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R6045e Mavs

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Midos Type MAVS 01,02,03

Check Synchronising Relay

● Optional undervoltage blocking
and differential voltage blocking
features available
● Low burden
● Wide range of phase angle setting
● Wide range of slip frequency timer
● Zero and infinity settings available
on timer
● Live line/dead bus and dead line/
live bus conditions can be
independently selected to cause
operation of the output relay
● Auxiliary supply can be ac or dc
● Front mounted led indicates when
output relay is operated
● Suitable for phase to neutral or
Figure 1: Type MAVS 01 relay withdrawn from case
phase to phase connections

Facilities to detect live/dead line and A level detector monitors the voltage
Models Available
bus, (Low voltage detectors), are on the capacitor allowing the timer to
There are three versions in the MAVS available in all three versions. operate for in-phase conditions and
range: disabling the timer for phase
differences greater than setting. A
MAVS 01: Measures phase angle
Description feedback circuit maintains the output
(See Figure 2) difference and slip
of the level detector while the
frequency and blocks Phase comparison circuit capacitor is discharged.
for voltage magnitude (all versions) The phase angle setting is adjusted by
below setting.
changing the value of resistance
MAVS 02: Measures phase angle The incoming line and bus voltages
through which the capacitor charges.
(See Figure 3) difference and slip are stepped down by two internal VTS
frequency and blocks and squared by operational
amplifiers. An exclusive OR circuit Timer (all versions)
for differential voltage
above setting. gives an output when the square The timer consists of an RC charging
waves are of opposite polarity, which circuit, one transistor to turn it on and
MAVS 03: Measures phase angle
charges a capacitor to a level another to short out the capacitor.
(See Figure 4) difference and slip
proportional to the duration of the The latter transistor is to reduce
frequency. exclusive OR output and hence to the overshoot to a minimum when the
Relay contacts will close when system phase difference between the phase angle exceeds the setting.
conditions are within preset limits to incoming voltages. The capacitor Variations of timer setting are
permit operation of the circuit discharges to zero while the exclusive achieved by changing the value of
breaker. OR output is off. charging resistor. The ‘infinity’ setting

is obtained by open circuiting the Undervoltage blocking of a system which are already
resistance and the ‘zero’ setting by (MAVS 01) synchronously connected via other
short circuiting the resistance. In this The output of each transformer is paths in the system. Auto-reclose is a
case a small resistor in series with the rectified and smoothed and fed to a good example of such a switching
capacitor limits the instantaneous level detector. The reference for the operation. Depending on the size of
charging current. level detectors is set by passing a load transfer and length of line,
A level detector monitors the voltage constant current into a resistance relatively large differences in
on the capacitor and switches on the chain, the value of which can be magnitude and phase angle can exist
output relay when the voltage reaches adjusted to change the setting. A between the voltages on either side of
a preset level. switch changes the value of constant the circuit breaker. The relay is set to
current to allow for phase to phase or the maximum phase angle and
phase to neutral connection. The voltage differences which allow the
Low voltage dectectors
outputs of the level detectors are circuit breaker to close without an
(all versions)
gated together to prevent the timer unacceptable level of disturbance in
Each transformer secondary voltage is the system. There should not be any
rectified and smoothed and starting if either input voltage is below
the setting. frequency difference but a slip
monitored by a level detector. The frequency check is often incorporated
output of each level detector is to ensure that the two parts to be
inverted and fed to an and gate with Differential voltage blocking
interconnected have not been totally
the non inverted output of the other (MAVS 02)
isolated electrically.
level detector. The and gate only gives
The output of each transformer is Slip frequency measurement is
an output when one input is high and
rectified and smoothed and the two achieved by checking that the phase
the other low, i.e. a dead line/live bus
signals obtained are subtracted. The angle traversed in a defined period is
or live line/dead bus condition. The
difference signal is amplified in a less than a predetermined value. The
outputs of the and gates are each
variable gain amplifier, whose gain is relation between timer setting (ts),
taken through a switch to the output
selected by the setting switches. The phase angle setting (θ) and limiting
output of this amplifier is compared slip frequency (∆f) is given by:
The outputs of the level detectors are
with a reference, which can be
gated together and used to block the ∆f = f1- f2 = 1 x θ (in Hertz)
changed by a switch to allow for
phase comparator output, thus ts 180
phase to phase or phase to neutral
preventing operation of the timer where f1 and f2 represent the
connection, by a level detector, the
when either input voltage is low.
output of which prevents the timer frequencies of the two voltages.
A switch changes the reference level starting when the difference between
of the level detectors to accommodate Table 1 illustrates the use of this
the input voltages exceeds the setting.
phase to phase or phase to neutral equation for some common relay
input voltages. settings.
For switching operations where an
The MAVS relays are designed to uncharged line or bus is to be
Power supply and output relay
measure two voltages with respect to connected to a live bus or line,
(all versions)
phase angle, frequency and undervoltage detectors can be used to
The auxiliary supply voltage is passed magnitude to safeguard against the bypass the synchronism check. The
through a bridge rectifier, to allow interconnection of two unsynchronised dead line/live bus or live line/dead
either ac or dc supplies to be chosen. systems. bus features are then selected to allow
Note that the auxiliary supply must be
The relays are mainly used in circuit breaker closure under these
specified as ac or dc by customer (see
switching operations to link two parts conditions.
Technical Data). In a 30/34V relay the
output of the bridge rectifier feeds a
series regulator, which produces Angle Setting (θ) Timer Setting (ts) Slip Frequency (∆f)
stabilised rails of +12V and +24V for (Degrees) (Seconds) (Hertz)
the measuring circuits, and the dc 208 1 0.111
supply for the output relay which is 5 0.022
driven from a constant current source 1 00.011
when an output signal is given by the 15 0.007
measuring circuits. A capacitor 358 1 0.194
smooths the ac input and holds the 5 0.039
voltage if a supply interruption of up 10 0.019
to 10ms occurs. 15 0.013
In high voltage versions a second
series regulator drops the incoming Table 1
voltage to an intermediate level for
the relay drive circuit.

Manual synchronising auxiliary relay 25X. Relay 25A is not Should the operator preclose the
sealed in at this stage, to permit closing switch and await the check
In applications where the relay is used
resetting if the synchronising synchronising relay to complete the
for manual synchronising of
operation is not performed before the process, the guard relay will be
generators or system synchronising,
phase angle between the incoming prevented from operating by switch
an auxiliary guard relay Type MVAZ
machine (VLINE) and the system contact 52L-2 and normally closed
03 may be used to ensure that the
(VBUS) once more exceeds the contact 25A, which short-circuits its
operator relies on synchronising
permitted limit. The MAVS gives an operating coil, and the closing circuit
equipment to initiate the closing of the
indication of ‘in synchronism’ by will not be completed.
breaker and uses the relay only as a
closure of its output contacts and The version MAVS 01 is often used in
check for synchronism rather than
operation of its output relay led. The conjunction with auto-reclose relays
transferring all responsibility to the
closing switch 52L should then be while the MAVS 02 is more often used
operated, which will energise 25X as a generator check synchronizer.
A typical application diagram is through normally-open contact 25A. The MAVS 03 is used in special
shown in figure 5. Relay 25X will energise the circuit- applications where undervoltage or
Under in-phase conditions when the breaker closing contact 52X, through voltage difference measurements are
check synchronising relay (MAVS) has a second contact on 52L. not required.
operated, guard relay 25A will Relay 25X seals in relay 25A whilst the
operate and prepare the circuit for the closing operation is in progress.

Figure 2: Typical application diagram: relay type MAVS 01 with undervoltage blocking.

Figure 3: Typical application diagram: relay type MAVS 02 with differential voltage blocking.

Figure 4: Typical application diagram: relay type MAVS 03.

Figure 5: Typical check synchronising scheme with auxiliary guard relay.

Technical Data
AC voltage (Vn) 63.5/110V at 50Hz
69.3/120V at 60Hz
Thermal withstand 150V continuously
Auxiliary supply (Vx)
Operating Range
Nominal Vmin Vmax Frequency
30/34 24 37.5 dc
48/54 37.5 60 dc
110/125 87.5 150 dc
220/250 175 275 dc
110/120 50 140 50/60Hz

AC burden 0.34VA at 110V (each input)
Auxiliary supply (typical current drain)
Vx Relay Relay Relay Relay Relay Relay
Operated Reset Operated Reset Operated Reset
34V dc 60mA 25mA 75mA 40mA 55mA 20mA
54V dc 70mA 50mA 85mA 65mA 65mA 45mA
125V dc 50mA 30mA 65mA 45mA 50mA 30mA
*250V dc 55mA 35mA 70mA 60mA 50mA 30mA
120V ac 80mA 50mA 95mA 65mA 65mA 45mA
*Uses external dropping resistor

Phase angle 58 to 82.58 in steps of 2.58
(calibrated at reset)
Timer 0 to 15.5s in steps of 0.5s plus infinity
(Typical operate time for 0 setting is
Live line/dead bus switching In or out
Dead line/live bus switching In or out
Rated voltage Phase-neutral or phase-phase
Undervoltage blocking 77.0 to 92.5% of rating in steps of
Differential voltage blocking 0 to 15.5% of rating in steps of 0.5%

Frequency Range 47-51Hz or 57-62Hz

Over these ranges the
maximum variations are:
Phase angle The reset phase angle varies by less
than 2% per Hz, or 0.15 degrees per
Hz, whichever is greater, increasing in
angle for frequencies above nominal
and decreasing for frequencies below
Timer 61% of setting
Dead line/dead bus detectors Unaffected by frequency variation
Undervoltage blocking Variation in blocking and reset levels
is 62% of setting
Differential voltage blocking Variation in blocking and reset levels
is 62% of rating

Input voltage range

Range 15% to 140% of rating
Phase angle Variation in reset phase angle, for
either VBUSor VLINE up to 10% of
rating away from nominal, is less than
0.25 degrees.
Over the input range 25% - 140% of
rating, the reset phase angle changes
by less than 0.4∞for every 10% of
rating between VBUS and VLINE.
Over the range 15% to 140% of
rating, the maximum variations are:
Timer 61% of nominal
Dead line/dead bus detectors
Undervoltage blocking Unaffected by ac voltage variation
Differential voltage blocking Variation in blocking and reset levels
is 62% of rating

Phase angle variation

Over the range 0 to 82.5,
the maximum variations are:
Dead line/dead bus detector Unaffected by phase angle variation
Undervoltage blocking
Differential voltage blocking Variation in blocking and reset levels
is 62% of rating

Reset Time Typically 30ms

Phase angle Over full setting range resets at
setting +08, - 28 (or -5%
whichever is greater)
Timer 65% or 650ms, whichever is
Dead line and dead bus detectors Operates at not less than 15% of
rated voltage
Resets at not greater than 40% of
rated voltage
Undervoltage blocking Blocks at setting 65% of setting
Differential voltage blocking Over setting range 2% to 10%
Blocks at setting 62% of rating

Contacts 2 changeover, self reset

Operation indicator: LED, self reset
Contact ratings
Make and carry for 0.2s 7500VA subject to maximum of 30A
and 300V ac or dc
Carry continuously 5A ac or dc
Break ac 1250VA
dc 50W resistance
25W, L/R = 0.04s subject to
maxima of 5A and 300V
Ambient temperature
Storage range -258C to +708C
Operating range -258C to+558C
Maximum variations over range:
Phase angle Variation in reset phase angle is 61%
or 0.28 of nominal whichever is
Timer 63%, - 6% of nominal
Dead line/dead bus detectors 65% of rating (the 15% and 40%
accuracy claims apply across the
temperature range)
Undervoltage blocking 63% of setting
Differential voltage blocking 63% of setting
Voltage withstand
IEC 255-5
BS 142 section 1.3 2kV rms for 1 minute between all
case terminals connected together
and the case
2kV rms for 1 minute between
independent circuits of the relay,
including contact circuits
1kV rms for 1 minute across the
contacts of the normally open
outgoing contact pairs
High voltage impulse withstand
IEC 255-5
BS 142 section 1.3 5kV peak, 1.2/50ms, 0.5J

High frequency disturbance test
IEC 255-22-1 Class III 2.5kV peak between independent
circuits and between circuits and case
1.0kV peak across input circuits
1MHz bursts decaying to 50% of peak
value after 3 to 6 cycles
Repetition rate 400 per second

Environmental withstand
Environmental classification
for storage only: 25/070/56
IEC 68
BS 2011
Operating -258C to + 558C
Storage and transport -258C to + 708C

IEC 68-2-3
BS 2011 Part 2.1Ca
Long Term damp heat 56 day severity
Enclosure protection IP50 (dust protected)
IEC 529
BS 5490
IEC 255-21-1 0.5g between 10 and 300Hz

Mechanical durability
Loaded contact 10,000 operations minimum
Unloaded contact 100,000 operations minimum

specifications The relay complies with relevant
clauses in the following specifications:
BS 142
IEC 255

Figure 6: Case outline: size 4.

Case Information required with

Type MAVS relays are housed in size 4 order
cases (see Figure 6). Relay type (see models available)
AC voltage and frequency
Auxillary voltage (ac or dc)


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