Tirumal Milk Products - Completed
Tirumal Milk Products - Completed
Tirumal Milk Products - Completed
1. T.Kumar Raja 0216104524
2. T.Bharat 0216104525
3. V.Bhuvaneswari 0216104526
4. Y.Devi Priya 0216104527
5. Y.Meena 0216104528
6. Y.Harika 0216104529
We hereby declare that the project Report entitled “A Project Report on funds flow
Place: Chandragiri
T.Kumar Raja
Y.Devi Priya
Funds flow statement
It is our pleasure to acknowledge our independent to those persons who have extended their
support and co-operation in completing and preparing our project report.
We express my sincere thanks to our faculty coordinator, M.Arun Kumar, for her valuable,
timely and patient guidance in completing this task. We never forget her valuable advises and
continuous encouragement during the course of my study in this college.
We are very much thankful to our beloved Principal Sri R.Madhavaiah, M.Sc for his
valuable advises and continuous encouragement during the course of my study in this college.
We would like to place on record my gratitude to our beloved Chairman Sri. R.Madhavaiah
for his love and affection and meticulous care during our studies at this institute.
T.Kumar Raja
Y.Devi Priya
Funds flow statement
This is to certify that the project report titled “A Project Report on funds flow
statement of tirumala pvt. Ltd” Submitted to Sri Srinivasa Degree College,
Chandragiri is a bonafide record work done by the students bearing Hall Ticket
Nos: 0216104524-29 under my supervision for the partial fulfillment of
requirements for the award of degree Bachelor in Commerce (Computer
Applications) during 2017-18 academic year.
M.Arun Kumar
Lecturer in Computers
9 FINDINGS 70-71
Funds flow statement
Finance is the lifeblood of every business activity without which the wheels of
modern business organization system cannot be greased. Finance management is managerial
activity, which is concerned with planning and controlling of the firm's financial Resources.
Finance is a scarce resource and it has to be managed efficiency for the successful
functioning of any company. Several companies have come to grief mainly because of
inefficient management of finance, in spite of other favorable conditions.
Financial management is that managerial activity which is concerned with the
planning and control of the firm’s financial resources. It was a branch of economics till 1890,
and as a separate discipline, it is of recent origin. Still it has no unique body of knowledge of
its own, and draws heavily on economics for its theoretical concepts even today.
From the various definitions of the term business given above, it can be
concluded that the term business. Finance mainly involves, rising of funds, and their effective
utilization keeping in view the overall objective of the firm.
Financial statement are prepared for the purpose of presenting a periodical review
or report by management and deal with the state of investment in business and real achieved
during the period under review.
From this is clear that financial statements are affected by three things.
1. Recorded Facts
2. Accounting Conventions
3. Personal Judgment
What is finance? What are a firm’s financial activities? How are they related to the
firm’s other activities? Firms create manufacturing capacities for production of goods. Some
provide services to customers. They sell their goods or services to earn profit. They raise
funds to acquire manufacturing and other facilities. Thus the three most important activities
of a business firm are:
1. Production
2. Marketing
3. Finance
The finance functions from the production marketing and other functions but function
themselves can be readily identified. The function of raising funds, investment them in asset
and distributing returns earned form assets from assets to shareholders are respectively
know as finance decision, investment decision and dividend decisions.
Funds flow statement
A firm investment decisions involve capital expenditures. They, therefore, referred as capital
budgeting decision.
long-term assets:
Which yield a return over a period of time in future?
Dividend decision is the third major financial decision. The financial manager must
decide whether the firm should distribute all profits or retain them, of distribution a period
and retain the balance.
Investment in current assets affects the firm profitability and liquidity. Current assets
management that affects a firm’s liquidity is yet another important finance function. Current
assets should be managed efficiently of safe guarding the against the risk of liquidity.
The funds flow statement is a statement which shows the movement of funds and is a
report of financial operations of the business undertaking. It indicates various means by
which funds were obtained during a particular period and the ways in which these funds were
employed. In simple words it is a statement of sources and applications of funds.
The funds flow is designed to analyze the changers in the financial condition of a
company between two periods. This statement will highlights the sources from which funds
are received and the uses to which these have been put and it enables to know with reasons
Funds flow statement
the basic causes of changes in net working capital. This statement is also termed as
“Statement of changes in the financial position on working capital basis”.
Funds flow statement is an important tool and is widely used in the hands of financial
analysts and managers for analyzing the financial management of a company. Funds keep on
moving in a business, which itself based on going concern concept. In a narrow sense, it
means inflow and out flow of cash only and a flow statement prepared on this basis is called
as "cash flow statement".
Funds flow statement
Funds means working capital this working capital represents the difference between
current assets, current liabilities. All flows of funds pass through working capital. This
means that every transaction has an effect on the firm’s working capital position.
Sources of funds
Applications of funds
The former supply funds to the Working capital and enhances its position. On the
other hand, the latter consume funds and erode the Working capital position.
The sale value of fixed assets including if any is a one of the Sources of funds. Such
profits have been included in the sale value. They are not included in the profit figures. The
reason being that this would lie to double counting.
The full amount collected from the issue of shares is treated as source of funds. This
means that the amount of premium discount if any is taken into account for this purpose.
Longs raise including any premium or net of discount are considered as source of
funds. However loans in form of supplies or services of a non current nature do not
constitute source of funds.
The most important sources of funds are profit from its operations. Profit from
operations means the net profit after taxes plus the non-cash expenses.
Acquisition of fixed assets causes an outflow of funds from the working capital pool.
While beginning this effect to the funds flow statement doubts counting must be avoided.
A company redeems the redeemable preference shares. Moreover equity shares can
also be paid back as per the procedures laid down in the Indian companies Act, 1956
If the firm is operating at a loss, an outflow of funds will be there to the extent of net
loss minus the non-cash expenses like depreciation. Acquisition of investments and payment
of dividend.
The outflow of funds takes place on account of acquisition of long term investments
and payment of cash dividend.
used in a limited sense to denote in loss in the value of an asset due to its use of enjoyment.
Broadly speaking, it a money cost or loss due to exhaustion or its usefulness.
Funds flow statement is widely used by the financial analyst and credit granting
institution and financial managers in performance of their jobs.
It has become a useful tool in their analytical kit. This is because the financial
statement like income statement and· balance sheet have limited role to perform.
Income statement measures flows restricted to transaction that pertain to rendering of
goods and services to customers. The balance sheet is merely a static statement's these
statements do not sharply focus those major financial transactions, which have behind the
balance sheet changes.
However financial analyst must know the purpose for which the loan was unitized
and the sources from which it has rises. This will help him in making a better estimate about
the company's financial position and polices.
General Rule:
The flow of funds occurs when a transaction changes on the one hand a non-current
account and vice versa.
1) A fixed asset and a current liability.
2) A current asset and a fixed liability.
3) A fixed liability and a current liability.
Funds flow statement
The funds flows statement shows overall change in working capital and not the variations in
individual items, including on most significant item cash, constituting the working capital.
Since non monitory assets such as inventories are included in working capital the
management may manipulate the net change in working capital and the resources of
funds from operation of applying any of the widely varying methods of inventory
valuation most suited to it.
The concept of the working capital bundles monetary and non -monetary current
asset, together. Consequently it includes widely dice gent items such as cash,
receivables, inventories, prepayments etc and hence lacks homogeneity. Particularly,
stock of standard product ready for sale, May reasonable is treated as liquid resources,
but often a large part of the inventory represents work in progress throughout the
various stages of production. This is not proper to refer to inventories of repayments
as "funds".
Advantages of the Funds Flow Statement:
It provides information about how funds are obtained and how they are put to actual
It registers changes in the flow of funds during a given period of time.
It is supplementary to the conventional financial statements.
It indicates how funds are generated from the different financial resources of a
corporation and how the reservoir of its assets is created. In other words it depicts
changes in the financial structure of the corporation.
It is an important tool in the hands of the financial manger in the process of decision
Funds flow statement
Current ratio, include cash and those assets, which can be converted into cash within a
year, such as marketable securities, debtors and inventories.
Current liabilities include creditors, bills payable, accrued expenses, short term bank
loan, income tax liability and long term debt maturing in current year.
This ratio establishes a relationship between quick, or liquid, assets and current
liabilities. An asset is liquid if it can be converted into cash immediately reasonably soon
without a loss of value. Chas is the most liquid and included in quick assets are book debts
and marketable securities. Inventories normally require some time for realizing into cash. The
quick ratio is found out by dividing quick assets by current liabilities.
It is suggested that it would be useful, for the management if the liquidity measure
also takes into account reserve borrowing power. As the firm’s real debt paying ability
depends not only on cash resources available with it but also on its capacity on its capacity on
borrow from the market at short notice. Absolute liquid assets include cash in hand and at
bank and marketable securities or temporary investments.
Working capital of a concern is directly related to sales, the current assets like
debtors, bills receivable, cash stock etc. Change within the increase of decrease in sales.
Increase Decrease
( ) ( )
Current assets (CA)
Inventories : …….. ……..
Raw material …….. ……..
Consumable stores …….. ……..
Finished goods …….. ……..
Sundry debtors …….. ……..
Cash in hand …….. ……..
Balance with bank …….. ……..
Other current assets: …….. ……..
Deposits …….. ……..
Income tax (advance …….. ……..
Sales tax …….. ……..
Current liabilities
Trade creditors …….. ……..
Dealers deposits …….. ……..
Expenses payable ……… ……..
Funds flow statement is a statement, which indicates various sources for which funds
have been obtained during a chain period and the uses or applications to which these funds
have been put during that period.
Sources of funds
Application of Funds.
Operating profit
Repayment of
……………… ……………….
Issue of shares and debentures
debentures ………………
Receipts of ………………
Reduction in share
dividend and
……………… Capital
Sales Proceeds of
Non-current asset ……………… Interest and ………………
dividend paid
Long – term
[Payment of Long
Borrowings ………………
term loans.
Decrease in
working Capital
Increase in
working capital
……………… ………………
Funds flow statement
A beginning in organized milk heading was made in India with in India with the
establishment of the “military dairy forms” (oldest is Allahabad, 1989), the salient features of
the market of milk industry so far have been,
Handing of milk in co-operative milk union (oldest “Allahabad” 1913) established all
over the country on a small scale in the early stages.
Long distance of refrigerator rail transport of milk from Amul to Mumbai since 1955.
Pasteurization and bulling on a large scale for organized distribution on a large scale
for organized distribution was started as
array(1950)world(1961),Calcutta(haringhattor7959),Delhi(1959), Chennai(1965)etc.,
Establishment of milk plant under the 5 year plant for dairy development all over India
these were taken up with the dual object of increasing the national level of milk
consumption and ensuring better return to the primary milk producer their maim was to
produce mare better and cheaper milk
The time has arrived for dairy players to skim the cream out of the milk business.
Rising consumption coupled with better margins in the value added dairy products (VADPs)
are driving the dairy players to get into the growth and higher profitable trajectory. Change in
demographics and rapid urbanization have resulted into manifold surge in the demand for
Milk products such as curd which were largely home products are currently available under
various brands. Due to convenience, health benefits and increased consumerism, milk
derivatives like buttermilk, low fat yogurt and flavored milk are nowadays part of regular
Funds flow statement
Further, there was minimal involvement of private players in the industry as approximately
80% of the retail price of the liquid milk went back to the farmers leading to low operating
margins (4-5%). This was despite the consistent upsurge in the retail prices of the liquid milk.
Consequently, the dairy companies were left with insufficient internal funds to plough back
into the operations for adoption of modern technologies or development of milk variants.
The above reasons coupled with factors such as evolving tastes and preferences, higher
affordability, etc, lead to the entities venturing into the VADP segment for better profitability.
Over the past decade, significant transformation took place in the Indian demographic space
which led to heightened consumer interest in VADPs. This shift in the dynamics of the
industry proved beneficial for the manufacturers since margins in VADPs are more than
double the margins in the liquid milk segment. The profitability in liquid milk space ranges
from 4-5%, whereas the profitability in VADPs ranges from12% to 18%, attracting private
participation in the industry.
As per the industry estimates, the share of VADP in the milk and milk derivatives segment is
growing currently at around 25% every year and is expected to grow at the same rate until
Product innovations are likely to accelerate India’s dairy market which is anticipated to
improve industry margins by attaining greater scale, higher capacity use and an increasing
contribution from new milk variants. Further, the development of processing and packaging
Funds flow statement
technology along with improvement in retail and cold storage infrastructure has increased the
shelf life of dairy products.
As per NDDB, the Indian dairy industry is all set to experience high growth rates in the next
eight years with demand likely to reach 200 million tonnes by 2022 from 132 million tonnes
in 2013. Presently, only 20% of the milk production comes from the organized sector
comprising co-operatives and private dairies. The paramount factors driving the growth in the
dairy sector include rising disposable incomes, advent of nuclear families and fast/instant
food gaining ground in India. Other factors such as structural changes in food habits,
expansion of fast food chains and popularity of pizzas and pastas aided the usage of milk
variants of mozzarella cheese, processed cheese and flavored milk etc.
Consumer preference towards VADPs is taking forward the dairy sector. Besides brown-
field/ green-field expansion, global dairy companies too are venturing into milk derivatives
business in this part of the world.
The most recent one is the 100% acquisition of Tirumala Milk Products Pvt Ltd by Groupe
Lactalis SA, France, one of the largest dairy players in the world. Another French dairy major
Danone has also increased its presence in the Indian dairy sector with slew of product
launches such as flavored curd, yoghurt etc.
Funds flow statement
Other investments include Nestle India’s acquisition of 26% stake in Indocon Agro and
Allied Activities Pvt Ltd and Hatsun Agro Products Ltd acquiring 100% stake in Jyothi Dairy
Pvt Ltd. Companies such as Parag Milk Foods Pvt Ltd, Prabhat Dairy Pvt Ltd have
augmented their capacities in the recent past to meet the increased demand of milk products.
India consumption story and diversification by dairy players into VADPs are drawing
interests of investors which have led to surge in the PE deals.
The prominent deals include investment by IDFC and Motilal Oswal in Parag Milk Food Pvt
Ltd, Rabobank group and India Agribusiness Fund in Prabhat Dairy Pvt Ltd, IFC into
Modern Dairies Ltd and Blackriver Investment in Dolda Dairy Ltd.
In one of the most recent investments, Fidelity Growth Partners, India, along with
participation of the existing social venture investor, Aavishkaar, have invested in Odisha-
based Milk Mantra Dairy Pvt Ltd. Recent deals in the sector are the indication that the
investors perceive value in the deals and see growth prospects in the Indian dairy space.
Right product mix likely to have a positive impact on the credit profile of dairy companies
Traditionally, the credit risk profile of dairy companies was characterized by low profitability
and moderate liquidity. The dairy companies rated by CARE are largely in the BBB or BB
category (refer the graph below) primarily on account of moderate solvency profile.
However, Mother Dairy Fruit And Vegetable Private Ltd, Co-operatives associated with
Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation and some private dairies are in the ‘AA’ and
‘A’ rating category on account of their superior procurement and marketing channels and
high share of VADPs in product portfolio. During FY14, the credit profile of CARE rated
dairy companies have broadly remained stable.
Funds flow statement
As on June 30th, 15
The entities with the right product mix of liquid milk and VADPs are expected to have better
profitability and solvency parameters. Consequently, there is a high possibility of
improvement in the credit profiles of such companies given the robust milk procurement and
distribution system.
Funds flow statement
Tirumala Milk Products Pvt Ltd is a professionally managed company engaged in the
manufacture of wide range of dairy products.
stablished in 1998, Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. Is one of the fastest growing
private sector enterprises in India E with a team of dedicated professionals? The company has
one of the most modern and versatile plants in the Indian daily industry with state of the art
Tirumala Milk Products Pvt Ltd. Products meet stringent quality of the market for
dairy products. Tirumala Milk Products Pvt Ltd. Is presently implementing an expansion
programmed and proposes to launch now products in the near feature.
Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd sells a rich varied offering of nutritious, tasty and
healthy food products under well known brand. Taste, health convenience reliability for
consumers are key characteristics. Milk comes from cattle herd that receive the best care
along with healthy and notorious diet in the form of quality feed to ensure that they produce
wholesome, high quality milk.
The major contributors to the success of Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd are
The company has the advantages of procurement of quality buffalo and cow milk
through a strong network of chilling centers spread across states of Andhra Pradesh,
Tamilnadu, and Karnataka, strong roods in local markets and first had knowledge of the local
culture business intelligence and technical expertise that is applied to serve our consumers.
A beginning in organized milk heading was made in India with in India with the
establishment of the “military dairy forms” (oldest is Allahabad, 1989), the salient features of
the market of milk industry so far have been
Handing of milk in co-operative milk union (oldest “Allahabad” 1913) established all
over the country on a small scale in the early stages.
Long distance of refrigerator rail transport of milk from Amul to Mumbai since 1955.
Pasteurization and bulling on a large scale for organized distribution on a large scale
for organized distribution was started
asarray(1950)world(1961),Calcutta(haringhattor7959),Delhi(1959), Chennai(1965)etc.
Establishment of milk plant under the 5 year plant for dairy development all over India
these were taken up with the dual object of increasing the national level of milk
Funds flow statement
consumption and ensuring better return to the primary milk producer their maim was
to produce mare better and cheaper milk.
Actual expenditure of the milk industry in India’s first three cove year plans
Tirumala Milk products (P) Ltd is a milk refinery industry situated at Pasupatturu
(Vill), Palamaner. Its operation is restricted to Bangalore, Kolar and Chittoor dist.
The business work under a team of dedicated professionals set up where the raw milk
procured at village level and processed in respective district dairies and the produced is sold
to the metropolitan market.
It is service oriented it’s mainly of concerned with production of milk and milk
products such as ghee, butter milk etc.
A vision reflects management’s aspirations for the organization and its business, providing
panoramic view of “where we are going” and giving specific about its future business plans.
It spells out long term business purpose and moulds organizational identity.
“To produce and supply superior quality products with exceptional customer service
to eventually grow as market leader in dairy industry”.
Funds flow statement
Vision of Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. Will constantly strive to market quality
products at competitive prices provide value to the business partners, all the while delivering
exceptional customers services with the highest regard for business ethics.
Ensuring the safety of daily foods is a responsibility of the dairy industry, dairy
farmers and dairy professors. Milk and other dairy products are among the safest and most
highly regulated foods in the world.
The company has established a various and far-reaching food safety program that
ensures that the milk and dairy products you and your family enjoy remain pure and
The company has well maintained laboratories in all plants. Technically qualified
staff tests the milk and milk products. Quality assurance programs are implemented at every
stage to ensure quality of milk and milk products
To serve one customers with better products and higher quality services than is available
from any other dairy company at present.
To achieve longevity by adapting to our customers changing needs and market trends.
To invest in the abilities opportunities. And team work of the employees thus igniting
passion, commitment, and success.
Conduct vaccination programs to cattle for all the milk supply farmers.
Provide first aid and medical facilities with n the factory for the employees and also to the
producers for their cattle. They send doctors to check the cattle.
Supply the good quality cattle food to the producers to the milk.
Competitor’s Information:
The There are 125 competitors from private and government factors. main are
A) Nandini
B) Heritage
D) Shruthi
E) Swastic
F) Gold fiefs
Funds flow statement
In recognition of its efforts and achievement sin the dairy foods industry and in
acknowledgement of all the challenges surmounted. Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd has won
many awards and certificates.
More enduring than any public recognition for the company’s contribution is the
satisfaction that the company enjoys by creation a superior product and giving back to the
Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. Is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company. The dairy is
following quality management system and food safety standards.
SWOT analysis is a tool for auditing an organization and its environment. It is the
first stage of planning and helps marketers to focus on key issues.
SWOT stands for Strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Strengths and
weaknesses are internal factor. Opportunities and a threats are external factors, with a little
thought, it can help you un-cover opportunities that you are well placed to take advantage of.
And by understanding the weaknesses of your business, you manage and eliminate
threats that would otherwise catch you unawares.
A word of caution, SWOT analysis can be very subjective. Do not rely on SWOT too
Timely delivery
Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd has very good infrastructure and nature around the
Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd pays the highest price for the milk collected from farmers
in India and loyalty among customers for the brand.
Raw milk handling needs is up grade in terms of psycho-chemical and micro biological
attributes of the milk collected. The use of clarification and bactofugation in raw milk
processing has improved the quality of the milk products.
High overheads.
Weather problems
The computer monitories the utilization of utilities such as water, electricity, steam etc
hence, it is possible to adopt efficient cost control measures to attain cost competitiveness.
Product diversification
Un-aware of the Tirumala brand, therefore the company can undertake aggressive
Cost consumer market and untapped demand for new Tirumala products like Tirumala
FCM, ice-cream and sterilized flavored milk.
Rural population does not have adequate information about Tirumala brand.
There are 32 competitors to Tirumala products among them the main competitors are
Nandini, Heritage, Arogya, and Swastik.
The organization consists of board of directors at the apex under which the factory
manager other managers work.
1. Managing Director
2. General Manager
B. Quality Controller
C. Administration Manager
The middle level management, which assists the top level management is their work,
is as follows:
1. Manager for purchases and manager for sales and distribution to assist manager
for commercials.
2. There is administration manager and manager for stores to assist manager for
3. Statistical quality control department and technical supervisors are there to help
technical manager.
3 DrN.VenkataRao Director
Funds flow statement
The main plant has modern equipment’s to manufacture milk products like Butter, ghee
and milk powder.
Butter is made from pure Cow and Buffalo fat under hygienically processed through
continuous butter making machine with a capacity of 8 tons per day. Ghee is making from
pure cow and buffalo butter for under supervision of 30 years experienced dairy.
Technologists to retain granulation, color and aroma of ghee with a capacity of tones per
Milk powder is making from fresh cow and buffalo milk and the plant is capable of
producing all types of milk powders with capacity of 15 tons per day.
TIRUMALA MILK PRODUCTS (P) LTD. covers the entire spectrum of dairy products
sold in markets. The complete ranges of TIRUMALA MILK PRODUCTS (P) LTD. are
highly nutritious, healthy and bring you a world of goodness.
TIRUMALA MILK PRODUCTS (P) LTD. pasteurizes and packages all fresh dairy
products in technologically superior and hygienic conditions to ensure pure natural freshness.
TIRUMALA MILK PRODUCTS (P) LTD., Handles 6.5 Lakhs Liters of Milk per day in
all their packing Stations and main dairy plant which is the highest in the state of Andhra
TIRUMALA MILK PRODUCTS (P) LTD. handles milk in the following locations:
Funds flow statement
TIRUMALA MILK PRODUCTS (P) LTD. has its main dairy plant at Kadivedu with
handling capacity of 4.0 lakhs liters of milk per day from various chilling centers and
local units.
Main plant processes 3.0 Lakhs liters of milk per day in automatic sachet filling
machines for supply and distribution to Chennai, Tirupati, Nellore, etc… in insulated
There is continuous growth in sale of milk from 50000 liters to 350000 liters with in a
span of one-decade.
TIRUMALA MILK PRODUCTS (P) LTD. has its own supply chain management,
which is the key to timely distribution.
Funds flow statement
At our Palamaner unit processes and supplies 1.00 lakh liters of milk and 20000 liters
of curd to Bangalore city.
Our Vellalacheruvu & Bhimadolu packing stations processes and supplies 2.0 lakh
liters of milk to Hyderabad, Warangal, Vijayawada. Elure, Guntur and Rajahmundry.
Our Wadiyaram plant has capacity of 50000 Liters milk to cater to the markets of
Medak, Nizamabad, Adilabad and Karim Nagar Districts of A.P
The Main Plant has modern equipment’s to manufacture milk products like Butter,
Ghee and Milk Powder.
Butter is made from pure cow & buffalo fat under hygienically processed through
continues butter making machine with a capacity of 8 tons per day.
Ghee is made from pure cow & buffalo butter under supervision of 30 years
experienced dairy technologists to retain granulation, color and aroma of ghee with a
capacity of 8 tons per day.
Milk powder is made from fresh cow & buffalo milk and the plant is capable of
producing all type of milk powders with a capacity of 15 tons per day.
By-Products like Sterilized Flavoured Milk, Lassie, Khova, Milk Cake, Mysore pak,
Ice creams
Funds flow statement
We are amongst the leading manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers and traders of Dairy
Products. These products are processed under the constant surveillance of our team of experts
that uses premium quality buffalo and cow milk. Our products can be availed at market
prices. Following are the products we offer our clients:
Funds flow statement
Funds flow statement
Funds flow statement
This study refers to only individual enterprise i.e., Tirumala Milk Product (P) Ltd. In
fact, an examination of all components of Current Assets will enable to assess the efficiency
of working capital management as all these components are interrelated.
This statement is prepared with Current Liabilities as appearing in the balance sheet
of the Company.
This statement is also prepared with sources of funds & application of funds as
appearing in the balance sheet of the company.
Funds flow statement
Source of data
The data should be collected through both primary & secondary data.
Primary data would be collected with help of structured questionnaire which would
be given to 100 employees working in M/s Tirumala Milk products ( P ) ltd. Palamaner,
Secondary data would be collected from the book published, articles and through electronic
Sample size
All the 100 employees will be considered as respondents for the study.
Survey design
The survey is based on primary source of data. Three methods of primary data are
selected to conduct the study that is., the questionnaire method, observation method and the
personal interview method. Since the statement in the questioners are schedule were
quantified on a five point scale using like type technique.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Methods of sampling
There are many sample methods to collect data. The sampling method used is simple,
random sampling.
According to this method the sample is collected randomly for example taking every
tenth house in a street or taking every fifth employee in the universe is simple random
Sources of data
The data has been collected from both primary and secondary sources for the research
Primary data
Questionnaire is used as tool for primary data collection. The assistant general manager
serves as a source of primary data for the research work.
Interview method:
This method comes under primary data. This method involves presentation of oral-
verbal stimuli and reply in terms of oral-verbal responses. This method includes personal
interviews, which are useful in collecting data by asking questions in face-to-face contact to
other person.
Questionnaire Method:
This is also comes under primary data. In this method a questionnaire is sent to the
persons or employees concerned with a request to answer the questions and return the
questionnaire. A questionnaire consists of no. of questions printed or typed in a definite
order. The respondents have to answer the questions on their own.
Questionnaire Design
A structured direct questionnaire has been used to obtain information from workers.
An open ended question gives the respondent complete freedom to decide the form length
and decide of the form.
Funds flow statement
It contains
a. Dichotomous Questions:
The dichotomous questions has only two answers in the form of “Yes” or “No”,
In the case of multiple-choice question the respondents is offered or more choices. The
personal researchers have exhausted all he possible choice and respondent has to indicate
which one is applicable in the following cases.
Secondary Data:
Secondary data work collected from journals training manual of M/s Tirumala Milk
Products (P) Ltd. and through internet.
Secondary data may either be published or unpublished data. Published data are
available in various publications of the company. This is also collected from the various
books, magazines and newspapers. The sources of the unpublished data are mainly like
diaries, letters, and unpublished biographies and also may be available with scholars and
research workers, trade associations, lab our bureaus and public/private individuals and
The general manager suggested going for the study on “performance appraisal” in
Tirumala Milk Products [p] Ltd.
Data Collection:
Funds flow statement
Investigator followed schedule and the questionnaire method through direct interview to
accumulate data.
1) Study is limited only to M/s Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd., Palamaner.
2) The reluctance of the respondents to reveal the personal information has acted as a
limitation factor.
3) The time factor was also as a constraint in gathering data completion of the project.
The present study entitled “A study on Performance appraisal” with special reference
to Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd.
Funds flow statement
It provides through study on the subject, statement of problem, scope, objective, study
research methodology, limitations and plan of the study.
Portrays the collected data being tabulated and analyzed through appropriated
statistical tools and techniques. To draw influences and suggestions.
It provides the overview knowledge on the outcomes of the study and conclusion and
on the facts.
Industry Profile
Company profile
Research Methodology
. . working capital
Increase Decrease
. .
Current Assts
Inventory 5,57,62,138 9,18,21,066 3,60,58,928
Sundry debtors 64,96,711 34,54,410 30,42,301
Cash and bank 36,48,490 45,84,931 9,36,441
Deposits 1,21,11,184 3,27,82,471 2,06,71,287
Loans and advances 96,16,257 1,66,09,002 69,92,745
and prepaid expenses
Total Current 8,76,34,780 14,92,51,880
Assets (a)
Current liabilities
and Provisions
Current liabilities 2,90,82,760 3,69,79,282 78,96,522
Provisions 40,58,402 45,58,958 5,00,556
It is clear from the above table that the current Assets of the company have increased
from Rs87,63,780 in 2011 to Rs14,92,51,880 in 2012 the Current Liabilities of the company
are showing increasing trend it is recorded as Rs.3,31,41,162 in 2011 and increases to
Rs4,15,38,240 in 2012 there is increased in working capital of Rs.5,32,20,022.
Funds flow statement
It is event from above table that the table Funds Flow during the period from 2011-
2012 Rs. 7,93,82,214. In this 2011-2012 organization purchased a fixed asset of Rs.
2,41,62,192 and funds from operations are Rs.2,05,39,377
Funds flow statement
. . working capital
Increase Decrease
. .
Current Assts
Inventory 9,18,21,066 10,90,75,147 1,72,54,081
Sundry debtors 34,54,410 63,58,113 29,03,703
Cash and bank 45,84,931 43,21,650 2,63,281
Deposits 3,27,82,471 2,63,67,433 6,415,038
Loans and advances and 1,66,09,002 2,53,67,448 87,58,446
prepaid expenses
It is clear from the above table that the current Assets of the company have decreased
from Rs14,92,51,880 in 2012 to Rs17,14,89,791 in 2013 the current Liabilities of the
company are showing increasing trend it is recorded as Rs. 4,15,38,240 in 2012 and
increases to Rs5,03,79,369 in 2013 there is increased in working capital of Rs. 1,33,96,782.
Funds flow statement
6,96,56,646 6,96,56,646
. . working capital
Increase Decrease
. .
Current Assts
Inventory 10,90,75,147 10,07,60,856 83,14,291
Sundry debtors 63,58,113 68,44,432 4,86,319
cash and bank 43,21,650 73,47,643 30,25,993
Deposits 2,63,67,433 3,88,38,401 1,24,70,968
Loans and advances and 2,53,67,448 2,22,84,157 30,83,291
prepaid expenses
It is clear from the above table that the current Assets of the company have minor
increased from Rs.17,14,89,791 in 2013 to Rs.17,60,75,489 in 2014 the current Liabilities of
the company are showing increase trend it is recorded as Rs.5,03,79,369 in 2013 and
increases to Rs.6,86,49,191 in 2014 there is decreased in working capital of Rs.1,36,84,124
Funds flow statement
It is event from above table that the table Funds Flow during the period from 2013-
2014 Rs.6,52,28,504. Organization purchased a fixed asset.
Funds flow statement
. . working capital
Increase Decrease
. .
Current assts
Inventory 10,07,60,856 25,89,35,801 15,81,74,945
Sundry debtors 68,44,432 2,36,66,599 1,68,22,167
cash and bank 73,47,643 69,90,208 3,57,435
Deposits 3,88,38,401 14,42,73,003 1,05,434,602
Loans and advances and 2,22,84,157 4,80,86,695 2,58,02,538
prepaid expenses
Total Current Assets (a) 17,60,75,489 48,19,52,306
It is clear from the above table that the current Assets of the company have increased
from Rs.17,60,75,489 in 2014 to Rs.48,19,52,306 in 2015 the current Liabilities of the
company are showing decreasing trend it is recorded as 6,86,49,191 in 2014 and decreases to
Rs.17,37,35,231 in 2015 there is increased in working capital of Rs.20,07,90,777.
Funds flow statement
It is event from above table that the table Funds Flow during the period from 2014-
2015 Rs.31,44,19,957.
Funds flow statement
. . working capital
Increase Decrease
. .
Current assts
Inventory 25,89,35,801 27,14,28,799 1,24,92,998
Sundry debtors 2,36,66,599 1,81,13,070 55,53,529
cash and bank 69,90,208 77,87,309 7,97,101
Deposits 14,42,73,003 12,95,69,540 1,47,03,463
Loans and advances and 4,80,86,695 7,23,33,257 2,42,46,562
prepaid expenses
Total Current Assets(a) 48,19,52,306 49,92,31,975
It is clear from the above table that the current Assets of the company have increased
from Rs.48,19,52,306 in 2015 to Rs.49,92,31,975 in 2016 the current Liabilities of the
company are showing increasing trend it is recorded as Rs.1,77,35,231 in 2015 and increases
to Rs.20,54,62,123 in 2016 there is decreased in working capital of Rs.1,44,47,223.
Funds flow statement
It is event from above table that the table Funds Flow during the period from
2015-2016 Rs.11,34,41,982.
Funds flow statement
Ratios can be grouped into various classes according to financial activity or function
to be evaluated. The parties interested in financial analysis are short & long term creditor.
Owners & Management’s Short-term creditor’s main interest is in the liquidity positions or
the short-term solvency of the firm. Long-term creditors on the other hand are more
interested in the long term solvency and profitability of the firm. Management is interested in
evaluating every aspect of the firm’s performance. They have to protect the interest of all
parties and see that the firm grows profitability. In view of the requirement of the various
users of ratios, the ratios are classified into four important categories.
A. Liquidity ratios
B. Leverage ratios
D. Profitability ratio.
Funds flow statement
Current ratio, include cash and those assets, which can be converted into cash within a
year, such as marketable securities, debtors and inventories.
Current liabilities include creditors, bills payable, accrued expenses, short term bank
loan, income tax liability and long term debt maturing in current year.
The current ratio is a measure of the firm’s short term solvency. A current ratio of 2
to 1 or more is considered satisfactory. The current ratio represents a margin of safety for
creditors. The higher the current assets are in relation to current liabilities, the more is the
firm’s ability to meet its current obligations.
Firms with less than 2 to 1 current ratio may be doing well, while firms with 2 to 1 or
even higher current ratios may be struggling to meet their obligation. It is a test of quantity,
not quality. The current ratio is a crude and quick measure of the firm’s liquidity.
Current Assets
Current Ratio =
Current liabilities
2011-2012 to 2015-2016
Current Current
Year Ratio
Assets Liabilities
Current Ratio
4 3.59
3 2.78
2.57 2.43
0 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
2010- 2011- 2012- 2013- 2014-
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
The current ratio measures the firm’s short – term solvency. The standard norm for
current ratio is 2:1. During the year 2011 -2012 the ratio is 3.59 and it has decreased to 3.4.
During the year 2012-2013. In the year 2013-2014 it decrease and 2014-2015 increased 2.57
& 2.78 and again decreased to 2.43 in the year 2015-2016. However the ratio was
Funds flow statement
This ratio establishes a relationship between quick, or liquid, assets and current
liabilities. An asset is liquid if it can be converted into cash immediately reasonably soon
without a loss of value. Chas is the most liquid and included in quick assets are book debts
and marketable securities. Inventories normally require some time for realizing into cash. The
quick ratio is found out by dividing quick assets by current liabilities.
Liquid Assets
Quick Ratio =
Current liabilities
2011-2012 to 2015-2016
Quick Ratio
1.4 1.38
1.24 1.28
1.2 1.09 1.11
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Quick ratio indicates the extent to which you could pay current liabilities without
relying on the safe on inventory. The standard norm for the Quick Ratio is 1:1. The Quick
Ratio is 1.38 in 2011-2012 and decreased to 1.24 in 2012-2013 and again decreased to 1.09 in
2013-2014. In next year it is increased to 1.28 during the year of 2014-2015 and again
decreased to 1.11 in the year of 2015-2016. However, the ratio was above the standard norm
so the ratio was satisfactory.
It is suggested that it would be useful, for the management if the liquidity measure
also takes into account reserve borrowing power. As the firm’s real debt paying ability
depends not only on cash resources available with it but also on its capacity on its capacity on
borrow from the market at short notice. Absolute liquid assets include cash in hand and at
bank and marketable securities or temporary investments.
2011-12 to 2015-16
Liquid Ratio
0.8 0.79
Absolute Liquid Ratio is inferred from the above table that cash ratio is continuously
increasing. So the company maintains cash reserves in the same manner in future also. The
Absolute Liquid Ratio is 0.79 in 2011-2012 and decreased to 0.52 in 2012-2013 and again
increased to 0.58 in 2012-2013. In next year it is increased to 0.83 during the year of 2014-
2015 and again decreased to 0.63 in the year of 2015-2016.
Working capital of a concern is directly related to sales, the current assets like
debtors, bills receivable, cash stock etc. Change within the increase of decrease in sales.
Working capital Turnover Ratio indicates velocity of the utilization of Net Working capital;
this ratio indicates number of times the working capital is turned over in the course of year.
This ratio measures the efficiency with which capital is being used by a firm.
TABLE – 4 shows that the calculation of Net Working Capital Ratio from
2011-12 to 2015-16
Graph – 4 Shows that the Net Working Capital Ratio from 2011-12 to 2015-16
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015
Net working capital measures the firms potential reservoir of funds it can be related
net assets and the ratio is 0.58 in 2011-2012 and it is decreased to 0.48 & 0.40 in 2012-2013
and 2013-2014. And gradually it is increased to 0.53& 0.46 during the years of 2014-2015
and 2015-2016.
Funds flow statement
The working capital in 2011-2012 has increase by Rs.53,22,022. This was due to
increase in Inventories, Cash & Bank, Deposits, and Loans & Advance and prepaid
In the year 2011-2012 Funds inflow is increased due to issue of capital, working in
progress, secured loans and funds from operations. The outflow of funds is purchases
of fixed assets, purchases of Investment, and Increase in working capital.
In the year 2012-2013 Funds inflow are Secured loan and funds from operations,
funds outflow are increase in working capital, purchases of fixed assets, and working
in progress.
The Working capital in 2013-2014 has decrease by Rs.1,36,81,424. This was due to
increase in Current Assets that is Cash & Bank, Deposits, and Debtors. Other
decrease Inventories, Loans and Advance and prepaid expenses.
In the year 2013-2014 Funds inflow are working progress, secured loans, decease in
working capital and funds from operation. Outflow of funds are purchase of fixed
The Working Capital in 2014-2015 has increase by Rs.20,07,90,777. This was due to
increase to Inventory, Sundry Debtors, and Loans & Advances and Prepaid expenses.
In the year 2014-2015 funds inflow are issue of capital, secured loans and funds from
operations. The outflow of funds is purchase of fixed assets, purchase of investment,
working progress, and increase in working capital.
The Working Capital in 2015-2016 has decrease by Rs.1,44,47,223. This was due to
decrease in Sundry Debtors, Deposits, Current Liabilities and Provision.
In the year 2015-2016 funds inflow are decease in working capital and funds from
operation. Funds outflow is purchase of fixed asset, working capital progress, and
secured loans.
Funds flow statement
Funds flow statement
The current liabilities are on increasing trend, so researchers suggested that to control
the increasing of current liabilities and increasing the current assets for better future
activities of the firm. Does not increase in the same proportion in future.
The standard current ratio is 2:1. The company’s current ratio is above the standard it
is suggested that the company maintain its current ratio standard norm for better
development of financial sources in future.
The current assets have increased tremendously, therefore, the researchers advised to
reduce the current assets, if too much is invested on current assets there will be
blockage of funds which could otherwise be utilized for some productive purpose.
The firm should establish optimum capital structure.
The company has idle cash balance which may reduce the profitability of the
company. It was suggested that may invest such idle cash in marketable securities.
Steps should be initiated in order to cut down the expenses of the company which are
found to affect profitability of the company.
Efficient of assets utilizations for revenue generation is suggested.
Efforts should be made to improve sales level so as to increase funds from operation.
Funds flow statement
The funds flow statement is a statement, which shows the movement of funds and is a
report to the financial operations of the business undertaking. It indicates various means by
which funds were obtained during a particular period and the ways in which these funds were
Funds flow statement
2011 2012
I) Sources of Funds
1) Shareholder's Funds
a) Share Capital 1,30,50,000 2,30,50,000
b) Reserves & Surplus 23569934 3,61,05,831
a) Secured Loans 7,93,40,910 1,263,78,626
h) Unsecured Loans
Total 11,59,60,844 18,55,34,457
II) Application of funds
1) Fixed Assets
a) Gross Block 7,11,35,061 11,13,86,856
b) Less: Depreciation 2,50,48,428 4,11,38,031
Net Block 4,60,86,633 7,02,48,825
Capital Work in Progress 66,76,916 48,71,395
Total 5,27,63,549 7,51,20,220
2)Investment 6,10,000 26,10,000
3) Current Assets, Loans and Advances.
2013 2014
I) Sources of Funds
1) Shareholder's Funds
h) Unsecured Loans
1) Fixed Assets
2015 2016
I) Sources of Funds
1) Shareholder's Funds
h) Unsecured Loans
1) Fixed Assets
Funds flow statement
I.M.PANDEY, financial management Vikas publishing house ltd, New Delhi1995, 9th
M.Y.KHAN& P.K.JAIN , financial management ,Tata McGraw-hill publishing &co,
ltd, New Delhi,5th Edition.
PRASANNA CHANDRA, financial management ,Tata McGraw-hill publishing &co,
ltd, New Delhi,7th Edition.