1 - PGDE - Educational Psychology Application

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No. Information on Course


2. Course Code: SGED 4022

3. Name(s) of Academic Staff:

 DR. Fauziah Md Jaafar

4. Rationale for the inclusion of the course in the programme:

This core course will expose the students to the concepts and theories in psychology of
learning. The application of theories such as psychology, psychology of learning
and psychology of growth and development in teaching and learning.
5. Semester/Year Offered: 1/1

6. Total Student Learning Face to face Online SLPA TLT

Time (SLT) Learning

TL = Traditional Lecture TL T P SCL/O A OL OA

T = Tutorial
P = Practical
SCL/O = Student Centered
A = Assessment
OL= Online Learning
11 9 8 18 46

OA = Online Assessment
SLPA= Self Learning
Preparation and Assessment
TLT = Total Learning Time

7. Credit Value: 2

8. Pre-requisite (if any): none

9. Objective(s) of Course :
After completing this course, students should be able to:
1. know the characteristics of growth and student development as well
as the factors that influence it.
2. Understand the entire aspects of student behavior in the classroom.
3. Find out the various theories of student development in teaching and learning

10. Course Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, students are able to
i. discuss principles, characteristics and factors influencing growth and
development of human beings. (C2, A2)

ii. identify isssues and the behavior of students in terms of physical, mental,
social and emotional in the context of the classroom. (C1,A1, P1)

iii. explain and relate knowledge of development concepts and theories to

educational issues.(C4, A3)

iv. apply knowledge of psychology theory in teaching and learning and

reflect on the implications. (C5)

11. Transferable Skills:

LOD 3- Social Skills and Responsibilities ,
LOD6-Problem Solving and Scientific Skills,
LOD7-Information Management and Lifelong Learning Skills

12. Teaching-learning and assessment strategy:

Mixed method between teacher-centred and student-centred. For the assessment
strategy it is a continuous assessment.

13. Synopsis:
This course exposes for understanding the 21th century learners, student
development and psychology of learning. This course also exposes students to the
application of theories related to student behaviour in terms of physical, emotion,
intellect and social in the classroom context. The application of theories such as
psychology, psychology of learning and psychology of growth and development in

teaching and learning. This course will help students to understand the importance
of psychological aspect in the classroom and the school and thus prepare them to
be an effective educators.

14. Mode of Delivery:

Traditional Lectures, Practical, Student Centred Learning, Project, Web Tools.

Assessment Methods and Types:

Coursework – 60%
- Assignment 1 – Problem Solving and writing– 30%, (Individual)
- Assignment 2 – Problem Solving and presentation – 30%, (Group work)

Examination – 40% (Final Examination)

16. Mapping of the course/module to the Programme Aims

Programme Education Objective Course Learning Outcomes

1 2 3 4

1. Apply knowledge and skills which would

enable them to work effectively in a range of √
educational settings;

2. Foster informed insights, awareness of

interest in and commitment to the aims and
values inherent in the theory and practice of √ √
education, in various contexts within the
educational settings;

3. Commit to the raising standard of

education and apply problem solving and
scientific skills in implementing the √ √
curriculum relevant to the needs of the
educational settings; and

4. Demonstrate a capacity for reflection and

critical analysis of their own practice, and
hence accept, anticipate and accommodate √
innovation for their own continuing
professional development.

17. Mapping of the course/module to the Programme Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

Programme Learning Outcomes

1 2 3 4

PLO 1: Demonstrate the usage of
pedagogical content knowledge which
would enable them to work effectively in a
range of educational settings

PLO 2: Prepare innovative lesson plans and

apply instructional strategies in their lessons

PLO3 : Prepare innovative lesson plans and

apply instructional strategies in their lessons

PLO4 : Show respect, appreciation and

empathy towards others.

PLO5 : Develop communication and team

skills such as collaborating and networking
√ √
to function effectively in professional and
multicultural settings.

PLO6 : Apply creative and critical thinking

skills and problem solving strategies in
√ √
dealing with key issues in a variety of

PLO7 : Incorporate managerial and

entrepreneurial skills suitable for teaching

PLO8 : Integrate a wide range of resources

and technology in teaching, learning and for
continuous professional self development

PLO9 : Show exemplary leadership in

various educational settings.

18. Content outline of the course/module and the SLT per topic

Face to Face
Topics/Weeks OL SL TLT
Outcomes SCL
1.0 Introduction to educational psychology
1 1 1 1 3
1.1 Educational Psychology definition
based on the West and Islam
1.2 Characteristics of effective

2.0 The Theory Of Development

2 1 2 3 8
2.1 Theories of developmental psychology 1, 2
2.2 Issues in the development of human

2.2 The current issues in education
3.0 Theory Of Cognitive Development
2 1 1 3 7
3.1 Cognitive development theory of 2,3
Jean Piaget.
3.2 Problems in the development of
cognitive task performance.

3.3 Application of theory in teaching

and learning.

Ausubel's Theory Of Development

3.4 Mastery of information through

The learning and discovery
3.5 Application of the Ausubel’s
theory in the classroom.
1 1 2
4.0 Theory of cognitive development and
sociocultural 2,3
4.1 Theory of development – Gesell,
Havighurst, Erikson, Freud.
4.2 Vygotsky’s Sociocultural theory

5.0 Individual Differences

5.1 Characteristics of individual 2,3 1 1 1 3

5.2 Implications in teaching and
5.3 The role of teacher facing the
individual differences .

6.0Theories Multiple Intelligence Gardner 3 2 2 4

6.1 Recognise types of intelligence
6.2 Individual characteristics
possessed by intelligence
6.3 Personality and career based on
multiple intelligence

3,4 1 1 2 3 7
7.0 Learning theories of behaviorisme
7.1 Classical conditioning

7.2 Operant conditioning
7.3 Learning principles of

1 1 1 3
8.0 Bandura's social cognitive learning theory
3, 4
9.0 Cognitive learning theory
3, 4 1 2 3
9.1 Information processing model
9.2 Factors that affect memory and
4 1 1 1 3
10.Learning Motivation
10.1 Introduction to the theory of
10.2 Types of Motivation
10.3 Application the elements of
motivation in teaching and learning

20 8 18 46

Student Learning & Online Online

Face to Face SLPA TLT
Assessment Learning Assessment

Course Delivery and

20 8 18 46

2 18 20

Final Examination 40%

2 12 14

Total Notional Hours 24 8 48 80

Credit Hours 2

Lefrancois, G.R.(2000). Psychology for teaching (10th Ed.). Singapore :
Thomson Learning.

Ormrod, J.E. (2006). Educational Psychology: Developing Learners. New

Jersey: Pearson.

Slavin, R.E. (2012). Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice (10th ed.)
New York: Pearson.

Tan Ong Seng, Parsons, R., Hinson, S., & Sardo-Brown,D. (2003) . Educational
Psychology : a practitioner-researcher approach. Singapore: Seng Lee Press.

Woolfolk, A.E. (2015) Educational Psychology (13th Ed.). New York: Pearson.


Journal of Applied Psychology


American Psychologcal Association Journal

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