would add tremendous
of 4-6 t of oil per ha which is far above to all other oilseed pressure on High Conservation Value Forests (HCVF) in
crops. The world area and production of oilseeds which were Indonesia, Malaysia and elsewhere. India can play an
141.98 million ha and 223.20 million tonnes in 1995-96 important role in supporting the South East Asian countries
reached about 250 million ha and 448 million tonnes by to their efforts to conserve HCVF and biodiversity. India can
2009-10 respectively. The current world production of oil make use of Indo-ASEAN partnership to promote
seeds and vegetable oils is reported to be sufficient to meet "sustainable palm oil" by constructively engaging the key
the global demand. However, increasing demand for use of stakeholders in both regions. There is considerable scope to
vegetable oils in manufacturing bio-diesel have put the oil engage B&I to adopt environmentally credible business
seeds stocks under pressure. Indian oil palm is still much practices, actively participating the initiatives such as RSPO
more progressive as it is a potence rainfed crop in terms of and make a commitments to "sustainable palm oil" as and
productivity. when it is available. To achieve this, a "step wise" approach
The Indian economy is the 12th largest in the world by is suitable for B&I in India.
nominal value and the 4th largest by purchasing power parity The average fat intake of 29 g/head/day is adequate to
(PPP). The increasing per capita income led to enhanced meet the nutritional needs, which translates into annual
consumption of edible oils. The gap between the domestic vegetable oils requirement of 10.585 kg/annum/person as
production and the requirement became widened at an stated by Nutrition Advisory Committee of the ICMR.
alarming rate. The per capita consumption of edible oils in The current per capita consumption of 14.2 kg/annum is
India has increased considerably in the last one decade but is much higher than nutritional needs. The consumption levels
still far below that of developed countries and also lower of edible oils are beginning to increase to alarming levels as
than many developing countries. The oil demand for against the recommended 30g/day to meet average
industrial use is also likely to grow in the coming years. physiological needs. The demand for vegetable oils is both
Palm oil from Indonesia and Malaysia is dominating the income and price elastic. Demand for food grains is constant
country's import basket of edible oils due to its competitive and stable and can only meet the population growth, whereas
prices when compared to alternate oils. In spite of continuing demand for vegetable oil increases with increase in
efforts to increase domestic production and productivity, not population, increase in standard of living (income) and
much headway has been made. Total imports for the calendar increased use for industrial, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical
year 2009, compared to 2008, showed an increase of 30%. and cosmetic purposes, etc. Thus, the vegetable oil
During 2011-12, the rate of growth of imports of edible oils consumption trends for vegetable oils continuously increases
was 6.99% while the per capita consumption of edible oils at increasing rate.
grew at a rate of 5.65%. Palm group of products were the The supply of vegetable oil has increased at the rate of
major beneficiary in absolute quantity terms. Imports, as a 2% per annum in the past 25 years, while demand grew at
percentage of total consumption, have now crossed the the rate of 5% per annum. For a projected Indian
psychological barrier of 50%, in the process making palm oil population of 1685 million by 2050, 17.84 million tonnes of
the single largest consumed oil in the country. Whilst efforts vegetable oils is required to meet the fat nutrition. This is
to increase domestic production continue, practically equivalent to roughly 59.41 million tonnes of oilseeds. If
speaking, India's dependence on imports is unlikely to abate 25% of vegetable oil is met from crops other than annual
in the near future. Palm oil, which accounted for 80% of the oilseeds, then the country needs to produce just 44.56 million
total import basket in 2009, will continue to be the major tonnes of oilseeds by 2050 to meet fat nutrition of the
vegetable oil consumed. This golden crop is best positioned projected population. Oil palm is likely to play a major role
in all ways, such as pricing, logistics, nutritional values, in augmenting the supply of 25% vegetable oil in the
versatile usage and being user friendly, to take care of the country. By 2050 even if an area of 8 lakh ha is covered
needs of the Indian consumer. The trend of vegetable oils under oil palm, the country must be able to produce about 3.2
production over the years did help to a considerable extent in m t of oil. There is a need for proper policy back-up along
reducing imports. On the contrary, the Government policy with remunerative prices for sustaining the long-term
allowed greater freedom to open market and encouraged commitment of the farmers to oil palm.
healthy competition rather than protection or control. A newer dimension of vegetable oil requirement for
Indian products using palm oil are increasingly exported industrial use is estimated to grow by 15% in 2020, 20% in
to environmentally conscious markets in EU (European 2030 and 25% in post-2040, thus requiring around 3.57,
Union) and several OECD (Organization for Economic 6.34, 9.69 and 10.61 million tonnes in 2020, 2030, 2040 and
Co-operation and Development) member countries. It would 2050, respectively. The Indian trade industry, therefore,
be useful to make use of the consumer preferences in these predicts much greater expansion. The total vegetable oil
markets and institutions including NGOs to promote the use
requirement is thus estimated at 25.26, 29.47, 34.27 and either for vermicompost preparation or for other domestic
35.90 million tonnes during 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050, purposes.
respectively, which is a gigantic task for the country to To mitigate the adverse effect of the palm oil price
increase its domestic production with the nine annual oilseed fluctuations in the international market and there by on the
crops. The contribution of vegetable oil availability from domestic produce, the processing factories should be insisted
secondary sources including arboreal tree species like oil for extraction of by products and other value added products.
palm and coconut (20%) is estimated at 5.05, 5.89, 6.85 and Of these beta carotene extraction and other olein units are
7.18 million tonnes during 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050, important ones. Extraction of Vitamin A and Vitamin E from
respectively. As per the population estimates, the Indian the palm oil is the priority item, which has lot of
middle-class population is expected to touch one billion over international demand. Similarly the extraction and
the next two decades. The middle class population would be preparation of chlorophyll tablets from the leaves is one field
the major consumer of edible oils in the country. The country which needs attention.
is meeting now more than 50% of its oil requirement through Work on genetic modification of the crop by identifying
imports resulting in huge drain on our foreign exchange. The and incorporating the drought resistant genes to lessen the
current import bill is around ` 56,000 crores annually. water requirement of the palms should be carried out. Tissue
culture should be given top priority for getting true to type
Research priorities material having high yield, high OER (oil extraction rate)
and dwarfness/compact palms and for disease resistance.
For the success of Indian oil palm industry, there is a Development of semiclonal and biclonal planting material
need to carry out research prioritization to evolve drought utilizing the tissue culture plants should be made with
resistant oil palm varieties that are suitable to low rainfall desirable characters.
areas, producing sustainable yield with low irrigation, Height is the serious problem for carrying out all
compactness with less height and resistant to pest and cultivation practices in oil palm like pruning of leaves,
diseases. Palms having small leaves to create low pressure on harvesting of bunches and even for crown cleaning and
the petiole and ultimately avert leaf breaking and there by spraying operations. At the same time modification of leaf
crown collapsing are needed to sustain heavy cyclone and articulation is also essential. Presently the leaves are oriented
swirl wind in coastal areas. Research should be intensified to in 45° angle to the stem initially and later when fruit bunch
obtain higher yields with low inputs of fertilizers and is emerged out in between the leaves and stem then it bends
irrigation, higher income from unit area by raising various and reaches to 90° angle. If male flower emerges instead of
inter and multiple crops in the oil palm gardens. Screening of female, the leaf bending is only nominal. This affects the
different mulch materials to arrest the evaporation from the photosynthetic rate of the leaf as the sunrays fall slanty over
gardens should be tried. the leaf, which affects the function of chloroplasts. Since all
Research on Development of IPM and IDM practices for the chloroplasts in the leaf are not fully exposed to sunlight,
the individual pests and diseases and thereby for the whole they function partially, which affects the yield. To best
complex of palms is essential to keep the palms in healthy utilize the chloroplast cells, modification in the leaf
and yielding condition. Work on evolving the best method of articulation through genetic modification of the palms should
weed control practices using chemical and mechanical be carried out. Along with higher returns, this will also ease
methods without having any antagonistic effect on the palm the harvesting of the fruit bunches as the stalk portion is so
yield should be tried. Efforts on mechanization of various intact in between the leaf and stem portion making it difficult
cultivation operations should be drawn to lessen the labour to cut so far.
intensity. Development of harvesting tools for the fresh fruit Apart from this, the intactness of the leaf with stem also
bunches with less manual work force is the immediate task affects the pollination and fruit set, as many flowers (the
to be carried out. lower spikes) are not fully exposed to the pollen grains. This
Quality research on the post harvest technology and value is due to lack of space between leaf and stem, which do not
addition of palm oil for the utmost utilization of by-products allow the weevils to fly over and spread the pollen. This
is another important aspect. Byproducts from palm oil and ultimately affects the fruit setting followed by yield loss. Oil
palm kernel oil namely beta-carotene, tocopherols and palm being entomophilous crop needs the assistance of an
tocotrienols (Vitamin E) and other important oleo chemical insect called Elaeidobius kamerunicus, which multiplies in
products that can be useful for pharmaceutical industry the male flowers and assists in pollination. However these
should be explored. The palm oil mill effluent (POME), weevils do not assist to any other crops except oil palm. The
which is the best input material for fresh water aquaculture, chemical ‘estragole’ found in the pollen may be the hardship
needs to be tested by conducting research in a systematic for other insects like honeybees to involve in pollination. If
manner. The empty fruit bunches, cut leaves and the the problem of pungency is solved by means of genetic
mesocarp waste need to be explored for utilizing them fully manipulation as seen in many solanaceous crops, the
honeybees can be incorporated into system, which may factor. However in many areas palms are showing potash
increase the yield levels. deficiency symptoms even after the application of excess
In India the ratio of male female flowers in oil palm is amount of K fertilizers. The relation between N and K needs
1:1. These are emerged out in circles with all males followed to be studied thoroughly. At the same time the effect of Mg
by females and vice versa. If this pattern is altered to get should also be explored in the context of N and K as the
more females and fewer male cycles and also the mixed imbalance of these two nutrients may lead to the Mg
population of both males and females, higher yields can be deficiency symptoms on leaves.
obtained and at the same time the pollination problem can Irrigation is the major impediment for oil palm growth in
also be solved. Efforts should be made in these lines. the oil palm potential areas of the country. A monthly
Byproduct utilization is an important aspect in oil palm average of 150 mm rainfall is essential for oil palm and
where carotenoids, tocopherols and tocotrienols are extracted deviation of this during any month will lead to the change in
from palm oil. The quantity of these varies from species to the basic physiology of the palm and reflects on yield. Since
species with maximum in oleifera varieties compared to water is a limiting factor, judicious use of irrigation is
guineensis and other crosses. Hence, it is necessary to bring essential. For this purpose efforts should be made to draw
out the genetic modification or through hybridization process different application methods where water is saved
of the palm to draw maximum content of the Carotenoids and effectively and utilized 100%.
Vitamin E. Growing intercrops is must for sustainability and
profitability of oil palm cultivation in the country. Research
Crop production on best and profitable intercrop in relation to yields and
utilization of inputs should be carried out for different age
Oil palm being grown as irrigated crop in the country is groups. This also warrants taking up the spacing trials
getting maximum importance in the nutrients as well as especially suitable for oil palm.
irrigation application. This leads to the premature height
increment of the palms making harvesting difficult at very Plant protection
young age. This also leads to nutritional imbalances and
arresting the secondary nutrient uptake. To correct the Leaf eating caterpillars viz., leaf web worm, psychid and
deficiency disorders it is essential to analyze the 17th leaf, slug caterpillars are serious pests on Indian oil palm. Their
which is very difficult to the growers to identify and even, incidence is severe due to existence of high humidity and
cut it for analysis. All these lead to labour intensiveness and poor penetration of sunlight due to intermingling of leaves of
low profits. Work should be carried out to draw DRIS norms adjacent palms. Research work on integrated management of
for every mandal or village levels to avoid the unnecessary these pests by exploring all the methods need to be carried
usage of fertilizers. out. Economic threshold levels for these pests in relation to
Application of fertilizers is one of the aspects, which yield losses need to be drawn. Work on other possible
need lot of research. In the subtropical areas like India methods of management including bioagents and
application of nitrogenous fertilizers in the form of urea may pheromones need to be taken up.
lead to evaporation as it is hygroscopic. If ammonium Instead of developing IPM practices for every pest it is
fertilizers are recommended, they are costly and may cause essential to draw Integrated Management Practices for the
succulence for pest attack. Apart from nitrogenous fertilizers, whole crop and whole year or for each season forecasting the
the use of potash and phosphate fertilizers is having the pest population. At the same time the pest population on
problem of leaching and not available to palms. Hence intercrops should also be taken care off. For this purpose
fertigation trials need to be carried out which will increase IPM practices for the mixed/intercrops should also be
the fertilizer use efficiency and labour saving. developed.
Mulching is an important aspect to be followed in the Apart from insects, oil palm plantations are also infested
tropical and subtropical areas like India to reduce with avian and mammalian pests. For the control of avian
evaporation losses. Unlike in Malaysia cover crops like pests, research on modern tools should be explored
Calopogonium and Pueraria cannot be grown due to social particularly the roosting sites should be targeted. In case of
problems and hence work should be carried out on utilization mammalian pests rats are the major problems on both FFB as
of plastic mulches, which can control the weed growth as well as on main palms. To manage these pests simple and
well as evaporation losses from soil. To control the weed effective practices are being followed in Malaysia where
growth inter cultivation in between oil palm rows is a barn owl is allowed to stay in the gardens to multiply their
common practice that may lead to root damage and may population and feed on the rats. This is found most effective,
affect the physiology of the palms by producing male less expensive and simple and should be tried in India also.
flowers. Utilization of nectariferous plants by raising on the borders
Indian soils are rich in potash and hence is not a limiting of oil palm plantation need to be studied to find their effect
in harboring the natural enemies of the pests species. In the draw maximum oil extraction ratio in the mills. Oil
recent years monkeys are creating nuisance and problems to Extraction Ratio of the FFBs of oil palm in Indian conditions
oil palm plantation and hence there is an urgent need to take is recorded upto the tune of 18-20%, which is quite less
up management trails on priority. compared to Malaysia and Nigeria. Work on high oil
Indian oil palm is infected with many diseases and recovery methods should be carried out. For this sake
disorders although these were not seen in its native country. development of oil palm new varieties that have maximum
The causal organisms for bud rot and stem wet rot diseases oil content should be explored. In this regard work on
need to be identified. Research on these aspects should be temperature and pressure needed to obtain maximum
conducted to draw easy and effective management recovery of oil should be tried.
technology. Since surgering the bud rot affected palms is a Free fatty acid content is the important character in the
cumbersome, simplified techniques of disease control should oil extracted from FFB. Since it increases with the lipase
be explored. Use of bio-agents and organic amendments activity in the fruits after harvest, research should be carried
should be tried as one of the tools for the IDM practices. out on keeping the FFA content at lower levels. Utilization
Effect of high temperatures and low humidity on the of empty fruit bunches after the extraction of oil needs to be
palm growth and yield and the disorders should be well tried studied particularly to utilize them in the preparation of
in the pathological angle. Since the palms attain very tall fertilizer instead of using them as fuel and mulch. This is
height, it is difficult to carry out the plant protection more practiced in the countries like Malaysia and Indonesia.
operations. A suitable methodology should be evolved to Since the mesocarp of oil palm is having lot of cellulose and
overcome this problem. Possibilities of using stem injection low contents of lignin, use of this material for the
technology need to be studied. manufacturing of mattresses or the yarn is of little strength.
Decomposition of such material is very fast and hence
Value addition and post harvest technology longevity is doubtful. It is necessary to find out the
This is the important field in oil palm research wherein alternative uses of these products.
considerable work can be done to stay on par with other Effluents in palm oil processing mills are available in
countries. Of these the byproduct extraction and utilization bulk, which can be cashed by finding out the best use as food
is the most important aspect which demands immediate material for fishes. Efforts should be made to make this
research. Since palm oil is the rich source of beta-carotene slurry in to cake formation and market it to the fish growers
and tocopherols and tocotrienols, maximum importance and as good compost.
should be given for the extraction of these items, which make Oil palm leaves are rich in chloroplasts and chlorophyll
the country competent with others. The new methods of content. In Malaysia where the oil yield reached to
extraction like saponification, urea processing, adsorption, saturation, exploitation of the leaves for the preparation of
selective solvent extraction, molecular distillation and trans chlorophyll tablets, which have the pharmaceutical
esterification, though difficult to perform, should be tried. importance in western countries, is being carried out. Efforts
However recent extraction methods namely conversion of should be made to utilize the cut/pruned leaves for this
palm oil tryglycerides into volatile methyl esters and purpose. Keeping the above things in mind, research
recovering the carotenoids from these esters using adsorption priorities for Indian oil palm need to be changed and
or solvent extraction method and by the selective adsorption recasted.
of carotenoids obtained from reverse phase adsorption
material with the esters of high polarity being first eluted out Policy issues
from the column should be tried. With these two methods,
higher concentration of carotenoids can be obtained. Since Regulation of import of vegetable oils through adoption
oil palm leaves also contain carotenoids, extraction from of appropriate import policy aiming at increased domestic
these should also be explored. Stearic acid is the component production needs to be done. The need for achieving self
of the palm oil, which is obtained along with the olein in sufficiency in vegetable oil should be seen in the context of
considerable amounts. The best use of these products should improved livelihood, higher profitability to farmers and for
be explored under value addition research. processing industry. Encouraging the establishment of large
Harvesting of FFB is a perennial problem in oil palm. scale captive plantations and specialized oil palm seed
Efficient tools that can be operated with motorized gardens by declaring it as a plantation crop and also ensuring
mechanism should be tried. These can give increased proper pricing policy for profitability is needed. Creation of
efficiency over the manual operation. So far the correct conducive environment to strengthen private participation in
ripening stage that is fit for harvest of FFB to extract collaborative research on the lines of MPOB, Malaysia,
maximum oil is not reported in India as it varies due to the development, extension and marketing operations is essential
climatic conditions. Hence work should be carried out on this for the success of the industry.
aspect to find out the correct stage of FFB for harvest to As mentioned by Dr. R.S. Paroda, steps should be taken
to avoid diversion of edible oils for biodiesel production and
other industrial uses. The industry should also be support. Dissemination of available technologies to the end
involved in supporting technology development and users needs to be done on priority.
extension activities. Revival of Oilseed Mission, through a
special purpose vehicle, with greater thrust on 5 Ps: Encouragement of joint ventures
Priorities, Policies, Productivity, Profitability and Private
sector participation, with emphasis on increased oilseed As the oil palm germplasm is very narrow based, it gives
production in the country be the highest priority of the lot of inbreeding as the existing mother palms are very few.
Government. Greater emphasis and investments on public With these it is difficult to improve the productivity per unit
awareness about rationalization of vegetable oil consumption area. Hence if encouraged the joint ventures with the
for proper health becomes our national priority. Malaysians or Indonesians, high yielding varieties of those
countries can be introduced which will further benefit the
Institutional linkages
Industry. M/s Godrej Agrovet Ltd (GAVL) is having such a
The research, development and technology dissemination venture with one of the largest plantation firms in the world,
infrastructure existing for Indian oil palm industry is not so M/s IJM Plantations Berhad. All the oil palm companies
effective to deliver the results to the end user. These need to should follow in those lines for the benefit of themselves as
be studied critically for identifying the gaps/lacunae and well as Indian oil palm industry.
efforts should be made to plug them to obtain efficient and Indian oil palm industry which started from rubbles has
functional institutional support in future for the success of oil successfully completed two decades venturing profits to all
palm. the stakeholders including farmers and processors. High
demand for vegetable oil due to increased population further
Natural resource management
aggravates the requirement in the coming decades. High
Indian oil palm is unique as it is cultivated by giving productivity over other annual oilseed crops fetches the edge
irrigation using underground sources. Since water is a key for success in short span. The success is a combined effort of
factor for getting high yields, their use should be done with enthusiastic farmers, processors, development personnel
utmost care as excess use may lead to depletion of ground representing State Department of Horticulture and
water table and increase in pest and disease problems. Agriculture and finally the scientific community who
Watershed management with appropriate rainwater developed technologies for sustainable oil palm industry.
harvesting both in situ with proper disposal and storage farm Since irrigated oil palm cultivation concept is new and
ponds provide excellent opportunity to mitigate the expected unique in the world, making it success is a great task. By
problem. Management of soil and water conservation and its defining the appropriate policies, by bringing out adaptable
economic use to enhance the profitability through achieving research technologies for higher yield out put and by taking
'more crop (oil) per drop' of water are need to be practiced. them to the end users the Indian oil palm industry will show
the break through results to the entire world in the years to
Development come. However, it needs enthusiasm, commitment and zeal
in all the concerned.
Establishing strong linkages among processors, farmers
and development officers of the Departments of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Horticulture/Agriculture will lead to the success of the
Industry. Expansion of oil palm cultivation in new areas like The authors are thankful to all the stakeholders of Indian
Bihar, Arunachal Pradesh and other north eastern states need oil palm industry for contributing the information in
to be done with utmost care by confirming the logistic preparation of the article.