Meccg01high PDF
Meccg01high PDF
Meccg01high PDF
The Official MECCG Newsletter
Introduction (cont.)
(Continued from page 1) And finally, The Final Word will al- Also, I will keep my eye open for any
low me to spout out my opinions, mis- artist I see there, and try to manage a
The Card Review will be a column directed or no, and woe be to those of a short interview with any of them.
devoted to spotlighting a particular sensitive nature. The ideas expressed
MECCG card, either because of recent in The Final Word column are my per- [Editor’s Note: I was unable to speak
rulings or the reviewer’s whim. sonal opinions, are subject to change, to any artists, but saw many great
and do not reflect the ideas or opinions works of art while I was there.]
In future issues I will be including Na- of Iron Crown Enterprises or their em-
tional Rankings when available. ployees. Don’t sweat it. Thanks again for tuning in, and I hope
Please keep in mind that these rank- you thoroughly enjoy this first issue!
ings may change at any time following I have written most of the articles in
their publication in this Newsletter. this issue, and will continue to do so James Kight
for the foreseeable future. I will gladly Crown Guard, NC Piedmont Area
Also in future issues I will feature a accept article ideas or submissions if
MECCG Quiz that will test your you have something you’d like to con-
knowledge of the cards in general, or tribute. Submission guidelines are de-
from a particular set. Answers will be tailed later in this issue.
included in the same issue.
For the next issue, I will have returned
In an effort to give you, the reader, an from Origins in Ohio and will fill all of
idea of the other games that are avail- you in on all the happenings at the con-
able in the market, I will be including vention. Expected demos at Origins
a Game Review beginning next issue. are Elrond’s House (a new Middle
Earth board game), Orcs & Trolls (a
Those of you who feel creative can fixed set card game where you play as
submit an idea to the Card Idea col- either an orc or a troll). I am also ea-
umn, and I will be glad to include it as ger to see the new Middle Earth Battle
well as make my own observations. System. I got a brief glance of it at
PrezCon this year, and I must say I Orc Veteran by Quinton Hoover © 1994 Wizards of the Coast
There will also be a letters page begin- was impressed! The best thing so far
ning next issue called Moon Letters. about the Battle System is its easy of
Thanks to Spencer Carney for provid- play. It plays almost exactly like Si-
ing the name for the letters page. lent Death for those of you who have
played ICE’s space combat game.
The Official MECCG Newsletter
Article Submissions
Have an idea for an article? Is there someone you email it to me so I can put it in the newsletter that much indicate where in the article you need them to go.
would like for me to interview? Have a gripe that you quicker (Lord knows we all hate to type). Thanks! You can contact me at:
would like to voice? Send me a letter!
Please make sure your articles have a focus, and that James Kight
Put your ideas down and let me know what you think you stick to it. Try to stay between 1000 and 1500 115 North Gordon Drive
of each issue, what you would like to see, what you words at the most, though I will make exceptions if Apartment 2
would like me to change, or anything else that’s on necessary. If you have original graphics to include, I Winston-Salem, NC 27104
your mind. If you want to save time, send me your would prefer that you email them to me. If you need
article copy either typed single-spaced, or better yet, card images to be inserted, do not send card scans. Just [email protected]
The Official MECCG Newsletter
The Official MECCG Newsletter
The Official MECCG Newsletter
The Official MECCG Newsletter
The Official MECCG Newsletter
The Official MECCG Newsletter
Guys like Brom and Biz [Simon Bis- My sincere thanks to Quinton Hoover
Stealth (unpublished version) by Quinton Hoover
ley] do great work, but I consider © 2001 The Saul Zaentz Co. for taking the time out of his busy
This was considered too busy.
them part of a different school, I schedule to respond to my questions.
guess. Feel free to check out all the other
first discovered him, in of all places, a Quinton Hoover art that you see
TOMN: Who or what inspires you as t-shirt shop. Still have the t-shirt after throughout this issue. Expect to be
you paint? 17 years… As for what inspires me surprises as the Featured Artist section
most...well, the need to eat. This is continues!
Q: My influences are mostly older one of the few skills God saw fit to
comics guys: Kaluta, Wrightson, Win- give me, so I’d best put it to good use. Artists lined up for future issues in-
dsor-Smith. Wrightson was the first clude: Liz Danforth, Angelo Montan-
artist I could identify by style. Dis- TOMN: Do you have any plans to ini, Rob Alexander, Christina Wald,
covered Frazetta around the same publish your work in collected form? Donato Giancola, John Howe, Ted
time as Conan, and I can only pray for Naismith, and many others. Stay
that kind of talent. Alphonse Mucha Q: Not at present. I honestly don’t feel tuned!
is a profound influence on me, and I my body of work warrants it.
Survey Question
Each issue I will pose a different question question here so you can see how your fel- You can send your answers either by email
to you, the reader. This will serve as a low player’s feel about the subject as well. or snail mail to:
survey to find out how you folks feel about
certain issues of MECCG from the cards For my first question, I will as you one of James Kight
to the rules. the questions I asked Mike Reynolds: 115 North Gordon Drive
Apartment 2
I will also tabulate the answers to each of What card from MECCG do you think Winston-Salem, NC 27104
the questions and print the previous issue’s should never have been printed? [email protected]
The Official MECCG Newsletter
The Official MECCG Newsletter
The Official MECCG Newsletter
The Official MECCG Newsletter
The Official MECCG Newsletter
The Official MECCG Newsletter
Moon Letters
Test of Lore by Donato Giancola © 2001 The Saul Zaentz Co. Hidden Haven by Quinton Hoover © 2001 The Saul Zaentz Co.
True Fire Drake by Quinton Hoover © 2001 The Saul Zaentz Co.
Grave Robbers by Quinton Hoover © 2001 WotC Canyon Drake by Quinton Hoover © 2001 WotC
The Official MECCG Newsletter & logo All MECCG card images used are
© James Kight © 2001 The Saul Zaentz Co.
Editor & Designer - James Kight
Contributing Writer - Spencer Carney The following are © 1995-2001 Tolkien Enterprises, a
Featured Artist - Quinton Hoover division of the Saul Zaentz Company, Berkeley CA.:
All artwork in this issue illus. by Quinton Hoover Middle Earth: The Wizards, Middle Earth: The Dragons,
Except Rolled Down to the Sea (pg 7) illus. by Jeff Reitz Middle Earth: Dark Minions, Middle Earth: Lidless Eye,
and Test of Lore (pg 15) illus. by Donato Giancola Middle Earth: Against the Shadow, Middle Earth: The
White Hand, Middle Earth: The Balrog, Middle Earth,
Middle Earth Collectable Card Game, MECCG, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of
Lord of the Rings Card Game, Council of Lorien, ICE, the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King, all
it's logos and designs © Iron Crown Enterprises characters and places therein, and the Burning Eye are
trademark properties of Tolkien Enterprises. All Rights
Magic: The Gathering and all references thereof Reserved.
© Wizards of the Coast