1 Hashing: 1.1 Desired Properties
1 Hashing: 1.1 Desired Properties
1 Hashing: 1.1 Desired Properties
1 Hashing
Hash functions have many applications to dictionary data structures, to load balancing and sym-
metry breaking, to cryptography and complexity theory. In this set of lectures, we will study:
The basic application is to dictionaries. Here you have a large universe of “keys” (say the set of
all strings of length at most 80 using the Roman alphabet), denoted by U . The dictionary is some
subset S of this universe, and S is typically much smaller than U . The operations we want to
implement are:
In some cases, we don’t really care about adding and removing key, we just care about fast query
times—e.g., the actual English dictionary does not change (or changes very rarely). This is called
the static case. Another special case is when we just add keys: the insertion-only case.
An Important Note: In this class we will assume that the dictionary S is chosen adversarially. Of
course we don’t see S. We choose h randomly from the family H. This is the only randomness in the
process. Of course the adversary does not see h. Then we look at the performance of our random h on
this worst-case S. It’s like we’re playing a game, and both of us are choosing our actions simultaneously,
and we want our minimax behavior to be as good as possible.
2 Universal Hashing
The definition of universal hashing tries to capture the desired property that distinct keys do not
collide too often. It was proposed by Carter and Wegman (1979).
Definition 1 A family H of hash functions mapping U to [M ] is called universal if for any two
keys x 6= y ∈ U , we have
Pr h(x) = h(y) ≤ .
h←H M
Make sure you understand the definition. This condition must hold for every pair of distinct keys,
and the randomness is over the choice of the actual hash function h from the set H.
2.1 A Construction
A simple construction of universal hashing is the following. Consider the case where |U | = 2u and
M = 2m . The hash functions are defined as follows.
Take an u × m matrix A and fill it with random bits. For x ∈ U , view x as a u-bit
vector in {0, 1}u , and define
h(x) := Ax
where the calculations are done modulo 2.
Since the hash function is completely defined by the matrix A, there are 2um hash functions in this
family H.
A h(x) = Ax
m =
Proof: Consider x 6= y ∈ {0, 1}u . We claim that the probability that h(x) = h(y) is at most 1/M .
Since h is a linear map, h(x) = h(y) ⇐⇒ h(x − y) = ~0. Equivalently, we want to show that for
any non-zero vector z ∈ {0, 1}n ,
Pr [h(z) = ~0] = Pr[Az = ~0] ≤ 1/M.
If the columns of A are A1 , A2 , . . . , Au , then Az = i∈[u] zi · Ai . Say that zi? equals 1 (since z is
non-zero, there is at least one such coordinate. P Now fix all the entries of A except column i? . For
Az to be zero, it must be the case that Ai? = i6=i? zi Ai . But Ai? contains m random bits, and
each one matches the corresponding bit on the right with probability 1/2. Hence the probability
of Az = ~0 is 1/2m = 1/M .
BTW, note that h(~0) = ~0, so picking a random function from the hash family H does not map
each key to a random place. (The definition of universality does not require this.) It just ensures
that the probability of collisions is small.
2.2 Application #1: Hashing with Open Addressing
The condition of universality may not seem like much, but it gives a lot of power. As mentioned
above, one of the main applications of universal hashing is to dictionary data structures. We When
many keys hash to the same location, the hash table can store only one of them. So we need some
way of “resolving” these collisions, and storing these extra keys. There are many solutions, which
you’ve probably seen before.
Hashing with separate chaining: An easy way to resolve collisions, also easy to analyze, but it may
increase the space usage of the data structure. Here we maintain a linked list of all the “additional”
keys. So the lookup time at location i becomes proportional to |{x ∈ S | h(x) = i}|, the number of
keys in the dictionary S that map to i. Hence, when we perform a lookup on key q, we will spend
expected time proportional to
X |S|
Eh←H |{x ∈ S | h(x) = h(q)}| = Pr h(x) = h(q) ≤ .
h←H M
Hence, with a table of size M = N = |S|, lookups take expected constant time. (Also observe that
item deletion is easy with separate chaining.)
Aside: What are other ways of resolving collisions? One way that requires no extra space is open
addressing, where colliding keys are stored in the array itself. Where? That depends. The most basic
idea is linear probing: When you are inserting x and h(x) is occupied, you look for the smallest index
i such that (h(x) + 1) mod M is free, and store h(x) there. When querying for q, you look at h(q) and
scan linearly until you find q or an empty space. Observe that deletions are not quite as simple any
more. It is known that linear probing can also be done in expected constant time, but universal hashing
does not suffice to prove this bound: 5-universal hashing is necessary [PT10] and sufficient [PPR11].
One can use other probe sequences: e.g., not probe each location but choose some step size s and look at
h(x), h(x) + s (mod M ), h(x) + 2s (mod M ), . . .. Or quadratic probing, where you look at h(x), h(x) + 1
(mod M ), h(x) + 4 (mod M ), . . . , h(x) + i2 (mod M ). Or you can use a random pattern for each key,
chosen according to its own hash function.
One can also try to store multiple (usually a constant number of) keys in the same table location. And
there’s a different approach called cuckoo hashing, which we will discuss in the next lecture.
If we allow ourselves a table of size M = Ω(N 2 ), this is easy, because by the tightness of the birthday paradox—or
the calculation in (1)—we could ensure that all keys map to distinct locations. But that is a lot of wasted space.
For M = N , say, this is at most N/2.√ So by Markov’s inequality, we have Pr[C ≥ N ] ≤ 1/2.
√ if some location did have 2N keys hashing to it, that location itself would result in
≥ N collisions. Hence, with probability at least half, the maximum load at any location is
2 √
at most 2N .
In fact, things Pare even better than that. If the load at location i is Li , then the total number
of collisions is i∈[M ] L2i . And by the argument above, this is smaller than N (with probability
Now we can take all the Li keys that map into location i of the main table, build a special second-
level table for them of size Mi = O(L2i ), and use the calculation (1) with M = O(L2i ) to argue that
using a universal hash family for this second-level hashing from these Li keys to [Mi ] will map all
of them into separate locations. So we can choose a good hash function h∗i for the keys that h∗
maps to location i.
To look up q, we look at location i = h∗ (q), and then checkP location h∗i (q)—this takes two hash
function evaluations. Total space: N for the first table, then i O(L2i ) for the second level tables,
which is again O(N ). (All space is measured in the number of keys.) We also need to store the
hash functions, of course, which adds linear overhead.
The following facts about k-universal hash families are simple to prove.
From part (c) above, we see that 2-universality is indeed at least as strong a condition as universality.
And one can check that the construction in Section 2.1 is not 2-universal (since Pr[h(~0) = ~0] = 1
and not 1/M as required above. In the next section we give some constructions of 2-universal and
k-universal hash families.
The first construction is a simple modification of the universal hash family we saw in Section 2.1
for the case where |U | = 2u and M = 2m .
Take an u × m matrix A and fill it with random bits. Pick a random m-bit vector
b ∈ {0, 1}m . For x ∈ U = {0, 1}u , define
h(x) := Ax + b
where the calculations are done modulo 2.
The hash function is defined by the matrix A containing um random bits, and vector b containing
m random bits, there are 2(u+1)m hash functions in this family H.
Claim 5 The family H is 2-universal.
Proof: Exercise.
In the above construction, describing the hash function requires O(um) bits. A natural question is
whether we can do better. Indeed we can. Here is a related construction:
Take an u × m matrix A. Fill the first row A1,? and the first column A?,1 with random
bits. For any other entry i, j for i > 1 and j > 1, define Ai,j = Ai−1,j−1 . So all entries
in each “northwest-southeast” diagonal in A are the same.
Also pick a random m-bit vector b ∈ {0, 1}m . For x ∈ U = {0, 1}u , define
h(x) := Ax + b
where the calculations are done modulo 2.
Hence the hash family H consists of 2(u+m−1)+m hash functions, one for each choice of A and b.
You will prove that this family H is 2-universal as part of your homework. Since This we need
O(u + m) random bits, and hence the space to store the hash function is comparable to the space
to store a constant number of elements from U and [M ]. Much better than O(um)!
For this construction, pick a prime p, and let U = [p] and M = p as well. (Hence we are hashing
into a table of the same size as the universe! Seems useless, but read on.) Note that p being a
prime means that [p] has good algebraic properties: it forms the field Zp (also denoted as GF(p)).
Pick two random numbers a, b ∈ Zp . For any x ∈ U , define
h(x) := ax + b
where the calculations are done modulo p.
To prove 2-universality, note that for x1 6= x2 ∈ U ,
h(x1 ) 1 x1 a
h(x2 ) 1 x2 b
where the matrix is invertible because x1 6= x2 . But since a, b are chosen randomly, the chance that
each of them equals some specified values is at most 1/p × 1/p = 1/p2 , which is 1/M 2 as desired
for 2-universality.
That’s cute. On the other hand, we hashed [p] → [p], which does not seem useful. That is true, but
the same idea works for any field. So we could use the field GF(2u ) which has a correspondence
with u-bit strings, and hence hash [2u ] → [2u ]. Now we could truncate the last u − m bits of the
hash value to get a hash family mapping [2u ] to [2m ] for m ≤ u. It requires knowledge of some
algebra about Galois fields; we omit the details here.
The construction for k-universal is not very different; let’s consider hashing [p] to [p] once again.
The proof of k-universality is similar to that above; this is something you’ll show in Homework
#2. Again, we can then use GF(2u ) and the same ideas to get k-universal hash functions from
[2u ] → [2m ].
Note that the hash function is completely defined by the table, which contains u · k · m random
bits. Hence the size of this hash family is 2kmu . Is this any good? We can look at the independence
properties of this family, for one.
Theorem 6 The hash family H for tabulation hashing is 3-wise independent but not 4-wise inde-
However, this is one case where independence properties of the hash family do not capture how good
it is. A recent paper of Patrascu and Thorup [PT12] showed that the performance of many nat-
ural applications (linear probing, cuckoo hashing, balls-into-bins) using tabulation hashing almost
matches the performance of these applications using truly random hash functions. An extension
called twisted tabulation gives a better behavior for some applications [PT13].
Note that this construction clearly gives us an answer in [M ]. It is also easy to implement: e.g.,
the div operation can be implemented by shifting to the right u − m times. But is this any good?
It turns out the collision probability is only twice as bad as ideal.
Theorem 7 ([DHKP97]) For the hash family H defined as above, for x 6= y ∈ U ,
Pr [h(x) = h(y)] ≤ .
h←H M
(The proof is not very difficult, you should try it as a bonus problem.)
5 Bloom Filters
A central application of hashing is for dictionary data structures, as we saw earlier. In some cases
it is acceptable to have a data structure that occasionally has mistakes.
A Bloom filter is one such data structure.2 It has the feature that it only has false positives (it
may report that a key is present when it is not, but never the other way). Compensating for this
presence of errors is the fact that it is simple and fast. A common application of a Bloom filter
is as a “filter” (hence the name): if you believe that most queries are not going to belong to the
dictionary, then you could first use this data structure on the queries: if the answer is No you know
for sure the query key is absent. And if the answer is Yes you can use a slower data structure
to confirm. For example, the Google Chrome browser uses a Bloom filter to maintain its list of
potentially malicious websites.
Here’s the data structure. You keep an array T of M bits, initially all entries are zero.
Moreover, you have k hash functions h1 , h2 , . . . , hk : U → [M ]; for this analysis assume
they are completely random hash functions.
To add a key x ∈ S ⊆ U to the dictionary, set bits T [h1 (x)], T [h2 (x)], . . . , T [hk (x)] to 1.
Now, when a query comes for key x ∈ U , check if all the entries T [hi (x)] are set to 1;
if so, answer Yes else answer No.
It was invented by Burton H. Bloom in 1970.
Just that simple. Note that if the key x was in the dictionary S, all those bits would be on, and
hence we would always answer Yes. However, it could be that other keys have caused all the k bits
in positions h1 (x), h2 (x), . . . , hk (x) to be set. What is the probability of that?
As usual, assume that |S| = N . For any key in S, h1 does not hash this key to the location ` ∈ [M ]
with probability (1 − 1/M ). If the bit T [`] = 0, the same must be is true for all N keys, and all k
hash functions—this happens with probability
1 kN
1− ≈ e−kN/M .
Denote this probability by p. For a false positive on query x, all the k locations T [h1 (x)],
T [h2 (x)], . . ., T [hk (x)] must be set, which happens with probability
(1 − p)k ≈ (1 − e−kN/M )k . (2)
Just to get a sense of the numbers, suppose M = 2N . Then the false positive probability is
about (1 − e−k/2 )k —minimizing this as a function of k gives us a false positive rate of 38%; for
M = 8N this falls to 2%. In general, taking derivatives tells us that the optimal setting of k
is k = (ln 2) · (M/N ), which gives false-positive probability of (0.6185)M/N . In other words, if
the false-positive probability is ε, then the number of bits we use is M ≈ 1.44N log(1/ε)—about
1.44 log(1/ε) bits per entry.3
Bloom filters often arise in applications because of their simplicity and wide applicability; see this
survey by Broder and Mitzenmacher [BM03] on many applications in networking.
6 Further Reading
There has been a lot of work on making hashing fast and practical, while also maintaining good
provable properties – and also to understand why certain hashing schemes work well in practice.
Check out papers by, e.g., Martin Dietzfelbinger, Rasmus Pagh, Mikkel Thorup, and Mihai Pa-
trascu, and the references therein.
[BM03] Andrei Z. Broder and Michael Mitzenmacher. Survey: Network applications of bloom filters: A
survey. Internet Mathematics, 1(4):485–509, 2003. 8
[DHKP97] Martin Dietzfelbinger, Torben Hagerup, Jyrki Katajainen, and Martti Penttonen. A reliable
randomized algorithm for the closest-pair problem. J. Algorithms, 25(1):19–51, 1997. 7
[PPR05] Anna Pagh, Rasmus Pagh, and S. Srinivasa Rao. An optimal bloom filter replacement. In SODA,
pages 823–829, 2005. 8
[PPR11] Anna Pagh, Rasmus Pagh, and Milan Ruzic. Linear probing with 5-wise independence. SIAM
Review, 53(3):547–558, 2011. 3
[PT10] Mihai Patrascu and Mikkel Thorup. On the k-independence required by linear probing and
minwise independence. In ICALP (1), pages 715–726, 2010. 3
[PT12] Mihai Patrascu and Mikkel Thorup. The power of simple tabulation hashing. J. ACM, 59(3):14,
2012. 7
[PT13] Mihai Patrascu and Mikkel Thorup. Twisted tabulation hashing. In SODA, pages 209–228, 2013.
The best possible space usage in this model is log(1/ε) bit per key, so Bloom filters are off by 44%. See the paper
by Pagh, Pagh and Rao [PPR05] for an optimal data structure.